Captured And Tamed - Part 03

Story by Vykk on SoFurry

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#3 of Captured And Tamed

Okay, Part 03 ready to go

Hope that everyone reading these are enjoying them. vykk really appreciates you spending the time to read them so thanks very much for that *Smiles and wags tail*

New charrie up in this Part, vykk hopes Y/you'll enjoy it so without further blathering he will let Y/you get to reading...

Thanks again for looking at this story and a big thank You to 'chafalcar' and 'Duffin' for Your comments, and he will watch out for that past and present tense thing, thanks for pointing it out Duffin ^_^

At the moment he is having trouble signing into Furoom so he cant check his messages, he knows he has 4 at the mo so if You wrote him one he is real sorry but he hasnt had the chance to read it yet, please dont think he is ignoring You. Hopefully he will get that sorted out soon but in the mean time if You could either post Your message as a comment or else please feel to email him he would really appreciate it cos he does wanna read Your messages and take what You have to say on-board

Gods, this is getting longer than the story, sorry guys

Thanks again for reading, enjoy and see You in Part 04

All the best,

vykk XXX

WARNING!!! This is an M/M, Non consensual story


Vykk woke up in his cage. His face hurt as soon as he opened his eyes, and the overwhelming scent of sex and cum soon gave him the reason why his face was hurting when his expression changed...the cum that had been painted on his face during his rape was still there, the bastards had left it on him and it had dried into his fur meaning that every time his expression changed the dried semen pulled at his fur painfully.

He growled deeply as he tried to get up, forgetting that the cage was too small for him to stand up, banging his head on the bars and making him growl again and clutch at his skull. The noise had brought attention to him though and Karin appeared as if by magic next to the cage, smiling down horribly at the caged wolf.

Karin had slept soundly for nine hours then had woken to the news that bitch was still unconscious and had decided to 'guard' the caged slut until he came around. Sure it was dull, but it wouldn't be when the slave woke up; then it would be anything but dull. And now bitch had woken up, banging his head on the top of his cage, the sound making Karin look up, grin and walk over to the cage, the grin not shifting as he looks down to the caged slut and a twinge starting in his groin at the scent of sex that surrounded bitch and the memory of what the new slave had been put through last night.

"Finally awake then bitch"...Again Karin spoke in their native language but he knew that in the next couple of days he would have to start teaching the new slut the common tongue, or at least someone would, he didn't see why he had to do such a boring task himself, he had been the first to break the whore after all. Right now though he wanted to test how much bitch hungered for his cum. True it hadn't been that long since the slave had last swallowed his load but Karin knew that the aphrodisiac would still be pumping through the slut's veins and that would make him all the more, malleable.

This was going to be a risky test though, the slave gag that had been put on bitch was now removed and so it was possible that the wolf slut could sink his fangs into his cock if he wanted to. Karin thought a moment, wondering how he could instil enough obedience, or rather fear, into bitch so that biting his cock would be the last thing on his mind. Looking down he saw the chain leash that was coiled next to the cage for when bitch would be taken on 'walks' for exercise and smiles cruelly, suddenly getting an idea.

Karin reaches down and wraps the chain leash around his paw then clenching it into a fits, he had been saved more than once in a fight from doing this move, with a chain wrapped around your fist a punch was shockingly damaging, it hurt you like a bastard, but it hurt your enemy a hell of a lot more.

The wolf slaver then looks down to bitch's cage, checking that it was the right style and smiling again when he found what he was looking for, the small locked catches on the outside of the cage that would allow a portion of the barred wall to swing down, allowing access to the slave inside. It was used for giving the slave any drugs or for any activity that required the Slaver to stay outside and the slave to stay inside, like 'educational' beatings. Right now, Karin had a plan on just how to use this.

Karin was about to lean down and torment the new slave by telling him just what was about to happen, but then he thought about it for a moment and decided that it would be a lot more interesting to see what would happen if he just put his cock through the bars to tease the slut. He could always pull back quickly if the whore went to bite him, but there was a very good chance that he would be unable to resist the scent of his cock and the chance to swallow his cum because of the drug that had been forced into the slave's body yesterday. Karin decides to go for it and without another word to the captured wolf he unbuckles the crotch plate of his armour, setting it aside before he undoes his breeches and slips a paw inside.

He was already ragingly hard at the thought of what was about to happen and so he pulled his fully extended cock out into the afternoon light, letting the scent of his arousal fill the air before he slipped it between the bars just behind bitch, so that he would have to turn around to suck it, this would give Karin time to pull back if the slut acted aggressively and it would also mean that bitch would actively have to move to suck his cock, either way it was a winner. Then he looked away, making sure not to look directly at bitch but definitely keeping him in his peripheral vision in case he tried to bite him, knowing that if he was watching then the whore definitely wouldn't succumb to this test.

