Skunked it up this time

Story by Bombafur on SoFurry

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A skunk comes to someones house to indulge them in a particular interaction. things dont go as planned with the shrinking though.

"Are you sure this is okay?" The black and white skunk bit at his nails in a nervous fashion before looking back at the fox unbuttoning his shirt.

"Yeah, and you have the other thing too. You just give that to me when you're done. No big deal. And..." The fox went over to the skunk, embracing him in a hug. "You'll have complete control over everything that goes on."

The skunk broke out of the hug, blushing madly before putting the vial that he held in his hand down on the counter. "Okay, this isn't really something that I'm used to doing. Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"I've done this many times before. I'm just more confident in asking such a gentleman as yourself." The fox took the vial off the counter and chugged it down. "Don't worry. I will yell what to do up to you."

The skunk watched as the fox began to instantly shrink. It wasn't as slow as Gerald expected it was going to be. Hammy shrank before his eyes. The pants soon pooled to the ground around the fox's ankles as he looked up toward the skunk. He knew that they agreed he was just going to indulge the little guy. Why Gerald agreed he didn't know. It was easy for the skunk to submit to people; a backbone wasn't in his character. But that was okay for now. He was going to get repaid for his efforts afterwards.

The skunk blushed down to the fox now starting to climb up the pile of pants that he, at one time, wore. "I'm going to keep my underwear for this. I hope you're okay with this."

"What? Why be shy about this? I told you that you look amazing!"

The tiny little voice actually startled the skunk as he squatted down to get a better look at the little fox that promised to indulge the skunk with his own wants and desires. "Because I don't feel comfortable with it, and you said I had control over everything. Now hop on you... little uh... bug?"

The skunk held out his hand for the little fox. Hammy had mentioned he wanted Gerald to talk down to him; but it was very hard to do so. Like what do you say on the spot? What was talking down to someone? Like he couldn't just call the fox a bitch. Or could he? Would that even be talking down or just being rude? Thoughts like that plagued Gerald's mind as he walked over to a recliner in the living room. As gently as the skunk could, he dropped the little fox on the chair and stood tall over him.

The fox was roughly six or so inches. Being accurate didn't matter too much to Gerald. That potion shrunk up to a certain point based on height. And the inverse was true for the growth potion to fix this mess. In the meantime, Gerald had a little action-figure-sized fox sitting down. He imagined Hammy saw him as a colossus of a femboy skunk. The fox's muscles couldn't be seen from this height. Back at normal height Hammy was way stronger than the little punk skunk. And now Gerald felt like all that effort with working out and broadcasting that masculinity was for naught if some effeminate skunk could snuff him out with their backside.

"Now, I'm going to make you worship... uh... me!"

The skunk pulled off his shirt and threw it to the ground. He only needed to do it for a couple minutes, but it was going to be annoying. What could you do besides just sitting? Gerald decided that he was going to properly grind on the dude. Maybe kick back and relax for a bit too. A bounce to make sure the little fox could breathe. The fear of forgetting to wash himself came to mind; didn't want to stink the poor guy out. That was the only thing Hammy made sure from Gerald was that the skunk wouldn't spray him. Gerald had complete control over his faculties. There was no way that anything would happen because of that. He was totally confident.

With an unbuckle Gerald dropped his pants. With a flick of his leg the pants flew to the other side of the room. The fox stared up in astonishment. It's not every day that a titan sized skunk hung himself over you. And with a little turn around the wall of fluff that was the skunk's tail encompassed the sky. And at the bottom of that tail were the mountainous sized ass cheeks partly covered up by bright pink panties. The curves of the ass and the hips overtook Hammy's entire focus. The bright pink rear could easily snuff him out. The fox was in disbelief; the skunk wore baggy clothing with a clearly punkish style, why would he have that effeminate piece of underwear? Hell, that look was the whole reason why he even asked the guy to do it. Hammy wasn't going to complain about this gift of ass though.

Hammy held up his hands as the ass descended upon him. The skunk's rump enveloped him as the soft cushion of the recliner caved in under the skunk's weight. It enveloped him as the soft furred rump clad in the pink underwear molded over the little fox like it was about to swallow him up. The silk soft pink would have felt amazing if tons of skunk wasn't resting over him. The poor fox was pressed into the ass before the skunk overhead started dragging his ass from one side to the next. Gerald tried to keep the fox in one place but Hammy was unceremoniously dragged to the center of the seat and was soon rested between the cheeks of the skunk.

In the newly formed wedgie under the skunk Hammy felt the heat radiating over him. The smell wasn't too offensive. If anything the fox relished in the pheromones given off from the skunk. It was a very personal affair and the fox, despite the colossal abuse, was getting excited. Something about this situation of being rested upon, getting dominated in such a peaceful way really excited the tiny seat cushion. Not to mention being this close to another male, in such a humiliating position between his ass cheeks. Such a dominating, passive action.

The skunk pulled out his phone and idly scrolled through his text messages. An email here, a web page browsed there, a phone call later and he realized that he had been sitting in his undies with a tiny fox pressed underneath him. Gerald bit his finger nails as he apologized profusely. The skunk hung up his phone and tossed it to the ground before bolting straight up. As he looked back to the seat he realized that the fox was missing. It wasn't until a little tickling sensation made Gerald realized that he had a passenger and pulled the little fox out from the cavern that was his ass cheeks.

Gerald rushed him over to the counter and dropped him on it. "Hammy! Are you okay? Please, I'm sorry it's only been..." He glanced over to the stove where a digital clock was revealed it had been close to an hour under his rear. "An... hour."

