A hippo's second mpreg experience.

Story by Macrofurry_Writings on SoFurry

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A few months has passed since the incident when Tari the pudgy hairy male hippo gave birth to the horses. Since that point in time, Tari and his friend Tim, the pudgy figured Charizard built a fence behind Tari's property to house and thus shelter the horses. The hippo also attempted to give the foals his breastmilk from a set of bottles he got at the nearby supermarket, but they preferred greatly getting their milk straight from the source, in this case, the source being the hippo's puffy milk filled B Cup breasts, which he happily held at the pair of baby horses' mouth level so that way they would not have to strain themselves to get the milk from their mother's breasts.

On this particular morning, the weather was clear with a few puffy cumulonimbus clouds in the eastern sky, giving the sky a very scary yet majestically powerful look to it. The hippo seeing the sky decides to feed the horses their morning ration of feed and fresh motherly milk in case the rain were to come their way. Not that storms tracked west often, but sometimes they did and it was better to play it safe than risk it per say and be sorry later on.

After tending to his lovely foals, he then smiles and decides to go on a walk in another forest nearby. With that he gets in his car and drives off to the other forest that he likes to go walking in at this time of year. It wasn't that much farther of a driving length compared to his house to the first forest area the hippo prefers, but it is a twisty road to the spot so thus it only feels longer of a duration for the drive. As soon as he arrives, Tari pays for his parking spot in the parking lot the national park service of Canada has and then thusly parks in a spot. This particular parking spot was close to the trail that goes through the forest, a decision that he would come to appreciate later for unforeseen reasons... as of now.

As Tari walks on the trail that winds it's way as if it was the walking activity cousin to the Nürburgring Nordschleife (Meaning north loop for those of you that aren't familiar with German linguistics and intricacies) the hippo smiles to nobody in particular but himself and casually appreciates the sounds all around him. Those sounds specifically ranged from all different varieties of birds in the air to even some ground creatures like rabbits and even a moose the hippo sees casually strolling with all of its four legs up a hill going away from his heading and direction. Tari stops to appreciate the beauty of this moose, grabs his smartphone and takes a picture of the moose before walking off farther down the trail.

The fat hippo smiles warmly as he enjoys his peaceful, serene walk amongst the lush and beautiful flora and fauna this forest has to offer. He continues to walk through this new section of the forest, well new to Tari anyway, and sees more rabbits and such creatures. This section of the path then runs next to a river and it is there that he sees a few otters and even some salmon swimming upstream, seemingly to breed or something for all he knew.

Before he knows it, the time is almost midday and it is then that he walks up a long, yet easy to navigate and thus, climb hill. At the summit of this hill was a human male. He appears to be about twenty to twenty five years old max, with a chubby body of his own. The human is about six and a third feet in height with brown hair at a short length, almost as if he had it cut recently. The human was wearing clothing typical for this time of year, a short sleeve shirt and silky gymshorts. The shorts were a purple color and the shirt was a yellow shirt with nothing on it. The human, seeing this new, well new to him arrival smiles warmly and waves at the hippo, who waves in response back with a pleasant smile of his own accord.

The Caucasian human male then smiles and says "Ah hello there sir!" Tari smiles and says with a pleasant reply "Hello to you too." The fat hippo says as he offers his left hand to shake "My name is Tari. Nice to meet you, a pleasure even, I guess you could put it." The male human smiles and says "Well the pleasure is mine too I guess. My name is Ricky." Tari grins "Ricky. I like that name, so do you live in the area, or are you visiting or something else?" He then head tilts, curious as to what Ricky's answer will be. Ricky then says "Oh, I actually live in the area. In fact I am just down the road from the forest, I live in Calgary. Say, you want to come by and come join me at a lovely club in town. Don't worry, it's not your stereotypical millennial only club full of uptight Social Justice Warrior pricks that only want it their way with their crappy definition of music. Oh, no no no! This club is packed, well not really packed but the people who go there are really nice people. Many anthros go there too so you should feel right at home. Besides, I love interacting with you guys myself. That is why I moved to Canada. In America, most of the Southerner religious weedies are just so anti furry and as a tolerant human that disgusts me, but I am getting off track here. Come join us at the club and we will have some fun!"

The fatty middle aged breasted male hippo nods and says "Sure! I will be there to join you. See you then Ricky. Until that point enjoy the rest of your wonderful day" He then walks off waving to the human who says in reply "You too, beautiful hippobutt!" They then giggle as they go their separate ways through the forested region.

