Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 129

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#129 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 129 - Dutiful Alleviation

Making their way through the border, Chris found himself faced with what seemed to be a never ending onslaught of people wanting to set up some means of one-on-one time with the man people had come to herald as a Guardian of sorts. Now and then the group would be graced with a moment of rest from the calls, only for another round of eager admirers to set his phone off time and again. Whether they were trotting along in the carriage or stopping for a bit to eat, Chris spent most of his time nervously and begrudgingly agreeing to the countless requests sent his way, the girls giving him looks of frustration and exhaustion combined. Eventually, he'd finally decided enough was enough and shut off his Pokedex, the girls letting out a collective "thank you" in a groaning manner as they hung their heads in relief. "I love you, I really, REALLY love you, but if I hear you talk one more time, I lose it." Serenity point out. "Y-Yeah... Doesn't your throat hurt?" Rose asked with nervous sweat on her face. "Don't ask..." Chris muttered as he gave the reins a slight snap with another climb coming up. "I agree with Serenity, one can only take so much for a certain period. There's nothing wrong with speaking to others and such but ALL DAY is simply too much for anyone to handle. Even in here where your voice is muffled a tad I've still got a migraine from you rambling on and on with those humans." Alicia added, Chris glancing back before focusing ahead again with a groan. "I'll give you this much, I'm really not made for this kind of thing." he nodded. "I've still got to arrange something for all these people when we get through the border. I haven't even had time to get to know anyone in the next town yet or learn what's where." he muttered.

"I believe you humans have a saying for this sort of thing... Something or other about a horse before the carriage?" Alicia asked. "Yeah, putting the horse before the carriage. It's just an old fashioned way of saying you're getting too far ahead of yourself." Chris explained. "Well, you definitely did that today, agreeing to that many humans seeing you all at once." Rose smiled nervously. "Come to think of it though, now that everybody saw you on those TV things, doesn't that mean the humans in the next town are gonna be kinda bad too? I mean... Won't everybody know you now?" she added, causing Chris to slump. "I just wanted to go to a nice Festival..." he sulked. "That what you get for helping humans. Even when you do good for them it turn out bad." Serenity point out, causing Chris to scowl. "Not now." he replied, the Pokemon showing slight sweat and apologizing. "It's kinda those humans fault too though, the ones you're friends with. I guess it's nice that they seem all excited for you and stuff, it's neat that they wanna help you be popular, but they could've still asked first before... Mmm..." Rose paused, thinking it over. "Painting a bigger target on him than he already had?" Alicia asked. "Y-Yeah, that's one way to say it, I guess." Rose laughed nervously. Looking at the girls, Chris sighed and sat thinking things over as they made it over their climb and resumed a steady trot down the path before them. "Between all those calls, I did manage to look up how much longer we had until we get outta the range. Goin' by what the dex said, we should be able to reach where the Aurora Festival is by sometime tomorrow evening. Long as the weather holds up just a little longer and we keep a good pace." he point out.

"Not in hurry now." Serenity replied with a "blech" from knowing what was in store. "I'm a tad uncertain how I feel as well. On one hand the scenery and quiet has been refreshing, yet on the other I do fancy seeing another of your human settlements, particularly if there are locations that cater to my tastes." Alicia point out. "I'm just worried about the crowds. The whole Festival thing sounds really nice though so hopefully all the humans won't be too much of an issue. Especially if you figure out how to have one of those things you were talking about to get rid of all the ones wanting to talk to you and stuff." Rose added. "It's just kind of a rough idea but... We'll see how things go. Who knows, maybe when we get there we'll blend in so much we can settle in without any notice." Chris smirked. "Riding into town in something like this? Not to mention the odds of anybody else traveling with the same exact group of Pokemon?" Alicia reminded. "I'm trying to be positive." Chris scowled, the snake giving an apology with slight sweat on her face as he let out a sigh. "Eh, forget about it." he waved. Raising an eyebrow, Serenity glanced away before resting her head on his shoulder with a slight plop, causing Chris to jolt. "Is uh, is something wrong?" he asked, giving her a curious look. "Not push self. Need break." she scowled. "I guess it not ALL bad thing humans like you, but not want thing happen again like on ship. Too much make you sick." she reminded. "Want you to be careful... Something happen to you because humans chase you down, make you stress, I not know what I do. It not be pretty if humans make you feel bad." she added. "Don't worry, something like this is nothing compared to what happened back then." Chris assured.

"After what happened, I was so paranoid even blinking was hard. I thought the second my eyes shut we'd all be dead, or you girls would." he point out with slight sweat on his face. "The nightmares didn't help either, I was flippin' out in my head for a bit there. I saw some really messed up stuff, on top of everything that was already happening. It took it out of me in ways you couldn't imagine." he smiled nervously. "But uh, yeah, this is really nothing compared to that. I might feel a little tense about meeting so many people, but there's a HUGE difference between feeling tense over seein' folks and having your mind almost snap on you after witnessing... Well..." he added, pausing when he started remembering Smith's memories with an uncomfortable look. "Don't go making yourself think of things that will make you paranoid again." Alicia warned sternly, causing him to jolt. "S-Sorry about that. Every time I go back to what I saw I kinda zone out." Chris apologized. "But you're right. That's in the past and we're on land heading toward a special reward for you girls." he grinned. "Isn't it something for you too?" Rose asked. "Well, it's something I definitely don't wanna miss, don't get me wrong." he assured. "But it's really a present of sorts more than anything. Especially for Serenity since she hasn't experienced anything like this yet. I mean, this is my chance to give her something like Christmas in a way, and a chance to make it something really, REALLY awesome! You don't get a first time twice! Can't waste it!" he grinned excitedly, the girls blinking at him before blushing and glancing away, fidgeting collectively causing him to blink with an "eh?" while looking at the group. "Is something wrong?" he asked, the girls shaking their heads embarrassed in response with thoughts of a different kind of first time running through their minds.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Tender Traditions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqCcjt0Y7IM Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Mmm... Well, anyway. Yeah! This is her first big festive... Christmas-y, kinda thing, so I'm gonna go all out and make sure it'll be the best no matter how awesome other holidays might be in the future!" he assured with a thumbs up, causing Serenity to flush all the more. "N-Not have to do too much. D-Do enough..." she replied shyly. "Aw no, I'm not holdin' back on this one." he smirked. "We'll get the BEST tree, shop for some awesome stuff to decorate with, make some tasty sweets and all, I know you girls lo--ove sweets!" he grinned teasingly causing them to show another embarrassed look. "We can't forget some presents... Little things, but with impact! I'm good at that... Gotta make sure we settle in somewhere with a fireplace, no way we're missin' out on smores... Plus get more hot cocoa, definitely hot cocoa..." he went on, almost as if he had a list as Serenity looked at him, listening with an endearing smile while Alicia looked down at her scarf, an endearing smile of her own showing. "By the way, Alicia and Rose, both of you have already had Christmas type stuff, right? You did say you've seen it at least?" he asked, causing the snake to jolt and clear her throat. "I've been an onlooker mostly." Alicia nodded. "I've seen humans celebrate and stuff. I never really have though." Rose smiled nervously. "I... Kinda had a Christmas, with that other... I mean, I guess..." she added, poking her fingers with slight sweat showing. Facing her, Chris looked down before focusing ahead. "You were with him for a pretty long time then." he point out, the rabbit nodding while looking down herself. "Long time for a girl to endure that stuff." he added, causing her to glance away uncomfortably.

"...Impressive." he smirked, causing Rose to jolt and look at him curiously. "Such a small girl was able to take on so much and keep on goin'." he added while glancing at her. "Have I ever told you how strong you are?" he asked, causing the rabbit to tilt her head in slight confusion. "I admire you Rose, you're a girl anyone could look up to." he affirmed. "You took on so much pain, yet you still held on to your hope, you believed something better would happen to you. No matter how bad things got, you never let go of your faith... It took SO much for you to finally give in, and even then, all it took was a helping hand and you had more hope and happiness welling up inside you than anyone else I know." he chuckled. "When something finally happened to take you away from all the hurt and sadness, you were able to overcome it so well. You were able to smile so easily, and you were willing to try so hard to get back on your feet. Once you had a new life, you didn't let your past life hold you down anymore, no matter how horrible it may have been." he nodded. "That's something you all did really... It makes all of you the kind of person I want to look up to." he affirmed. "You girls started out with some real tough luck, yet no matter what happened to you, all it took was that one moment to change everything and you were ready to live again with your best foot forward and a smile on your faces... I really do respect that." he added before looking at the sky. "I seem to reflect on the past so much, what I did wrong, how I could have done something different, while you girls just enjoy the here and now... In some ways I envy you." he sighed. "Though it'd be nice if Serenity could learn to overlook her human hate too." he suddenly point out with a laugh, causing the Pokemon to scowl.

"Say nice things, then ruin it." she replied with her arms crossed. "Ha ha, sorry, sorry." Chris waved. "Really though, I love you girls more than anything, but I also have a deeper respect for you that you'll probably ever realize. There are things about each of you I wish I had." he went on. "Serenity's strength and bravery, Alicia's honesty and pride, Rose's faith and perseverance. I feel like I tend to lack a lot of that half the time." he confessed. "Especially when the going gets tough. Lord knows I could've handled a few things a lot better than I did." he point out, scratching his cheek nervously. "But that's just me reflecting instead of moving forward again... So yeah, you girls are really awesome. A guy like me could only dream of having the qualities you've all got and such an amazing ability to let go of stuff." he smiled. "You girls are definitely incredible in my book. And you know what? That's just what I'm gonna make the world see when I meet all those people!" he assured with a confident fist. "It's about time everybody learned who the REAL heroes are! You're the Guardians of the Guardian after all! I wouldn't be around to help folks without you three looking out for me and helping me along!" he laughed. "You girls deserve WAY more credit for saving those folks on the Guardian too. I'm gonna make it happen." he grinned, Alicia responding with a "Well!" and smirking proudly while Rose smiled and fidget in a shy manner, Serenity letting out a "meh" and shrugging. "I not care about being popular with humans..." she replied before smirking. "But... I like what you say. It sweet you feel that way and want to give credit." she nodded, giving Chris a nudge. "Of course I'll have to give my dear ol' ma some credit too." he chuckled before pausing.

