The Quest for the Holy Dildo #13
#16 of Holy Dildo
Borri's Idea or The Old Man and the C(at)
In which Borri and Devilah have an idea.
| Meanwhile, in another room, Devilah was talking to Borri after having just finished a snack.
"Quite a collection of Tails you have stashed under there! You like both Argonians and Khajiits then I presume?"
"Oh, yes. I'm afraid it's a fetish of mine. It's part of what drove me to being a Greybeard in the first place. My particular taste wasn't very well thought of where I'm from. Honestly you're the first Khajiit... well..."
"It's okay. If you met a true Khajiit, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between us easily. But I do thank you for not touching me physically. I'm... trying to do better myself. Sampson is doing his best to let me be me, but I know it hurts him somewhere inside. It's nice to be able to help you out with just... well. Modelling shall we call it?"
"Devilah, I speak nothing but the truth when I tell you that was the most incredible 10 minutes of my life!"
The Succubus smiled back, licking her lips. "Let's just say it was my pleasure and leave it at that." | |
| "Now that I can talk to you without being constantly distracted, how can I help you?" Borri said while dressing.
"Well, I want to talk to you about self control actually. I can't live without male ejaculate Borri. But, like we just did, I think I could learn to control my need to touch other men. Just between the two of us, it was all I could do to keep from stuffing you down my throat or up my ass when you were hard."
"But you didn't, did you?"
"No... I knew you didn't need it to get off. Mostly I just tried not to look at it and concentrate on posing for you."
"Well, even among us 'normal' people, it's not an easy thing to do. But up here we reduce the temptations too. That helps a lot."
"I don't see how I can do that," Devilah sighed, sitting beside the Greybeard. "I can barely look at a man without wanting him inside me some way or another." | |
| "Oh, I understand. Even with my fetish, I can't help but be tempted just by a pair of boobs, even if they're all covered up. I find myself imagining what they look like behind the cloth, what they feel like... what they taste like. Up here, that's not an issue though."
"That's it exactly! But as long as I can remember, I never even thought of not acting on that desire."
"And males, being what we are, never try to stop you I'm sure. Looking like you do, I doubt your advances get rejected often."
"Well, even if they tried to, I have this ability to... make it even harder to resist. And I'd use it without a thought. I've never been rejected, Borri. Never. Except by Sampson, but he was a special case."
"What you need is some way to get what you need without ever having to look at a penis."
"Or testicles. Those are just as bad for me. Hell even a male ass makes me want to..." | |
| "Okay, okay. I get it. But what we did here... you managed not to touch me, even though you could have. Besides thoughts of Sampson, was there anything else than helped you resist? Odd, it feels so strange to think you had to resist me. I assume I wasn't in some way... repellent to you?"
"Oh no Borri! If it weren't for Sampson, I'd have loved to have you in me! We Succubi... It's pretty tough for us to acheive orgasm, but we can. I'm sure I would have with you. Let me think... Maybe... Yeah, probably because I knew I'd be getting it soon. I knew you couldn't last long and that I'd soon have your ejaculate to drink."
"So, your desire is rooted in your need to drink our... stuff?"
"Well, drink or otherwise absorb. I take it in externally too for that matter. What can I say? We're kinda weird."
"No, no... I understand. I read about your kind quite a bit. Well, Succubi in general anyway. My books never mentioned one in Khajiit form. So, you can definitly resist the physical tempatation so long as you have a supply of male semen. But, you get that from Sampson surely."
"I do, but I need more. I don't know why, but I need it from more than just one man. That's the heart of my problem. Quantity isn't so important. But variety is." | |
| "Wait! I have an idea!" Borri said, standing up suddenly.
"What is it? I think I could excercise the self control I need, if only I could get it some other way."
"Now look, this might sound disgusting. But... what if we Greybeards kept our 'stuff' and sent it to you?"
Devilah considered this a minute. "Borri, it's not disgusting to me. I know it probably would be for you, but you must realize that to me it's like the finest wine. It's what I crave. My deepest fantasy revolves around soaking in a tub full of it while men continue rotating through and keeping the tub full while I wallow in it. But how could that work?"
"Well, it's cold up here you know. We could keep it stored frozen. Then, maybe every week or so, we could send it to you. Do you think that would do? Then you would get your needs filled but would never need to look at any penis but Sampson's." | |
| "I... yes... I think that might work! Just one catch..."
"What's that?"
"I... don't think the magic works unless you're getting off to me. And I couldn't be here. I've never had the experience of drinking it from anyone who didn't produce it for me, but I have this feeling that it's kind of necessary for the men to be directing their lust at me. Still, it's worth a try! And I know how to find out."
