Love Lasts Forever
This is the story that I wrote to celebrate the 10th anniversary of when Sapphire and I first met. Technically, the actual anniversary isn't until July 1, but I'm uploading this early for a couple of reasons.
I finished the story a lot sooner than I expected to, and...
Since SoFurry was where Sapphire and I first met, I figured it was only appropriate that this was the first place I posted this story.
Love Lasts Forever
NOTE: The following story is dedicated to my loving mate Sapphire_the_Mewtwo, and the 10 years that I've known hir for. In the time that has passed since we first met, shi has made me feel a lot happier. Words cannot begin to say how much I appreciate hir love, affection, and kindness.
I had been planning for this weekend for the last 2 years. This year marked the 10th anniversary of when I met Sapphire for the first time, and later in the year would be our 10th wedding anniversary. However, since that wasn't until the end of August, I figured that I would spend the weekend with hir for the 10th anniversary of when we first met, and then take hir on a second honeymoon for a week when our 10th wedding anniversary came around. For now though, I planned on spending the weekend alone with hir...taking Sapphire to Dolphin Bay for the weekend.
We left Familia on Friday morning, with me making the drive down Mason Highway 162 to Victoria, where I caught UIC Highway 99, which led southward to the center of Mason Island and the city of Adams. From Adams, I got on UIC Highway 7 the rest of the way, taking it down to Dolphin City, and then following the South Beach Highway to Dolphin Bay. For Sapphire, this was to be hir first trip to Dolphin Bay, but I had been here before a couple other times, having met with the Delfino twins who operated a resort of their own here. They had a private beachfront house near the Azul Palace and had given me permission to use it for the weekend, since they had gone back to their own private island off the Florida coast to spend some private time together away from their businesses.
Charlene and I met with Robert and Tammy a while ago, back when we first thought about creating Familia. They helped provide some of the resources needed to build our town and in return for their help, they were amongst the first brother/sister couple to get married there. In addition, we had also provided Tammy with some safe breeding scrolls so that she could have a family of her own with her brother. Because of this, Charlene and I were close friends with the Delfino twins, and they decided to give me a little help in giving Sapphire a 10th anniversary shi'd never forget.
By the time we pulled up to the beachfront house with fenced off backyard that led up to the water's edge, it was early evening. Because of how long the drive took us, we made a couple of stops along the way, stopping in Adams at around lunchtime to both get something to eat and to top off the gas tank, and then once we got to Dolphin Bay, Sapphire and I stopped at the South Beach Grille for some dinner. There was a Martinelli's about a mile from the beachfront house, which we planned on going to in the morning to get some food for Saturday and Sunday, but we didn't really want to do it tonight. Instead, I figured that if we wanted to get something to eat later on, I could make a trip to the Mega Gas 'n Gulp a couple blocks down the road, or the Chicken Lickin' off of South Beach Highway.
When I stopped the car, I got out first, walked over to the passenger side and took Sapphire's hand, helping hir out of the vehicle. Shi was wearing hir purple sequin dress, which is what shi usually wore whenever the two of us were out in public together. At that point in time, Sapphire's belly was flat, as shi had been waiting to become pregnant again until we went out on our weekend trip.
Upon getting out of the car, Sapphire and I walked hand-in-hand to the front door of the house, where the Delfino twins left an envelope attached to the door. I grabbed the envelope and opened it up, revealing a key to get into the house along with a note.
"Thank you so much for giving us what we wanted. We couldn't have done this without you and your sister", the note read, referring to me in particular. "Feel free to use our bedroom while we're away...just don't make too much of a mess in there, if you know what we mean. ;3", the note continued as I blushed a little bit and showed it to Sapphire.
"Yeah...about that...I'm not making any promises there", I answered, knowing all too well how messy things could get between Sapphire and I whenever we mated. However, at the same time, I did come prepared for that, having arranged for the place to be cleaned on Monday before Sapphire and I left for Familia. The Delfino twins weren't supposed to be back for a couple of weeks anyway.
Afterwards, I put the key into the lock and opened the door, finding it to be rather clean and bright on the inside. The windows facing the beach were open, letting in some of the sea breeze from outside. It was actually a bit warm and humid for my tastes, with an air temperature of about 90 and dewpoints in the upper 60's. Fortunately, the house did have air conditioning, so I quickly closed the open windows and the patio door and turned the air conditioner on to a more comfortable 68 degrees. Still, it would take a bit for the air conditioner to cool things off to a comfortable level, and I was feeling a bit sweaty...and so was Sapphire in hir dress.
"Honey fox...I'm feeling a bit warm. Can't we do something to get cooled off?", Sapphire asked as I thought about it for a moment and got an idea. Robert and Tammy had a room in their house called a "lagoon room", which was basically a small swimming pool with an artificial waterfall connected to it. The pool was climate-controlled and the waterfall helped to keep the water clean and fresh. The pool itself was about 4 feet deep in the middle with seating underneath the waterfall and in a few spots near the pool's edge. Charlene and I had been in the lagoon room before, having joined Robert and Tammy on one of our past visits. I knew the pool would already be full, since they told me that the waterfall and filtration system were constantly running.
"Actually, I think there is", I answered, taking Sapphire's hand once again. "Come along with me, sweetie. I think I know where we can go to get cooled off", I told hir while walking down the main hallway, passing both the master bedroom and the bedroom of their daughter Roberta. At the end of the hallway, was a door with a wooden sign hanging on it with the picture of two palm trees on a beach. The sign said "lagoon room" on it, and I opened the door, walking with Sapphire into the lagoon room.
