to charm a dragon (revised compilation)

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#1 of Miralage's compilations

This is the newly edited "To Charm A Dragon" it has been cleaned up considerably. God I was an awful writer back then wasn't I? anyway, a few notes.

No I couldn't get rid of the raptor, as that will obviously be a big question. She is plot integral unfortunately, just remember, I enjoy writing about her as much as you enjoy reading about her. So just skip that bit, that's what I do

I've changed some sentences, mainly to make the story feel like a story and not a collection of separate little stories. The transition between chapters was really quite noticeable and gave the story a disjointed feeling when read all at once.

I don't know how many of you know of this, but I was rewriting this series...I've decided not to. It'll cause too many problems with the continuation chapters I'm doing.

Hmm...that's about all...except I must once again thank aerkor and uvisager for their enlightening comments. You have these two people to thank for this story not being just plain chapter after chapter yiff.

And I put in a totally new yiff scene. Where is it? You'll just have to read and find out :D (hint: more strawberries!!!)

To Charm a Dragon (revised)

Hyran pushed aside a hanging curtain of vines, and entered the clearing. He stared around in awe. He had been in the province for only a week, and this was his first real chance to explore the thick forest that surrounded the citadel.

His clothing was the standard attire for a Dyranian soldier. Brown leather greaves, with watertight leather boots, useful for slogging through shallow swamps, A brown and green shirt, which blended into the foliage but didn't offer any real protection from weapons of the elements, and brownish yellow leggings, which had a few pockets for knives and other things. His weaponry was simple and well cared for. Two swords, one sheathed across his back, the other at his right hip, and a red staff, made of a heavy hard wood, which he carried in his hands.

He was looking for a training area, somewhere big with a water source.

The clearing was almost perfectly round, with a brownish lake at one end and a grass-covered hill at the other. It was rather large, but was so far off the track that no one would have a chance of finding it. The trees surrounding it were so thick that you could pass metres from it and not realise, it was really blind luck that Hyran had found it at all.

One of the first things he did was to take out his staff and start practising with it, working on his kata, which was woefully inadequate. Back in the big city, he was considered a good soldier, but out here, where even the children were trained against real monsters, he was nothing more than a novice.

Putting on a blindfold might have seemed stupid to some people, but he still put one on, and started training blinded. It helped him to know instinctively where his body was at all times, making sure that he wouldn't hit himself with his weapons during battle if he practised enough like that. But he was inexperienced with this training technique, and tripped several times.

He was halfway through tripping, when his staff caught on the ground and dug hard into the soft grass. He landed smack dab on target, the other end of the staff slamming upwards into his balls.

A long, pained moan erupted from his body as he crumpled to the grass, writhing with pain and holding his groin..

The sound of laughter drifted to Hyran's ears, so far away and so muffled that he wasn't sure if he was just hearing things. He wished he could sink into the ground. Obviously someone had followed him, and now the story of his spectacular fighting skill would be common knowledge by the end of the day.

He lay on the ground for a while trying to get his wind back, and then decided that he had better face the music. He stood up, looking for the one who had laughed, hoping to just get the teasing over with and out of the way.

The clearing was deserted.

Hyran shook his head, as though to clear it. He must have been hearing things, although the laughter could easily have been his conscience laughing at him for being such a fool. He decided to go and soak in the water for a while, and hopefully get rid of the feeling of discomfort he was feeling in his groin area.

Walking was still painful, so it was hard to stay properly upright, and he had to walk bow-legged. He knew he looked stupid, and he thought he heard a soft laughter again.

"I know you're out there, so just come out and laugh at me." He called in a resigned tone of voice.

Nobody answered.

Shrugging, he stripped down to his breeches, and waded out into the water. Sitting down, he let the water rise until it was up to his neck, and rested his head against a rock, sighing. He had as long as he liked out here. It was still early morning, and he didn't intend to be back for a long time yet.

He heard laughter again, closer this time. Now that he could hear it properly, it sounded like a naughty little girl giggling about spying on someone.

That made him smile, maybe a girl had followed him, and maybe she wanted to get with him.

Closing his eyes, he leant back against the rock, content to wait.

He pretended to sleep.

* * *

He wasn't aware of falling asleep, but somewhere along the line, his ruse had turned into reality. It was now about midday, and his shoulders were starting to get that sunburned feeling to them.

A quick glance over to his clothes, which he had left near the other bank; slightly obscured by trees and brush, so he might be able to hide if a native came upon him unexpectedly, showed him that no one had stolen them. He didn't want his clothes to be found and have to run back to the castle naked.

He saw movement in the bushes to the side of his clothes, and sank silently into the water, until just the top of his head was showing. He slowly reached down, picked up some mud, and piled it onto his head, smearing it around unevenly, turning his shoulder-length brown hair a muddy brown. He would pay for it later, when he tried to drag a comb through his hair, but it would be worth it if he brought back fresh meat.

Grabbing another handful of mud he dumped it over his head. The more misshapen his head looked, the less likely it would be that the person, or thing saw him for what he really was.

With slow, deliberate movements, he made his was closer. Up to his neck in the water, he now resembled nothing more than a piece of mud-covered driftwood.

He was almost to the bank when he saw something emerge from the bushes and start nosing through his belongings.

Hyran couldn't tell what it was, because it gleamed brightly in sun, as if it were made of metal. He thought that he could see a golden colour, but he couldn't be sure. It sniffed at his clothes curiously, and then it wriggled up inside his shirt, seeking food or shelter, but it became tangled in the fabric. It squealed in surprise and backed up, but it was rather firmly caught, and only managed to tangle itself even further.

It began to roll about, thrashing, trying to get free until it rolled right off one of the rocks into the water with a cry of surprise.

Hyran couldn't help it, he laughed, but quickly stifled the sound as the creature's head popped up out of the shallow water. He was sure that it was looking straight at him, using one of the shirts sleeves as a peephole.

He froze, and then splashed towards it as it started to flee.

It was only a few metres from the shore when he managed to crash-tackle it, holding it firmly in place, it's shirt had obviously slowed it considerably..

He let its head come up for air, and tried to discover just what he was holding. He could see a slight glimmer of golden scales under the murky water, and moved his hands across its hide to be sure. He felt scales under his fingers, and then he moved his hand to the front of its chest, feeling only skin and bones. It didn't have any breasts, so it must be some kind of reptile or a male. He then moved his hand to the side, and felt one leg, then to the other side, and felt another, and then he moved his hand lower, feeling two back legs. All the legs were short and strong, giving him the impression that the creature walked on all fours. He moved his hand even lower, and accidentally brushed his hand over its sex. He felt warm lips against his hand, and realised that he was holding a female close to him, which meant that he was holding some kind of reptile, and then he felt around and located a long, whippy tail.

The creature began making a strange sound against the fabric of his shirt, and then heard a very distinct hiss.

A sighed escaped his lips. It was probably just a large lizard of some sort, not very good for eating. He was about to start the process of untangling its head and front legs from his shirt, when he felt something thin and large brush his side. His eyes opened wide. He could feel the reptile's legs, all four of them, and its head was above water, and the tail was resting against his ankle, so, what was brushing his side?

He reached down and grabbed the offending object gently, and ran his hand down to its source. It sprouted from the lizard's shoulders.

The sudden realisation that he was holding a dragon hit him.

He began to apologize profusely. He had heard that dragons were very smart, and could understand and speak human speech.

"I'm so sorry." He said over and over again.

He finally managed to wrench the shirt off the dragon's head, and she glared at him.

"Your silly human contraption trapped me, and made me look foolish, you owe me a favour." She said, pouting. She had a soft, high, feminine voice that was oddly arousing.

"You are to come back here tomorrow, at dawn, so I can extract my repayment from you. If you don't come, I will hunt you down, tear out your heart, and make you watch while I eat it." She said. And then, as soon as he had put her down, she nudged him in the direction of his clothes, and then disappeared before he could say anything.

A shiver swept through his body. She had disappeared so quickly and completely that he didn't even know which was she had gone. The only explanation he could think of was that she used magic.

Favours were the basic dragon currency, and making a dragon look foolish incurred a huge favour. She could make him his slave for the next two years, and there wouldn't be anything he could do about. A dragon's favour was powerful magic, and going against it usually incurred a streak of bad luck that, more often than not, ended in death. So it was no wonder that Hyran was more than a little hesitant and scared of what she could have in store for him.

* * *

Hyran returned the next morning, to find the clearing deserted. It was good that he had the week off; it might let him recover from the wounds that the dragon was going to inflict, before he had to go back to work. He was sure that the dragon was going to make him do something very painful or hard, and had probably been thinking of how to make it even harder all night long.

He sat down by the water, and trailed a hand into it, staring at the reflection of the sun, not thinking about anything, waiting for the dragon to appear so he could start his punishment.

Very abruptly, the little dragon knifed up out of the water, grabbed him around the neck gently with her jaws, and dragged him into the water.

The human came up wet and spluttering, having swallowed a great amount of water. He could see the dragon was lying in the shallows, her head just above the water, smiling at him and laughing a high, tinkly laugh.

"Come here." She said commandingly, and Hyran obeyed.

"You are to rub me until I am satisfied, every morning for the next year." She commanded, her voice said that there would be no excuse for failure to meet the command, and no bargaining would be made.

"You can start." She said, standing up, and stepping gracefully from the water.

The little dragon was rather small, only knee height on Hyran, and exactly the same height as he was from her tail-tip to her nose.

She walked over to a bush, grabbed a jar in her little teeth, and took it over to a rock that was in full view of the sun.

"Rub me with the oil in the jar." She commanded, lying down on the stone.

"Where?" He asked dutifully.

