Vaccination Day - Story
An adult bear volunteering to supervise cubs on a daycare outing encounters his greatest fear.
This was part of a picture & story collaboration with Marina Neira. The illustration is here:
This story was written as a gift for some good friends. Featuring:
Marina Neira, SnowTheBear, Sonar, Blankit, Drake, Mwako, Yookey and Wish
All fursona's copyright of their respective owners
Vaccination Day
By Snow the Bear
Special thanks to Marina Neira for helping with the editing.
Snow loved to play with cubs, so he often volunteered at the local daycare. This was normally a relaxing day away from the stress of his job, but today would be different, although Snow didn't know that yet.
As usual, when Snow arrived on this particular morning, the daycare had been happy to have his help supervising the cubs. After Snow signed in, he entered the colorful main room, and was happy to see that his friend Marina, a young squirrel-elf, was also volunteering that day. But instead of her normally friendly expression, she appeared shocked to see him. "Snow, what are you doing here? I never expected you to volunteer on a day like today," she said.
Snow was puzzled by her expression and tone. "Why not?" he asked, "I though there was a trip today. They always need extra help with those."
"So you don't know..." she replied, "Snow, the trip is to the children's clinic. It's Vaccination Day."
Snow's face fell; his skin crawled at the news. He was terrified of needles and couldn't even watch others being on the receiving end of a needle prick. But he couldn't back out now and leave the daycare shorthanded. Marina took his hand and said, "Well it's not like you're the one getting a shot today. I'll help you get through it, but if needed, do you have him?"
The bear blushed and nodded before glancing at his bag. He knew she was referring to Ember, his fox plushie. Even though he was an adult, Ember was rarely far from his side.
Once at the Children's Clinic, Snow and Marina escorted the cubs inside. While the cubs played with the waiting room toys, they talked to the nurse to check them in. Once she was finished checking in the cubs, Nurse Yookey had a surprise for the bear.
"Good timing, Snow! " she said smiling, "I see that you're overdue to have a booster shot." The bear's face would have gone pale if his fur wasn't already white.
"But ... but ... I'm NOT a cub!" he stuttered in shock.
"No, you're not," Yookey explained patiently, "but volunteers at the daycare need boosters too. It's in the regulations. Now let's line you all up," she added as she started arranging the cubs in line behind another group. Marina gently guided the stunned bear to end of the line. Snow turned to look away from the exam room, and Marina could see him trembling with fear. She quickly pulled Ember out from the bear's bag, and offered it to him, trying to reassure him he could get through this.
"Here, Snow, hold him. You'll feel better," she whispered. Snow blushed seeing his plushie, and refused to take it. He badly needed to hug Ember, but didn't want the cubs seeing him with his plushie unless it was absolutely necessary. He didn't want them to find out how scared he was when it came to needles, and wondered if any of the cubs had already noticed his fear.
At first only two cubs, Sonar and Blankit, noticed the exchange. Sonar saw the bear shaking in fear and gave him look that said - geez, grow a backbone, old man! But the kindhearted fennec's face quickly softened. It was funny to see an adult this scared, but teasing the bear wouldn't be nice. Besides, Sonar did like the bear's plushie fox. Maybe they could play together later. The bear's plushie could make a nice playmate for his Forrest.
Blankit's expression was one of surprise. She never expected the big strong adult bear would be scared of a little needle. It made her feel very brave that she was less scared than the big bear, even though she herself was only a little bear. No one liked getting a shot, but it was only a quick pinch and then you got a lollipop! That thought made her start wondering if the clinic had creamsicle flavored lollipops.
Nurse Yookey didn't expect any problems from Wish. The little skunk was the oldest of the cubs, and looked completely unconcerned. She would set a good example for the other children, Yookey thought. And so she put Wish at the head of the line, where the cheeky skunk puffed up her chest with importance.
Mwako would be next. Being the littlest, it would be best to get the infant lion done before anyone cried and he realized what they were here for. Drake, a flamboyant little sheep who was Mwako's close companion, looked apprehensive, so Yookey put him third, followed by Blankit and Sonar who both appeared relaxed. She hadn't paid much attention to Snow, as it never crossed her mind that he was the one she should be most concerned about.
Snow was trying very hard to be brave. He fidgeted as he tried to distract himself from what was coming. But the closer he got to the head of the line, the more terror welled up inside, threatening to overwhelm him. He did his best to avoid looking forward. He saw Wish licking her lollipop, as she proudly walked by them showing off the bandage on her arm. For a moment his resolve slipped and he looked toward the examination room. His timing could not have been worse.
He saw Mwako sitting on the exam table. The little lion seemed to be giggling at the crinkling sound the paper covered table made as he kicked his legs. The cub was so distracted by making the funny sound that he was unaware of what was coming, until Yookey took his arm and he looked up.
Snow saw the cubs eyes go wide as they both watched the syringe in Yookey's hand jerk downward.
He saw the little cub wince as the needle plunged into him, and heard the loud wailing cry that followed.
That sight and the scream shattered Snow's courage ... and terror claimed its prize!
"Oh no!" Marina thought as she quickly grabbed Snow's arm in case he ran away. She desperately tried to push Ember into the bear's arms. She didn't want a repeat of his last blood test, when she had been forced to chase the bear as he fled in terror. It had taken 20 minutes of searching until she finally found him cowering in a closet.
Drake had been able to stay calm when he was lined up, and even when he saw Wish get her shot. But hearing Mwako's scream had unnerved him. His eyes began to glisten as he fought back tears of fear. Wanting to prove he was a brave cub, he refused to cry. He thought if he didn't watch, he would be able to get through it. But Mwako's wails were cutting through his courage.
"What a cry baby!" shouted Wish.
The sheep knew he was close to tears, and now Wish had seen it and would tease him. Eyes glistening, he defiantly shouted back, "I'm not crying"!
"Not you fluffball, the baby!" Wish shot back.
"Wish, that's not nice! Mwako is so little, he can't help it," Blankit scolded.
The skunk rolled her eyes. "Not _that_baby, him!" she said as she pointed at Snow.
All the cubs turned around to look at the bear. They saw him trembling with tears running down his cheeks, and Marina frantically trying to sooth him. Sonar and Blankit gave Wish a disapproving look, but Drake giggled in surprise. He thought to himself, if an adult was scared, he had no reason to be embarrassed.
Yookey sighed. Just great, that cry will scare all the other the cubs, she thought. She looked over to the cubs waiting in line. Most of them had the expected expressions. Some appeared brave, some apprehensive and some afraid. What wasn't expected was the reaction of the adult. When she had taken Mwako from Marina's arms, she had noticed Snow looked uneasy, and had avoiding looking at her. But now his eyes were squeezed shut as he cringed in terror, and he appeared to be trying to hide behind little Sonar (it must be said, with little success.) In addition, Marina appeared to be trying to calm him with a plushie. She started to wonder if the bear wasn't a smaller cub than Mwako!
With his eyes closed, Snow couldn't see the impatient look Yookey shot him. The nurse sighed again. What a terrible example he was setting for the cubs! She now knew the bear would be trouble. She gave the sobbing little lion a lollipop, and tried to soothe him as she carried him back to the waiting room. "I better take Snow next and get it over with," she thought, as she went to fetch the bear. "Oh well, all in a day's work!"