Commission for MaskedHusky: The Odd Couple

Story by Jayne Doe on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions

Brody comes home to make dinner for arting Liz the husky, has to wash her paws for her as she emerges from the art room, then make dinner together, start to tease, wind up in the bedroom for silly and fun sex.

With a mumbled obscenity, the enormous painted stallion stooped down to pick his key ring off the ground from where he had dropped it on the front porch, the musical clatter causing his heart to sink in his chest. The hoofy nubs of his fingertips made precision work difficult, and the small flat pieces of metal were far from easy to handle. "I need to get one of those retractable string thingies..." he muttered to himself as he knelt on one knee, scraping at the small bundle trying to scoop them into his palm. The large bay ears folded back in irritation and the equine's nostrils flared in a snort. Damn these stubby fingers! Tucking his lunch box under his left arm, the big man got down on both knees and resorted to scraping the keyring across the concrete towards the step that lead up towards the door. At last he managed to brush the keys over the edge and into his waiting palm. With a satisfied huff, Broderick Longshanks rose to his hooves once again and turned to face his adversary once more, the front door and the confounded lock.

A moment later, the stallion had managed to gain entrance into his own home, and with a tired sigh, hung the keys on a hook by the door, high on the wall. Looking around the Equine's home, a subtle dichotomy seemed to reign supreme. Large furniture, a must for a creature of his formidable bulk, high hung objects, such as pictures and home decor, and tall shelves. Everything from the stallion's waist up was almost fastidiously clean and organized, not an object out of place, but from the waist down..... While not inherently dirty, a note of chaos flavored the room. Side table knocked askew, one couch cushion tumbled across the floor, a squeak bone resting atop a hoarded pile of toys in the corner, and books of artistic method and theory laying in apparent disorganization on the shelves closer to the floor.

Shaking his head in mild amusement, Brody righted the room, as he always did when he arrived home. Table in place, standing up the photo frame that belonged on it, a picture of the stallion with a black and white husky cradled in his arms on the marble steps of an art museum, both smiling brightly for the camera. Pausing in his work for a moment, he rubbed a smudge off the clear plastic, the glass having been broken long ago. He had always loved that photo... Resuming his task he closed and tucked a book back into an open slot, having given up attempting to sort them, and moved on to the toy hoard, dumping them back into the chest he had purchased specifically for the purpose of containing them, all of twelve inches from the pile. Never once did he grumble or complain, but rather seemed to go about his duties with dutiful purpose, as though there was nothing else he'd rather be doing.

When the room had been righted to its proper state, Broderick moved on to the kitchen. Less of a mess here, only a few strewn packages from junk food and a cabinet door left hanging open. Throwing the trash away, he kicked the door shut on his way past to the refrigerator and began making preparations for dinner. Steak and cactus paddles joined the small pile of ingredients on the counter, and a large cast iron skillet was brought down from where it hung on the wall, the propane stove licking at the black pan with it's blue tongues of flame.

Brody figured at this point he had better go get Liz, lest she tackle his knees whilst he was cooking as the aromas drifted through the house to summon her. He had been surprised that she hadn't met him at the door, but if she was deeply wrapped up in her work, then she might not have heard him after all. Pacing demurely through the living room and down the hall, he stopped in front of the door that would have been the home's second bedroom. He waited for a moment, trying to listen in on what Liz might be doing, staring at the roughly carved and handmade name plate that hung on the door. Frost Studio. He'd made it for her early on and she had insisted it be hung up, despite its clearly crude nature and design. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the paint and oil stained door, stepping aside. He had never seen into that room since the husky had taken it over and he didn't want to now... his ocd would kill him.

"Brody!!!" a loud yelp answered the knock, followed by a loud crash that caused the stallion to wince, trying to not imagine the mess that must have just been made. The door banged open and the monochromatic blur of Lizet Frost impacted his knees, almost toppling the big horse. "When-did-you-get-home? I-didn't-hear-you. Didn't-smell-you. Sneaky-hoss..." she jabbered on rapid fire in her husky way as Broderick just chuckled and waited for her to finish, or slow down, or at least take a breath so he could get a word in edgewise.