"Everywhere, dolt." She snapped.

"Where do you want me to start?" He elaborated.

"Anywhere!" She hissed, and he immediately grabbed her tail and, dipping his hand in the oil, he began to rub it up and down her body.

He was glad she didn't have any breasts; it would have made things so much more awkward. He rubbed all over her little body with the oil, careful not to miss an inch.

Very soon, his arm was aching.

She rolled into several positions to help him get better access to her body. There was one tense moment, when he was almost rubbing the lips of her pussy; his hand rubbing the inside of her thigh.

He decided not to do that area. If he did, he would probably get a tail-slap, or even a bite.

"You missed a spot." She said teasingly, as he started on her body all over again.

"Where?" He asked dutifully, playing the role of subservient slave to the fullest. If he made her happy, then she would have less reason to make it hard on him.

"Right there." She said, rolling fully onto her back and pointing between her back legs with her nose.

He stiffened with surprise.

"Do it, or I'll get mad." She warned.

Hesitantly, he ran a hand over her sex, listening to her moan in pleasure.

He ran his hand over her sex one more time, making sure that he got oil all over it, before moving his hand back to her belly.

"You haven't finished." She purred.

With a sigh he moved his hand back between her legs, rubbing her lips gently with his oil-slicked fingers.

It took a few seconds for him to realise that he was getting hard from pleasuring the cute little dragon.

She was too busy moaning, her eyes closed tightly, enjoying the sensation, to notice.

"Harder." She whispered, and he obliged, massaging her lips with his fingertips. He then pressed one finger against her lips, letting it slip inside her body.

The little dragon moaned and arched her back, squealing as she felt him start to move his finger inside her.

"That feels so good." She purred.

He moved slightly, and lowered himself between her back legs, so that he was staring straight at her pussy. He removed his finger.

"No, put it back in." She whimpered. But he didn't listen.

He lowered his head, and blew a stream of cold air across her clit. She moaned and bucked upwards with her hips, pressing her lips against his unintentionally.

It wasn't what he had planned, but it tasted good, and felt good too, so he kept going.

At first he just ran his lips over hers, blowing air from between them, turning her on even more.

But they both wanted to go further, so he extended his tongue, and pressed it against her. She squealed and curled her neck so she could watch as he tongued her little pussy.

He ran his tongue from the bottom of it, right to the very top, lapping at her clit a few times, before moving the tip of his tongue back down her slit, letting it slip past her lips just the tiniest bit.

She moaned again, and began to rock against his tongue, wanting it deep inside her.

He continued going slow, even when she ordered him to speed up and go harder. She growled at him, but he continued with his teasing.

Hyran ran his tongue to the top again, then back down, and then drew it back up, listening to her moan as she neared her climax.

Moving his tongue back down her slit, he felt her muscles tense in anticipation of her climax, needing just a tiny bit more stimulation, when he thrust his tongue into her.

She squealed and clenched around his tongue powerfully, her muscles rippling against it as her juices ran straight into his mouth.

His tongue continued to slide across her soft lips, lapping up her juices eagerly, loving the taste of her.

Hyran waited until the flow had finally stopped, before moving up her body and pulling her close, kissing her passionately. He had expected her to object, and say that he was just a sex toy to her, but she surprised him by kissing him back, working her tongue against his and undulating her body against him sensually, it was obvious that she wanted more, and there was no way she couldn't feel his need, as his cock was parting her soft lips slightly, straining against his breeches as she rubbed her hot little pussy against it.

"Take them off." It wasn't an order, but it didn't need to be. He yanked down his breeches roughly, threw them to the side, and lay down on his back. She climbed atop him, making him gasp as he felt her little pussy begin to rub up and down his bare shaft.

She kissed him once more, and then cried out into his mouth as she pushed backwards, her tail lifted, her pussy rubbing against his cock, stopping just short of it entering her.

The little dragon pressed backwards firmly, and they both moaned as the head of his cock slipped between her soft, moist lips.

She held herself there, his head just inside her body, juices seeping from her slit to run down his shaft. Staring at him, she cocked her head cutely, smiling sweetly and rocking back and forth slightly, not letting his cock any further into her body.

With small movements, she continued to rock back and forth, teasing him, only letting him use the tip of his cock to fuck her.

The dragon leapt off him nimbly, and giggled as she posed on a rock, lifting her tail and giving him a cute little 'come hither' look over her shoulder.

Hyran ran to her and pressed his hand against her pussy, rubbing the lips gently, massaging the oil, his saliva and her own juices in to the soft skin there.

He knelt down, under her tail, and pressed his mouth against her pussy again. She squealed with pleasure and pressed her pussy against his mouth, wanting him to lick her harder.

Dragging her with him, he started to settle himself backwards, his mouth on her slit the whole time, until he was lying on his back with her above him.

Pressed the tip of his tongue into her, she moaned softly, her tail swishing back and forth above him as her juices started to cover his face.

He felt a warm breath on his cock, and then the soft warmth of her tongue as she began to lap at his shaft. She ran her tongue from the tip, right down to the base, and then back up again, lapping at the head, twining her tongue around it and lowering her muzzle onto him with closed eyes, her mouth closing around his throbbing member.

She purred as she began to move her head back and forth, the vibrations making him even hornier. He licked at her harder, feeling her muscles tense in anticipation of another orgasm.

The little dragon arched her back with a squeal and came again, but this time, he was content to let her juices run across his face and neck, gently teasing her little pussy for more with the tip of his tongue.

She growled cutely around his cock as she came, and the vibrations almost made him cum in her mouth.

He removed his cock from her mouth, and she gave a little cry of protest, moving after it, wrapping her tongue around it and suckling on it as hard as she could, intent on making him cum in her mouth. But he grabbed her hips, and drew her backwards, turning her around so that she was straddling him once again.

She glared at him and growled cutely again. He laughed at her and kissed her, his tongue slipping into her mouth and exploring.

"I'm going to have to punish you now." She said, matter-of-factly.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked slyly, his hand slipping between their bodies to rub his hard cock against her pussy.

She didn't reply. She just pressed her pussy against his cock, rubbing it up and down the head of his shaft as she began to lick his face and neck, lapping up her sweet-smelling juices.

The cute little dragon finally finished cleaning him, and kissed him again, her long tongue slipping as far as it could into his mouth, twining around his own.

Then, without warning, she pushed backwards, the head of his cock entering her again. She kept pushing, purring into his mouth as she felt the whole length of him slowly enter her body.

He covered her neck and face with kisses as she began to move slowly back and forth. She nuzzled him and started purring again as she worked her rump, letting him come out of her all the way, until the head of his cock was only just touching her little pussy, before sliding slowly all the way back down again.

She continued to go slow, teasing him, making him hornier and hornier with each slow movement.

Hyran growled as best he could and flipped her over, getting comfortable between her legs and kissing her neck again as he started to thrust into her gently.

The little dragon moaned and nuzzled his neck, loving the feel of his slowly thrusting member deep inside her body.

Beginning to whisper nonsense in her ear as he thrust, he told her how beautiful she was, how horny she made him, and how he was going to cum inside her until she squealed.

He was genuinely surprised to find that it turned her on even more, making her muscles clench around him and another squeal to echo from within her as she had another orgasm.

She pushed him away with all four of her legs, and climbed atop a rock again, lifting her tail, exposing her swollen and wet pussy to him, the look on her face begging him to take her.

Hyran stepped up behind her, taking his time, enjoying the pleading look on her face.

He grabbed her tail, and ran his hand down the length of it, before pushing it to the side and pressing his hard cock against her entrance. He grabbed her hips, and thrust himself all the way into her.

She squealed with pleasure as he leant right over her body as he started to pump into her, whispering words of encouragement in her ear.

The little dragon squealed constantly as he took her, loving the feeling of his cock inside her.

He groaned and kissed the back of her neck as she orgasmed again, her muscles tightening around him once again, his thrusts causing juices to seep from around his cock and drip onto the rock beneath them as he made love to the cute little dragon.

But she had finally had enough. She had cum four times, and now all she wanted was for him to cum inside her.

She stepped forwards, his cock leaving her, before she turned around and leapt at him, pinning him to the ground, growling cutely and pressing her moist, warm lips against this cock.

"Cum inside me." She ordered, as she pressed backwards, moaning into his mouth as his cock entered her again.

She began to lick his neck and face as she rocked back and forth, feeling another orgasm coming. He just made her so horny! She came once more with a squeal; her juices spilling around his cock, growling cutely again as she felt him keep thrusting. He still hadn't cum!

He groaned and picked her up, laying her on her back and thrusting into her hard. She could feel him getting hotter, and he began to pick up speed, thrusting into her tight little pussy so hard that she began to rock up and down the rock she was lying on.

She could feel that he was close, and began to lick his neck and face, urging him on with little moans and cries of pleasure.

Hyran felt her orgasm once more, and thrust up into her as hard as he could, roaring with pleasure as he erupted inside her. He buried himself firmly inside her, his cock jetting powerfully, filling her belly with his cum. Her little pussy eagerly suckled at his shaft, milking him for his cum, making him moan as he thrust into her again and again.

Continuing to pump hard, he let his cock spill stream after stream of hot cum into her belly as she rocked back and forth gently, the little dragon wanting everything he could give her.

He kept pumping, feeling his cock fill her little pussy with cum, until it was almost overflowing, before he collapsed to the side, holding her close to his chest, kissing her tiredly as she panted hard, trying to get her breath back.

* * *

When Hyran next awoke, it was almost dark. He could see stars blossoming in the pink-tinged sky overhead. The little dragon was curled up to his chest, purring contentedly. He was amazed that he had slept so long, he never slept during the day, and it was still morning when he had made love to the little dragon.

