Bounty Hunters Have Obligations Too

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#15 of Commissions

A couple of years have passed since Wolf managed to snag Fox McCloud. The 'imprisoned' vulpine settled into his new home and role comfortably, sealed away in the big lupine's womb with James, who had been hidden there far longer. Wolf had grown used to hauling his two boys around with him everywhere he went. The crew had gotten accustomed to their commander's imposing figure; height, muscle, and gut. The other members of the now dissolved StarFox team had been absorbed into Wolf's crew, finding positions that suited them quite well. And they flourished. Everything seemed to be coming together quite well.

And then Andross decided to not let Wolf off the hook for leaving his service and even actively standing in his way. Sargasso Station wasn't outfitted to handle constant bombardment and relentless attacks, but the steadily growing band of outlaws, pilots, and smugglers were doing their best to hold their own. Something had to give. They needed to do something to make Andross leave them alone. And they needed a boost in morale too. Weddings were good for that.

This was a commission for Eriol, a continuation of his earlier story, "Bounty Hunters Have Needs Too". This ended up being a lot longer than I was really hoping for. I will likely not be taking any more long-form commissions like this again in the future, purely in the interest of preventing burnout.

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"Damage report!" shouted Peppy.

The command center was in disarray, but it could have been worse. The crew was running about, putting out small fires, cutting power to severed conduits, and effecting makeshift repairs to vital systems.

"Hull integrity at seventy-two percent. Main power offline. Auxiliary power is holding. Shield coverage is stable over vital systems. Decompression events on decks eight, nine, and ten in sections twenty-three to twenty-five. Emergency bulkheads are in place and holding. It was an area slated for repairs. No casualties. Response teams are standing by." called out the crewman who had taken over the station when the person filling it had been thrown to the ground hard enough to be knocked out.

"Then we dodged a bullet," Peppy said, "Gimme a status on the fight!"

"Hostile forces diminished to twelve percent of their original fleet. Analysis indicates a full scale retreat. We've driven them off. All remaining Copperheads have been intercepted." the crewman said.

Peppy sighed a breath of relief and slumped in his seat. That had been a close one. It was only by the skill of their pilots that the one missile that did impact the station had been deflected. It could have hit the heart of the station and triggered secondary explosions. He was getting too old for this.

"Recall the fighters. Get repair teams to affected systems. I want all combat hardware ready to fly in five hours. We got caught with our pants down this time. Let's not let it happen again," Peppy said, "Put me through to the Lycan."

Radio transmissions were re-routed, connected the command center with a larger than average fighter flanked on either side by a pair of small, agile, unmanned drones. They behaved as if someone was piloting them, likely on remote. The fighter swung about in a grand arc to circle around the station.

"This is the Lycan." came a deep voice.

"Wolf, it looks like you've managed to chase them off again. We're recalling the squadron." Peppy said.

"Everything okay? You guys took a pretty nasty hit." the lupine said.

"We're lickin' our wounds but we're still here. Get on back to the hanger and have everyone come to the debrief. We'll hold off on repairs while we have ourselves a little post-op pow-wow. We got stuff ta discuss." the hare said.

"Copy that," Wolf said, switching over from ship to shore coms to address his wing, "All fighters listen up. Enemy has broken off the attack and are buggin' out. Good job. All ships return to dock. Proceed directly to debrief unless you're in need of medical attention."

The swarm of fighters, at least three dozen strong, broke formation and began filing into the various hanger entrances. Wolf steered his own craft about, approaching one of the queues headed in. The two support craft on either side drew in closer, docking with the mother-ship, adding their thrust and maneuverability to the fighter. Wolf slowed as he approached, perfectly fine with taking up the rear. Something about making sure all his wing-mates making it to safety before him just felt right. The grand void of space gave way to the bright interior of the hanger. All the other fighters were slowly hovering their way over to their various docking bays. Wolf followed suit.

The Lycan, the renamed and heavily modified Wolfen, showed its nimble grace as it pivoted and turned, gently sliding home into the docking clamps designed to help it maintain station keeping. A gentle, mechanical jostling saw the clamps sink home and the fighter was locked in place. The canopy slowly lifted and Wolf unstrapped. He removed a curious metallic ring that rest on his large, swollen stomach and moved to stand.

He was quite the sight to behold. Many of the other pilots, now out of their own ships, stopped and turned to drink him in. He was tall. Far taller than he had been prior to the start of all of this. His flight suit hugged tight about his figure, betraying the presence of thick, rippling muscle in his limbs and chest. It also left little to the imagination in regard to his stomach. He had a rather impressive gut on him. If he had been a bit shorter, it would have looked impossibly large, but with his towering stature--he was not far from three meters at the tips of his ears--it seemed to suit him well.

The small giant of a lupine climbed out of his ship and dropped down to the flight deck. He looked over the other pilots--there were so many of them now--and gave them a look as if to say 'carry on'. He knew why they were staring at him. Many had already learned the secret of his belly. It wasn't something that was spoken aloud terribly often. There wasn't a superstition surrounding it. They just preferred to not discuss it lest word of it get back to Andross. The old monkey would be absolutely furious if he found out the two foxes that had been a massive thorn in his side for so long were still alive, thanks to the betrayal of the very lupine he had hired and equipped.

Of course, that didn't matter much at this point. Andross had already learned of Wolf's departure and shifting of allegiance. The organization had not necessarily fully allied itself with the Cornerian fleet, but it had proven it could be counted as a friend. Wolf preferred to remain largely unaffiliated. He wasn't sure what it was about it that made him feel more at ease. Maybe it created a sense of freedom that he enjoyed.

The big wolf walked off the flight deck to a nearby lift. Other pilots had filtered in with him, giving him a little ring of space all his own. Part of it was intimidation, which Wolf liked. Part of it was many of them didn't want to accidentally bump his belly and be thought rude. A precious few kept their distance out of fear that they might be shoved in there, never to be heard from again. That amused Wolf to no end, so he never really corrected the assumption. After all, it was an interesting little reputation he had managed to build through the act of remaining mum on the subject.

The lift doors opened and he stepped out, the other pilots closely behind him. They all massed in the only briefing room they possessed on station. It was large enough to accommodate the entire compliment calling Sargaso home. And that population had grown fairly large. What had once been just Wolf's team and a small collection of pirate engineers was now a bustling, thriving community of almost a hundred. Never before had the station run so smoothly.

Most sat down throughout the room. Some chose to stand off to the sides. Front and center stood Wolf and select members of the command crew; Peppy, Slippy, Krystal, and of course Rob. His upgrades had given him a more sleek appearance, and a much more personable personality. Wolf turned to the old hare, letting him have the floor.

"Quiet down folks. Quiet down. I don't wanna take up too much'a yer time, so I'll keep this brief." Peppy said.

The room settled just as he had requested, though there were still a few whispers passing back and forth.

When everyone had gotten quiet and given their attention to the front, the old hare continued.

"First up, station status. We took a bad hit from the Copperhead that got through. We were pretty well swarmed so there wasn't much we could do ta stop it. I wanna point out it was the skill of James and Fox that kicked it off course. Their remote pilot drones are performing better than any of us could have hoped. It hit an unpopulated section of the station slated for repairs. No one was lost or seriously hurt. Had they not managed to stop it, it would have hit the engineering level. We would have lost primary and auxiliary power, life support, defensive systems, and it would have killed dozens. I highly recommend anyone who isn't rated to fly a remote pilot drone get rated as soon as possible. The more pilots we have the better, and we can fit a lot more remote drones in the hanger than ships that need a pilot in them. There will always be a need for piloted ships, but those can be our first and fastest line of defense. And we're gonna need it." Peppy said, turning to look at Wolf.

The big lupine nodded and turned to face the group.

"He's right. We're always looking at ways to improve them. The more of you we have piloting them on rotation, the greater the chance we'll find something we can make better. I can't order you to get certified on the hardware, but I strongly recommend it. You could make the difference in the minutes it takes to get our primary squad in theater. James and Fox have been doing amazing work using nothing but cranial transmitters. Imagine how well you could do sitting behind a remote helm. If you're interested in learning, contact your superior and schedule lessons as soon as possible." Wolf said.

"The sooner the better," Peppy stepped back in, "As you're all aware, this is the tenth successive attack Andross has waged against us. Each time, he gets more aggressive, throwing more and more at us. Last time, he only sent two Copperhead missiles our way. This time, he sent five. Last time, it had a small armed escort. This time, they outnumbered us three to one. You can bet his next attack is gonna be even worse. The bottom line is, we only just made it out of this one by the skin of our teeth. We can't survive an attack bigger than that. We're gonna have to abandon the station."

Murmurs passed through the group. No one was terribly fond of this idea, Wolf least of all. Before he could speak up, Slippy interjected.

"Now hold on folks. We're considering that an option of last resort. We've got a plan in work at the moment. If it succeeds, then no one will have to leave the station. I dunno about you guys but ever since we fixed this place up, I've kinda felt like it's home. Now, we've got some time before the next attack. Andross always waits a while between strikes, and our sources in his ranks have been giving us reliable intel on when he moves assets for an op. We don't ever know how much or how little, but we always have a warning. I'd guess we have a week before the next attack. That should give us time to implement the solution, test it, and be ready for whatever he throws at us." the frog said.

Slippy had really come into his own since accepting a role with Star Wolf. He was the head of his own department, always innovating and developing new tech, and never one to shy away from jumping back into his Arwing should the need arise. He had earned a fair bit of respect for himself.

Peppy nodded to his comrade, taking the floor once again.

"More details about this plan will be made available as we move forward. In the meantime, we've got another problem on our hands that we need to address. Morale. I've been seein' and hearin' a fair bit of chatter lately that has me a little disappointed. I've been hearin' folks say we're not gonna survive, that Andross is too strong, that everyone should just cut and run. I'm here ta stamp that out. You stow that attitude right now. The minute you let that poison seep in is the minute you lose the fight. We're gonna get through this. I don't wanna hear anymore negativity on that point. And ta help with that, I think we oughta have a lil occasion ta get everyone's spirits up outta the dumps." the hare said, then stepped to the side to let someone else speak.

This time, Falco and Panther stepped forward.

"Policy on the station allows crew to... fraternize. And for good reason. You got a lotta frustration ta let out, it's good ta just let it out. Even better when you can do it with someone you're close to," Falco said, "And it'll just make you wanna watch that person's back all the more closely. It keeps ya sober. Most folks here know that Panther and I have had a thing for a while, so in the interest of morale, we've decided ta just make it official."

Panther nodded, taking one of the blue bird's hands in his, grinning out at the crowd.

"We're going to be married." the feline said.

More voices could be heard almost immediately, but they were drowned out by cheers and applause. Apparently, it was about damn time the two tied the knot and the station agreed. It was just the sort of pick-me-up everyone in command knew they all needed.

It took a few minutes for everyone get the initial celebration out of their systems and quiet back down, letting Falco speak again.

"We already have a location and a date set. We'll be sendin' that out in a bit. Just don't be late. One way or another, this is happenin'." the feathered pilot said.

Wolf clapped his large paws together, applauding the couple.

"You'll have plenty of time to congratulate them in the coming days. For now, your department heads will have assignments for you. Thankfully, damage to the station wasn't too bad. We should be fully operational again before the next assault. Make sure you get plenty of rest when you're off duty. I don't want my crew tired. A tired crew is a clumsy crew." the lupine said.

"Keep it together a little while longer. We play our cards right and Andross won't be able ta touch us ever again. We're stronger together then we are apart. Remember that. Company dismissed." Peppy said.

The room devolved into mingling chaos. Pilots and support crew milled about, chatter flying wildly.

Panther and Falco turned to the rest of the command crew, expecting a more private discussion.

"So yeah, we already got a spot picked out. We been talkin' about it for a while and it sounds perfect. I didn't like the idea of a big, fancy wedding." Falco said.

"But I was able to convince him in favor of it. After all, it's a good boost to morale and we definitely need that around here." Panther said.

"We sure do," Wolf replied, "I just hope the honeymoon doesn't last too long. I've kinda gotten used to the two of you crawling into bed with me."

Panther smirked as he looked back at the giant lupine.

"Sir, you are the honeymoon. The lodgings are already arranged. And we would love it if James and Fox could attend. We both know how much trouble that would be for the three of you, but... were it possible, it would be lovely." the dark feline said.

Wolf nodded, not having expected that angle on the matter. He pushed the notion out of his head for the time being, letting it stew in the background until he didn't have so many other concerns to address right away.

"We'll see what we can arrange. For now, we've all got work to do. I suggest we get to it." Wolf said.

The command crew all nodded and dispersed, heading out to their respective departments to look into assisting with repairs. Wolf turned and walked out of the briefing room, his hands moving immediately to his enormous stomach. He felt his boys shift about under his fur and sighed quietly.

It had been two years since he'd sent Fox in to live with James, not having let either of them out the entire time. Except for brief 'day passes' and rather few and far between. He'd gotten so used to his new size--both height and girth--that he couldn't picture what it would be like to be empty again for more than a few hours. It wasn't a pleasant picture for him. So he shoved it away. He had work to do, and so did his boys. Though, theirs was more a matter of interface tweaking. They had been collecting data on their drone operations and wanted to suggest some changes to Slippy. Wolf meanwhile distracted himself with going over the Lycan, inch by inch.

The ship was almost nothing like what it had originally been. It was much larger, mostly out of necessity. After Wolf tucked Fox in with James, he had gained quite a bit of mass. So much so that he no longer fit in the original cockpit. An extensive overhaul had to be done to accommodate not just his new height, but also the heavy swell of his stomach. After all, he still intended to pilot, even while so massively pregnant. At least his boys were smart enough to not try to distract him while he was flying. Though sometimes he wished they would just to be naughty. He never wished for it in earnest, but only fantasized about it from time to time.

Eventually, the day came to a close and Wolf, along with roughly a third of the station's crew, turned in to get some much needed rest. Of course, rest would only come after he had taken care of his other needs.

The large wolf knelt on his knees atop the thin mattress in his quarters. He rocked his hips back and forth, grunting and growling as he kept a dark rump mashed in against his crotch. His belly pressed down on Panther's back as he humped away with a significant portion of his strength. Falco meanwhile was behind him, wing-arms wrapped around the thick lupine, his own rod buried deep under Wolf's tail. The group ground away against one another, breaths coming ragged, animalistic noises of passion filling the room, the stink of sex on everything like an air freshener slowly snowing down on anything nearby rather than staying suspended in the air.

A white stain had been splattered across the azure bird's backside, and his stomach was rather pronounced. Wolf's own rump was similarly stained. Clearly the boys had already played it the other way; Falco on his hands and knees while Panther assaulted from behind. Wolf loved being in the center of their fun. So much so that he began to wonder why they hadn't asked to marry him too. It wasn't unheard of--polyamorous weddings--but to the lupine, getting the paperwork to make it official and legal was more than he was interested in putting up with.

And so the three lovers growled, yipped, moaned, and cried out until the first person broke. It was something of a game; who would cum first. Or last depending on how you looked at it. The last three times they had played, Wolf had let himself 'lose'. It often resulted in a heavily swollen belly for whoever was riding his pulsing, throbbing spire. Falco had already had a spin on it tonight. Panther, not to be left out, made sure his boss would make good use of him before any of them passed out for the night. Wolf was all too eager to indulge. He rocked forward powerfully, his shaft bulging the dark feline's stomach visibly as it entered and retreated over and over again. Panther moaned and purred as he tried to push back.

