Summer Heat – Chapter 37: Wolf Love

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#37 of Summer Heat

Just in time another smaller chapter. I hope that I will find some more time in the next weeks to finish in time with the chapters. I hope you like it.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 37: Wolf Love

Classes returned to their normal ways in the next week. They started their normal topics and Zen had all hands full to teach them Mathematics, English and History. The new pupils still needed some time to adjust. Especially Yara was still very shy and covered herself as much as possible. She was not used to run around naked with other cubs. In class, she always sat in the back to get away from possible looks of the others and it reminded Zen a bit of Nelly in the past. Tara and Sarina became good friend with each other. They were both very energetic and Tara, being the older one and because of her tomboyish character, took the lead and not only Sarina followed her around but also her roommates Ilia and Diane, the two bunnies. Yara often stayed for herself and after a week Zen talked with Mara and they approached Nelly to take Yara bit under her wings. Having been very shy in the past, Nelly was the best candidate to make Yara get used to school and from this day on the bear girl was with Yara all the time, even though the camel girl seemed to still feel uncomfortable. The other girls did their best to welcome all the new girls and include them into their games. When Zen watched, them play in the breaks, he saw that Tara clashed with his sister or the older girls a lot. Other than the new girls, they did not accept Tara as a leader and having a strong bond and hierarchy, they did not let the black wolf girl take the initiative. It never got out of hand so that the adults had to step in, but Zen kept a close eye on the development.

The morning of the Saturday was clear and warm. The sun was already out when they finished their breakfast and bounded off to the swimming pool. Even though there were no classes at this day, they had their pool day where they would swim and have fun. Zen followed the girls that ran over the grass. Tara and Sierah were fighting again and they were in a small brawl. The other girls stood around and watched the fight. Zen was proud of his sister, who did not back off and stood her ground against Tara, who was older and bigger. The black wolf had been the initiator again but Zen also saw that she did not go all out and after ten minutes they finished their friendly brawl without any of them getting hurt. It looked more like a game and between all the fighting and brawling Zen detected that there was something akin a friendship between the two wolf girls, even though they still upheld their rivalry on the outside. For Zen it was a new side to his sister, who was 12 now, and he was happy that she was active. It was not a bad thing that Tara was so energetic and dominant, because even if it made a bit of chaos in the group of kids, it also shuffled them up a bit and got even the more silent girls involved and made them more active. Tara was very hesitant when they approached the swimming pool. She just went to the side and watched the other splash and play in the water. This behavior was completely different from what Zen expected from the tomboy girl. She stood at the side of the swimming pool and watched Sierah glide through the water. Zen also followed the sight of the slender body of white fur parting the water fast and the water splashing around her. His sister had become a very good swimmer with the guidance of Bertha. She still could not beat Samantha, Tammy and Sandy, who darted through the water. They were in their own element, but then again, it would be hard for a wolf to compete with an alligator, an otter or a beaver in the water. Bertha was watching after Yara on the other side of the pool, where the water was a bit shallower and the girl could stand. The camel girl seemed to have her first experience with water. They were together with Diane and Ilia, who knew how to swim but were still not save with the deep water. Lily also joined her sisters, because with her big belly she just enjoyed to stand in the water without having to exhaust herself. The other highly pregnant girls, Dott, Minna and Ida, sat on a deckchair and were in a discussion with Lena and Nina, who watched over the cubs. They had brought all the cubs out to the sun and have them play on the grassy plain next to the swimming pool. Every now and then, one of the mothers came to the area and cuddled or even played with their cub for a while. Ida had her nephew Nico on her lap and he had his head on her big belly while listening to the talks of the girls. Zen would have loved to go over and look for the cubs, but he had watch duty together with Mara. They made sure that all the girls would not get into danger in the water. The only one missing was Paula. She took care of the eggs of Samantha while she also worked on some of her experiments.

A scream and pulled the eyes of Zen away from the playing cubs. He saw that Tara was falling into the pool with a loud cry and a heavy splash. Mimi and Bea stood at the spot where Tara had been before and giggled but Zen was directly alarmed. Tara did not get back up to the surface directly but he saw her dark body sink further down while she kicked around in the water. He directly understood that the very uncharacteristic hesitation of the girl had come from her not knowing how to swim. It took him only one second before his body was flying through the air and then hit the water with a slash. It was a bit hard to approach Tara with all her arms and legs kicking around but Zen get her wrist and with a skillful grip he pulled it into her back and also got hold of her other arm to lock her. Like this he managed to swim up and take her with him. "It is okay, I am here." He gasped when both of them breached the surface and Tara coughed out some water that she got into her lungs. She still was in panic and Zen had to lock her arm over her chest to have a grip to pull her with him out of the water. Only when Tara was on solid ground again, she slowly calmed down. Bea and Mimi stopped giggling and now looked shocked. "We are sorry." Came the very uncharacteristic shy voice from Bea. "We did not know you could not swim." She tried to defend herself but neither Zen nor Tara did listen to her at this moment. Zen brought Tara into an upright position with her upper body and put her head over his shoulder before he tapped her back to make her cough up the rest of the water. Slowly the wolf girl relaxed and her breath got more steady. Zen picked her up and carried her to the next deckchair and let her rest while he moved on the deckchair next to her. Bea and Mimi followed them and apologized again, until Tara just waved an arm to signal them that she was okay and that she accepted the apology. Then they bounded off and jumped into the pool to cool off themselves.