"While we're up visiting the peak tomorrow, ask one of the others to masturbate something other than me. Not even a thought of me."
Suddenly both looked at his stack of Tails. | |
| "A better idea!" she said, realizing the solution to her last problem was right in front of her. "I need to get a magazine made of me!"
Borri was right with her. "Better get a few copies. And we men... we're awfully fickle. Last month's erotic pussy-shot just doesn't do it for us this month. You'll need to make more occasionally."
"I even know someone who used to work there. Okay! I'll get the publisher to do a special edition just for you guys. And I'll show everything. Maybe even get Sampson in on the action and show him fucking the hell out of me. That'll get you guys off!"
"Um... Devilah... that publisher doesn't even do full nudes. He's probably not going to be too keen on doing a full pornographic magazine."
Devilah laughed. "H? Leave him to me. He's male. I'll have no problem with him. He'll probably want to be the photographer. " She began to pace the floor, thinking. "You think the other Greybeards would do it? I'm not sure if they're as into the Khajiit form as you are, but if I could get regular donations from all of you, I'd be set!" | |
| "You may not believe it, but we don't exactly discuss such topics among ourselves. I've no idea who else likes Khajiits around here. Until today, I had no idea anyone else even masturbated. I thought I was the only one!"
"Well, I'm going to go for it anyway. I owe you for this! Wait... how will I pay you for the donations?"
"Pay us? Devilah, you're asking us to jack off to your picture and you want to pay us?"
"Good point. Isn't nature wonderful? Thank you so much Borri!" Devilah said, giving the Greybeard a fierce hug. "Now I've got to go tell Sampson. Oh! I'd better finish getting my clothes back on." | |
| But as they started down the hall to where Sampson and Faniel were waiting, they found the others coming her way already. "Sampson! Borri and I have the most wonderful idea!"
"Oh? Arngeir, Faniel and I came up with an idea too, though I don't know if you'll like it or not..." | |
| The three travelers were laughing together, which undoubtedly disturbed the Greybeards after their days of sedentary life and silences.
"What?" asked Faniel. "My knees are together!"
"Oh, nevermind Faniel. I'm too happy to care! Borri even found containers for it. He's going to keep them separated too. Oh, isn't it wonderful Sampson?"
Sampson was truly happy. "It's absolutely disgusting, Devilah. But also wonderful in a very perverse way. What do you think Faniel?"
"If it works and keeps you two together, I'm all for it. But you know, even if H is up for producing a magazine for you Devilah, it's going to be some time before it can get published, get delivered up here, and get the results sent back to you - and we don't even know where you'll be."
"I don't care," Devilah laughed. "I'll have my own delivery service!"
"Devilah's Special Milk! Now with 10% more Borri!" Sampson sputtered. | |
| "Hey, don't make fun of him. Besides, he tastes great!"
"You started it!"
"Well, I may think it's disgusting, but I'll get over that. If I can have you all to myself someday soon!"
Suddenly Devilah's ears twitched. "I just got another idea. Sampson, I don't know if you're going to like it, but it means I can be yours exclusively even sooner."
"Try me."
"I can put on a show for them. Hand them some containers and have them watch the show. I'll have a supply before we even come down the mountain." | |
| "You're talking about a guy that had his Succubus lover take two guards last night. You think I'd mind you putting on a show for them? Hell, I'll watch!"
"Um... no. You won't."
"You'll be in the show."
"You... want me to make love to you with a bunch of old Greybeards watching?"
Devilah looked at Sampson. "Yes Sampson. Yes I do. Believe me, they will not even see you. Every time you pump that dick of yours into me, they'll be imagining it's theirs. When I lick your balls, theirs will be tightening in sympathy. Sampson, there's only so much I can do by myself. And I need them to give me all they've got. One shot isn't going to do it. But when they see you fucking my brains out, that image will stay in their heads for weeks! Sampson... I need you to do this for me. Please." | |
| Sampson relented. "When are you thinking of putting on this show?"
"Shows," Devilah said, emphasizing the plural and knowing full well he was going to do it now. "I want to do one tonight and another when we come back from the peak. I can get at least another couple out of them all that way."
"You know, you're turning these old men into your personal dairy farm, right?"
Devilah looked innocently at Sampson. "No one's forcing them to! But I bet I get a sellout crowd."
"This is gonna be tough, Dev. I don't even know if I can get it up with a bunch of old men whacking off behind me!"
"I'll help. I still have some power over such things," she said, unfurling her hidden wings as a reminder. "I'll make you forget they're even there." | |