Corruption of Our Youth

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My first commission! Thank you to FALCONCOMMAND for allowing me to be the vehicle for an exciting story.

Per my usual disclaimer, the strong content in this story may be triggering to some readers. Further, this story is a work of fiction. The author does not condone the abuse or mistreatment of real children.

Lightning flashed and cracked in the distance, making young Klara jump. A heavy breeze swooped in and playfully ruffled her dark blue feathers and caressed her flanks. The cuck, as adolescent gryphons were called within her tribe, shook her plumed tail happily. The little gryphon's claws and hind paws scratched at the ground with excitement. Storms had always thrilled her. Though her mother had forbidden her from flying during them, for good reason, Klara would always venture to the mouth of her sleeping cave to watch the forked lightning dance between the dark, rolling clouds. Each rumble of thunder sent a pleasurable shudder through her feral form from head to flank.

The enjoyment of this particular storm was curbed by a rumble of her innards. For the last few suns, a deep ache and burning had blossomed in Klara's belly. Even now the feeling returned and her stomach twisted in knots and grew hot. She had complained to her mom about the ache prior to hunting time. The older gryphon, Jerta, had grown excited and exclaimed, "It is time!" When Klara remained confused, Jerta explained that Klara's womb was readying itself to bear eggs upon the next year. The idea that she would be laying eggs by next spring was scary. She wasn't ready to find a mate or have children. Her mother had calmed her saying, "You won't have your own brood for some time."

Klara winced and forced herself back into the cave. The nest of straw and leaves was little comfort to her sore midsection. She plopped down and huffed. Her wings stretched out and flopped to either side. Several feathers from her head plumage curled down in front of her eyes. There was the consolation prize: the bottom quarter of her feathers had grown a metallic sheen. As cucks in her tribe reached puberty, their feathers would change to different shades of gold or silver. The boys' changes were more gradual, much unlike the girls she knew who seemed to change overnight. The other girls seemed to be traumatized by the sudden adulthood, too. Klara mused briefly on her friend Tuli who didn't leave her cave for three suns and when she emerged, she seemed distant and agitated. But her feathers were the most gorgeous silver Klara had seen. Why were her feathers taking so long?

The heat in her belly broke her revelry. She whined and rolled onto her back, legs splayed out, hoping to catch some more of that feisty breeze. The little gryphon whimpered and thought briefly for calling for her mom. She could curl up in the adult's feathers and maybe the pain would go away for sometime. Instead, Klara kicked and groaned in frustration.

A flash of lightning caught the tail end of a shadow that streaked across the front of the cave. Klara blinked and rolled her head around right side up.

"Hello?" Klara called softly. Nothing but the roll of thunder called back.

No other shadows darkened the cave. Klara shrugged and relaxed. The cuck wasn't even sure of what it was or if she had really seen anything. If there had been something there, it was gone. But before she could get to sleep, several rocks were loosed and scattered across the floor just outside of her cave, startling the cuck. Klara jerked to full awareness. Righting herself, she crept out of her nest. Keeping low, she approached the opening.

"Is someone there?" She managed to squeak out.

There were no signs of anyone on the smooth rock pad outside. The rocks had fallen, though, and that meant... Lifting her head, she turned to look at where the rocks had fallen from. At first, her eyes were unable to separate the figure from the black of the night. But its form was illuminated by a bout of lightning. A panic sunk in immediately and held the young gryphon where she stood. A large black feathered gryphon clung to the cliff wall above her cave staring down at her. Before she could coax her small legs to run, he pounced. Klara cried out as he effortlessly tackled her to the ground. His weight pressed down on the cuck's small body, pinning her to the cold stone. She looked up to see him watching her, obviously amused with her futile attempts to wiggle free. Close up, she could see his feathers were covered in a black powder, obscuring the color underneath. Select feathers were marked in white and it created an eerie contrast. In the dark between flashes, the white feathers looked sinister and frightened the young gryphon. She coward under him, waiting for him to hurt her. His claws only need tighten and they would pierce her chest. But they stayed still as a silent warning.

Movement nearby caught her attention and her head swiveled around. Another black gryphon, same white feather pattern approached from the back of her cave. The realization that he had been hiding back there since she had gone to bed made her question any safety she had felt previous. The second male padded close and withdrew a vial from a cord around his wrist.

A claw wrapped around the girl's throat and forced her head up. The small gryphon felt her throat constrict under the pressure and her breathing became difficult. Klara squirmed and whined as she tried to resist, but the claws held her firm. The vial was opened and, very carefully, a single drop fell. The drop grew to an immense size just before it landed right in Klara's eye. The liquid that washed over her eye was cool at first but then grew warm. A numbness spread from her eye into her head and made everything cloudy and unfocused. Klara felt the strength slip away from her muscles despite her need to escape. She must call out. Her mother would hear her. Mom would save her... She'd be safe soon...