"Say, speaking of..." he muttered, looking toward his forehead. "I wonder why I can talk about stuff now... In the past I always felt this weird pain when I mentioned the curse and all but nowadays it doesn't bother me." he point out. "You couldn't talk about your curse before?" Rose asked curiously. "No... I'd always get migraines and stuff. In fact I felt a lot more... Controlled... In a weird way than I do now. I never noticed until now actually." Chris replied, Serenity looking at him for a moment before looking away with her arms crossed. "Maybe that fox back off finally." she point out. "Eh? Back off?" Chris asked, blinking at Serenity as the Pokemon shrugged. "She very clingy, very controlling. Maybe now she back off." she repeat, remembering her experience inside his body as he was left clueless and confused. "I-I guess so?" he nodded with a nervous smile. "I guess we have bonded pretty good, and me calling her mom doesn't seem to bother her as much either... Say, maybe she finally accepts it!" he grinned, only to suddenly feel a twinge in the back of his head causing him to jolt and groan. "N-Nope, still a lil' touchy on that one..." he hissed. "Said too much did you?" Alicia asked. "G-Guess so." he laughed, looking at his forehead and giving an apology. "You know, we haven't seen or heard from Ninetales at all hardly as of late either. She was starting to pop up kinda constant for a while there... Has she said anything to you lately?" Rose asked. "Eh...? No... Now that you mention it, yeah, she has been pretty quiet." Chris nodded. "You feeling okay?" he asked, giving his forehead another look. "I'm fine. It's as she said, I was frequently visiting. Combined with how you drained me during that incident on the ship, I'm resting." the fox echoed in his mind.

"Ah..." Chris muttered. "She say something?" Serenity asked. "She's just tired, I guess." Chris smiled. "Not that I blame her. I did ask for a lot when the attack and stuff happened on the Guardian, don't forget she lifted the WHOLE ship, TWICE! And the wreckage too, and all that was done through a link with only a small part of her inside me. When you think about it, that's pretty insane." he smirked. "That's a reason I admire her, actually. I mean, she has all that power, and when push comes to shove, she's willing to give everything to protect us..." he point out while facing forward with an endearing smile. "To protect me..." he added in an affectionate tone. "She could decide at any time to just let me die, to finish her curse and move on with her own life. There's literally nothing stopping her from deciding she's finished with me. My curse might last my whole life, but there's nothing saying how long or short my life has to be. But instead, she's willing to help, to keep me alive, us alive, and she's even willing to reach out to me now, to talk and stuff... I know it might not mean much to her, but to me, it's a really special thing." he nodded. "That's why I love Ninetales too, no matter whether she really does care and love me or not. Even if the praise she gives me sometimes is just kinda hollow, her words mean more to me than you could imagine. To know she's willing to say "good job" on occasion, it really makes a fella feel like he really did accomplish something." he chuckled. "Ninetales might seem cold, and I know the mom thing still kinda bugs her, but whether she's a Pokemon or not, no matter how harsh she can be, I couldn't think of anyone else in the world I'd wanna call my mom first. She's a really special person in my heart, just like you girls!" he grinned.

"I really feel like she'll always be there for me, just like you girls. When push comes to shove, I can lean on her, rely on her. I can trust her and believe in her. Sure she cursed me, but it's a curse that helps everyone and gives me a life of adventure, a life I can live seeing the sights, building a family, making friends... Ninetales is a really sweet person whether she knows it or not, and because of her I'm the person I am today, because of her I know the people I've met along the way, because of her I have all of you... I really couldn't be more thankful, no matter when my time might come. It has been a life more than worth living!" he affirmed, the girls showing tender smiles while Rose let out an "aww" with a tear in her eye. "Ninetales really is the best... I hope someday I get to return the favor for all she's done. I owe her." he smirked, looking at his forehead with a "Love ya'!" comment, this time without any twinges in his head making him pause before showing a smirk. "...Fool..." Ninetales echoed in his mind, yet in a somehow gentle tone making him laugh. "She say something?" Serenity asked. "Nah." Chris shook his head as they continued on, Serenity and Rose resting against his sides with smiles on their faces while Alicia relaxed in the carriage, a smirk of her own showing. Eventually, they finally reached a stopping point for the day as the sun started to lower, touching the peaks and fading into its orange and red tinted glow as it gradually slipped beneath the horizon. Setting up Rapidash's makeshift stable, he made sure the horse was taken care of first as usual, with water and feed provided along with thanks for his work in pulling the group through the border. Once the horse was settled in and comfortable, he returned to the carriage and helped Serenity and Alicia down from the drivers seat.

"Well, that's another day of moving along that's come and gone." Chris chuckled. "You know, it kinda seems like you should get tired of just sitting and riding around like that..." Rose point out. "Eh?" You don't like traveling?" he asked, looking at the rabbit curiously. "No, it's not that. I mean, you'd think someone would get bored just riding through a bunch of snow like this. But for some reason, I really enjoy it." she explained. "That true. You think you see one pile of snow and mountain, you see them all. But it actually nice just sitting and looking around. No matter how much of same thing it seem like we look at, still feel nice." Serenity nodded. "I guess the same scenery could get pretty dull after a while. There's just something about snow and mountains I guess, especially if you're looking at them when the sun is coming up, and the sunset is really amazing here too." Chris smirked. "And at night we have those pretty light shows in the sky... Even if a lot of stuff looks the same, it's all so pretty no matter how much time you spend taking it in." Rose giggled. "I think it a matter of nice things to look at, the quiet after what we deal with, and being with you help keep things from being boring too." Serenity point out. "Aw, geez." Chris grinned. "That's true. No matter what we do or where we go, since it's with you I always feel like I'm having a good time. I always feel happy." Rose agreed. "I'm really that great eh?" Chris asked, scratching his cheeks with a "shucks" kind of expression while opening the carriage door for Alicia. "Don't get too full of yourself now. Remember, you're Mr. Humble and Contrite." she point out causing him to laugh nervously.

"Although it is true I suppose. Being with you... It does add a certain something to ones life. And without it..." she paused, looking at Chris before smirking. "Well, life wouldn't be quite the same to say the least." she admit with a nod. "And just what is that certain something I add?" he asked, giving her a nudge with a sly grin, the snake blinking at him before flushing. "D-Don't be a dog!!" she snapped. "You and your tacky behavior. Honestly, that's precisely why I said you're a work in progress." she scowled in agitation, muttering "so immature" causing him to laugh and apologize. "I love you." he smiled, reaching up and adjusting her scarf. "A--And... There we go." he nodded while backing away. "Beautiful!" he winked with an "O-K" sign. "It was a little off there. You're gonna have to practice." he point out. "A-Ah, right." she nodded, giving him a "thank you" as he looked around. "Not a bad spot to set up camp for the night... Wadaya feel like for dinner girls?" he asked, looking at them as they jolt and thought it over. "I... Kinda want something with carrots." Rose replied. "Want meat!" Serenity grinned. "I'd fancy something between the two, meat and vegetables." Alicia added. "Not a problem. Since you girls had to put up with all those calls today, I'll cook up something really nice to reward you. I know it was a pain in the butt." Chris laughed nervously, the girls letting out a collective "yeah" while groaning. "Too many calls. Ring ring ring." Serenity complained with her ears covered. "Try having MY ears." Rose sighed. "Ones patience can only go so far... Though it does say something in your favor the way you took so many and talked for so long. You've some endurance." Alicia point out.

"Thanks, just hope I don't feel it in my throat tomorrow." Chris replied with slight sweat on his face. "Anyhow, you girls just make yourselves comfortable. I'm gonna do my usual thing and get a fire goin'." he instructed. "You sure you not want help?" Serenity asked. "Nah, this stuff is easy, trust me." he assured with a wave before gathering supplies from the carriage and materials from the area around them. Once he had a steady fire going, he started prepping ingredients while the girls watched curiously. "I've never seen you make this kinda stuff before..." Rose point out. "Stir lots and lots. What doing to vegetable?" Serenity asked. "I'm making something new. It's a dish from the Eastern side of the world I learned to make way back. It's kinda normally saved for holidays and stuff, but considering where we are and where we're headed, I think it fits." Chris smirked. "What do you call this... Dish?" Alicia asked, looking over the different ingredients. "They call it Gajar Ka Halwa, it's more of a dessert kind of thing than an actual dinner type of food though, but tonight is a special treat so hey, anything goes!" he chuckled. "It's for Rose but you girls are welcome to try a taste when it's done." he offered as he began combining ingredients and cooking. "It's sweet, but doesn't have to be too sweet, and believe it or not, it's actually really healthy too! That's one thing that makes it so popular." he explained. "Sweets that won't make you fat sound good to me." Rose giggled before pausing and poking her thigh. "It really doesn't take much to make either. You just need some water and milk, get yourself some carrots and sugar, and don't forget the almonds and pistachios, the best nuts in the world!" Chris grinned.