Not one to really want to draw things out, Wolf threw his head back and howled as he hit his peak. Instantly, the hot rush Panther had come to be so fond of was pouring into him from behind. The feline yowled as he felt his stomach surge outward to contain such a vast sea of seed. Pump after pump of the stuff was deposited directly into Panther's bowels. Falco, listening to his fiancé finally get overwhelmed, shivered as he offered Wolf the same rich, thick deposit. The group all gushed their respective gushes, but then, eventually, they all moved to lay down together. With the attack that morning and so much physical exertion just now, Wolf surmised they could use a proper break. He panted for breath as the two outside him gradually settled and retreated from their various positions.

Wolf allowed himself to recline as well, laying out on his bed. Immediately, the bird and feline pressed in close on either side. In minutes, they had fallen asleep. The lupine, meanwhile, was struck by a case of insomnia. It didn't help that his boys, James and Fox, were in the throes of their own passion. Both had been expertly concealed in the womb that Wolf didn't exactly go out of his way to advertise that he possessed. His belly swayed and churned about as the two foxes inside--now no doubt fox-wolf hybrids--yipped and moaned. It wasn't uncommon for those two in Wolf's belly to make it difficult for him to sleep, if only purely out of arousal.

So there the lupine lay, on his back, Panther and Falco cuddled up on either side, their heads on his chest, leaning in across the wolf's broad pecs, sharing a quiet kiss as they started to drift off.

Wolf would have to let Fox and James out eventually. If only for the wedding. If he did the math right, he could just do the whole event as he was and it would be fine. Another part of his mind didn't want to disappoint. They wouldn't be able to survive for too long outside of him. Maybe if he waited until the day of, then all would be well. The giant lupine sighed as he looked down at his large, wriggling belly. He could hear Fox and James moaning inside him. He could feel their passion, their tenacity, every time they did this. And they did this often. Sometimes, Wolf didn't even need to assist. He could just cup his hands behind his head and let them rock and sway him all the way to climax. Tonight, his arms were busy, curled up around his other two lovers.

The thought had crossed his mind more than once. No one could really stop him if he just decided to cram them both in with Fox and James. And he would end up just that much bigger. And he was certain everyone in this room would have been okay with it. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to let them out. He had gotten greedy with James, and then more so with Fox. He didn't want his greed to result in shoving every single crew member on station into his womb.

Well, if he was being honest with himself, he actually did. But for the purposes of what Sargaso stood for, what it promised, what it had already accomplished, he couldn't deprive the station of two more pilots.

He would have to let James and Fox out, give birth to them at some point. He didn't like the idea. Not at all. He wanted to keep his boys safe and sound inside him. Forever. To remain this big, this full, this swollen, it was everything he wanted. But he couldn't deny his other two lovers their wish. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Slowly, Wolf let his eyes drift shut as his loins continued to throb. A quick burst of white splattered his belly from below as one of Fox's paws mashed into a particularly tender region. A sharp shiver ran up the lupine's spine shortly after it. He was getting tired. He had been up far too long thanks to Andross' nasty little punks. So, he let himself drift off, putting the notion of giving birth to his boys out of his mind for the time being.

There would be time to think on that later. For now, Wolf simply let the warm embrace of unconsciousness invite him in.

"Pilots to your fighters! All hands, battle stations! Set condition red throughout the station!" shouted Peppy.

The sensor readout showed a massive fleet jumping into range. It was roughly twice the size of the swarm that had attacked a week ago. The station was still a mess. Sections were closed off due to damage. A good many of the fighters were out of commission. Word had gotten back to Andross that many had deserted. All total, only a third of the original force was still operational. Half of the stations weapons were online. They were in bad shape, out numbered and outgunned.

Wolf climbed into his ship and powered it up. Fox and James both stayed as still as possible, not wanting to distract the lupine while he was conducting extreme maneuvers. What little of the fleet there was to defend got into position in short order. A compliment of unmanned drones joined them.

"Enemy forces inbound. Copperhead missiles detected. Counting three. All units, prioritize those missiles!" Peppy shouted over the coms.

"Alright boys, this is it. It's do or die. All wings report in." Wolf called out.

A host of callsigns came back over the network, signaling that all available fighters were ready. The lupine grinned a little as he heard two familiar voices over his earpiece as well as in the cockpit with him. Fox and James called out their status as well. It was a little curiosity that Wolf relished quite a lot. Their remote drones separated from the Lycan and formed on his wing, ready to fly.

The battle was spectacular. Star Wolf held their own valiantly. It was an edge they had over Andross' forces. They had superior firepower and defenses. Andross had essentially built a fleet of death traps. They couldn't take many hits and the strength of their weaponry was weak, but there were so many more of them. Concussive blasts detonated all around the station, anti-fighter measures to make sure none of the invaders got too close. They didn't have just an especially large compliment of those, leaving them to make use as carefully as possible. The Copperheads drew in at an almost glacial pace, their rotating warheads looking like an angry drill ready to grind away at anything that got in its way.

In the first few moments, it looked like Wolf and his team might be able to fend them off. Two of the missiles went down swiftly. Then Andross' forces changed tactics. The swarm pulled in tight around the remaining Copperhead, protecting it. As the stunt fighters drew in close, their shields began to stack, combining into a more powerful defensive screen.

"That's something new," Wolf said, "All wings, concentrate fire on the aft section. Try to punch through. Sargaso, give me a time to impact."

"If its speed stays constant, we're reading less than three minutes." Peppy replied.

"All batteries, focus your fire on the forward section. Maybe we can drain the shields if we strain them enough." Wolf ordered.

The station brought what few guns it had available to bear and opened fire. The result was minimal. There just wasn't enough being pumped into both points to have a strong enough impact. It became clear that there was no way they would be able to stop it in time. Peppy made the call before Wolf could.

"Weapons have minimal effect. Time to impact is two minutes. Projected site of contact is... secondary power control. Shields will not hold under that magnitude of concussion. I hereby put general order twelve into effect. All hands, abandon station. All fighters break off your attack and reach minimum safe distance." the hare sounded surprisingly calm for someone who had just called for retreat and the loss of the station.

For a brief moment, the radio was alive with chatter as the order changed the dynamic of the battle. Many refused to give up, redoubling their efforts. Then Wolf spoke up.

"You heard the man. General order twelve. All fighters break off and make for minimum safe distance. All hands abandon station. Get to your emergency life-pods immediately. This is not a drill." he said, fighting a quaver in his voice.

The order was finally followed. The fleet, what of it there was, broke off their attack and turned, scattering in all directions. A series of pops and pale blue flashes followed as they each charged their inter-system drives and leapt away in streaks of ethereal indigo. Fox and James brought their drones back in against the Lycan, docking quickly. The lupine took one last long pass around the station as he watched the Copperhead close in. Once it was within close enough range that nothing would be possible even if everyone had remained, the fighter escort broke formation and fled.

For a brief moment, Wolf considered diving in, guns blazing, thinking he might be able to make one last heroic effort that could save the station. Escape pods jettisoned left and right, immediately popping out of existence, leaving a trail of blue behind them as they leapt away. There were still life-signs on board. Several in the command center, several more in the reactor room. There wasn't enough time land, drag them out, and escape. There wasn't even enough time for them to make it to the remaining life-pods.

With only fifteen seconds left, Wolf powered his engines and, with a deep pop, he had leapt at least ten kilometers away. He slowed, then turned to fly along in what would have been a wide circle around Sargaso, watching. Radio chatter continued as those still on board passed commands back and forth, valiantly trying to do whatever they could to forestall defeat and death.

The sensor feed brought up a zoomed-in view of the station so Wolf could make out finer details in the side of the canopy of his ship. A large section of the station sloughed off in between it and the Copperhead, shortening the time until impact. It struck the jettisoned chunk and exploded. A shimmer passed over the whole of the station, looking to be a shockwave. The blast expanded faster than the eye could track, consuming the very section the ejection had meant to protect. It slowed and dampened the destructive force, but not enough. A number of explosions rocked across the surface of Sargaso at the point where the missile would have hit.

Then, a number of secondary explosions spread out from there, some appearing to be completely unrelated. Secondary power had failed, and failed spectacularly. It was shorting out the grid all over. More chatter followed, desperate, fearful, cries of pain. Then it all went silent as the communications subsystem was demolished. Just as everything appeared to finally go quiet, a brilliant blue-white glow of heat sparked to life at the center of mass. The reactor was going critical. A silent, heart-wrenching burst of brilliant light consumed everything within a kilometer of the station.

Wolf closed his eyes and looked away to protect himself from the blinding flash. When it finally faded away, all that remained were molten, glowing chunks of slag. And there wasn't even enough to come close to accounting for the entire station. It had been a catastrophic reactor breech. The lupine sighed, turned his ship away, powered his engines again, and escaped into the ether between normal space and hyper-space.

Sargaso Station was no more.

The eerie flow of blue-shifted light swirling past the canopy was an almost hypnotic sight to behold. Wolf had seen it so many times it had lost almost all efficacy. Now however, he let it wash over him and lull him into a gentle sleep. It was a brief nap, only about twenty minutes, before the Lycan played a tone to notify its pilot that they were nearing their destination. The lupine stirred back to life and took the helm just in time for the same deep pop to deliver him back in his own reality. A planet hung in space below him, close enough that he only needed to make a few adjustments to enter high orbit. But he wasn't aiming for orbit.

Wolf brought the ship's sub-light engines back online and dove towards the surface in an aggressive entry. Were it a ship just a couple hundred years older, it would not have been able to withstand the heat of atmospheric entry. Thankfully, that was not the case. Only the rarest of antiques that didn't ever leave atmosphere anymore and heavy cruisers that couldn't land weren't designed to handle the turbulence and heat. The Lycan rattled a bit as it pierced the air and clouds of the world Wolf had selected. Once he was through the thick thunderhead masking his landing site, a sprawling array of lights shined out in the gloom. It was a torrential downpour covering the settlement below, making it difficult to make out buildings and towers. Thankfully, the navigation computer created a three dimensional green overlay for the region.

The lupine took his time, slipping into the air traffic, blending in quickly. With only a short flight to contend with, he piloted his way to a landing pad on top of a short building on the edge of town. It was only three stories tall, designed to accommodate small, personal spacecraft like his. As soon as the skids were down, Wolf powered the engines down and closed his eyes. He didn't watch as the landing pad lowered itself down into the building, then the roof slid across, sealing him in. The canopy of his fighter slowly opened once the rain was no longer threatening to come pouring in on him. The big wolf hefted himself out of the cockpit and climbed down to the soaked concrete floor. He tapped a panel on the hull, opening a small pressurized cargo hold that sat directly under his seat and pulled out a large duffle bag. That was slung over one shoulder before the panel was closed again and he turned to leave the hanger.

The rain made everything feel that much more depressing. He needed something to keep from falling into a downward spiral. It would be several hours before he could reach out to any of the crew that scattered. The hallway beyond the hanger was a bit of an improvement. It was beautifully appointed, betraying the value of the property. Wolf paid it no mind as he walked to his door, reserved just for him, emblazoned with a tree wreathed in a ring. He waved his ident-card over the reader and it turned green, granting him access.

"Hello Mr. O'Donnell. It's good to see you again." called out a voice from inside the room as he walked in.

Wolf turned to the display on the wall showing the concierge waiting to greet him.

"Hello." the pilot said a little more curtly than he had wanted.

The concierge didn't seem affected by it.

"Is there anything I can get you to make your stay more comfortable?" the lady asked, a feline of mostly cream with streak of black down the center of her face, ending at her nose. She was well groomed and tastefully dressed in attire that would have been far more at home on a tropical island.

"Anything you can do about the storm?" Wolf asked jokingly.

The lady smiled and shared a quiet laugh with him.

"Unfortunately no. I do apologize for the condition of your arrival. However, the forecast for tomorrow is said to be bright and sunny with the temperature just right for sunbathing. Can I reserve a chair for you for in the morning?" she asked.

"No thank you. I think I'd prefer to do something about breakfast first. Is Raul still here?" Wolf asked.

"He is indeed. He's only just returned from an extended absence to train the staff at a new property. He heard you were scheduled to stay with us and changed his plans to be here just for you." the lady said.

"That's awfully kind of him. Tell him I'd like the usual in the morning, please." Wolf said.

"He has already taken the liberty of preparing for that exact request. Is there anything I can offer you tonight to help you wind down after your long trip? Perhaps some company?" the feline asked.

"Company would be lovely. And if it is at all possible, could you please find someone who is something of a veteran?" the lupine asked.

The feline simply smiled, understanding the subtext quite well. It wasn't his first visit to this little resort after all.

"Of course, Mr. O'Donnell. I'll have Alicia pay you a visit momentarily. In the meantime, might I suggest a warm, relaxing shower?" she offered.

"I think that would be the best course of action. Before you go, if you could suggest a tailor, I'd be grateful. I may have need for one tomorrow. It's still uncertain what my plans are at the moment." Wolf said.

"I've just the person in mind. I'll contact him in the morning to see about his schedule. Until then, please enjoy your stay, and thank you for continuing to choose to visit Canopy Resorts." The feline bowed her head softly and the screen flickered to black, revealing the same tree encircled by the ring from the door.

Wolf sighed softly, finally feeling like he could relax. As posh as this place was, he felt obligated to respond in kind when dealing with the staff. It was exhausting. Though not usually this much. It had been an emotional few hours. The big wolf tossed his duffle bag onto the love seat far too small to fit him opposite the bed as he walked through the bedroom. A shower was definitely sounding fantastic. He pealed himself out of his flight suit and hung it on the rack provided. Immediately, it was pulled away into a recessed alcove which then sealed shut. The staff didn't even need to enter his room to collect his laundry.

The shower spray was indescribably relaxing. Sargaso had been well furnished, but it was a far cry from the high-class resort that Wolf had come to think of as a second home. It made a lovely safe house, especially considering the degree of privacy the staff afforded anyone who stayed. The big wolf sighed as he soaked his head under the warm spray, trying to keep from focusing on the events of the last few hours. It had all happened so fast. And he felt so powerless. He needed to put it out of his mind for the moment, deal with it later.

The two foxes in his belly stirred softly, growing amorous as they heard the sound of the shower from the other side of the fur and flesh concealing them. Wolf growled and rubbed at his gut, reveling in the activity.

"Mmm, trust you two to be horny even after what just happened." he chuckled.

"Can you blame us, dad?" Fox called out from within.

"You're getting a chance to unwind, this is ours." James joined in.

"Well, try not to get too carried away. At least, not until after Alicia's done with me for the night." Wolf growled quietly, fighting to keep from just pleasuring himself then and there. He was already drooling between his legs.

"No promises." Fox replied.

The two foxes fell silent save for a few muted moans and the wolf's stomach bulged and squirmed gently, looking as if it was churning away at whatever was inside it. Wolf tilted his head back and leaned against the smooth wall behind him, constantly massaging and kneading at his middle.

"Such naughty boys." He rumbled.

It took all of Wolf's willpower to keep from dissolving into a sticky mess there in the shower. He had company on the way after all. Managing to drag his mind out of the gutter just far enough to stay focused on the shower, Wolf scrubbed himself thoroughly, tending to his belly far longer than really was necessary. Who could blame him? He rinsed, grateful to have the smell of engine grease and perspiration off him. As he climbed out of the oversized stall--amazingly able to accommodate someone of his stature--he reached for a towel. What he drew back to him was less meant for a bathroom and more meant for use on the beach. And even then, it was still a little on the small side for him.

The lupine dried himself as best he could, only interested in getting the loose water before tapping a couple of commands into a panel just next to the shower stall. The source of the spray retreated out of the way as a series of small but powerful fans whirred to life, moving air like a hurricane. Wolf stepped back inside as the heating elements switched on to warm the small space. His fur was fluffed powerfully and dried, leaving him to sigh in satisfaction. He didn't much care for staying damp for any extended period of time. These dryer booths built right into the shower were a genius idea. You just had to get as much excess moisture off of you as possible to make the process faster.

