Meet Me in the Cabin

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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It had been cold and harsh. The sun had been hidden behind a dense blanket of clouds and a gentle snow fall had begun. The forest seemed like a desert, hardly anything moved and an eerie silence had fallen over the area. The landscape seemed like it was the same for miles around, barren, skeletal trees and a blanket of snow that was at least a foot deep. Ghostly was the best way to describe it, not a single creature was seen other than a lone figure that trudged through the bleak scene.

A soldier of the imperial army, he wore a bulky power suit that covered every feature he had. The crunch of his massive metal feet against the packed snow was the only thing that made any noise. He had been going on for hours, leaving behind a path that was easily followed in the loosely packed powder.

High above, a low rumble of thunder echoed and the snowfall seemed to pick up in strength. The wind wailed a solemn cry, trying its hardest to deter the lone scout that had been surveying the area for the past few days. He and his partner had been doing well to map the nearby hills and set up beacons for the emperor's royal fleet to use in the case of an attack from the North.

While his suit offered quite a bit of protection from bullets and explosives, it seemed to do little to shield him from the cold. Stamped across his breastplate was a red triangle and a pair of crossed swords, symbolizing the three branches of the empire and the military might that it represented. Next to the insignia was a nameplate the read 'R. Rootheford', the soldier's name

Every breath he exhaled came out as a ploom of vapor that curled from the various breaks in his armored plates. He hadn't intended to stay out so late or for so long. The temperature was dropping fast and there was the real threat of hypothermia. The only thing that kept him going was the power pack on his chest that radiated a meager amount of heat and the fact that he could see his destination about a hundred meters away.

Seeming to be very out of place, a lone cabin stood out among the trees. It was small and didn't hold much as far as amenities, but it did have a fireplace and enough fortitude to keep out the cold. The soldier was happy to see a trail of smoke escaping the brick chimney, and the thought of a warm place to sit down caused him to pick up his pace.

The distance closed quickly, and in no time at all he was coming right up to the front door. He hadn't bothered to knock, he seized the doorknob with his armored paw and twisted before shoving his shoulder against the panel. The warm internal atmosphere of the cabin hit him hard, along with a comforting feeling as he saw that the lights were on and he wasn't alone.

The inside of the cabin was very simple, essentially one big room with the kitchen, living room, and bedroom all rolled into one. A large oak table dominated the middle of the room, and seated at it was his partner for this particular mission. He was a lean, brown and white splotched stallion that had long since taken his power armor off.

He held the body of a well trained soldier, a few scars marring his body but nothing too extreme, muscular with thick arms and a broad chest. Being apart of the main battalion afforded him to be very strong and burly. Although not shown, his name was Jeff Perlman. He sat idle in a wooden chair, a pair briefs and a white muscle shirt being the only two things on his body.

The door slammed as the new arrival's back and he took a moment to drink in the heat of the room. If he didn't see another snowflake for the rest of his life it would be too soon. Without a word he stomped off to the corner of the room and began to strip away the various robotic plates that made up his suit. The stallion watched him with a smirk, his hands folding under his chin as the show went on.

It was quickly revealed that the soldier was a tall and very burly, black-furred pit bull, the white tanktop that adorned his own body was taught against his frame, as his shoulders were quite broad. While he didn't quite have the same rippled six pack abs as his companion, he still came off as very formidable.

The two had been together on this mission since the beginning, and they had to often sleep out in the cold, huddled together for warmth. They were lucky to have made it to this outpost and claim it as a small central command for all of their operations.

"It's about time you made it back," the horse said and slowly got up from his seat. Earlier on he had made a broadcast to his partner for them to get back to the cabin as the winter storm that was rolling in promised to be extra rough. The canine was of course more than happy to comply, he hated this kind of weather.

"I got lost after I set up the beacon," the pitbull said with a growl, the last few plates coming off, but he didn't stop pulling things away. His briefs slid down his thighs and his shirt came off just as easily, leaving him naked. Perlman raised an eyebrow at the sight, not too upset to see his partner naked, though it was a rare occurrence as of late.

"Lost? Didn't your GPS help you out?" the equine asked and stood up.

Read the full story here:

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