The Tickle Succubus. Part 3

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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Our story begins with the frustrated succubus herself: Dig'Deg! For a 100 years, she had try everything to convince every male mortals on Earth. Unfortunately for her, most of the males she came across were either married to a female, or unwilling males who had no interest in her in the first place. Although she did at least convinced a few males, by the time they were about to die, they were suddenly forgiven by their sins, and gone to Heaven instead. So now, Dig'Deg is now at her bedroom, pouting like a child. ''Oooooooooh! FUCKING... HEEAVEN!!! Why can't I get just ONE FUCKING MALE to fall in love with me!? Like, they're like stupid mortals married to like a bitch, and some were like, gay and stuff! And like, there is NOTHING else I can do! HMPH!!'' she said. As she started to breathe, she decided to go on a phone to text her friend.

Usually, she texted her with a greeting and a usual teenage girl talk, but then, Dig'Deg decided to text her about her current situation. In the message, she typed, ''So i liek super frustrated right nao, and liek, all the stupid male mortals are liek, not interested in me! Liek, they won't love me at all, y'know?'' and so her friend types, ''That's bad, liek, every other male mortals liek, falin in loave with demonesses like us and stuffs, don't know why liek, they won't liek, fall in loave with u, y'know. but, i think there's liek, one solution that might liek, help.'' and that's what got her curious, and she type, ''what kind of solution ur talking about?'' and she typed back, ''i heard there's liek a super pleasurable device called the pinwheels-of-tickle-pleasuring-feathers. it's supposed to liek, tickle every liek males private parts and liek make them so aroused by the liek tickling and liek have their minds broken.'' and that's when she smiled and squealed again, and type back, ''OMG!! That's super duper awesome! Where can i liek find it?'' then she typed back, ''i think there's liek, one at the world called liek, the pokemon world, but i think u can get liek one of them from liek,'' and so she typed back, ''That's great! i'll tell dad about this! i'll call you later! Thanks for the liek solution!'' and so she closed the phone and started to walk out of the bedroom excited.

In Satan's office, ''Yes yes yes..... Woah woah woah, you.... you want what from where?'' he said as he's on a phone, putting his feet on the desk. ''Yeah, and? ......So.....So what, who cares, I already payed the bill........ Ugh! Dude, I already payed the motherfucking paper! I already payed with all the souls I got, you stupid asshole! Uuuuugh! Look dude, I'm a Devil, and I am asking as politely as I ca- HEY!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!! I'M TALKING!!!'' he yelled on the phone, as Dig'Deg is now at his office, looking excited. ''Hey daddy! Daddy! I just got like this exciting news I want to-'' She was interrupted when Satan says, ''NONONO NO!!! You listen to ME asshole! I'm getting sick of your bullshit, and all your, 'you're just a guy playing the devil' bs! Alright, I have collected like what, 5 BILLION FUCKING SOULS!! And all YOU gave me is some stupid ass....''

''Uuuuuum, daddy!'' she said with a concerned face. ''....And NOW you're telling me that I didn't PAY IT!?!? YOU FUCKING MORTALS ARE ALIKE, a bunch of stupid assholes who have nothing better than to do then to go around and be an asshole to every one of us demons....'' As he continued to ramble on, Dig'Deg decided to walk back, and tried to get on her phone to search for something on Devilzon. ''Oooookay..... I guess I have to like, search to see if the product is that good.... Hmmmmm..... Let's see...... Oh there it is!'' she said, as Satan continued. ''Oh, I'm a mortal! I like to rip people off and act like I didn't do anything wrong! Hahahaaaaah! Fuck you dude....... You understand me? UUUuuugh! Alright let me tell you one thing, asshole...... You can just take that paper and shove it up your....''

''OMG!! It looks SUPER AWESOME!! It says that it can like, uses a spiraling wheels of pleasure whether they like, tickle their ass, asshole and their-''

''...FUCKING DICK!!! That's who you mortals are, a stupid, selfish, nonchalant, careless, incompetent, heartless assholes! I'll come down on Earth and rip that paper to see how you like it...... OH YEAH, YOU WANT ME TO SHOW IT TO YOU!?!? OK!! FINE!!! HERE IT IS!!'' Satan says, as he hung up, and started to get out of his desk, and ripped the paper, as Dig'Deg looked to see that Satan summoned a hole, showing a human deliveryman looking bored.''.....Yes...... Can I help you s-'' He gets interrupted when he has a paper thrown at his face. ''THERE!!! THERE'S YOUR FUCKING BILL!!! I JUST PAID IT!!! I PAID THE WHOLE FUCKING THING!!!'' And then Satan closes the hole, as Dig'Deg said, ''.......Ummm........ Daddy?'' and then Satan goes back to his desk, infuriated and outraged. ''FUCK MORTALS!!!'' he yelled, as he now looked to see his daughter.