The lagoon room took up about half of the space of the entire house, having a sun roof above and fake palm trees around the pool area. Inside the lagoon room there was also a patio with two wooden deck chairs, and a picnic table, along with some tiki-style lamps surrounding the patio that lit automatically whenever someone entered the lagoon room. Attached to the lagoon room, just outside of it, was a wooden deck with a complete outdoor kitchen set-up on it...including grill, gas burners, and mini-fridge. I figured it might be something I'd try out while we were here, but not until tomorrow at the earliest.
The inside of the lagoon room was always climate controlled, with the thermostat in there constantly set at 76 degrees. While it wasn't as comfortable as I would've liked, with the humidity level still at about 70%, it did feel better than outside, as well as the rest of the house at that moment. The pool inside was more than big enough for Sapphire and I. After all, it had been designed so that Robert and Tammy could have underwater sex together without going into the ocean on those days where the weather was less than cooperative. "Oh, and by the way, they also have two hot tubs...a small one in the master bathroom, and a larger one outside. In case you're interested in hopping in one later", I mentioned to Sapphire as we walked towards the pool area together. "Anyway, I suppose we should go ahead and get in the water together", I suggested as Sapphire looked at me and smiled.
"This is a really nice place. I'm surprised you don't have anything like this in your house, Honey Fox", Sapphire mentioned, making me blush a little when she did.
"Well...with everything else inside the house, I doubt there would be any place to put something like this. I suppose I could make an addition to the house in the back and put one of these in there, but I'm not sure if my sisters or Melissa would want to deal with all of that construction work", I answered back. "Besides, we have our own private garden area. I think I might be able to make some adjustments to it to include a pond and a waterfall", I added a few moments later while holding Sapphire's hand. "Anyway, we'll discuss this later. Let's just relax and get cooled off a bit", I mentioned before shi smiled, kissed me on the lips and started to remove hir clothing.
As shi got hir clothing off, so did I, taking everything off so that I would be completely naked. The same was true for Sapphire, shi removed hir dress and hir undergarments, until shi was fully nude, revealing that shi was already thinking about breeding once again. I noticed that hir hybrid shaft was standing partially erect, slowly coming out of its sheath while hir nipples dripped a little with milk and my nose could detect the warm and arousing aroma of hir heat, causing my own foxhood to start coming out.
Shi made hir way over to me, placed hir arms around my body and pressed hir lips to mine, kissing me deeply as I listened to hir purr softly and happily. Hir flexible and aroused penis touched up against mine as it grew larger, gently brushing up against it and eventually coiling around my length to give it a gentle squeeze. I knew Sapphire was horny and in need of my sperm, and I had every intention of giving it to hir. However, I had plans for how I wanted to go about doing it. After all, there would be time for us to mate multiple times while we were here, I figured we'd do it in several different ways and show off some of my other forms to hir as well.
When Sapphire stopped kissing me, I looked into hir eyes and placed a hand gently on hir cheek. "Sweetheart, do you think that you could go ahead and get into the pool and wait there for a minute? There's something I'd like to show you while we're in the water", I mentioned to Sapphire calmly.
Shi seemed curious when I mentioned this and nuzzled against me gently. "Alright...but don't make me wait too long, honey fox. I need you inside me real bad!", shi answered in a playful tone, giving me one more kiss before shi walked into the pool while I went back outside to the car, having a towel wrapped around my lower body to keep anyone from seeing my otherwise naked body. Inside the glove compartment, I placed the ring box containing my red pearl ring inside of it...the one that would turn me into a foxphin whenever I wore it and was in water up to my waist. I took the ring out of the box and put it on, seeing the pearl glow briefly before fading away. From there, I went back inside, went back over to the lagoon room and removed the towel before stepping into the water.
Sapphire was waiting for me underneath the waterfall, relaxing under the cool water as shi was waiting for me. Shi noticed me getting into the water and smiled. "Come over here, honey fox. Come sit with me over by the waterfall", shi coaxed, purring happily as I continued to get into the water, feeling it go past my knees as I made my way down the steps. Then, as I reached the last step, I felt the water reach my waist, causing the red pearl to glow brightly on my ring, causing my entire lower body to change shape, resembling that of a male dolphin. In my foxphin form, I could not walk, since I lost my "land legs", but I could swim a lot faster, and also in this form my penis had changed in shape, going from the typical vulpine style to a typical cetacean style shaft.
I had an idea in mind, I would swim out to meet Sapphire and come up from behind hir. So, I went underwater and used my dolphin-like dorsal fin to propel myself towards hir, trying my best to hide it from Sapphire along the way. Then, when I reached the side of the pool where shi was, I came up out of the water from behind Sapphire, placing my hands down around hir hips and placing hir in my lap, letting my dolphin-like penis brush gently against hir aroused vaginal lips. I knew shi would be able to notice the difference in the way I felt down there right away, since my dolphin-like shaft was smoother in feel than my normal foxhood...and it also lacked a knot.
