Hekate's Favorite Tickle Toy. Chapter 4

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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Our story begins with Hekate as she sat on her throne, looking bored. She had been playing with her favorite slave, Don Perry. He has been a perfect slave to her. He's submissive, doesn't question her authority, and won't hesitate to follow her every order. But now, she felt bored as she sighed in boredom. ''Man... I am so bored today, I have tried to find other slaves to play with, and I even wanted to play with Don Perry... But, I just don't know what to do or how to think of other ways I can play with him. I have always loved playing the role of his mistress, and he loves playing a submissive slave so- Wait just a second!'' she said, as she started to think to herself. Then she started to have her evil grin as she had an idea. ''That's it! I heard of the idea of roleplaying! I have never tried that before, but I would LOVE to try it out on Don Perry! I think the scene of him as a soldier being interrogated by a loving mistress would make him aroused and want to have fun with me more! Hehehehe, Hekate, you are a genius!'' she proclaimed as she stood up from her throne.

Meanwhile, at Don Perry's room, he was now sitting on the bed wearing only his underwear, as he looked a bit bored himself. He had just had fun with his mistress since yesterday, but he didn't know what to do to make her happy as he began to yawn. ''Ooooooh man... I am so bored... I wish there is something I can do to make my mistress happy, but there is just nothing to do right now, if only if my mistress would come up with something sensually evil,'' he said. He then heard a knock on his door, which made him stand up and walked to open the door. When he opened it, he saw that it's his mistress, that looked happy to see him. ''Oh, hi mistress! What can I do for-'' He was interrupted when Hekate started to glump him and pin him down and then started to pick him up and hold him as she grinned evilly at him.

''Hello my handsome SLAVE!!'' she said excitedly and evilly, making Don jumped a bit. ''Woah mistress! You... You scared me a little bit,'' he said as he looked nervous. ''Hehe, sorry about that, but I have something fun for you and me,'' she said as Don looked curious. ''Really mistress? Please tell me more,'' he said. ''Well darling, have you heard of roleplay?'' Don has heard of that word before, and he liked the idea of some females playing the evil ticklers for interrogation or fun. ''Well, yes mistress, I have heard of roleplaying, but what are going to roleplay as?'' Hekate looked at him with a more evil grin. ''Oh, I'll tell you when we get to the dungeon,'' she said as she carried Don bridal style.

When they got to the dungeon, Don is brought to a bed like bondage table, as Hekate looked at him with her evil grin again. ''Alright, slave, here is what we're going to do, I am going to roleplay as an evil tickling mistress, and you will roleplay as an unwilling stubborn male soldier, as you got captured and interrogated by the mistress, as she tells you where your other men at. During this roleplay, I want you to act really angry and unwilling to tell me information, therefore, I will permit every insult you throw at me, you can call me 'bitch', 'slut', 'whore', anything you want to call me, as long as you're in character, OK?'' she said, as Don looked a bit nervous. ''Y-You mean you want me to act REALLY angry at you and insult you? But mistress, what if you might forget and you might get really angry at me?'' he asked as she tapped his nose. ''Don't worry, honey, it's only roleplay, I will remember the insults and when I say that's the end of this roleplay, then we can stop roleplaying, and you will not resort to insulting again. You can still call me slut or whore if you want to, but other than that, you can use all the insults in a roleplay. I promise it will be fun,'' Don started to blush and think to himself.

''Well, OK, mistress. I'll do my best,'' he said as Hekate smiled and put him down on the table, bounding him in an X-frame position. ''That's a good boy, alright, I am going to walk back and when I say go, you will pretend to fall unconscious, ok?'' she said, as Don nodded. ''Yes, mistress,'' he said as Hekate started to walk back and stopped. ''Ready... go!'' she said, making Don pretend to fall unconscious and then waking up. He looked around, acting confused. ''W-What the? WHERE AM I!?!? WHAT IS THIS!?!?'' he said as Hekate acted her evil laugh as she got closer to him, grinning evilly at him. ''Why hello there... Handsome soldier,'' she said. Don started to stare at her angrily, growling angrily as he tried to act in character. ''YOU!!! Grrr... Let me go this instant!'' he said. ''Heh heh heh... I'm afraid I can't do that, soldier... Not unless... You're going to tell me... where your men are,'' she said as she got on the table and started to caress his chest.

