Equestrian Stories Book 1 Prologue
#1 of Equestrian Stories Book 1
Its finally time to start writing the full story of my oc and lunas relationship! Here we have the prologue, and I hope you all enjoy it!
Equestrian Stories Book 1
Peace, why is it so hard to acquire? Why cant there be a time of tranquility?
These questions rain true within the minds of those who fight valiantely for peace and prosperity. None so more then the Earthling Alex who keeps fighting constantly, to the point he has begun to lose interest in the battle he fights. He has journeyed through many many worlds, meeting many new friends... while losing those close to his heart as well. He eventually happened upon the world of Equestria, land of sentient ponies. When he came to this world he journeyed alone, hunting down the evil he was chasing. During his journies he came across the alicorn princess of the night.
At first Alex was distant toward the princess, he didnt wish to open his heart up to another soul and to have the evil he is fighting to kill them. In due time though... his heart was opened up by the princess. He fell in love with her and shared many intimate moments... even claiming her several times. But then the evil appeared and attacked the castle of Canterlot. It imprisoned the alicorn princesses and threatened to kill them if the one that was seeking them did not appear.
Swiftly Alex answered the evil ones call and with help from the princess he loved, they both slew the evil one and brought peace to the land. The other princess noticed that her younger sister and the heroic pegasus were in love, and with a promise to them vowed to keep their relationship a secret as they didnt want the public to know a commoner was frolicking with the princess.
Months would pass as he lived in equestria but then he felt the call from another world being under attacked by the evil he was chasing. As he laided there beside his sleeping girlfriend his old fears arose.
"You will always have my heart Selena.... you mean more to me then anything else..." He silently spoke to her while she slept and used a magic spell he learned from a different world to erase her memories of their relationship. SIlently and swiftly he left the world and ventured forth to others. Even to this day... he looks at the moon and sobs as his soul wishes to be with the one he loves so deeply.
As time wore on he kept adventuring... in due time though... things began to change and he kept looking back wanting to change the way things went for him in equestria... this is that tale. Where we went back after saving Mobius from corruption and adventuring in equestria once more.........