Sapphire purred softly when shi felt me touch hir down there as I felt the warmth of hir outer lips radiate against my flesh, indicating that shi was indeed eager to accept my shaft inside hir. I didn't put it in hir yet though, I wanted to let Sapphire discover that I've changed in form before we started having sex. While I kept rubbing my length against Sapphire's folds, I started to gently lick the back of hir neck, murring sweetly as I let one of my hands move down towards hir erection, gently touching it and starting to move back and forth across it. "Mmm...that's more like it", Sapphire told me sweetly as hir tail worked around my back and seemed to try and grab hold of mine. However, as shi did, shi suddenly discovered that something was missing. "Wait a minute...what happened to your tails?", shi asked as I murred and let my dolphin-like penis 'dance' for Sapphire, tickling hir clitoris and vaginal folds some more.
"I'm in my foxphin form right now, sweetie. My lower body is like that of a dolphin while I have my red pearl ring on while in the water", I answered before going back to lick her neck some more. Sapphire had never seen me with the red pearl ring on before, since I always kept it inside it's ring box whenever it wasn't being used.
"That's odd...I've never seen you wearing this ring before now", Sapphire mentioned while I continued to rub hir penis with one of my hands and let mine brush gently against hir hot and horny vagina, still not yet aiming for hir opening.
"I don't use it a whole lot, since I can only change into this form when I have the ring on and I'm in water up to my waist", I mentioned to Sapphire. "While I'm in this form, I can't walk on dry land until I get out of the water enough for my waist to be exposed...or until I take the ring off. However, I can swim much faster and I can do something that a male dolphin can do", I added with a murr, letting my tip start to coil towards hir vaginal opening, just letting it probe inside of it a little while it wiggled around a bit.
Sapphire had mated with dolphin males before so shi knew what I was getting at and purred sweetly as I started to push inside. "Mmm...yes...I can see that", shi mentioned sweetly while my length slowly slithered through hir hot and tight vagina, getting bathed in hir copious juices along the way. "That sounds like a fun idea to me, honey fox. Although I do have to wonder what our babies will be like when they're born", shi commented a few moments later.
While my hand continued to stroke hir penis and my own slowly wriggled deeper into hir vaginal passage, I used my other hand to touch hir flat belly, caressing it gently and making hir purr even louder. "Well, they'll probably look just like our kids do when we breed normally. I would imagine that the effects of the red pearl would get passed onto them and they would be able to change forms without needing the ring", I explained, assuming that the transformation properties of the red pearl would become hereditary, even though this would be the first time I've used this form for the purpose of breeding and I knew that Charlene hadn't used her vixphin form to breed either...nor did she really plan to do so.
In the meantime, I continued to keep my hand on Sapphire's belly while shi was in my lap, beginning to hump against hir a little bit, letting my prehensile shaft slither through hir vaginal passage. I let it do most of the work since it could move on its own, just slowly moving it in and out while it squirmed around like a snake in hir folds, spitting my precum into them as it moved. Soon afterwards I put my tongue alongside hir neck and began to lick it very slowly as my other hand continued to stroke hir throbbing penis, feeling it twitch strongly while mine was moving around in hir vagina.
Sapphire's vaginal walls both tightened and warmed around my length as my shaft danced around for hir, growing very moist and inviting as hir desire to breed was quickly growing. "Mmm...yes...honey fox, this feels so good...I really like it when you play with me both ways at the same time!", Sapphire happily called out to me as I touched my nuzzle to hir cheek and kept stroking hir penis with my hand. Although I was predominately interested in Sapphire's vaginal canal whenever we had sex, I did make the occasional exception for hir and did something to give hir pleasure both ways whenever I felt comfortable enough to do so. This was something that I had to get used to at first, but I didn't mind it all that much. After all, I originally fell in love with hir because of hir sweetness...although it also helped that shi and Charlene had an interest in each other before I met hir.
With hir vaginal canal squeezing me tightly and my shaft rubbing vigorously against hir walls, I murred with delight and continued to touch hir, feeling hir shaft grow stronger in my hand as shi became more aroused. Hir passage became hotter against my length and I started to feel my testicles churning from inside my body. They felt loaded with a healthy dose of sperm that I had been building up for the last few days, wanting to give it to Sapphire on our weekend trip so that when we returned to Familia, shi would be coming back looking like shi normally does...with a full belly of our sons and daughters. Of course, I had other ideas for things to do between now and then. I also wanted to show Sapphire my new sylveon form as well, I figured shi would like to see me as a cute male sylveon, and maybe I could do some tricks with my ribbons on hir. However, that would come at a later time. For now, I focused on what we were doing together at present and kept feeling my length move back and forth through hir tight folds, reaching deep inside them as it pulsed strongly and sent more precum towards hir cervixes.
Meanwhile, I felt Sapphire's tail wrap around me from behind, pulling me in closer to hir as shi positioned hirself on my lap in a way that would allow just about my entire length to go inside hir. I felt hir insides radiating with hir body heat, growing stronger with each passing moment as hir desire to breed became more intense. Shi purred happily while doing so, leaning back towards me as I continued to rub hir both inside and out, feeling my dolphin-like penis becoming very sensitive to touch. Then, without warning, I felt hir body temperature spike several times as hir vaginal passage clamped down hard along my length while it continued to slither around inside. "Ah...yes...cum inside me, honey fox! I need it really bad!", Sapphire called out as hir fertility peaked and I did everything I could to get my sperm into hir fertile body.
