Chapter 11 - Meet the Parents! The Dragoon of Fire's First Impression! (Part 1)

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#31 of Book 2 - N.D.'s Reign

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends from YiffStar. Things used from the game "Legend of Dragoon" is copyrighted to them so I don't take credit from those things. Also, do not use my own copyrighted things in your stories without consulting me first. Takes alot to make this stuff up so keep that in mind and enjoy. Also, if you're not old enough to be reading this, grow up first and come back. I'm not responsible for what you are about to read.

Sex is such a wonderous thing, yet it is constantly abused. It also can tarnish the very reputation of someone important. It is disappointing that we must keep it a secret. Jack, you have your own reason for it, but it is because the world is immature and a shameful melding pot of beings who can't accept their own kind for the little difference.

**Date: November 19th

Location: Basement of the Heat Season Inn, Jack's Room, Hydion

Time: 2:34 pm**

Jack stared at the intruder who was rubbing his head, seeing that he was in some pain from being thrown, "Heh...still the strong fighting scientist I see. Though guess I deserved it for sneaking up on you Jack. I just hate myself for not being quicker to tie you up...", he said while getting his glasses from the floor. Jack laughed realizing who it was, not bothering to cover himself as he walked over to help him up. It was his good friend Abu, and quite the timing it was looking up to his taller human friend. While Jack was about 5'5", Abu was a good 6'7" which towered over him.

Out of anyone on the planet, Abu's intelligence matched his own, which explained how he got through without getting caught. He was also one of the few people he considered to be his friend, jumping a bit from receiving a firm butt slap from him, "I see you were having fun in your sleep. Forgive the forwardness of my hands, just haven't seen ya in years. Still looking good I see.", he commented, getting Jack to smile as he hugged him tightly and then went to get his labcoat on. Abu wore a labcoat as well, though the color of it being black and having long sleeves, as well as blue jeans. His favorite wear was always in his profession's uniform as he felt naked without it.

The two talked about old times, always competing for the best invention. Abu began with the P.I.C. which is now a worldwide phenomenon while Jack himself created teleportation points all over the planet. Even though Abu could've done it, Jack beat him to the punch and they decided to work together to make the P.I.C. work with his many possible teleportation locations around the world. Lodeos was the first to get the technology, the two having spent about a year building the collosal city from the ground up.

It was good times as the two sat Jack's bed to remind themselves of how good they worked together, "Yea, that was the good stuff. Nothing like constant working, and thinking...oh wait, I just remembered. What brings you here suddenly? I heard you were with N.D., then you managed to escape Vanaxxis a few weeks ago. You been hiding this whole time?", he asked, relaxing as he laid back and let his head rest in his friend's lap.

Abu pushed his glasses back, rubbing his friend's head as he nodded, "Yea...lets just say I'm working with someone else now. Its rough as I'm not allowed much freedom but my funding is completely free. I'm here to ask for a bit of your help since you're the only one who actually can...but before that, lets chat a bit. From what I hear, your funding will now come from this "Heat Season Inn" you opened. Isn't it about a week until the start of the heat season for dragons? I'm pretty sure you'll be earning the green from that rush.", he responded, Jack lightly yawning and curling his toes.

The plan was foolproof, knowing that dragonesses who have no mates will want to come here for a good price. Even those who have mates usually tire them out and will come here for the rest of their relief. The amount of single women in Saint Falda alone would earn him a fortune, even more than Michael's current worth of 100 million Kash, "I just haven't found a good girl for the front desk. Looking for one who's breasts just jiggle and whatnot when she talks. Those are the types that rake in the money and bring the customers.", Jack explained while pointing to his chest.

Abu noticed bandages, nodding as he remembered that he always had them. No one knew they were worn because he was fully clothed always, and he was probably one of the few people who knew what he was hiding. Carefully Jack undid the bandages, seeing his breasts suddenly pop out and jiggle in his hands once the bandages slid down his body, "Hmm...I see you still don't like getting the attention most girls get...though you're not quite a girl. Why do you still keep it a secret?", he asked, putting a hand on the fuzzy size D breasts with blue nipples that were just starting to get hard.