Vykk's eyes widened as the wolf Slaver just unbuckled the armour on his groin and then pulled his hard cock out, as if there was nothing to be ashamed of or there was no thought of modesty. The Slaver just stood there, his dick hard and slick in arousal, but then he found his nose was suddenly tingling, he could smell the wolf Slaver's arousal, smell his cock and horrifyingly, it made his mouth water slightly. Vykk's eyes widened and he shook his head before shutting his eyes tight in concentration, trying not to smell that anymore, but a wolf's sense of smell is very keen and there was no way that he could avoid catching the scent of Karin's hard cock.

The scent made his heart race, it made his mouth water and it made the insides of his ears grow red as he flushed gently, giving off unmistakeable signs of heat, his tail even rising a little behind him as the aphrodisiac continued to course through his veins and what was worse, was that he would now start to hunger for the Slaver's cum, whether he accepted it or not. Soon he couldn't help himself anymore, his heart was thundering in his ears, his nose was tingling and his own cock was stirring. Vykk opens his eyes, looking up to the Slaver but finds he is looking away from him, as if he wasn't there, making him relax slightly and his slightly glazed eyes then sought out the source of that scent, looking for Karin's dick. He found it just behind him and he just stared at it, licking his lips without thinking about it, had he looked up he would have seen Karin grinning obscenely but his eyes were fixed on the Slaver's shaft and the more he looked at it and the more the scent filled his head the more he couldn't resist moving toward it.

Slowly he turns in his cage until the Slaver's hard length was in front of his face, panting heavily now, licking his lips again, seeing the end of Karin's cock was already slick with precum but not even thinking about just what that meant he leans forward, until the hard prick was an inch away from the end of his muzzle, almost teasing himself with it.

Vykk's mind was screaming at him, telling him this was wrong, all wrong, he shouldn't do this, he couldn't do this, but again the aphrodisiac and the other taming drug made his body win the argument and the captured wolf couldn't fight it any longer. Vykk leans forward, opens his mouth and seals his dark lips around the Slaver's cock, pushing his head toward Karin's groin and talking half of the hot dick into his mouth at once. His tongue lapped at the underside as he started sucking on the thick cock in his mouth, his eyes closing and his tail lifting further behind him as he pushes his head forward further, sliding more of the slick length between his cloying lips and sucking firmly.

bitch was inexperienced but Karin didn't care, he had to bite his lip to stop from laughing and growling in pleasure as he felt the slut engulf his cock in his hungry mouth. That was as much as he could take and he flipped open the section of the cage, putting his paws in and gripping bitch's head with a growl..."Ohh, good bitch...oh you good little slut, I told you, you would soon crave my cum. Look at you, caught only yesterday and already you are nothing but a cock-sucking whore, and loving it."

He played with bitch's ears as he started rocking his hips, pulling the slut's head closer to his groin, feeding him more of his cock and bitch didn't resist, in fact he started sucking harder at his cock, seeming to enjoy the slightly rough treatment..."Yes, good slut...if you beg me nicely enough, I will let you swallow my release. Would you like that bitch? Would you like to drink more of My cum?"...Karin couldn't keep a smirk off his face now as bitch looks up to him with those glazed and somehow innocent eyes.

It was those words and Karin's smug grin that broke the spell on Vykk. Suddenly he came to his senses, almost vomiting, although more from guilt and shame than from the taste or feel of the Slaver's hot dick in his mouth, feeling his precum running over his tongue and down his throat and the Slaver's fingers teasing his ears. He instantly started to pull back but Karin held his head still for a moment, and Vykk struggled, letting Karin know he was no longer lost in heat. Karin continued to grip bitch's head for a fraction too long though and Vykk suddenly realised that the Slaver's most sensitive organ was in his mouth, right under his fangs. He didn't waste a second and began to bite down onto the other wolf's cock.

As much as He had been enjoying the blowjob Karin had been waiting for this, as soon as he felt the struggle he knew something was wrong and the instant he felt the sharp, hard points of bitch's fangs against his cock he drew back like lightening, but still, the slut's fangs scraped his dick painfully, making him roar in pain. bitch was coughing and gagging but Karin didn't notice, he clenched his paw and backhanded the whore around the face, the chain making his strike all the more devastating to the unprotected slave.

