Crystal Memories: And mistakes were made!

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#3 of Crystal Memories

Another chapter in Crystal Memories with and more setting exposition as well!

If any of the content here bothers you, feel free to pass this one over

If you read, please comment! If you have questions about te setting ask! I won't bite ^_^

Alkain is just now getting to class, the bell has rung and he's just barely on time! He scrambles to his seat, nearly tripping over his nuts again... though he manages to stay steady as he takes his seat. He looks around the room nervously, wondering if he'll be able to handle the whole class time... he sighs and tries to relax, nothing good ever comes of stress after all!

The teacher for social studies, a gecko tapped a claw impatiently as Alkain makes his way to his seat, "Let me see... that just leaves one student still absent, Mirana Swantart... well I guess we'll just have to start witho-" But the door opens again, a panting and heaving fox looking in, "I'm sorry Mr. Alater, I just..." "I already have a note from your mother, but it doesn't excuse you being late. Now, take your seat in the back, and let's continue." The deep purple clothing she has on looks a good size or two too small for her chest... which houses two pairs of breasts where one would normally be. Great, a milker... though Alkain could tell as she walked by from the smell of her... she was giving off pheromones like no ones business! Was she a breeder who knew less about being a breeder than he did? But those tits definitely screamed milker... or could she be unfortunate enough to be BOTH? To cycle through heat and rut AND have breasts that screamed to be emptied... and if you ignored them, they would just empty themselves. A keen eye would notice the buttons on the dress that would let her free those tits without undressing. Between her smell, the sight of her 'blossoming', and her tardiness, noticing the fact she was tauric third might be excusable, her second half coming into view as she waddles her way toward the back to lay upon a mat with a desk in front of it. "Now, welcome to level three social studies, today we will be going over the class outline and expectations, so pay close attention..."

Alkain ponders as he looks over the foxtaur and winces at that scent, ~Oh crap...~ He things to himself, ~Hopefully she won't get me too bothered...~ he does give the taur an understanding look though. He wasn't really paying enough attention to what she was wearing... though he WAS trying to keep his libido in check. He barely catches the last part of the speech and nods as he opens his notebook, luckily he got off recently...

Through the class, the teacher just goes over the basics. How much work would be done. Special passes for breeders, milkers, or anyone else who needed them... he eyes Alkain and Mirana, "However, advanced notice will be required. If you don't let me know at the start of class, you will not be excused. Remember, when you move out on your own and get your own job, it will be up to you to keep track." He says, how many tests and quizzes will be standard, the fact that there will be periodic surprise tests... "Just like one right now. Don't worry, if you got good marks in level two, this test will be a breeze. Take out your quills and make sure the ink well at your desk is ready." He announces. All the while Mirana's taking very careful notes with one hand, and rubbing on her breasts with the other. Judging by the look in her face they must be quite painful. She shifts how she's laying quite often, like there is no way for her to get comfortable. At the mention of a surprise test though, she simply looks up, ears perked, and gives a determined nod.

Alkain blushes under his fur at that look but nods, his parents having filled in the proper paperwork a few days ago. He gets his quill out and dips it in the ink, trying to focus on the test, though that scent... it distracts him quite a bit... he shakes his head though and concentrates on the test! FOCUS! He will not lose to his libido!

Up on the board, some rather simple question are posted. How many members are there of the ruling council of East Yerni? How does Romina pick who to be the emperor or empress? In what district was the southern boarder to their country, Ista, and who was their southern neighbour? There was a total of ten questions, and Mirana was easily the first one done out of the class, but as she walked up to turn in the paper, she gives a slight yelp, rubbing on her breasts a bit more firmly. Was her top fitting even worse than when she walked in? And the scent of her was much the same... though this time though, the back of Alkain's mind registers... she's not gone into her first heat just yet! She must have only VERY recently matured... and something else told him if he focused... he could manipulate her into starting early... if he only knew how... or figured it out.

Alkain focuses on the questions, though that nagging scent... he shakes his head and writes another answer... though his ears perk at a thought... should he... it'd be mean... wouldn't it? He frowns as he peers at the taur, warring with his instincts and thoughts... it'd be nice... filling her with kits... he shakes his head and growls a little, frustrated with himself for even thinking such a thing!

