I'm In Charge Now

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It was a day like any other, or so Oliver had initially thought. The slimly built Wolf was serving customer after customer in his little family-run coffee shop without a care in the world. Little did he know that his brother had some ideas for the day up his sleeve.

Oliver was 19 years of age, and quite the busybody for one who was so young. His parents had passed away not a year ago, leaving an 18 year old version of him with sole custody for his younger brother, Felix, only 9 at the time, who was a naturally rebellious kind of kid. Oliver, however, took the parental role in his stride. He had never went to college in order to raise his baby brother the right way, and Felix fought him every step of the way.

In order to make ends meet, Oliver had bought out a little shop with his family's inheritance, whilst putting some away for Felix's college fund. With time, and effort, he had decked out the small shop to do nothing but sell coffee, with a few scones, and it was actually a thriving business. Oliver had at least a little bit of strategy on his side: the shop was on a considerable portion of a student's daily commute to the local college, so it was only natural for them to come in and get quick, easy to-go coffee, and they paid reasonably for them.

It was yet another busy day like any other, a bustling Tuesday morning where students lined up out the door to get a quick pep-me-up. For those that were less inclined, a number of energy drinks were lined up on the counter, which were inevitably picked out on by one and paid for. The cash register almost couldn't stop dinging, with the amount of times Oliver was opening it back and forth for customer after customer. Behind the back of the shop in the store room was his brother, sitting against a box with a 3DS in his hand. He had been too stubborn to go into school today, and Oliver had admittedly given him more than a couple of allowances. After all, it had only been a year: the two were still grieving over the loss of their parents.

"That'll be £2...thank you very much!" Oliver took the money from the customer and deposited it in the cash machine, blowing out a long sigh of relief. That was the last customer for the morning, at the very least. They had dribs and drabs through the day, but it typically picked up around lunch time and when the college lectures typically ended, around 5pm or so. But, at least for now, he had a brief reprieve so that he could relax, and he stretched his back, closing his eyes and breathing out a deep, tired sigh. Getting up early wasn't always the best, but at least the business was successful. Having the money to get by was incredibly important.

"Felix!" The Wolf called, leaning back a little to peek his head into the storeroom, which was an otherwise direct line of sight from his space at the counter. "You doin' okay?"

When he didn't hear a reply, he grew worried, and he stepped away from the counter for a moment to move further inside the building, stepping into the storeroom. At the far end was the pantry, which was more or less sealed shut to keep all of the chilled goods inside cold. The store room itself otherwise was pretty large and dry, with boxes of ground beans stacked high on metal shelves. Oliver rounded one of the boxes and was greeted to a particularly surprising sight.

Felix sat hunched over a bunch, his phone in his hand and his 3DS sitting on the floor next the him, with his other hand on his crotch. Oliver could clearly notice the shorts slipped over his rump, exposing his rear and and likely exposing his crotch to his own hand. Oliver could only guess one thing: he was masturbating.

Felix's head snapped towards Oliver and he let out a yelp of surprise, floundering and covering his crotch as he scrabbled back, trying to pull up his pants at the same time. He looked decidedly embarrassed about being caught, and Oliver rubbed the back of his head, feeling bad for his younger brother. The poor kid just needed the talk, that's all, surely.

"Look, Felix, y--" Oliver began, but he stopped when Felix reached his hands up to cover his ears, clearly not wanting to have the conversation. Unfortunately, that meant his hands were off of his crotch, and Oliver briefly stared down at his younger brother's twitching, knotted cock.

Felix noticed him staring and quickly snapped his legs shut, shaking his head.

"Oh my god, I want to die..." The 10 year old whimpered into his knees, curling his arms over his head. Slowly, Oliver came forwards and he crouched down, stroking the boy's shoulder, giving him an anxious smile, and Felix eventually opened up, making sure his crotch remained hidden.

"It's fine, Felix. Truly. You're getting to that age...you know, these things happen. As least you didn't get it anywhere." He glanced over towards the box, and thankfully didn't see any stains on the side of the box. So long as Felix wasn't damaging any merchandise, there wasn't really a problem.

"Um..." Felix trailed off for a moment, as if he didn't want to ask the question. "How old were you when you, uh...you know."

"Jerked off? Jeez, well, I was definitely older than you," Oliver assured him, shifting to sit cross-legged. "But that's fine. Some people start early, some don't. If, uh...if you don't mind me asking, what got you so riled up?"

Felix visibly blushed at the question, but Oliver was the only family he had. If he couldn't open up to him, then something was wrong with him. Slowly, he handed the phone over, and Oliver tapped the play button on the video that was up on the screen.