Vykk cried out as the metal impacted squarely against his face, hitting him just above his right eye and easily splitting the skin under his grey fur, causing blood to start flowing down the side of his face, his head buzzing in pain and stars dancing in front of his eyes. Karin was snarling in rage and clutching at his abused groin with one paw and punching bitch again with the other, although this punch glanced off the slave because he pulled back just in time despite his dazed state, huddling at the back of his cage to stay away from the Slaver's blows..."You little FUCK!"...Karin bellowed; his face a mask of sheer rage... "I'll teach you to bite me you little cunt!"

The slaver reached down for his dagger and was about to castrate the slave before Argent, the Band's healer, apothecary and expert swordsman gripped his wrist and twisted it, making the wolf Slaver go rigid with pain.

"No, you won't. Go away Karin, tend to your wounds, if they still hurt later come and see Me and I will give you a salve for them, until then, push off."...Karin knew that the white jackal was a higher rank than him, and he knew that the jackal was undefeated in combat.

Even Gheran didn't mess with the huge jackal, but that was more due to friendship and respect than anything else, Gheran and Argent were old friends and respected each Other a lot. One of the things the Slavers liked to talk about to pass the time during boring guard duty was to discuss Who would win if Argent and Gheran ever got into a fight. So the wolf Slaver snarled and spat at bitch before glaring at Argent and skulking off, walking awkwardly because of his injury, leaving the white jackal towering over the caged whore.

Vykk watched the scene in stunned surprise, he had thought he was going to die when Karin, he knew the Slaver's name now after hearing him referred to it so often, had reached down for his knife and to be honest, he was grateful, he was about to die and be reunited with his mate-to-be and the rest of his pack. But then the huge jackal had come along, and saved his life. Vykk was able to smell the fear coming from the wolf Slaver and it was clear that this white jackal was very powerful and respected, making Vykk very nervous as he had no idea what it was They were speaking about. He backs himself into the far corner of the cage, knowing it wouldn't do much good, but it was instinctive, seeing the huge jackal looking down at him with a serious, calculating expression, as if thinking of something. He absent-mindedly wiped the blood that was running down from his eye away with the back of his paw and then saw the jackal's expression soften a little and hears Him say something in that strange language.

"That's nasty, bitch, I will stitch it up. The Lads won't want Their new slut damaged, nor will Gheran, the Chief has some very definite plans for you."...Says Argent, but bitch just tilts his head quizzically and the jackal realises now that the slave doesn't understand the language and so He just nods, points to His Own eyebrow and then points to bitch. This just make's the slave even more confused, backing away and looking wide eyed at the large jackal. So with a soft, slightly amused sigh Argent reaches into His pouch and produces a cloth which He then pours some dark liquid onto.

Without wasting a movement the jackal leans down thorough the opened section of the slut's cage and jams the cloth firmly against bitch's mouth and nose. This stuff took a little while to work, but Argent was skilled at these things and despite bitch's struggles He held the cloth against the end of his muzzle. bitch went from curious, to shocked to unconscious in about five seconds, making Argent laugh softly and shake his head gently; this slut really was unused to drugs.


Vykk woke up in a new surrounding; it was a dwelling of some sort. But he recognised the scent that seemed to be ingrained into his surroundings; it was the scent of that huge jackal...this was obviously his home.

The jackal's home was a huge tent, tastefully furnished but not garishly so. It was partitioned off with screens decorated with strange glyphs so that there were different 'rooms'. The floor was covered with a woven reed mat of sorts but there were furs laid over the top of it here and there for added warmth. The walls were hung with war banners and furs that were suspended from the roof supports from which also hung dried and drying herbs. There were large cases and tables covered in neatly arranged bottles and medical instruments. In one corner of this 'room' there was a rack of sorts and from this hung the jackal's armour, shield and sword. All in all it was a very comfortable place to be in, especially after the cramped quarters of his cage.

Vykk himself was lying on a pallet that was covered in a bear skin in what had to be the treatment area of the jackal's home, his eyebrow hurt and he gingerly reached up to touch it but found that there stitches there, but at least the Jackal had washed his face clean from all the matted cum that had dried in his fur. he tried to get up but he was weak, his arms and legs were heavy, not knowing so but he had been sedated as he was now out of his cage and Argent didn't want to have to put the slave in restraints. The jackal had however locked a chain to the wolf slave's ankle which was then attached to a post that was buried deep into the ground, the chain was long enough that it would allow him to move around the tent but not leave it.

It was the heavy jingling of that chain that brought Argent around one of the screens, looking down to bitch and smiling pleasantly, glad to see the slave had woken up and that he wasn't badly damaged..."Ah, good boy, I was wondering when you would awaken."