He looked down at the creature in his arms. She was curled up to him, her tail resting along his back, curling up between his legs, her head resting on his neck, her cool breath washing gently across his neck. He stroked her neck gently, pulling her closer, and her purrs grew louder as she stretched luxuriously, flexing each wing in turn and stretching out like a cat after a long nap.

She opened her eyes suddenly and looked straight into his. She pressed her muzzle against his lips, kissing him happily, before closing her eyes again and going back to sleep.

"I have to go." He murmured.

"Well, make sure that you're back here tomorrow morning." She murmured sleepily back.

He gently moved her head off him, and laid it on the ground, stroking her once, smiling as she cooed contentedly, and then he went in search of his clothes.

His clothes took some finding, as they were scattered, but he finally found them all, and then started the long walk back to the citadel. By the time he got to the outer walls, true dark had fallen, and his curses echoed up to the guards as he stumbled over every root and rock in the path.

He stepped up to the arched entryway, noting that the bars were down. He had never been this way this late at night.

Hyran could see the torches of patrolling guards along the wall, and two stationary torches above the gates, he guessed that these must be the gate guards.

"Hey! Is someone going to let me in?" he called.

He waited a few seconds, and then saw a heavy steel door open on the other side of the gate.

"We thought that you must have been eaten by a dragon." The guard said.

Hyran was glad that it was dark, because he felt a blush warming his face as he remembered what he and the little dragon had got up to.

"No, she just licked me for a while and let me go." He said, somehow managing to keep a straight face.

"Did she let you lick her?" The guard asked jokingly, as if everyone met a dragon every day, while trying to open the unwieldy gate.

"Only for a while." He replied, as the guard finally managed to get the gate open.

Hyran made his way up to his house, which was located on a hill within the second wall, among several hundred others. It wasn't all that big, just comprising of one bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

He collapsed onto his bed, completely exhausted for some reason. Fucking a dragon must really tire you out, he thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

His dreamed were filled with the little dragon, her scent, and the little sounds she made as he took her.

* * *

When he awoke he felt rather refreshed, nut he realised also that he was very late for his appointment with the little dragon. He decided to get her a present to make up for it. He went down to the market, and got some strawberries. She probably ate meat all the time, and she might appreciate something different for a change.

Hyran made his way out to the clearing as fast as his legs could carry him, wondering how much trouble he would be in with little dragon.

He came bursting through the trees just as, at the other side of the clearing, the little dragon did as well.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm late!" She called, apologising over and over again.

Hyran laughed.

He walked with her over to the lake, and they lay down together on the rocks.

"I was late as well, I slept in." He said, smiling ruefully.

"So did I." She said sheepishly.

"Well, six orgasms does that to a dragon." He said, and she giggled.

"I brought you a gift." He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the pack of strawberries. "I figure you've got enough gold, and you get meat all the time, so I got you these as well. Pity I couldn't find any cream, they go so well together."

She suckled at one of the strawberries for a second, and then bit into it, and gobbled it up with quick, neat bites

"Oh, they're so nice, thank you." She said, suckling at another one while Hyran held it for her.

"I can't eat all these myself, so, if you can get them, you can eat them." She said, cocking her head cutely and smiling at him mischievously. She turned around, straddling him again, waving her pussy over his face.

He got the general idea of what she wanted him to do.

Reached up, he began to gently run his fingers along her pussy, loving the little moans she made. He took one of the strawberries in his hand, and began to rub it over her lips gently, teasing the edges of her little pussy with it. He pushed it gently into her with a finger, as deep as he could.

Her head shot up and she let out a surprised squeal, but she quickly quietened down, sighing gently as he began to lick her.

Pressing his tongue deep inside her, he felt around for the strawberry, hearing her breathing coming faster and harder as she began to press backwards gently, pushing her pussy against this face urgently.

Lapping at her harder, feeling her muscles clench, he felt her juices beginning to run down his chin.

He lapped at her deeper, feeling the bumpy texture of the strawberry against his tongue, so different from the slick, smooth, and scaly lips of the little dragon.

Suckling eagerly at her scaled slit, he felt the strawberry come loose in a rush of hot fluids, making the little dragon squeal as her orgasm crashed down upon her. He crunched the strawberry up, loving the taste of her juiced mixed into it as well.

She sighed contentedly and collapsed onto him, turning around with difficulty and laying over top of him.

He kissed her, and she began to lap at his face and neck, clearing away her juices.

"Looks like you got your strawberries and cream anyway." She murmured against his throat, and he laughed.

"You're not going to go to sleep are you?" He asked, and she murmured something back sleepily.

He ran a hand down her body, until it was covering her little pussy completely. He then began to move his fingers against her clit and rub his palm across her lips. Her eyes opened slowly and she stared at him lustfully.

She stood up shakily, and began to purr again as she rubbed her pussy against the forming bulge in his pants..

He immediately got hard, and pulled down his breeches, kissing her neck as she started to tease the head of his cock with the lips of her little pussy.

She moaned into his mouth and pressed downwards, impaling herself on his member.

The cute little dragons began to rock back and forth slowly, her juices already running down his shaft, tying to prolong their lovemaking.

But she just couldn't help it; she began to slide up and down his shaft faster, pressing her muzzle against his lips, his cock entering her fully with each thrust, and then withdrawing until just the head remained in her, before sliding all the way back inside her.

She could feel that he was getting close, and began to urge him on with little croons and cries of pleasure as her sex grasped him, suckling at his cock eagerly as he shot his load of hot cum deep inside her, triggering her own orgasm and making her arch her back and spread her wings, squealing with pleasure as her delightfully tight depths rippled and suckled at his erection

The little dragon thrust back a few more times, feeling his cock throb and shoot load after load of hot cum into her belly, before she lowered herself onto his chest, breathing deeply and nuzzling his neck as they both came down from their orgasms, the two of them panting and clutching the other lovingly, murmuring contentment into each others ears.

* * *

Once again, he awoke as it was nearing nightfall, snuggled up to the little dragon, who was purring peacefully in her sleep, the packet of strawberries devoured and discarded. He smiled down at her, and then took her head off his arm.

She made a few sleepy sounds, but didn't wake up as he moved away and got his clothes, putting them on and making his way back to the castle, going through the process of attracting the guards attention all over again.

When he was finally admitted into the castle walls, he made his weary way home, collapsing on the bed after locking the door and falling asleep almost instantly.

* * *

Hyran awoke as suddenly as if someone had slapped him across the face. He sensed someone in the room with him, and leapt out of bed, drawing a sword from beneath the mattress and holding it in the ready stance in one smooth movement.

He found himself staring at the little dragon, who had just nosed open the door.

The little dragon stepped through into his room, audible purrs emanating from deep in her throat. She closed the door quietly with the tip of her tail, before moving over to his bed, jumping up onto it and curling up, watching him as if to say, you have objections to me being here?

He sat down beside her and put his sword back, lying down next to her and rubbing her neck.

"How'd you get in? Were you seen? And how did you unlock the door?" He asked immediately, wondering what would happen if she was seen in his house. Thoughts of her head on a stick filled his head, sickening him.

"Well, I used magic to get in, I wasn't seen, because I was invisible, and I used magic to unlock the door." She replied, leaning into his caresses.

"So dragons can use magic?" He asked, curious. He had seen magic only once before, when a wandering magician had fixed a broken wall in the city.

"Of course, silly." She said. "Do you have any more strawberries?" She asked.

"No, I'll have to go get some. Wait here." He replied, stepping up and walking out.

The little dragon sighed and lay down, content to nap for a while.

Hyran returned ten minuted later, holding another packet of strawberries.

The little dragon gave a little squeal of delight at the sight of them, and pounced on him, pinning him to the ground and demanding that he feed her.

He held the strawberries for her as she sucked on them, before crunching them between her powerful jaws.

His hand slowly moved down her body as she ate. He ran it gently between her legs, feeling that she was already moist and rubbed delicately at her lips, causing her to moan around one of the strawberries and roll over onto her back, spreading her legs as far as they would go.

He continued to feed her, his hand beginning to move faster, smiling as he listened to her little moans of contentment.

The little dragon suddenly growled cutely and rolled over on top of him, rubbing her pussy against his cock through his breeches. She grabbed one of the strawberries in her mouth and bit down gently, until she felt the juice start to run onto her tongue. She held her mouth over his neck, and let the juice drizzle down onto his skin, before lapping it up slowly and sensually, while he hurriedly pulled off his clothes.

She murmured something in his ear as she pressed backwards, rubbing the lips of her pussy across his cock.

He grabbed her sides and pulled her onto his cock, kissing her neck as he pushed his throbbing erection deep inside her.

She moaned quietly and began to rock back and forth, his cock already shiny with her juices.

The little dragon began to move faster, already feeling her orgasm approaching. She rested her paws on his chest, and stared into his eyes fiercely as she moved, determined to make him cum quickly this time.

She got her wish as her pussy tightened around him. He thrust up into her as hard as he could, hearing her coo as she came.

He held her close and kissed her neck passionately as he flooded her womb with strong, milky spurts of cum.

The little dragon sighed with pure contention as she collapsed into his arms, quickly falling prey to exhaustion and the feeling of warm contentment in her body, causing her to fall asleep.

* * *

They both awoke at basically the same time.

Hyran kissed her and then asked, "Why did you come and see me? I would have made it out to the clearing in time."

"Well, I just couldn't wait. I dreamed about you last night and I woke up all horny, so I just had to come and see you." She said, sighing happily.

"So, I make you horny?" He asked.

"That you do." She replied, rubbing her body against his sensually.

"Sleeping with you is like playing checkers against a master. I make a move and you jump me." He said, stroking her neck.