''I'm warning you! You better let me out or else!'' he said. He felt a little scared since he didn't want to insult her, but she was taking it well. ''Was that a threat, soldier? Hehehe looks like I have to do some tickling to make you tell me,'' she said, as Don acted with a shocked expression. ''You wouldn't dare!'' he said. ''Oooooooh I WOULD dare soldier, and I will not stop until you give me the information... Now are you going to tell me?'' she said. Don didn't want to do this, but he hoped that his mistress will forgive him. ''I can tell you what and who I am, I am James Perry, Commander of The Furry Army, and a brave and skilled commander... And that is all that you're going to get from me, bitch!'' he said, as he felt a spike in his heart. ''Oh no! Now I done it!'' he thought. But Hekate remembered the insults and started to giggle evilly. ''Oh, is that so? Well... Prepare to get some tickle tickle tickle!'' she sang as her finger started to slowly and teasingly tickle his belly, nipple, and his left armpit as he pretended to flinch from it, as his inside sighed in relief that she remembered the insult, but still keeps his act.

''Ugh! You... You better not touch me! I'm warning you...'' he said, pretending to try and evade her finger, but only making her tickle his spots more, as she smirked more evilly. ''Your resistance will only make it more fun, if you want me to stop, all you're going to do is tell me where your men are,'' she said, as Don acted with his angry expression. ''I'll hehehehe... never tell you, slut! Hehehehe, you'll NEVER get the information from me!'' he said as he started to enjoy this on the inside, as she grinned more evilly. ''Such a stubborn soldier, well, looks like I have to go the harder approach,'' she said as she started to spider tickle his belly, nipples, and his left armpit as he started to laugh loudly and squirm, acting like he's helpless. ''GAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE S-STOP!!! HHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP IT NOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAW!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE OHOHOHOHOHOH MY GOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAD!!! HEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!''

Hekate started to grin more evilly. She was starting to enjoy this kind of roleplay as she started to use both of her hands to tickle him more. ''Aaaah yes, that laughter. I always love it when a soldier laughs like that. But don't worry, I can stop... If you tell me right now,'' she said. ''AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH YOHOHOHOHOU BITCH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP IT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS IS WOHOHOHOHOHORSE THAHAHAHAHAHAHAN TORTURE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!''

''Hehe, that's because it's supposed to be worse than torture, my dear, but it won't be if you just do the simple thing and tell me where your men are,'' she said. Don's face started to get red as he squirmed in delight. He was having a lot of fun with this roleplay as he pretended to squeal like a helpless victim. ''AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NEVER!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOHOHOHOHOHOHOU CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN SHOAHAHAHAVE THOSE INFOHOHOHORMATION UP YOHOHOHOHUR ASS, BITCH!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BECAUSE I AHAHAHAM NOHAHAHAHAT TELLING YOU!!!''

''*Sigh*... Such a stubborn soldier indeed... Hmmm... Say, soldier, would you like to have... your dick and balls tickled?'' she said as she slowly started to pull down his underwear while still tickling him, making him blush as he pretended to get nervous. ''N-NOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DOHOHOHOHON'T YOHOHOHOHOHOU DAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IF YOHOHOHOHU DAHAHAHAHAHARE, I'LL KILL YOU!!!'' he threatened as a soldier. She then picked up a feather duster from her right hand and then tickled his dick and balls with it, as Don started to grunt, and laugh as his dick and balls immediately got erect.


''Hehehe, oh, using profanity at me, are we soldier? Hehehe, then that gives you more tickling punishment!'' she teased as she started to tickle his dick and balls faster, making Don laugh and grunt harder and louder as he started to act really helpless. His face got redder and he started to stream small tears from his eyes. ''HAHAHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NONONONOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP IT!! PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN'T TAHAHAHAHAHAHKE THIS ANYMOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!!!'' he said as Hekate grinned more seductively as his dick and balls got fully erect.