Wolf emerged from the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist and pinned in place by the heavy, sagging, and writhing gut he'd become so used to. He had been this way for two years. And it seemed like time had simply flown by. Where did those two years go? It had been even longer since he embarked on this little adventure. That first night in Sargaso when he and James learned the nature of this little 'addiction' they both had seemed so long ago, and yet, at the same time it felt like it was only yesterday. The McClouds had become a significant part of his life. And he was still keeping it a secret for the most part. Thankfully, the crew was discrete as well.

Something about that made it scandalous and tickled him in just the right way.

The heavy-middled wolf stepped out of the bathroom, his towel doing virtually nothing to conceal the monstrous bulge between his legs, and came to a stop. He was not alone.

Lounging luxuriously on the bed was creature of pale blue and grey. She wore very little, just enough to conceal certain regions. But the fabric left nothing to the imagination, hugging so tightly that details could be made out that would give lesser men nosebleeds. She was waiting with an un-amused look on her face, perhaps she was bored. As soon as the large wolf stepped back into the bedroom, her gaze shifted to him, peering at him with eyes of jade. A smile spread across her face and a very dragon-ish trill trembled away in her throat.

"Well hello there. I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to come out or if I was going to have to come in there after you." the azure lady said, slowly brushing back dark grey locks of hair until they fell behind the frill adorning her left cheek.

Wolf chuckled, giving his visibly writhing gut a firm pat.

"These two know how to distract their daddy. How've you been, Alicia?" the lupine said as he practically waddled his way over to the bed.

The dragoness tilted her head back, then stretched out across the large bed lazily. The act accentuated certain aspects of her figure that her customer would no doubt appreciate.

"Work is how it always is; tiring. But in a good way. It's not often I get to play with someone of your... stature. I can't say I wasn't a little weak-kneed when I heard you were my client." the blue lady grinned.

"Good to know I've got a reputation." Wolf smirked.

"Trust me. Reputation is not the word that came to mind when I got the assignment." Alicia smirked.

Wolf sat down on the edge of the bed, turning to face the dragoness who had just let herself into his room. Had he not asked the concierge for company, he might have been less open to the sudden arrival of a newcomer.

"Sometimes, reputation is all you need." the lupine flashed a coy smile.

"Bullshit. It's the other thing. That takes care of your reputation all on its own." Alicia said as she sat up, slowly scooting her way towards the mountain of a wolf.

"I guess I just won the genetic lottery." the canid said.

"I'll say. Now, let's get down to business. Not romantic, I know... but we can switch that on if that's your thing once we finish negotiating," the dragoness said, "Standard rate applies, you know the drill."

"That's fine by me. But I'd like to throw in a little extra in case I decide I want something more than just the standard fare." Wolf said.

"Well we can deal with that should the desire arise. For now," Alicia slipped her arms around the lupine's bulky, muscular form as far as she could reach, "Why don't we get comfortable?"

A delighted growl rumbled deeply in the big, grey fellow's throat. He rest both large palms against the wingless dragon's back, pressing her against his ample belly.

"If it's alright with you, why don't we skip comfortable and go straight for the end result? I'm kind of pent up. You know how it is with these two in here." Wolf offered, giving the lady a gentle squeeze to indicate where he meant exactly.

"Right to the main event. I can work with that," Alicia said, giving the lupine's gut a firm kiss since she couldn't reach his lips. He was half again as tall as she was, and she wasn't short by any stretch of the imagination, "When are you going to let me dive in there with those two boys? I hear them rolling around in there almost every time you visit and it makes me jealous."

"Jealous?" Wolf laughed, "Of what? Having someone inside you? Being inside someone? Or the fun they're having?"

"All of the above. I think it'd be awfully hot to be trapped between the two of them, locked away in this big, strong gut of yours." Alicia said.

"Maybe someday. You know the rule. Anyone who goes in there doesn't get to come back out. At least, not for any meaningful amount of time." the big grey wolf said with a growl.

He was getting impatient with all their talk, and the subject matter had a rather profound effect on him. He hoisted the lady up and carried her the short distance to the bed, dropping her playfully onto her back. She giggled the whole way, amused at how easy it was for him to manhandle her. If she didn't know him as well as she did, she would have been afraid of the lupine using that strength for something other than play.

She took the hint and propped herself up on her elbows, her long, glossy, grey hair falling across one half of her face as she dipped her nose down, eyes cast up towards Wolf's.

"So how do you want it this time? Civilized? Or savage?" the blue drake asked, dropping her voice into a more husky range as she spoke.

Wolf growled and gripped the blue dragon's hips, turning her over with a mix of force and gentleness. He was eager, but he didn't want to hurt the lady. She cackled as she was spin around.

"You shouldn't have to ask." He rumbled.

Alicia smirked and propped herself up on her hands and knees, letting her client do all the driving. And drove he did. The big wolf stepped in close, his shins and knees pressing against the edge of the bed while his groin mashed against the dragoness he'd ordered. The heat and mass brought a quiet, trembling sigh from the lady, forcing her tail to hoist itself out of the way. There was still a fair bit of fabric in the way, making it difficult to get to the main event. Wolf was having none of that. He gripped at the towel wrapped around his waist and jerked it away. Flesh pressed against scale, making Alicia moan again. She could feel a few thin dribbles of ooze drip onto her back as her client throbbed behind her.

Two large hands cupped at the blue dragon's rump, giving it a gentle squeeze before fingers slipped under the scant fabric covering her groin. There was almost nothing to it. Knowing a thing or two about Alicia and what she opted to wear, Wolf didn't try to slide them down off of her. He simply tugged on the sides of the waist and felt the material snap. It elicited a sharp gasp from the dragoness. Her thong was useless at this point, destroyed by a horny dog who was too eager to get what he was after. And that was how she liked it. It was inexpensive, and she had dozens like it back in her dressing room. She loved it when her clothing was just ripped off her like that.

A loud growl filled the room as Wolf reared back, pressing his heavy gut down on the dragon lady's spine. That was something he enjoyed about his belly, it was good for pinning people in just the right position. He shifted his hips, then rammed forward, hard. He grit his teeth as powerful, soaked heat surrounded his shaft, already just about to the verge of climax. Alicia had her breath completely stolen away as her stomach bulged, taking the shape of the lupine's rod. It was bigger around than one of her thighs, and it pushed so far into her that the swell forced her breasts apart. It wasn't the first time she had been stretched by that monster, and she hoped it would not be her last. He was one of her favorite clients after all. In fact, he was a favorite client among most of the call girls. And boys for that matter.

The gravid lupine began rocking his hips steadily, moving a palm to his still active belly. Fox and James weren't going to stop for a long while. They had gotten rather good at building up their stamina. In fact, there were nights where they would rock Wolf to sleep and he would wake up only to feel them still going in the morning. It usually meant he was flying solo if he had a mission that day, since they ended up asleep for hours after. And when 'daddy was getting lucky', they put up as big a 'fight' as they could. They knew he loved it. Alicia loved it too. She could feel that heavy tummy pressing down on her, used to keep her submissive. She could feel the two foxes inside that gut, writhing and squirming away. She flicked her ears back, making sure she could hear them even better. It drove her mad, bringing a stronger heat between her thighs.

Moisture coated the wolf's giant shaft as he hammered away, grunting, growling, and snarling. He wasn't always so beastly, but he was pent up. He took hold of the dragon's tail and lifted it higher. It made the blue lady gasp, then spread her legs wider. Oh she loved it when he got forceful like this. She had been hired by him often enough that she knew what he liked, and he knew what she liked. And she liked it rough. So he obliged. Wolf bucked hard and fast, slamming hard against the smaller lady, his sac swaying and slapping against her over and over. They sloshed loud enough to be heard across the room, ready to empty themselves.

Alicia cried out, clenching hard on the monster piercing her as she was driven quickly to climax. A hot splash soaked Wolf's crotch, not going unnoticed. He didn't stop his efforts, pressing on with all his might, at least all of his might that he dared use. She was a durable gal, but not indestructible. Or, he didn't think she was. The dragoness lowered her head to the sheets, then pressed a palm to one of her ample breasts, squeezing and kneading away at the tender flesh as she felt another orgasm already on its way. This one would be the big one.

Wolf growled louder, picking up his pace. The two in his belly were tossed about by his aggressive rocking, making the dome bulge and deform. The lupine bared his teeth, lips curled, then threw his head back and howled. And then the flood came. A heavy blast of thick, rich seed gushed freely deep into the dragon lady's womb. She swelled immediately to hold it all in, the bulge in her abdomen changing from long and smooth to round and soft in mere seconds. And it continued to grow. She yowled along with the lupine as her second orgasm hit with such force that had it been her first time, it would have made her faint. It would have even if it had been her second, third, or fourth time. Thankfully, she'd practiced with the lupine enough that she was a veteran. He'd even had a set of wings made for her, a little pin she could wear on her bra when with a customer, or whatever outfit she was wearing, to show that she survived a 'dogfight' with StarWolf. She'd even worn it tonight.

The swell in the blue dragon's belly continued to grow as Wolf continued to unload into her. Gallons of the stuff poured out of him and into his escort, eventually making her look as if she were carrying one of the lupine's foxes. She heaved for breath, groping at the squishy, yielding gut she'd gained, grinning tiredly. Wolf was still rocking away, but slower since the flow had trickled to a halt. His growls died down even as he continued to flex his powerful legs and rump. Eventually, he had to come to a stop. His own breath was quickened, but slowing as he eased down.

"Heh, sorry. Didn't mean to go off so fast." Wolf said, blushing a little.

"Oh don't you dare apologize. I got off twice before Typhoon O'Donnell hit. Storm surge is just as devastating as ever." Alicia smirked, knowing he couldn't see her face at the moment. She enjoyed making those kinds of jokes.

"It should have been closer to three or four. It's been too long since I've been able to really let myself go with someone like you." he said.

"Then I guess you'll have to come back more often." Alicia said, wriggling her rump a bit. She grinned hearing the big wolf gasp as she did that.

"Trust me, I would love to." Wolf said just before a new growl filled the room.

"Ready to go again already?" the dragoness laughed.

"I could go a dozen more times, honestly. But I don't think you'd fit on the bed if I did. And that wasn't me, it was my stomach." Wolf confessed.

"Didn't sound like James or Fox." Alicia said.

"No, my stomach. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. I'm starving." the lupine said. He stepped back, slowly withdrawing from the dragoness. She shivered and clenched, partly to try to keep him from sliding out, and partly to keep what he'd filled her with from pouring out. She had gotten good at making sure it was just a bare, thin trickle. She could stop all of it, sure. But there was something especially enticing about feeling the hot spunk dribbling down the inside of her thighs. And it gave the other girls something to sample if she got back to them in time.

Once the lady was no longer occupied, she slowly sat up, knelt on the bed. She hugged her engorged middle, rubbing and squeezing it wantonly. She adored being filled like that. It was one reason why he was one of her favorite clients. But she only sat there for a brief moment before climbing off the bed, waddling over to lean against the similarly swollen wolf.

"All day? Honey, you've got to take better care of yourself. You can't be eating for three and skip meals." she said.

"I've been a little busy." Wolf said.

"Well, let me order you something to eat. Do you have an idea of what you'd like?" Alicia asked.

She found herself suddenly pressed against the big lupine quite firmly, making it impossible for her to pull away. A new rumble came from his throat as he grinned down at her.

"I've already got what I'd like actually." Wolf said.

Before Alicia could respond, the lupine opened his jaws wide and pushed them down towards her. Her eyes widened as the cavernous maw quickly consumed the whole of her vision. In mere seconds, Wolf had taken the whole of the lady's head and even her shoulders into his jaws. He swallowed hard, hoisting the dragon up in his thick, muscular arms. A loud cry of surprise had reached his ears, muffled by his throat. That noise quickly turned to a lustful groan as he ran his tongue over her chest, lavishing it repeatedly with no desire to stop. Alicia wriggled away powerfully in his grasp, struggling to gain purchase on him. But he was too strong. She was his to claim at this point.

Another mighty gulp dragged the start of that huge, cum-swollen belly in past his lips. This was where Wolf had a little trouble. He lifted the dragoness over his head, maw stretching open as far as he could manage, and began trying to stuff the girl in. The tactic worked, inching the yielding belly he'd supplied her with down into his gullet. Alicia cried out again as she felt his tongue finally reach her folds, sampling her flesh greedily. He adored being able to taste himself between her legs.

Deep inside, the dragoness fought against the grasp of the fleshy throat urging her downward. She began to spill out into the waiting chamber churning and gurgling eagerly. Smooth thighs passed, then calves, then feet. Wolf pursed his lips and slurped up the last foot or so of the lady's tail, then swallowed one last time. His stomach bulged outward even larger than usual and he wagged his tail happily. His massive paws explored the squirming dome, relishing all three of his passengers making him unsteady on his feet.

Wolf turned and plopped down on the bed, massaging his middle as he felt Alicia continue to struggle inside. Oh it felt wonderful when they fought like this. It satisfied that deep-rooted predatory part of his brain. Gradually, he felt her movements slow. Her moans grew quiet. All he could feel now was Fox and James in their tantric embrace. The lupine reclined and flopped onto his back, still holding his vast belly, deeply satisfied with letting it claim another. He felt a rumble deep inside, then his cheeks swelled and a heavy belch broke the silence. Out from his jaws flew Alicia's bra, complete with her 'I survived a dogfight with StarWolf' pin. He smirked, licked it clean, then reached over to set it on the nightstand.

"Mmm, delicious." he said, then closed his eyes, letting sleep claim him.

His dreams were more or less pleasant, filled with images of his two boys, but also with the ravishing dragoness he had eaten. He growled happily in his sleep as a sizable sticky patch formed in the sheets around his groin. But then the images turned less pleasant, recalling the sight of Sargaso vanishing in a cloud of nuclear devastation. He frowned and tossed his head back and forth before finally stirring awake. His eyes slowly opened as he panted, not used to the added weight pushing against his lungs. The room was still dark, but there were signs that time had passed.

With a heavy grunt, he slowly rolled himself to sit up, feeling his crotch and the lower curve of his belly matted down with several small releases in the night. He felt well rested at least. A hearty yawn stretched his jaws wide before he heard a voice from out in the living room.

"Good morning, Mr. O'Donnell." it called.

Wolf grunted again and shuffled his way onto his paws, waddling over to the door as he held his belly protectively with a single paw. He slid the bedroom door open to see bright morning light pouring in. Across the room, in the kitchen, was another blue dragon, taller, chubbier, and dressed more thoroughly than the one he had eaten last night. He was clad in a professional chef's uniform, sporting two long, dark whiskers from the end of his snout, looking a little out of place on a western drake, but the look worked for him.

"Good morning, Raul. How've you been?" he asked.

"Quite well, sir. Thank you. I take it from the look of things," the blue drake pointed towards Wolf's crotch with his knife before returning it to the cutting board to chop, "That you had a pleasant evening?"

The lupine grinned, wagging his tail again.

"Very pleasant. How soon before breakfast is ready? I'm famished." Wolf replied.

"Famished? I find that hard to believe after the meal you had last night!" Raul said a little indignantly, "You know, I could have prepared something for you. But no, instead you chose to eat my sister!"

A blush crossed the lupine's cheeks. He felt a little sheepish about the whole affair.

"I uh, got a little carried away I guess. I told her I was going to pay extra." Wolf said.

"Yes, I'm sure you will. Now, I'm finishing up most of the prep work. I should be able to have breakfast ready for you in about twenty minutes if you want to go clean up. Feel free to get dressed or not. But," Raul put his knife down and strolled out of the kitchen, right up to the big lupine and prodded his gut firmly, "I got everything in order last night expecting to see my sister again. That prison of a belly of yours is still holding one of the ingredients I need! Now if you would be so kind, I'd very much like to be able to finish this beautiful meal I've so lovingly crafted for you."