''Oh..... Hi Dig'Deg..... Sorry about that, the mortals, they're like......UUUUUGH!!! I can't STAND THEM ANYMORE!!!'' he said as he banged his head on the desk. ''Oh...... OH DADDY!!! THERE IS SOMETHING I WANT TO TELL YOU!!'' Dig'Deg said in her excited state. ''...What?'' Dig'Deg got closer to Satan and said, ''There's like, a super duper awesome device I just found on Devilzon! It's called like the pinwheels-of-tickle-pleasuring-feathers!'' she said, as Satan pulls his paper, not caring about what she's talking about. ''Oh..... I see....'' he said. ''Yeah, and so I like, wanted to like, ask you if I can like, get that super awesome device so I can like, get all the like, souls to Hell and-''

''No,'' was the answer from Satan, making Dig'Deg pout again. ''WHY NOAAAAAATUUUH!?!'' she said. ''Dig'Deg! That cost 3 billion souls! And besides, you said you wanted a device of everlasting pain and suffering or whatever. So you don't need the stupid pinwheels of something something something,'' he said. ''But daaaaaaaad! The pinwheels-of-tickling-pleasure has SOOOOOOO much more feature than the device of pain and suffering! And it can even pleasure male mortals into falling in me! So please daaad! Can I please PLEEEEEEEEEASE get those pinwheels PLEEEEASE!?!?!'' she said, making a pleading posture, even trying to make a cute puppy like face to convince her dad. ''DIG'DEG!!! I SAID NO!! Now quit asking me, or I will ground you for another 500 years and take away of your pitchforks, TV, and your phone!'' he said, knowing that he won't let a cute face like hers tempt him.

''UUUGH!! Fine! You never even bought me stuffs I wanted anyway!'' she said as she walked back to her bedroom. ''Well don't blame me for being a spoiled BITCH!!!'' he said back, as she closed the bedroom door. She now looked more frustrated than usual. ''Man, I fucking hate it when my stubborn dad like won't let me get what I like wanted in my life! Uuuuugh! .....Well, maybe if Satan didn't have his own stupid credit card on his stupid throne, then maybe I could- WAIT A SECOND!!! THAT'S IT!!! I'll go and try to sneak into his throne to get his credit card to buy myself a pinwheels-of-tickling-pleasure! Great idea!'' she said.

2 hours later, while Satan is now still on his phone, looking backward, allowing her to sneak to the throne room. She saw a credit card that looked to be hot red, and had billions of screaming of pain as the sound on the credit card. She decided to grab it, and put a hand on the card so that her dad won't notice the sound, and she walked back to her bedroom, and goes to her laptop and type things on it as soon as possible. ''Ok ok ok....... Let's see.... Ah, there it is! Ok...... Hmmmmm...... Oh, what's this? 'Warning: This device will cost you and the demons about all the souls you justifiably earned for. This will come to back you in the ass if you would ever try to buy it! So don't think of buying it! Ever!' .....The fuck is this like talking about? Eh, whatever, I don't really care at this point..... Ok......Mmmmmmm..... THERE!!! Now my order is ready! Now to give this back to his throne room!'' she said, as she rushed quickly from his office to his throne room as he was still on his phone distracted.

''Ok......Now to try and-'' She got interrupted again when he said, ''I'M TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW....... I don't have some kind of stupid ass....... fan favorites on my TV........ UUuugh!'' he said as she slammed the phone. ''Heelllooooo? Can you stop screaming and hear me for a second? .....I'm telling you, I don't want some stupid Christian bullshit!'' he said as he looked at the other bill again as Dig'Deg opened the exit and fly away. She then looked for a Pokemon world, and that's when she stumbled across the feeling that she's sensing. ''Ok...... Now to find a male who's not married....... Got to think....... Got to think......'' And then, the circle opened up, as it now showed the Pokemon who is now sleeping on his bed. He's a jackal with spikes on his chest and hands, and he has a big pawpads, and still has an erect dick and balls, and he even has a huge ass. Dig'Deg looked at him and said, ''OMG!!! IT'S LUCARIO!!! OOOOOH I LOVE THAT POKEMON!!! AND NOW HE LOOKS MORE SEXY THAN EVER!!! And it looks like he's truly alone! Now this will be the PERFECT CHANCE to seduce him! Let's go to his fucking house and- Wait....... I need to get that pinwheels first...... Hmmmmm...... Let's see....... OH YES OVER THERE!!!''