I didn't want to let my grip on hir penis go until I made hir climax, but at the same time I knew it would be easier for me to reach my own if I had both hands free to hold onto hir. Besides, I knew Sapphire wanted to get pregnant more than anything else anyway, so I focused all my attention on breeding hir. My hands gripped hir hips tightly and I humped against Sapphire while bringing the two of us out towards the middle of the pool. The hot and moist sensation of hir folds tickled my sensitive length, making it throb strongly for Sapphire while the pressure inside my balls grew more intense. I knew shi had ripe eggs ready for my boys to fertilize and I was determined to get them inside to give Sapphire what I knew shi wanted.
As my climax neared, I licked the back of hir neck some more, going slowly as I humped hir from behind and let my prehensile length dance around through hir tightness. The arousal I was providing hir was enough to cause the tip of hir penis to break the surface of the water as it seemed as if shi was about to have a climax as well.
Finally, after several more moments, I felt the pressure that had been growing inside my balls start to release and I felt a rush of my seed flow through my loins, down my dolphin-like length, and then splatter against Sapphire's dual cervixes, which had opened up some to allow easier passage. The instant that shi felt me cum inside hir is when Sapphire had hir own climax, with hir vaginal walls clamping down hard on my throbbing length while hir own penis also erupted with a thick stream of cum, launching several inches upward before landing on the surface of the water. Also, during this climax, I felt hir body temperature spike some more, indicating shi was releasing even more eggs for my seed to fertilize. This was common for Sapphire to do, there were many times where we've mated in the past where shi ovulated multiple times. I knew that shi loved to have kids and I was more than willing to give hir what shi wanted.
As I filled hir with my seed, the tip of my flexible shaft continued to wriggle around inside Sapphire, aiming at one of hir open cervixes for one moment and then towards the other. I wanted to do my best to make sure that they both received as close to an even filling as possible since I could not alter the length of my penis in my foxphin form.
Sapphire seemed to notice this as we came together and as I kept my grip on hir hips tightly while we were in the middle of the pool. "'re tickling me so much in there, honey fox. I can feel it squirming around inside and I feel your seed coating me all over", Sapphire mentioned as I rubbed my cheek up against hirs and kept my shaft buried as deeply into hir feminine parts as possible.
"Just trying to make sure I get some in both of them", I assured Sapphire as my climax continued, feeling more of my seed leaving my testicles and spurting all over Sapphire's reproductive tract, making hir blush and purr to my comment. "By the way, this is just a warm up for later on. I've got plenty more in there where this came from and if you want more after this, just let me know and I'll give you what you need", I added.
Shi purred and then turned to kiss me on the lips. "Of course I'd want to, sweetheart...but let's take our time with it a little. We've got the weekend to ourselves and I would like to make more than one litter with you", Sapphire commented, making me blush a bit as I put my hand on hir still flat belly, knowing that it wouldn't be flat for a whole lot longer.
"I's just that I have another surprise in store for you, but I'll wait until we go out to do it on the beach before I show it to you", I mentioned while caressing Sapphire's belly and filling hir uteri with my seed, watching as shi continued to spurt semen from the tip of hir erect penis in an upward manner, almost like a geyser going off. "It's a good thing that this pool has that filtration system!", I thought to myself, noticing that a rather large cloud of Sapphire's cum was in and on top of the water as shi came. It would likely take some time for the water filtration system to clean up the mess we made together once we were done, so this would likely be the only time we would have sex in the pool while we were here.
After filling Sapphire for a few minutes, the churning inside my testicles came to an end and I felt my dolphin-like penis become soft, slipping out of Sapphire after leaving pools of my seed in each of hir uteri. Although I was temporarily satisfied sexually, I wasn't done with Sapphire in the pool just yet and I took a few moments to give hir a deep kiss, feeling hir tongue in my mouth as shi purred to me and I murred to hir. One hand was down around hir belly and the other held one of hirs tightly, with both of us floating together in the middle of the pool, basking in the afterglow of our mating.
The next morning...
I got up early the next morning, while Sapphire was still asleep in bed. In the time that had passed since I had inseminated hir, shi had become pregnant again and shi once again had a belly bulge from the little ones that we made together. I knew shi would be hungry when shi woke up, so I quietly made my way out of bed before the sun came up and made the trip over to Martinelli's. Fortunately, the Martinelli's I went to was open 24 hours a day, so I was able to get groceries there even as most of the people in Dolphin Bay were still in bed sleeping. There was one other thing I wanted to get at Martinelli's, something that I had planned for in advance, but the bakery was one part of the store that wasn't open 24 hours and I'd have to come back later in the day to pick it up.
Still, I was able to get groceries and return to the beachfront house just as the sky was beginning to brighten outside. When I got back, Sapphire was still asleep in bed. I figured that shi probably still felt warm on the inside from all the seed I put into hir the previous evening and it kept hir from wondering where I was. This gave me the time I needed to put the groceries away, make a quick breakfast for myself, and then start making a much larger breakfast for my pregnant wife. I knew from past experience that Sapphire needed to eat a lot whenever shi was pregnant, and even though shi only had one litter inside hir uteri at this time, they rapidly grew inside hir which meant that shi would need a big breakfast once shi got up.