The big canine found himself burping again under the prod, blushing deeper. He turned and waddled his way off towards the bathroom. He liked how the staff was so very accommodating to such unconventional appetites, but didn't treat him with complete impunity. They scolded him when he got greedy or made their jobs more difficult, but only when it came to situations like the present one.

Wolf stepped into the shower, turned on the water, and closed his eyes, just drinking in the fullness he'd been enjoying since last night. As he did, he felt the boys begin to squirm anew. They had worn each other out, but now they were getting riled up for another round. He chuckled and gave the vast belly a pat, only to feel a new squirm higher up.

"Good morning." called Alicia from deep in the wolf's stomach.

"Ahh, there you are. I was wondering if you were going to sleep in there all day. I wouldn't mind, personally, but Raul is rather angry with me." Wolf said.

"That's just because he didn't get to eat me himself last night. He likes making sure his siblings are all nice and cozy for the night. Usually inside him." the dragoness called out, muffled.

"I'm sure. And I have to say I was impressed last night. Have you taken acting lessons? Because I almost believed you were unwilling." the lupine said, rubbing firmly over his fat middle.

"I've had plenty of practice. Raul's helped with that. He's not terribly fond of that kind of play, but when it's in service to the client, he's happy to help us improve," the blue lady said, "Now, as much as I would like to stay in here, I believe my brother is interested in harvesting."

Wolf nodded with a grunt, feeling his escort turn about inside him and start trying to climb her way back up his throat. He didn't fight her, much as he might want to keep her. A heavy bulge formed in his neck as she crawled her way up, then her head appeared in his open jaws. It was an interesting trick, getting her back up and out with such a large, bloated middle. It was bigger than it had been when she went in last night. With a little effort, the lupine was soon seated in the shower, holding in his arms the blue dragoness he had swallowed last night as they rinsed each other off. She cuddled in against his swollen frame happily, kissing at his tummy.

"I really should come here more often. Maybe after I retire." Wolf said.

"Who knows, I might be able to talk management into hiring you as an escort. We get plenty of guests who like your kind of rough." Alicia said, running a palm over her own swollen middle. It wasn't nearly as soft and yielding now, instead firm and taut.

Eventually, she climbed to her feet, stepped out of the open stall, and began to towel off.

"Will you be free this evening?" Wolf asked.

Alicia grinned back at him as she wrapped the towel around herself, what of her swollen middle it could cover.

"Honey, I'm booked just for you until you check out. And in case you decide to get greedy again, I can call for one of my sisters to join us. Or one of my brothers. I'm sure Raul is dying to sample your... generosity." she said with a smirk, then waddled out.

Wolf continued to clean himself up, taking not long before emerging from the bathroom. He could have gone with completely nude, but instead opted to put on one of the complimentary bathrobes. It refused to close around his waist, leaving his belly exposed. The lupine was comfortable with that. He strolled back into the living room to see the blue lady he had swallowed last night now seated at the dining table, chatting with the other blue drake. She was leaned back, legs spread, appearing to be quite relaxed as a smooth, white orb emerged from her quivering petals. It landed with a soft clink atop a small pile of others just like it. She was laying eggs.

Raul was saying something, Wolf wasn't sure what. He was using some language native to the world the two of them came from. He collected the cloth-lined bowl the eggs had landed in as Alicia adjusted her posture, sitting up properly at the table.

"Well this is certainly interesting to walk in on." Wolf said.

The blue lady chuckled, giving her still rather sizable tummy a pat. It had shrunk visibly, given how large a clutch she had laid. Clearly, it wasn't all of them though.

"The benefits of our lineage. Raul was hounding me for them so I just got straight to work. Have a seat. Breakfast should be ready shortly." Alicia said.

The lupine settled into one of the chairs at the table, looking over the luxurious setting and closed his eyes to sigh. He wished he could just live this kind of life all the time. Bounty hunting just wasn't as fulfilling as it used to be. Andross had paid rather handsomely for his contracts. Freelancing on the other hand had made things a little more difficult. They'd been forced to take on additional work, like cargo transport. At least that's what they called it. And often the Cornerian fleet turned a blind eye to it. It didn't hurt that they were keeping Andross' focus on them and away from the rest of Lylat. Of course, that had changed yesterday.

As he sat there, trying to sort through how he felt given recent events, Wolf heard a tone come from his headset. He'd taken it off and set it aside last night so he wouldn't be tempted to use it. The big lupine climbed to his paws and crossed the room to pick it up off the end table he'd set it on. It slipped on easily enough, covering one of his eyes and pressing a pair of small speakers almost directly into his ears. The alarm had gone off.

"Forgive the interruption. I've got a bit of business I need to take care of." Wolf said.

Alicia and Raul didn't put up a fuss. They knew the nature of his business all too well and didn't trouble him with 'needing to unplug'. The headset came to life, waking up from sleep mode. The HUD filled Wolf's vision as it flashed the alert for the alarm he had set. With a few gestures, the lupine sifted his way through the interface until he had opened a channel along a secure subspace frequency. Tension filled him as he waited. A full minute passed, leaving Wolf on the verge of scratching up the floor as his toes clenched. He needed some sort of answer.

"Papetoon Cargo Freighters, how can I help you?" came a voice finally.

"Yes, I scheduled a sizable pickup for transport yesterday. I was hoping to check on its status." Wolf said.

"I can check on that for you. What's your order number?" the voice asked.

"Three two six three eight two seven." the lupine replied.

There was a brief silence before the voice answered.

"Ahh, I can see it here. Let me get you over to the regional manager. He'll be able to explain the status of your pickup more fully than I can." and the voice vanished.

In seconds, a new, familiar voice came through.

"This is command." said an older fellow.

"Go secure," Wolf said, then heard a series of tones signifying that they had indeed locked down communications, "This is Wolf O'Donnell requesting status."

"Good ta hear from you," Peppy said, "We managed to pull it off and we're not too much worse for the wear."

"Good. All pilots and crew accounted for?" the lupine asked.

"You're the last one to check in. We're good. No casualties. Just a few bumps and bruises. Slippy's little interplanetary slipstream drive worked but not quite as smoothly as advertised. We're chalking that up to damage to the station and the experimental hardware in need of refining. What's your status?" Peppy asked.

"Status is green. Are you at the designated coordinates?" Wolf asked.

"Within a few dozen clicks or so, yes. We've got a team already working on repairs. Corneria didn't let us down. They were here waiting to catch us like we were playin' ball. Looks like it couldn't have gone any better, given the circumstances. What about you? How's our fearless leader?" Peppy answered then inquired.

"Good. That's another box ticked and pushed into the realm of 'No need to worry'. And I've made it to my safe house. Been trying hard not to go out of my mind worrying while I wait to make contact." Wolf said.

"Well no need to worry anymore. Andross and his cronies are gonna be hard pressed to find us. Our sources tell us he thinks Sargaso was indeed destroyed. It worked as advertised." the rabbit said.

"And what about the love bird and love kitty?" Wolf snickered.

A quiet chuckle came through the ungodly din of business and commerce being shelved for the time being.

"They are on approach now actually," Peppy said, "They had a little engine trouble but it's been sorted."

"That's wonderful news. Once they're secure, you are go for the festivities." Wolf replied.

"Roger that. Itineraries will go out as soon as they are secure. We did it, Wolf. We actually did it." Peppy said.

"We sure did. Now, can't stay on the channel too long. Continue repairs. I'll see you and the rest of the crew soon." Wolf said.

The channel was closed and the lupine sat back down at the table. He was immediately in better spirits. So much so that he pulled Alicia towards him for a firm, passionate kiss.

"Damn, whatever that was about, it's got you in a good mood!" the dragoness said.

"I'm supposed to get ready to go to a wedding in a few days. Would you care to be my date?" Wolf asked.

"Do I get to dress slutty?" Alicia replied.

"The lewder the better." Wolf laughed.

The tightness in his chest from watching Sargaso supposedly blow up--when in reality it fled using a new experimental mass-drive--had finally subsided. Wolf could enjoy himself once more. And he was all too eager to take a hooker with him to the ceremony. It would cause a sensation.

The storm from the previous day had vanished in the night. The curtains had concealed its effects on the windows, but now that the sun was shining, as soon as the heavy drapes were pulled back, a rich, diffuse light filled the room. That was what Wolf had been greeted with when he walked into the living room. Once breakfast had been eaten, and it had been just as marvelous as he had experienced on all his previous visits, the big lupine strolled over to the wall of glass and tugged the thin veils apart to peer out with an unobstructed view.

As always, it was exquisite.

The beaches were covered in fine, white sand. The water was a sea-green-blue along the shore, transitioning to a deep, rich azure as the eye was drawn out into the bay. The sky was dotted with little, white, puffy clouds the sun would periodically disappear behind. A few umbrellas lined the beach just out from the building, but only a precious few. The venue had taken care not to let their stretch of the sand get overcrowded. A broad smile crossed the lupine's muzzle and he turned back to head into the bedroom again. He was going to take advantage of this. There were a few days before the ceremony, and he was going to spend as much time relaxing as he could.

That meant lounging in the sand, basking in the sunlight, listening to the waves rolling in. Unfortunately, Wolf couldn't go out naked--much as he might want to--so he did the next best thing. Before long, the large, burley canid was on his back on top of a beach towel, sunglasses over his eyes, dressed in nothing but a red thong that strained to conceal his groin. Alicia was more than happy to accompany him, sprawled out next to him, similarly scantily clad. None of the other guests dared ask why the lupine's stomach was so big, or why it moved from time to time. Likely it was because what was going on inside that gravid orb was not at all uncommon at this particular property.

"So, do you intend to go to the wedding like that?" Alicia asked.

Wolf raised an eyebrow.

"What? No. I'm going to be dressed appropriately." he said, knowing full well what she was referring to, grinning a bit as he spoke.

Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Hardy-har-har. I mean are you going to let those two out?" the blue dragoness reached over, giving the large, gently active dome a pat.

The contact resulted in a gentle rumble from the lupine. He rather enjoyed it when others doted on his belly.

"I suppose I'll have to. Panther and Falco want everyone there, and not just 'there' but under their own power and able to walk around and what not. So, I guess I'll have to find the time to ease them out. Not looking forward to it." Wolf said.

"Why's that?" Alicia asked.

"Because... this is where they belong. Safe and sound inside me. I know nothing bad will happen. I know it'll only be a day or two at the most, then they go right back in. But... I just... I don't want to let them out." Wolf replied.

"You've gone and gotten yourself addicted, haven't you?" the blue lady mused.

"Yeah," Wolf answered, "I have. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. If I could arrange it so they never came back out, ever, then I'd be happy."

"Look at it this way. You enjoyed shoving them in right? Well, you'll get to enjoy that all over again once the wedding is over." Alicia said.

"True. That's one up side." the lupine agreed.

And after the ceremony, maybe you'd like to let me crawl in there with them for a little play time." the dragoness grinned.

"Hey, you know the rules. Once you go in, you belong to me. Don't think your boss would take too kindly to me just kinda takin' you from'em." Wolf laughed.

"No, I suppose not. But it'd be scandalous!" Alicia said, adding a playful little hint of a growl to the last word.

Wolf laughed at the lady's argument in favor of being stolen away. It did have a certain appeal to it, but he wasn't terribly interested in adding a third at the moment. His tummy was plenty full with just two. And he wasn't all that sure he could actually fit another in there with them. Sure it might be fun to see if he could, but he was sure it would make him so big he wouldn't be able to fit in the Lycan. And it had been modified far too much to withstand another up-sizing. He would need a ship built for him from scratch. That was expensive. And he was already using a fair bit of his personal reserves just to stay here.

"Scandalous or not, I'm afraid I will have to take a pass. Perhaps one day when I retire from bounty hunting, smuggling, and mercenary work. Think your boss might hire a big, horny wolf who likes shoving people in him?" the lupine asked.

"You'd be surprised who gets hired around here. Anyway, it's getting late in the day. You were in need of a tailor, right?" Alicia asked.

Wolf sighed, frowning a little. He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to go and do what was necessary for the tailor to do his job.

"Yeah. Yeah, I suppose you're right. The concierge said she would have one sent over sometime today. The sooner I get it started, the sooner it'll be over and all that." he said.

"You -really- don't wanna let them out." the dragoness mused.

The large lupine slowly eased himself up into a seated position. His legs crossed to support his giant belly and he ran his palms over the dome smoothly.

"Not really, no." Wolf said.

"But you're going to anyway. A wolf who makes good on his obligations." Alicia replied.

"That's what the happy couple want. And it'll only be for a few days, and they'll be close by. I should just do it and get it over with." the lupine grumbled.

"Well don't do it here. You might startled the other guests. That and I doubt they want to get a face full of sand when they slip out." Alicia commented.

She got to her feet and offered a hand to help Wolf up. It was purely out of politeness. There was no way she would be able to help pull him up. The wolf took her hand and stood up under his own power, then turned to walk back towards the very lavish resort. Raul had departed after breakfast to go and tend to other cooking related matters, but he returned as Wolf and Alicia walked in from the beach. He was busy doing prep work for dinner. Wolf hadn't asked for that. Then again, it wasn't the first time the resort had gone the extra mile for him.

"Oh, hello. I wasn't expecting you back again. Special occasion?" Wolf asked.

"You said there was going to be a wedding. And it sounded like you pulled of something pretty complicated before you got here," Raul said, chopping away at some sort of vegetable Wolf couldn't identify, "And let's not forget the last time you visited. You had that special delivery for me."

It sounded like that last one was the real reason for all of this. The lupine nodded as he recalled, having forgotten all about it.

"Right, right. I didn't think it merited this kind of treatment." Wolf replied.

"Are you kidding? Do you know how much it would cost me if I went through normal channels? And now, because of you, I've got a healthy crop growing. I'll be able to last off that for a full year, easy. So, as a thank you, I'm going to spoil you. You and your kids." Raul said, lifting his knife to point at the big lupine's slowly writhing belly from across the room.

"Well you'll get to spoil them directly soon enough. I have to let them out so they can get fitted for suits to wear to the wedding." Wolf said.

Alicia wrapped herself around one of his arms as if she was his girlfriend.

"I thought I'd take care of the tailor. Tammy up at guest services is good at her job, but I told her I'd like to handle your visit myself. I've already asked if Chester is free. He said he'd be down in an hour." the lady said.

"Oh, calling in one of the C's." Raul said with a grin.

Wolf blinked a little, unsure what the significance of that was.

"What's his name starting with a C got to do with anything?" he asked.

Alicia rolled her eyes a little and chuckled.

"Raul has a fondness for that clutch, finds them entertaining. You'll probably understand when he gets here. Anyway, we'd best get you comfy so you can let the boys out." She said, giving the lupine's large dome a pat.

Wolf grumbled a little in agreement. He wasn't looking forward to this. They strolled through the palatial living room into the bedroom next door. The big grey fellow sat down on the end of the bed and ran his palms over his enormous stomach. He'd grown so fond of it. He didn't want to be skinny again. He knew nothing bad would happen to Fox or James once they were out, and if they all stayed in fairly close proximity, then there wouldn't be any serious withdrawal effects. And it would only be a few days, one or two, three at the most. Still, Wolf couldn't shake this dread of letting his boys out.

"You two doing okay in there?" He asked, giving his churning middle a squeeze.

A soft moan came from within, likely Fox, before James spoke up.

"We're alright. Is it time?" he asked.

"Yeah," Wolf said, "Better to go ahead and get it over with."

A surge of motion came from within his belly, making the big canid growl quietly. He was really going to miss that sensation. He loved that if those two got riled up enough, and hit all the right buttons, they could get him to make a mess in his pants without him needing to do anything.