After she fly to the town, where the male deliveryman gives her the device she ordered, she came back and flies to Lucario's house after just 30 seconds. After the circle closed, she saw that he's still sleeping face down, revealing his huge ass and asshole as she looked horny. ''Hehehehe....... Can't wait to make him mine! Alright...... Now to try and summon the bondage......'' she whispered. As Lucario sleeps in bed for 2 minutes, he slowly opened his eyes and began to yawn. ''Aaaaah mmm...... What a wonderful nap..... Now to get up and- .....Huh? W-What? How in the-'' he looked to see that he is now bounded in bed, as his head and hands are locked in stocks, with a big metal chain that keeps him from getting up, and now his ass, asshole and dick and balls are locked in stocks as well, and his feet are stuck as well with his toes tied back. ''OH....Oh hehehehe...... I hope that someone might give me a special surprise.....'' he said smiling, but when he turned around, he looked to see the naked succubus herself, as he looked shocked. ''*Gasp*......W-W-WHAT!?!?!? W-W-W-WHAT THE!?!?'' he said as Dig'Deg looked more excited. ''SURPRISE SEXY!!!!'' she said.

Lucario growled very angrily as he tried to struggle, but can't move an inch. ''YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?!?'' he said, making Dig'Deg giggle. ''Well honey! You're about to like, experience the most wonderful pleasure in the world!'' she said. ''Grrr...... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, BITCH!?!?'' he said, as she looked confused. ''The, fuck, am I talking about? Hehehehehe! Oh no baby, it's not about fucking, it's about TICKLING!!!'' she said, making Lucario look horrified. ''W-W-WHAT!?!?! T-TICKLING!?!!? Oh no....... NONONONO NOT THIS!!!'' he said, as he tried harder to free himself, but still can't move an inch. ''Oooooh yes darling! And the one I'm going to show you...... IS THIS!!!'' she said, revealing a device she ordered. It looked like a red colored pinwheels with feathers that are combined with paintbrushes, hairbrushes, and feather dusters, and they are many of them on one pinwheel. Lucario looked at it and got more shocked. ''W-W-What the hell is that? .....WHAT IN THE FIREY HELL IS THAT!?!?'' he said.

''Hehehehe, well, to answer your question, in Hell, I got this like super duper awesome device on like! And now, I'm going to like, use it to make you fall in love with me! You'll love that, right?'' she said, as Lucario's face got more red from anger. ''LOOK HERE BITCH!!! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE, WHERE YOU CAME FROM OR WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME, BUT YOU BETTER LET ME GO, OR I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU THE PAIN GREATER THAN YOU'LL EVER IMAGINE!!!'' he said. ''Pain greater than I can imagine? Hmmm..... Never heard about it, but anyway! Time for some sexy tickling!'' And so, she puts down the device close to his ass, and asshole, as she put the second device that she somehow ordered as well, and put it close to his dick and balls, and she sat down on the bed, and looked at his feet. Lucario tried again to free himself, but it was no use.

''NOOOOOO!!!! Grrr...... DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!!'' he said in fear. ''Heheehe! Looks like, it's time for like a little COOCHIE COOCHIE COOOOOOOO!!!'' she said, as she pushed the button the those devices, making the feathers all spin incredibly fast, as it used its supernatural powers to both tickle and pleasure his ass, asshole, dick and balls, as she decided to tickle his feet and toes with her fingers, as Lucario laughs extremely loud and hard. His eyes and mouth had gone wide, and he was already laughing like an insane person in the asylum. His eyes and mouth are kept wide open as he started to sob in laughter and pleasure. ''AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP!!! STAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO MYFUCKINGGREATASSFUCKINGGOD!!! THISFEELSSOFUCKINGAWESOMEANDPLEASURINGANDAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH THIS IS TORTURE!!!'' he begged as his dick and balls are already fully erect, as Dig'Deg looked with her seductive grin.

''Yes...... Love it....... I like always love your cute laughter, and your ass, asshole and dick and balls are like super sexy! It's no wonder I wanted to like tickle and pleasure them myself,'' she said. ''GAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOHOHOHOUFUCKINGBUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAOHOHOHOHOHOYESYESYESYESTHISFEELSSOFUCKINGGOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!''