Oliver's eyes widened as he stared down at what was transpiring in the video. It was a male feline urinating all over another feline who sat underneath him, trying to catch the stream in his mouth, but ultimately getting it all over his face and down his chest. Oliver cleared his throat and lowered the phone. It wasn't because he was turned off: quite the contrary, he was turned on. This was the sort of thing he liked to watch as well.

"So, you're...gay?" Oliver decided to focus on the more important feature of the video, and he watched the boy wrinkle his nose, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"N-No," Felix mumbled. "It's the...it's what they do that I like."

As much as Oliver had attempted to steer the conversation in the other direction, it was clearly not happening. Oliver cleared his throat again, handing the phone back and rubbing the back of his head.

"That's...well..." He didn't quite know what to say.

"Why do I like it?" Felix asked quietly. "It makes me so..."

"It's called a fetish," Oliver was quick to quash his fears, before Felix became damaged. "A lot of people are into a lot of different things. Don't feel bad for what you like."

"...And what do you like?" Felix countered quietly, and Oliver felt put on the spot now.

"Well, uh...I'm what my friends would call a 'submissive'...I like to be dominated. And, well...I like what you were looking at, too." Oliver said to him, and Felix scratched his head, trying to wrap his hand around it.

"'Dominated'. Like...being told what to do?" The 10 year old asked, wrinkling his nose, and Oliver put a hand on his brother's shoulder, patting it firmly.

"Precisely." He assured him, and the boy seemed to understand to a degree. Slowly, Felix got to his feet, and he seemed to have no shame in completely exposing his cock this time, though it had shrunk considerably since Oliver had first found it, with only the tip poking out from his sheath.

"Uh...Felix, perhaps you should dressed." The older Wolf suggested, and Felix quirked an eyebrow, grinning from cheek to cheek.

"You said you like to be dominated. I like to tell people what to do." Felix insisted, and Oliver quickly realised what the boy was wanting. He gulped considerably and an axious grin spread across his face, unsure what the boy was planning to do. He soon found out.

A hand went to the back of his head and it met no resistance as he pushed Oliver's head right up to his crotch. He smeared the tip of his member right against his older brother's lips, and after a moment, Oliver opened up his mouth, letting his younger brother do just as he wanted. He closed his eyes as the tip slipped into his mouth and was cradled by his tongue, and he could feel the boy's hand trembling on his head, clearly quite overwhelmed with the feeling of warmth around his dick. Why wouldn't he be? This would be, essentially, his first blowjob.

Of course, the boy had other ideas in mind first. He raised up his other hand, holding his older brother's head firmly in his hands as he pushed his hips forward, dragging the sheath back just a little bit. He paused and waited, closing his eyes, a hot pant escaping his lips. After a moment, Oliver could feel it: the steady, trickling stream of urine hitting his tongue.

He felt the colour rise to his cheeks, and his skin prickled. He closed his eyes, briefly humming in delight as he gulped and gulped down his brother's urine, not letting a single drop go to waste. He raised up his own hands, massaging and stroking his brother's hips as he gulped drop after drop, breathing hard through his nose. He could hear his brother making soft little groans of delight as Oliver's tongue occasionally flicked up to help him swallow, grazing across the tapering tip of his younger brother's canine member.

"That's it...d-drink my pee." Felix stammered, but the dominant streak was pretty obvious, and the grin plastered on his face made it all the more worse. Oliver closed his eyes and did as he was told, and soon enough, the stream finally slowed to a tiny trickle, until it stopped completely. Oliver made sure to suckle the tip of the member, scooping up the final remnants of urine before he got to his feet. The tenting in his professional work trousers was particularly obviously, but the Wolf cleared his throat and tried his best to ignore it, even though it was poking right into his brother's chest.

"Don't take care of this, will you?" Felix looked nervous at making demands, but he was clearly enjoying himself. "I still have plans for later."

"...Right." Oliver cleared his throat and quickly adjusted himself so that it wasn't so prominent, and make sure his apron sat over the top of it. He backed up for a moment, before he turned, heading back towards the counter. There was a small queue forming, so it was probably better to focus on work, for now.

Yet, as much as he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about what they had just done. He had drank his brother's pee. Actually, physically drank it. Shouldn't he go to jail? His brother was only 10 years old, perhaps he didn't know any better. But, then again, it was pretty clear that his brother had enjoyed it, too, almost a little too much. Oliver tried to push it to the back of his mind, but it just kept coming back.

The wolf served customer after customer, back to back for about half an hour, until the shop was quiet once more, giving the Wolf time to restock the jars of beans sitting behind the counter. He made his way to the back and into the storeroom again, knowing that his brother was likely in there waiting for him.