Wolf began scooting up along the bed until he was leaning against the headboard, legs spread. Alicia climbed up and settled between his thighs, patting his gut.

"You forgot something honey." the dragoness said as she tugged on the side of his thong.

"Oh, right. Can I get a hand with that?" Wolf asked.

"Certainly." Alicia said.

The lady began deftly slipping her hands under the elastic material, tugging it gently down as Wolf rocked from side to side to help the garment slide off his sizable, muscular rump. It took some doing, but after a moment or two, it came free, and Alicia began trying to drag it down his thighs. Wolf grinned and closed his legs around her, trapping the blue drake against his squirming tummy.

"It wouldn't be hard to just shove you in with them. I bet I could fit you in there without any trouble." He teased, not actually sure about that.

Alicia cackled and kissed the big lupine swell she was pressed against, doting on it as she seemed to enjoy doing.

"Evil wolf of temptation." She smirked.

The pilot released his grip on her, then cooperated to get the thong the rest of the way off. Alicia didn't even seem to mind that he had smeared a thick, sticky, clear ooze down her stomach while she was trapped against him. He was almost always drooling down below these days. He'd even gotten special underwear to deal with it.

Wolf spread his legs again and sighed. He gazed down at his stomach again, running his palms over the swell tenderly. A subtle tremble had claimed him. He was nervous. He could fly into a battle horribly out numbered and out gunned, pulling death-defying maneuvers, negotiate with the most vicious and aggressive kind of scum the system had to offer and never break a sweat. But as soon as he had to let go of his boys, he was quietly terrified.

"Mr. O'Donnell." Alicia called out. She was being formal, likely to capture his attention more easily.

Wolf jerked softly, having gotten a little too lost in thought.

"Hmm? Sorry, did you say something?" he asked.

"You've been sitting there, quietly rubbing your belly for about five minutes. I know you aren't exactly thrilled to do it, but like you said, the sooner you do it, the sooner it'll be over." the dragoness said.

Wolf nodded and took a breath, giving his tummy a squeeze. He closed his eyes and tried his best to relax everything. It had been so long since he had to do this. The last time was months ago, and he had only let them out to take turns; one out, then back in, the other out, then back in. And they hadn't been 'away' for more than an hour or so. It didn't feel right having only one of them inside him. How would it feel not having either of them?

He didn't have much time to ponder that. A presence made itself known deep down below. He grit his teeth as he felt one of the two vulpines begin pushing their head out. They were supposedly just as hesitant to do this as he was, and yet it felt like whichever one this was wanted out pretty badly. Maybe it was that same philosophy of 'just get it over with'. Wolf felt a powerful contraction try to claim the escaping passenger, his body wanting to drag them back in, but he resisted with all his might, trying to ease their passing. After a moment, he felt his lips part and a muzzle emerged. The lupine began to pant, hiking his legs up further as he clutched at his gut. While he wasn't fond of the idea of letting them out, oh the very act felt marvelous. The steady drooling from his throbbing length grew stronger, staining the fur of his belly, dribbling down to his crotch.

The muzzle protruding from the lupine's folds slid out further, stretching him open until a whole head followed. It was James. He screwed his face up into an expression of effort, wiggling about in the big grey wolf's grasp. Slowly, the fox--though his original orange fur was tinged with flecks of grey, looking more lupine than he used to--pushed his way outward. His shoulders slipped free one by one, then he pushed his arms out to take hold of Alicia's outstretched hands. The dragoness planted her feet against Wolf's spread thighs and pulled, dragging one of the big lupine's children from him. James landed on top of her with a wet, sticky plop, panting softly as he struggled to wriggle further. Alicia scooted back across the bed as she continued to pull. It was as if she'd done this before. Given the stories that surrounded the resort and its other properties, especially the founder, it was unsurprising that she would.

Wolf yowled as he felt James' legs glide out of him with a lewd slurp. Once it was all over, he visibly relaxed, gasping for breath, paws still holding his stomach. It looked as if he were protecting the swell, not interested in letting his other son out. He knew he would have to, but he couldn't help the reaction.

James chuckled tiredly, trying to recover from the exertion needed to get out.

"I think every time we do this, you get harder and harder to escape from. Pretty soon we won't be able to get out at all." the vulpine said.

Wolf managed to utter a few words between breaths.

"That... would be... just fine... by me." he panted.

"You wouldn't hear me complain. I'd miss getting to come out and ride you on our anniversary, but I think I'd be okay with it." James said, sitting up on the bed next to Alicia, now that he wasn't on top of her. He reached up and removed a metallic band from around the top of his head, looking a little like a very simple, very plain crown. It was the cranial interface he used to fly the drones.

"I'd miss that too. But, it'd be worth it." Wolf said tiredly.

"Yeah, but for now, gotta let Fox out." James said.

Wolf let out an unhappy groan, then started the process again. His stomach, considerably smaller much to his displeasure, shifted and bulged under his palms until he could feel another muzzle begin to slip out of him. The sensation of feeling a whole person slide in or out was quite breathtaking. With two people helping, the process was faster, dragging the other vulpine from the lupine's greedy tunnel. His efforts to keep it from trying to drag this one back in were weaker, already made tired by the first attempt. Once or twice James and Alicia lost their grip on Fox and he went sliding back in several inches. It took Wolf a moment each time to fight his body's urge to swallow his little boy back up. Eventually, the two managed to tug Fox out far enough that they noticed something odd.

Fox had undergone a few changes himself. He had the same grey tingeing to his fur, signifying he was now a hybrid of the two species. But his changes went further than that. His features were softer. His arms were more slender and feminine. And his chest was rather expansive. James blinked as he finally caught sight of the figure he had been sharing a womb with for so long. He didn't even notice that Fox had grown breasts. And they were rather impressive. Even Alicia was given pause by what she saw.

"Guys! What's goin' on down there!?" Wolf cried out between howls of near-orgasm.

"Uh... nothing, we'll explain in a bit. Just hang on." James said.

The pair continued to pull, revealing Fox's continually surprising figure. His waist pinched inward softly, then as they were revealed, his hips bowed out, creating a rather classical hourglass figure. His legs slipped out just as easily as James' had, leaving the two vulpines draped across the bed between Wolf's thighs. When finally they were able to catch their breath, James sat up, pulling Fox along with him.

"So uh... dad? Meet your... daughter?" James said, unsure of the accuracy of the statement.

Fox blushed heavily as he looked down at himself. He didn't know he had made such a change. In a dark, moist, sticky place, crammed up against your roommate the whole time, you tend to not noticed such things. He was quite the ravishing image of beauty. Alicia suddenly felt a little jealous.

"Damn girl... I'm glad you don't work with me. You'd take all my tips!" the dragoness said jokingly.

Wolf sat up a bit, his eyes glazed over but working to refocus. He got his first glimpse of the new Fox and was forced to do a double take. He rubbed at his eyes with a paw, then looked again, stunned by the new figure.

"Well holy hell... didn't see that coming. Fox... you're... gorgeous!" he managed to finally say.

The feminine vulpine wrapped his arms around himself, not realizing that he was hoisting his new, rather weighty breasts up and accentuating them.

"Dad... stop it. I'm not a girl." he said.

James chuckled, slipping in behind Fox to wrap his arms around him.

"You sure make a pretty one though... sis." the more masculine of the twins said.

"I don't care what I look like. I'm still a guy." Fox protested weakly. He was already beginning to moan a little as he felt James' fingers brush up against the swell of his chest.

"Hey, whatever works for you, honey. You do you. If you say you're a guy, you're a guy. A guy with a smokin' hot figure." Alicia said. The dragoness slipped in closer, working to embrace both foxes. A pair of large arms reached out and wrapped around all three, dragging them in against the big, broad chest of the lupine who'd just given birth. Twice.

"I don't care what you call yourself, so long as you're still mine." Wolf said, leaning down to give his children an affectionate kiss on the forehead. Alicia seized the opportunity to steal a kiss from him immediately after.

"Well, I think we should get everyone cleaned up. Think you can walk?" the dragoness asked the two vulpines.

James nodded, still clinging rather tightly to Fox.

"Yeah, I feel like I can. How about you honey?" he gave the vixen in his arms a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm good. I think. Still don't know if I should keep calling you dad too, or if you're more my brother at this point. Never bothered to think about it until just now." Fox said.

James smirked, slipping a paw down to feel between the 'lady's legs, finding the familiar shape of the length he'd come to enjoy so very much. It had gained in size since that first night Fox joined the party, and James was all too pleased with that.

"Why can't I be both? I think that's kinda hot." James said.

Wolf laughed tiredly and released his grip on the trio, leaning back to rest.

"If you wanna call him your brother, that seems fitting. If you wanna call him dad still, I'm okay with that. Just don't forget who the 'big dad' is. Now go shower. You both look like you just got out of a porno." Wolf laughed.

Alicia smirked.

"They kind of did. C'mon. I'll help you up." she said.

Though they were a little wobbly at first, both Fox and James managed to find steady footing again after a few steps. James refused to permit any distance between himself and his now very feminine brother. Fox, continuing to insist on being referred to as male, or at least mostly male, finally got his first glimpse of himself in the mirror once in the bathroom. He did have to admit. He looked good. The shower was turned on and the two foxes stepped in to clean themselves off. Alicia returned to the bedroom to check on Wolf. He was empty, no longer carrying his boys who only ever spent short bursts of time outside of his womb for the last two years. She could see he was going through a sort of depression.

"Hey, you alright?" she asked.

"I'll be okay. It's only for a few days." Wolf said.

Partly as a joke, but partly being serious, the blue drake slipped in against the big lupine's size, kissed his cheek, and slipped a hand down to rub at his trim, firm, extremely well-toned stomach.

"Want me to crawl in there to keep you occupied? Just until the wedding is over?" she asked.

Wolf laughed softly and rolled his eyes a bit.

"Remember what I said? What goes in doesn't come back out. At least not for very long." he smirked.

"You seem awfully insistent I don't crawl in there for someone who sounds like he's a big greedy wolf." Alicia said with a grin.

"Hey, those two... they were life and death situations. You... you're just a kinky little thing." Wolf quipped.

"True," Alicia said, snuggling in close against the big lupine as much as she could, still stroking across his now empty middle, "But that doesn't mean I don't recognize heartache when I see it. You already miss having them inside you. And I feel for you. It's my job to make people happy. And I wish I could do that for you."

Wolf sighed and dragged the blue drake over on top of him, wrapping his thick, muscular arms around her. He pressed his lips to hers in a surprisingly tender gesture rather than the animalistic act of passion he'd shown her last night. When he finally broke the kiss, he kept his eyes closed and gently pressed her head to his chest.

"You're very good at your job. But I don't think it'd be wise for you to try to help. At least... not the way you're thinking." Wolf said.

"You're still worried you'll get in trouble if you find out you can't let me out. It's touching that you're worried about me." she said.

"You've been very good to me all the times I've hired you. I'd like to think we've become friends, even though I pay you for sex. And I hold your boss in pretty high esteem. I'd like to stay on good terms with him." Wolf said.

"Oh daddy's pretty easy going. You'd have to try to kill him to get on his bad side at this point. And he knows he can come up with something to out-do any contract someone might put on his head." Alicia said, somewhat off-handed.

"Daddy? It's not Mr. Aquatos?" Wolf smirked.

"Yeah, my boss is my dad. So what?" Alicia asked, sitting up, straddling the big lupine's abdomen.

"I've just never heard you call him that before. I always got the impression that you were supposed to always maintain a certain degree of professionalism." the big fellow said.

"I just helped you give birth to your two biggest rivals, who you had been paid to kill. You've taken them as your children, made a father and son into brothers--and lovers mind you--and you keep them locked away in your belly as often as possible. I think it's okay if I let my hair down a little bit, so to speak." Alicia said.

"Fair point." Wolf replied.

Moans came from the shower, no doubt James and Fox having a bit of fun now that they could stretch their legs. Wolf felt a renewed longing, used to hearing those noises coming from under his fur. Alicia took note of this and tried to draw him back to her with a kiss. This time, it devolved into more than just talk. New moans filled the bedroom. By the time James and Fox had finished in the shower, Wolf and Alicia were in need of its use. And the two vulpines had returned to the bedroom a fair bit more swollen than when they went in, and a bit more wobbly of leg as well. The blue dragoness had been given a hefty paunch of her own, rubbing her freshly bloated stomach fondly, expecting to make it bigger as she dragged Wolf into the bathroom, a firm grip of the hand around as much of his still throbbing length as she could muster.

James and Fox sprawled out on the bed for a moment, then immediately pressed in against one another. James had been the one to instigate it, growling a little as he dragged the younger vulpine in close, sounding possessive. He ran his palms over Fox's new figure, appreciating the ample swell of the new bust. He couldn't stop himself. He wanted to feel this lovely form against him. And not share it with anyone else.

"So, if I heard right while we were still tucked away, dad's taking Alicia to the wedding as his date." James said.

"Yeah. They're both lucky. I'd take either one of'em. Or both." Fox said, closing his eyes as he arched his back, pressing his new chest into one of James' palms. He had quickly learned to appreciate these new curves of his.

"Well too bad. You don't get to. Because you're gonna be my date. I want everyone looking at you to know that you're mine." James said, growling playfully in Fox's ear.

Fox shivered as the words rumbled through him. One of his paws reached up and cupped over one of James', guiding it down to his belly. It was generously round from their time in the shower. He could feel the warmth of the contribution he'd given James as well, the other vulpine's own stomach heavily bloated and pressing against his back. He liked how this all sounded.

"Okay. Guess it's only fair. Dad claimed us both, so why shouldn't we get to claim each other?" Fox mused.

"My thoughts exactly." James said, moving his paw lower along the warm, yielding stomach he'd filled, easing down to grip at Fox's still rigid member. It made the younger vulpine gasp softly, then grind forward into that paw.

By the time Wolf and Alicia were finished in the shower, Fox and James had devolved into another round of moaning, growling, gasping, and thrusting. They had been visibly round before, and now they were even rounder. They'd certainly taken on their dad's productivity. Alicia was enjoying a similar growth, emerging from the bathroom so heavy about the middle that the sound of what had been pumped into her splashing around in there could be heard quite easily by anyone in the room. James and Fox sat up, watching as the blue lady waddled her way into the living room. Wolf emerged shortly behind her and moved towards the two vulpines. He threw his arms around them and hugged them close. They pressed in against the still damp pelt quite happily. The three of them then turned to follow Alicia, breaking their embrace just to get through the door, then resuming it.

Greeting them in the living room was a short, very ornately dressed blue fellow. He looked up at the group, everyone at least a solid head taller than him, though Wolf was almost three times his height. The short, little drake snapped his fingers and a black case that sat on the floor behind him, previously unnoticed, unlatched and opened like a book. From inside extended a square poll. It rose up higher and higher until it was just tall enough for Alicia to hit her forehead on it if she walked into it. Then, it split in two, connected at the top by a thin bar, and the bottom still inside the case. What was odd was instead of creating an arch, it looked like it was a doorway into somewhere dark. Wolf immediately recognized this as some sort of gateway, a dimensional opening leading somewhere else. They had some pretty fancy tech here.

A new rod shot out from within the darkness, this one cylindrical, carrying with it a host of outfits. Each one was impeccably pressed, placed on a hanger, and bound with pins to hold a particular fold.

"So then. You are the ones I am to make beautiful, yes?" the little drake said.

The three canids just blinked, not having expected so vastly different an accent. It was clear this little blue dragon was another sibling of Alicia and Raul. But he seemed so dramatically different from them.

"That's right. These are the ones I told you about," Alicia said, "Wolf, James, Fox, this is my little brother, Chester."

The small drake eyed the three canids carefully, stopping on Fox before giving him a good looking over, up and down.