As Lucario continued to laugh from the merciless and supernaturally fast speed of the pinwheels for 2 minutes, his dick started to orgasm all over the bedsheets as he just kept cumming and cumming and cumming and yet it was still going. Dig'Deg looked to see that he was still cumming, and looked more excited and horny. ''WOW!!! LOTS OF CUM!!! I think I should taste them!'' she said, as she goes to lick all of the cum from the bedsheets as his dick kept cumming all over her head. Lucario's eyes are now flooding with tears as he is now going less and less sane. After she licked the cum, she goes back to put the cum all over her head to her mouth and taste them. ''MMMMM!!!! Tasty cum as always! I knew Lucario's cum are like, always fresh!'' she said as she goes right back to tickling his feet with her fingers. ''AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NOHOHOHOHOHOSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAASTOPSTOPSTOPSTSOPAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA MERCYMERCYMERCYMERCYIIIIIEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOGOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHADON'TSTAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP ICAN'TTAHAHAHAHAHAKEITANYMORE!!!'' His face has gotten more and more red, as his body froze from the bondage, unable to prevent one inch of the torture.

Lucario's mind is slowly being driven insane. He doesn't know how much longer he can take. ''*Sigh*....... You know Lucario...... I think I like, saw you on TV, and I like, saw you use your like Aura powers and stuffs and like, you were like using it against those weird robotic things and like....'' As she rambles on, Lucario is too busy trying his best to beg for the torture to stop yet also keep it going at the same time. ''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAANOHOHOHOOHSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPITSTOPITSTOPITSTOPITSTOPITSTOPITSTAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOPIT!!! AHAHAHAHOHOHOHOTHISISTHEGREATESTPLEASUREEVER!!!''

''.... And after like this mortal Ash like tried to use his like, Sir Aaron gloves and like tried to save Mew, you like pushed him away and used all your Aura to like, save Mew, and like....''


''...And so you were like, dying and stuffs, and like, you cried and cried and cried when you like saw Sir Aaron's dying body, and like, you tried to....''


''....And so, you died and like lived with Sir Aaron and um....... Wait, what was I at again?'' she said as she looked to see that he was STILL cumming and laughing. ''Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you, these pinwheels also have the ability to fill your dick and balls with infinite seeds so that you can cum over and over and over whatever you want to!'' she said more excited. ''AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAWWWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!? THAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT'SCRAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAWESOME!!! HAHAHAHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHNONONONONONONONONONOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!''

''Aaaaah yes..... Hmmm...... You know, I think I love your ass and asshole so much that like, I think I should like, try and kiss them while the pinwheels like tickle them,'' she said as she goes to kiss his ass and asshole while they're still tickled. Lucario is now losing his mind even more, as his prostates are being tickled more and more and more. The extremely hot sexual heat fills his body, and he goes from hating to loving it at the same time. His mind was slowly driving away more and more, and then after 5 minutes, the cum as now all over the bedsheets, and she got tired of kissing his ass and asshole.

''Aaaaah..... I loved your ass and asshole so much..... But now...... Huh? Wow! It looks like your ass and asshole, and even your dick and balls are turning pink from tickling...... AND FROM PLEASURE!!!'' she said excited, as she looked to see that his ass, asshole, dick and balls have turned pink. Lucario's eyes were still kept wide open, never closing as they were still flooding more and more tears. His mind is now completely broken, and he's now turned insane from laughter and pleasure. ''AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOMOREMOREMOREMOREMOREMOREMORE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAOHOHOHOHOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAMOREMOREMOREMOREMOREMOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOH!!!''

Dig'Deg looked at him with a more seductive grin on her face. ''Well, honey, I think you deserve eternal pleasure and love from me...... forever...... I can give you lots and lots of sex........ and lots of pleasure whatever you wanted.......'' she whispered seductively to his left ear. ''AAAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOYESIWOULDLOVETHAT!!!!'' ''Yes..... and you will enjoy it........ forever......... and ever.......... and ever.......... and ever........ and-'' ''What's all the laughing about?'' said the voice, making Dig'Deg shocked, and turned off the devices, but by the time someone entered the room, she was caught. She looked to see a yellow fox who is now inside. She had big boobies and a huge ass, and she had gloves on her hand as she looked at the succubus with a blank stare, as she looked nervously. ''Um, hehehehe! Um, hi ma'am! Heh heh, how's it going?'' Dig'Deg said. ''...... What are you doing at our house? And why is my husband bounded like this?'' Renamon said, shocking Dig'Deg even more.

