Crystal Memories: 'Small' Beginnings

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#1 of Crystal Memories

So... a friend( ) and I did this in a setting we are going to make into a MU*(Think a text based game where you can interact with other actual people, if you don't know what it is :3)

It'll be called by the same name as this, Crystal Memories. That is subject to change of course.

Not every player will be this age of course and it also may be changed at some other point as we are still in the developing stage~

I will put more in a journal :3

Primary school was always hard around this time for just about anyone. It was even harder on people who were maturing into breeders or milkers, but they had to learn the basics regardless. It was important everyone know math, history, science, social studies, just enough to understand how to build their own home life and get along in polite society, even if they would grow up to never do anything remotely scholarly later in life. A rather non-descript husky by the name of Jerin sighs as he shoulders his pack, shaking his head, "Maybe I'm just a late bloomer, you know? By the gods, I hope I'm not a milker or something, but I so hope I mature into an engineer!" He says, seemingly oblivious to his best friends maturing. Being a breeder/farmer, puberty hit Alkain like he ran into a brick wall! Massive balls, a huge sheathe and a cock to match it. It was hard to tell if the need in those orbs or in a part of his belly he didn't even know he had before a few months ago was worse though. Or maybe it was the knowledge that, even though he was an impregnable male, he wouldn't know if he was a multiple pregnancy breeder, or a singleton until it happened...

Alkain ponders Jerin's words and nods, "Y-yeah... maybe?" he hefts his own pack on his back, filled with the essentials for a growing breeder, "I can't wait to learn magic... myself." he chuckles nervously as his nuts slosh with highly fertile seed with each step he takes... "Ermm... who knows. I really hope you do." his kilt goes down to his feet, just barely enough to make him decent...

Walking through the halls toward their next class, Jerin seems to be oblivious to Alkain's developments, much like he was for the past few months, still talking about what he wants in life, though at least giving some acknowledgement to what Alkain had said, "Yeah, magic, it's great stuff, but not as great as working with those machines! The possibilities there are limitless! You have to be careful though. Work one of them wrong and you might wind up an entirely different kind of person!" He hunches down like he was a feral, "Or vaporized!" and he waves his arms around like a huge flash had happened and dust that used to be a person was sprinkling down, "Or maybe I could discover a new kind of boat travel... maybe even the legendary sky ship!" He seems to just drone on and on as they walk through the halls to their class, and even as they near their seats...

Alkain snickers at Jerin's antics and nods, "I'm sure." he ponders a bit and grins, "I don't want to learn black, white or blue magic though... I want to discover a whole new type of magic!" he grins giddily, momentarily forgetting himself and his new developments, nearly tripping over his nuts! "G-gah!" he manages to slam into his chair in a way like he is sitting, instead of the ground at least!

Taking his seat, he looks over to Alkain, "Hey, are you ok man?" He asks. Alkain however had the 'honor' or 'curse' of being a breeder who had it twice as bad though. While most breeders could do with going for about four hours, maybe a pinch more or less, Alkain was lucky to go two. Meanwhile, his need escalated far faster as well, compounding after less than a quarter hour! Even for a breeder, he was 'productive' to say the least. Even with the farmer aspects trying to bud through as well. The teacher though, a scholar cougar by the name of Issibel tapped on the blackboard with a long stick, "Attention class, attention! Today we will be reviewing our multiplication tables to start, and later, a quiz on the same." She said, looking over everyone, shaking her head at Alkain's seeming antics. Brenda, a milker though, raises her hand, "How long should this take?" She asks, to which the teacher replies, "Shouldn't be longer than about an hour and a half, at most." She sighs gratefully, "More than enough time..." She says mostly to her breasts!

Alkain hmms? and shakes his head free of the haze of lust starting to set in, "Huh? Oh... y-yeah. I'm fine. Just... tripped..." he explains lamely before the teacher gets everyone's attention, "A-an... hour... and a half?" he mutters to himself, math was already hard and now he has his need on top of that?! he whines audibly, though at least keeps it down enough to only be heard a seat or two away... though his scent is getting stronger as well

Issibel gets to work writing out the times tables on the board, a line of numbers from left to right starting with one and going out to ten, and another line going down starting at the upper left of the same. "Now, who can give me the first line?" She asks. Someone raises their hand and calls out all the correct numbers. "Good! And who can do the second?" She asks, another person raises their hand, more correct answer. "Good, now, the third?" Jerin raises his hand, though looking over at the distracted Alkain, she says, "Oh, Master Alkain, please, the third line on the board, three times every number from one through ten." She asks... Meanwhile, Alkain obviously hadn't had a point for the last hour, maybe more to take care of himself... and by the smell and his stammering, perhaps the better part of two hours...