She giggled and nuzzled him, pressing her pussy against his crotch again.

"What's your name?" He asked suddenly.

"Why?" She asked warily, tensing up and stopping the delightful rubbing of her pussy against him, which had just started to get him hard.

"Because I want to know who I'm fucking, and I can't moan your name if I don't know it." He said, grinning evilly and moving a hand down her body to play with her pussy.

"Well, just asking me won't get me to tell you, but...there is something else you could do with your mouth that might maybe get me to tell you." She said, smiling and resuming her rubbing.

"And what would that be?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

The little dragon didn't reply, she just extricated herself from his arms and leapt nimbly onto his bed, turning her back to him, lifting her tail, and giving him a saucy look over her shoulder.

She looked so impossibly cute, amazingly sexy, and unbelievably desirable in that pose that Hyran almost couldn't stop himself from fucking her right then and there. But she wanted tongue, so he would give her tongue, and much more besides.

Hyran scrambled to his feet, and leapt onto the bed beside her, pulling her towards him and turning her around so that her delightful little pussy was once again over his face.

A single trail of juice was running down one of her lips, and he lapped it up eagerly, nibbling on her lips and running his tongue between them as he did so.

She growled cutely and pressed her pussy against his nose urgently, needing release.

He obliged happily, lapping at her little slit with abandon.

She purred softly, arching her back and spreading her wings, thrusting back against his invading tongue, eyes closed to better enjoy the sensation.

With a small smile, he lifted his hands to her back legs, rubbing her inner thighs gently, before holding her open with his fingertips and running his tongue between her scaled lips, making her convulse slightly and start to move her rear up and down, trying to get as much pleasure as possible.

He pressed his mouth against her clit, drawing it between his lips and nibbling at it delicately, lifting a hand and teasing along her lips with a fingertip.

The little dragon purred louder and pressed back against him more firmly, tail swishing through the air above him as he did such a good job at pleasuring her little body.

With a quick thrust, his finger was inside her, making her gasp with bliss and arch her back harder, thrusting back against the invading digit, her hot liquids spilling from within her body.

The little dragon moaned softly as a second finger was slowly pushed inside her willing body, thrusting in and out in time with the exquisite feelings of his tongue against her clit, exciting her in a gentle, but oh-so-arousing way.

Hyran felt that she was ready for the next part of his plan, removing his fingers and reached down besides the bed, pulling up the packet of strawberries he had hidden there. He had intended for them to be a surprise, but now he would use them for a different purpose, one she was already familiar with.

She gave a soft purring moan as she felt the tip of the strawberry slide along her lips, turning her on even more.

He smiled and teased her little lips with the strawberry, sliding it up and down, then around the sides, tickling her clit with it before holding it against her pussy and slowly pushing it deep inside her with a fingertip, making her arch and squeal at the sensation.

Picking up another one, he repeated the process, teasing her with the fruit and then pushing it deep into her hot, needy depths, giving both the strawberry and her lips a few swift licks to keep her lubricating juices flowing.

With the third strawberry, the little golden dragon gave a soft moan of delight and thrust back against his fingers, purring louder as her pussy lips rippled around it.

Hyran quickly drew the strawberry from her depths and took it into his own mouth, and then pressed his mouth back against her pussy, using his tongue to push the strawberry deep into her body, making her moan a little louder and arch against him, her liquids now flowing in a steady stream down his neck and chin.

He took another, and slowly slid that into her body, lapping at her lips as he did so, until it was embedded deep inside her. He pressed his mouth back against her swollen and wet pussy and pressed his tongue in deep, feeling the strawberry, and suckling at it as hard as he could.

It came free with a rush of juices as the little dragon arched her back and spread her wings, burying her head in his blankets to muffle her squeals as she came, her depths rippling needily around the three strawberries still embedded within her, her juices splashing from between her convulsing lips and straight into his mouth, filling it with her sweet liquid.

He was about to thrust it back into her depths when she have her utterly cute little growl and turned around, pressing her muzzle against his lips and kissing him with fiery passion, her tongue invading his mouth and stealing the strawberry from him, the taste of her own liquids so strong in her mouth as her sharp little teeth made short work of the fruit and filled her mouth with it's juices, which mingled with the love juices already there.

She purred happily and pressed her mouth back against his, twisting her muzzle and parting her lips slightly so that the liquids in both of their mouths could mix and be shared between them.

Another long, soft moan erupted from her muzzle as he slid his hand down her belly, and suddenly thrust another strawberry deep into her body.

She purred softly and rolled onto her back, spreading her legs and whimpering quietly, glaring at him as if daring him to find out what would happen if he thrust another berry into her.

He took the hint and settled himself between her legs, running his tongue gently across her lips, clearing away the fluids there, only to have them replaced bare moments later.

With a quick twist of his tongue, he was delving into her body, seeking the first strawberry, which he found easily, and suckling powerfully at it, making it come loose in a rush of hot juices and convulsing muscles.

The little dragon arched up and spread her wings, clamping a paw over her muzzle to stop her squeals of pleasure as orgasm crashed down upon her.

She was given no reprieve as the second strawberry from suckled from her depths, the suction created by its passage only forcing another orgasm upon her tired body, and then another as the third berry came loose.

Hyran smiled at her warmly, face glistening with her juices, and rolled her onto her stomach, lifting her rear into the air for her and ducking beneath her tail, tonguing along her wet, swollen flesh

The last strawberry was in deep, so deep that Hyran was having trouble getting at it, digging deep into her body with his tongue and fingers, making her bite down on a pillow to keep from screaming with erotic pleasure.

It finally came free and the little dragon screamed into his pillow until she couldn't scream any more, arching her back and spreading her wings wide, flapping them once as her juices rushed out of her body and across his face, filling his mouth.

She collapsed onto the bed, shuddering in the aftershocks of her orgasm, Hyran moving up her body with the strawberry held delicately in his front teeth like a faithful dog retrieving a ball for its owner.

With a loud purr and a soft giggle, she took the strawberry from his mouth, devouring it tiredly and then kissing him lovingly, the taste of fruit and her own juices strong in his mouth.

They stayed like that for the longest time, just enjoying their proximity, before the little dragon dropped gracefully onto the bed, staring up at him mischievously and spreading her legs, revealing her wet lips.

"After you got those strawberries out I have a little more storage room down there...I need something to fill you think you could help?" She asked innocently, pouting cutely and giving him doe eyes.

He smiles and kissed her softly, settling down between both sets of her legs and kissing her some more, before rolling her atop him, her juices starting to run across his crotch.

Quickly, she stripped him, yanking down his pants eagerly and then kissing him, seeking his erection as hot liquids seeped from her swollen lips.

Both gasped as she found his erection and slid down it, purring softly and watching him with narrowed eyes before leaning in for another kiss, meshing her tongue with his as she started to move slowly and delicately, both of them delighting in the feeling of her depths rippling around his hard, throbbing cock.

She began to move faster, her breathing already fast and shallow, tail swishing from side to side as she leaned down and licked his neck affectionately, resting her paws on his chest for balance and working her body back and forth, eyes closed and soft little gasps of delight escaping her quivering jaws.

Hyran, who had been hard ever since he had started pleasing the little dragon, quickly felt his orgasm coming, and tried to stave it off, laying his hands on her hips and trying to slow her down, but she just went fasting, forcing his member to hump up into her soft depths faster and faster

She squealed and threw her head back, crying out her pleasure as her pussy convulsed around his member, milking his solid cock furiously, the little dragon burying her head in his shoulder to muffle any further noises of pleasure that escaped her lips as his cock tensed and he came hard within her hot, tight, needy depths, thick spurts of his hot semen shooting copiously into her body, flooding her womb with thick creamy jets of searing seed, coating her sensitive depths with smooth surges of his milky cum, until he had none left to give her, her body still milking his member vainly as she collapsed atop him.

She nuzzled him affectionately, accidentally getting her own face covered with her juices.

They both set about clearing her juices off each other's faces, before they collapsed back onto the bed.

The little dragon curled up to him, looking as though she wanted to sleep for a few years.

Hyran was a little worried about her squeal, because someone might have heard it, but he was too tired to worry overly much, and was soon almost asleep.

Just before unconsciousness claimed him, he heard the little dragon murmur in his ear, "My name is Amethyst."

* * *

Hyran awoke to a gentle nuzzle and lick from amethyst, who seemed to be trying to get his attention.

"Yes?" He mumbled sleepily.

"I've got to go. A good long lovemaking session would be nice, but I've got to meet a friend. Come down to the clearing when you wake up properly and I'll introduce you to her." She said, and then she was gone.

Hyran rolled over and went back to sleep.

* * *

He awoke a few hours later, and immediately set out for clearing.

When he arrived, he saw that amethyst was lying on a rock, sunning herself, while holding an avid conversation with a female red dragon, who was lying a few paces away, also sunning herself.

They both stopped talking the moment they caught sight of him.

"So this is the human you told me about. He's hotter than you said." The red dragon said, looking him up and down.

Not knowing how to reply, Hyran dropped down onto the rock next to Amethyst and began to stroke her gently with a hand, while he draped the other casually across her stomach.

"This is Trouble." Amethyst told him, motioning towards the red dragon.

Trouble was staring at him, apparently entranced.

"Why is she staring?" He asked in a whisper, under the pretence of leaning in and kissing her neck.

"I think she likes you." Amethyst said slyly.

Trouble rolled to her feet and walked over to them. She immediately set about licking his neck and face.

Hyran didn't know what to do. He was being licked in what was obviously a very sensual way by a dragon he had only just seen, while the dragon that he was currently in a relationship with was lying underneath him.