Sleep peeled away from from Klara's mind. The tingling numbness faded into a delightful restfulness that made the cuck want to spring from her nest. She summoned her wits and started to stretch and turn over. But why couldn't she move her legs? Her eyes fluttered open, seeking out the cause. The world was hazy and seemed to sway around her. Peering through the fog in her vision, she saw some of the nest had gotten wrapped around her claws. She pulled against the foliage, but found they held her fast. Klara's frustrated struggle lifted the clouds in her head and revealed the rest of her surroundings. The leafy vines around her legs did not belong to her nest at all. Instead, they were looped around the gryphon's limbs and anchored to the floor. Her claws and paws were pressed firmly to four shimmering stones that jutted out of the similarly glittering stone floor. A vein of silver had been carefully carved into a strange four post stand and Klara was held to it. Twisting her body, she felt pressure between her rear legs and just under her chest. Once she relaxed, Klara felt her body sway on her restrained feet. Glancing up, the gryphon saw several more vines tied off. One vine was settled just above her belly and the other ran over her hips and split around her upper thighs.

The smack of memory and realization hit her with a full bout of panic. The black gryphons had kidnapped her! She screeched and cried as she tried to break free of the vines. She wiggled and twisted her small body to get free, but the vines seem to grip harder the more she struggled. She bent her head down, nipping at the vine around her claw but the vines around her chest kept her from getting close.

"Don't hurt yourself dear," A familiar, soothing voice cooed, "Relax and it'll be over soon."

Klara's head spun around, seeking out the speaker. A wash of relief spilled over the young gryphon as Jerta stepped into the low light that flickered throughout the cave.

"Mommy!" She struggled a bit more eagerly, "Help me! Get me out!"

"Oh, sweetheart," the older female caressed the cuck's beak, "This will be a long night for you, but in the end you will understand...and enjoy."

"What?" confusion set in again and Klara couldn't quite put it all together, "What do you mean? I wanna go home."

"You'll go home soon," Her mom's voice seemed to darken, "But you must become an adult in our tribe first."

Klara shrank back. Suddenly, becoming a fertile female didn't sound very grand at all. In that momentary silence, lightning crashed somewhere outside. The storm had picked up and was intensifying. Another flash lit up the room and a thousand needles shot through the young gryphon's legs. Klara felt her body jerk away from sudden pain.

"What was that?!" she cried. All four legs tingled and ached from that momentary shock.

"We need to prepare you," Jerta watched with growing fascination.

"Prepare me for what?"

A loud crash of thunder sparked a second jolt. Electricity shot up through the stones and into the gryphon's tiny frame. This one was more powerful, coursing through Klara's entire body. She felt her muscles seize all at once. The pain was worse than she had ever felt before.

"Soon you'll be ready to lay," Jerta moved in front of the girl, "Our magic will bring you of age and through our custom, you will give birth."

"Wha-" Klara started to blurt when the next shock hit, causing the gryphon's beak to snap shut. Her body twitched and convulsed as the power shot through her. The heat in her belly blossomed again but with a vengeance. Her stomach felt like it was on fire and it matched the throbbing in her legs. Klara collapsed into the vines once it passed, already exhausted as if she had climbed up to the peak of their home. A bit of spittle dribbled from her beak. The world was a bit hazy again, but she had enough awareness to spot the two black gryphons who closed in on her mom from the back of the cave. She wanted to cry out and warn Jerta, but her voice had been sapped.

"How is she doing?" One spoke, a deep rumbling caw of a voice.

"She's not even half way," Jerta turned to the speaker, "Watch the magic work."

Klara's claws tensed as she waited for the next round. She tried to brace herself against the pain. But it overwhelmed her defenses as another shot of electricity surged through her small body. She thrashed and groaned while she convulsed. While the power raced through every inch of her body, it seemed to aim right where the bothersome ache had been. Again the heat exploded in her egg sack. This time it seemed to travel, spreading through her virgin tunnel toward her exposed slit. More than that, it found other organs to control.The cuck clutched as best as she could, but knew it was too late. Her bladder seized, forcing out its contents. Golden liquid gushed out of the cuck, spraying out behind her and pouring down her twitching hind legs. It pooled on the silver rock below her.

Her body slumped in the supporting vines as the power released her. All the muscles in her tiny body felt as if thousands of needles pierce her. She whimpered pathetically. The acrid smell of urine lifted to her beak. The cuck could feel the eyes of the adults on her, watching her erratic thrashing...watching her pee herself. The adolescent gryphon was mortified. She was too exposed and they seemed to be enjoying the torture. One even seemed intent on the warm pee that dripped down from her into the pool between her legs. Maybe that was the last one. Maybe it was over. Klara considered the possibility as she hung helplessly in her bonds. But the power was building in the stones again and she had no more strength.