Alkain looks up at Issibel with lust clouded eyes, "H-huh...?" he's checked out for the last ten minutes it seems! "I um... er... uh..." ouch, that's just PAINFUL to watch... much like the pain of trying to hold back from flooding the room with his potency... something he has done quite admirably but is quite on the verge of losing that battle... if one were to look, his cock is poking out from under his kilt and leaking quite a bit of milky pre

Thankfully, no one at least yet was looking, and in the small class, Alkain was so far the only breeder. "Master Alkain, the times table for the number three?" She repeats, tapping on the board. Being younger, the capacity to 'just ignore it' may not have yet been something Alkain had learned, though it was something every breeder needed to be able to do. If he could focus he could will himself soft... or at least softer again, but that would do nothing for how he felt, or how distracting those feelings were getting. Jerin gently prods Alkain in the back from his seat behind him, "Hey man, you sure you are... ok?" He asks.

Alkain blinks dully, so consumed by his task it takes him a solid minute to utter, "I... need..." he takes a deep breath to steady himself just like he was recently taught, willing his erection down a bit... "Tousethebathroom!" He whines at the poke and gets out of his seat to rush to the bathroom!

The cougar teacher watches him go, and hears his... sloshing as he does, "Well... I never." She says, even as Jerin gets up to follow, "Back in your seat!" She calls, but he doesn't seem to pay attention to her as he tails Alkain. It wasn't hard to keep up, with the extra weight the fox was carrying, and it was unlikely he'd notice his friend following. The strangest thing about breeders though, just cumming often wasn't enough. It took sex to really sate them, though a quick jacking off or jilling would be enough to hold themselves back for a while longer... Without saying anything he walks into the bathroom to check on his best friend...

Alkain mphs with each step and pants, clearly on the verge of tears, bliss or both to anyone he passes... "Gotta..." he mumbles to himself as he presses into a the bathroom, undoing the straps to his kilt so he can breathe and finally get release~ His massive four foot shaft springing free and his pumpkin sized nuts barely sloshing at all with how pent up he is, not to mention the scent of sheer heated need to be bred he is putting off

Jerin was aghast as he looked at what greeted him in the bathroom! His mouth gapped open as he looked over the nude from the waist down Alkain, "W... woah... Alkain, what the heck? What... is that all you!? You're a breeder!?" Says the oblivious norma male as he looks over his friend. The scent of heat was a bit intoxicating, even to a non-breeder, but wouldn't be enough to set him off alone, unless he too had been holding back too long. "Man... you... you can't be serious. What are we going to do?" He asks as he closes and locks the door... With each passing moment he just watches that fox cock rise higher...

Alkain pants and whimpers as he strokes his leaking cock, shuddering in bliss though growling in frustration... he doesn't even notice his friend until he hears the click of the lock, "Juh... Jerin...?" he whimpers out, tears in his eyes, "Help..." he whines, nearly losing it completely at the scent of his friends arousal his cock shuddering and spurting even as his tail lifts in invitation~

Jerin wasn't at all sure what to do! Sure, he was a warm blooded husky, but... "Alkain! If you get pregnant NOW who knows what will end up happening! Better to find someone you can... well, take care of your... umm... penis rather than that!" He says, even as his own modest cock bulged his pants. He looks at Alkain again, then to the door. Could he leave him like that there? Surely if he got a teacher, they would understand he was a breeder and know what to do. Some kind of black magic to get him a full release without impregnating him! All the while he stands there, just thinking, open and exposed, only the band of his leather pants being tied up keeping the needful Alkain from something that could get him relief...

Alkain whimpers more as he steps towards his friend, "Please... I... I need you..." he pants as he reaches to undo those trousers... his scent so strong from so close... "Please..." he pants as he takes in his friends aroused scent, groping that maleness a bit as he strokes his own

With a startled yelp, Jerin is shaken from his thinking, Alkain rubbing over his six and a quarter inches while his own bloated seven footer hovered over him! He shook his head, the scent was enough to easily make him want it, but...should he? Alkain barely fit in the larger desks as it was... and... oh that felt nice... to hell with it he finally resolves! He needed to take care of his friend and get them both back to take the quiz! Quite roughly he pulls away from Alkain, "Man... you couldn't have waited another couple of hours..." He says as he walks around behind his massive friend, having to wait for Alkain to not only lean over and present again, but get down fairly low to the ground for the giant for him to be able to do much of anything! Though... once he finally starts to push into Alkain's tailhole, it was a LOT more relenting than he expected it to be... reminded him of their sex classes, how he was told a pussy that was ready would just open up for him...