"You don't mind do you Amethyst?" Trouble asked, pressing herself against him and rubbing her pussy against his hardening cock just like Amethyst did when she was horny.

"As long as I get to join in." She said, grinning evilly and starting to lick him as well.

Hyran didn't know what to do, so he just sat there as the two cute little dragons had their way with him.

Both of them took a side of his breeches in their mouths and pull them down, before they both moved back up his body to his proudly standing erection.

He gasped as first Amethyst, and then Trouble, twined their tongues around his cock. They began to lick him fiercely, not letting up, seemingly wanting him to cum in their mouths.

They finally stopped, licking their lips and exchanging a glance, before Amethyst lay down on her side next to him, and Trouble moved up his body until her pussy was pressed against his face.

He extended his tongue, and began to lap at her hungrily. He felt moistness against the head of his cock, and groaned into Troubles pussy as he felt Amethyst impale herself on his member.

Amethyst started to rock back and forth hard and fast, making him gasp and lick harder at Trouble.

He watched in awe as Amethyst drove her head beneath Trouble's tail and delved her long tongue between her lips.

Hyran just lay there, gasping as Amethyst fucked him, getting more and more horny as he watched her tonguing Trouble's moist pussy with her long tongue. Drops of juice began to fall on his face, and he pressed his tongue against her pussy again, licking Trouble and kissing Amethyst at the same time.

He felt himself start to cum, and groaned. But Amethyst suddenly hopped off him. She walked a few paces away, and just stood there, her tail lifted high, waiting.

Hyran wondered why she was doing that, because she wasn't tall enough for him to take her from behind unless she was standing on something.

But then he saw Trouble slink over to her and roll onto her back beneath her, reaching up with her head and pressing her tongue against Amethyst's pussy, her red scaled legs spread wide, an obvious invitation.

He moved over her, and kissed her neck as he thrust into her hard, starting to move quickly, pressing his cock as deep inside her as he could.

Amethyst started to thrust backwards, careful not to go too far and suffocate Trouble, but wanting more stimulation as the red dragon brought her skilfully to orgasm.

Hyran watched as a small trickle of juice started to run down Troubles chin, before lapping it up eagerly, starting to thrust harder and faster, feeling his orgasm approaching.

He thrust into Trouble as far as he could, roaring with pleasure as he came.

Pumping hard, his cock jetted his cum forcefully into her belly as he drove himself into her. He continued to pump his cum into Trouble as she came, her pussy clenching around his cock delightfully and causing Trouble to squeal and pull her tongue out of Amethyst's pussy and dart it over her lips a few times, the extra stimulation pushing the golden dragon over the edge as well, making her give a squeal of her own and cover Troubles face and neck with her scented juices.

All three of them collapsed on to the rock, panting, covered in dragon juices, murmuring endearments to each other.

* * *

After taking a swim to clean himself off, he told Amethyst that he would be back in the morning, said goodbye to Trouble, and thank you for a wonderful time, and began to walk back to the castle.

"What're you doing out there every day?" One of the gate guards asked suspiciously.

"Oh, you know, just playing with my Amethyst and getting into Trouble." He said casually, somehow keeping his face straight.

* * *

Hyran turned up early for the next 'appointment' with Amethyst, eager to see her again. He found that she was already there, sunning herself on a rock by the lake, lying on her back, her back legs kicking lightly at the air in a very cute way as she dozed.

In one hand, he held another packet of strawberries, a branch of grapes in the other.

He made his way over to the little dragon, being rather quiet. He was good at sneaking around sleeping people. The thing most people didn't realise, is that if you whisper and sneak, then you're more likely to wake someone up than if you were to act normally.

So he walked over to her casually, hoping that she wouldn't wake up.

He reached her side, and smiled evilly. He remembered one time when she had dragged him into the water, and now it was time to repay the favor.

Taking her little hips in either hand, he spun her up, and out into the water.

She squealed with surprise and spread her wings, flapping futilely as she hit the water.

Hyran laughed as he watched her flap around awkwardly in the water. She was still flapping and splashing wildly when she disappeared under the surface.

Hyran was still laughing, but he was starting to get worried. She had been under there for nearly a minute.

He tore his shirt off and leapt into the lake, the cold water shocking him. He dove down to the last place he had seen her, and began to search frantically.

Something nipped at his ankle. Any other time he would have been terrified, but he was desperate to find Amethyst, and nothing was going to stop him.

Hyran was on the verge of blacking out when he felt her muzzle pressed against his lips, and his oxygen-starved brain didn't know whether it was real or just a daydream. But the rush of air that filled his lungs was very real.

He strove for the surface, Amethyst milling in the water next to him, keeping up with him easily. She was incredible graceful in the water.

Reaching the surface he pulled himself onto a rock, gasping and spluttering, staring incredulously at Amethyst.

"Don't do that again." He choked out.

"You humans really are silly, what would have happened if I wasn't there?" She asked innocently, a twinkle in her eye.

"I would have died." Hyran pointed out.

"And we all know what a shame that would be. Now, come over here, I haven't had a good rub for days now, so get to it." She commanded.

Hyran made his way over to her, bringing the food he had brought with him.

She began to suckle at the strawberries as he started rubbing her body with the oil from the jar that she had procured.

"Why do people always think dragons are big?" He asked.

"I don't know, I guess that all the tinned meat (knights in shining armour) figured that it would be more impressive for them to say that they took down a big dragon. Because, by their reckoning, anyone can kill a little dragon." She replied thoughtfully, rolling into new positions to allow him easier access to her little body.

"But how can people ride dragons if you're all so small?" He asked, his hand creeping down between her back legs.

She moaned and then giggled. "You can't. Well, I know why some people think that. Its actually quite funny, but not to the people who it happened to." She said.

"Go on." He urged, as he began to rub the lips of her little pussy.

She sighed pleasurably and rolled fully onto her back, spreading her legs as far as they would go as she started to tell him the story.

"Well, years ago, there were two sentients who were madly in love with each other. One was a human, the male, the other, a female dragon. They made a pact when they first got together, that they would have sex everywhere they could think of. One day, they decided to fuck on a mountain peak. So they climbed up to the top, and the human began taking the dragon from behind. But their movements must have caused as avalanche or something, because they both fell off. As they fell, they passed a monk who was making a pilgrimage to a mountain shrine. He saw the two of them, the dragon flapping madly, with the human holding on to her, and must have thought that they were flying together." She explained.

Hyran laughed, kissing her neck. "Poor dragon though." He commented.

He had been rubbing her the whole time she had been speaking, and she was now ready for sex. "Fuck me." She said, in a whispered order.

"Anything for my love." He said, moving up between her legs and making himself comfortable.

But she pushed him away. She leapt into the water, and laid down on her back in the shallows, spreading her legs to him, her little pussy just out of sight beneath the water.

Hyran moved up to her again, figuring that the water wouldn't feel cold for too much longer.

He thrust himself between her silky lips and began to move back and forth, his motions random and erratic from the ebb and flow of the water.

Amethyst moaned contentedly and nuzzled him, nipping at his ear lobes playfully as he took her.

She quickly orgasmed from the feel of him so deep inside her body. She clutched herself to him, lifting her body completely out of the water as she moved against him, determined to make him cum.

He lifted her out of the water, and began to bounce her on his cock.

Moaning softly, shr kissed his neck, purring delightfully and rocking back and forth as he thrust.

She felt another orgasm coming, and hoped that he was close as well, but as her pussy tightened around him she felt him keep pumping into her body rhythmically, showing no signs of stopping.

Hyran made a little sound of protest as Amethyst leapt of him, but he quickly ran to her as she posed on a rock, like she had done the first time he had taken her.

He stepped behind her, and pressed his hard cock against her entrance, wanting to tease her a little before taking her.

She pressed back at him, causing the head of his cock to slip between her lips. He thrust himself all the way into her, unable to stop himself.

He started to take her hard and fast, needing to cum in her.

Amethyst was happy with the arrangement, cooing in pleasure and thrusting back at him as he got close to his orgasm.

He could feel the lips of her pussy massaging the head and length of his cock as he plunged into her, her juices slicking his cock and making her slit delightfully tight and wet.

Hyran tried to hold back for as long as he could, hoping to make her orgasm again. His extra effort was rewarded as Amethyst arched her back, her sex contracting around his thrusting member as he came.

He leaned over her body as he felt his cock spurting his load of hot cum into her body.

A soft groan escaped him as he felt his cum spill from the tip of his cock into her womb.

His cum was greeted by a gush of juice as Amethyst tensed up, loving the feel of his erupting member so deep in her body.

They both collapsed onto the rock, panting hard, nipping at each other's neck lovingly as they enjoyed the afterglow.

"What happened to trouble?" He asked, after he had got his breath back

"Oh, she went home, but she could be coming back. I heard that trouble always cums in threes, and she only got one last time." She replied slyly, smiling at him.

She curled up to him, nibbling at his neck tiredly, before falling asleep, content in the arms of her lover.

* * *

Hyran was lying on a rock next to Amethyst, who was deep asleep. He gently stroked her neck as he stared at her, admiring her beautiful sleeping form.

He was so focused on her that he didn't notice the massive plume of smoke emanating from the castle till nearly half an hour after it started.

"Fuck." He whispered, staring at the smoke. It was huge, at least as round as the castle, and the fire coming from it must have been just as big. It sure wasn't a cookout creating that kind of flames.

He got up, waking up Amethyst as he hurriedly threw on his clothes.

"What's wrong?" She asked hurriedly, as she stared at him. "Does this mean no sex today?" she asked.

Hyran took the time to laugh, kiss her goodbye, and then splash some water over his face before sprinting towards the burning castle.