Looking at him for a moment, Serenity started snickering while covering her mouth, causing Chris to jolt with an "eh?" and face the Pokemon with a curious look. "Wuzzat about?" he asked. "Nothing... Way you say that just funny." she replied, Rose and Alicia looking at her before the rabbit let out an "oooh" and giggled. "I get it." she smiled. "Get it? What did I say...?" Chris muttered, thinking it over before scowling. "Oh hur hur." he added in a dopey kind of tone causing Serenity to burst into laughter, Rose giggling again while Alicia looked at the group and shook her head. "You're ALL immature." she sighed. Eventually, he finished with Rose's meal and served it to the rabbit, offering portions to Serenity and Alicia as well while moving on to preparing the next dish. "Shwo---o gwo---od!!" Rose shuddered. "Mm. I not think carrots make good dessert. This not bad." Serenity nodded. "And you say this is actually healthy?" Alicia asked. "Yep, sweet, but non-fattening!" Chris nodded. "So what making next?" Serenity replied, looking over his shoulder curiously. "Ah, next up is one of the greatest dishes they ever made. It's another Eastern thing, but boy is it the best." he affirmed. "It's called Tonkatsu Donburi, but most of the world just calls it a Pork Bowl, you've got tons of meat, some rice for a healthy touch, eggs, plus I'm tossin' in a little onion, that right sauce for the best taste..." he explained while prepping and cooking. "Serenity wanted meat so I'll put extra in hers. You good with this Alicia? I can put more vegetables and rice in yours." he offered, looking back only to find both distracted by the scents, the two watching everything cook. "Ha ha, you girls love your grub." he smirked, causing them to jolt and glance away embarrassed.

"Hey, no worries. I live to please and I love to cook. Seein' you girls so into what I'm making is a positive thing! Feels pretty good knowing how excited you are for stuff I toss together." he assured. "Just sit tight, won't take too long. At least you've got something to nibble on in the meantime." he reminded. "That dessert you're eating can actually be served hot or cold. It depends on what you're celebrating and the season." he point out, facing Rose as the rabbit sat nearby, munching away at her portion and shuddering with a satisfied swoon. "Heh..." Chris smirked as he continued putting together their meals. Once everything was finished, he filled the Pork Bowls according to how much of each topping Serenity and Alicia wanted before serving himself. Noticing this, the girls looked at one another as he sat with a sigh. "Alright then." he smiled. About to take a bite, he paused when he noticed the girls watching him, causing Chris to blink with a nervous "uhh..." before lowering his food. "S-Something on my face?" he asked. "It make me feel kind of bad way you always eat last..." Serenity point out. "Yeah, we kinda always eat first, you tend to be the last one to start..." Rose nodded. "I'll admit, it does seem a bit unfair." Alicia agreed. "Hey, ladies first! I don't mind." Chris assured with a wave. "I like doing this stuff. Making the meals and serving it. A guy like me is just happy he has someone to eat with!" he point out before taking a bite, letting out a satisfied "aw yeah" as his response made the girls look at one another again before looking at their own food. "Hey now, what's with those looks? This is a special dinner here!" he reminded with a grin. Facing him, Serenity stood and walked up to his side, sitting next to him before leaning against his side.

"A girl like me just happy she have mate in life like you." she replied. "E-Eh?" Chris blinked, showing a slight blush as Rose walked up and sat against his opposite side. "She's right! A girl like me is just happy she has someone like you to spend every day having fun times with!" she giggled. "O-Okay?" Chris smiled, looking down shyly, jolting when Alicia rest her chin on his head from behind. "I suppose I'm just happy to... Well, you know... You're appreciated." she added, trying to compliment him as well. "Heh, you're all heart." Chris chuckled, looking up at the snake as she backed away with a slight blush of her own and a scowl. "So, the Pork Bowl's good huh?" he asked, the girls nodding as they continued eating. "Alright then." he smirked, eating away at his own portion as they relaxed together by the fire. "Say, you want a few bites?" he asked, holding his fork out to Rose and getting a nod in response before she took it in her mouth. "That was some of the pork." he point out as she munched and let out a sigh while he held out a bit of rice, followed by a nibble of the eggs and vegetables. "With the right touch you can make any dish a masterpiece, no matter how complex or simple it might be." he winked before having another bite for himself while Rose shuddered from the taste, Serenity and Alicia letting out a satisfied sigh of their own. "I must hand it to you, I've yet to taste something you've put together I didn't like. One must remember to give thanks to your teachers should we meet them in person one day." the snake nodded. "Maybe someday." Chris smirked with a nod of his own while letting Rose try more of his food. Once they'd finished everything, the group relaxed as darkness enveloped the sky, gradually exposing a blanket of stars above their heads as the aurora borealis waft by and spread, splitting in different directions.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Trails Of Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzDh_BUABco Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Mmm..." Chris muttered, a look of thought on his face. "What up?" Serenity asked. "Those lights, they kinda remind me of us and the folks we've met..." he point out. "How so?" Alicia replied curiously. "When you look at them, you can see how the lights split up in different paths, they kind of go all over the place, yet now and then, they meet up. They merge into a single trail. They kinda come together perfectly." he explained while pointing out the lights. "Some of the trails stay together longer than others too, like how you girls stay with me and how others stay behind and go their own way. It really is a lot like our lives." he chuckled as they looked up at the lights and thought it over. "Yet no matter what, they all sway in the same general direction, all of the lights are moving along, together and in their own way, and the colors change over time, just like us and the people we've met." he nodded. "And the more they change, the more amazing and beautiful the lights become..." he paused, looking at the girls. "Just like you." he smiled, causing them to show wide eyed and reddened expressions. "See? Even your colors are changing too! It makes you cute!" he grinned while pointing. "Th-That kind of thing not fair!" Serenity replied while shaking her head. "G-Gee... That was really something." Rose added while facing away and holding her cheeks shyly with a smile from ear to ear. "E-Even I have to say that was impressive of you." Alicia confessed in surprise. "I have my moments." Chris chuckled before looking back up, the girls cuddling around him as they watched the aurora above. "The more I travel, the more people I get to meet and help... The more trails of light will appear, just like that up there, and the more you girls grow, the more beautiful you'll be, even if you're plenty amazing now." he grinned. "...It's moments like this that make me really happy I was cursed. I'm a lucky guy." he added, facing down with an endearing smile.

Looking at Chris, both Serenity and Rose smiled as well and leaned in close, giving him a kiss on each cheek causing him to jolt and freeze up between them while Alicia lowered her face in front of his from behind and gave him a kiss on the forehead, all three pulling away at the same time leaving him silent save for a sudden gulp, his face turning beet red causing the girls to laugh. "Now we get you!" Serenity point. "Yep, never fails!" Rose grinned. "Such an easy male." Alicia giggled as he shook his head. "H-Hey! N-Now that IS cheating! I-It's three against one!" Chris snapped. "Aww, he's embarrassed." the snake teased. "That good thing, we still have powerful affect." Serenity winked. "Maybe we're TOO powerful!" Rose added with peace signs while Chris's head slumped. "G-Geez..." he muttered, the girls letting out a collective "aww" before nudging and poking him teasingly. After this, the group continued relaxing by the fire, enjoying the stars and the wafting lights above until the girls grew weary, Chris taking notice and showing a smirk as their eyes took on a groggy look, Rose letting out a yawn that spread to the others. "Looks like a few girls are ready to hit the hay." he point out. "It been long day... All that call call call wear out." Serenity groaned. "Yeah, it did kinda take a toll." Rose sighed. "Not to mention having a full stomach and watching those lights move about, it's rather hypnotic." Alicia added. "Well, if you want, you girls can go on to bed. I'm not really tired yet, so I'll probably hang out here for a while longer. Take out my Pokedex eventually and maybe and see if there are any messages and stuff... Probably a ton of folks I gotta get in contact with by now." he smiled nervously. "You going to talk to MORE humans?" Serenity asked. "Rather persistent, aren't you? I would think you have enough showing up to greet you." Alicia point out. "Don't you wanna come with us?" Rose smiled nervously.

"Well, you girls know me. It's rude to ignore people after all. Besides, if I talk to anyone I'll be sure to do it away from the carriage so it doesn't bother you, I'll turn down the ringer too." he assured. "Wait, you can turn it down?!" Alicia asked. "Why you not do that before?!" Serenity snapped. "W-Well, uh, I... Didn't think about it?" Chris sweat, causing the girls to groan and shake their heads while he apologized. "You were so cool in the moment too." Rose sulked. "I-I'm still cool!" Chris affirmed, the girls looking at one another and letting out another sigh. Scowling, he let out a "whatever!" and used a nearby stick to poke at the fire, tossing more wood in as the girls raised up. "You sure you not want to come with...?" Serenity asked while stretching with a grunt. "It's gonna get colder you know." Rose point out. "Quite right, you needn't risk your health by waltzing about in the frigid night air just to speak with a bunch of star-crazed humans." Alicia affirmed. "No worries! I'll have the fire, plus I'm not really tired so all I'd do is keep you girls up anyways. You go on and get some good rest, and tomorrow we'll make our way past the border! You'll get to see the festival at last... I'm sure thinking about that'll give you some good dreams." Chris smiled. "Well, if that really what want." Serenity shrugged. "Not go too far though if walk off to talk. Want you to stay close. Not know what out there or who be out there." she affirmed sternly. "Hey, relax! I've got Ninetales watching my back. Nothing's gonna hurt me." he assured. "Well, it does make me feel better when you stay close... Especially when we're going to bed." Rose point out in a wary manner. "Aww, trust me, there's nothing to worry about out here." Chris nodded.