''You know soldier, this would be so simple for me to do so if you can just tell me where your men are,'' she sang as Don began to growl. ''NEVER!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'LL NEVER TELL YOHOHOHOHOHOHU WHERE THEY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'LL NEVER BETRAY MY MEN!!!'' he declared. ''Hehehe, ok then. But it was so simple!'' she teased as she started to tickle him more and more, and then his dick started to stream pre-cum leak as she grinned teeth bared. ''Alright, soldier, if you can tell me, then I won't tickle you, but if you refuse, then I might have to, cum the information out of you... So what's it going to be?'' she said. ''HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOHOHOHOH YOHOHOHOHOHOU CAHAHAHAHAHAN DOHOHOHO WHAHAHTEVER YOHOHOU WANT TO ME, YOHOHOHOHU FOOLISH SLUT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA BUT I PROAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAMISE YOHOHOHOHOU YOHOHOHU'LL NEVER GET A WORD OUT OF ME!!!'' he said as Hekate grinned more seductively. ''Alright, you had your chance baby,'' she said as she started to tickle his dick and balls more and more, until he started to squirt cum to her face, and into her mouth for 2 minutes. After she tasted the cum, she stops the tickling to let him breathe.

He enjoys the ticklegasm but has to look like he's exhausted in order to stay his character. ''Mmmmm! Soldiers have a wonderful cum!'' she said as she started getting closer to him and hold his chin for eye contact. ''So honey, are you going to tell me where you men are?'' she said as she started to tickle and caress his chin. ''...*Panting*... Never... *Panting*... I will... *Panting*... Kill you for this... *Panting*... You bitch...*Panting*...'' Hekate started to grin REALLY evilly as she started to walk to his feet. ''Aaaaaw, you stubborn soldier... I guess there is just no hope for you,'' she teased as she grinned at his feet. Don started to act REALLY horrified, as he wants her to believe that the soldier that he's roleplaying has extremely ticklish feet and toes, and can't stand even the touch of them as he started to act like he really wants to get free. ''NO!!! NOT MY FEET!!! IF YOU EVEN LIFT ONE FINGER ON THEM, I'LL KILL YOU!!! YOU HEAR ME!?!?'' he acted in a threatening manner as Hekate just smirked and giggled as she started to slowly tickle his left foot with her finger. Don started to laugh really loudly and squirmed harder than ever as his face got dark red and he streamed more tears.

''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOO!!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOHOHOHOHOHOHU FUCKING BIAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHATCH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP!!!'' Hekate started to grin her most evil grin yet as she started to spider tickle his feet and toes with her fingers. ''Hehehe, not even a second, and yet you are begging me to stop? Hehehe, that just makes it more fun!'' she teased as she used her spider like mechanic hands to help her tickle his poor feet and toes, making him laugh and squirm harder.

''AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I HAHAHATE YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOU!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHATE YOHOHOHOHOU SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH FUCKING MUCH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' Hekate giggled at his response. ''I love you too, my dear soldier!'' she teased as she started to use her tongue to lick his soles and nipple his toes, making him laugh and squirm the hardest. He started to enjoy this roleplay so much, he actually wanted her to continue the torture nonstop. And so, he continued to beg for mercy and laughed helplessly for 4 minutes, until Hekate stop the licking and said, ''alright soldier, last chance, are you going to tell me? Or will this torture go on forever?''

''AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OKOKOKOK!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'LL TELL YOHOHOHOHOHOHOU!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'LL TELL YOHOHOHOHU WHERE MY MEN AHAHAHAHAHAHARE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA JUST PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP!!!'' Hekate finally stopped the torture and got to the top of the table again, as she started at him with her seductive grin. ''...*Panting*... They are... *Panting*... In my hideout... *Panting*... Located at the dessert... *Panting*... Where all their weapons are...'' he said as Hekate gave him a kiss on the cheek. ''Good boy. Now as a reward for telling me the information, you and your men will have eternal fun with me... I promise you and your men will love me forever! Hehehe!'' she teased, as Don looked like he has been defeated. ''I'm sorry men... I have betrayed you...'' he said. ''Aaaaaand that's the end of this roleplay!'' she said, making Don look at her with a happy smile. ''Oh, it is mistress? Whew... Alright...'' she started to stare at Don with her seductive grin again. ''So, how was the roleplay my dear?'' she flirted. ''Hehe, oh, mistress... I LOVED it! I loved how merciless and you allowed my insults and swear words as I acted in anger! I wish we can roleplay again, mistress!'' he said excitedly. ''Hehe, good... Because you have been a perfect actor, and your laugh was just as cute as always... And now, for your reward...'' she said as she started to slowly strip herself naked, as Don looked at her with a panting dog-like face.

After she completely removed all of her clothes, she started to grin teeth bared at his horny face. ''My dear... YOU HAVE JUST MADE YOUR MISTRESS EXTREMELY HAPPY!!! And now... SHE WILL TRANSFER THAT HAPPINESS TO YOU!!!'' she said as Don looked really excited. ''OOOOHOHO YES MISTRESS!!! I WANT TO SEE YOUR SEXY BUTT PLEASE!!'' he said, as she turned around to show him her sexy ass, as she used her feather duster to rapidly tickle his dick and balls as Don stared at her ass with a really horny face. ''OOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH YES MISTRESS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LOAHAHAHAHAVE THAHAHAHAHAHAT BUTT SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH MUCH!!!'' he said excitedly as Hekate started to grin more evilly and teeth bared as her eyes glow red.



''Heh, you can cum... If you can tell me all sorts of dirty words and insults and then say, 'I love you''', she said. ''OOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOHOHOHO YES YOUSLUTWHOREBITCHPERVERTEDSEXYHOTASHELLMISTRESS!!! HAHAHAOHOHOHOHO I LOVE YOU!!!''

''Good... Now gimme your cum!'' she commanded as Don started to scream and squirted more cum to her face and mouth for 5 minutes as she stopped. After tasting his cum, Hekate slowly turned around with her teeth bared grin and then started to get closer to his face and give him a really long kiss on his lips, as he enjoyed it for 30 minutes, then she broke it up and grinned in a relaxed smile. ''...I love you, slave...'' she said. ''...I love you too... Mistress... Can we roleplay again?'' he said. ''Hehe, sure! We can do that... As long as you act more unwilling this time...'' she said as she poked his nose, making him giggle. ''Hehehe, yes mistress! But I'll won't tell you where my men are!'' he said, acting his character again. ''Hehe, then I'll MAKE YOU talk!'' she said as she started to tickle his armpits, nipples, and belly again. And so, Don and Hekate continued to have fun with their roleplays for 3 days, and after that, she started to give him some tickle sex in bed, with Don always making his mistress happy, and her making his slave happy in return.

And that's the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any thoughts, suggestions or criticism, leave them in the comment section below! This is shinnjacob signing off!

Dragonnus's Seductively Insane Wife.

Dragonnus is now about to wake up in a bed. His eyes slowly open and he sees that it's morning. He starts to yawn and try to stand up from the bed. ''Aaaah..... What a beautiful morning...... I think it's 8:30 already and I wanted to sleep again........

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Hekate's favorite tickle toy. Part 3

Our story begins with the mistress, Hekate, sitting on her throne, looking bored. She has been using her slaves to do her dirty work for 3 days now, and yet she has nothing to do for fun. She starts to sigh. ''Man...... I am so bored. And there is...

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Hekate's favorite tickle toy. Part 2

Our story begins with Hekate, as she is just sitting on her throne, not looking happy. She had a rough day. She had been tickled by one of her slave, and she gave him a black eye, and now she grumbles to herself in anger. She needs someone to calm her...

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