Jack gave a hiss, feeling delighted to let his breasts get some air and attention, the warm human hand always welcome if it was coming from this one male, "Ahh! know better than anyone why...I don't have...time to be those idiots on the planet. I'm not exactly something people want to be near...though if a question should be asked, it should be why do you like someone like me? Being feminine isn't really part of my personality. Or are you really a fan of pandas who happen to be well endowed?", he responded back while giving his friend's crotch a rub.

It was no surprise that Abu was already excited, keeping his cool as usual even when under pressure since he was used to it. He chuckled and pulled the cute panda to his lap to wrap his hands around his stomach, "Well don't forget you have both parts, so make sure to give your cool blue pussy some credit. Though you're also a great person to talk with so its more about who you are than what you have. That is the bonus of knowing you.", Abu explained while moving up to squeeze both breasts, feeling hir to push back into him and grind hirself into his lap.

Shi hissed and let hir tongue flicker out, showing a bit of that snake side from which hir tail came from. Hir nipples were already prepared for fun, his fingers playing with those soft fuzzy orbs and the hardening nipples which were making hir squirm in his grasp, "'re a special exception...if people only knew how naughty you were behind the glasses...", shi muttered, gasping and wincing a bit feeling him pinch hir nipple and twist just a bit.

This was something he didn't say to many people and he made sure no one would know, since his image was a scientist, no one would work with someone who was a complete perverted fiend. Jack had a similar reason for keeping to hirself, the mere knowledge of being a herm was privy to him, and one other person on the planet, "Oh, well I know how to keep anyone from uttering anything...", he responded while letting a hand move down, lightly scratching at hir fuzzy stomach. It was a bit of a pain feeling that tail pressed against his stomach and to the side but it was worth it if he could spend a bit of time not under any sort of pressure.

It was then that Abu quickly grabbed Jack and tossed hir on the bed, making hir eep as he quickly tied her to the bed with rope he had hidden in his pocket. Normally Jack would've ripped through such a weak material but shi knew exactly what would come next, feigning helplessness, "OOooh! I let my guard look at my situation...", shi uttered with a his, a thick blue cock visible as Abu took off his labcoat and shirt.

He had something planned, a little pleasure before business as he looked at hir with his piercing silver eyes and gelled back black hair while having a very mischievous smirk on his face.


It's been awhile since the training started...and I've learned more than I did in a few months back in D.O.O.P.. The girls really know their stuff, and I'm glad that I won't be holding them back. More importantly, I can keep them safe....

**Date: November 25th

Location: Front of Rizan's House

Time: 6:22 pm**

Michael was again being double teamed, this time wearing a black shirt, as well as blue jeans. He was wielding his sword with one hand but he was looking different this time. The look on his face was confident though sweaty and he was holding it like it was his old blade. He also had a few cuts all over his body, though not even a bruise this time from how far he had came from 22 days ago.

Rizan was coming at him with fast slashes, making him go on the defensive as he was pushed back. His blocking had increased quite a bit as now his sword felt alot lighter since they started, their fights lasting more and more each day they trained before he was defeated eventually by them. Shyranrya came in as Rizan jumped back, lashing her tail at his hands, "Come on Eura! You can't block forever you know!", she shouted, Michael attempting to dodge but ended up getting his arm grabbed and held by her tail.

The front yard was quite messed up, from their sparring, the dragonesses planning on fixing that later. That stopped them in their tracks, Rizan going in for a strong kick which Michael blocked with his blade quickly. The force of it sent him and Rizan flying in opposite directions and freeing him from Shyranrya's tail. Though he was ready for his other opponent this time, never letting down his stance since this wasn't a one on one. He opened his hand and focused his power into it, seeing a heel kick by Rizan and catching it. Though he was ready for it, the force of it was too powerful to grip so he shoved it to the side and threw her off balance, so he hoped.