At about lunch, Tari gets a craving for food, so he orders some big juicy cheeseburgers and a soda. Having paid by his usual means of a credit card, he thanks the delivery driver and waves to her as she walks off, before eventually closing the door. He then turns on his television, a big screen 4k TV, and watches some endurance racing on it. After the race gets done a couple of hours later, it was time for the foal's ritualistic after lunch feeding so the hippo walks out to the fence, opens the gate and walks in before closing the gate behind him. The hippo then gives the pair of foals their feed, before watching them hungrily eat their food. After having consumed their lunch ration of food, the hippo reveals his pair of breasts, full of milk to the quadrupedal horses. The duo then walks up to each nipple and begins to suckle his milk supply from their milky chambers inside his man breasts.

After becoming full the pair of foals neigh and nuzzle their motherly father of a hippo who smiles appreciatively and cuddles with his several month old baby horses. He then says "Ok guys, mommy has to go and take care of some tings now. I will see you later tonight! Be good you two. Teehee!" With that, Tari walks out of the enclosure and closes the gate behind him. He then walks into his home once more and removes his clothes before taking a shower and getting himself ready to go to the club his new found acquaintance told him about in Calgary.

Having gotten dressed in a regular shirt of a greenish hue with Godzilla's silhouette on it and some purple shorts, he walks off to his car and drives to the club in Calgary. Upon reaching Calgary though, he gets hungry as he notices the sun setting in the distance. As such, he pulls into a fast food restaurant and orders a fish taco and a large Mountain Dew. Having received his order, he pulls into a parking spot and eats whilst admiring the sunset. About twenty minutes later he finishes his smaller than usual meal and drives the rest of the way to the club that was mentioned to him earlier. Tari then gets out of the car and walks in, admiring the gentle glow of the lights and the various species of people all around what seems to be the main room of this particular establishment.

Sure enough, Ricky then approaches the hippo in his own casual attire. He was still in the same clothes that Tari saw the human male in earlier, however, not minding this fact he doesn't even bother to mention it to his new acquaintance who smiles and says "Ah, you made it here Tari!" The hippo smiles and says in response "Yes I certainly did!" They both giggles amusingly at each other before the human whispers into the hippo's ear, making it flutter from the vibrations caused by the vocal patterns "Follow me please. I need... some releasing. Now."

In compliance with his human acquaintance, Tari follows Ricky into what seems to be a private room with green colored walls and a door. They then close and lock the door behind him before Tari looks around, admiring the new room that he and his human partner were in.

This particular room appears to be similar in structure to a typical bedroom, with a green bed, a lamp, a light on the celling and a night stand. That is where those similarities end however, as the hippo, curious about everything as a result of the event months before opens the drawer under the nightstand to reveal, to his surprise, a collection of sexual pleasure toys. In this case it was mostly dragoness and other vaginal penetration in design toys designed for males to have their fun with using their dicks. He then closes the drawer and climbs into the bed, wondering what the human would want to do in this room, and likely on this bed.

As it turns out, the human smiles and asks politely "So... Tari, mind if I fuck you?" The hippo smiles and replies "I do not mind at all whatsoever Ricky. Go right ahead and fuck me. I prefer gentle fuckings though so please don't go rough." Understanding the desires of his new partner clearly, the human nods and says in reply 'Ok Tari. I will make sure to go gently with you to make sure you feel the most pleasure and no pain at all." With that discussion over with, the pair of men strip nude and the hippo gets on his hands and knees, clearly ready and calm. One could say he was prepared to take Ricky's human cock up his ass. Sure enough the human, now erect at a plentiful nine inches in length with a diameter of just over four inches, rubs his circumcised cock head against the hippos anus. The sensitivity on both parties' genitals makes both human and hippo moan out in desire before Ricky slowly inserts himself inside the hippo with a delighted groan of lust. Feeling this, the hippo with his girthy phallus becomes rock hard. Seeing this, Ricky strokes the hippo for a bit, causing both men to have their sexual lustiness increased before Ricky starts to slowly, tenderly thrust his penis in and out of the hippo's anus area.

With that, the duo slowly build up into a slow rhythm of thrusts between them, especially between the thrusting in of the human and the thrusting back of the hippo's ass region. They keep at this slow, loving pace for quite a while, until their arousal intensifies farther, and thus resulting in the human pounding Tari's ass a bit harder, making the hippo moan out in pleasure.