As he had suspected, his brother was sitting on one of the boxes, playing away on his 3DS, now thankfully dressed. He didn't look up when Oliver came around the back, and that suited the older Wolf just fine: he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to discuss what they had gotten up to anyway. Oliver scanned the boxes on the shelf and eventually paused at one, reaching up and popping it open, sticking his hand in to rummage for a jar, sticking out his tongue in determination.

He heard the scraping of something behind him, and he briefly cocked his head back to see his brother pulling up a small stool behind him. Oliver frowned, watching quietly as Felix stood up on it, managing to somehow line up perfectly with the older canine so that their hips bumped together.

"What're y--" Oliver began, his eyes widening when he felt his brother's small hands grabbing at the waistline of his trousers, sinking his hands into it to stroke against his bare fur. He felt his brother's hands slide around his hips to the front, and he practically shuddered when he felt the boys fingertips grazing and playing with his sheath. The blood pumped to it instantly, and Oliver felt the colour rise to his cheeks.

"Shhh...someone might hear us." Felix warned, sliding his hands from the pants as he curled them back over the top, reaching for the button. He popped it quite easily, and lowered the zipper. Without the taut waistline, the trousers easily fell to the floor, revealing Oliver's boxers that covered his crotch. His brother teased with the waistband of the elastic boxers, and he slipped them down over his rear end, exposing it completely and leaving them tight around the Wolf's knees.

Oliver couldn't even fathom a response, let alone know what to do. He stood there anxiously, feeling his brother fondling and groping at his ass cheeks, occasionally giving them a light slap, followed by an eager squeeze. The older canine arched his back a little and clamped his mouth shut, trying not to utter a sound as he left his younger brother grope and squeeze him. He could feel Felix's thumbs sliding between his cheeks and spreading them apart, presumably to expose his taut pucker to the air.

He heard the fumbling of clothing, and could only assume that Felix was pulling his shorts down. He couldn't quite see for himself, but his assumptions seemed to be accurate, because he soon felt the warmth of Felix's small, 4 inch knotted member sliding between his cheeks and grazing up and down.

"U-Um, Felix," Oliver began anxiously. "You can't go in dry."

Felix seemed to falter for a moment, and he understood. He brung two fingers to his lips, slathering them in spittle, before he brung his digits down, pulling his hips back enough to withdraw his cock and replace them with his wet fingers. He probed around between Oliver's cheeks for a moment until he found the quivering tensing pucker, and he pushed his fingers forwards, forcing the two digits firmly into his brother's backside.

Oliver winced, briefly, feeling a spark of pleasure shooting up his spine. Felix was inexperienced, but he was definitely riling up his older brother, who was already at half-mast and aching for be touched, his knotted member sliding against the box in front of him. The fingers stuffed deeper and deeper, slowly coiling inside him, and it was enough to make him groan in delight.

"You like that?" Felix whispered tentatively, and Oliver nodded. The fingers shoved forwards a little harder, before sliding back and pushing forwards again. Oliver was panting every so slightly, and he heard the slick sounds of Felix stroking and rubbing his cock. The kid was definitely getting into it, and Oliver couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Had he sparked this sudden change in his brother's behaviour?

"A-Are you loose enough?" Felix whispered, and Oliver nodded. The younger Wolf let out a long sigh, sliding his cock between those cheeks again, and Oliver would feel a definitive wetness at the end of Felix's member, and he guessed it to be pre-cum. Felix wasted no time in thrusting forwards, prodding the pucker with the tapering end of his member and pushing his way inside.

Oliver let out a small grunt at first, but he very little uncomfortableness as his younger brother slid his dick into him, digging in inch by inch. The young boy didn't have a lot of depth, and by the time he was fully hilted, he hadn't made it too far past the inner sphincter. Felix quivered and his knees trembled, and a gentle groan escaped his lips. His hands curled and gripped to Oliver's hips as he jutted his hips forward, pressing the knot against the older brother's tight rump, pressing dangerously against his hole.

"H-Hurry up. I think I hear some customers waiting..." Oliver whispered, and Felix didn't need telling twice. He slid his hips back and a small groan escaped his lips again and he thrust forwards, starting in on a steady rhythm. His member slid back and forth inside that tight passage, and Oliver made sure to squeeze down as much as he could, clamping down and milking his brother's small cock. The knot pounded up against his rump, desperate to knot and tie.