Paper turned in, Mirana waddles her way back, and another bit of information for the learning breeder who's actually paying attention to the back of his mind... she's a herm! If she's not cycling yet, those balls could be packed FULL of cum that could be in him instead. "Fifteen minutes to finish your tests before we get started on the lesson proper." Says Mr. Alater, it had been roughly forty-five, and class was slated for an hour and a half. Half an hour of intro, half an hour of quiz, then half an hour of new material? Mirana lays herself uncomfortably back down, pulling out a book... Energy and You? What was she doing reading what was definitely an engineer's book?

Alkain drools a little at the thought of breeding with the herm, though meeps at the notice! He focuses on the test for the moment, maybe he can catch her... hir? Later... he grins inwardly as he writes as hastily as he can! Trying to get most, if not all, the answers ready by the time that time is up... once he gets done though... he turns in his paper and glances back at the taur before notifying Mr. Alater, "I'm... going to need a small break soon. Is that ok?"

With the time elapsing, Alkain's paper in, the gecko looks Alkain over, "Did you miss the part about informing me about such things before class starts? You'll have to just sit through. Think of it as learning both proper timing in giving such information and how to keep your calm when the timing just isn't right." He says, looking over the class. "Time's up, turn in your papers now." Out of the class of twenty students, only three hadn't finished yet, grumbling as they turned in their nearly completed tests. Mr. Alater doesn't skip a beat, not even waiting for Alkain to return to his seat, "Right, now, open your desks if you haven't already, you'll find manuscripts for the class." Each one was about forty pages long! Such long texts were near unheard of. "These will help you with all the materials we are covering, now, picking up where level two left off with the boarder wars in the fourth age of the Avina dynasty..." The teacher just drones on, most taking haphazard notes, but Mirana seems intent on copy down every word... maybe even more words than he's saying! She only stops to suck in a sharp breath here and there, give a groan or half-pained moan, and rub some obvious soreness out of her breasts.

Alkain sighs and nods to Mr. Alatar, "Right, sorry..." he's resigned to not getting off any time soon... he pads back to his seat and tries to focus on reading... he groans lightly at both the size of the text and his growing desires while taking notes, though he's only half listening at this point... he glances back to Mirana and ponders as he focuses on hir a bit, closing his eyes to steady himself a little

With roughly half an hour to go with class, the minutes ticking by in the day sized hour glass that had notches in it to tell which hour it was, the teacher was fully engrossed in the battles of the most recent boarder wars, how they were fought and why being the focuses more than when or where. Meanwhile, as Alkain focuses upon Mirana, her scent changes slightly. It was subtle... but more musky. She grits her teeth a moment, licking her lips after as she continues to copy down as much as what the teacher was saying as she could. If she was a breeder, she wasn't trained enough or paying attention to herself enough to stop Alkain's attempts to work on her...

Alkain murrs to himself a little as he continues to focus, trying to gently nudge the taur into hir cycle while being guided by his instincts... his belly hungry for seed and his nuts aching for release... after a few minutes of this he'll snap out of it, sighing as he realizes he needs to focus on the note taking... was it enough? He doesn't know...

Mr. Alater continues his presentation, almost as if he were reading from some manuscript he'd long memorized himself. Mirana though had started panting as Alkain pushes his will against her. Determination wasn't going to stop something she had no clue how to interrupt, her panting getting harsher as she looks up to the teacher, ears flicking and eyes squinting at him. She shakes her head as she rubs over her breasts again... the moan she gave sounding much less like pain and much more like it was given for another reason. The squirming she'd been doing seemed more urgent as she stands up a moment to try and get more comfortable. Her scent... she definitely was starting her cycle, the smell of seed desperate to escape, a pussy that wouldn't cease its yelling at its owner until it got what it wanted. Laying back down, she takes a moment to clench her fists tight, body tensing up before she continues scribbling her notes...

Alkain smirks to himself as he realizes it worked! Then winces as he realizes... it worked... he'd facepaw if he weren't in the middle of class, though the way his instincts are warring with rational thought... he may not feel guilty for very much longer! He takes notes as best he can though, eager to get out of this stupid class... he keeps glancing at the clock as though willing time to move faster!

But time was not moving faster and there was a breeder behind Alkain whom he had forced into cycle. She squirms more, trying to adjust, trying to simply ignore, but it was obvious to anyone who knew, the first time was always nearly overwhelming. As the minutes ticked by, it was a testament to her own force of will that she hadn't bolted out of the room or jumped on someone! Mr. Alater seems to be unaware... minutes ticking by, Mirana squirming more, clenching tight to herself, that scent getting stronger... even without trying to read her, Alkain would have to be stupid if he didn't know she was hard as iron under that dress of hers, pussy likely pouring her juices... but she seemed bound to finish the class if she ended up cumming where she was!