Zen watched over Tara while she slowly recovered from nearly drowning. "How are you feeling?" he asked after she breathed steady again. "Is all fine now?" Tara looked at him with a soft gaze that he was not used from the tomboy. It looked nearly submissive. "Yes, I am much better now." She whispered. Zen wondered why she lowered her voice and Tara looked around them. Only Zen's sister just moved over to a deckchair a few steps away. "Thank you for rescuing me." She continued and Zen noticed that there was something the girl wanted to say. She was looking around constantly. "What is it Tara? I notice that you want to say or ask something." He was a bit amused by this strong change in her behavior. She looked nearly as shy as Yara. "Well..." Tara looked around again but at this moment no one seemed to watch them. "... I was wondering if ... you know when this school year is over ..." Zen smiled. "It just started. I think we will have much more fun than just today." He remarked but Tara only returned his smile with a shy grin and continued. "... yes, I mean when this year is over I ... well, I will be sixteen and this means I ... I will leave school, right?" Zen concentrated more on the girl now. He felt that she wanted to say something that was important for her. "Yes, this will be your last year in school. You will have to decide what to do afterwards." Tara ignored his remark. "I mean, I cannot go back to the orphanage because they only host cubs and I do not really have any place to go with..." she caressed her belly. Even though she did not show yet, Zen knew what she meant. "Don't worry about the little one." He began but she interrupted him with a whispered question. "Would you marry me when I turn sixteen?" she asked him and with a shy smile she looked to the ground and Zen could feel her head getting hot and her blood ringing in her ears. "If he marries someone, it will be me!" Zen and Tara looked up and Tara looked a bit angry. They had not noticed that Zina had crept up on them to lay down next to Zen on the other side. "Marry him?" This time it was Sierah who rose from her deckchair and joined them. "Who decided that you could marry my brother?" she said and Zen looked up to his sister who smiled and hugged him. "If anyone marries him, it will be me!" she decided and she placed a kiss on his cheek. "No fair." Came from Tara and Zina also started to look angry at Sierah. "You are his sister!" shot Zina. "I have his cub inside me..." - "If you go by this, we are even. I was even the first one Zen ever had." Sierah interrupted her. The other girls noticed what the discussion was about and more and more of the girls joined them. Zen only smiled helpless to Mara and Bertha, who just finished the swimming lessons and also came over. "What is going on here?" asked Mara when she approached them and moved between the girls up to Zen. "What is this fight here about?" - "It is about who will marry Zen." Sierah shouted at her and still held Zen in a deep hug as if this would justify her as the only bride. Mara looked at Zen and he sighed. "Girls, why do you fight over this. Did Zen say anything?" asked Mara and all eyes went to him. "Tell us Zen, who will you marry?" asked Diane and hopped up and down. Zen looked into the eyes of the girls of whom most he had impregnated or already cubs with. "You are all my brides." He finally said. "We do not need an official ceremony. I love you all the same and I think these... " he pointed at the big belly of Dott who stood in the second row, "... and them ..." he pointed over the swimming pool to the cubs that were playing in the sun, "... are proof of that, right? Please do not fight over something like that." The girls mumbled. Some of them still seemed not satisfied. "How did this come up anyways." He asked Tara who looked at the ground again. "Well ...." She was speechless again. "... you know I am just afraid what would happen if I had to leave here and never see you again." Zen rose and moved the step to Tara and pulled her into a strong hug. "Don't worry about that. Every one of you is always welcome here and I will make sure to take care of you and the little ones." He placed a deep kiss on the muzzle of Tara and pulled her legs apart and up until she was sitting just in front of his hip, kissing him back. His member slowly crept out of the sheath and Zen caressed her back and neck while he waited for it to get hard.

Tara broke the kiss and moaned when Zen let her glide down and impaled her on his thick member. The other girls just watched. Some sat down on the floor, others made their way to an open deckchair. The fight was resolved by his statement and they were all back to usual, just that their eyes were still glued on Tara, but this time not with anger but with jealousy. Zen moved slowly and made Tara moan while he took her while standing. It demanded a lot of energy from him to hold her body and push into the black wolf again and again but he did not change the position and ignored all the eyes that were on them. He enjoyed this intimate connection with the wolf. Deep in his head he thought, that if he would have to decide on someone other than his sister, this gorgeous wolf would have a good chance.