I soon got to work cooking a huge breakfast for my wife, making a lot of different foods such as bacon, pancakes, scrambled cheese-covered eggs, hash browns, and even a strip steak for hir. Back before I met Sapphire, I didn't know much about cooking. Most of the time when I wanted something to eat I'd either get something I could easily pop into the microwave or I'd go out and pick something up. Every once in a while, Charlene would make something for the two of us, but that was only when she felt like cooking and with the two of us being busy a lot during that point in our lives, that didn't happen too often. Since I met Sapphire though, I learned how to cook on my own, from a combination of what Charlene taught me as well as from some teaching from our mother. I was by no means a master chef, but at least I could fend for myself a lot better than I could've some 10 years earlier.
In addition to the stuff I cooked for Sapphire, I also got hir some orange juice, some milk, and some seedless watermelon. I figured that all the food that I got for hir would be more than enough to not only nourish our little ones, but also help make hir milk richer and more nutritious as well.
Around the time I was finishing with the last of the cooking, Sapphire came into the dining room, seeing all the food I put out for hir as shi came up behind me and gave me a hug as I felt hir swollen belly touch against my back. "How made breakfast for me!", shi called out sweetly as I murred and turned to face hir, touching one of my hands to hir belly bulge and giving it a gentle rub.
"Well, I wanted to make sure our babies had everything they needed to grow to be big and strong", I mentioned in a sweet tone, feeling hir belly moving a little as my hand touched it. I could sense our sons and daughters moving around in hir uteri, probably telling their Daddy that they loved him.
Sapphire smiled and then kissed me on the lips while I continued to feel our kids moving around inside hir belly. "Thank you, honey fox. However, I think that our kids would also like some more brothers and sisters to play with as well", Sapphire mentioned in a slightly playful manner, letting me know that while shi had kids inside hir uteri once again, shi wanted me to fill them even more.
This didn't surprise me given our past history and I was willing to give hir what shi wanted, but our current litter came first in my mind. "Breakfast now and sex later, sweetheart. Let's make sure the ones that are already inside you have everything they need to come out healthy first", I suggested softly before kissing Sapphire on hir lips. I knew there would be plenty of time for mating later on...besides, I had a special surprise in store for Sapphire later anyway. One that I had been holding back on revealing ever since I acquired it.
After breakfast, I brought Sapphire out to the beach as we both looked out over the expansive ocean in front of us. The water was fairly calm at that time of the day, with only small wavelets moving across the water. The sea breeze had also yet to kick in, so it actually felt reasonably comfortable least in comparison to when we arrived. It would get warm and humid again in the afternoon, but for now it was tolerable enough to be outdoors.
Before I had brought Sapphire out onto the beach, I made sure to take off all my clothing, leaving it inside the house. I figured that while we were out here, Sapphire and I would probably end up having sex on the beach, especially considering the fact that shi was still in the mood to create more sons and daughters and that hir belly wasn't as large as shi wanted it to be. However, I decided to take it slowly and let things happen naturally as I came up behind my wife and put my hands back around hir belly, touching it gently as I started to lick the back of hir neck gently.
Shi soon started to purr sweetly and used hir tail to wrap around me from behind, pulling me in closer to hir backside, with my loins touching against hir tush. With me being so close to Sapphire, I couldn't help feeling my foxhood spring to life while my testicles started to churn again, reacting to the warm and spicy aroma of hir heat as I did my best to keep my sex drive in check until shi seemed ready for it. Still, I couldn't stop my shaft from coming out of its sheath, beginning to touch against Sapphire's backside a little bit, getting hir attention very quickly.
Hir heat seemed to grow stronger and I began to notice that hir penis was also beginning to stiffen, undoubtedly reacting to the touch of mine against hir butt cheeks combined with hir reproductive hormones kicking into high gear once again. "Mmm...does my horny honey fox want to have sex with me on the beach?", Sapphire playfully asked as shi let hir rump lean back towards me a little bit, intentionally letting it touch against my growing erection.
I thought about humping Sapphire while I was behind hir, to help further stimulate my sex drive. However, with the way my foxhood was growing stiff for hir, I felt as if it wasn't necessary. Besides, shi knew I was horny, I knew shi was horny, sex was inevitable for us at that point. So, I simply continued to let nature take its course and kept touching Sapphire's belly, gently rubbing it as I felt my length become fully unsheathed while Sapphire's continued to grow longer and stiffen. Both of us dripped with precum as we became sexually aroused, with mine getting on hir butt cheeks and hirs dribbling down onto the sand beneath us. At the same time, the hot and spicy aroma of hir heat continued to tickle my nose, causing my testicles to become active and heavy with sperm as I felt our newest litter moving around a bit inside their mother.
It was here that I figured that it was time to reveal my Sylveon form to Sapphire. So, as I continued to let my hands gently caress hir belly and with my foxhood bumping against hir butt cheeks, I closed my eyes and concentrated on changing into my Sylveon form, feeling my body become warm all over as I changed. Then, once I was in my Sylveon form, with Sapphire having hir eyes closed and purring softly to the touch of my hands on hir belly, I decided to surprise hir by letting one of my ribbons wrap lightly around hir fully erect penis, beginning to stroke it up and down while my hands remained around hir belly.
At first, shi didn't seem to notice anything different. The sensation of my ribbon touching hir length and stroking it helped make it throb and drip with precum even more, adding to hir sexual arousal. However, I continued to touch hir with my hands, moving them up from hir belly to hir breasts to fondle them a bit while my ribbon kept rubbing hir shaft. That was when shi noticed something was different.