Felix didn't take that long at all. After a couple of minutes, his knees were trembling and he was beginning to run out of steam, his hips bucking wildly into his brother's backside as his tiny pouch swung back and forth, bouncing against his brother's own. Soon enough, he was whimpering and panting, and he grasped Oliver's hip, forcing them down against his cock. Oliver's eyes widened and he realised rather quickly that Felix had just tied with him, and he felt his sphincter loosen up to accept it, before tightening up as it slipped past.

Felix whimpered in delight as he orgasmed the biggest load of his young life, which wasn't saying much. A single thick string spurted from the end of his cock, followed by tiny dribbles and strings that spurted into the older brother's insides. Felix's knees felt weak, and he was almost on the verge of collapse, panting and leaning against his older brother, nuzzling into his back. Oliver was panting as well: he was already pent up and needy from before, and now it was even worse.

"I-I'm stuck." Felix eventually said after a moment, tugging his hips back a little, and Oliver reached down to spread his cheeks a little, tensing for a moment before relaxing completely. He pulled his hips forward and, after a moment, the knot pulled from his behind, and Felix let out a short gasp in response. He staggered off of the stepping stool and flopped down onto the floor, panting wildly, his knotted member still happily twitching and dribbling juices onto the floor. Oliver was panting a little as well, slowly pulling his pants back up and trying to make himself look presentable.

"...Look, Felix. We can't do this at work, okay?" Oliver wanted to make sure he got his point across, before he smoothed himself over and made his way back towards the counter, without the coffee beans he'd originally gone to get. He could tell that people weren't happy about waiting, and he profusely apologised as he quickly served them.

From there, for the next couple of hours, it had been startling busy. People always seemed to be coming in, and that was good for the business, but he knew that Felix was aching for attention. He came out of the storeroom every so often, fully dressed, to ask for a drink, and the older Wolf had been happy to oblige, but he could see that the younger Wolf was needing his guidance at a particularly tough time. As the customers eventually died down and the shop went quiet again, Oliver took the time to take a small break. It was just after 1pm now, and he knew that in merely 4 hours, there'd be even more people coming through the door.

The shop grew quiet long enough for Oliver to make his way to the storeroom. It was eeriely silent back there, but that didn't bother him too much. He heard the faint clicking of buttons, and rounded the corner to see Felix sitting hunched over on a box, his 3DS in his hand. He lifted his head as Oliver rounded the corner, and snapped his gaze down, shifting awkwardly.

"Hey. What's the matter, huh?" Oliver crouched down beside him, and the cub glanced at his older brother.

"I thought you were mad at me." Felix mumbled, and Oliver leant in, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Don't be silly." He assured him, and Felix seemed to relax immediately, nodding. Pleased, Oliver got to his feet and reached for another couple of jars of coffee beans, needing yet another restock. They went through quite a few in a way, which is why the storeroom was always so useful.

"Can you get the milk from the fridge and bring it through?" He asked his brother, who snapped his 3DS shut and set it aside to do as he was told. Oliver returned to the counter and filled up the coffee pots in silence. All of the seats in their little coffee shop were empty, and Oliver realised he'd need to go around and clean up shortly. After a minute or so, Felix came through with a bottle of milk in his hand, and he set it on the counter.

Oliver thanked him, using it to top up some of the other things around the station behind the counter, before sticking it in the space of the empty carton of milk within the second refrigerator under the station. Felix stood there for a moment, glancing around at all the empty tables, before staring over at his brother. It took Oliver a little while for him to notice, but he eventually paused.

"I need to pee." Felix said after a moment, a wide grin spreading across his face, wickedly devilish, and Oliver quickly picked up his intent. He cleared his throat for a moment, anxiously glancing towards the door.

"Make it quick." He muttered, getting down onto his knees, and Felix didn't need to be told twice. He, too, nervously glanced to the door, before he unzipped his pants, revealing his little sheath. He stood a little distance from his brother, who held his mouth open. It was perhaps not the best idea, but Oliver was relatively confident.

The young cub made sure to force the urine out of him in a hot jet, that travelled in an arc, and Oliver quickly angled his head so that the stream immediately travelled into his mouth. He couldn't afford to have a single drop landing on his clothes, or on the floor, so he tried his best to gulp as quickly as possible as the stream travelled right into his mouth.

Felix must have been holding it in for a long time, because he simply kept going and going, without showing any signs of stopping. After what felt like minutes, the cub began to shift closer, realising his stream was losing power. He seemed to have gauged it correctly enough so that as he moved, the stream landed in the same spot, until his sheath was right up against Oliver's face, emptying the last of his bladder down into his brother's open maw.

Oliver took care to lean forwards and slid his tongue along the tip to scoop up what was left, before he wiped his mouth and got to his feet, thankful that no-one had seen them. No-one had come in, either, which was even more of a godsend. They could have easily been caught.