As he went in to slice down on her, while in midair she came to kick with her other foot. It hit him right on the cheek, forcing Michael to fly off into the dense forest and drop his sword. The massive sword fell with a loud thud, the dragonesses smirking seeing their dragoon fly through countless trees. Those of course would be restored before they left, knowing that a small amount of animals live there and it'd be wrong to just leave it destroyed.

They hadn't broken a sweat yet, though they have found him to be putting up more and more of a fight each time so they definitely weren't holding TOO much back. Rizan took the moment of peace to check the time, getting out the P.I.C. from her skirt and seeing that their time was up, "Hmmm...6:25 pm. Shyran, think we should start getting ready. Your father doesn't know we have the means to teleport but he's expecting us at about 7. We gotta get showered and make sure we have a pack of extra clothes. I'll get Eura and you get packing ok?", she said with a coy smile, starting to sprint towards the row of ruined trees before she tripped over from Rizan grabbing her tail.

She knew better than to fall for that, knowing now that she actually was trying to move in on her human though being subtle about stopping her, "Oh why don't you just let me do that. I can carry him much easily than you you know what Eura would wear. Only seems fair right?", Shyranrya responded, starting to walk past her fallen friend before falling as well, Rizan grabbing her by the shin and seeing her fall face first. Now they really needed a shower, being covered in dirt before seeing their human walk from the site and giving him a toothy innocent smile.

"Man, you two are fighting against each other to get the last hit on me? How mean!", he shouted while chuckling, helping them both up and all three together began walking back. Michael's jeans were now torn, showing a few more minor cuts and probably one bruise now on his cheek. Shyranrya healed him on the way, Rizan letting her since her healing power was stronger and that she was able to see where she was touching, "Phew, its nearly 6:30 already huh? I didn't think training had gone by so fast...though I seem to be the only one still who's tired after all that.", said Michael as he felt his fatigue and pain disappear before walking up to the house.

Rizan opened the door for them, Shyranrya turning back to see the chaos left behind by their sparring, "Well technically you aren't supposed to win against us Eurasia. Our power is supposed to be "unbeatable" according to what the training promises, so you can't hope to exactly beat us. You're supposed to get stronger from fighting against the odds and you've definitely gotten stronger. I just wish we had more time...", she sighed, seeing his progress to be quite good and curious about his full power now that his foundation had an even stronger base.

Before Michael knew it, his cheek was all better and his cuts had closed up, though he was still a mess clothing wise. Rizan closed the door and clapped her hands to get their attentions, "Ok ok! Now we have to hurry. There's two showers, so I'll shower in the secret downstairs bath with Shyranrya. Eura honey, you go shower in the normal shower then get dressed. But wear something nice....I bought quite a bit of clothes for you last week so pick something to make a good first impression. But formal clothing isn't important, its what your clothing scream ok?", she explained, Shyranrya remembering the last time she was there, that the dragons were either naked or wearing something passed down the dragon campaign.

Of course she wanted to go naked but she probably wouldn't be able to stay too close with Rizan around. It was also probably why she wanted her to shower with her, so that she couldn't try anything without her watching, "Yea, as you know, clothes are a human thing so most dragons there will be naked. We of course won't be naked as we have more of a...fondness for clothing.", added in Shyranrya, Michael looking quite shocked hearing that there'll be naked dragons there. Shyranrya patted him on the shoulder and laughed, "Don't worry too much. Dragons have internal parts so you won't really see anything like you humans. The males anyway, but most of the females will cover their top parts. But don't stare or you'll offend a few... or even get a bit of unwanted attention considering you're gonna be the only human there."