"Yes yes, hello to you too," he greeted as Liz finally gasped for a breath. Kneeling, down he separated her from his knees and swooped in for a kiss, muffling any response that she tried to bark out, the bushy curled tail fanning wildly behind her in excitement at her mate's presence. Picking her up like a child, he rested her on his hip, noting she was nude, as usual save for the blue collar she wore about her neck, and the normally white fur blotched with all assortments of artistic medium. Paint, acrylic and oil, graphite, and another something the stallion couldn't quite identify. All the while she yammered on in his ear with her pitched yips and barks, and he just nodded as he carried her towards the bathroom.

"....and then after I got the sketch for Floyd done, I started on that painting I sketched yesterday for Chance but I'm not sure I like it and I think I might start it over if can't make it look the way I want but anyways how was your day?" she grinned giddily and licked his ear as he continued to carry her into the bathroom. It took a moment for the stallion's mind to catch up and process the question.

"Not too bad," he replied, turning the water on in the sink and letting it warm up, damp ear flicking through the air in an idle attempt to dry it off, "Just the same old same old, cutting and packing meat. Kinda boring really," he smirked as she wriggled wildly in his arms.

"Boring! How could all that meat be boring!? I'd love to work there and eat all the tasty meats!" she flailed in his arms, imagining all the delicious gobbets of flesh that she could snap up so easily, all the bones to crack and gnaw, her canine mind going wild with desire as the stallion set her down, turning her towards the sink to start washing his husky's paws for her, her imagination too far gone to pay attention and do it for herself, not that she would've anyways.

"And that's exactly the reason we don't hire carnivores, let alone a husky who's difficult to handle on a good day," he chuckled, shutting the water off and beginning to dry her paws on a towel. No matter how many times he explained it, she'd always argue with the same retort.

"But who would know meat better than a carnivore?!" they sang out in unison, the stallion knowing exactly what she'd been going to say. "It's not about who knows meat better, it's about getting that meat sold, now come on, let's have dinner." All cleaned up, he released her to bound out of the bathroom and into the hall, still grumbling under her breath about meat and how it was altogether unfair. Life was never boring in the Longshanks/Frost household....


Dinner passed with it's usual flare, Broderick doing the cooking, trying to keep Liz out of it before it was done, the husky being more than happy to simply tear into the steak raw, but the horse being a little more reserved than that. The cactus paddles hit the melted lard in the skillet for a quick sear before being seasoned lightly and pulled to rest, a dozen eggs joined the skillet, sizzling in their chorus of sharp voices as the stallion fried them over easy, and last but not least, the slab of steak. It barely touched the pan before he flipped it, searing both sides just long enough to seal in the juices before sliding it onto a plate. Two eggs joined it and the equine poked the yolks of both as Liz ran circles around the table in excitement, the odd couple finally settling in to eat.

Broderick knew he'd never be able to control the chaotic mess that was the husky, but he had learned to at least contain it, and while Liz tore into her meal with gusto, Brody ate at a more reserved rate, mixing his cactus steaks into the golden ooze of his own eggs and forking the morsels into his mouth. Amazingly, they managed to finish at the same time, by sheer merit of the quantity of food the equine consumed in each bite as the canine tore into hers as though she feared it would run away.

"Hear you are, hon," Broderick slid his yolk stained plate across the table to Liz. With a happy yelp of gratitude, She set to work with her tongue, lapping every iota of remaining supper from the plate as the stallion watched in bemusement and thought. They'd met almost by accident online, and the two had hit it off immediately despite the obvious differences. Resting his chin in his palm, propped on an elbow, he let his eyes wander over his manic mate, drinking in the subtle feminine canine curves. He'd never thought he'd be so lucky as to enjoy the undying and unconditional affection of a dog, and such a sexy one to boot.

Looking up from the plate and licking the last tidbits of egg from her lips, Liz cocked her head to the side, pointed ears perked straight up in curiosity. "Whatcha looking at Brody?" she queried in her pitched voice, tail fanning in slow sweeps as she stood in her chair, forepaws on the table and giving the stallion a delicious view down her chest at the rows of dark teats that lined her torso. In the dark shadow between her legs, he could see the silhouette of her plump canine vulva, so much more defined than a mare's own lips...

"Wha- hmmm?" he replied, shaking his head to clear it of his daydream and putting a hand in his lap to adjust his pants into a more comfortable position, "Oh, just looking at something pretty." A coy smile spread across his lips as Liz barked a laugh, curled tail wagging all the faster as she crossed her forearms to lean seductively across the table, tracing small circles on the table with the dull dark claw of her forepaw.