"This one, this one I did not expect. You said there were to be three males. I see two males and a very pretty young lady." Chester said, waving a hand about to illustrate that which he spoke of.

Alicia chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, that was a bit of a surprise for all of us. Fox here kinda stole the spotlight when he popped out like that. And unless I've missed my guess, I think he likes it." the lady said.

"Oh he? The lady prefers to be called a he? Very well," Chester said, turning to look back at the still naked, and round-middled Fox, "Good sir, you are a marvel of beauty, however, this presents complication, inconvenience. Chester has only come prepared to dress his sister. He knows his sister very well, how much scale she wishes to show off, how much access she wishes to provide, how long she intends to stay dressed. You, I know nothing. It will be a challenge to produce attire that is perfect for you."

Fox blushed, suddenly feeling awkward. His eyes darted to James, then to Wolf, and even to Alicia before looking back at the almost pencil thin drake and his perfectly quaffed hair.

"Oh... um... sorry. I uh... I didn't know I could do this. Fairly sure I can't turn it off. I guess I could just go shopping for something." he said, suddenly imagining that scenario and blushing even harder.

Chester stepped in close and reached up, cupping a hand under the vixen's chin, making sure Fox's eyes could look nowhere else but into his deep, almost blazing jade pools.

"No!" Chester almost shouted, "You must never apologize for beauty. Do you ask the sunset to apologize when it moves you to weep? No! Do you ask the flower to make the excuse for its color and fragrance? No! Do you ask Chester to beg forgiveness for stealing the hearts of all when he enters a room? Certainly not! You are a beautiful man and you have no reason to apologize for that beauty."

Fox couldn't tell if the short dragon was trying to be funny or if he was dead serious. Perhaps there was a mixture there. As soon as he mentioned himself in his little speech, Alicia stifled a laugh, but it didn't stop her brother.

"Chester will never expect beauty to become plain just to make his job easier. Besides, Chester enjoys a challenge!" he said, almost growling a little as he grinned up at Fox, releasing his chin.

Alicia rolled her eyes and settled into a chair, running a palm over her belly as she got comfortable.

"You can skip the dramatics. They're already platinum level clients." she said.

Chester spun on his feet and marched his way over to his older sister. He extended a finger and began prodding her stomach as he spoke.

"This is not reason for Chester to change who he is! Chester must dazzle! Must wow! Must... smolder..." he said, clearly trying to get a laugh out of her at this point, and it worked, especially when he struck a pose that would have made even the most experienced professional model jealous.

"Okay, okay. Sorry to try to rain on your parade. You go have fun." Alicia said as soon as she could breathe again.

The little drake scurried back over to his case, which was now clearly a dimensionally compressed wardrobe housing only the absolute finest garments.

"The two handsome boys will go sit down. Chester will fit them shortly. First, we will work with the beautiful one." he said, snapping his fingers again. The clothing on the rod slid back into the darkness, then new pieces emerged, all of them dresses.

Fox blinked and his cheeks flushed all over again.

"You... you want me to wear a dress? Can't I just wear a tuxedo?" he asked.

"No!" Chester exclaimed, "No, beauty such as this must be put on display! Chester shall make a dress for you that is beyond compare! When Chester is done, no one will care about the bride! They will only have eyes for you!"

Wolf chimed in.

"Actually, it's two grooms." he said.

Chester paused, processed this, then spun around to begin hunting through his collection for something.

"Then all the better! No bride to become jealous of this beautiful man!"

What followed was a whirlwind of an experience. Two things became clear in very short order. First, Chester was putting on an act and refused to break character because it brought him such wondrous joy to act this way. Second, he was peerless in his skills as an expert in fashion. In a matter of only ten minutes, thanks to skill that looked as if it bordered on magic, the short dragon had produced a cocktail dress that, to Fox's untrained mind, looked like little more than a light blue tube of fabric with a few fancy flourishes. It had been designed to cover from just barely high enough on the bust to be decent, to just barely low enough on the thigh to not show much of anything. At least on someone who was actually female. Fox had a fairly sizable difference in that department that posed an interesting obstacle. And yet Chester worked around it well.

The short blue drake helped the vulpine into the dress, pressing a palm against his stomach to make the sizable dome suddenly shrink away to nothing. It stole Fox's breath away, but he didn't question it. He simply slipped into the outfit, then began to adjust and tuck and twist here and there to get everything positioned just right. There was no avoiding a bulge in his groin, but then it seemed like Chester had planned it that way.

"Well... here it is. How do I look? Fox asked, blushing furiously. Heels had been provided and he felt rather unsteady on them, but it did accentuate his shapely bottom, making it stick out a little more than usual. And that clearly pleased Chester.

"You look great." Wolf said.

"Thanks... I feel unbelievably silly." Fox said.

"Sir! You are not silly! You are beautiful! Chester only regrets that he will not be able to attend to see how easily you steal the spotlight! And in case you are at all concerned, I have taken a special precaution," the little drake pressed his palm against Fox's stomach again, making it suddenly swell back out to its full size, "Chester has made sure that it will not rip open, even if you are so irresistible that all of the men desire you and make it stretch even more."

Fox gasped and panted, suddenly holding his stomach as it surged out under the drake's seemingly miraculous powers. How the hell did he do that?

"W-wow... okay... that's... that's impressive." the vulpine huffed.

"No, it is not impressive," Chester said, "Say it with me now. It is... beautiful."

The hanger of Sargaso Station was in better condition than it had been in months. Every surface was polished--at least the ones that weren't concealed behind white curtains or sheets. The bays were open to the tropical air wafting about outside. Getting the station planetside was no small feat, so they were taking advantage of the setting while they were in dry dock. In the center of the hanger stood a small archway, a facade set up specifically for the occasion. It was little more than a focal point to draw in the eye of the audience. The crew had gathered for the event, dressed not in their usual flight attire, but in suits and dresses. Some opted to wear their old dress uniforms from their days in the Cornerian fleet, if they still had them. It was quite a spectacle.

It was made even more of one when Wolf and his party entered. He had been fitted with a dark suit that concealed the dense muscle he'd developed after adopting the two vulpines. It gave him a decidedly 'movie star' appearance. James was similarly styled, though he had managed to pull off the 'secret agent' look rather than celebrity. Then came Alicia and Fox. The blue dragoness was rather eye-catching in her dark dress, low cut in the back with a slit that ran down her thigh, creating an allure that said 'escort' more than 'prostitute'. The difference being one of assumed class. Fox was the real star of the group, drawing wide-eyed stares from the crew as he appeared among them for the first time with his new feminine figure. The slip that Chester had provided him with had been tailored, tweaked here and there, to accentuate just the right features.

The heavy-chested vulpine blushed powerfully while James tugged him in close to his side with an arm. The gesture made it clear to everyone that this was his and anyone who wanted it would have to go through him. Fox felt a sense of protection in that. It might mean he wouldn't simply be thrown onto a table and rutted by everyone in turn. Then again, that did sound more fun than he wanted to admit. And that little revelation was plainly visible to anyone gazing down past his rather ample bust to look at the sleek bulge pointing up from his groin. He and Alicia had been treated to a spa day, getting pampered in ways Fox had never experienced before. They were adorned in matching jewelry sets, both from Alicia's own collection. Earrings dangled and glittered. Necklaces were draped from their collars, giving passers-by reason to gaze into their cleavage. Bracelets flashed about their wrists. It all carried a motif of the luxury resort Wolf and his boys were staying in; a tree wreathed within a twisting, knotted circle.

The drake and vulpine were stunning. Hopefully, they wouldn't take too much attention away from the grooms.

The ceremony began once everyone had been seated. The old hare officiated as the dark leopard and his azure avian companion took their place at the front of the crowd. He spoke briefly about how things had changed quite a lot over the last few years, trying to be as eloquent as he could. His southern drawl gave the anecdote gravitas and grandeur befitting of the ceremony. When he felt he had prattled on long enough, he asked if the two would have one another through the usual trials and tribulations expected in ordinary vows, but then threw in a few good and bad times they might see, being bounty hunters and smugglers. It got a few laughs from the crowd.

The 'I do's were said and the hanger erupted into a resounding cheer as falcon and feline sealed the ceremony with a kiss. Now all they had to do was figure out if they were going to use Lombardi or Caroso as their last name. Maybe they wouldn't change their names. Maybe they would hyphenate. No one could guess, and honestly, that was something that could wait for another time.

The reception was held there in the hanger, catering provided by Raul. Apparently the blue drake had a flare for whipping together gourmet buffets on the fly with limited time and staff. The result was well received by the party, though it was clear they weren't used to such a degree of class. Wolf found it rather amusing.

As the ceremony transitioned into the reception, the crowd dissolved from their somewhat orderly arrangement into a milling mass of station crew, pilots, and friends. Conversation spread through the hanger, though several found it difficult to focus when Fox and Alicia were close enough to get a good look. The blue drake grinned as she nudged her lupine date.

"Looks like your boy's quite the heartthrob. I'm used to being the one everyone stares at, but he's got me beat cold." the dragoness said with a snicker.

Wolf laughed quietly with her.

"I think it's because Fox's change kind of defied expectation." he said.

"Well they better get used to just getting a good look from a distance. They're not getting their hands on him unless I say it's okay." James said, wrapping an arm around his vulpine companion. They still looked mostly fox, but it was quite clear that Wolf's influence permeated their being. No doubt a few more years sealed away in his belly would push them further towards a more lupine appearance.

Fox leaned against James, adjusting his dress a little to make sure nothing spilled out. He found himself rather enjoying James' possessive behavior. Something about it helped keep him from feeling as uneasy. The symptoms of withdrawal were already bubbling up in all three of them, but close contact helped keep them at bay. Wolf refused to discuss feeling unwell, not wanting to cast a shadow on Falco and Panther's happy day. It didn't keep him from expressing his desire to get back to how things should be, according to him.

"Just try to keep it together a little bit longer, boys. After the party, we head back to the safe house, and you can climb back in where you belong." Wolf said.

"Yeah, and then I get to keep you all to myself. I won't ever have to share you with anyone." James said, leaning in to kiss Fox's cheek, now wrapping both arms around the busty vulpine.

The younger pilot shivered softly, suppressing a moan at the notion. He couldn't help himself as he wiggled closer, practically slipping into his companion's lap. There was still some confusion as to whether or not they were father and son, brothers, or what. Fox didn't really care. He simply wanted to be hidden away under Wolf's fur with James, making his belly rock about with their lust whenever they felt like it.

"I don't know if it's because we inherited it from Wolf, or if it's just part of the withdrawal, but I'm having a hard time sitting still." Fox said.

Wolf frowned a little.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"I just... I wanna drag one of you off somewhere and do something that would probably ruin this dress." Fox said in a hushed tone.

James snickered, pulling the younger fox completely into his lap, arms holding him in place, and a palm cupping against the bulging groin the dark, revealing garment didn't even try to conceal.

"Who says you have to drag us off somewhere else? I'd be happy getting down to it right here and now," James said, "Panther and Falco look like they're about to jump one another as it is."

True enough, the feline and the falcon were pressed tightly to one another, trying very hard not to throw themselves into a very public make-out session. The party-goers around them didn't seem to notice, and if they did, they didn't seem to mind. Fox watched them from where they sat, rubbing his thighs together as he tried his best not to moan.

"Dad... I need something. I don't care what it is. I just need something. I gotta put this fire out." Fox said in a low whisper of a growl.

James snickered and lowered his chin to rest on one of Fox's shoulders, pressing the side of his muzzle against the needy vulpine's neck.

"Just want me to unzip and stick it in under your dress? Keep it secret so no one can see it, huh sweetie?" he asked.

Fox nodded, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to keep himself composed. It didn't help matters when James lifted a paw to cup one of those large swells barely held back by the garment.

"Wha-what are you doing? People will see." Fox hissed.

"Maybe I want them to. Maybe I want everyone to see us like this, make sure they know that you belong to me," James growled playfully, then lowered his voice further so that only Fox could hear, "And that I belong to you."

The curvy vulpine shuddered at those last few words, his back going rigid as he pressed back into James' embrace.

"God... I don't care. Bend me over the table, throw me on the floor, whatever, I don't care. Just do it. I need it." He fought to keep from saying too loudly.

James grinned, then nibbled at his lover's neck.

"Say it louder." he growled.

"What?" Fox asked incredulously.

"Say you need me louder. I want everyone around the table to hear it." he rumbled deep in his throat.

Fox inhaled sharply and fought to keep from moaning. James knew just how to push his buttons. Without hesitation, he did as he was told. He spoke clearly and loud enough for at least three other tables around them to hear.

"I need you inside me! Right now!" Fox shouted.

It caught the attention of quite a few people, turning heads and drawing stares.

"That's a good boy." James said, nibbling at Fox's neck again before standing them both up.

The older vulpine hiked Fox's dress up a bit, not enough to really reveal anything, but enough to give him access. He unfastened his pants and let his already rigid length spring out into the air. Without wasting any time at all, he jammed himself into the waiting folds in front of him. He sighed happily while Fox gasped, then melted as he supported himself on the edge of the table.

A slow, steady rocking began, making it clear to anyone who was watching just what the two were up to. Some cheered. Some applauded. Some simply watched on in disbelief. Wolf chuckled and tugged Alicia in against his side, leaning down to whisper to her.

"We can't have them upstaging us now can we?" he asked.

Alicia snickered, pressing her cheek against the large lupine's chest, lifting a hand to massage over the firm muscle concealed under his formal attire.

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but yeah, I don't like not being the center of attention for too long. We gonna try to top them? Or just join in?" the drake asked.

"I was thinking join. Me behind, you under Fox. If that's agreeable to you." Wolf said.

"Sounds like fun." Alicia said.

James growled deep in his throat as he gripped the base of Fox's tail with one hand, the other pressed against the side of the younger vulpine's shapely backside. He very much liked this figure on him. It gave him plenty to grab hold of. He flexed his legs, pumping smoothly into the soaked inferno of Fox's tunnel, amazed at the heat coming off his lover. Slowly, he closed his eyes as he settled into the steady pace, just drinking it all in, listening to the whispers and noises around him, as well as Fox's own yelps and mewls. Then his eyes flew open. His pants had been jerked down and something very large and very familiar pressed up under his own tail. A grin spread across his muzzle.

"Oh, hey dad. Wanted to get in on the action?" James asked.

Wolf growled happily, pressing in behind the hybrid he'd carried inside him for so many years.

"Might be the last chance I get to pleasure you properly for a long while. You think I'm gonna just let that walk right past me?" the lupine rumbled.

Before James could respond with a witty retort, his breath was stolen away as his own folds, only really used to Fox's assaults, were suddenly stretched quite heavily by the canine intruder behind him. It was bigger than he remembered, and he was having a hard time keeping from just letting his jaws hang open in a loud moan. He would have to find a way to get Fox somewhere near that size. He was thirsty for a good stretch like this.

Below, Alicia pushed herself up between Fox's arms, back pressed against the tabletop. She slipped her arms around the breathless vulpine and hoisted her legs. Her feet hooked around behind Fox's back, just above the base of his tail. She cooed and bumped noses with him, pressing their breasts together as she brought his eyes to lock with hers.

"Now you better not make me miss out on trying you while you're out and about. Your daddy won't let me crawl in there with you to play. So, I expect a good show." the blue dragoness said.

Alicia reached down and lifted both their dresses, purring deep in her throat as soon as she felt the vulpine length press against her stomach. A subtle adjustment brought it down where it needed to be, and one good shove from Wolf mashed James forward, and in turn threw Fox down onto the drake under him. All four were now connected, each one making their own noises of pleasure. Spurred on, the happy couple this was all for decided if that little group was going to get down to business, they weren't going to wait either. Falco and Panther began stripping out of just enough of their clothing to get access to one another. Soon, Panther had lifted his husband up and pressed him against a nearby bulkhead, thrusting away madly under his feathered tail.