"It's another peaceful night with nothing but the stars and lights in the sky. Only thing around us are the hills and trees. There might be some Pokemon roaming about, but they're probably just hunting and foraging for some grub. Mind your business and they'll mind theirs." he smirked. "Rather trusting, aren't you?" Alicia asked. "Pretty much. Growing up where I did, you learn how to read which Pokemon are safe and which are best avoided in the wild like this. It's all in their eyes, not so much their bodies. Anything, and anyone, can look scary or bad on the outside, you've just gotta know how to look past that to find the real truth." Chris explained. "The eyes, the tone of their voice... I made friends with plenty of Pokemon folks would be terrified of that were actually really swell, and I learned which ones didn't want anything to do with me. Believe it or not, it was Pokemon people trust most and looked the nicest that were often the ones that wanted nothing to do with humans!" he laughed before pausing and looking at Serenity, causing the Pokemon to blink before glancing away. "Heh, anyways, yeah. Don't worry. I'll be safe and so will you. I'll join you eventually so warm the sheets up for me in the meantime!" he instructed. Giving a nod in response, Alicia and Rose made their way to the carriage, Serenity about to follow before pausing and leaning toward Chris. "I wait for you in "that" form so not take too long, I want to cuddle tonight." she giggled quietly, causing him to blush and nod. "L-Looking forward to it." he replied shyly before she followed the others, looking back and giving him a wink before entering and shutting the door behind her. Keeping his eyes on the carriage for a moment, he finally faced the fire again, letting out a "whoo..." kind of sigh before noticing Rapidash looking at him nearby with a raised eyebrow.

"What can I say? I'm a lucky guy." Chris smiled embarrassed, the horse rolling his eyes with an "uh huh" kind of expression before looking toward the carriage then back at him. "What? A real man doesn't go pouncing on women every time his stick pops up. It's called self control." Chris affirmed with a scowl while waving the branch in his hand, Rapidash letting out a grunt and shaking his head in a "wasteful" manner from him avoiding the opportunity despite the invitation. "Ah... Whatever, maybe I just don't feel like it." Chris grumbled, Rapidash giving him a "yeah right" kind of look before squinting his eyes at him, suggesting "are you...?" through his expression making Chris jolt. "I'm not like that!! I just don't wanna do it right now!!" he snapped. "There's a right place, a right time. Plus we JUST did that stuff." he affirmed, the horse turning away and returning to his stable with a "whatever" kind of grunt. "S-Somehow talking to you really does a number on my esteem." Chris muttered, looking toward the carriage himself before quickly shaking his head and taking out his Pokedex, pausing for a moment and taking a breath before turning the device on. However, the moment it fully activated alarms started blaring from the device, causing him to panic and muffle it as best he could with "shhh!!" noises. Quickly shooting up, he hurried off away from the carriage while Rapidash shook his head, watching as Chris made his way behind one of the countless nearby trees and started adjusting his device. Once the alerts finally ceased, countless calls had been missed with just as many messages recorded, some through voice mails, other through texts, all from the news outlets and the like everyone had helped reach out to him.

Looking the numbers over, although there was a lingering agitation over so many hounding him, at the same time he couldn't help but feel a bit proud from all the recognition. Nonetheless, he was at a loss of where to really begin, eventually deciding to tackle the texts first and move on to the calls after. Typing away until his fingers were sore, he managed to tackle a majority of those waiting for a response before taking a break and instead listening through messages, taking note of who belonged to which number and taking the time to clear through as many people as he could. With it being so late in the region and so early in others due to time zones, most weren't available allowing him to leave messages approving of meeting with people instead of enduring drawn out conversations. Though he knew they'd reach out with responses of their own at some point, he felt a sense of relief from shortening the lists as much as he had, and finally decided to take a break altogether by returning to the fire to warm himself back up, what little was left of the blaze causing him to snap more branches from nearby trees and add them atop the charred remnants still sparking. "I'll say this much, it's neat knowing the world wants to meet you, but at the same time, I don't see how famous people do it... Just one day is WAY more than enough for me. This stuff is enough to drive you insane." he sighed while poking the fire with the branch he'd left where he'd been sitting before, looking toward Rapidash and noticing the horse nodding off. "Huh... Time is it?" he muttered, taking his dex back out causing him to blink in surprise with a quiet whistle. "Time flies..." he added, shaking his head with an "mm" and turning toward the carriage.

"Better give em' a quick check." he nodded, heading toward it and pausing at the door, checking his dex to make sure it was on silent before warily opening it. Peeking inside, he could hear the sounds of the girls snoozing within as he opened the door further, the light from the fire dimly lighting the inside allowing him to catch a glimpse of Rose and Alicia's faces. "Cute..." he chuckled, opening the door further revealing Serenity lying partly exposed from the sheets, an agitated look on her face as she grumbled something in her sleep causing Chris to wince with a nervous "oohhh" and hissing. "R-Right, she wanted to cuddle..." he muttered with slight sweat on his face, the Pokemon jolting and shuddering as the night air blew in through the open door, Alicia responding the same to the chill and groaning. Letting out a nervous "oops" from their reaction, he slowly climbed into the carriage and shut the door behind him before making his way to Alicia and tucking her in properly, the snake showing a small smile as he did the same for Rose who lay sprawled out on the floor, adjusting her arms and legs so they didn't poke out from the sheets. "You're a real space hog." he smirked, rubbing the rabbit on the head. Turning toward Serenity, her agitated expression made an uneasy sensation run through his spine, scratching his cheek with slight sweat on his face at the thought of what she'd have to say the following day for his lack of attention. Glancing away for a moment, he looked back at the sleeping Pokemon, noticing her breasts sticking up and her womanhood partially exposed due to the poorly adjusted sheets covering her, likely an intentional act on her part before falling asleep while waiting for him.

Spending a moment looking at her body, Chris found himself blushing slightly while glancing at the others, with Rose still peacefully snoozing next to him while Alicia grumbled and rolled over on the sofa, the sight of her suddenly reminding him of the lecture the snake had given over his actions in the past. Shaking his head, he grabbed the sheets and attempted to cover Serenity properly, only to pause while looking at her breasts again with a slightly agitated look of his own showing. Drawn in by what he saw yet hesitant thanks to Alicia's words, his eye twitched slightly due to the somewhat cruelty of the situation. However, after looking at the others for a moment, he found himself reaching out and touching Serenity's breast instead of covering them, feeling his hand softly squish into it. "N-No matter how many times I feel them..." he thought to himself, looking at her face as he rubbed her breast, feeling her nipple between his fingers. Suddenly hearing Alicia stir, he jerked his hand back and looked at the snake, remaining still for a moment before letting out a sigh. "J-Just cover her up." he muttered, looking down at Serenity while holding the sheet. Yet despite his attempt to avoid doing so, he found himself touching her once more instead, indulging himself in the softness of her breasts as she slumbered, stirring slightly from his touch making him pause yet remaining fast asleep as he resumed his massage-like movement with his hand, giving her nipple a poke and pressing it around making the Pokemon shudder as it hardened slightly. "F-Feels good?" Chris thought, focusing on her nipple and slowly twirling his fingers around her areola until her nipple was fully erect, causing him to blush.

"Y-You like that...?" he asked quietly before doing the same to her other nipple, the Pokemon stirring once more and letting out a quiet noise. Once both nipples were completely hard, Chris pressed his fingers against them and twirled them, watching them twitch causing his pulse to quicken slightly. "You do like it, huh?" he asked, keeping his voice down as he softly played with her nipples and continued teasing her areola with slow twirls, causing Serenity to tense up as another sound escaped her lips, a frustrated expression showing on her face. Showing a smirk, Chris couldn't help to feel his sense of satisfaction welling up from having his way with her, the responses the Pokemon gave giving him a sense of excitement in her unconscious state. "You'll love this..." he chuckled, his voice seeming to make her shudder again before he leaned over and gave her nipple a lick, dragging his tongue over it before giving it a twirl. Taking it into his mouth, he started sucking as softly as he could, gradually doing so stronger to test her sensitivity and see how much was too much, eventually pulling his mouth away before doing the same to the other. "Awesome..." he muttered, wiping his mouth while noticing the slightly flushed look on Serenity's face, her nipples continuing to throb. "...I wonder." he muttered, glancing toward her crotch and showing a slight smirk as he fell into the moment. Inching toward her legs, he warily spread them bit by bit, the Pokemon stirring slightly and mumbling making him pause and look at her, also glancing at the others as they slept during his act. Waiting for Serenity to settle back down, he finally placed his hand softly on her thigh, giving it a slow rub causing a weakened sound to escape Serenity's lips.

"Ah... You like that?" he asked, gliding his hand along her thigh before guiding it inward. Aiming for her womanhood, he kept a close eye on her face as his fingers grew closer and closer, until finally he was able to feel the tips of her lips against the tips of his fingers, pausing when the Pokemon jolt from his touch. Waiting for a moment, he let her get used to feeling his fingers, slowly pressing them more and more against her lips before he started sliding them up and down her slit, noticing the clear arousal within her as he pulled his hand away, noticing small, sticky strings between his fingers. "No matter how much we do it, always pent up..." he thought to himself, giving his fingers a lick before reaching back down and toying with her slit. Leaning toward her breasts, he started licking and sucking softly on her nipple while working her up, Serenity's legs trembling as he teased her labia and circled her areola with his tongue. "You've got nice circles..." he praised quietly, looking at her nipples before leaning toward her ear. "So sexy..." he whispered, causing another weak sound to escape her lips, an excited shudder running through her body as he resumed licking and sucking on her, this time starting with her neck making the Pokemon tilt her head subconsciously. "Obedient even when you sleep...? I like that." he praised once more, causing Serenity to tense up again while he felt her slit eagerly twitching down below. Licking and kissing his way along her collar bone and down between her breasts, Chris eased his way along as he built her up, hovering his mouth over her nipples and softly blowing on them making Serenity's breathing deepen while raising her chest, seemingly wanting to feel his mouth on her skin directly.