The next wave of 'magic' shot in, unresisted. The young gryphon jerked and groaned, but let it slide through her. This bout seemed to touch her in places she didn't know she had. The familiar warmth bloomed in her belly, but it traveled differently. She could feel something churning inside her. It wrapped around her insides like a layer of downy and squeezed. Small bolts of lightning seemed to jump up from the puddle below her and kiss her cunny. Her sex grew hot as the electricity set her nerves on fire. Klara's entire body seemed to come alive in those few seconds. She must release. Unable to control it any longer, Klara felt the heat burst from her nethers. It spread down her hindquarters down to her paws.

When the cuck regained some measure of consciousness, Klara fought the dizziness to glance between her legs. She had been expecting the golden pool to be larger as if she had peed again. But it had been different. Drops of a white juice mixed in with the pee as they fell from her fur. That reaction was nothing she had ever experienced before and part of her wanted it again.Tearing her gaze from the mess at her paws, Klara caught sight of her reflection in the vein below her. At least she knew it was her, but she looked different. Most notably, the feathers in her head plume had grown twice as long and they had taken on a full, radiant gold luster. Her head snapped up toward her captures, releasing a soft gasp as she realized what it was. The 'magic' they spoke of had forced her into puberty. She was fully ready to carry eggs and be mated!

"That is acceptable," The larger gryphon seemed to respond to the cuck's revelation as he address Jerta. He never took his eyes off Klara, "I will encourage her to open. Begin your lay."

Klara whimpered fearfully as the bigger gryphon circled her. His gaze was less of threat but strange admiration. She avoided his eyes, but she could feel him appraising her young form in a way she had never been before. The young gryphon suddenly felt even more vulnerable and exposed. Unlike the other muscles twitching from the shocks, her nethers seemed to clutch and release. She tried to close her legs but to no avail. A deep blush rose under her blue feathers. Shame crept into her mind and she turned away from the gryphon who padded somewhere behind her. Klara instantly regretted not closing her eyes instead.

Jerta had turned away from the cuck, presenting her full flanks. The adult's tail plume was lifted splendidly in the air, fanned out and dazzling. To Klara's surprise, Jerta lowered her hindquarters, squatting low near the floor. Her mother's slick slit was fully bared to the girl and it held Klara's gaze firmly. Jerta let out a soft grunt and her body shuddered. Klara's eyes widened as she watched her mother's sex spread. Like a warm, silky maw, it opened slow but wide. The adult's body jerked and her slit spread wider. Klara was entranced and was unable to look away from her mother's snatch. The blush resting in her cheeks from earlier rose to full bloom again. She was staring at not just a female's nethers, but her mother's and it made her heart skip. At the same time, there was a twinge of embarrassment for being forced to watch. Before she could look away, Klara saw it. Jerta's wet, inner folds peeled back to reveal the creamy shell of an egg. Klara's beak fell open. Jerta whimpered softly as she pushed and urged the egg out of her. The lips of her slit stretched and omitted the round object. With a practiced motion, Jerta let it gently settle on the ground before lifting her hips away. A translucent goo coated the shell and dripped from her mother's gaping cunny. The adult shook herself off and picked up the egg, clutching the messy object to her chest. For a moment, Jerta and the remaining black gryphon gazed at each other, their eyes sharing something intimate.

Klara didn't have much time to wonder. A touch to her nethers made the gryphon jump. The vines kept her from seeing the large gryphon behind her. His claw traced her adolescent sex, sending notes of tickling pleasure up her spine. The caress was that of a mate and Klara had never experienced that before. It was new and exhilarating, but it felt wrong. She didn't ask for it. She didn't want it. She had to get away. Despite her protests, the gryphon continued stroking her sex and hindquarters. Her flanks flexed under his touch and only seemed to encourage him.

"Mmm...the little one grows wet," He breathed behind her. His claw pushed between the folds of her slit, coaxing a gasp from the small gryphon. She could feel it withdraw, covered in something that belonged to her. A shudder rippled through her as his claw left her. Klara whimpered softly, a pathetic sound that begged for peace. When she thought he might be finished, the wet tip of his claw pressed against her tailhole. Strange sensations shot through the gryphon like the power had. Her ass clenched around the tip of his claw as he penetrated the outer ring. The shame was immense, but the underlying feeling of enjoyment scared her the most. His claw pushed deeper in. Immediately, her flanks tensed as her tailhole was invaded. Her tail feathers curled up and away from the unwelcome yet strangely pleasurable touch. Unintentionally, she had opened herself up completely to the older gryphon. She heard him cluck approvingly. Then, without warning, he leapt upon her. His familiar weight bared down on the girl, trapping her wings down to her sides. His front claws encircled her chest and he leaned in close, "I'm sure they won't mind if I take your tailhole. They don't need it for-"

"Grent, get down," The other male ruffled his feathers and moved into an intimidating posture. His voice was strikingly familiar, "She's mine. You will not have her until I say."