He knew well before he reached the gates that something was wrong.

The gates were lying on the ground, crumpled and twisted as though a giant fist had impacted them and threw them open.

Hyran wondered what could possibly do that sort of damage, wishing that he had thought to bring his sword with him.

He had only taken a few steps into the first market square when several robed figures seemed to melt out of the buildings around him.

"Where is she?" One of them hissed. The voice didn't sound human.

Hyran eyes them with trepidation. Each one carried a long, curved scimitar sheathed on their hips, and a knife at the other.

"Who?" He asked warily, careful for some kind of attack. He was now surrounded by the black robed figured.

"The dragon. I can smell her on you. Perhaps we will torture her while you watch. Or you could tell where she is, and we will kill you quickly and painlessly." It hissed.

"Why should I care about a dragon?" He asked, trying not to look at the sharp swords, or the way the sun glittered off the edges.

"Because you are in a relationship with one of them. You are madly in love with her. I can read you like an open book." It hissed, stepping closer, resting a hand on its dagger.

Hyran figured that if he were going to survive, he would have to act now.

He leapt forwards, elbowing the thing in the face, grabbing the hilt of the scimitar in one hand and pressing the dagger firmly into its sheathe with his other, trying to stop the creature from bringing it into play.

He spun to the right, around the creature, drawing its sword as he did so. He reversed the sword, and stabbed it straight through its stomach from behind.

Another one came at him just as he stabbed the first, hoping to stop him before he could extricate the sword.

He spun again, drawing the sword from the creatures back, slicing sideways and ducking at the same time.

The creature's sword slashed over his head, missing him by mere inches. His swipe took it in the leg, shearing it off cleanly above the knee, causing it to fall to the ground and clutch at the spurting stump.

He grabbed the dropped sword, now holding two, and fixed the nearest creature with a challenging stare.

They all retreated. He threw a sword at one of the creatures, catching it through the chest, puncturing its heart. To his surprise, the creature evaporated into dust and the sword skidded to a halt in the dirt.

He walked over to the writhing creature in the dirt, kicking away the dagger it tried to draw.

"What are you?" He asked; holding the sword over its chest, point down, an obvious threat.

It only laughed, a deep, unearthly sound that reverberated in his chest and made him feel nauseous.

Its hood fell back, and Hyran got a good look at what it was.

It looked to have been a bird at some earlier stage, having feathers and a beak. But the beak was curved, with jagged edges, looking as if it was made for the single purpose of killing things slowly and painfully.

He stared down at its face in revulsion as it continued to laugh, before plunging the sword into its chest, turning it to ash.

Hearing a sound behind him, he spun around, arm back, ready to throw a dagger at this new threat.

He lowered the dagger as a young woman walked timidly out from between the two buildings.

"Please help." She begged. "They've killed every one. They keep asking about a dragon. Please help me escape."

Hyran heard another sound to his right, and saw a veritable army of the creatures marching towards them.

He spun on his heel, and started to run, yelling for the woman to follow.

Hyran just hoped that he could back to Amethyst before the creatures did. He didn't want to think about what those things would do to her if he didn't get her to safety.

He reached the lake, certain that he hadn't been followed.

Amethyst stood up and hissed as he entered, as if she didn't know him.

"How many times did you make me cum the first time we fucked?" She hissed, heedless of the other human with him.

"Six. But wh--" He began, but she quickly silenced him, and began telling him hurriedly that they had to get out of there, and fast too because the creatures wouldn't be far behind them. She said that she would explain everything later, after they reached a place she called 'white haven'.

Hyran sighed and began to follow her as she set out at once. He knew he was in for trouble when he had first met her. But now he had just one question. How much trouble?

* * *

It had been three weeks since the destruction of the citadel, and Amethyst was still pushing them to greater speed in their journey towards the place she called 'white haven'. She had barely spoken to Hyran during the journey, mainly speaking only to urge him to move faster.

The girl that towed after them seemed to only just keep up, but never said anything. Hyran didn't blame her. The only real time he could speak was in the mornings, when he was slightly rested, but he never really got the chance, because Amethyst was always there ordering them to get up and continue before the things caught up with them.

Hyran's gaze strayed to Amethysts swaying tail as she walked in front of him. He dimly remembered making love to her every day back at the citadel, but he hadn't even touched her in weeks. The one time he had engaged with her in foreplay, they had both fallen asleep before they could even get started.

Amethyst stopped, and Hyran stumbled forwards on momentum, completely thrown by her unexpected stop. She never stopped.

He tripped headlong over her.

At another time, he might have cursed, but he didn't have the energy or inclination to speak.

Hyran saw that Amethyst had stopped at a sort of crossroads. One path lead to the mountains, another into a dark and forbidding forest. Amethyst headed for the mountains.

They were halfway to the mountains when they reached a waterfall with a rather large stream leading away from it.

Amethyst stood next to the waterfall, and cocked her head, as if listening for pursuers. He wondered how she could hear anything over the sound of the water.

"We're safe here." She murmured, just loud enough fort the two humans to hear. She then sunk to the ground, and settled down for what would probably be the longest nap she had ever taken.

Hyran lay down next to her, pulling her close so that they could snuggle up to each other, kissing her with as much passion as his tired body could muster, before falling asleep.

* * *

He awoke the next day, feeling as if he had finally gotten a good night sleep. It had to be the first time in a month that he had not awoken cramped and sore.

Amethyst seemed to feel the same, because she stretched as she awoke, something she hadn't done in weeks.

She stretched her whole body out like a cat, her right front leg all the way forwards, her right back leg all the way back. She stretched first one wing, and then the other out to its fullest reach, before relaxing all her muscles and laying back down.

"Good morning, beautiful." He whispered. His voice was rather hoarse from not being used.

"Good morning to you too." She murmured back, her voice sounded somehow better than it had last time he had heard it. That was maybe because he hadn't heard anyone's voice for close to a month.

He leaned forwards and kissed her.

"I need a swim." Amethyst murmured.

"So do I." He replied.

So they both got up, and ran to the water, jumping and splashing about like a couple of kids.

After a few minutes of exercise, they both were completely exhausted. They ended up lying in the shallows, Amethyst lying on top of Hyran, kissing him happily.

"So, do you mind telling me what those things were?" He asked.

"Later. Right now we have something far more important to do." She purred, rubbing her whole body against his, telling just how much she wanted him.

He was only too happy to help soothe her needs.

Quickly, he ran a hand down her chest, then down across her belly, and then between her back legs, his fingertips gently massaging the lips of her little pussy.

Amethyst began to lick his neck and chin as he rubbed her, moving her little body back and forth, her pussy rubbing against the hardening bulge in his breeches.

He hurriedly stripped, throwing his clothes up onto the bank, and rolling Amethyst over in the water, so that he could pleasure her more fully.

Vaguely thoughts of playing with her some more were swirling through his head, but his lust for her was already so strong that he just had to take her then and there.

He thrust into her fully without any warning. Amethyst squealed and bucked against him as he started to move.

But he seemed to be going too slow for her, so she rolled him over, straddling him and working her pussy over his hard cock.

She pushed backwards, until she felt him inside her as far as it was possible for him to go, before she began to rock back and forth furiously, trying to reach orgasm.

The water was just making their movements too slow for both of them so Hyran picked her up, and deposited her on a rock by the water, laying her on her back and starting to thrust into her as hard a he could.

Amethyst very quickly started to squeal as he took her, loving the feel of his thrusting member.

After not having sex for nearly a month, Hyran felt his orgasm coming very fast.

He thrust into her as hard as he could, roaring at the feel of her convulsing pussy tightening around the length of his spurting cock. He leant over her, thrusting hard a few more times, loving the way her pussy milked him for his cum, before he collapsed onto the rock next to her, kissing her face and neck in a tired way.

* * *

Hyran awoke to Amethyst stretching beside him, purring contentedly in her sleep. He smiled at her, stroking her neck and cheeks gently, before he moved her head off his shoulder, and then got up to get to get a drink from the lake. His hand was halfway to his mouth when he felt an uncomfortable prickling on the back of his neck. He spun around, staring into the dusk, trying to see if there was something out there.

"Hello?" He shouted.

"Hello." A voice hissed back menacingly, very close by.

He spun around again, coming face-to-face with one of those horrible creatures that had accosted him inside the castle walls. It must have been hiding in the water, because it was dripping wet, and it created a terrifying effect. Silhouetted against the stars, drawing a scimitar with a quiet hiss, its horrible eyes staring down at him pitilessly.

Reacting on instinct, he leapt backwards, hitting the ground and rolling, grabbing the first thing that his hand closed around.

He happened to pick up a long, thick branch that would serve well as a staff.

His momentum carried him several metres from the things, Hyran rolling until he was back on his feet, holding the branch in a side hand pose, the tip pointed downwards.

The creature stepped forwards, bringing the scimitar down in a heavy blow to cut the staff off near his hand.

Hyran tilted the staff, so that the blade scythed down the length of it, making a long, sharp point. He kept tilting it, putting more speed behind the movement, bringing the reverse end down on the back of the blade, causing the creature to drop it.

Hyran flipped the scimitar into the air with his foot as the creature made to pick it up. It flew through the air, burying itself point-down in the ground a few paces away.

The creature made to go after it, but as soon as it turned away, Hyran slammed the blunt end of the staff into the back of its knee, dropping it into a kneeling position. He then spun around it in a clockwise direction, reversing the staff so that the blunt end was facing forwards.

He ended up standing in front of the kneeling creature, turned away from it. Its hands scrabbled pointlessly at the sharp end of staff, which was embedded deep in its throat.

Hyran slammed the staff backwards again, pushing the point out the back of the creature's neck in a small spray of blood.