Fox was rocked back and forth as he was filled, aching to feel the warm gush pour into him. He clung to Alicia, trying his best to add what force he could behind his thrusts. The two behind him made it a little tricky, but he gave it his best. The dragoness didn't miss that effort. She pulled him into a firm kiss while trying to massage one of those enormous swells he had grown that put hers to shame. He tried to offer her the same kindness, but he found he needed to brace himself on the table. The contact to his new chest left him shivering and gasping anew, at least when he wasn't locked lip to lip with the lovely blue lady under him. He had been in a feminine body for only a short time, at least that he had noticed, and already he was in the center of an orgy.

"Hey now, don't think I'm gonna miss a chance to get in on this." came a new voice.

Fox looked up through glazed eyes to find an azure vixen crouched on her knees just over him on top of the table. She grinned down at him as she pulled her skirt up, revealing the rather inappropriate underwear she had chosen to conceal for the ceremony. Another figure joined her, a feline, who wrapped her arms around the vixen from behind, then began licking at the lady's neck and jaw line from behind her. It was Krystal and Katt. They had settled into a comfortable life together after a very public one-night fling they had initially tried to cover up, if only to conceal embarrassment.

Now, they didn't care who saw what they did.

Krystal scooted closer, reaching down to cup a paw under Fox's chin. She licked her lips gazing down at him, spreading her legs a bit.

"I have to say, you make a very pretty lady. If I'd known you could have been like this, I'd have jumped your bones a while ago. Guess I'll have to settle for the 'one day ashore' situation." she said.

Katt nodded, teasing and toying with her girlfriend's tender regions, knowing all of them and just which ones to work over in what order to really get the vixen's motor running. She'd gotten really good at it.

"You better treat my lady right. I'd say it better not be better than me, but given this sort of thing is only going to happen once in a blue moon, you better make it worth her while. I wanna hear her scream." Katt said, gazing down at the exasperated Fox.

Without another word, Krystal tugged the well-occupied fox's muzzle to her groin, driving his muzzle in against her petals. She hissed happily and leaned back against Katt, moving her hands to cup against the feline's. Fox didn't need any further encouragement. He began licking furiously at the flower before him. It wasn't the first time he'd been permitted such an honor, but such things had been rare before his team's assimilation into Wolf's. And once he found himself trapped in Wolf's belly with James, those opportunities all but evaporated. He was eager to make sure she got what she wanted. But now things had grown rather complex. He had so many things to keep track of. Thankfully, Wolf and James were helping him keep on pace.

Krystal's noises of approval filled the orange and grey vulpine's ears as he let his eyes drift shut, his nose sliding in past the lady's folds so that he could explore the tunnel beyond. He knew he wouldn't get too much further than that. Wolf wouldn't let him. And James would drag him back out before Krystal could steal him. And there had been plots. Usually they resulted in both the blue fox and her feline lover heading back to their quarters swollen, dripping, and worn out after a good, stout ride from Wolf as 'punishment'. It had only encouraged them to try more.

Fox's own passage quivered as he felt a relentless nature to James' rutting. He wasn't going to stop anytime soon, just like while they were smuggled away in the lupine's middle. He huffed and groaned, giving himself to the experience. A hearty burst gushed forth deep in Alicia's grasp, making her shudder and moan happily. She had opted to join Fox's little adventure in Krystal's valley, though she let him do most of the exploring. The rush below set her alight and she writhed, feeling orgasm wash over her. It wasn't as powerful as when Wolf rattled her about, but it was certainly worth the wait. She would have to try to sneak another ride when she could.

Alicia wasn't the only one suddenly left to quiver. Fox tensed all over as he gripped the ample rod pounding away into his tunnel, soaking his thighs and James' in a warm splash as he was struck by climax. A similar soaking coated his muzzle and face as Krystal arched her back and cried out happily. Almost immediately, she fell limp and huffed in Katt's arms, writhing under such lovely attention. Once she had settled and recomposed herself, she withdrew at the feline's request.

Katt grinned and changed places with her lover, pressing a paw against the back of Fox's head to mash him in against her own heated depths. She wasn't going to miss her turn. Krystal pressed in behind her, forcing the tabby to turn to one side so they could kiss. They rolled their hips in time with one another, grinding Katt forward against Fox's snout until he was buried in right up to his eyes just like he had been with Krystal.

The walls surrounding his muzzle muffled a cry of elation as he felt a powerful, hot surge below. He rocked back against James as hard as he could, grunting as he felt his hips mash against the other fox's form. Each throb, each pulse unleashed a potent blast that added to the pool already growing in his belly. His dress stretched ever so softly as he was filled, adoring the sensation. James howled just as he came, feeling Wolf's own mighty geyser of seed flood his own petals. His womb was suddenly awash in lupine essence, bulging him far more than Fox, forcing his shirt to stretch until a couple of buttons sprung off of it.

Wolf growled in satisfaction, craning down to kiss his vulpine lover on the top of his head, then slowly withdrew.

"Now honey, why don't you let me get a chance? I've not felt his new hole before." he said.

James grinned and leaned back against his lupine companion, a hand on his swollen stomach, looking as if he were carrying a small litter already.

"That's right, we don't spend enough time out here in the real world for you get as much fun as we'd all like. Fair enough. Only right to let daddy fuck both his boys." James said.

With that, he withdrew roughly from Fox's nicely abused folds. It made the more feminine vulpine whimper. Then, Fox gasped again as James hoisted the other's tail up higher, then sank himself into the pucker it concealed. If Fox could have said anything, he'd have yelped in surprise. He was still a little busy with Katt.

Wolf rumbled in approval and scooted back, pulling himself free from James with a lewd, wet slurp. Before his length even had a chance to get cold, he rammed forward, aiming for the younger of the two, and stretched his other son out just as well as he'd done his 'first born'. A new yowl rose out of Katt's groin, muffled.

The rocking resumed, this time with two different sets of thrusts throwing off the vulpine's sense of timing. He was jostled about, still buried deep in Alicia. The dragoness just clung to him and held on for dear life, happy to stay right where she was until Fox was done being used. Orgasm took a little longer to strike this time than previously, but when it hit, it hit like a freight train. Fox remembered that first night, when Wolf had captured him, and he got his first taste of getting a good filling. His belly suddenly surged outward, sagging down under him, pressing against Alicia as her own belly was given a gentle curve. No doubt that was something of a domino effect, Wolf's hearty blast sending Fox into his own explosion.

Another warm gush from further back caught his attention as James sighed happily, emptying a second explosion of seed into the pinned Fox's bowels. That reminded him of that first night as well, since he had not been graced with the gift of this new cleft at that point. Both boys growled and continued their thrusts even through their climaxes, hoping to prolong it for a bit more. Eventually though, everyone slowed and stopped. Katt and Krystal pulled away, then leaned down one by one to give the soaked, abused, and bulging Fox a passionate, deep, lust-filled kiss.

"Mmm, let's not wait until their anniversary to do this again. You've got a talented tongue." Krystal said.

"That... that's all up... to if dad... wants to let us out." Fox said tiredly.

Wolf snickered.

"I think I might be able to be persuaded to allow them a few hours out once in a great while. But you better schedule it ahead of time. I have a feeling you two aren't the only ones who will want a shot at my boys." he said, pointing with his chin to something behind Katt and Krystal.

"Mind if we get a turn? I've always wanted to see what it felt like having Fox's mouth on me. It'll be your wedding present to us. Well, one half of it. Panther's got to get his turn after all." Falco said, leaning back against his dark feline husband, still pressed deep under his tail.

Wolf grinned anew.

"Be my guest. James?" he said, patting the older vulpine on the back.

"Oh I'm not done. My dick doesn't leave him until we're ready to go home. Like I said, Fox is mine. If someone else wants to fuck him, that's fine, but not without me." James said.

Wolf laughed and slowly withdrew, giving Fox a chance to clench up and hold onto the small lake of seed he'd poured in. Fox huffed and groaned briefly before being given the opportunity to slurp away at the falcon's throbbing rod, already coated in a thin sheen of his own release. He'd hit orgasm a little while ago, but he wasn't done yet, certainly. Fox's muzzle was once again occupied, but he then jerked moments later as he felt a new presence filling his cleft. He couldn't turn his head to see what it was, or rather who it was, but the noise the reached his ears told him it had to be one of the other pilots. The rest of the crowd was wanting a turn with Wolf's little boy, and it didn't matter which end.

He groaned a little realizing he was going to be stuck like this for a while, shivering as he felt James bury a rather sizable knot deep under his tail. That was what he was missing. Something had felt incomplete until that moment. Now, all was right with the world. Alicia chuckled and began rocking her hips away against him all over again.

If she was lucky, she'd get to stay stuck under the spit-roasted vulpine the whole time and catch every last drop he had to given through the whole reception. Maybe she'd even get to walk away with a belly just as swollen and warm as his.

She certainly hoped so, and if not, she could just sit on Wolf until he gave her what she wanted. Chances were good that wouldn't necessarily be needed. There was a line forming behind Fox at this point. And one forming in front of him.

"Oh you little harlot. You're even out-doing me in drawing a crowd. Maybe I ought to just kidnap you and steal that sexy body of yours." she cackled.

Wolf laughed and leaned down, silencing the swaying dragoness with a kiss.

"If you did, then you'd certainly get to spend as much time as you want with James, but you'd have to resign at the resort."

"Tempting." Alicia said.

The door to the suite opened with a quiet swish. A large, grey figure stepped inside, carrying a smaller orange figure tinged with flecks of grey. Wolf was followed by James and Alicia, both of them swollen about the middle, leaning on one another for support, tired, but in good spirits. Fox on the other hand was almost completely wiped out. His stomach was heavier and larger than the other two and his breathing was labored. He leaned in against the big lupine's chest, finding great comfort there. Amazingly, his dress had not torn, still wrapped tightly around his bloated belly.

"I'd say that was a pretty good time, wouldn't you?" Wolf asked, looking down at the tired vulpine in his arms.

Fox nodded tiredly, his eyes half lidded as he fought to stay awake. He knew that when he passed out, it would be for a while, and he didn't want to do that until he was sure he was back where he belonged--safe and sound under Wolf's fur. Wolf was all too eager to give him exactly what he wanted.

"I wonder how the happy couple is going to celebrate their anniversary." James said with a smirk.

Alicia helped the fox over to the couch where they both landed with a heavy plop, still leaning on one another. She snickered and relaxed against her swollen friend.

"Well whatever the case, I hope you all come back to do it here. You guys are fun." she said.

Wolf snickered quietly.

"I think that could possibly be arranged. Now, I think we should all get cleaned up and get my boys back 'in bed' as quick as we can." the lupine said.

"Do we really have to be clean?" James asked.

"Well, I suppose not. But I'd like to get clean at least. Being this big in this kind of climate, you sweat a lot. I feel sticky, and not the fun kind," Wolf replied, then leaned down to give Fox another little kiss on the top of his head, "Hey, think you'll be okay with your brother while daddy goes to shower real quick?"

Fox nodded weakly, still so very tired, but certainly not upset. Wolf turned and carried the spent vulpine towards the other two, carefully laying him across the waiting laps of James and Alicia. Immediately, they tugged the tired Fox towards them.

"We'll take good care of him while you go rinse off." Alicia said.

Wolf nodded and backed away before turning to hasten his way into the bathroom. He wanted it to be as quick a wash as he could manage. It would give him an excuse to get out of his suit too. That was more important to him. James stroked along Fox's cheek while Alicia let her palms swirl around atop the large, warm, gurgling belly trapped under the black dress. He had taken quite a lot. He wouldn't be hungry again for a pretty long while, and by then, he'd be taken care of by the big grey fellow.

"Didja have fun, sweetie?" James asked.

Fox nodded, closing his eyes as he pressed his cheek against the other vulpine's bloated middle. Something about that helped ease the unpleasant void of not being inside Wolf. James noticed it too. He chuckled and ran a palm along the tired fox's back.

"I'm a little jealous of him. He got a little attention from just about everyone." Alicia said.

"Well, at the next wedding in our group, you can be the party favor, how's that?" James joked.

"Just tell me where and when. I'll be sure to bring plenty of lube." the dragoness retorted with a grin.

James pictured the scene in his mind, shivering a little as he realized his 'little soldier' was coming back to attention. And Fox was nuzzling down against it. The contact sent a warm rush through him, and he couldn't help but notice it wasn't unlike what he had felt whenever he left the safe confines of Wolf's womb, then returned sometime later. There was something to this. And when Fox began trying to curl up closer to him, he realized it must be hitting him too.

"Hey, you doin' okay down there?" James asked.

Fox nodded tiredly.

"Feels good. Feels like dad, sorta." he said.

"Yeah, it does." James replied, his voice trailing off as a notion began to roll around in his head.

Alicia noticed the look on his face and prodded gently.

"Credit for your thoughts, cutie?" she asked.

"I'm just wondering. When we spend too much time away from dad, we kind of go through a sort of withdrawal. We've stayed close enough to him for the whole time we've been out that it hasn't been too bad. But it's there. But, cuddled up like this, him and me, it kinda makes it better. Like dad's close by. It's hard to explain." James said.

"Sounds like you two help each other cope with being away from Wolf. The closer you are, the better you can deal with it." Alicia said.

"Yeah... and it makes me wonder..." James said, again, trailing off.

The dragoness tilted her head a little, unsure where this was going.

"Makes you wonder what?" she asked.

James remained quiet for a moment, then turned towards the blue lady.

"Would you be willing to help me with a little experiment?" he asked.

Wolf worked as quickly as he could to rinse himself off, lathering up only the essentials to get them properly clean. He could get the rest later once his boys were back inside. He just wanted to at least feel mostly clean. After a good ten minutes, he felt he'd done enough and stepped out of the stall and began working to dry himself. Fur was always a bit tricky in that respect. Thankfully, many sharp, scientific minds had applied their keen intellect to the problem and dryer stalls were commonplace.

In total, he spent fifteen minutes in the bathroom getting himself groomed enough to feel refreshed. At least mostly. As soon as he shut off the dryer stall, his pelt now a little fluffier than he might like but thoroughly aired out, he heard noises from the living room. It was unmistakable. Someone was doing something rather intense. He could hear James moaning not unlike how Fox had that first night in the holding cell. Maybe he was finally letting Fox give him a stout filling, since he'd been on the giving end for so long today. Wolf snickered and emerged from the bathroom, not bothering to dress or conceal himself with a towel. What he walked in on once he reached the living room was not what he expected.

Alicia sat between James' legs as he lay on his back along the couch, knees bent upward, thighs spread open quite wide, and the last of a pair of feet and a fluffy tail disappearing towards his groin. The vulpine's belly had grown considerably since last Wolf had seen it, and it was no longer a smooth globe of a dome. It had deformations, lumps, shapes that looked strangely enough like a person. Like Fox. James had, with Alicia's help, crammed Fox into his womb just as Wolf had done the both of them. The lupine just blinked in astonishment, having thought such a thing wasn't necessarily possible.

"I can't leave you two alone for a minute without you getting into something naughty!" Wolf cried out in amusement.

James lay there, breathless, grinning widely.

"Hey, just following your example, dad." the bloated vulpine smirked.

Alicia was astonished, leaning in to rub over the grand swell, feeling it shift and bulge as Fox turned about to get comfortable. And it was. It felt like Wolf's embrace, though he did sort of miss James wrapping his arms around him. And humping him. But this felt like a wonderful place to nap. His paws disappeared completely and James' folds closed back up behind him, the two vulpines settling into their new state, finding it far more comfortable than either had anticipated.

Wolf helped James sit up just long enough to sit down behind him, then tugged the swollen vulpine back against him, joining the dragon's exploration of that belly.