"O-Oliver." Felix said after a moment, and the older Wolf glanced back, staring wide-eyed at his brother. Felix was already down on the floor and at half-mast, twitching against his stomach. He waggled his boyish eyebrows and grinned, angling his canine cock upright, making it clear what he wanted.

Oliver nervously gulped, but he did as he was told, silently aching from the pleasure of being told what to do. He stepped closer towards his brother and squatted down, balancing himself on the heels of his feet as he planted them either side of his brother's body, sliding down the back end of his pants to expose his ass. He shifted, squatting down lower and lower and using a hand to steady himself.

Felix seemed to greatly enjoy the position, as it gave him ample sight of his dick burying itself into his brother's ass. He watched in earnest as the tip of his cock slipped between his brother's cheeks, and he quickly adjusted himself, until his cock was sliding up into him. He let out a soft groan, cocking his legs up a little to give him purchase to thrust up. His member throbbed to full hardness without much coaxing, and he leant forwards and nuzzle against his brother's back, sticking his tongue out and panting like a dog.

Oliver was already hard and aching in his pants, and he idly stroked himself through his trousers. His member was still firmly stuck in his trousers, even though his back end was exposed and being used. He could feel every inch of his brother's cock in his position, all 4 inches bumping up into him and stretching his rump with a pleasant snugness. He groaned under his breath, closing his eyes and slowly lowering his body up and down, pressing his ass firmly down against his brother's knot before sliding back up again.

Felix appeared to be a little too clumsy and a little too tired to thrust, resorting to wild, inexperienced bucks and weak whimpers and groans escaped his lips. His hands were eagerly, clumsily kneading his brother's fine ass as he thrust up into him, and Oliver quickly sped up his squatting, sticking out his tongue and panting harshly, He was still sliding a hand over his aching erection, feeling a pleasure within him that yearned to be filled. He was desperate for it.

Soon enough, Felix was humping harder and faster than ever before, letting out tiny squeaks and yelps of pleasure and delight, his knot bouncing up against Oliver's behind, threatening to tie with him every so often. Oliver made sure to loosen himself up a little each time, aching for the knot himself. Suddenly, as Felix thrust up hard, the ass was loose enough. His knot popped into his brother's behind and he arched his back, his eyes clouding over in a heavenly, coital bliss.

Oliver groaned gently, squatting down a little and feeling Felix weakly thrust and hump against him, clearly not quite at the edge. Each of those eager thrusts bumped against Oliver's most sensitive spot, making a pressure build in his loins like never before. He knew what was coming, and he was so desperate for it that he didn't care of anyone saw them. His hand worked over his clothed erection with a renewed intensity, and he felt the pressure growing more and more uncomfortable. His knot swelled within his pants.

Suddenly, he orgasmed. Thick ropes of cum jetted out of the end of his cock with such force that the Wolf shuddered in pleasure. The sticky, creamy goo stained and almost filled up his underwear, seeping around the leg-holes and through the fabric itself to stain the inside of his trousers. He didn't care. With each powerful, virile pump of his cock, his ass squeezed and flexed hard, tightening around Felix's cock. The young cub let out a weak gasp, and the squeezing was enough. He, too, began to orgasm, spreading his seed amongst Oliver's insides in addition to the load he'd deposited in him before, and his hands weakly clenched at his brother's hips, gasping and whimpering in pure ecstasy.

"Oh, fuck..." Oliver groaned, his knees trembling from the position he was in and the front of his trousers completely and utterly stained, making it look as if he had wet himself. He could feel the cum trickled down his legs as well. His cheeks were flushed, and he rolled his head back. He had just cum this much from his brother alone. That would have been a cause for concern to most, but in that moment, he didn't care. It was pure and utter heaven.

Felix was practically unable to move below him, firmly tired with his knot gorged to it's limit, and Oliver was squeezing just a little too hard for him to pull out. The Wolf bowed his head, panting harshly and rubbing the back of his head.

"I...uh...maybe we should start doing this at home instead." In this position, they could be caught at any moment. He heard his brother humming his approval, and the two squirmed and shifted, trying to figure out how to dislodge. It looked as if they were going to have to wait.

Suddenly, they heard someone clear their throat, and Oliver slowly raised his head to the sight of a Feline leaning against the counter, staring down at them. He looked just as flustered as they did. How long had he been standing there?

"...I'll, uh, take 1 latte to go?" The feline tentatively asked with an apologetic grin, and Oliver gulped considerably, realising they were in trouble.

"C...Coming right up." Oliver weakly replied.