"I know that look," she murmured back, just as coy as she hit him with that smoldering gaze he'd fallen for so long ago. Childish and hyper though she may be at times, there was no denying the grown, and extremely kinky, woman that Liz was. As those bright blue eyes locked with his own, the stallion could feel his blood pressure rising, and he grinned, leaning forward on the table to meet her in the middle, touching his broad, soft muzzle to the wet black nose of his husky mate.

"Do you now?" he rumbled deep and low in his chest, a lustful wicker bubbling up through his throat as they stared each other down along their muzzles, "Then I guess we're not having dessert?" he lifted an eyebrow curiously, the pressure behind the zipper of his jeans building at an extreme rate, the bronze teeth straining and struggling to keep the stallion contained as they threatened to burst at any moment.

"Dessert!?" Liz yelped a laugh and threw her head back, "I know I'll be getting a dessert for sure," she winked and licked her chops lewdly, making loud smacking noises that sent a shiver of anticipation down the stallion's spine as he imagined that narrow maw struggling to close over his shaft, one of Liz's favorite pastimes was attempting to give him a blowjob, and more often than not, the stallion couldn't help but laugh while she did.

"Last one to the bedroom has egg farts!" She shouted, bounding out of her chair. Liz's claws clattered against the hard floor as she attempted to gain traction to rocket from the room. The table almost flipped as Broderick stood up with an equally loud whinny, his dinner plate sized hooves crashing down on the ground with a thunderous series of booms as he struggled to get his enormous bulk into motion.

"You'll get egg farts anyways!" he bellowed, reaching out to grab her by the tail and drag her back, the husky paws sliding uselessly across the vinyl floor as he pulled her out of the doorway.

"Hey no fair! That's cheating!" she howled and whined, writhing and squirming in his grip as she struggled to make up the ground she had just lost, howling and yowling all the while that the horse was an honorless cheat that oughts to be put in blinders and whipped and forced to pull a cart. Brody just cackled triumphantly as he pulled ahead, but deep down he knew he would lose. Over flat ground he might have won, but through the house? Maneuverability lay heavily in the husky's favor as she dodged between his legs and around the sofa, knocking that self same coffee table askew.

"Oh come on! Now who's not being fair?!" he belted out a laugh as he vaulted the table and landed on the other side with enough force to shake the rafters, legs buckling underneath him as they took the brunt of his nearly one ton landing. He knew at this point that she'd already be in the bedroom and dancing her victory dance on the bed. Pausing a moment to yank his belt free with a series of loud 'thwaps', the stallion stumbled out of his pants as he continued down the hall, chasing after his little mate and kicking out of his boxers, semi erect cock flopping wildly side to side as he ran and tugged his shirt off over his head.

"-win! I win! I win!" just as predicted, Liz was bouncing in circles on the bedspread, chanting her little victory song which simply consisted of the words 'I' and 'win' repeated over and over. "And Brody has egg farts!" She halted her jubilations to beam manically and point an accusatory finger at the stallion who stood naked and breathless in the doorway, a stupid grin plastered across his face.

"Yeah yeah," he snickered, leaning a shoulder against the doorframe and crossing his legs casually behind his sac and exposed shaft, forcing it to stand out and away from his body just a little, the barrel of his member bent in a slight arch over his hefty sac as it still throbbed with growing arousal, the broad flat head making its bobbing ascent as it stiffened and swelled, preceding the equine into the room as he strode forward to close the gap between them.

Scooping his arms up and under his mate's, he pulled her into a tight embrace, resting her on the stiffening barrel of his shaft, her damp vulva grinding across the top of him as their muzzles met for a firm kiss. Just like their impromptu race, the stallion had strength and size on his side as their tongues meshed, his thick muscle caressing the ridged roof of her mouth as her smaller more nimble one darted around his own, lapping between his teeth as they shared an oral embrace. As they pulled away, a small trail of sticky saliva connected their mouths, Liz licking it up greedily before squirming out of the stallion's grasp with an excited whine.

"Now for dessert," she giggled happily, flopping onto the bed and out of his arms as he let her go with a laugh. Gripping himself by the base of his shaft, he waved the the thick hunk of horseflesh teasingly in front of her nose as she grabbed at it with her paws, pouting and whining that he wouldn't let her have it. "Come oooon..." she pouted as he waved it around in circles.