Twisting the staff once, and then withdrawing it, he turned and spun the staff above him in a blinding whirl of motion, before he brought the blunt end down on its head. It connected with a sickening crack, the creatures beak getting torn off most of the way by the sheer force of the blow.

He left the creature as it was, by the looks of it, it wouldn't last very long anyway. It had a ragged hole in its neck, and its beak was hanging on by the smallest amount of skin.

Quickly, he ran to amethyst, dropping the staff and tearing the creatures' sword from the ground as he went.

He was almost to where they had been sleeping, when he felt that something was wrong. Amethyst was standing in the middle of the clearing near the river, not moving a muscle, staring straight at him. He then remembered that dragons were said to have exceptional night vision compared to humans. He wondered what she could see that he couldn't.

Peering into the darkness he heard the gentle hiss of around about thirty different weapons being drawn somewhere in the darkness.

Bringing the weapon into a ready pose, he waited, determined that if he was to die, then he would take as many of the motherfuckers with him as possible.

He didn't have long to get scared. Several dark figures erupted from the trees, brandishing a wide variety of weapons.

The one closest to Hyran held a long, curved katana, while the one directly behind him held two hook-swords [if you've never seen a hook-sword, they're long swords with a curved hook at the end, which can be used to immobilise an enemies weapon, they also have a long curved blade running along the length of the hilt, protecting the hand and allowing the use of more varied fighting styles], and another held two sai's [spelling], while another held only two blade-knuckles [like knuckle dusters, except the metal knuckles are replaced by one long blade that stretches from one side of the fist to the other], and another still, held a liquid knife [a deadly weapon, comprised of a small blade affixed to a long whippy chain].

Hyran looked at his scimitar, the moonlight glinting off its bloodstained blade, and almost laughed. He was dead to rights.

The one with the hook-swords attacked first, aiming to immobilise his sword with the hooks so that someone else could finish him off.

His first strike was with the right hand hook-sword, bringing it in an amateurish blow over the top of his head.

Hyran knew that this was just a ruse; he would bring the left hand blade in lightning fast as he landed, hoping to dig the hook into his side.

Hyran twisted out of the way of the overhead strike, running the length of his blade along the other hook-sword as he spun, his sword catching of the hook at the end and wrenching it out of the creature's hands.

Hyran kept spinning, bringing his sword up to head height. He wasn't surprised when his strike was blocked. The creature yanked downwards, the hook taking his blade with it.

To keep the blade in his hands, Hyran had to step in close to the creature.

The creature dropped the sword, surprising him, flinging itself at him and trying to rake its long talons across his face.

Hyran dropped his sword as well, adopting the drunken stance.

He staggered around as if he had had too much too saki, his hands weaving wildly, his whole body moving in odd directions as he seemed to struggle to retain his balance.

"I think you must have hit him over the head. Finish him." One of the creatures hissed, without any trace of humour.

The creature leapt at him, unleashing a massive side hand strike, aiming to knock his head off.

Hyran stepped forward, leaning as far backwards as possible. He saw, as if in slow motion, the long, hooked talons on the creatures hand go scything right above his head.

He leant forwards again, doing a full three-sixty as his did so, bringing his fist hard into the creatures side with as much force as he could muster.

It gave a roar like a wounded tyrannosaurus rex, and leapt at him again, and Hyran immediately adopted the striking cobra stance. One of his hands was curled in front of him, close to his body, ready to strike like a cobra if something came too close.

The creature made the mistake of getting into range of Hyran's deadly hands.

Hyran striked with a speed that had to be seen to be believed.

The first hit, from his coiled right hand, connected with a pressure point just below the creatures collar bone, the second striking its solar plexus [the part of you're body just at the bottom of your ribs, just underneath them].

The creature started to crumble.

He adopted another fighting style; this was a simple style, reminiscent of Tai Kwon Do.

Hyran grabbed its arm, letting the creature fall to its knees, barely putting up any resistance. He stepped towards the creature, unleashing a sidekick, connecting soundly with the side of its head. He then twisted the leg over the creatures arm, and then brought it back, his heel connecting with its neck, causing it to clutch at its throat with its free hand.

He continued to rotate as he finished his kick, holding his heel hard against it throat.

flipping himself into the air, he brought his other foot to the back of its neck, his rotation through the air causing its neck to crack with a nauseating crunch.

He let the body fall to the ground as another creature attacked him.

This one held the liquid knife, which was probably the deadliest weapon you could think of. In the hands of a professional, the liquid knife could disarm you, both figuratively and literally, actually taking your arm off if used properly.

Hyran duck as the creature attempted to wrap the chain around his throat. The creature flicked the end of the chain as if cracking a whip. The knife slashed across Hyran's shoulder, leaving a line of blazing pain in its wake.

He rolled to the side as the knife impacted the ground where he had been standing. He came up with the two hook swords, holding them in a stance taught by his old master.

The creature stepped forwards, flicking the knife again.

Hyran was ready for it this time, and blocked the blow with the left hook-sword. The chain wrapped around the blade, as they had both been hoping.

He slashed downwards with his other hook sword, the hook catching between a chain link, and yanked it sharply. The creature found the liquid knife yanked clean out of its hands, something it wasn't hoping for.

Hyran spun around, manipulating the swords and chain with a skill that belied his age. He spun one of the swords, flipping the other, which sent the chain into a spin. As he turned full circle, he spun the sword in an intricate way, which sent the knife end of the chain spinning through the air towards it former owner. The knife hit it in the heart, turning it to ash. Hyran grabbed the chain with his free sword again, bringing it back to him.

Turning on instinct, he spun the sword again. The knife whistled through the air, catching two more of the creatures that had just rushed him. They both fell to the ground, clutching throats that spurted blood.

Hyran kept spinning, flipping the swords again.

This time, he released the liquid knife completely. It spun through the air, and wrapped around one of the creatures, pinning its arms to its side, the momentum of the knife cause the blade end to slice into its neck. It fell, immobilised and dying from the shocking amount of blood spilling from its throat.

The rest of the creatures melted away into the darkness, deciding that it would be best not to engage just yet.

* * *

Hyran stumbled over to Amethyst, holding his profusely bleeding shoulder.

"Oh. You silly human, you should have run away." She moaned, staring at the blood seeping from between his fingers.

The last thing that Hyran remembered before unconsciousness claimed him, was Amethyst standing over him, her eyes glowing red, and a strange white light swirling around them both.

* * *

Hyran opened his eyes. He moaned as a terrible headache hit him with full force.

His vision was oddly blurred, as if he had been struck over the head. He was lying on his back, on a beach, the waves lapping gently at his ankles.

There was movement somewhere nearby, and he turned his head towards the sound. He found himself staring at a pair of clawed feet, belonging to the towering figure of one of the creatures.

Hyran had thought that they looked tall when he stood next to them, but from where he was now, they looked positively huge.

He tried to move, but his muscles didn't seem to want to obey him. It wasn't fear that was holding him fast, because he seemed oddly calm, even though he was about to die in a very painful way.

The creature bent over him, bringing its horrible beak closer. It moved closer and closer, opening slightly, letting its putrid breath wash over his face. It was going to bite him!

The beak closed shut around his neck with a loud snap!

* * *

Hyran opened his eyes and yelled, not just from the horrible dream, but also from the very real beak that was hovering over his face in the half-gloom. The creature snapped its beak again in frustration as it tried to prise the bandage off Hyran's shoulder.

He shrunk away from it, only seeing the huge, wickedly curved beak.

It snapped its beak again and reared up onto the bed, grabbing him in its paws and running a talon across his shoulder. The bandages fell away immediately, cut perfectly by the sharp talon.

Hyran realised then that he could have been killed at any time by this creature

As he began to calm down, he realised just what was tending to his injuries. It was a gryphon.

She was distinctly feminine, with pinkish cheek-ruffs, purple lined eyes, and a rather attractive face.

But he had eyes only for the dragon behind her, rather dwarfed by the huge gryphon.

"Are you alright?" Amethyst asked, leaping up on to the bed staring into his eyes with concern.

Hyran coughed, and said, "I could be better. How bad is it?" He asked, motioning towards his shoulder.

"Don't worry about that, the docs will have you fixed up in no time." She said, placing her front paws on his shoulder and nuzzling his face.

Hyran wrapped his left arm around her body and pulled her closer, kissing her neck.

"I can sssee wherrre thisss isss going, but hold ssstill while I put thisss other bandage on, otherrrwissse everrrything won't be okay. And if you move, I'll make sssurrre that everrrything is neverrr all peachy for you everrr again." She said, in a tone of warning, snapping her beak to emphasise her point.

Hyran thought it best to hold still while the gryphon tended to his shoulder. After about ten minutes she walked out, dragging her heavy bag by clasping it in her beak.

"Where are we?" Hyran asked.

"White haven." Amethyst replied, settling down on his chest and curling up, staring at him with her beautiful, angelic blue eyes.

"Your eyes went red, I saw it, what was that?" He asked.

Amethyst was suddenly looking uncomfortable.

"Well, our eyes go red when we use magic." She said, perusing a talon intently, embarrassed.

"What magic were you using?" He asked suspiciously.

Her reply was barely audible.

"Teleportation." She said, waiting for the explosion.

Hyran just sighed.

"Why didn't you just use that magic when we at the lake?" He asked wearily. He knew amethyst wasn't stupid, so there had to be a good reason for her doing what she did.

"The Halivante would have found us." She replied, nibbling at her talon now.

"So that's what those motherfuckers are called. Halivante. What are they?" He asked.