Waiting for her body to relax again, Chris pulled away for a moment as Serenity stirred and showed all the more frustration on her face, letting out a groan of sorts before finally returning to her still and quiet state. Once he was sure she was far enough gone again, Chris made his way to her legs and started softly caressing them, rubbing his fingers along her skin and kissing his way up and down, his lips dragging along before targeting her inner thigh, using the tip of his tongue to lick along it toward her womanhood, only to back away just as his tongue was about to touch her labia, sending Serenity's lower half into a trembling state again while she clutched the sheets. Using his breath to play with her, Chris would lick certain places on her leg and thigh, then blow a soft breath against the wet spots to send the slightest chilly sensations through the Pokemon's body. Eventually, he settled himself between her legs, lying with his head raised as he toyed with her labia, rubbing them around and slipping his fingers through her slit repeatedly until finally spreading them for a view. "Geez, soaked..." he muttered as she shuddered from the air touching her exposed womanhood. "Aww, cold?" Chris asked in a quiet tone before leaning his face toward her crotch and blowing against her, causing the Pokemon to let out a gasp and tense up as her muscles twitched in response. Letting out a chuckle, he leaned in closer and gave her clit the smallest kiss, barely touching it with his lips before blowing a soft breath against it, tormenting the Pokemon with the tiniest amounts of stimulation he could give to drive her into subconsciously begging for more, with Serenity tensing and inching her hips about, her body subtly following the direction it thought his mouth would be.

"So needy..." Chris teased before holding his tongue out and leaning in to finally give her slit a long lick, this reward causing Serenity's mouth to open and a gasp of sorts to escape her lips. Pausing, he made sure she didn't wake, noticing the girls were stirring again as well. Being cautious, he waited until all three were still and silent again before reaching out and adjusting the sheets, pulling them over him and Serenity's lower half to hide what he was up to. Returning his face to her crotch, Chris kept his hands on Serenity's legs to coax them into staying apart as his tongue pressed into her slit, giving it a long lick with his head arched back causing her body to jolt and tense up like before. Repeating this, he dragged his tongue through her slit time and again, randomly pausing to brush his lips on her clit and twirl his tongue around it before returning to her womanhood, little by little pressing his tongue further and further in until the tip was just slightly poking at her entrance. Feeling the Pokemon resist as her legs tried to close slightly, he gently kept them spread while easing back, giving her slit a tender blow to sooth Serenity and brushing his lips against her labia, quietly telling her "It's okay" before he worked his tongue back toward her entrance before gradually pushing it inside of her, letting out a satisfied "mmm" noise once he was able to latch his mouth over her crotch. Slowly sliding his tongue deeper and deeper, he gave it slow, sensual twirls inside of Serenity, the tense Pokemon gradually relaxing as sounds started escaping her lips whenever he made a particular movement and touched certain spots with his tongue. Keeping her responses in mind, he started to purposely focus on certain areas, making Serenity subconsciously cling to the sheets while her legs shuddered from his deeds.

Pulling his tongue out, he used his fingers to spread her entrance and allowed his drool mixed with her arousal to stream off the tip of his tongue into her womanhood, filling it like a tiny bowl before leaning back in and latching his mouth to it to passionately suck out the contents, using his tongue like a spoon to stir and scoop everything out of her while swallowing repeatedly making Serenity whimper and coo. By the time he was finished, the Pokemon had gone through a miniature climax in her sleep, her insides convulsing slightly while her body twitched from the sensations. Looking at her clit and nipples, Chris smirked at their erect state while she continued dripping between her legs, still soaked despite how much he'd sucked out of her. Looking at her body, Chris couldn't help but feel his own member having grown fully erect after everything he'd done, looking at the others as they slept before a sly look appeared on his face. Unzipping his pants, Chris positioned himself over Serenity, guiding his hips in a way that allowed the tip his manhood to touch her labia. "Say... Is this what you want...?" he asked quietly, his voice in a hushed, slightly deepened tone causing Serenity's body to quiver beneath him. "You want it...? Huh...?" he asked after lowering his face toward hers, sliding the tip of his member through her slit. "You're mine, right? So... I can do anything I want...?" he asked, this time whispering directly into her ear causing the Pokemon to moan and cling to the sheets again, her labia twitching excitedly as his member slipped between them. Adjusting his hips, Chris positioned himself so he could start sliding his length against her womanhood, using her arousal as lube to ready his member for entry while lowering further over Serenity's body, tilting his head to lick and kiss her neck while she subconsciously and submissively tilt her own out of his way, allowing better access to her neck.

"Serenity, you're a good girl..." Chris chuckled, his tone causing her to stir and let out a frustrated groan of sorts from his teasing words and taunting movements. Softly pressing against her while brushing his length against her slit, he finally adjusted his hips and pressed the tip of his manhood against her slit, working it between her lips until he felt her entrance eagerly twitching against it. "Want it...?" he asked quietly in her ear, a moan of sorts escaping her lips again. Pressing the tip harder against her entrance, Chris kissed and brushed his lips against Serenity's neck again, telling her "here it comes..." in a whisper making her body tense up. Pushing all the more, he felt her entrance slowly spread around the head of his length, gradually opening up for him until he was able to slip the tip inside, pausing when the Pokemon jolt beneath him and let out a groan. Letting her relax, he finally continued and slid his length in little by little, whispering sweet nothings like "good girl" and "take it" as he made his way into her depths. Once he was completely inside, Chris let out an alluring "mmm" from the sensation of joining her, calling it a "perfect fit" and commenting on how we'll she was starting to mold to him. Taking his time, he gradually started pulling and pushing his length in and out of her, letting Serenity take her time getting used to feeling him inside her so he could move more without waking her. Eventually, he was able to make thrusts into her body, though they were soft and careful thrusts as she lay with her face turned away in her sleep, moans and whimpers quietly escaping her lips as he had his way with her body. "I bet you're having a good dream now..." Chris chuckled.

Continuing to give Serenity sensual yet firm thrusts, he skillfully swayed his hips ever so slightly in the process, allowing his girth to easily work in his favor against her weakest spots, causing her face to gradually flush more and more as her breathing grew excited, a slight sweat beginning to show on her body as he eased her along toward a climax along with his own. After a moment, Chris finally felt himself nearing the finish line, leaning back over her unconscious body in a dominant manner with his teeth grit, growling for her to "take it...!!" in a quiet voice before shoving himself in and suddenly releasing his seed. Keeping still, he let himself empty deep inside of her body, his member throbbing while feeling Serenity's insides clinging to him tightly, the Pokemon seemingly going through her own orgasm in her sleep as her body tensed up and her legs trembled. Nearing the last of his load, Chris pulled out and took his manhood in hand before releasing the remainder of his seed on Serenity's body, several shots landing across her torso and breasts while others hit her across the face. Once he was completely empty, he backed away and sat next to the marked Pokemon, looking at his work now covering her body and leaking out of her slit. Taking a moment to recover, Chris took several tissues he'd saved from his pocket and started cleaning his member before carefully doing the same for Serenity, softly wiping his seed off her body before heading toward her womanhood. However, as he neared it her legs closed together, the Pokemon letting out a groan as if about to wake causing him to panic. Quickly tucking his manhood back in his fly and zipping his pants, Chris put the tissues in his pocket before covering her with the blanket and making his way toward the door, looking back to see if the others had woken before making his way out and quietly shutting the door behind him.

Remaining completely still for a moment, he pressed his ear against the door to listen for any sounds to see if he'd been busted, and once he was sure the girls were still asleep, he stepped back and let out a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat off his forehead before heading to the fire and tossing the tissues into the flame. "Man that felt good..." he muttered, sitting with a plop and letting out a second sigh now that his urges were out of his system. Looking toward he carriage, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt inside despite the pleasure he'd felt during the act. Nonetheless, he remembered the reassurance the girls gave revolving his quirk and decided to shake off the negative feelings, nodding and affirming to himself with a grunt that they supported his desires. Back inside the carriage, it turns out the others were awake during his deed, as slowly opening their eyes, Alicia and Rose raised their heads and looked at Serenity, the Pokemon arching her hips up and letting out frustrated groans as she allowed her body to go through the after affects of everything he'd done to her, finally having her own round of orgasms now that he was gone and gritting her teeth while clinging to the sheets during the process, enduring the convulsions after doing her best to hold it all in until he was finished as her nerves and mind recalled all of the licking and kissing combined with everything he did inside of her body causing her to gasp and arch once more. "He really did a number on her..." Rose point out quietly, a blush showing on her face. "Indeed he did... I don't understand how you could let him do that to you." Alicia lectured with an agitated look before glancing away, not wanting to watch Serenity's display.