It wasn't a good feeling being the only human there, and who knows how he'll be treated. Rizan's father didn't like him at all so what would the others feel? The question bothered him as he saw them go downstairs while he hopped into the shower. Hot water washing away all of the fatigue and dried blood from his body felt good, cleaning himself slowly as now the bigger question was on what he would wear. Fashion wasn't his thing but he did see the selection she bought. It was quite a selection that was in his now official room.

At the same time downstairs, the two dragonesses were washing by themselves, backs turned as if they didn't want to touch each other. Shyranrya had a blush on her cheeks while Rizan too, though less obvious due to her scales, " its started for you two huh?", asked Rizan to break the silence, trying her hardest from pouncing her friend down. Rizan stood in the shallow end while Shyranrya was more towards the deeper, but both appearing about the same height.

"Yea...the training was very distracting which was nice...but we haven't had time to relieve ourselves...sometimes I hate our heat season. Every year...", she responded, lightly rubbing her stomach though being determined not to try anything with her friend until she found out the truth. She'd find a chance to get Michael alone to ask directly, and probably tell him something important that she had been holding back.

They washed off the mess and sweat from their training and quickly ran to Rizan's room to get dressed. Of course they would be wearing a dress, though the problem was which one. Shyranrya only had a few clothing here, considering going home real fast to choose but she couldn't leave Rizan alone under no circumstances. Though she managed to find something nice, a long blue glittery dress which had straps to show off her arms and shoulders.

It was a nice look she thought, also picking up red panties and slipping them on while looking at what color dress her friend chose. Purple was Rizan's pick, but her dress had a shorter skirt as expected. Rizan chose pink panties but made sure her skirt was at least a bit above her knees and her top showed just a little bit of cleavage as she was going for sexy yet classy instead of pure teasing, "Mmm...nice choice there you made Shyran. Though not going to show anything at all? You know Eura likes that.", she said with a cheeky smile

Her friend just chuckled and turned her head, bringing a claw to her hips and rubbing her side with a low sensual growl, "Silly girl, Eurasia likes the curves shown by a woman. Anyone can show off their bits, but to really compliment your body with the right style and fashion, takes skill.", she responded to her, Rizan crossing her arms and smirking. The two were about to go back and forth with comments until they heard a knock on the door.

Quickly they changed their expressions and opened the door, wondering what their human was wearing. Both gave odd looks to what the dragoon of fire chose for this occasion, seeing that he had a black shirt with three wolves howling at the moon with blue jeans that looked quite well together. He even wore white sneakers that had a bit of black on it, "You know, I've heard of this shirt before. The people who bought it said it cured their cancer, got them all the women and a whole bunch of other stuff! I can't believe you had such a lucky shirt in the closet Rizan!", he exclaimed with a smile, the two laughing at what he thought about a mere shirt.

"Sweety, its just a shirt. Nothing magical or anything about it besides being fabric sown together. Where did you read about that?", Rizan asked while still chuckling. Michael thought about it for a second, then remembered quickly as he slapped his hands together, "Well way back, I heard about it. People grew inches, they got new jobs, won the lottery, helped end world hunger, things like that. I just had to get one but I couldn't afford it...", he said with a pout, seeing Rizan looking at him with a gaze that screamed "I don't believe any of that.".

Shyranrya leaned in and saw it was a fine wear, thinking it was hilarious that humans thought a mere shirt would do all that, "I'm pretty sure it was a joke...ending world hunger is nearly impossible to do with magic. Without it, just couldn't happen hon. But it does look nice and tough.", she commented though she worried that since he was wearing wolves rather than something dragonic, they may find him to be offending the other dragons. He also had a camo backpack on him, having a few clothes and other stuff since they'll be staying over there for a few days.

Rizan pulled Shyranrya's snout up and pointed to the bags, "Grab that and lets get going. Remember..."Dad" expects us there by 7 pm. Normally it'd take three to four days flying but he doesn't know anything about P.I.C.s so we'll teleport in the forest around the kingdom. The town surrounds mountain where the castle so we can't just teleport in there. The townsfolk must see me flying towards the mountain.", she explained while grabbing her P.I.C. and typing in the coordinates.