He saw the slave try to get up and then growl at the chain that was locked around his ankle, making the jackal shake His head and look sternly at bitch..."Do not complain, I was being nice, I could have you bound paw and foot."

When bitch looked quizzically at Him again He sighed; this language barrier was really getting on His nerves. He decided to use magic to sort the problem, He knew of a spell that would give the recipient the ability to understand languages that he or she had never heard before. It was hard to do, and it took a rare type of venom to make the solid part of the spell, but it was worthwhile to use it on slaves that the Band intended to keep. They had tried long ago teaching new sluts the language if they were feral or came from another region and soon got bored of it, and so Argent was ordered to learn this spell.

Spells consist of two factors, the word element and the solid element. The word element were syllables that concentrate and harness the Spellcaster's chi energy so that they could then let it flow into the solid element to activate it and let the spell work as He or She wished. Different words were spoken with different spells to concentrate the chi energy in different ways; this is why all spells are different and hard to learn. As it was the Spellcaster's Own chi energy that was being used casing a spell drained Them some what, making it impossible to cast one spell after another constantly, this is why Spellcaster duels are no light thing.

The solid element is the part that interacts with the recipient's body. Usually it was a herb or natural chemical of some sort that would be harmful to the recipient if taken on its own, but the chi energy released by the words of the spell changed the chemical and molecular make-up of the element and released it's hidden properties.

Heading over to the table with the neatly stored medical instruments and various sized bottles containing a whole spectrum of different coloured potions Argent inspects them and selects a tiny phial, taking it up, uncorking the stopper. The Apothecary reaches down and takes a blow gun from the instruments lined up on the table's surface. It would be a lot easier to just dart bitch with the venom than trying to inject him. After coating the tip of the dart with the venom Argent heads over to another case, taking down a large book that was bound in wood. He flicked through the pages, gazing at the print until He found the verse He was looking for and snapped the book shut before placing it back with the others. The jackal then turned and headed to bitch who was watching Him curiously, obviously confused about what was going on and what He was doing.

Without a word Argent raised the blow gun to His mouth and exhaled into it hard, the small dart speeding toward the doped wolf slave who actually managed to try and get up before the dart thudded into his scruff. Argent counted for ten seconds before He closed His eyes, concentrated and the spoke in His deep, growling voice..."Clatu Verata Nictou*"...Feeling the fur on the back on His neck standing up from the build up of chi energy that was starting to course through his body. The Apothecary repeated the words of the spell and then made a low, almost ominous chant out of the words, almost creating a mantra out of the three words, His voice dropping low until it was just a deep, grating rumbling sound.

Vykk felt a sting in his neck, but it didn't hurt, it did make his jaw tighten and lock a little, wondering what the purpose of all this was as it didn't seem to be doing a whole lot. He also didn't understand what the jackal was saying, His voice was so low and deep it was more of a low, rumbling sensation than it was a sound. Vykk just lay there, sedated and watching the Apothecary as He finishes speaking His mantra and then looks to him, His eyes intense. This huge jackal didn't need to threaten or menace, He just exuded power and dominance. Vykk thought of himself as fairly dominant, at least he had until what had happened yesterday, but next to this jackal, he knew he was very much the submissive one.

Argent finished the spell and locked His gaze on bitch. He felt great; His body was hot, tensed and alive. It was always the same at the end of a spell, all the chi energy flowing through Your body gave You a vitality and strength, it also, made You feel very horny..."Feel any effect bitch?"...The jackal's voice was slightly breathless as His heart was racing.

Vykk's eyes widen. He had no idea the jackal knew the native wolf language and was so taken aback that he replied without thinking about it..."No, what was it for?"...That's when he stopped. He had just spoken the strange language that the slavers did, but he didn't know it, he had never heard it before yesterday.

Argent grins at bitch's evident shock, showing His impressive fangs..."Oh I think it is working well enough. My name is Argent; I am the Band's Apothecary and healer. I am also the best with a sword in the Band, so do not try anything with Me, bitch."...Argent glared at the slave just to make His point. As well as making You feel horny it the build up of chi energy also put You on edge, made You feel aggressive, especially if You were a dominant like Argent and had a new slave that had a sedative and an aphrodisiac in their blood chained and at Your feet.