The big gryphon froze on top of the cuck. Klara could only imagine the other half of the staring contest above her. After a moment, the larger male backed down, climbing off the little gryphon. Klara let out a breath of relief as the shadow of the male withdrew and he slunk away. The second male preened himself quickly before nudging Jerta forward, "Go, my love. She's ready."

Jerta stepped carefully on three of her for legs, one claw holding the egg delicately, almost reverently. Klara watched her mother circle behind the girl, still coming down from what she didn't realize was her first orgasm. She panted softly both from the exertion and the fear that still gripped her. What were they going to do? The adult female moved right behind the cuck where Klara could no longer see what she was doing. The gryphon blushed deeply, her snatch and tailhole still sensitive from the male's teasing. For a moment there was nothing; no touch or movement behind the cuck. Klara could help but grow hotter with embarrassment as she realized her mother might be upset at the mess the cuck had made. Her thighs wanted to press together tight to hide her shame, but the vines kept her open. In fact, the vines began to tug at her rear ankles, forcing them further apart. Though she could still stand, Klara's nethers were even more exposed. This spurred a horrible thought to strike the cuck: what if her mom liked this? What if her own mother was excited by seeing her young and her exposed cunny? Klara's knees almost gave out as that last idea sent a surprise shiver of pleasure through her. The feeling was simply wrong...but desired.

"Oh my baby," Her mother cooed from behind, "So beautiful. You will be the perfect vessel for our egg."

"I...what?" Klara tried to see what her mother was doing. Then, something hard, smooth, and wet pressed against her bared slit. That mere touch sent a tremor so heavy up Klara's spine, her fur stood on end and her feathers ruffled out. The tremor ended in a high pitched gasp escaping from Klara's beak. The pressure behind the object was gentle and affectionate, but it began to increase.

"Hold still, my sweet," She felt her mother press a claw to her back and lift up, "This will be over quick."

Was her mother mounting her?! Klara remained still under her mother's grasp on her furred hips. The egg, as Klara assumed, pressed harder at her vaginal opening. At first, her folds were refusing to budge. But a swift twist of the egg forced them apart and spread the goo across her sex. Klara's eyes went wide as she felt the smaller end of the egg inch into her very narrow opening.

"Mommy!" Klara whined, "It's too big! It'll hurt!"

"Yes, baby," Jerta confirmed, "but only for a little bit."

Her mother's claw forced the egg forward. Klara let out a painful chirp. Her slit felt like it was on fire as the large object stretched her way beyond what it was used to. The goo allowed it to move with little friction but her canal might have only accommodated the smallest pebble previously. She felt her silken tunnel nearly tear as the egg was jammed into her body. Her mother had practice, knowing how to get it in without breaking it. But Klara could barely think as another wave of pain spread over her. It felt that over half the egg was finally inside her and her sore hole reached the point of ripping as it crested the widest part of the egg. However, its progress was abruptly halted as the egg pushed up against a slight barrier.

"Mmmm...your cuckhood," Jerta leaned down and nuzzled her daughter's neck, "I'm so honored to be able to break it."

If Klara ever thought it was going to stop there, she would have been painfully mistaken. Jerta's claw lifted back and then swung forward with a firm force. It collided with the bottom of the egg. The thick shelled object jerked forward and shattered the fleshy arch that was the cuck's virginity. Klara's entire body went rigid. The hurt was slow to register in the young gryphon's mind. But when it hit, a loud screech accompanied it. Her claws dug into the metallic stone and her entire body shook as she rode out the pain. Klara thought it would never end.

To both her relief and eventually her dismay, the pain subsided, replaced by the gentle caress of her mother's claws. Jerta was carefully inserting her claws into the girl's slit, fingering her daughter and soothing the stretched cunny. Klara's wail died to a soft rhythmic whimper timed with her mother's soft thrusting.

"Such a good girl," Her mother stroked the cuck's back, "We're only halfway there. Ready?"