Shyranrya snorted and rubbed her snout, grabbing a bag that was her size which had both of their clothes and proceeded to crowd around them as they flashed in a loud flash.

  • Location: Zaraphan Kingdom, Poarele Forest Time: 6:59 pm

It was quite dark already, pitch black as they appeared and brightened the forest for a moment. Michael brought up a flame into his hands to see where they were, nothing but oak and pines surrounding them with the sounds of crickets and owls. The silence was quite powerful before the dragonesses opened their wings. Their dresses stretched a bit before the wings came out from their backs, not ripping through since their dresses were talored for their type of dragon when they needed their wings.

Shyranrya's wingspan was huge compared to Rizan's, always being surprised seeing them like that as he wasn't used to it, "Wow...must be great to have wings instead of being a groundling like me. So who am I riding on?", he asked, seeing Rizan grab him by the waist and plop him on Shyranrya's back, which she definately didn't mind. As much as she didn't want to do that, she had no choice but to let her have him.

"Well because I have to wave to the guards flying up. Shyranrya's wings should hide you until we get the castle...remember technically you aren't allowed here and you may be considered a threat until we get there.", said Rizan, the two flying up and blowing back alot of dirt from the lift off. Michael held on tightly against Shyranrya's back, trying to not get in the way of the wings but not quite so brave when it came to heights. Secretly Shyranrya murred feeling that human squeeze her stomach tightly, both arms wrapped around her waist with the intense sound of wings flapping ringing in his ears.

Rizan waved down below to the guards, being told the okay to continue as she saw the town she used to watch over. The houses were no different from any human houses, though still a bit primitive compared to saint falda. Most were wood but of much larger sizes a human would live in, lights visible in nearly every home to celebrate this time of year even in the dark. Everything was candle lit as they didn't care for electricity, but families were together for the first time in awhile.

The mountain was quite high as Michael barely looked up, the wind blowing hard as they went higher and higher, nearly into the clouds before the sight of an extremely large medieval castle, one that showed that everyone must have been at least Shyranrya's height easy. The two then flew towards the entrance, a massive wooden door with two guards about the same height as Shyranrya but much more muscular.

The two dragonesses landed on the dead rocky ground, Michael having his eyes shut as he was a bit frightened, "Ok here we are...though you don't have to let go Eura if you don't want to.", said Shyranrya with a wink, Rizan keeping a growl to herself and going over to tickle him on his waist. It made him laugh and fall down on the floor, getting the attention of the guards seeing something that shouldn't be there.

"Huh?...A human? Here? Lady Rizan what is the meaning of this?!", shouted one of them, being fully armored and holding a halberd towards the dragoon of fire in which he held his hands out nervously. Rizan sighed and pushed it away with her hand, the two guards stepping back a bit, "Relax you two. Hes with me...didn't Sambodo tell you that there would be a special guest for the festivities?"

The two thought for a moment, then giving a nod having heard something of some sort of big shot guest coming with the princess. But nothing about how he looked or if even it was a male. They looked down at him, seeing that he had blood red hair a bit brighter than Rizan's and he stood quite tall for a human, "Hmm...this little thing is the special guest? You're not trying to use that mercy for humans thing on us again huh?", he asked, getting a slap from Rizan which made him fall flat on his face.

She clenched her fist and growled, making the other guard nervous as he didn't have the authority to even harm a scale on the king's daughter, "Ok, now you're talking too much. Hes the guest, and he's a dragoon of fire. You can't even see the dragoon spirit embedded into his hand?", she shouted, sounding angry as she lifted up Michael's right hand and showed them the red sphere shining. Shyranrya patted her on the shoulder to help relax her, though curious as to what he said and why it riled her up.