"Wait a minute...if your hands are on my breasts, how are you able to...", Sapphire began to ask before looking back towards me and seeing that I had changed. "Oh...that's have a Sylveon form now", Sapphire mentioned in a curious tone before I put my hands back around hir belly and rubbed it some more, putting two of my ribbons on hir nipples, circling them around gently to tickle hir.
"That's right...I got it as a little surprise for you. I know you like to be touched during sex, and sometimes it can get difficult for me to touch and fondle you properly when we're mating in the usual way. So, I decided to get this to help with that...and because I thought you'd might like to play with me like this", I mentioned as I leaned in closer to hir, pressed my throbbing Sylveon cock against hir tush and started to rub it against hir from behind. "By the do you like it so far?", I asked a few moments later, starting to lick hir neck some more as I touched and humped hir.
Shi purred happily and quickly answered my question. "Mmm...yes...I like what you're doing to me, sweetheart. I feel so warm and tingly all over, and your ribbons feel so soft and gentle", Sapphire told me softly as I felt hir belly move around some more. I didn't know it at the time, but the kids inside Sapphire could sense the warmth of my Sylveon aura through contact with their mother. It was making them feel happy and ticklish all over, but in a much different way from how Sapphire felt. At the same time, I also sensed a warm sensation working through my body, sensing Sapphire's sexual arousal as my ribbons touched hir. It helped to make my foxhood throb strongly and grow a bit thicker, spurting precum against hir backside while my balls became swollen and heavy.
Shi noticed my arousal and purred excitedly, pulling me closer with hir tail as I kept humping hir gently with my shaft. "Mmm...looks like someone is eager to play again!", shi called out cheerfully before shi turned back towards me to kiss my lips. "Would you like to put it back inside me and make our litter bigger, honey fox?", shi asked after the kiss as I murred and gave hir shaft a squeeze with one of my ribbons.
"Sure I would...and while we're doing that I'll keep my ribbon wrapped around you like it is and make you feel even better", I answered playfully.
Sapphire smiled and purred, reaching back to kiss me again, this time putting hir tongue into my mouth when shi did so while the ribbon around hir pulsating shaft gripped it tightly. At the same time, my own penis kept rubbing against Sapphire's rump, spitting more precum onto it as it throbbed, feeling fully aroused and ready to go into hir warm vagina yet again.
After the kiss, Sapphire released hir tail and I let go of hir briefly as shi went over to the edge of the beach, just far enough to let the water touch the bottom of hir feet as it came in. I followed close behind Sapphire, feeling my foxhood pulsating as I let one of my ribbons briefly wrap around it, stroking it very softly to make sure it stayed at full arousal.
Once shi was at the edge of the beach and I was behind hir, Sapphire got down to hir hands and knees and lifted hir tail briefly. I got a good look at hir pink and puffy vaginal lips, seeing how they were glazed with hir juices as more of them trickled out of hir opening. Shi was definitely aroused on the inside as well and still very much in the mood to create more life. "Come join me, honey fox! I need you inside me now!", Sapphire called out in a seductive tone, eager to mate once again as I watched hir tail drop off to the side, allowing me to mount hir more easily.
With both of us eager to mate, I wasted little time in giving into my sexual urges as I went over to Sapphire and put my hands down around hir hips, grabbing onto them tightly. Then, I let the tip of my Sylveon shaft touch against Sapphire's outer lips, briefly rubbing it against them before it discovered the opening and poked inside. Once I was in Sapphire, I climbed on top of hir in true canid fashion, tightening the grip around hir hips a little more as I did so while letting my shaft push deeper into Sapphire's folds. My length quickly became covered in a thick layer of hir juices, making passage fairly easy for me, even as shi grabbed onto it tightly with hir hot vaginal walls.
Once I had my foxhood inside Sapphire as far as I could without knotting hir, I let one of my lower ribbons wrap back around hir penis, giving it a decent grip while starting to rub it up and down. Then, two of my upper ribbons went back to Sapphire's breasts, touching and circling hir nipples some more just as I started to hump hir at a moderate pace.
While I was mating with hir, Sapphire started to moan and purr happily from all the pleasure shi was receiving as the warmth of my Sylveon aura worked throughout hir entire body. In fact, I wouldn't even be surprised if I ended up giving Sapphire a Sylveon form as a result of our mating. After all, I had received mine through sex with a female Sylveon*.
The ribbon I had around Sapphire's penis kept stroking it at a moderate pace, moving at the same speed that mine was going through hir tight vaginal folds. While Sapphire felt the warmth being generated from my arousal, I also sensed the warmth of hir sexual arousal throughout my body, concentrated the most around my testicles and my foxhood. This caused my shaft to grow thicker against Sapphire's vaginal passage and my balls to both swell and churn, periodically coming into contact with hir own when I moved inward. I also felt hir temperature rising on the inside, letting me know that hir ovaries were getting ready to release another batch of eggs for my Sylveon sperm to fertilize. However, I was just getting warmed up with Sapphire, I wasn't ready to inseminate hir again yet.
Shi soon moved back towards me a little bit, helping to push my bulb against hir outer lips each time I moved inward and placed hir tail around my back, bringing me closer to hir body. At the same time, I felt Sapphire's penis twitch against my ribbon as it was stroking it, reacting to the touch of the ribbon combined with the sensation of my Sylveon shaft massaging hir tight vaginal folds. "'re making me feel so warm and tingly all over...mmm...especially on the inside", Sapphire called out happily while I was mating with hir, enjoying the sensation of receiving dual pleasure as hir body was getting ready to release another batch of eggs.
