The Quest for the Holy Dildo #5

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#7 of Holy Dildo

On to Ivarstead!

In which Faniel gets a weapon, Devilah's eyes sparkle at gold, and Sampson gives her another gift.

| "Wait! Hold on big guy!" cried the leader, wisely dropping his weapon to the ground and dropping to his knees. The other man was running like a rabbit and Sampson decided not to pursue him, turning back to the man before him. "You want to live?" Sampson asked, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice. | image | | Some time later, Sampson was wearing some much nicer leather armor but trying to console Faniel.

"You know, you didn't have to do that Sampson," Faniel sobbed.

"No? You'd rather have been raped?"

Faniel shook her head, her eyes flashing anger and sadness simultaneously. "I can't be raped. He couldn't touch me if he wanted to."

"Oh, he wanted to all right. Why? Do you have some special power I don't know about?" asked Sampson.

"I am protected by my Faith. Everything that happens is by my Creator's design. He wouldn't allow anything like that to happen to me." | image | | Look, faith is one thing, Faniel, but this is Skyrim. Maybe me killing that Orc was how your Creator was to protect you."

Faniel considered that. Finally, she lightened up. "Well, that's certainly true I guess. Everything happens as he wills it. But that doesn't mean it's the only way."

Sampson sighed. "Maybe you're right, but it's the only way I know to deal with that sort. Come on, Dev's gotta be done pretty soon. Let's head towards the bridge." | image | | The two began to stroll slowly down the road, each thinking their own thoughts. Faniel broke the silence while the afternoon sun began to sink lower.

"Sampson? Do you think it was right to take their stuff? Doesn't that just make us bandits?"

Sampson frowned. He wasn't used to thinking this much. "They were going to rob us. Surely it's only fair."

Faniel considered that. "Still, you're taking property at the point of a sword. We probably should have just let them go."

"Maybe where you come from, that might make sense. Here, it doesn't."

"May I see that knife-thing?" Faniel asked. "I guess you're right. I don't really know this world well enough."

"The dagger? Do you know how to use it?" the man asked the angel as he handed her the blade he'd taken from the bandit. | image | | "I... think I do. Not that I've ever held such things before but I find it attractive. I feel like I know how."

"More Angel magic?"

"Silly man, there's no magic. Only the lord's will. But yes, I guess it's magic of a sort," Faniel smiled, hefting the dagger in her hands.

"You can have it. I'm not much good with small weapons anyway."

"Hmm... can you also give me that... belt thing?"

"Sure!" | image | | Soon the Angel had the bandit's bandolier across her chest.

"So? How do I look?"

"Umm..." stammered Sampson. | image | | "You look awesome Faniel! Well, looks like somebody's been busy!" Devilah laughed as she returned.

"We met some friends," Sampson said, hugging his lover happily.

Faniel answered her quizzical look with a sad one of her own. "Bandits. Three of them. Sampson took care of it though. He had to kill one."

Devilah looked worriedly at Sampson, but he reassured her, "You should know better than to worry about me Dev." | image | | "And how did your snack go?"

"Sampson, we both know you don't want to know. But he was pretty poor honestly. I think I have enough for a night's stay and some dinner."

Sampson smiled and tossed her a pouch. "Will this help?"

"Whoa!" Devilah said as she caught the bag. "Nice! Looks like you two did better than me! This should do for quite a while. Mind if I hold it Sampson?"

"Not at all. Come on, let's get on to Ivarstead." | image | | The three strode towards the town, eliciting the stares of the locals as night began to fall. Unexpectedly, it seemed that Faniel's wings caused more of a stir than her lack of clothing.

A pair of guards came up to them as they were crossing the bridge into the town proper. "What brings you to Ivarstead, stranger?" one of them said to Sampson, but it was Devilah that responded.

"We're climbing the mountain tomorrow. We're just here to stay the night."

"No trouble then?"

"No trouble intended. Though some of your local bandits found out differently back there a few miles." | image | | "Bandits? What did they look like?"

"A Nord, and Imperial and an Orc I'm told. My friend here had to take the head of the Orc."

The two guards looked at each other. "Osbard's band. Good job if you killed that Orc. Mean son-of-a-bitch."

"You know them?"

"Just from travelers' tales. They stay out of town. Maybe Osbard will go elsewhere if you killed off his muscle. Tell Wilhelm at the Inn. I expect he'll spot you a room." | image | | "I will. Thanks," Devilah said. "Where's the Inn?"

"Just there, on the left. No trouble, right?"

"No trouble," Devilah assured him and they continued on.

"Hey..." the other guard said in a low voice to Sampson as he passed.

"Sampson's the name. What is it?"

"Just... nice companions you got there! But the bird's going to need some clothes. It gets damned cold up the mountain." | image | | "Thanks. But I suspect she won't need them anyway."

Then Sampson looked back at his lover as her tail swished back and forth as she walked on. "Afraid the Angel's off limits, but... how do you feel about tails?"

"That gorgeous cat? Man, I'd..."

Sampson smiled menacingly. "Shut it. But if you drop by the Inn later, talk to her. Just tell her I sent her a snack." | image | | "A snack? Look Sampson, I'm not out to get into any trouble!" the guard said, a worried tone in his voice.

"Oh, no trouble at all. Bring your friend if he's into fur. Trust me, you'll thank me later."

The guard looked to his companion who nodded vigorously.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. She rather likes men in uniform." | image |