Klara looked back at her mother with pleading eyes. Reading that her mother wouldn't relent, the young gryphon nodded and braced herself. The claws immediately pressed deeper and reached to the egg that rested just at her broken cuckhood. It inched forward at her mother's urging. An itch in her fur made the girl look under herself. The first thing she noticed was that the drops of white from earlier had been joined by drops of red that had freshly fallen to the puddle of piss under her. Movement drew her eye to between her legs. She could see the outline of the egg working up from the fold of her sex toward her belly. It was huge! How was it able to fit in her small body? A sudden cramp in her stomach made her freeze. The egg's bulge stopped and pressed against something inside her. Just the little pressure made the cuck squirm with extreme discomfort.

"Ah, the last barrier," Jerta mused, "This one will really hurt but then it'll be over."

Klara wasn't ready and she wasn't sure she could take any more. She whined and thrashed.

"Now that's no way to behave," Her mother said sternly.

The egg pressed harder against what Klara could only assume was her womb. The cervical seal that would open from the inside, refused entry from the outside. Still the egg's narrower end pushed at the clutched hole and began to force its way in. Klara cawed and screeched, thrashing against her bonds. The object was forced at her cervix with a slow determination. Bolts of pain shot through her insides as the egg began to dilate her womb's opening. Then, as the egg continued to press, there was a soft pop as the seal was broken and her cervix gave way. Pain exploded throughout the cuck's body, making her muscles spasm in protest. But with the pain came a strange pleasure that wracked the cuck's small frame. Her stretched tunnel convulsed like before and Klara coated her mother's claws in the cuck's second ever orgasm. The opening of Klara's womb stretched wide around the egg. With the added lubricant, the slick orb slid forward easily into her womb and settled in like it belonged. Once again, Klara collapsed into the vine swing as her orgasm poured out of her. She could see the bulge of her womb. Klara's small belly was distended and was huge compared to the rest of her.

Jerta reached down and stroked the cuck's swollen tummy, "All set sweetie. Safe and sound."

Klara let out a coo and she leaned into her mother's touch. Somehow, even though Jerta had violated the young gryphon's body with her own egg, Klara felt full and comfortable.

"You did good, baby," Her mom whispered, "Now that you've been seeded, you must be watered"

Klara blinked, looking up to see the remaining male standing over her. He leaned down and forced his beak to Klara's. His tongue lashed in and out of her surprised beak, stroking her thick maw muscle. Klara grew hot with shame again as the older male forced his tongue into her maw. He kissed her with abandon while gripping her cheeks to ensure she didn't bite down. Already beaten and helpless, she let him have his way.

The male withdrew with a content sigh. When he came back into focus, Klara finally recognized him under the black soot. Her beak fell open and the recognition stripped all illusion of safety now and forever.

"From the womb of the mother," Creet looked to his mate who was still half mounting their daughter, "with the seed of the father..."

Jerta flashed a sly look at Creet, cutting off her mate's strange lyric. The two met in their own passionate kiss and Klara could see their tongues dancing between their beaks. Her gaze fell and took in a breath. Between her father's hind legs, hung a massive dark member. It sprouted from a sheath that was peeled back against his hindquarters. The cuck had only seen one or two of the same thing on the boys around the tribe. Occasionally they seemed to grow this extra appendage when they stared at Klara. Their 'cocks', as she had heard them called, were nowhere as big as what her father sported. The young gryphon realized she had been staring too long when her father, having finished kissing his mate, reached under with a claw and stroked his length.

"Do you like what you see, little cuck?" Her father's words were lascivious and dripping with a sly enticement. Klara was quick to look away and not respond, but her ashamed blush spoke volumes.

"Open your beak for father," His words sounded like request, but it felt like a demand.

Bashfully, she slowly opened her beak. In a swift motion, Creet lept on his daughter and mounted her front shoulders. His thick rod thrust forward, finding its mark in her maw in one fluid movement. The large rod forced her beak open as far as it could manage. Its girth pressed her tongue down against her jaw and the veiny underside of his member. She couldn't snap down even if she wanted to. Rows of fleshy spines dragged across her tongue and rushed past. Her eyes bulged as the tip of his rock hard cock pressed at the back of her throat before stopping. Klara panted through her slotted nostrils as best as she could. As he rested there, she could feel herself already starting to drool around his rod. She whimpered softly and tried to withdraw her head, but his cock followed as he rocked his hips forward slightly. Then he reversed and began to pull away. Her little glimmer of relief was quickly swept away when his cock rocketed forward again and buried it to the hilt in her maw. The tip pushed past its former depth and buried itself in her narrow throat. The cuck gagged and squirmed in a panic. Her air was cut off as her father buried his cock as deep as he could in her throat. The spine raked her soft insides, teasing and tickling like claws lightly drawn across her flesh Her neck felt swollen, stretched around the girth forced into her esophagus. Her stomach retched in protest as the gag reflex kicked in. But his firm hilt in her maw kept her from vomiting all over. Creet seemed to anticipate this and held himself in until she stopped spasming around him. Then, he began his thrusts. Each one was accompanied by a soft grunt from above the cuck. His massive member worked back and forth along her tongue and into her throat. Klara quickly learned to take breaths between thrusts to keep from passing out. A fleshy sack bounced against her lower beak as he thrust. It all was manageable until cock in her maw began to pulse and swell. Globs of a salty mix dribbled into her beak and down her throat, making her choke and gag.