"How badly do you want it?" he goaded with a smirk, flopping it up and out of her reach just as she made a lunge for it. "Ask ni-HNNGGG!!!" Brody's eyes nearly burst from their sockets as those strong canine jaws latched onto the flat head of his cock, not hard enough to break skin, but firm enough to keep him in place as Liz growled happily around it, both paws coming up to grip him securely as she adjusted herself. "Y-you got it..." he chuckled weakly, eyes watering as he recovered from the sudden bite to his dick.

Stroking her small head with the large index finger of his right hand, he settled in to let Liz do as she would. When she was in one of her moods like this, the stallion had learned that it was best, and far more pleasurable, to let her take the lead and not fight her. Resting his free hand in the small of his back, the equine leaned back and closed his eyes, relishing the wet warmth of her maw on his shaft as her tongue swirled across the broad flat tip, probing the stallion's cumslit and drinking in his salty, musky flavor.

With a deep breath, Broderick leaned his knees against the mattress for support, and curled his fingers into the thick fur as she continued to maul his shaft. Paws working up and down his length from her lips to his thick medial ring, the husky had one goal in mind, swallow the hoss dick... She'd done it before, she'd do it again.

"H-how far are you planning to go there hon?" he grunted under his breath, fighting the urge to grab her by the cheek tufts and yank her head down on him. To hell with her comfort, this teasing was beginning to become unbearable! The canine just growled happily and wagged her tail, looking up at her stallion with bright mischievous eyes. That was Brody's cue. Grabbing the narrow head with both hands, the stallion pulled, feeling the thick head of his cock slide easily across her slick tongue, jamming against the back of her throat where he struggled for a moment, Liz howling her pleasure and falling limp in the hands of her stallion as he throat fucked her.

The barrier of her throat gave way with a slight pop, and the barrel of his shaft slid down her gullet, the tight walls of her esophagus flexing around him as he sank into her, a needy moan slipping past his shaft as her muzzle slid determinedly towards his base, stopping just a few inches from his medial ring before he pulled back again with a lust filled groan, Liz still whining i ecstasy, paws curling and clutching at the sheets as her eyes rolled back into her head.

Biting his lip, the stallion hissed softly and jammed his shaft back into her throat, driving it deeper than before as her gullet squeezed and massaged around him, practically milking his seed from him prematurely, but he couldn't let go.... not yet. Eyes scrunched shut, he backed her off of him one more time before thrusting forward again, a sharp yelp erupting in a muffled burst past her lips as he forced his way into her stomach. It was her turn for her eyes to water as he forced himself so invasively deep, but her tail never ceased waving back and forth in giddy canine excitement.

Gathering himself for the final thrust, Broderick drew back one last time, bracing himself against the bed and holding Liz's head in place. Looking down into his mate's eyes, he grinned softly as he held her in suspense, the husky squirming impatiently, ready and waiting to swallow him down and let him unload his heavy spunk directly into her gut. With a final stroke over her pointed ear, Brody held her fast and plunged to the hilt, burying his cock into the canine maw as his fat flat head flared wide, too wide to pull out right away, and jetted rope after rope of his white hot cum into her stomach.

Liz's eyes rolled back into her head as her stallion used her so freely, a moan of mixed pain and pleasure as her jaw stretched to accommodate girth of his base, tightening her belly muscles as she felt the warm wash of his seed into her belly, bubbling and boiling inside her. She clenched down on him instinctively, eyes shut as she reached down to paw at her damp sex, moaning contentedly around his shaft, buried in her muzzle as the stallion's hips clenched and rolled sporadically, delivering the last of his load until he finally fell still and relaxed breathing a little heavily and placing a hand on the bed for support as the heady rush of his climax washed over him.

"I guess you got your dessert after all," he murmured softly, stroking her head as he regained his awareness of his surroundings, drool and a bit of horse cum dribbling from the corner of Liz's mouth, though she seemed in no rush to go anywhere as she idly fondled the recently emptied orbs. Laughing softly under his breath, Brody repositioned her, very carefully, so as to join her on the bed, resting the husky between his legs as he lounged back on the pillows, playing with her fur, even as she continued to play with his balls, unperturbed. Yes, life was good for this hoss.

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