Eventually, the Pokemon finally finished with her waves of pleasure and collapsed, limply panting for air while Rose watched in a fidgety manner, the rabbit finding herself somehow aroused and excited from the scene, though Alicia had more of a "tch" response to give while looking back at Serenity herself. "Are you finished now?" the snake asked, noticing Serenity's dazed eyes and somehow glowing appearance. "Acting like this after being taken advantage of..." Alicia muttered. "I can't believe I approved of that just because you two guilt me into doing so." she added, Rose looking at the snake before returning her focus to Serenity and looking between the Pokemon's legs, noticing all of the seed that had built up from seeping out of her. "H-He put a lot in you..." the rabbit muttered, fidgeting once more. After a moment, Serenity weakly sat up, taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh of relief as she tried to calm herself down, her body shuddering causing the Pokemon to giggle before looking down at herself. "You certainly seem satisfied." Alicia muttered. Looking back at the snake, Serenity was silent as Alicia raised an eyebrow. "D-Did it really feel that good?" Rose asked, Serenity facing her before looking toward the door. "We tell him it okay if he want to do it, so it okay." Serenity nodded. "I admit it feel weird, doing that to me, but at same time... Something about it really exciting too." she point out. "It hard to explain, but there just something about way he come in, way he just do what he want to me, way he take me... Things he do to me..." she added, suddenly shuddering. "I-It weird, but good. I not know how much he do that to me before, I not know what he do when he do it, but this time I was awake, and if THAT is what he do to me when I sleeping... I not think I mind at all." she giggled.

"Alicia have point, it weird like I say. I not lie, it hard to know how to feel about it, but at same time, I love him, and he love me. He treat me good, and when he do that to me, he treat me REALLY good. Way he touch, way he lick, it much different. It like... Being wrapped in tongue, wrapped in touch, he all over me in much different way. He soft, gentle, slow and careful. He take me, make me his, but do it in way that not like normal at all. It a new kind of experience, it... Amazing, it weird, but it amazing." Serenity giggled. "Wanting to do things to someone when sleeping... Maybe it not very normal, maybe it strange, maybe not right to like it or let him do it, but at same time, it like I say before. He do so much good, for us and lots of others. He not do much for himself... So if he want to be like this now and then, if he want to do this, I feel like... It okay to let him have way. And after what I feel him do to me, I say it definitely worth while." she affirmed with another shudder, looking down at herself and touching her womanhood, giving it a rub before raising her hand and looking at his seed. "Even when he let this stuff out, way he do it different too. He not shove in and get crazy like normal. It all feel so... New." she point out, the girls looking at her hand causing Rose to gulp while Alicia glanced away with a slight blush. "Chris not bad person, he not selfish type. Always do for other humans and other Pokemon all the time. So... If this only thing he want, if this only need he have... I happy to let him have it. Maybe others think it wrong thing to do, think it weird, but..." she paused, letting out a gasp when she felt a sudden glob of seed ooze out of her before giggling again. "it just feel SO good!" she added before spotting one of Chris's tissues he'd left by accident.

Taking it, the Pokemon started cleaning herself between her legs while Rose watched closely, her eyes widened with a flush remaining on her face while Alicia looked away with a "disgusting" remark, yet she too was showing a blush, albeit ever so slight. After a moment, Serenity let out a "done" and looked around. "Need to put somewhere..." she muttered with the seed soaked tissue in her hand. "H-He does let out a lot, huh?" Rose asked. "Tons, it get pretty messy." Serenity smiled nervously. "Tell me about it..." Alicia muttered, causing the girls to look at her making the snake jolt. "N-Nothing!!" she added. "I-Is it weird to, I dunno... K-Kinda wish he did that to me too...? I-I mean, if it really felt the way you described, that new kinda thing sounds pretty, y-you know..." Rose point out. "I guess it not weird, I mean, I like it, so I guess that mean we both weird." Serenity shrugged, Alicia looking at them as she too fidget a bit. "You're both perverts." she lectured. "You still don't want him to do that to you?" Rose asked. "C-Certainly not!! It's a violation!!" the snake flushed. "Then why snake so red...?" Serenity scowled. "Sh-Shut up..." Alicia grumbled. "If you feel that way about it, you really shouldn't have said it was okay then the other day... Not liking it is fine, we just didn't want you making Chris feel bad for it. I mean, it really is kinda the only thing he does for himself." Rose point out. "How you think it make him feel if you say it okay for him to do something, then you hate it when he do it? That mixed signal that make more pain." Serenity added. "I think if you were really honest with him he'd listen and wouldn't do things that bothered you. After all, we're okay with it, so he can rely on us whenever he has needs so you wouldn't have to worry." Rose smiled.

"That probably why he do this to me and not snake. I support him so he come to me to fill his needs." Serenity point out with a shrug, their words somehow striking a nerve inside Alicia as she glanced away. "W-Well... I mean, he COULD have done it to me..." Rose point out with a slightly jealous scowl. "S-So, um... What was your favorite part?" she asked, Serenity blinking at her and blushing before looking down at herself. "I-I think it when he licking me... When he go between legs and lick there, it amazing. Way he move tongue and stuff, it... It just..." Serenity tried to explain, letting out a "whoo" and fanning herself. "G-Getting excited again." she giggled in an embarrassed manner. "H-He really likes licking girls there." Rose nodded, fidgeting herself while Alicia blushed again. "W-Would you two quit discussing this?" she scowled. "It like Rose say, if you not like it, need to tell him that and not mix signals. Just not insult and make him sad again when you tell him." Serenity affirmed. "I-I don't know if I do or don't, alright?" Alicia replied in agitation. "So... It turns you on?" Rose asked curiously. "I-I'm not sure." Alicia muttered, facing away. "You said it yourself, it's weird, seems wrong... I don't know." she added. "Then should make him! No way you know if like or not unless you do it." Serenity affirmed. "E-Encourage him to violate me?!" Alicia panicked, a flush spreading across her face while glancing away. "Th-That's v-vile and..." she added, unable to avoid picturing him doing the same to her as he had Serenity in a helpless state making the snake quickly shake her head. "I-I'll do no such thing!! End the conversation!!" she ordered before laying down with her back to the girls, a flush remaining on her face while the others looked at one another.

"So... Should get rid of this..." Serenity muttered, looking at the tissue in her hand before showing a sly smirk. "I know where it can go." she giggled evilly before calling Alicia's name, the snake letting out a growl before raising her face and looking back with a "what?!" only to have the seed covered tissue splat against her face. Freezing up and turning pale, Rose's eyes widened as the snake went still, the tissue sticking to her face while Serenity grinned with a "bulls eye!" remark from having thrown it at Alicia. Finally sliding off her face, the tissue fell to the floor while Alicia's eyes widened, her face now covered in the mixture of Chris and Serenity's aftermath making the snakes eye twitch before fury started slowly taking over. "H-How... Dare you...?" she growled through her teeth. "Snake being stick in mud, so I stick that on face." Serenity shrugged before grinning. "You have problem with that?" she asked tauntingly, causing Rose to shrink away from the two toward the door. "Y-You... Y-Y-You...!!" Alicia hissed, her tail seemingly rattling as Serenity motioned for the snake to fight. "Bring it!" she challenged as her form reverted to its normal state. Warily opening the door, Rose took the opportunity to leave while the two were distracted, shutting the door behind her before being startled by the sound of the girls tussling within, the carriage suddenly rocking as they hit the wall making the rabbit jump away in panic, landing in the snow and looking at their ride as it swayed and bounced due to the battle within. "Ooohhh..." Rose muttered in a worried tone, more-so for the carriage than the two going head to head within. After a moment, she jolt when remembering Chris, quickly looking around to see if he'd notice what was happening only to find Rapidash snoozing in his stable while scarce remnants of the fire flickered nearby.

"He's not here...?" she muttered, continuing to look around while standing and tilting her head, pausing when she noticed his tracks leading into the woods nearby. "Guess he's off talking to people still... Isn't he tired yet?" she asked before jumping when the carriage let out a loud thud and rocked again. "P-Please don't break anything." the rabbit groaned while warily looking back in a nervous kind of posture. Thinking she'd best bring Chris to the scene, Rose took a breath and started following his trail into the woods. Eventually, she reached a tree with a large, shadowy figure in its branches. Thinking it was him, she tried calling out only for the sound of her raspy voice to squeak out, having went beyond Serenity's psychic range leaving with her Pokemon tongue instead. However, the figure seemed to hear her nonetheless as it stirred and moved about. Showing a smile, Rose waited as the figure made its way off the branch it had rest on, only to suddenly leap from the tree and land with a massive thud before the rabbit causing her to jump back in surprise, her eyes wide as the figure raised and stood before her, towering above Rose's head causing her to sweat and gulp. Rather than Chris, the rabbit found herself standing before one of the local Ursaring, the bear scratching its stomach while glaring down at her in a "what do you want?" manner making the rabbit step back, only for Rose to remember Chris's words and try smiling with a wave. Raising its eyebrow at her, the Ursaring let out a grunt and looked around, crossing its arms as if thinking before pointing in another direction. Blinking at the bear for a moment, Rose turned and focused on where the bear was pointing, slightly confused as she turned back toward it only to find the Pokemon already climbing back up the tree.

Deciding to have a look in the direction it suggested, she found more of Chris's trail appearing as she walked along, eventually coming to a small clearing with a large boulder in the center where Chris lay looking at the stars and lights above, letting out a yawn while taking in the view. Letting out a sigh of relief, Rose hurried along up to his side and let out an excited raspy noise, causing him to jolt before raising up and looking around, spotting Rose below and blinking at her in surprise. "H-Hey..." he replied as she gave him a smile before showing a curious look. "Sorry, just caught me off guard. I'm surprised you came out here." he added, taking his Pokedex out. "I was getting more people taken care of. I'm uh, actually, pretty much done now! Shockingly enough..." he sighed while checking the time. "I'll be coming to bed soon, don't worry. I found this place and couldn't help myself, kinda cozy bein' up high like this and looking at what's going on up there." he smirked while looking up at the sky again. "This place really is great. Chilly, but still great." he nodded while rose climbed up next to him and sat with a sigh. "So, what woke you up? I checked on you girls and you were sleeping like babies a few minutes ago." he point out, causing the rabbit to jolt and fidget with a blush. Giving her a curious look, Chris glanced away and scratched his nose shyly. "W-Was there something like a noise or whatever that woke you?" he asked, causing Rose to glance away with a nervous smile, letting out a quiet, raspy sound in a "s-sort of" kind of way. "Oh yeah, guess we're a little ways from the carriage. Plus with Serenity asleep you probably couldn't talk even if we were beside it." he nodded while looking around.