"Relax...lets just go in. Less trouble we make, the better the impression our dragoon will give to the big wigs here.", explained Shyranrya, grabbing her friend who was steamed and walked with Michael to the door. The three opened it, finding it to be quite heavy but unlocked as Sambodo was expecting them around this time. The hall way was lit with candles, the walls lined with red and gold tarp with the same symbol Sambodo had when he visited a few weeks back.

Though it was more defined, the trio seeing the dragon up close biting into a human but it seemed that there was a detail they missed. There seemed to be something coming out from the human's back, but it was hard to tell since it was just drawn in jewelry, "Huh...wonder why they have this picture it your kingdom's symbol or something Rizan?", asked Michael, Rizan giving a nod as she led the way.

There was another door after about a 20 second walk, just a big as the first in which the dragonesses this time opened it for him. The light was bright as the door opened, the three seeing that they walked right in the middle of the festivities. Dragons of all colors, many of which were taller than Michael but most were shorter than Shyranrya, were in the main hall. The room itself was massive, being wide besides stairs in the back and filled with tables and dragons enjoying what was on them. The doors made a loud creak upon opening, everyone who was drinking, eating turning to see who had entered.

The silence was deafening as everyone stared at the human, seeing him wave at them before all turning to the one who made the party, Sambodo, "Ah you've finally arrived! My daughter Rizan, Lady Shyranrya and the guest of honor, the dragoon of fire Michael. He is a descendant of the legendary dragoon Eurasia!", he shouted, everyone gasping as they were finally told who was going to arrive. Everyone muttered amongst each other as the dragonesses walked towards the king, keeping their human close just in case someone had a problem with him being there.

"He's this year's special guest?...but...i thought humans weren't allowed in this dimension...", asked someone, while his friend pushed him out of anger, "Grrr...shut up! Didn't you hear? Hes a decendant of Eurasia! The one who lead dragons to victory in the dragon campaign!", he replied, seeing that everyone else was a bit indifferent as to his arrival. Many noted that he was a descendant of a hero while others spoke about Eurasia being a fallen hero and other things.

Michael listened hard, wondering what did his father do after the dragon campaign to be hated by dragons. As they walked up to Sambodo, he clapped his hands and pointed to the door, "Ok everyone, party's over. Be back here at 9 pm for the real thanksgiving party! For now, you're all dismissed!", he yelled, everyone grabbing a bit more to eat before walking out. After about 10 minutes later, it was finally empty, in which Sambodo sighed and looked down at Michael, "Phew, was getting sick of them...and I apologize to you dragoon Michael. I was in a foul mood from Rizan lying to me and that is why I was a bit hostile. But Tomorrow you'll talk to the other kings about your presence here. Although I believe since Rizan and Shyranrya protected you like that, you must something, but the others may take the fact that you're related to Eurasia himself as offensive."

Again he was told that being related to the great hero of the dragon campaign was bad, though thinking about that would have to wait. Michael merely nodded and looked around to see that the place was a mess, "Alright then. But dang, guess we missed dinner huh...", he said snapping his fingers as he noticed there was nothing left to eat. Rizan chuckled as she remembered that he had a huge appetite, but forgetting about cooking anything.

Shyranrya put her bag down and then saw someone coming down the stairs. It was a dragoness, but this one was just a might taller than herself. Her scales were red just like Rizan's, but with a white under belly. Her size definitely dwarfed the red dragoness as she also had two horns and a few long thick strands of what Michael could make out as something similar to hair going down her head.

She was dressed in pink nightgown that was visibly see through, the bottom barely past her crotch area which actually had a little bit of yellow hair on it. Her body shape was very curvy and her breasts were quite juicy, as well as her nipples being a bit larger than Shyranrya's, "Greetings Shyranrya! I see my daughter has arrived! Welcome home sweety...and the honored guest. Its a pleasure to meet you at last Eurasia. The one who saved my daughter quite a few times.", she said with the warmest smile Michael had probably seen. Her voice was feminine and deep, full of authority but warmer than a summer day.