"Well, I'm impressed you could do it. You aren't as big as I was when I first stuck you in me. How do you feel?" the lupine asked.

"Amazing." James breathed out long and slow, crumbling in the lupine's embrace.

"I knew you guys did this sort of thing. I never doubted it. But seeing it happen... that's something else!" Alicia said. Clearly she had not played witness to the inward trip, only when someone was on the way back out. She had been curious about it for quite some time.

"Well, yeah, it really is something else," Wolf said, "You doing okay in there, honey?"

The lupine pressed a large palm against the firm dome his son now possessed, having raised his voice to make it a little easier for Fox to hear him. A muffled noise of approval was all that came from under James' fur, and shortly after that the sound of a gentle, quiet snore. Fox had fallen asleep.

Wolf grinned and gave the now pregnant fox a firm squeeze in his thick, muscular arms.

"I'd say that's a yes. He's out like a light. Guess he'll be staying there for now. In fact, why don't you just keep him for as long as the two of you want to stay like this? I think it's awfully cute, father and son, brother and brother, connected like that." he said.

James' eyes lit up as he turned to look up at the big lupine.

"Really!? I can keep him!?" he asked, trying his best to not sound too excited.

Wolf snickered seeing his enthusiasm.

"Of course you can, honey. In fact, why don't we just make sure you two stay like this for as long as possible?" he grinned.

James snickered, already knowing what his dad was thinking, but before he could do anything to get into position, he winced. A sharp sensation, not necessarily pain, began to spread through his whole body. He huffed and writhed on his back as his arms and legs began to stretch. His chest thickened, becoming more barreled. Muscle tone began to appear through his pelt. Alicia gasped as she was forced back by the sudden growth, watching as even the vulpine's 'assets' below gained mass. She stared at them, almost drooling, as James' shaft thickened and stretched out longer to hold proportion. His scrotum swelled and bulged, giving off an audible gurgle as it filled, eager to inject its contents into someone.

The fox even began to look less like a fox. His fur turned more grey, still showing orange but more of a blending of the two colors. His muzzle widened and lengthened, his teeth growing right a long with it. He huffed and shuddered, arching his back before letting out a howl he simply could not contain. Wolf watched on in awe as his adopted son underwent a transformation very similar to what he had experienced once he had decided to leave James inside him full time. Slowly, a new grin crossed his muzzle and he began massaging the muscular wolf-fox in his arms, over his shoulders, chest, and down to his firm, taut stomach.

"Well holy shit, look at that." Wolf said.

James panted as he came down off the high of the transformation, finally getting a chance to look over himself. What he saw stunned him deeply.

"Woah! I didn't know I could do this!? If I knew, I'd have shoved Fox in me earlier!" he cried out in astonishment.

"I'll bet you would have. Alicia? What do you think of my new and improved son?" Wolf asked.

The dragoness just gaped, drinking in the sight before her. Without any hint of trepidation, she scooted back in towards James and began lavishing his form in the same affection as before, though with greater gusto.

"What the hell do I have to do to get that kind of a treatment?" she asked.

Wolf laughed.

"You have to join the family, but it comes at a cost. James here can't be too far away from me. You might want to try finding another method if you really want to end up pregnant and buff." he said.

James groaned softly as he felt his passenger shift about under his fur, under the new layers of muscle protecting him. A powerful heat began to spread from his groin. Without another word, he sat up, leaned forward, then pinned the dragoness on her back, kissing her to keep her from making a yelp in surprise. Wolf laughed and leaned back to watch, even as James lifted his tail as high as he could manage. The hybrid canid broke the kiss with the now dizzy dragoness and looked back over his shoulder.

"I need you dad. I'm on fire, please. Put it out for me." He whined.

Wolf's grin spread wider, showing his teeth in an almost predatory fashion. He didn't need any more invitation than that. The lupine climbed up onto his knees and pressed in against his well-toned son from behind. A greedy growl sounded behind James as he felt the large wolf pressed in from behind, lowering himself down so that his chest met with James' back. A voice whispered in one of his ears.

"Fox may belong to you, but you belong to me. Understand?" Wolf said, giving his hips a good jerk to sink home into those quivering folds, aching for him to spread them.

James gasped and moaned before returning his attention to Alicia. He'd managed to trap her under his new, heavy belly, and she was clearly loving it, trying to squirm to tug herself further under it. He could feel her tail lashing about, trying to seek out his throbbing spire and guide it down to her. She didn't need to do much more than that. James humped forward in time with one of Wolf's bucks, sinking home into her. He shivered once he was there, realizing now why his father favored her so readily. Even after all she had been through today, she was still able to maintain an almost impossibly firm grasp on him. James almost unloaded himself then and there.

Wolf was near his own peak as well, offering shallow, rapid strokes to keep his lover on the edge. He growled deep in James' ear, not wanting to waste any time at all. He pushed himself towards climax, not caring if he would have to fill the muscle-bound hybrid again to make him scream. A powerful burst flooded James, making his belly slowly expand as Wolf made good on his word. Fox wouldn't be going anywhere for a long, long time. Already a cord had snaked out and latched onto the still round-bellied vulpine's navel, connecting him to his father, his brother. His mother? James grit his teeth and pumped hard and fast, grunting as he felt that connection fire off a rush he quite suddenly found he didn't want to be without. That brought him the rest of the way into climax.

A howl filled the room, then an almost avian shriek. James felt his heightened capacity put to the test as he dumped what felt like gallons of seed into the blue lady under him. He could feel her already plump and sloshing stomach surge outward further, helping to lift him off the couch a bit more. She cried out, soaking his thighs as she lay, pinned, trapped in ecstasy.

Slowly, James tilted himself up, pressing back into Wolf's arms as he rumbled away, not letting him pull out just yet.

"Ooo dad, that was just what I needed. Never thought it would feel this good. Thank you." he mused tiredly.

Wolf nodded, leaning forward against his son, kissing his cheek from behind.

"I can't leave my boys wanting. It's just a shame you won't have anyone to play with once you're back 'in bed'. I kinda liked feeling you two humping each others' brains out. Maybe Fox will come out from time to time and you two can make me bounce and sway like you usually do." he said.

"Maybe, but I kind of don't wanna let him out. Like... he belongs in there. Kinda like how I belong in here." James said, angling an arm to press a paw against the lupine's firm, rock-hard abdomen.

"Yeah, I get that. Speaking of, you sound pretty spent. We should let you get some rest." Wolf said.

James nodded, wriggling his hips a little, not wanting to feel that monster slide out of him, but he knew it was necessary. Slowly, reluctantly, the two lupines separated. James sighed in regret as his nethers convulsed, slowly closing back up now that there was nothing keeping him spread. Alicia was left to lay on the couch, fawning over her now rather enormous belly, adoring it. Wolf sat back on the couch the way it was meant to be sat on, then spread his legs. He wrapped a paw around his still bobbing shaft and grinned at the hybrid.

"Ready for me?" James asked, gazing down at the sizable length.

"Only always." Wolf said.

The round-middled hybrid nodded and dropped onto his hands and knees, crawling towards the big grey lupine. He nuzzled softly along the exposed shaft, letting his tongue lash across its surface before simply holding his face there, nose pressed against Wolf's stomach, the warmth radiating from the tall, thick rod he'd just had inside him washing over his face. He could have stayed there another ten minutes easy. But he had somewhere to be. James pulled back and dipped his head down, nuzzling up under his father's vast, plump sac. Just behind it lay the fragrant nethers that only a select few got to play with beyond Fox and James, and they only ever used them to enter or depart. He licked at the petals, triggering a happy growl from their owner, and triggering those folds to yawn open. James pressed on, sinking his muzzle in, and simply kept going. In seconds, the whole of his head was sunk into the hot, soaked embrace of his father's passage.

Wolf moaned happily and tilted his head back. A palm pressed against his chiseled stomach, feeling it already beginning to bulge. Oh he was going to be enormous after this. And he wanted it badly. Wolf felt his passage stretch open, then grip at the hybrid sliding in as if trying to prevent him from slipping back out. A convulsion saw James' neck get slurped up without difficulty, along with his shoulders. The lupine howled happily as he felt a heated gush soak his thighs, as well as the fox-wolf between them. Another good 'gulp' dragged his son in up to his chest. He didn't even have to do anything, his body was doing what it decided was best, and that was to greedily consume his boy.

James pressed forward with his legs, reveling in this newfound strength he had been given. It worked well with Wolf's greedy tunnel, helping to bring those puffy lips right to the base of his motherly dome. This was where it got tricky. Hopefully the big wolf would be able to stretch far enough. Even Wolf himself had some doubts. But he was forced to find out through trial by fire. His petals contracted again, devouring another foot of the hybrid, working hard on taking in that plump belly. Wolf yowled again as he felt inch after inch of the gravid swell sink into him, finding he wanted more, to be stretched more, to be filled more. He wanted every last bit of his son stuffed back into his belly where he belonged.

The big lupine reached forward and gripped at what of James he could reach. A firm shove saw the crest of that enormous stomach spread him as far as he would ever be throughout this little exercise. Wolf fought with all his might to stay present and not simply fall victim to the experience. He reached out again and gripped at his son, then dragged him forward, this time pressing on James' startlingly firm rump. How had he missed that earlier? Oh he would have to let him out again to get a chance to plug that sometime. But not for a while. At least nine months. Maybe longer.

Alicia watched tiredly, letting a hand trail down over her own swollen middle until she reached her well-used womanhood. The sight before her had given her a powerful need of her own, and she knew just how to satisfy it.

Wolf grunted and growled, leaning forward to try and press James in further. His stomach surged outward tremendously, especially with the downward slope of the bulge housing Fox helping to hasten matters. In moments, he felt James' hips enter him, along with that deliciously sizable shaft. It wasn't as big as Wolf's, but then James only had one person inside him and Wolf had been working with two occupants. Maybe he could change that in the future. But that required leaving the safety and warmth of dad's womb. James didn't think it was all that important to gain mass. Being curled up where he was supposed to be was more important.

A pair of thick, well toned legs glided in out of sight as Wolf leaned back and tilted his muzzle skyward. He huffed and panted feeling the last few inches of his son slip back inside where he belonged, and soon, he felt a pair of paws wriggling in his tunnel. His folds yawned open then closed again, concealing James behind a wall of delicate, tender pink, then the fur of the lupine's groin. He was in. James curled up quickly around his own stomach, fawning over it happily as he felt the muscular walls hug tight at his form, churning and massaging just like they always did.

"Mmm, good to be back home. Thanks dad." the pregnant hybrid said.

"Good to have you back." Wolf said breathlessly.

The cord that would connect the two made its way to James' navel, snapping into place as if it had never left. The rush it provided made both father and son shudder. James could even feel Fox tremble a little under his own fur at the connection. That was it. He was in for good. Or at least until Wolf decide he was willing to let either of them out for a night of fun. The big canid sat on the couch, hugging his stomach, larger than it had ever been. He relished it, reveled in it, as if it were some sort of drug he was riding high on.

And then he felt his form being to stretch and thicken. He grunted and groaned as he gained mass, his muscle becoming more dense, his frame growing taller, his length and sac forcing his legs even further apart than usual. He huffed and wobbled up onto his feet, needing to see himself. He waddled his way to the bathroom, finding it wasn't as much of a waddle as usual, and marveled at his reflection.

Somehow, James' growth had given him another little bump to his own size now that they were connected again. He'd gained at least a foot in height, and probably another hundred pounds of muscle. His belly was still enormous, but it looked slightly more 'proportionally correct'. Wolf felt over his frame and rumbled away, pleased with this.

Maybe there was something to this silly little desire of his to just start cramming people in. Maybe Falco and Panther might like to pay James a visit. A long visit. No, they likely wouldn't come back out, and then Wolf would never fit in his Lycan ever again. In fact, he wasn't sure he could fit in it now.

Alicia came stumbling in after him, leaning against the big lupine as she looked at his reflection with him.

"It's a good look for you. Think you'll keep going with it?" she asked.

"I dunno. Too much more and it starts getting ridiculous. I might end up looking like an actual giant, building crushing and everything. Not sure I'm interested in that." he answered.

"Well, in the meantime, Raul is going to be too busy to come cook for you tonight. He's got to finish up the catering for the reception. So, if you're hungry, then feel free to treat yourself to a lovely dinner at home." she winked.

Alicia knew she probably wouldn't ever get a chance to climb in with James, but disappearing into the big lupine's jaws was a lovely alternative.

Wolf rumbled happily and turned to head to the bedroom, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Alicia followed, then began climbing up the big wolf's front, impressing him that she could with such a heavy load that was only going to get bigger and heavier. He opened his maw wide as she pushed her arms and head in. A large paw pressed against her rump, hoisting her up with startling ease. The lupine swallowed, dragging his tongue across the lady's ravishing form, taking his time. His neck bulged as she filled it out, wrapped tightly in his throat. Her chest added to the shape, then so did her stomach as he made short work of her. His gut bulged and surged outward as she slipped down his gullet, landing in his churning, growling stomach without much ceremony.

The lupine ran his palms over his even larger middle, licked his lips, then turned to lay out in the center of the bed, leaning against the headboard.

"Mmm, thank you my dear. Delicious as always." he said.

"Just wish I could have gotten another good ride before diving in. Your son's no slouch though, so that makes up for it." she said, her voice muffled by layers of flesh, fur, and muscle.

"Glad you got to play with him." Wolf replied.

The door to the suite swished open as a black feline and a blue falcon strolled in, an arm around one another. They couldn't decide who should carry who over the threshold, so they didn't bother. The married couple made a bee line for the bedroom and stopped as soon as they found a visibly larger--and fuller--Wolf.

"Well holy hell! Look at you!" Falco said before giving an appreciative whistle.

"Boss, you look... fantastic!" Panther managed to say.

Wolf grinned, beckoning the boys over.

"Glad you think so. C'mon over and get comfortable. Daddy needs a belly rub." he said.

They didn't need any further instruction. They stripped down and joined the big, bloated, toned, naked wolf on the bed, exploring his densified frame. Wolf relayed to them recent events, where Fox was, and how it resulted in more growth, and it only seemed to intrigue the married couple more.

"So the more people you shove in there, and the bigger they are, the bigger you get. Maybe we should use you as a holding cell from now on!" Falco laughed.

Wolf smirked.

"Maybe not where James and Fox are. But I have other places. In fact, I've got you a nice little wedding present. If you want to play with her, just dive on in." the lupine said, then opened his jaws wide.

Panther and Falco looked at one another, grinning broadly.

"The boss wants us to feed him." the feline said.

"And there's a present inside, he said." Falco replied.

The two climbed up on top of the big, grey fellow, then began stuffing themselves in, both at the same time. Wolf was taken aback slightly at the onset, but then settled in to his banquet. A giant palm reached up and pressed the happy couple into his maw as he swallowed, making short work of them. In but mere moments, his mouth was clear again and a hearty belch rattled the windows. His belly had grown so vast, now housing a total of five, that he was going to have trouble getting out of bed. Wolf grinned, massaging his active middle, liking the idea.

Already, the married couple had discovered the dragoness escort that was their 'wedding present' and began taking advantage of the situation. Alicia found herself pinned between the horny feline and avian, wanting to be nowhere but right where she was. She wasn't even going to charge Wolf extra for this. She was overcome with the bliss of it.

Wolf growled happily as he felt his gut shift and sway about. It wasn't quite the same as feeling Fox and James further down, but he could feel James trying to tend to his own needs. A steady grinding sensation came from the heavy wolf-fox deep in the lupine's womb. His shaft twitched and bucked, splattering his gut and the sheets in what was to be just one of several orgasms.

He had agreed to be the honeymoon suite for the newlyweds. And he wasn't about to back out of such an obligation. Not when it felt this good.