Papa, what is Christmas?

Story by SnowTheBear on SoFurry

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A 1 pager about a family of mice on Christmas Eve.

A sweet reminder of what the Christmas Spirit is all about.

This was written for my 2016 Christmas Cards.

Papa, what is Christmas? By Snow the Bear

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, except for the mice ...

Papa sipped his tea as he looked over his brood. It had been a hard year but they had all made it through. Their little burrow provided merger lodgings for such a large family, but it was much appreciated for keeping them cozy and safe. And while their home was a modest one, they had been able to decorate for the holiday with a handsome tree and homemade decorations all around the room.

He relaxed in his chair and watched his little ones gathered around the tree. They had all opened their annual gift of festive footie PJ's.. Covered in red & white stripes, this year's PJ's made them look like a bunch of candy canes. Some of the cubs were admiring the tree, but most were shaking presents and trying to guess what was inside. There was more than one whispered groan of "ew I think this one is clothes". Papa was about to comment on how any present should be appreciated when momma called out that it was time for bed. The cubs sprang up immediately, eager to get through the last sleep before they could open their presents. Each of them came to Papa for a good night kiss and then hurried off to momma ... all except Ollie.

The runt of the litter, Ollie was small and meek compared to his brothers & sisters. But his quiet, thoughtful nature often surprised his parents. Ollie slowly walked to Papa and held out his arms to be picked up. Papa scooped up his precious cub and sat him in his lap. Ollie gazed up at Papa's face a few moments. Then in a meek voice he asked "Papa ... the decorations are pretty and the presents are fun ... but ... is that what Christmas is about? I feel there's more".

Papa hugged his cub tightly as he beamed with pride. "You're right little one Christmas means so much more. Presents and decorations are nice, but really it's about celebrating the spirit of love, peace and generosity with your family & friends. It's a time when meals are lovingly crafted for family and friends to share. A time to forgive those that hurt us and welcome them back into our hearts. And a time to remember those who must do without, and be thankful for what we have - and that includes any clothes that might be in those presents".

Ollie blushed at the notion, he would be thankful for any present. Papa chuckled at Ollie's shocked expression, then tussled the cubs head fur and said "I know you would be thankful, you're a very wise cub". Overjoyed at hearing his papa's praise, Ollie buried his head in Papa's chest and hugged him.

Papa lifted Ollie off his lap and slung him over his shoulder, which caused Ollie to squeal with delight. Then he stood up and began carrying his little one to bed. He gave the cub a playful swat to the butt as he said "Merry Christmas my sweet cub. Now let's get you to bed before mamma scolds us".

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