Alkain murrs as he rubs Jerin through his thoughts and pants with a nod as he gets down on all fours, tail raised and low to the ground! He shudders as he feels that hot shaft slide into him, wishing there was a bit more but eagerly awaiting what he can get now~ He moans a little, though has enough presence of mind to keep it down... couldn't have anyone interrupting after all~

Jerin was... inexperienced to say the best of it. Roughly thrusting too hard too early, even slipping out of Alkain with a 'Sorry!' here and there as he goes, though in Alkain's state it was unlikely he'd care, though with his genes the way they were, he could definitely notice, some part of the back of his mind even telling him as he's being fucked how Jerin could do better... and how he can adjust his own positioning to help encourage and guide him. It was impossible to say HOW Alkain was practically spontaneously learning this, just that he was! It wasn't too long before Alkain can feel Jerin's knot slipping in and out of him, recognising fast that if Jerin ties him, they would be stuck that way for the better part of an hour... but Jerin could cum within without properly tying, even though the husky behind him seemed to be absolutely clueless about what he was about to do. No matter how lust fogged a breeder's mind got, sex was something they knew, and, if they could find their voice, explain.

Alkain pants and groans as he feels the... inadequate but completely satisfying fucking he's given and shudders as he moves in time with his instincts, "J... Jerin..." he attempts to get the huskies attention and will instruct him on what he's feeling, "Ooohh... don't... don't tie..." he pants out, both desperately wanting that bulb of flesh and also wanting to get back to class!

Jerin grunts, a bit blankly on what Alkain was saying, "W... what?" He asks, though the next few thrusts were more than enough, fortunately the distraction enough to to keep that extra girth outside Alkain as he, as quietly as he could, unloaded into the breeder before him! With each pump a palpable raise in arousal and at the same time a washing of relief flows over the large fox, though his current partner wasn't able to offer much to him, it was enough to tell the burning need within it was getting exactly what it needed. Though Jerin simply slumps over Alkain's back side, the hyper rodded todd feels, if anything, invigorated, even should he get his own release or not!

Alkain mmphs and shudders as he feels his friends seed flowing into him, that's enough to set off his own climax! Waves of relief wash though his entire body as he expends gout after gout, after gout of his hyper potent seed, his nuts draining themselves of all that excess seed... hopefully there is a drain in here!

Near the back, in the shower area there was, and it was allowing everything to drain out... that didn't find its way out of under the door. With Jerin exhausted though, it was going to be up to Alkain to help him out back to class! It wasn't hard for Alkain to tell the seed was taking hold, though... young and untrained as he was, it wasn't possible for him to tell how many he might have soon growing inside...

Alkain pants as he slowly regains his full senses and winces at the mess, blinking a bit as he realizes... ~Crap...~ he thinks to himself as he helps Jerin to his feet, searching for his kilt and *really* hoping it doesn't show any signs of their fun... he'll put it back on while Jerin rests on his back, unlocking the door and setting Jerin down on his paws to help him wake up, "We gotta go." he sighs, some part of him wondering how many kits he'll have... another part really hoping it's a dozen...

The kilt had, thankfully, landed on a sink, and was safe, though Jerin didn't come to again until about half way back to class, "Huh... what?" He asks, shaking off his orgasm induced stupor. "Alkain! Did... oh by the gods! What are we going to do?" He asks as he struggles to get down from Alkain's back.

Alkain blinks at Jerin and winces at the panic, looking around to make sure no one is around... should anyone be he'll duck down another hallway "I don't know what you mean? We are going to walk into class and pretend nothing happen... ok?" he looks a bit frustrated himself, though under that incredibly relieved

Jerin just nods a bit as he manages to get down. The halls were indeed empty, everyone in class, but as the pair walked in, Issibel gives them a slight snarl. "The test has already started, and you both have lost ten minutes of the sixty that had been allotted for it. Back to your seats now, keep your packs under your desks, and start solving the equations on the board." She says, tapping her stick to twenty math problems, all multiplication of numbers from one to ten...

Alkain eeps at Issibel's snarl, tail tucking in his meekness as he bows his head, "S-sorry miss Issibel!" he scurries off to his desk, a paw going to rub his belly a little before he focuses entirely on the test