Alkain bites his lip to keep from groaning out at that scent, his own maleness slowly growing out of his control, and winces at the serge of guilt he feels for what he did... his nuts feel so bloated though... he squirms in his seat and shakes his head as he tries to focus on the notes he's trying to take, an idle thought about what the others around them are feeling floats through his mind

The rest of the class seems to be mostly ignorant, either not yet matured, or having taken care of their own periodic needs long before. Or maybe they were all scholars, sexuality all but alien to them. When the teacher finally stops and says "Alright, that's enough for the day. Class dismissed." Mirana struggles to stand up, and looks down right drunk as she stagger/waddles her way from the back of the class. The teacher gives her a look, and starts to walk over towards her... Once more, having experienced his first cycle not too long ago, Alkain knows how on edge she had to be, how fur sensitive she must feel... and an interruption by a teacher had no good outcomes...

Alkain sighs in relief as he gathers his things, willing his erection down enough so he doesn't poke anyone's eye out! He blinks as Mr. Alater approaches Mira and ponders as he stands, "You ok miss Mirana?" he looks her over curiously, he knows she isn't... though he's still curious about his handiwork, "Erm... I can take her to the nurses office? That way you can prepare for your next class, Mr. Alater..." he offers quietly, trying to keep his arousal in check!

Mr. Alater looks over Mirana, then over Alkain. Back and forth for a moment before he says, "Remember what I'm sure your parents have told you." He says as he walks back to his desk. Without something like note taking to focus upon, Mirana's head wobbles about for a moment, eyes losing their tracking on anything before she shakes herself, shivering from nose to tail, "I... I..." She stammers out, and in that moment Alkain notices something... damp upon his paw. Murky white, were her balls forcing cum free from her without orgasm? How high had he turned her up? She wobbles as if to fall over, but finds her center again moments before her leftward lean became unrecoverable.

Alkain blinks at the teacher and nods slowly before turning back to Mira with a wince, he really did a number on her. "It'll be fine." he would reach out to stead her, "Lean on me?" with great size comes great strength after all... he blinks at the dampness on his paw and winces more, feeling bad but also very turned on... "Let's... let's get you to the nurse, ok?" he will take his time with the taur, being gentle so as not to set her off too early~

Mirana wasn't in any condition to resist Alkain, letting her be guided by him. She was, comparatively light, only five foot four inches tall by seven foot, two inches long. She gasps when Alkain takes hold of her arm, nearly crumpling against him as he starts to guide her to... wherever they were going. "W... who? W... where?" She stammers again, looking around for a moment in what could only be confusion.

As they are going, small puddles are left in Mirana's trail, some perfectly clear, others with a white sheen to them. If her milk had already started coming in, assuming she was a breeder/milker, at least her tits weren't leaking as well.

Alkain murrs as he walks Mira towards the nurses office... at first at least... though he eyes her a bit at her confusion, "I'm going to get you some help..." he looks around to make sure no one is looking their way before trying a few bathroom doors... not finding one immediately empty he growls in frustration before ducking into a dark room, closing the door behind him before he looks to make sure no one else is there... his own musk growing with each moment~

Yelping a bit, moaning at other moments, Mirana is just lugged around by Alkain, still trying to recover enough of her thoughts to make heads or tails of what was going on. Her body felt like it was on fire. Her pussy opening and clenching up on nothing. Her cock felt hard enough to just explode! Her instincts, her nature was screaming at her though a megaphone what she HAD to do, and to do it now, but she was putting all her effort into not listening. Once in a dark room, she just stances out to keep from falling over when Alkain moves to close the door, wobbling and swaying there. "Where... am I? Oh gods... what's happened? I... don't want to... mmmmm.. n... neeehhhaaa... don't... want ... breeder.... I'm... engine..." She shakes her head almost violently as she struggles with herself, ears penning down... but if not for the tail hole of her dress, her back end would be on display, tail raised, cocked to one side as her swaying takes on more of a... thrusting motion. Her mind wanting it or not, her body was done with her delaying...