"Don't waste it in her my dear," Klara barely heard her mother over her father's grunts.

"Of course," Creet said between panting breaths.

A final dollop of the liquid squeezed out onto her tongue as he pulled out. It was thick and the taste of it filled both her mouth and her nostrils. Dissolving quickly, it left her with a need for more. His musk lingered in her memory and it made her womb quiver around the egg it held. Creet took his place behind Klara's restrained body. His claws traced her furred back legs, stroking them affectionately. Her stance was still splayed out. Klara could feel her sex winking at him, almost grabbing for him. Why did the thought of her father mounting her excite her? Would he finally put out this heat in her body? As if rising to the challenge, a flutter of feathered wings sounded his leap. She let out a groan as his weight pressed on her small body and the vines dug into her feathers and fur. The cuck felt her father's hind quarters dancing into place. His stiff rod brushed her flanks as it sought its target She shook her head and whimpered. Her father was about to mate her and she had no way to escape. Her legs wouldn't close and she was all his for the taking.

The tip found her slit and his hips pressed forward. Klara let out a gasp of pained pleasure. The egg had stretched her out first but it had recovered some and shrunk down to almost its original size. His thick girth now speared her adolescent cunny and forced it wide; so wide she felt the twinge of tearing. Her hips seemed to hurt from the pressure as he forced himself into her. The hurt made the cuck tremble under her father. He paused for a moment, letting her take him in and adjust to his size. She already felt so full except for the small gap between the gryphon's cock and her cervix. Somehow, she needed that space to be filled. Instinctively, she leaned back on her stone posts, pressing back into her father's hips. She felt his cock sink deeper into her. This incestuous breeding was not normal in her tribe. Would she be shunned? At the moment though, the mixing of musk and pheromones and the position she was in, she didn't care. The only way to be done was to breed with her father. Maybe it would feel good soon. She let out a pleasure pitched whine as the tip of his spined cock tagged the aching opening of her cervix. She panted as she leaned back into him. Creet's thick cock flexed inside her, making her jump both in pain and surprise. She heard him chuckle from above.

"I'm only halfway in, baby girl," His voice was meant to be light but it was ominous and dark.

His claws curled around her tiny waist and held her firmly. Without warning, he jerked his hips forward and pierced her cervix. The pressure that had been building exploded and she felt her small hips pop. They would separate completely if he was any bigger. The small cuck screeched hoarsely as her cervix was nearly torn open by his massive malehood. He seated himself firmly against the top of her womb by the time she felt his hips press to hers. A look under her aching body told her how far up into her body he had forced himself. Creet's member pressed an outline almost to her chest and the egg was pressed further out. Whines and moans dribbled out of her beak with the drool as she rested for the moment.

"Oh my cuck, you feel so wonderful," He groaned.

Little Klara felt each spine pluck her cervix as he drew back, but never leaving her womb. The male's thrusts began in earnest. His eagerness to breed his cuck of a daughter was so wrong, but she needed this now. Her back arched as he drilled into her egg holder, coating it in what she assumed was more of his thick, salty liquid. It did nothing to sait the heat in her belly. Each drive of his hips bounced her petite body forward and coaxed a wanton squawk from Klara's beak. The other two adult gryphons watched, entranced by the incestuous seeding. The cave was silent save for the determined grunts of a father and the tortured moans of a daughter.

The sensations overwhelmed Klara's misgivings, flooding her mind with ecstasy and a single natural directive: be bred. The fire in her belly uncoiled and washed through her veins, setting her entire body aflame with desire. The soreness in her muscles melted away and they begin to sing with lustful urges. Her father's thrusting became urgent and reckless, bucking Klara forward wildly. All of those pleasurable feelings intensified and came to a head. Her already sopping wet snatch began to drip as her orgasmic floodgates were wrenched open with each drive of his throbbing cock. The now familiar feeling started small but grew so fast. The ripple of it traveled up her spine and blasted away any shred of innocence she had left. Her climax was powerful. Her entire body spasmed as if hit by the 'magic' from before. She let out a screeching mating call that echoed off the cavern walls. Her tight, velvet tunnel constricted around her father's thrusting cock in a vice grip. At the same time, her juices gushed out around his thrusting cock. Soon his bucking crotch was soaked in her adolescent cum. The force of her orgasm nearly made her lose consciousness. It was beyond dizzying.

