Cold Trail

Story by Sen32 on SoFurry

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#5 of Darkness Before Dawn

Next chapter, we meet a few more interesting people. Guess what I was drinking and you will win one internets!

Questions or comments, please address them at the end of the story!

Cold Trail

I don't know how l was out, but it was day break. Sunlight speared through the clouds as I lay next to Brandon, coving any light that might hit him. He stirred a bit, still weak from drinking the bad blood. Hopefully my blood would help clear out his system as he took it upon himself to get a snack on his way from the train yard. We we're being hunted, Whittaker made that clear; Edward should be fine as well. I didn't throw him into the void like I did the warden, but he was one arm less of a threat. I still needed to work on my abilities, but the longer I stay a part of the void, the harder it was for me to come back out.

Brandon looked so helpless when he slept. I stroked his hair gently as I lay back down with him, and waited for the sun to set. I couldn't sleep since I woke up from the last black out. I watched as I could make smoke billow from my fingertips. I smiled as it danced and moved where I commanded it to, I blocked out the sunlight and waited. I could see in the dark as if everything was clear as day. We were in some abandoned building, but I had no idea where. I scooted closer to Brandon, it was still winter, and I was cold. I was tempted to slip into the void for a while, but I started to get scared, scared that I might not be able to come back.

It was now night and I continued to watch over him, as he would watch over me. I closed my eyes for a bit, and from the darkness, the hills came back, and there he was, lying on his side with his head in my lap. He stirred as I continued to stroke his face. Slowly his eyes opened, and I smiled, the sun shining a bit brighter. "Hello love," I said.

"Hey, what's up?" he said, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"I don't know where you took us, but its night now, we should get moving," I said.

"Well, I should get up now, but I just want to know, what did you do back there?"he asked as he sat up, the hills and sun faded away, leaving the eroded concrete walls behind. The floors became dusty and cracked as the hills leveled out into stone.

"I don't know, I just knew I had to get you, no matter what."

"When you ripped open the door, everything went dark, I couldn't see, hear, smell anything. When we left the yard, everything was gone except for the trees and us. Like every inorganic material in a hundred yards disappeared."

"Like I said, I don't know, and I have a bad feeling if I ever do something like that again, it's going to be worst."

"Well, alright. I feel a lot better, but we can't go back to your place for a while. Wait, what did you do to the tiger?"

"I ripped his arm off, and flung him across town,"

"Wow..." he said, leaving his mouth open for a moment.

"My wolfie," I said, hugging him tight.

"Hehe, come on, we got to get moving,"

"Alright, one more thing, if I ever see that white wolf again, I'm going to turn him inside out," I said, filling my anger rise once more as I looked back at what happened.

"Yeah, you have to watch out for him though, he's a hunter, and to make things worse, he uses magic. Hunter's are from an elite order of slayers."

"Well why I can see that slayers would go after a vampire, but what business does one have working with a vampire?"

"I don't know, probably because of how pissed they are at me,"

"Brandon, I know it's not my place to ask, but what the fuck did you do to piss off someone to go through these means to kill you,"

"Well, they're not exactly trying to kill me,"

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, the way I live my life the way I want, is like spitting in the face of our world. I while ago, I kinda got in a fight with the 'to be' crowned prince of the vampires, and killed him. According to law, that makes me the next to be prince and king."


"Yeah, but I love my life the way it is now, and I love you, I don't want this to change at all, but they will stop at no means to bring me in and either make me rule, or find another suitable ruler to kill me and take my place,"

"Well why don't we go and you take the crown, and order them to leave you alone,"

"First of all, they'll kill you on sight, then probably kill me because I refuse to take a queen. Also, I don't like to kill regular people, and they see that as a weakness. The only reason they've left me alone for the longest time was because I could kill pretty much anything that came at me."

"Ah, well then... this is really a problem,"

"Yeah, it is, now you see why I said I can't do this without you?"

"It's fine, I don't care what they send after us, I'll stay with you until the end,"

"Are you okay?" he asked suddenly.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said looking at him strangly, "Why do you ask?"