Alkain mmmphs as he drops his kilt and peers over at those words, they tug at his heart... he shakes his head to try and clear it... "Rrf..." he glances over at the taur as her tail lifts though and his rod springs to full hardness, "Gotta..." he pants a bit and whines as he struggles with himself, approaching the taur as he places a paw on her rump... trying to find a latch for her dress... "I don't..." he growls out and whimpers... "Sorry..." as his maleness leaks whitish pre~

Mirana gives a gasp when Alkain touches her back end, her thrusting stopping, tail twitching, fore legs lowering down as her back arches! Raised up like that, Alkain would barely have to crouch to get at her! A simple button set was all that held the back side of her dress closed, and undone, it wasn't hard to slip her tail through the hole and leave all she had open to the world. Her balls were much smaller, at least for now, than Alkain's, coming about half way between her belly and her knees. That cock was trying to sandwich itself in her lower breasts, but couldn't quite reach, then there was the lower four breasts themselves, just as big as her upper four, no wonder she had a hard time getting around! The fur of her rump and thighs were completely soaked, pussy gaping as it very slightly squelched opening up wide and inviting for a long while before clenching as if in hopes of capturing something. Mirana squirms, "Not... breed... engine...." She mutters again, but if anything she only raises her ass higher while pressing her fore half closer to the ground.

Alkain murrs at that sight and growls as he angles his huge maleness towards that cunny, he closes his eyes to shut out the sight and plunges in! His nuts making new seed on overdrive as he pants with pleasure at the cunny surrounding his thick length~ he whines out as he tries to resist though it is a failed battle almost done with as he works his length deeper into the taur~

Mirana practically shrieks out when Alkain starts to bury himself into her, body convulsing as her legs nearly give out under her! She wasn't big enough to take all of Alkain inside, but her body was making a damned good effort of it. She does scream when Alkain rips through her hymen though, and somewhere he notes he just took her virginity. Each time it seems he's gone as far in as he can go, there seems to be another inch or so he can sink in, but finally she bottoms out with a good 1/3rd of his cock still exposed. Even if most of her lower half was love tunnel and womb, that was fairly impressive for her size... and the moment he hits that magic point, she moans loudly, cock spraying the ground below them, pussy gushing and clinching to Alkain's rod near the point of pain!

Alkain grunts at the noise, his ears pinning back in worry, and growls as he starts rutting deeply! He pants as he rubs over the taurs belly while he leaks his thick milky pre into it... possibly knocking her up already! At that clench he shudders and stops moving to let it pass, eager to get back to rutting into his prize breeding bitch~ his nuts shuddering and bloating with his output!

Once her body was done convulsing, Mirana's head hangs down low, her moaning out, "Not... breeder... mmmmmm.... oh..." She pants there, occasionally muttering out, 'more...' even though her fore thoughts still seemed to be trying to deny what was happening to her. She even starts to press back into Alkain's powerful thrusts, struggling to keep her footing, paws slipping a bit on the wooden floor coated in her cum. After a bit of scooting though, she manages to dig in better, getting to rocking with Alkain in perfect timing after a few more moments, her complaints about actually being an engineer dissolving into more moans for more. As her fore thoughts are drowned, her cunt gets to work on what was natural for her. Pulling back, it was a tight vice for Alkain's cock, squeezing in sync with his backward movement. And when he pushed in, it was a touch more open, still tight, very tight given his size compared to her, but yielding softly with little effort!

Alkain rrfs and growls as he pounds into that sweet cunny, though if one were to look he's definitely crying... he grunts and groans as he pounds away his knot slowly inflating even though there is NO chance of tying! His nuts trembling as he works to get off and breed this vixen under him full of many kits!

Mirana was simply taking it now, head leaning back as she started to cry out to Alkain's cum, mind awash with the sensations. Her own balls swaying enough to slap against Alkain's thighs or rod when he pushes into her, and each passing moment that pussy of hers seems to get more attuned to Alkain's rod. Was his tailhole like this? Was this what happened for Jerin? And how many times was she going to have to receive his seed before the two of them were done? The scents coming off of the pair of them might have started an orgy if there were others around who had been negligent in handling their own needs. And how much could this new breeder take before she passed out? Or would she just get more and more invigorated like Alkain had?

Alkain mmmphs and snarls as he works his length into the taur, basting her insides with his increasingly thick pre~ The closer he gets to cumming the thicker it gets! His nuts final have enough after a few more thrusts and he snarls out as he begins to unload deep into that tauric womb~ he shivers as he feels that rush and pants as he continues to pump gallon after gallon into the vixen under him~

Her eyes flying open, Mirana howls as Alkain gives her what she was needing! It is a haunting sound, somewhere between a scream and a true howl like a dog or wolf's. She bloats a little with the amount of seed spilling into her, cumming again herself and adding to the few gallon puddle under her once more. Her mind lit up as it was, she indeed seems to actually recover more strength than she lost in orgasm... however... once Alkain was done with this load... she starts to rock against his length again! Looking over her shoulder, her eyes look a bit... distant, far away... and shouldn't she have more cum in her than she can hold? She wasn't knotted, why wasn't it leaking out?