''W-WHAT!?!? Hehehehe, w-what are you talking about ma'am? Hehehe, he's not bounded, he was just-'' She was interrupted when Lucario said, ''Wow.....T-That was some intense tickle pleasure..... and torture....'' which shocks Dig'Deg even more while Renamon still continued to stare at her with a blank stare. She took the devices and walked back nervously. ''Heh heh heh heh...... Well uuuuuh OH LOOK AT THE TIME I MUST BE GOING SEE YA!!!'' she said before flying off, leaving Renamon and Lucario alone. Lucario sighed with relief. ''Whew..... I'm glad she's gone...... though she didn't bother to let me go.....'' he said, as Renamon started to grin really REALLY pervertedly and sat down on the bed, and she started to touch and rub his ass, making Lucario surprised as he turned around. ''R-Renamon...... A-Are you....''

''Hmhmhm.... Your ass, and asshole looks much more sexy, Lucario.....'' she said as she started to kiss his ass and asshole as well, as Lucario started to purr in pleasure as he finally closed his eyes and smiled. ''Oh-Oooooohhh.......Puuuur.......mmmmmm....... Oooohoho Renamon......MMmmm..... You're an ass pervert are you?'' he said. ''Hmhm...... Yep.....*Smooches*....... and I'm proud of it.......'' she said before continuing to give his ass and asshole more lovely kissing. Dig'Deg is now at her bedroom once again. ''GREAT!!! JUST! FUCKING! GREAT!! Now I got a Pokemon that I LOVE SO FUCKING MUCH, and he got a FUCKING WIFE AS WELL!!! Uuuugh! Well, at least I still got these devices.....'' she said as she hold the two devices and looked at them with an evil grin. ''.... Soon..... I will use them to seduce any males that have no wives, is straight, and willing to enjoy some awesome tickling ple-''

''DIG FUCKING DEG!!! IN MY OFFICE!! NOAAAAAAAW!!!'' Satan's voice said. ''EEE!!! THAT SOUNDED SO LIKE SCARY!!!'' she said before putting down the devices on the bed and ran to the door, opening it, as she looked to see that her dad is now looking at her with fires on his eyes. ''Um, hey daddy! What's up?'' she said, trying to act innocent. ''DON'T 'HEY DADDY' ME LADY!!! DO YOU NOT SEE THIS BULLSHIT!?!?!'' he said. ''Huh? W-What are you talking abo-'' ''THIS!!!'' Satan said as she showed her a bill, which details the purchase of two devices, and now it costed 3 billion souls. Dig'Deg looked shocked. ''OH!!! Um, wow! That does sound bs dad! I wonder who could've done this!'' she said. ''OH, DON'T TRY TO PLAY STUPID WITH ME, DIG'DEG!!! DID YOU USE MY CREDIT CARD TO BUY THOSE DEVICES!?!?'' Satan said. ''Um, well I uh....'' ''TELL ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!'' ''AAH!! OKOKOK!!! I DID!!! But dad, you always know I wanted those devices and you won't give me one! So stop whining you fucking....... Ah, oh no.....'' she said, as Satan looked like he's about to blow.

2 hours later, in her bedroom...... ''GREAT!!! First I encountered mortals that have wives, now I am grounded for 1 million years, and my dad took away those devices that I loved! FUCK!!! And he says I won't get a device of pain and suffering! And he also took away my laptop, phone, and TV so that I'll be super fucking bored! Fuck life man, FUCK LIFE!!! I FUCKING HATE MORTALS, AND EVERYBODY BUT MYSELF AND MY FRIEND SO FUCKING MUCH!!!'' she complained, as Satan opened the door. ''Shut the fuck up, Dig'Deg! You're not getting those devices for another million years! You'll have to do some chores in Hell to make up for all the fucking souls that I worked so fucking hard to earn, since they're now in Heaven! And I don't give a shit about what you think! Now stop crying like a bitch and go to sleep now!'' Satan said as he closed the door, leaving Dig'Deg to sleep on the bed. ''Aaaah.... What has my life become?''

Well, that's the end of this episode! If you guys have any thoughts, suggestions or criticism, leave them in the comment section below. This is shinnjacob signing off!

The Tickle Succubus Part 4

The story begins with the succubus herself: Dig'Deg! As she is now in her room, pouting as usual. ''Maaaaaan this sucks! Now I got males who either has a wife, gay and has little to no interest in me! And since I'm grounded, I had to do some stupid ass...

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The Tickle Succubus. Part 2.

Our story begins with Dig'Deg as she rushes to Earth to get closer to that naked muscular Doberman with her horny smile and two hearts in her eyes. ''Ooooohoho BOY!!! I can't wait to like, make that sexy Doberman like fall in love with me!'' she said,...

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The Tickle Succubus. Part 1.

Our story begins, IN HELL!!! Where all the souls are being tortured. Billions of screams can be heard, and demon laughter are the music in this place. We then cut to the hellish bedroom, where we meet the naked, big-boob, and ass succubus herself:...

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