"Sorry about wandering so far off. You get curious being in places like this, especially if you're a guy like me. Stuff like exploring is in my blood so I couldn't resist. Hope you didn't run into any trouble coming out here." he added, looking at Rose as she shook her head and smiled in response. "It's kinda weird though..." he mentioned, looking at the sky. "I haven't really mentioned it, I don't think anyways... But ever since we arrived at the mountains it's like there's something calling out to me." he point out, Rose looking at his Pokedex. "N-No, not this." he laughed nervously. "I mean, something out there. I kind of heard it... Or felt it, the first night we camped just outside the border. Since we started making our way through, it's like hearing this really quiet voice in the back of my mind. It's not Ninetales, and she can't explain it either... Or maybe she just doesn't want to? I dunno." he shrugged as Rose looked around. "That's why I came out here too. Now and then it's like someone is there... I dunno. Maybe it's just the wind playing tricks on me." he sighed. "I guess... The best way to explain it is this feeling like I need to go somewhere. I just don't know where, or why... I know something seems to want my attention, I just don't know what it is." he tried to explain as the rabbit tilt her head. "After talking to Ninetales in my mind so much maybe I'm just imagining things. Like when you hear a noise too much and your ears start ringing?" he point out, Rose letting out an "ooohh!!" sound and nodding in understanding, remembering the sound of the ships blaring their horns and the ringing she heard afterwards as she held one of her ears and rubbed it with a groan. "Anyways, it's whatever. Probably just the wind and my imagination like I said... Want me to walk you back to the carriage?" he offered.

Jolting from his words, Rose remembered the others she'd left fighting and was about to panic, ready to rush him back and put a stop to the scene only to pause when she'd thought of what he'd done to Serenity, a blush showing on her face as Chris gave her a confused look. "Y-You okay? Seemed like you were ready to freak out there... Something wrong? Any trouble?" he asked. "I did go a little too far from our camp I guess..." he added while climbing down before reaching up to help Rose, setting her on the ground and taking his staff in hand he'd leaned against the boulder. "Come on, lets check on the others." he smiled, about to head off only for Rose to hesitate and reach out, gripping his coat with a raspy "w-wait!!" kind of noise making Chris stumble and look back. "Y-Yeah?" he asked, blinking at the rabbit as she released him and faced down shyly, fidgeting as another blush spread across her face. "Don't you wanna get back? It's pretty late." he point out, only for Rose to shyly look around. Tilting his head, Chris let out an "eh?" from her behavior, looking around himself. "There's nothing out here you know. I haven't even seen any Pokemon really, except this one Ursaring that was snoring in this tree off in the woods." he assured. "Don't worry, we'll be fine. It's just us, so getting back shouldn't be any problem." he smiled. "We can probably still follow the tracks you and me left to find our way back, plus we can use my dex too. I put a marker on the campsite so I've got a map that can keep tabs on where we're at and lead us back." he smirked, adding an "ahh, technology." remark with a chuckle. Thinking about his "just us" remark, Rose looked around again before walking back to the boulder they'd sat on, making Chris tilt his head again in a puzzled manner.

"I've kinda had my fill of stargazing for the night." he smiled nervously, watching as Rose examined the object before walking around it and scanning their surroundings. "...Is there something interesting about it to you?" he asked, walking up as Rose adjusted her ears, having a listen at the area around them. About to say more, Rose gave Chris a "shh!" noise while perking and twitching her ears, circling the boulder once more while looking around as he stood scratching his head. "You uh, you hear something? Is it maybe what's been bugging me?" he asked, looking around himself before Rose walked back up to him with a grin and grabbed his hand, tugging it wanting him to follow. "O-Okay! Easy!" he smiled nervously while stumbling forward. Once he was standing against the rock, Rose looked around once more while her ears twitched and perked before looking up at Chris with a giggle, causing him to blink with an "uhh" of confusion. "W-What's up?" he asked, the rabbit brushing her ear back like it were bangs, biting her lip with a "we--ell..." kind of noise before pressing against him, a small blush showing on her face as Chris jolt from her approach. "R-Rose?" he asked as the rabbit rubbed against him with his back against the boulder, letting out a "can we?" type of noise before she looked around again and reached between his legs, giving him a rub making Chris flush brightly. "S-Seriously?!" he asked in surprise, Rose giggling slyly before smiling and letting out another drawn out "well" type of noise as she worked her fingers into his fly and started unzipping his jeans. Stuttering nervously, Chris tugged at his collar while the rabbit unbuttoned his pants, biting her lip again as she worked his pants down just enough for his manhood to flop out in front of her face.

"Y-Yep, and there it is." he laughed nervously. "O-Outside though? S-Seriously? In the open?" he asked, only for Rose to point out her ears and wave with a "don't worry!" kind of sound. "I-It's not gonna be easy. I mean, I just...!!" he began, only to freeze and shut his mouth while glancing away. "I-I mean, uh... Y-Yeah, it's cold out, so getting it up is gonna be...!!" he added, only to jolt as a spark of electricity ran up his spine. Looking down, Rose was holding his member in her hands, holding her tongue out while releasing warm breaths against it before looking up at with with a "that help?" kind of giggle, causing him to blush. "Th-That works." he nodded, the rabbit smiling before continuing. Shuddering, he watched as she lift his limp manhood and started breathing against his sack as well, her tongue hanging out allowing her to lick and tease it in the process before doing the same to his member. After a moment, she used her tongue to scoop him into her mouth, his flaccid size allowing her to have some fun with him by using her tongue to tease and play with his manhood, taking it out of her mouth and wiggling it causing her to giggle from her own amusement. "H-Hey..." Chris grumbled with an embarrassed scowl. Giving him an apologetic sound, she lift his member and started licking along the bottom, giving his sack attention as well by scooping it in her mouth with her tongue for a passionate massage within, flicking her tongue all over it and giving it a combination of soft and hard sucks, resulting in both quiet and loud slurping noises that made Chris shudder at the knees. Rotating between taking his member and his sack in her mouth, it wasn't long until she'd managed to get him into a hard state, its erect form causing her to flush with an "oh my..." sound.

"W-Well wadaya know. Nice job." Chris praised, glancing away with a blush remaining. "I-In the open like this is still a little, you know, daring though." he point out. Looking around, Rose twitched her ears again before smiling with a seductive look on her face, letting out a "we're fine" sound of sorts before taking his member in hand, no longer able to wrap her fingers around it thanks to his girth making the rabbit shudder excitedly. "Y-You know, we should probably wait until I've had a chance to wa...!!" Chris tried to point out, only for Rose's instincts to kick in drawing her to his scent as she pressed her snout into his sack and rubbed his length against her cheek. "P-Pokemon really are into that sort of stuff..." Chris thought to himself as the rabbit lost herself in his musk, her behavior reminding him she was still an animal as she showed a somewhat tranced look while resuming licking his length and sucking on his sack, leaving him weak at the knees once more while she rubbed her face into his crotch repeatedly, her own body trembling in excitement from the scent and size of her mate. Finally looking up at him, Rose gave him an "I'm ready" type of signal, pressing against him and clinging to his shirt while biting her lip eagerly. "Y-You really wanna do it here?" he asked, causing her to groan in an impatient manner while pulling on him. Looking around, Chris scratched his cheek warily before nodding with an "mm" and setting his staff back against the boulder, lifting Rose up and turning so she had her back to the rock instead. "I-I'd rather it be me someone or something sees than you, s-so this will hide you from view better if you're against the boulder." he affirmed with a stern look, albeit an embarrassed one.

Looking down, Rose was somewhat embarrassed herself from being held in the air by him, Chris's grip firmly clinging to her butt as she hovered just above where his member was. Somehow, this also caused excitement to well up inside her, biting her lip eagerly while giving Chris an "oh my" kind of smile of anticipation. "What can I say? You're light as a feather." he chuckled before giving her butt a playful squeeze, causing the rabbit to squeak and shudder with a "d-don't do that" kind of coo. "In fact, you're so light..." he added before lifting her even higher against the boulder until her womanhood was right in front of his face, causing Rose to flush with a startled "eh?!" type of noise. "Here, it's like sitting on my shoulders, only this time you're sitting on them from the front so I can... You know." he explained while directing her legs over his shoulders, getting a nervous "o-okay" sound from Rose as she looked down and watched. "You know I like prepping things before getting into it." he smirked with a wink, the phrase "getting into it" causing Rose's eyes to widen and a flustered stutter to escape her lips before squeaking again and clinging to his head when his lips brushed her crotch. "I dunno why, but I really love your fur here... I know you girls have a thing for scents, and I gotta say, I think yours is AWESOME. It gets all musky and sticky here since you've got this fur goin' on..." he praised before taking in a deep breath, causing Rose to shout in embarrassment and start bonking him on the head. "Wha--at? You can like mine but I'm not aloud to like yours? I love it!" he grinned before rubbing his nose and face into her womanhood, causing Rose to let out a raspy shout as a flush spread across her face, trying to push him away.