Alkain murrs as he continues sawing into the taur under him, though grunts in confusion as he doesn't feel any increase in the pool under him... well, not ENOUGH of one... he sighs as he places a paw to his head though, shaking his head a bit before finally opening his eyes... "Oh fucking... what have I done..." he quickly attempts to withdraw from the taur, slipping in the slick puddle of seed and landing on his back!

Mirana was a bit shocked when Alkain started to pull back out of her, but not push back in? What was he doing? Her own head was far from recollected, snapped was a better word for it as she simply follows that cock down to the ground, yelping a bit when she tries to take too much of it! Still her pussy and womb holds in what Alkain had given her... her eggs must be floating in his cum! She starts to bob up and down on him, licking her lips and looking back to him with her glassy eyes, though... once in a while she shakes her head, as if trying to collect herself again... Her belly is fairly well rounded out from his first unloading into her... if he cums again, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine it dragging the ground!

Alkain mmmphs as his fat length remains inside the taur and shudders as she starts riding him... he shakes his head and winces, "N-no... stop... rrf..." he shivers as bliss rolls through him and his nuts start to draw up once more, ~Damn it... why won't she wake up...~ He grunts as he humps a bit into the vixentaur, his body on autopilot while his mind races from one thought to another! ~Crapcrapcrap... wait... she's riding me...~ he found an exit! Though it doesn't come in time to stop him for howling out as he pumps more of his hyper potent seed into the taur... hopefully she doesn't have the capability to get knocked up more than once!

Once Alkain starts to blast into her again, she howls once more, squirting her own load out onto the floor once more! Her belly bloats and bloats out as more cum flows into her, head rolling about for a moment in her own bliss. Once Alkain's finally done for a second time, she almost starts to ride him again when the gym lights flash on and... there is a class, waiting to get on with stretches before getting to work on some harder workouts... The lights seem to daze her even more, quickly getting up to her normal standing position, looking about. Sure enough, her belly is scraping the ground, wider around than she is... and not by any small measure either, actually indented back in for how huge it was, though she was still capable of slow, wobbled waddling. "What is going on in here!?" Shouts a booming voice. A bull, nearly the size of Alkain, and in all ways that one could see, pushes past the class and looks on. That scent... he was a breeder, or some combination there of. Probably a long cycle one to be able to teach. It didn't take him more than a few moments to figure out what had happened, at least, what had happened near the end...

Alkain grunts and sighs once he comes down, though is still energized! His head lays back on the cum soaked floor as he groans piteously, wondering what he got himself into... at the flash of light he gahs! and looks over, "G-get her off me!" he whines a bit, though his body is eager to continue... he really wants to stop by now, "Please..." he's clearly weeping now, from what is hard to tell!

Still shaking her head about, Mirana finally seems to start to snap out of it, "W... wha....?" She asks, only to be roughly grabbed by the bull, "You! Someone pass me this one's dress bottom so I can make them decent..." He says, unsure of the taur's gender preferences as he looks to Alkain, "Are you alright boy? Did she hurt you?" He asks, roughly putting her dress back on her proper and starting to shove her out the main entrance, "Come along, need to take you both to the nurse's office, then the head master. If this one doesn't get expelled there better be a VERY strong reason. He says, Mirana wobbling about as she tries to find footing that doesn't involve her massively rounded underside, blinking erratically, "Where am I!? What's going on!?" She looks back to Alkain, then to the teacher. Something must have clicked back to her because her irises went small as pin pricks!

Alkain sighs as his shaft is freed, clearly still leaking cum if it wasn't obvious... "I'm... I'll be ok." he rubs his eyes a bit, "Shi didn't..." he trails off when he hears the punishment, "Expulsion?" he gulps a bit, "I don't... I don't blame hir for what shi did... it was hir first cycle..." he glances to the taur as he remembers his own, a stab of guilt hitting him square in the chest as he tries to at least lessen her punishment, he looks around for his kilt though while still whining nervously