The fox started to move. "I loved it! It was so different. You dominated me completely. I'm in love! I'm so worked up but I couldn't do anything about it wedged in that cramped position the whole time. Get me big again so I can give you your reward."

The skunk blushed and grabbed the second little vial that was left over. Gerald was certain that the fox would have yelled at him. And it was such a minor thing for Gerald that he forgot about the fox. He read about stuff like that happening, but the skunk never thought it would happen with him. How negligent could he have been? With a pop of the cork he poured a little on the counter so the vulpine could drink what he needed. Soon the fox was slowly growing back to normal, and the skunk wiped the liquid to the ground with his bare hand out of habit.

"Good! Now you can finally take off your undies. Also pink? What's up with that? Didn't expect that from you."

The skunk nervously bit his fingers again when he tasted something nasty. Gerald grimaced but he didn't have much time to think about it before the fox grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back to the recliner. The fox was beyond worked up from the look of his erection bouncing with his steps. Without a word the fox sat in the same recliner he had previously been pinned under. With a reach down into the folds of it he pulled out a bottle of lube.

"I want you to sit on me again, only this time you're gonna ride me like you enjoy it. But don't start off too fast. Why don't you give me a lap dance first? You have such a thick ass." Hammy sat back, putting the lube somewhere he could grab it when the time was right.

The skunk nervously bit at his finger again tasting that bitterness. It wasn't as bad as last time, so he must have cleaned his finger a bit. Still, he tried to make a mental note to not do that again. Though he doubted he had control over his nervous tics. He walked over to the fox and turned around as a hand patted his bottom. It lingered before the fox gave a low purr of satisfaction. It seemed that the fox had a very prominent thing for butts.

The skunk took off his silk panties and stood exposed. He struck a few poses, making sure to look around to check if the fox was enjoying it. As it stood, the fox was definitely enjoying it; with a deep breath the skunk swallowed his nervousness away and sat down, making sure to grind his ass against the fox's dick. Gerald put Hammy's dick in the natural pocket it belonged in, between his cheeks. He would have to work himself up before he could take the dick, but at least he could indulge the fox some more.

"God! You have such a big ass!" Hammy said, giving a little hug around the skunk's waist as he sat down.

The skunk laughed nervously before continuing. The chair was packed, as both of the skunks hips rubbed against the armrests. The skunk chalked that up to there being two people in the seat this time compared to one skunk and a tiny seat enhancer. But something did seem a bit different. The fox's dick felt a bit smaller than when he started. Maybe he wasn't doing things right. But when the fox moaned out, Gerald looked back past his massive tail to see the fox orgasming. The fox seemed smaller to him somehow. And when he stood up and hit his head, the force of the impact made him sit back down on the fox in his chair.

"No need to get rough man!" Hammy panted before he realized what was going on. "Wait, did you have any of the potion?"

"No. I don't know what's going on."

"Well get off me before..." Hammy never got a chance to finish his sentence before the skunk's black and white ass covered all of the fox's body. While sitting back down the seat collapsed under their combined weight while the skunk's head hit the ceiling yet again. His massive tail crashed into the wall and ceiling behind him before the skunk could hear the drywall start to crack. His paws pushed the TV against the wall and his hands pushed against the ceiling. The spacious living room was soon filled with nothing but skunk as he tried to fit within the little room. The fox was getting another hearty serving of nude skunk butt as the fox was soon face to face with a massive pucker under the skunk's tail.

"I'm sorry! I don't want to do this! Oh my god!"

A combination of him being completely exposed to the tiny man under him, and the wrecking of Hammy's property, made Gerald really nervous. What would solve this problem? There wasn't any shrinking serum left. How was he going to afford a whole new apartment for the fox? He didn't get an answer. Soon he was scrunched as tight as he could get before the walls started bowing under the skunk's pressure. The TV shattered while the countertop and cabinets separating the kitchen from the living room were soon destroyed by the skunk's tail.

Then the unthinkable happened: the skunk grew again. He sent debris flying everywhere. In a flurry of motion the skunk stretched out with newfound room. Below him the skunk's spray was unleashed from his backside as all the factors finally took their toll on the nervous giant. The poor fox below him got full force spray and was covered from head to toe in the skunk's expelled defense mechanism. With a little effort the skunk stood up, dusting Hammy's apartment off of his shoulders. He looked at the ass sized crater and the little fox twitching in the center of it.

"I'm so sorry!"

The neighbors came outside looking over the destruction, then immediately plugging their nose and looking up at the now massive and nude being overhead. Gerald was so embarrassed. Not only could they see him completely nude, but the whole neighborhood was crop dusted by his spray. There was nothing he could do about it and he needed to escape. With a few steps he was escaping to a different end of the neighborhood. And soon he was running back to his house; perhaps some of his friends could help solve this problem. A trail of destruction and paw prints in the roads led people to the massive skunk.

The fox soon recovered and tried to find a bath. Perhaps he should have not tempted a skunk. And the skunk soon became a hit. It took him a few days to recover from the embarassment. Soon he became a town mascot as the serum was ordered again. Gerald helped out in any way that he could while waiting for the serum and gained public notoriety. He ended up opting out of going back to normal, becoming a public figurehead for environmental issues and the city. The town adored him. The skunk's nervousness soon faded away as he grew used to the public eye. The skunk never talked to the fox again and was not heard from for two weeks while he tried to clean up the smell. Insurance covered his house and the move as the spot was repurposed as a memorial for the helpful giant.

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