The pair, now content with their current pace for humping, keep at this pace for another good while in time. They then moan as Ricky feels his balls filling up with cum. He moans in desire and says to Tari, "Oooh.... I am getting closer to my cumshot stage!" Tari smiles and replies "Then... please Ricky. Cum into me!" You know you want to cum in me!"

Soon after he hears that, Ricky gives one more hilting thrust as his balls hit against the hippo's ass, upon hilting, the human lets out a roar of pure pleasure as he cums rapidly and deep ropes of thick white cum inside the hippo. Satisfied at last, he lays back. It was now the hippo's turn to blow his load.

In turn, Tari turns around and starts to masturbate whilst looming over the laying male. With each stroke the hippo's moans become more loud and pleasure filled. About ten minutes later, the fat hippo explodes his load of thick and rich male cum all over the human's belly and face. Then they look at each other and bask in their embrace as they relax and cuddle.

Soon enough a bad familiar feeling returns to the hippo. He feels ill. Luckily there was a trash can and as such he gets out of the bed before throwing up. Looking at Ricky in embarrassment, he says sadly "I think it was the dinner I had. I had... irgh... a fish taco and a drink. I think it was the taco which caused that" The human nods in agreement and says "Then you better go home. Hopefully you get better soon! T'was fun while it lasted! At least I had fun anyway." The hippo nods in agreement and says "I did too. Don't worry!" With that they wave good bye as soon, Tari gets out of the club and back into his car.

It was nightfall by the time the hippo returns to his home. He, feeling better... for now, decides to feed and give the foals their dinner. Thus, he walks, turns their light on for their enclosure and feeds the duo of baby horses. After being fed, they drink all of the current supply of their mother's milk and then all three of them nuzzle before Tari walks back inside.

Despite having eaten earlier, Tari now feels hungry again. He then shrugs and thinks to himself, to try to justify the current situation "Must be that I am hungry and thirsty after vomiting and draining my milk for my foals. Might as well get more food for round two of dinner!" With that, he gets more food delivered to him. This time the meal was a massive quesadilla with a large soda. Since the Mexican place typically put too much ice in their drinks, he asked for little ice and it, in the end all balanced out, making the hippo pleased that he ordered from this establishment tonight. As such, he happily eats the dinner and gulps down his drink, feeling satisfied and full afterwards.

After the meal, the hippo feels sleepy for some unknown reason. He decides to justify this too, especially since he was in not a mood to believe the other possible reason or reasons this could be all occurring in nearly the exact same order as last time. The only thing differing this time was the sudden sleepiness and the lack of breast growth, though he explains that away in his mind with the fact that he already has breasts. As he gets sleepier and sleepier, the hippo succumbs to presumed exhaustion and falls asleep. Even though he only sleeps for a couple of hours at most, what he finds out and sees when he awakens shocks him and puts him in a similar feeling of awe as last time too. He sees that his belly is rounded off and humongous again. Although this time around, his belly was even more big! Not only that but when he gently rubs his belly he feels four separate sets of kicking, and judging by the size and forces of the kicks against his womb like belly he can definitely tell this time, unlike last time that there are four separate beings inside him, and not just two. From what he could tell, they were at least bipedal though their species at this point in time is unknown. He personally was hoping they would be hippos as he hasn't given birth to his own kind yet but he would just leave that decision up to fate and see where that takes him.

As such, the middle aged plump figured hippo just lounges on the couch, digesting his food and rubbing his belly. As he rubs his belly he feels the entities, whatever they may be, inside him nuzzling away against his belly. One was near the top of the belly, two were on the sides and one was at the bottom, that much he knew for certain judging by the force of the nuzzlings going on from within. What he didn't know, and thus was uncertain of at the current moment, was when, or if he would birth, if that is what was going on even. He was just in a state of confusion as to what was happening to him. All he wanted was all of this craziness and weird events that happened today to end. He wished it were a dream too. Alas, it wasn't a dream. The hippo pinches his wrist and yelps modestly "Ow!" The big guy then winces and sighs with a roll of his eyes and a sad look on his face.

After some thought he just bellows a sad sigh and rubs his belly. This seems to calm... whatever was inside him down for now. Looking for comfort of his own now, the hippo sighs and gazes up at the moon through the window behind him.