Her father's labored breaths and intense groaning sent a signal to Klara's body that it was time. Creet's wild pistoning to her clutching cunny slowed but grew more powerful until his cock felt like a battering ram in her womb. He lifted his head and let out a matching mating caw. His already thick cock seemed to swell inside her the moment before he unleashed his torrent of jizz. His claws dug into her hips as he held Klara to him. His hot jets of seed blasted her womb with almost painful force. The white fertilizing juice coated her womb's walls as it flooded. With both the egg and his pulsing member already stretching the cuck's small egg sack, the seed filled the empty space in the first squirt. Klara sucked in her breath as she felt her stomach grumble in protest. Without having to look, she knew that her belly was swelling and stretching. Her father's seed was potent and seemingly never ending. Once again, Klara gripped at the stone in pain as her womb was forcefully expanded to accommodate the gallon of cum he dumped into her.

Creet's stiff rod twitched in the final throws of his climax. The last few drops of his cum was added to the pool in her belly. He drew back slowly, making the cuck's hypersensitive cervix feel every stiff barb as it ticked past. The barbs on his cock seemed to have stiffened in his orgasm and they dragged along her birthing tunnel. The feeling made her thrash and squirm in discomfort. His cock was followed by a gush of cum that dripped from the cuck's clit and ran down her inner thighs. Her pussy was left gaping. Despite feeling so full with her mother's egg swimming in her father's cum, she suddenly felt an emptiness. It was a void left behind by the removal of her own father's cock. She huffed and panted, waiting for the tingling in her paws to fade and the feeling to return.

Without any further words, Creet dismounted from his daughter. Klara felt him move away and his sudden absence was almost as painful as the torture she'd sustained. It was a disturbing emotion and she feared she was going insane. That thought was compounded by the sounds now echoing through the cavern. What sounded like the adults whispering to each other became more of a droning chant. It slowly registered that the gryphons had positioned themselves equal distance around where Klara was bound. Their heads were lowered in reverence and their voices raised. The chanting nearly became a shout and the cuck could hear them now.

"From the womb of the mother! And the seed of the father! Offspring born of offspring!" They began to call to some unknown presence.

Klara began to feel their words as much as hear them. A tingling warmth bloomed in her claws and paws. With each completed phrase, the warmth climbed up her limbs. Klara began to struggle and writhe in the vines. The sensation was too much and it had barely begun. The flesh beneath her fur and feathers began to crawl with intense vileness and corruption. But under that evil feeling, there was immense pleasure and lust that seeped into her veins. She felt wave after wave of orgasms building as the warmth spread across her enlarged belly and crept over her sopping wet cunny. She tried to hold back the flood, but the strange heat battered her last bastion of willpower. By the time it reached her spine, there was no way to resist that wicked urge. Klara felt her mental dam break and the climaxes came, one after the other. She bucked and twisted in her confines as each orgasm tormented the small cuck. Her love juices gushed and poured from her quivering pussy, pooling between her paws with the rest of her bodily fluids. The chanting of the adults became a high pitched cawing that rang in the cuck's head. That's when the darkness entered the room. Whether the cave had darkened or Klara's vision faded due to the orgasm onslaught, Klara couldn't tell. The spasms that ravaged the young gryphon's form limited her awareness, but she was sure something was happening. The rocky ground seemed to grow inky black and the shadows around the cave magnified.

Whatever ritual her parents and the other gryphon were performing had reached its peak. Each of them were shaking amidst their own perverse lustful frenzy. Her mother had a familiar pool of white liquid pooling beneath her and the unnamed male shot his load across the shadowed floor toward Klara. The power that they summoned climaxed as well like the pressure of a volcano being released. All at once it exploded and the participants were buffeted by its force. Held securely, Klara was safe from physical damage. However, the energy turned in on itself and began to twist and swirl, taking with it the shades that covered the cavern. Without warning, it dove for the cuck's nethers. It slithered in and sucked itself into her aching birth tunnel in an instant. Despite the amount of power it seemed to possess, it was painless as it all plunged into her belly. Taking the orgasmic heat, it shot into Klara's stretched womb, seeking the egg inside her. All of the dark and corrupt power took what seemed like a lifetime to be consumed. Every second, Klara could feel the egg inside her swelling and growing. She cried out as her stomach bloated and stretched around the expanding object. Her swollen stomach reached the level of her claws and paws. Unbelievably, she looked pregnant with two full clutches. When she didn't think her small form could take anymore, it ended. The last of the shadow stuff slipped into her canal and disappeared. Though the cavern had returned to full brightness, Klara felt herself slip away into the familiar darkness of unconsciousness.