The bull snorts, "Come along boy, you have to come too. Need to get you checked out by the nurse after all that." He says, still holding Mirana in his grasp, "First cycle huh? Well, if you couldn't tell on your own, little missy, he's a bloody breeder too! So, congratulations on breaking a big rule on your first heat." He says to her. All she can do is stammer as she wobbles and waddles along, like she was trying to say a few dozen things all at once. Alkain's kilt is safe, still dry even, from all the humping that had pushed them so far from where they had started. Mirana however, looks beside herself, finally squeaking out, "I'm an Engineer..." That only got her another snort from the bull, "You an Engineer? If you are, then my name's not Mr. Lowgen. Come on, I bet a belly like that is slowing you down, but I can only hope it is temporary. If that was your first cycle, probably don't know if you are a multi or not." With all the yelling Mr. Lowgen is doing, it would be hard for Alkain to get a word in edge wise, though Mira manages to stammer again, "Multi...?" "By the gods you are dumb, aren't you?" he responds.

Alkain manages to get his erection down quickly enough so he can put on his kilt! He looks over at the bull and Mira with a wince before he follows after meekly, not like there is really anything he can say to help... he sighs at the bull's choice of words though and shakes his head as he mumbles, "Can't help what you are... but you don't have to be that..." he frowns at the treatment the taur is getting, though better than him getting it...?

All through the halls Mirana is forced to waddle about, tittering and seeming close to falling over more than a few times, only to be hoisted up by Mr. Lowgen once more. While she was, well, fucking, it seemed not to bother her, but without that distraction, she was back to hissing a bit as she rubbed the pain out of her breasts with her free hand, eyes still darting around as she connected the dots about what just happened. She starts to cry, and by the time they are in the nurse's room, she bawling, sobbing uncontrollably, but the bullish teacher seems not to care. "No sense in crying now, missy, you already did the act. All that's left now is to do the time you got yourself. And if you are expecting sympathy from me, the nurse, or your victim over there, you're... barking up the wrong tree." He laughs at his own joke, but gets a rebuking look from the nurse as he walks in with Mira. "Tormenting students again? Did your overzealous gym work hurt another one? Sprained paw this time or..." then she gets a look at Mira, "Or... something else entirely..." She says, the goat's mouth closing up tight after that.

Alkain eyes Mr. Lowgen as he speaks and shakes his head, tears in his eyes while he opens his muzzle to speak... thinks better of it, opens again and so on until he gets to the nurses station... "Funny..." is all he can say, very flatly, well... as flat as he can make it in his emotional state... he IS a fox as well after all!

Mirana's still bawling as Mr. Lowgen makes to leave, "And where do you think you are going? Need you to probe this one a bit and see how much trouble they are in." Says the nurse as she carefully guides an acquiescing Mirana up on an exam table. "Hey, calm down now, everything will be fine." She tries, but Mirana's anything but calming down, sniffling, sobbing, stammering, and squirming as she tries to lay upon her belly. Whatever her internal anatomy was, it seemed all that seed in her was stuck, as even with her weight settled on that sloshing dome, nothing leaked! "I'll start with this one while you start with... that..." She says, to which Mira finally pipes up, "I'm... I'm a girl... an... an engineer..." The nurse looks to Mr. Lowgen, who shurgs and shakes his head, "Of course you are dear, now, relax and it will be over soon." She walks over to Alkain, and... a feeling of pin pricks... all over... and not just the outside, like it is coming from the inside too! A feeling like when a leg or arm just barely starts to go to sleep... but full body! "He's unharmed, the normal rush of a breeder doing their job is all... and... something else, but I can't put a hoof on it." She says, meanwhile, Mr. Lowgen stands there in stunned silence... staring at Mirana.

The large todd looks over at the nurse and teacher before looking back to the taur a bit, wondering how much she remembers if anything... another stab of guilt and a blink at the scan, "Some... something else?" he tilts his head in confusion though keeps looking back to the gym teacher worriedly, though with this entire situation... all he can do is worry!

Eventually Mr. Lowgen looks to Alkain, "Well... first... congratulations daddy." He says before checking Alkain as well. "And... you have three of your own, so, congratulations mommy..." He says before whispering to the nurse. She bleats in shock and surprise! "Twenty!?" She gasps... Mr. Lowgen tenses up and tries to shush the nurse... but she heard. Evidently, she remembered enough, eyes going wide, pupils dilating wide, "T... twa... t... tweee...." and with that she faints...

Alkain sighs at that first though grips the wall at the second, "Th-three...?" he stares at Mira at the announcement of how many he sired and groans, part despair, part lust and all misery... he sways a bit as if going to faint himself, though manages to take a seat with a sigh as he checks out for a bi