When I heard hir response, I murred with delight and decided that it was time to increase the pace. I started to hump hir a bit faster, beginning to move from side-to-side a bit as my knot kept repeatedly pushing against hir outer lips, pulsing strongly for hir as it felt Sapphire's heat from the outside. My precum spurted far into Sapphire's reproductive tract, hitting against both of hir cervixes as it went in. As I became more aroused sexually, I started to wonder if I could make my penis grow longer while it was inside hir, just like I could do in some of my other alternate forms. I did the best I could to think about it and as I did, I soon started to feel the tip of my length go further into Sapphire on it's own as well as becoming more narrow. Although most of the time my foxhood behaved like that of any male fox, my kitsune genes gave it a special ability in certain forms. If I were aroused enough and I worked hard enough, my penis would become longer while the tip narrowed, allowing it to touch and even enter the cervix, going into the uterus. Furthermore, it also had the ability to split into multiple tips, helping to spread my seed throughout the womb and even getting it directly into the fallopian tubes at times.
I had done this before with Sapphire several times in the past. Since shi had two uteri and two cervixes, I would sometimes penetrate both of them during mating and let my tips grow into hir uteri for a deep insemination. In addition, each tip could split a second time, forming a maximum of four tips that were about as thick as a small electrical wire. While they would be narrow in size, they would often pack a punch whenever I came as the narrow tips would help increase the rate that my semen would erupt from them.
However, I didn't feel like going that deep into Sapphire this time around, partially because I knew hir uteri were already occupied by the litter we created earlier and my tips would have to navigate carefully around them to deliver the load where it needed to go. Instead, I figured I'd just let the tips split into two and touch both of hir cervixes without actually penetrating them this time.
As I let my tip split into two and let them grow further into Sapphire's vagina, I continued to hump hir at an increasing pace, constantly bumping my bulb against hir outer folds as hir body heat rippled around the thicker portion of my foxhood. Hir insides now felt very hot and slimy all over my length, encouraging me to push the knot through her outer lips and let it grow big inside hir. In addition, the churning within my swollen nuts also became more intense as they both felt loaded with lots of Sylveon-grade sperm to deliver to Sapphire.
While I was doing this, the ribbon around Sapphire's shaft tightened and rubbed it more vigorously as I felt it plump against the fleshy ribbon and sensed massive pulsations of pleasure coming from it. "'re gonna make me cum, honey fox! I can't hold it in for much longer!", shi called out excitedly, sensing hir climax nearing as hir vaginal folds squeezed the thickest portion of my length very tightly.
From the way Sapphire was reacting and from the way my testicles churned on the inside, I knew I couldn't hold my load in for much longer either. By now, the two tips of my penis had reached deep enough into Sapphire that they were starting to touch against hir cervixes each time I moved inward. With that in mind, I started to push my knot against hir more, continuing to move from side-to-side as I felt hir outer lips parting around my throbbing bulb, feeling it starting to push into hir vagina. "Ahh! Yes! Get it in me, honey fox!", Sapphire called out eagerly, sensing my bulb entering hir passage as I kept pushing forward until it slipped through completely, allowing both of my tips to push just inside of hir cervixes as I held hir hips tightly with my hands.
Just as I started to feel hir vaginal walls begin to clamp down on my growing knot, I came inside Sapphire, sending a rush of my hot Sylveon seed blasting out of each tip of my shaft, going directly into each of Sapphire's uteri. The instant that I came inside hir, I felt Sapphire have a climax as well as shi gripped my length very tightly, hir folds exploded with hir hot vaginal nectar, soaking every part of my foxhood in it, and hir body temperature spiked several times, indicating that shi was ovulating once again. At the same time, Sapphire's shaft also reacted to my orgasm as hirs started to burst forth with hir own seed, shooting it onto the beach and getting washed up in the water each time it lapped against the shoreline.
As I filled hir uteri again, attempting to make our litter even larger than it already was, I relaxed on top of Sapphire while waiting for my orgasm to die down so I could turn the tie with hir. At the same time, the ribbon that was around Sapphire's shaft moved downward a little towards hir bulb, gripping it tightly just as shi was doing to my growing knot. I could feel Sapphire's knot growing against my ribbon, just as if it were inside a warm vaginal canal or tight tailhole. "Mmm...honey're making me feel so good all over! I really like it when you play with me both ways!", Sapphire called out happily as I suddenly felt a strangely hot and ticklish sensation work throughout my entire body. At first, I didn't know what it was, but it felt strangely good to me and it helped to briefly intensify my orgasm. Then, I had to look away from Sapphire for a moment as there was a bright glow coming from hir body. As this was going on, I felt something reach behind me, wrapping around each of my legs and pulling me closer to hir body.
When the glow came to an end and I could look at hir again, I realized what had happened. I had passed on the Sylveon form that I acquired from the female Sylveon I mated with to hir. Sapphire's Sylveon form also looked different from that of a normal Sylveon. The parts of hir body that would normally be pink as a Sylveon were yellow and hir ribbons had a yellow to purple colorization. The bows had stripes on them, much like the stripes on hir arms and legs and shi kept all of the other markings shi had in all of hir other forms. I felt the inside of hir vagina grip my full-sized bulb harder and hir walls tug on the rest of my length, helping to coax more of my sperm into hir uteri as the heat from within made my length pulse with life. "That's strange...for some reason I feel different than I did before. I feel a lot warmer all over and I can feel your legs for some reason", Sapphire responded after the transformation as shi hadn't realized what had happened yet.