"I don't remember that scar," he said, potining at my chest where Edward clawed me. The wound had sealed, but was still fresh and stung slightly.

"Yeah, that tiger slashed me good, but I'd say it was worth it to let him get close enough to rip off his arm."

"You heal fast,"

"When I disappated, I don't feel anything, no pain, no cold, no warmth, it's pretty comfortable."

"I heard that when you're in the void, your body heals itself using material scattered across the void. It's your natural element, your weapon, its all you got against everything we'll face."

"True, but what do you have that makes you so dangerous, speed and strength are nice, but what can you do against a magic user?"

"I can do quite a bit, I got my own tricks," he said trailing his finger down my scar. I felt something move, and it stung a bit, but my blood seemed to have become solid and stitched the wound so it wouldn't open.

"Blood magic?" I asked.

"It's much more than that, but we need to go, let's grab some dinner,"


We both walked out of the ruined building and headed to the lights of a city not too far away, in each other's arms. I smiled as I realized that I was wrong before when I said I was fine in the dark, that it was nice. Things are much better with Brandon, even if it comes with a few dangers.

The young raccoon made loud slurping noises as it worked the large tiger's shaft with his mouth the best he could. Edward looked down at his slave, "Such weak things," he said as it continued to work him closer to orgasm. "But I suppose they do some good for me,"

"Oh come on Edward, if we stop by to charm every lonely walking stranger for sex, we're never going to find Alistair," said Whittaker from the corner of the roof.

Edward grunted as he shoved the poor fur all the way down as he pumped him full of his load. He let go as the raccoon pulled off and coughed for air. "Stand up," he said, making the fur bend to his command instantly. He gripped his neck and pulled him up so he could feed. He threw the raccoon down as he looked at the bandaged stump that used to be his left arm. "I'm gonna get that son of a bitch, what did you say he was again?"

"A fucking void seeker, last time I saw one of those, took a whole squad to hunt her down, she leveled half a city block before we cut her head off."

"Damn things sound dangerous,"

"They are if you don't have the means to sever their connection to the void," he said as he looked at the tiger pull his pants up before kicking the poor fur in the ribs. He let out a low whistle as he watched the hulky tiger walk up to him. Down one arm, he still looked intimidating as hell.

"I know what yer thinkin, and the answer's no, I don't fuck things that are white, just personal preference,"

"Get off your ego's dick, you're not that good looking,"

"Well I'm gonna go report in with the boss, let me know when ya find them,"

"Alright," he said as he took the small patch of fur that he ripped off of Brandon and held it over his lantern. He began to chant, and the smoke slowly rose, setting the fur on fire. Soon the ashes flew to the north and dropped suddenly. "Didn't get far, did ya?" he said as he lifted his lantern and with a wave of his hand it vanished and he went to go look for the tiger. As he passed the raccoon lying dazed on the ground, gave him a good look over. "Might as well have a bit of fun as well," he said and unzipped his pants.

Downstairs, Edward paced back and forth on his cell. "I told you, he's new boyfriend fucked me up," he said as he kicked the wall, he would have punched it, but due to a shortage of limps, it wasn't worth the effort. "No he's not a vampire, but still he couldn't be charmed... I told you, I thought that was shaving cream." For the next several moments, the voice over the phone screeched at Edward. "Fine, yes, understood, we're trailing him now, yes I know Whittaker charges by the hour. Okay, we're heading back to base as soon as we catch him, bye," he hung up and was careful not to grip his phone too hard to break it, he'd already been through six this month.

"Awww, grand dad mad?" said Whittaker as he walked down the stairs, zipping himself up.

"You smell like slut," he replied.

"And you look like one, let's go, we'll catch them soon."

"Brandon!" said a waitress as she walked over to us.

"Hey Charlene," said Brandon, as they took seats at the bar in the little diner near the main street. It was cozy, and the food smelled great. It seems Brandon's been here before. "This is Aiden,"

"Howdy, nice to meet cha'," said the elderly coyote. "Let me get y'all some coffee, poor things must be freezing to death," she said as she disappeared behind the counter.

"She's sweet, you come here often?" I asked as we sat there, I felt his paw come up to hold mine.