Soon enough and to his worst suspicions, the hippo feels the similar feeling of contractions originating from within his belly. He instinctively calls for the ambulance and says to the driver on the line "Hello. I am going into labor. Please come over right away and assist me with this matter!" The driver on the other end of the phone says "Will do sir. Coming right way. Sit tight."

With that, the duo of ambulance drivers make their way rapidly to the hippo's house. As soon as they arrive, the pair, this time comprised of a dragon with pink scales and a shark, walk in. The shark male smiles and removes the hippo's clothes as the dragon guy observes, being new to the job. The aquatic lady then says "Our database shows you have had one pregnancy in the past but we are going to tell you as a refresher. Please breathe in and then push to deliver the babies.

Tari nods slowly before breathing in as deep as he physically can and then pushing. With that one push, he feels one of the babies, the one closest to his birth canal in this case, go into the birth canal. He then pushes again and thanks to the canal being bigger from the first pregnancy, the first baby appears. It cries and is a male human. He then pushes twice more before a second human male pops out. After his sixth push, as he suspected earlier, a third human newborn appears from within hm, though this one is a female in gender. After the eighth, and what would turn out to be the final push, solidifying his earlier scientific theory that he had quadruplets inside of his belly, a second female human pops out, for a total of four human newborns. Tari and the paramedics then agree to take the newborns to the hospital for an overnight only stay to make sure they are all right and in good health.

After he himself is cleared, the big, freshly birthed hippo thanks the paramedics for their assistance and they bid each other farewell for the night. Tari then looks at the clock above him, which tells him it is now just past midnight. As such, he decides he should get some sleep. So he walks his still naked body to the bathroom and takes a long relaxing shower, complete with lots of steam from the usage of very hot water from the showerhead. After a relaxing shower lasting half an hour, the fat hippo, still recovering from his birthing earlier that night, exits the shower and decides to dry himself off. He accomplishes this with the use of a towel he has and then to really make sure that all the water is off his thick hide and fatty body, he uses a heater he has in the bathroom, specifically for making sure he is extra dry and no water remains on him

He then feels that he is completely dry so he casually, with some sort of confidence back in his step finally, which puts him in a state of relief when considering all the zany events that happened today, walks to his bedroom, turns off his light, crawls into his sprawling bed, even for someone his size, and gets snuggled under the blankets before falling asleep.

The next day, Tari gets dressed, eager to see his kids for the first time since giving birth to them last night. He was sure that their post birth check ups went smoothly and that everything would be ok with them. He, in quite the happy mood gets to the hospital, gets out of his little Fiat Abarth and walks inside to the delivery room, spotting his newborns quickly. To his relief and pleasure, they were safe. With news confirming that indeed, they were four healthy newborns, he deicdes to take them home... but first he would need a stroller to carry them in. Luckily the hospital got one donated by one of the local professional basketball players, a giraffe nicknamed StretchNeck due to his massive neck, and he gleefully takes the stroller, which in turn pleases the hospital too, since they hadn't found anyone willing to take the stroller in the months since it was donated.

As he walks out, he sees many people who admire and happily interact with the hippo's kids but also at the same time, or at similar points in time to that one which their baby interacting happens, how a hippo ends up with a human baby. They then shrug it off as merely a human lady married to the hippo guy, and if the hippo heard that, he would likely agree with that as it sounded better than what actually happened to make the kids. Well that and less awkward too.

Upon reaching the car, he takes the infants out of the stroller, buckles them into the included as standard car features and closes the back seat door. The hippo then gets in the car and drives back towards the house. While driving back, the quadruplets fall asleep so as such, the fat hippo, who was craving food this late morning takes advantage of the situation by getting himself lunch since his favorite fast food restaurant starts serving lunch the earliest in the morning. On this day, the hungry, hungry hippo gets himself a basket of spicy bar be que chicken strips with ranch sauce and French fries as well as an extra large soda.

He then pulls up to receive the food and the cashier notices the infants sleeping in the back seat. She, a female hippo says "Aww.... Are those your kids sir?" He nods and replies back "Why yes, yes they are and I wouldn't have it any other way." She smiles happily and says 'They are so very cute when asleep like that. I am sure they will be some of the best kids a parental hippo like you will have. Trust me. I have had ten kids in my life. I know how special child birthing is. Take care!' Tari nods and replies "You too!" He then pulls into the parking lot and begins to eat his lunch, feeling like the proudest parent to ever exist on the planet.

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