"Mmm... Delicious..." he chuckled before suddenly giving her slit a long, slow lick, making Rose grit her teeth with a squeak of sorts and cling to his head. "Yep, smells great and tastes delicious!" he smirked, the rabbit letting out a humiliated groan and glancing away with a "p-pervert" kind of sound. "What? I can't help loving it..." he grinned slyly before giving her a second long lick, sending sparks up the rabbits spine as she grit her teeth and cling to his head again. "And you do too." he added as she looked down at him with a shudder. "Mmm... Nice and fuzzy... Tasty and soft." he praised while rubbing his face between her thighs, kissing along them and brushing his lips against her slit and clit. Soon enough, he had Rose dripping with arousal, his praising and teasing sending a constant wave of electricity through her body as she leaned back against the boulder and looked at the lights above, unsure if it was the stars she was seeing or the sparks running through her head as Chris scooped her arousal into his mouth time and again, sliding the tip of his tongue into her slit until he finally pushed his tongue into her body, causing Rose to let out a raspy shout as her muscles clamped down from the sudden insertion, her nails digging into the boulder as he worked her insides with skillful twirls and thrashes. Pulling his tongue back out, Rose relaxed with a sigh of relief before gritting her teeth with a squeak of sorts when he shoved it back in, her body tensing up as her muscles clamped a second time before gradually loosening up, adjusting to his movements as he started sucking on her womanhood, latching his mouth over it as he filled his mouth with her flavor making Rose pant and quiver while looking down at him, combing her fingers through his hair as he held onto her hips to keep her up.

By the time he'd finally finished feasting on the rabbit, Rose had been through several miniature orgasms of sorts, doing her best to control her breathing as her upper body limped over his head while she tried clinging to him. "Guess my stomach's finally full." he smirked, causing her to scowl and grumble from all the teasing he'd put her through and the embarrassment from his praises. "Aw, what? You can enjoy getting a whiff of me and all but I can't do the same? That's not fair!" he grinned as she raised up and gave his head a bonk. Laughing, he gave her an apology while lowering her down, supporting Rose by keeping his grip on her butt while her back remained against the boulder. "I think you're ready, don't you?" he asked, lowering her just enough to allow the tip of his still erect manhood to press into her slit, making the rabbit shudder excitedly and nod eagerly. "I thought so. You're pretty tough, after all." Chris smirked before lowering her all the more. Using his hips, he worked the tip of his member along her slit and found his way to her entrance, making Rose let out a "th-there!" type of noise while suddenly clinging to his chest and biting her lip. "Got it huh? Alright... Here it comes." he warned before working himself into her body. Meeting resistance at first, he coaxed Rose with tender words as he pushed himself through, lowering her bit by bit until his tip suddenly slipped inside of her, making the rabbit gasp wide eyed and cling to him all the tighter. "I'm in." Chris smirked before he started pushing the rest of himself into her tiny womanhood, causing Rose to let out a "w-wait!!" type of noise due to their new position making her tighten more than usual. "Nope, no mercy... It's what gets you going, right?" he asked, causing Rose to jolt before he continued.

Going deeper and deeper, he finally gripped her butt tightly and shoved the rest of his manhood into Rose with a dominant grunt, making her gasp and let out a raspy shout as though the wind had been knocked out of her. "Atta' girl." Chris smirked before he started grinding himself around inside of her, a bright flush appearing on Rose's face while gritting her teeth, groaning from the intensity of having his member suddenly pushing around inside of her. After a moment, he started lifting her body up and down against the boulder, rhythmically shoving his manhood upwards at the same time as he roughly dropped her onto it. Little by little, her muscles adjusted to the girth of his length as it rammed into her again and again, causing her eyes to roll as her squeaks and groans turned into a sound akin to drunken moans of sorts, gasping for air with each thrust as she bounced against the boulder. "Like that?" Chris grinned slyly, the rabbit trying to respond only for her noises to sound slurred. "Faster you ask...?" he replied, causing Rose to jolt and her eyes to widen with an aroused yet panicked expression, afraid of what it might do to her on top of everything else she'd endured. Yet next thing she knew, Chris was eagerly lifting her time and again, his pace increasing causing her womanhood to seemingly ooze, her loosening muscles combined with the stickiness causing sensual sounds to escape from where they were joined the more the thrust into her body. Little by little, Chris pushed Rose into her first powerful climax, and once she finally released him, the rabbit spread her arms and dug her nails into the boulder, clinging to it while readying herself for what was rapidly approaching as her muscles started clamping down on Chris again.

However, just as she was about to release a powerful climax, the rabbit felt a sudden pulse run through her, causing her eyes to widen while Chris paused with the same look on his face. Looking toward her hand simultaneously, both realized she'd wound up placing her hand on her Mega Stone within Chris's staff, another pulse running through the both of them as the stone let off a bright flash. Feeling her insides suddenly going through spasms, Chris grit his teeth from the sensation while Rose bit her lip just before she started glowing herself, and next thing they knew Rose's evolutionary cocoon erupt around her, concealing the Pokemon while the sudden blast of wind and energy sent him stumbling back. Shielding his face with his arm, Chris wound up tripping backwards when the cocoon let out its second blast, revealing Rose standing in her Mega form while he let out a groan and rubbed his backside before looking at her. "U-Uhh..." he muttered, blinking in surprise and sweating slightly when he saw the flushed and dazed expression on the rabbits face. Standing with a slump in her posture and panting, Rose looked at Chris before walking up to him, her feet dragging slightly while throwing his staff that had remained in her hand aside and straddling him with a sudden raging lust in her eyes. "R-Rose?" he asked, flushing himself as he felt similar sensations within thanks to their link. Leaning forward, the rabbit gave him a firm and passionate kiss before pushing him down and inserting his manhood into her body, making Chris grit his teeth from the new sensations inside of her, everything within Rose quivering and seemingly burning from the new reservoir of energy.

Showing a look of ecstasy on her face, Rose lift her hips before slamming them down and grinding on top of Chris, making him groan with a "d-damn" while raising up, only for Rose to push him back down with a grin and start roughly riding him, repeatedly raising and slamming her hips with her powerful legs lifting and dropping her body on top of him as her insides kept a tight cling on his girth, seemingly vibrating around his member. "G-Geez! E-Easy!" he groaned, the excited rabbit relentlessly riding him now that her Mega form had taken hold of her mind. Gritting his teeth, Chris let out a "Fine!!" before grabbing Rose and pushing her down, allowing him to be on top making the rabbit grin excitedly, grabbing his shirt with a raspy "Fuck. Me." kind of noise, their link making him understand her all too well. "You dirty bunny..." he grinned back before shoving himself into her body, Rose gasping and using her long legs to easily snap around his waist while clinging to him. Now riding her in the snow, Chris was just as relentless, slamming his hips against hers while his sack loudly smacked against her womanhood with each thrust making Rose let out raspy shouts of excitement, eventually using her strength to take back her position on top of him. Turning around, she gave Chris a view of her Mega form while slamming her hips down onto his manhood, her butt all the more prominent as she lift her ears in a sensual manner, looking back at him with a smirk as her butt smacked down on his lower torso again and again. Letting her have her moment, he suddenly took back his position over her, pushing the rabbit forward so she was on all fours before ramming into her body from behind.

Squeaking and shouting loudly, elbeit in a raspy manner, Rose's eyes rolled while holding her tongue out, gasping for air as the sound of their bodies smacking together grew all the more louder the rougher they went at it, with Chris unable to resist smacking her butt while riding the rabbit, making her dig her claws into the snow and grit her teeth with a "yes!!" type of sound every time he smacked her, rewarding his efforts by grinding her hips around while he thrust so her muscles within seemingly coiled around him. Following this, the two started wrestling one another for the top position, at times Rose claiming the podium only for Chris to knock her down repeatedly. Eventually, he managed to shove her back against the boulder, her face pressing against it while digging her nails into the stone as he relentlessly dominated her, causing Rose to leave scratch marks all over the surface until the two finally went through an intense climax together, much more-so than usual as they felt like multitudes of orgasms were rushing through them all at once, with Chris seemingly filling her endlessly before pulling out and dodging before Rose started squirting all over herself, gritting her teeth as her eyes rolled and body quivered against the boulder. Standing close, Chris released several shots of his seed all over her butt before pulling her face toward his crotch and making her take the rest in her mouth as she let out sounds as if drunk in ecstasy. While the two finished off, Rose suddenly started glowing before releasing a flash and returning to her normal form, collapsing on her knees in front of Chris making his member slip out of her mouth as she sat in the snow, coughing and quivering while he stood over her, looking down at the spent Pokemon.

Looking up at him, Rose's expression was one of a high not many likely experience from intimacy, her eyes appearing as if beyond the stars before letting out a groan and passing out in the snow. Feeling just as spent, Chris let out a groan of his own and collapsed onto his own knees, letting out another "damn" in an exhausted tone. Reaching into his pockets, he rummaged for a moment only to find a single tissue left, causing him to mutter "crap" before using it to clean off his member. "Have to clean her off back at the camp..." he added, looking at Rose as she lay unconscious, randomly convulsing while continuing to quiver.

Adjusting his clothes, Chris lift her into his arms before retrieving his staff as well, looking at the stones with a "thanks" in an agitated tone, suddenly feeling the after effects of being so rough on his manhood causing him to pause and hiss before making his way off, albeit while walking in a slightly awkward manner from being ridden by a Mega powered rabbit...

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 130

Chapter 130 - Meeting "Him" Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Back at Camp [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ19b6EQjKI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ19b6EQjKI) Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop Returning to...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 128

Chapter 128 - Living The Dream...? Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Snow Trotting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9HadQ2kTT0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9HadQ2kTT0) Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop Making...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 127

Chapter 127 - From Sea To Shining Sea! The following day, Chris woke up fairly late into the morning hours, a dazed look on his face as he lay on his side with Serenity having pulled him against her during the night, Rose holding him from behind...

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