"Yeah, sorta one of my frequent stops when I'm on the road, Charlene and me go way back."

"Way back huh? She know your, um, you know," he smiled back at me.

"It's fine, she know, also, she's one of the few friends I can trust, she may look kind and sweet, but when she gets mad, she's quite a fireball." I smiled, wondering what could ever upset her, later that night, I would find out.

"Charlene, can we get some steak and eggs,"

"Sure thing darling," she said from the back. I looked around, and just a few other anonymous faces around us. We sat there and sipped on our coffees.

"Yeah, Whittaker set up a nice trap, enchanting the blood in the hospital. I won't be fooled again, but he's a force to be reckoned with."

"I don't care who he is, I won't let him harm you again,"

"My knight in shining armor," he said with a light punch to the shoulder. I winced as he grazed the scar. "Sorry,"

"It's fine," we turned around as plates appeared before us, piled with eggs and thick cut steaks. Charlene gave us a wink that said dig in as she spun on her heel and went to tend to other customers. "That girl sure is quick, and light on her feet," I looked over at Brandon, but his mouth was already stuffed with food. I laughed and stuffed my mouth as well. We ate quickly and downed it with more coffee. Charlene finished busing some tables and came back to us.

"So, how you two meet?" she said like a friend ready to spread gossip.

"We met at a coffee shop, hearts and arrows everywhere," said Brandon.

I blushed, and said, "He then stalked me into the grocery,"

"Good night," said the cook as he walked out. I turned around for a second watching him leave, "Be sure to lock up, see ya in the mornin, girl," he said and waved. Charlene waved back and locked the door behind him, it was just us three left in the diner.

"Okay, Charlene, we're in a bit of a pickle."

"You've always got your tail deep into some trouble, what is it this time boy?"

"We got a slayer and a vamp on us, he's a void seeker, and they're after me because I'm the prince of the vamps now,"

"Oh shit, you didn't"

"Yes, I killed Wylie, fucker had it coming,"

"Boy, don't you talk about him like that," she said slapping the top of his head.

"Yes ma'am," he said quickly.

"You should go appeal to the council. And you!," she said jabbing a finger at me. "You better not destroy half the city,"

"What?" I said.

"Yes, you heard me, you and your kind have a history of mass destruction. The titanic didn't sink because it hit an iceberg."

Brandon finished his coffee and looked at me, "He doesn't have everything under control yet, you know anyone who can help?"

"Well, I might, but you're probably not going to like it. If you want to get him some help, you should go see Andrew,"

"Wait, which Andrew,"

She smacked him again, and snapped at him ,"Don't you play stupid with me boy, you know which Andrew!" then she turned and smacked me, "And don't you just stare!" I rubbed my head as she looked at Brandon.

"Fine, I'll go see Andrew the lore keeper."

"You're damn right you better go see him, now there isn't a moment to waste, by chance do you know who's the slayer on your trail?"

"Yeah, name's Whittaker Witchbane," Charlene stopped and turned around.

"Did you just say Witchbane?"

"Yes," I answered for him. She stared at us intensly.

"That son of a bitch, he started using the craft when slayers started off killing those who did. He's a damn hypocrite, and needs to be put in his place. Bastard also tried to run off with my last husband till I done killed him." I could feel her anger. Brandon just nudged me behind him.

"Oh look, he's right there," he said. Charlene turned around and there he was, standing in the middle of an empty street, with a wide grin on his face. The white wolf with the scar down his left eye, he stood there with a long blade in one arm, and his lantern in the other.

"Son of a bitch," she said and walked out the front door. "Witchbane!" she screamed.

"Oh my, Charlene, is that you? The years have not been kind,"

"Today, you die!" she said, and then the spot she the kind waitress once stood in, exploded. There from the flames, was the form of a coyote, shaped of flames and lava. I stood behind Brandon as the heat became so intense. She flew towards him like a bullet as he raised his lantern just in time to raise a shield to protect him from her attack and the heat. She was a fireball indeed.

That's it for this one, can't wait for the next one? Me neither, too bad I have to take the time to write it first. Damnit, why can't I just magic the next chapter?!