"You're...Rizan's mother? It's nice to meet you too. I can see the resemblance between you and Rizan...but you seem to have a few things that Rizan doesn't---Huh? I can't see!", he replied with a smile, before Rizan covered his eyes and pulled him back. Michael struggled a bit, feeling her turn him around, "Phoana! We have a guest here...and hes human. You shouldn't be so rude as to have something so revealing while hes here!", she said with a sigh, only seeing her mother giggle and put a claw to her cheek.

"You're overreacting sweety. It's nothing someone like him hasn't seen before, and I'll bet hes enjoying where you got your looks!", Phoana responded while looking down at the cute looking human. Sambodo laughed and gave his dear mate a kiss on the cheek, amused at the reaction she got out of his daughter. Shyranrya just chuckled as well, Rizan's reaction expected given that she had an attraction to him as she did.

As Michael turned back, Rizan sighed and gave up, having faith that he wouldn't find her milfy mother more attractive than herself, "Hmm...wait, Rizan. She has hair...and those things going down her head. Why don't you have those too?", he asked, suddenly blushing as she felt embarrassed to what he pointed out. Phoana looked down and quickly blushed too, quickly running away from the room to take care of it, leaving her mate laughing hard and rolling on the floor.

Since Rizan was too embarrassed to talk, Shyranrya put a hand on his shoulder and kneeled down to explain, "Well its quite simple Eura. Dragons like me or Rizan, technically have hair. We just shave it off constantly due to our families saying that hair is a human trait...and we'd get no acceptance having any on ourselves. It wouldn't matter to us normally nowadays as we live alone but to be allowed back home like we are now, hair is forbidden. Though scaley hair like what Phoana has is allowed, we cut those off too."

It was a surprise to hear that both of them shaved constantly, never even thinking that either one of them did something like that. He took a moment to imagine them with hair, gazing at Shyranrya, then Rizan, "Hmm...really? I think you two would look great with hair honestly. But that's news to me that hair is forbidden amongst your kind...I've seen a few dragons with hair before but that was way back when I was still going through dimensions.", he said while chuckling, Shyranrya rubbing her chin in thought from what he said. Rizan did as well, but she then decided to dismiss it for now.

Sambodo got up and finished laughing, clapping his hands to get their attention and point to the stairs going up, "Alright then. Why don't you all get comfy before dinner time. You two know where you'll be sleeping, but take our guest Eurasia to his room between yours this time. Normally your kids would be there but we'll let them sleep with us tonight--oh speaking of the little devils...", he began to explain before noticing the two children running down the stairs.

Pearly and Namine both heard the people leave but they also saw Phoana run into the bathroom for some reason. They decided to check things out and peaked out to see who was around, being happy to see not only their mother and auntie, but the only human they've ever known, "Momma!", they shouted, jumping into the arms of Rizan who was happy to see them. Rizan happly licked their cheeks as she missed them, "Nice to see you two Pearl and Namine. Have you two been behaving?", she asked, the two little dragons nodding and giving their mother a bite on the shoulder.

Shyranrya petted them too, the two dragons then jumped into her arms, which she was able to carry both easily thanks to her larger form, "Auntie is happy to see you too. Sorry if we've been away for awhile...but after thanksgiving we're bringing you back home with Michael.", she said, the two snuggling tightly into her chest, before hearing the name Michael. Just the name made them look at the human they had met awhile ago, then pounce him down.

To be continued.

Chapter 12 - Judgement Day! Farewell My Loving Flame! (Part 3)

**Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^\_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends from YiffStar. Things used from...

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Chapter 12 - Judgement Day! Farewell My Loving Flame! (Part 2)

**Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^\_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends from YiffStar. Things used from...

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Chapter 12 - Judgement Day! Farewell My Loving Flame! (Part 1)

**Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^\_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx. Things used from the game "Legend of Dragoon"...

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