Klara gasped for breath as she awoke. Her throat was raw and each breath carried a bit of pain with it. Something had settled in her lungs and her body was ready to reject it. She coughed and a splattering of white ejected onto the edge of the nest she laid in. The cuck's confusion was replaced by a lustful revulsion as she realized one of the males must have mated her throat while she was asleep. She reached down between her hind legs and confirmed that her stretched slit was covered in fresh male seed. The cuck was glad to have been unconscious while they performed such acts on her broken body. The thought, however, was somewhat arousing and she found her claw idly teasing her own clit. She flicked the small nub several times, recalling only a tiny fraction of the torturous pleasure that was brought upon her and was now consuming her. Klara flicked harder, desperate to feel more. Her body had been through so much that now that she was somewhat rested, her emotions and senses were dulled. She needed that extreme sensation to feel again. The cuck's claw stopped flicking and dug in hard to her clit. She cawed in pained pleasure as a measure of those horrible memories shot through her body. But her self-induced recollection was interrupted by an intense pressure and convulsion deep inside her sex.

The cuck gasped and doubled over her massive belly. Before the pain could subside, another stab of pain rocked her form, stronger than before. Each subsequent twinge was more powerful and painful than the last. After several of them, the understanding struck Klara. She hoisted her aching, shuddering body onto all fours even though her belly rubbed against the nest. The cuck pulled herself to the edge of the nest and braced on the rim. Instinctively, she spread her hind legs to each side and squatted low. She felt the pressure ease some as her hips shifted into a more comfortable birthing position and her sex stretched wider. But the contractions still make the cuck squawk in pain. Little Klara clutched the edge of the nest as she felt the egg begin to force open her cervix. She cawed and cried as she pushed with all her might. The giant egg was slow in its progress as it needed to stretch her far beyond the limits of what her body should have been able to handle. The gryphon's hips popped several times as they were forced apart to emit the over sized object. It was agonizingly slow and torturous. But the cuck had developed a love of pain after her ordeal and this hurt was almost worse than what her parents had done. Klara quivered and shook as her orgasms rocked her body and coated the egg in her cum. The lubrication helped ease the egg through her birthing canal. It crested at her slit which became a gaping maw as it stretched around the exiting shell. She felt several tears in her poor cunny as the egg was pushed out, coated in cum and blood. Gritting her beak, she gave one last hard push. The egg plopped onto the floor of the nest and came to a rest. Klara collapsed against the raised edge of the nest, still in the throws of orgasm. When her knees regained some measure of strength, Klara lifted herself and turned to see what she had just pushed out.

Klara immediately sat down on her haunches as she stared at huge egg that had just exited her vagina. In the middle of the cuck's nest sat a charcoal black egg about half the size of the little gryphon. She couldn't quite understand why it was black when it had been white when it went in. The gryphon was certain it had gotten bigger the the few moments following its lay. On wobbly paws and claws, she circled the strange object that had been inside her. It smelled different, strange, and wrong. It sounded wrong too...It sounded wrong! Klara could hear something inside, beating lightly and frantically against the midnight-colored shell. The cuck leaned in and listened to it. The thing inside scraped and clawed at its solid prison. Klara jerked back as the egg began to rock violently. It shook and wobbled erratically as the resident fought for its freedom.

A crack sounded through Klara's sleeping cave as the shell finally gave. Bits of shell sprayed across the cave as hole was smashed into the egg. Klara saw movement from inside but couldn't make out what she assumed was another cuck inside. She cawed and jumped back further as several black spines pierced the shell and left a dozen holes in the egg. This wasn't a gryphon! She crawled away and coward in the corner of her cave as the shell was smashed to bits by the creature inside. As the dust settled, the egg lay in ruins and pieces amidst her nest. In the center of the former egg, laid a creature she had never seen. It resembled a large lion cub, tufts of rusty red fur creating a ragged mane around its neck. The cub sported two black, leathery wings that folded against its back as it curled up to rest. Klara chirped in surprise as her eyes wondered to its tail. Instead of ending in a knot of fur, the tip of the tail was enlarged and covered black, quill-like spines. The ends were needle sharp and looked deadly.

"Ah, we are just in time," Klara heard her parents coo before she saw them standing by her nest.

Creet leaned down and carefully plucked the newly hatched creature and laid it in the empty lambskin bundle that Jerta carried in her beak.

"He is a fine manticore specimen," Creet nuzzled his mate then looked to Klara, "You did so wonderfully. You should be proud of your boy, mommy."

Klara watched them fly away, leaving her stewing in a sense of revulsion and strange satisfaction in their approval. She forced away the curiosity of the cub she had hatched and, instead, curled up in her nest to sleep, hoping that her father would come again and fertilize her again.

New Breeder

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Attack on Amy: The Breeding

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My Tree

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