Argent had only intended on bringing the slave back to heal him and then send him back to his cage, but now thanks to casting the spell He felt very aroused and He needed something to take the edge off. He also intended to make bitch understand that he was also going to be used by Him and so He wanted to assert His dominance early, it would be more fun to make bitch understand He was in charge before he became totally broken in. The dazzling white jackal walks over to the wolf and grabs him by the scruff, bitch struggled but it was a weak struggle thanks to the sedative in his system and Argent pulled him up so that he was looking into His bright, assertive eyes..."Now, You are going to pleasure Me, in thanks for protecting you from Karin and for healing your wounds. I will do what I wish and you will not complain, understand? It is time you realised what you are now and I am going to show you."

bitch's eyes were wide as he looks up to the huge jackal. He was easily head and shoulders taller than the lupine and was twice as strong, making Him very intimidating to bitch, especially as he had a chain on his ankle. Argent smiled, not in a nasty way, but it still made Vykk shiver in fear... "you know, you should really thank Me bitch, I'm going to break you in more before you go to Gheran tonight. Gheran is the Chief. I don't know if you saw Him last night or not. But you are His tonight. He is going to give you your collar, your brand, and maybe even a new name, if He feels you deserve it. But I should warn you that most of the Lads think that the name bitch suits you, so I would get used to it if I were you, though I'm sure glad I'm not. He is also going to...well, I think you already know."

Then Argent's eyes softened and He set bitch down again so that the terrified slave was kneeling in front of Him, saying more kindly..."Don't worry bitch, please Me well and I will be gentle and kind, I am probably the only One in this Band that you can trust on that."...The jackal reaches down and gently strokes behind the slave's ears..."You can trust Me little slut, please Me well, and I will watch over you."

Vykk looked up to the huge Apothecary, dazzled by His white fur and incredibly strong build, feeling dwarfed by Him and knowing full well that if he didn't submit and do what He wanted then He would just beat him and force him to do it anyway, it was clear that Argent could break him in half without trying and if he was going to put through this again tonight, with the Chief Slaver, then the last thing he needed to be was beaten up beforehand.

Leaving bitch back on his knees Argent goes over to His table and picks up a phial that contained almost the same taming drug that the Others had taken yesterday before raping bitch. The only way it differed from the other drug was its potency. This variety was a lot stronger and took far less time to take effect.

The Lads didn't know about this type, and good thing too, it was usually only reserved for the Chief or Buyers of Their slaves. It was not only a much stronger aphrodisiac for both the One taking it and the slave that was used but it also made the slave addicted to Their cum much faster, making the craving even stronger. Gheran was going to use it tonight on bitch, but there was no reason that Argent couldn't take it. He didn't normally do things like that, but He had taken a fancy to this new slut, as it seemed, had most of the other Lads.

Argent swiftly flips the lid of the phial, raises it to His mouth, draining the awful tasting liquid in one gulp. He the tosses the empty phial into the basket of other empties, leaving them there, ready to be collected and washed by a slave to be used again.

The white jackal turns and walks over to bitch, reaching down and gripping him by the scruff before unceremoniously dragging him into another sectioned off area of His tent, His sleeping area. He unlocked the end of the long chain that attached to the post in the floor but kept the end that was secured to bitch's ankle in place.

Argent then carried both bitch and the end of the chain into His 'lounge' area, pausing a moment and letting the whore drop onto His pallet which was covered in luxuriant furs, after all, He wasn't the band's Healer in order to be poor and uncomfortable. Argent then went and sat down in His chair, it wasn't as grand or throne-like as the Chief's but it was still impressive and locked the end of the chain onto one of the arms of His chair, effectively securing bitch to it, although there was some slack.

Argent decided to start off slow. He liked this slave, He had seen him fight when They had raided his pack, he had spirit, he was a fighter and He respected that. But that life was over now, bitch was now a pleasure slave, a slut, to be used as and when his Owner's desired. The huge jackal reaches down and grips the chain that is now locked to His chair, smiling over to bitch in a friendly way before tugging it and saying..."Come here bitch, I want you closer"

bitch was trying to stand up when Argent tugged on the chain again, pulling him off balance, hearing the slut yowl and shaking His head..."No, you are a bitch now, crawl like one, on all fours, your tail lifted high in the air, like a bitch in heat, teasing a stronger Mate, begging with your body to be taken by Them."...Argent could see the look of shame and turmoil that went on in bitch's eyes as he heard the order, but obviously he knew that he had no choice in the matter because he did as he was told.


To Be Continued...

Captured And Tamed - Part 02

\*Blushes and smiles with a wave\* Hi there, Right, well here is Part 02 to vykk's story, he hopes you have enjoyed it so far. Again vykk is sorry for any and all spelling and grammar mistakes he didnt catch in the proof read. And as always vykk...

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Captured And Tamed - Part 01

WARNING!!! This is an M/M, Non consensual story \*Blushes and smiles sheepishly\* Hi everyone This is vykk's first ever yiffy story so please keep that in mind when reading. vykk won't give away what is going on except to say that this is...

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