That was when I took a moment to let my frontal ribbons coil around hir new frontal ribbons, grabbing onto them softly while my hands let go of hir hips and moved up to hir breasts, fondling them gently while my bulb remained locked inside Sapphire's hot Sylveon folds. "Mmm...that's because I gave you a new form, sweetheart. Now you're able to turn into a Sylveon just like I can", I answered sweetly, kissing the back of hir neck and making Sapphire murr while the initial rush of my orgasm started to slow down. Soon, the flow of my seed into Sapphire slowed to periodic spurts every few seconds, and would remain that way until I finished draining the fresh semen from my testicles into hir fertile uteri.
"Mmm...I think I like that. I feel so warm and happy all over...especially inside me where I feel your seed filling my womb", shi replied just as I released the grip I had around hir penis and prepared to turn the tie with hir.
"Yes...and while we're in our Sylveon forms, we can let our ribbons touch each other while I do this", I replied just as I dismounted Sapphire and turned so that we were facing opposite directions, placing my hands and knees down on the wet sand while ripples of ocean water periodically lapped up against them. My knot and the rest of my foxhood remained deep inside her, with the bulb pulsating against hir folds each time I felt them tug on it, gradually feeling more sperm leaving my swollen balls and spurting into hir dual uteri. When I tied Sapphire, I felt a rush of warm and happiness across my body, including down around my own belly, probably reacting to the way I was inseminating Sapphire. Shi soon looked back to me as our rear ribbons touched and then coiled tightly around each other, before the tips of each of our ribbons coiled in a way where they created a small heart-shape.
There we stayed on the beach for close to an hour, feeling the tide gradually come in around us as we soon found ourselves just inside the ocean, having a couple of inches of salt water on our legs, knees, and hands. However, neither of us seemed to mind. We enjoyed being stuck together. Sapphire enjoyed the sensation of having more seed filling hir on the inside, knowing that in a few short hours, hir already pregnant belly would become bigger from this mating. I enjoyed giving Sapphire my seed, having hir vagina tug and massage my foxhood as I came for hir, coaxing the load from my eager testicles and calming my sex drive. Of course, this would also mean that I would have to give Sapphire more to eat to help nuture and nourish our additions to the family, but I was prepared for that with all the stuff I bought at Martinelli's earlier in the morning. Besides, I still had to go back there later to pick up my surprise for Sapphire.
Gradually, my foxhood calmed down as the flow of seed into Sapphire's uteri slowed to a trickle and then stopped. Once it did, both tips pulled out of hir uteri and my length slowly returned to normal, with the two tips merging back into one and returning to its normal shape. At the same time, my knot started to shrink and Sapphire's vaginal folds eased their grip on me, though we remained stuck to each other for a couple more minutes until it was back to normal size and I was able to pull out.
When we were finished mating, Sapphire and I stayed in our Sylveon forms for a little bit while we sat by the beach completely naked. I felt hir upper ribbons coil gently around mine while my lower ribbons went to hir belly, giving it a tickle. It wasn't any larger than it was before...indicating that my sperm hadn't reached hir new batch of eggs as of yet. We took a moment to kiss, murring sweetly to each other as our tongues swished around in each other's warm and happy mouths. Soon, our hands joined together as I felt a warm sensation ripple through my body again, making me feel happy both inside and out. Suddenly, the warmth and humidity of Dolphin Bay didn't seem to bother me as much as it did when we first got here.
Later in the afternoon, after Sapphire and I came back inside, had some lunch and had a shower to wash off all the sand and love goo from our matings, I took the trip back out to Martinelli's to pick up my surprise for Sapphire. When I got back, Sapphire's belly had grown larger and shi was sitting on the couch, rubbing hir belly bulge as there were now Sylveon pups growing in hir in addition to the little ones from our first mating. I placed my surprise to Sapphire on the dining room table and went over to hir, taking hir hand and bringing Sapphire over to the table so I could show hir what I got.
"Sweetheart, I know our wedding anniversary is coming up soon and I want to save the bigger surprises for when we go to Vixen Hill. However, I just wanted to do a little something to let you know how happy you've made me feel these past 10 years", I told hir sweetly before opening up the cake box and letting Sapphire see the cake I got for us. It was a full sheet cake, with white frosting covering most of the cake with purple and yellow frosting around the edges. On the cake itself, there were small figures of Sapphire and I after we first met, as well as our four oldest kids sitting on top of the cake. On the cake itself, I had the following message written on it.
"Sapphire, you've made me feel so happy these past 10 years. I love you very much. XOXOXO, your "honey fox".", the message on the cake read, having been written in dark blue icing. Upon seeing that, Sapphire looked at me while blushing and put hir hand on my cheek.
"I love you very much too, honey fox", shi commented softly and sweetly before the two of us kissed while holding hands, each of us feeling happy about all the moments we've shared together since we first met.
To be a three-part mini-series that will cover our second honeymoon.
*: For those of you who are reading this on SoFurry, I wrote a story for Inkbunny and FurAffinity called "Fairy Magic". It's a story where I mate with a non-anthro Angelic Sylveon who gives me the ability to change into a Sylveon at will. If you're curious to read it and you haven't already, go check it out on my Inkbunny or FurAffinity page.