"They used to be gryphons. Several hundred gryphons and riders flew to the gates of chaos a long time ago, they closed the gates, but never came back, they say that the gryphons fused with their riders, and the wicked nature of the human corrupted both the riders and the gryphons, and turned them in to the Halivante." She said.

"Why were you so uptight about me knowing your name?" He asked, completely out of the blue.

"Because names hold power, why do you think I have not asked you what your name is?" She asked, rather snappishly.

Hyran frowned and searched through his memory, only realising just then that Amethyst didn't know his name.

"Maybe because we don't talk all that much?" He ventured slyly.

"Well, that's part of the reason," She said, kissing him with a sheepish smile.

"Most of the reason." Hyran said slyly, running a hand down her side and stroking her wing.

"Okay, basically the whole reason." She conceded. "But names hold power, if a dragon knows an entities true name, then they can control it completely. I thought you knew that, that's why I didn't ask your name, so you knew that I couldn't enchant you." She said, staring at him incredulously.

"I was a slave to you from the dragon favour any way." He said, running a hand along the side of her chin now.

"But you wouldn't have had sex with me if you thought that I was enchanting you." She said, cocking her head to the side and waiting for him to figure it out with a slight smile on her face.

"You don't mean to say...No...not even you could do didn't plan all of this did you?" He asked accusingly.

"Maybe." She said slyly, licking his face.

"So you planned that whole getting-tangled-in-my-shirt-and-me-owing-you-a-favor-for-it thing? Just so you get me to have sex with you?" He asked, in a slightly hurt voice.

"Yes I did." She said matter-of-factly, "What? You are very hot to a dragon you know. I just had to have you." She said cutely when he glared at her.

"Well, you'll just have to make it up to me. I remember a bit of dragon lore I read from a book. Very interesting. It said that if a dragon was to trick you into thinking that you owed them a favor, then they actually owed you a favor." He said, with a truly evil smile.

"I guess you'll just have to become my personal sex-slave." He said, his evil grin widening.

"For how long?" She asked with trepidation. She was the sexual aggressor as all female dragons were, and didn't enjoy the feeling of being sexually dominated one bit.

"Well, I was thinking until the gryphon comes back." He said, running a hand down her belly and on to the soft lips of her sex.

"I have one more question." He asked seriously, as he began to massage her lips.

"Why are the Halivante after you?" He asked, dead serious.

"You don't want to know." She said, and then gasped as he found a sensitive spot and tickled it ruthlessly. "No, stop teasing me, please?" She pleaded plaintively.

"Not until you tell me why they're after you." He said, rubbing her again. "And I forbid you to move my sex-slave. You know, that gryphon could be gone for a long time, and, being a swordsman, I have an exceptionally high amount of endurance in my limbs, so I can keep teasing you for hours on end. You think you could tell me why they're after you?" He asked, pressing one finger against her lips and letting the tip slip between her lips. He moved it up and down slowly, turning her on to no end.

He began to move his finger in and out, staring at her, telling her without words that he would keep going until she told him what he wanted to know.

"Get on top." He commanded.

Amethyst made a little sound of happiness and leapt atop him, rubbing her pussy against the bulge in his pants.

"Uh-uh. Turn around." He said, smiling widely.

"No, please stop teasing me." She pleaded again, reluctantly turning around and lifting her tail to him.

Hyran wasted no time in pressing his mouth against her pussy, running his tongue across the soft lips, lapping at her furiously.

Amethyst moaned, and pressed back against him, trying to get enough stimulation to reach her orgasm.

Hyran began to move his tongue faster, flicking it across her lips, loving the taste of her juices. He moved onto her clitoris, and she moaned out loud, urging him on with little cries of pleasure.

Her pussy began to convulse against his mouth, and Hyran licked even harder and faster, trying to get her as close to orgasm as possible.

He felt her start to orgasm, and stopped licking, leaving his tongue pressed against her pussy gently.

"Don't move." He ordered, so that she couldn't make herself cum by moving her pussy against him.

She whimpered, but obeyed him, while her body screamed at her to make herself come.

Hyran lapped at her pussy. A quick, flickering movement, running from the bottom to the very top, making her squeal as he took right to the edge of her climax.

He did it again, and again, making sure not to push her over the edge.

Amethyst finally couldn't take any more of the exquisite torture, and yanked down his pants, taking his cock into her mouth and sucking furiously. She focused completely on sucking him, anything to get her mind off what he was doing to her body.

She sucked on him furiously, twining her tongue around his erection and squeezing with her tongue as hard as she could.

But nothing could take her mind off the feeling of his tongue gently keeping her from her orgasm.

"Okay! They're after me because their leader wants me to become his mate!" She said breathlessly.

Amethyst suddenly felt herself lifted and rolled onto her back, and then the feeling of Hyran's hard erection thrusting between her wet lips.

She moaned and nuzzled him, both of them being so close to orgasm from each other's mouths.

Hyran thrust up into her pussy as hard as he could, moaning out loud as he came. The feeling of him orgasming inside her finally triggered her long-awaited orgasm, and she squealed with pure pleasure as her little pussy massaged and convulsed around him, milking him for every last drop of his creamy seed.

He collapsed to the side, as the gryphon re-entered the tent.

They both ignored her.

"Oh, you silly human, you've gotten yourself covered in juices, looks like I'll have to give you a bath." She said cutely, licking her juices off his face and neck.

He tilted her head up to his with a hand under her chin and kissed her. "Now, wouldn't that have been easier if you had just told me?" he asked, staring into her eyes.

"Yes, it would have been, but then I wouldn't have gotten such a wonderful tongue-job." She said cutely, cocking her head to the side again and smiling at him, before lying down and resting her head in his chest, closing her eyes and sighing contentedly.

"You can't tell me you planned that as well!" he said, as Amethyst just smiled.

* * *

White heaven was at once a very strange place, but oddly beautiful.

It was made mainly of red rock, with peculiar arches and oddly slanting walls, and really odd doors, which made it feel as if you were walking through a ruin. The outer walls towered over you at all times. Unlike the inner architect, these walls looked imposing, as if they would never fall. They had to be over twenty metres tall, made out of some kind of red brick. A much deeper hue than the rock used on the buildings.

The inner castle was huge, with thousands of rooms, secret passageways, huge, spiralling towers, which all were at a slight slant, adding to the air of strangeness, and giant, sweeping halls that seemed to be there just to fill space.

The whole area was a heaven for mythical animals. The first day he had been there, Hyran had passed a Pegasus and a Unicorn, whose daughter was trailing behind them, looking strange but beautiful at the same with her pearly white horn and snowy wings sprouting from her black body. He had even seen dinosaurs walking about matter-of-factly, but only the raptor species. There were lycanthropes, gryphons, griffins, and many others besides. Find a creature in a book or fairytale, and it was here.

"What the hell is this place?" he asked Amethyst as he returned from his first exploration of the area.

"White heaven." Amethyst replied, as he flopped down next to her and pulled her closer, snuggling up to her warmth.

"I know that, but what is this place. Half these creatures are only in books and stories." He told her.

"All myth has roots in fact." She had replied.

"Like big dragons?" He asked, a slight smile on his face.

"No. Big dragons are not myths." She said.

"You said that there are no big dragons, don't tell me you lied." He said.

"I didn't. There are no big dragons, there are just little ones pretending." She said, with the air of a person saying that one plus one equals two.

"Little ones pretending. You're having me on." He said, staring at her with mock-suspicion.

Hyran was suddenly holding a towering, seven-metre-tall dragon in his arms.

He yelped with shock and leapt from the bed, drawing his sword in a reflexive movement.

"Put that little thing away." She said, as she returned to her normal size.

"How much other magic haven't you told me about?" He asked, as he sheathed his sword and lay back down with her. She purred and snuggled up to him, her paws kneading at his chest lightly.

"Why are you carrying a sword?" She asked, completely ignoring his question.

"Because there're great big monsters walking around outside the building. But stop being evasive, what other magic do you have?" He asked again.

"A bit." She said reluctantly.

"Do I have to torture you for information again?" He asked.

"Oh, yes please!" She said eagerly, licking at his neck.

He slid his hand down her belly, and then on to the soft lips of her sex, already moist and warm from her being close to him.

Beginning to gently rub at her lips, he made sure that his fingers brushed against her clitoris every now and again.

As he was rubbing, Amethyst began to tell him about all the different magic that dragons could use, telling him a single branch of magic for every five rubs or so.

"Well, we have water, fire, air, earth, thunder, lightning, ice, poison, dark, holy, divine, shape, form, matter, and a couple other bits of magic I don't know about." She said.

Hyran had stopped his rubbing and was staring at her with his mouth hanging open.

"I don't bite you know." She said sweetly, motioning between her back legs with her nose.

He picked his jaw up off the floor and continued rubbing.

"That's a lot of magic." He said weakly.

"Well, I am a dragon." She said, rolling fully on to her back and spreading her legs as far as they would go, cooing softly as he continued rubbing her.

"You know, I didn't notice that you're a dragon." He said teasingly.

"You must have been too blinded by my beauty." She conceded.

"I must have been." He said, leaning in and kissing her. "But what's being a dragon got to do with magic?" He asked.

"Dragons were the first magic users, silly, so we get all branches of magic in an undiluted, pure form." She said.

Hyran, his curiosity sated for a while, removed his hand. He brought his wet fingers up to face and suckled at one of them for a second, loving the taste of her juices.

Amethyst reached up and lapped his hand clean for him, and then kissed him, the taste of her own juices strong in her mouth. She dragged him down onto the bed with her.

Hyran ran a hand down her side, returning it to her pussy and rubbing gently as he stripped with his other hand.

Very soon he was naked. Amethyst rolled him on to his back, careful not to hurt his injured shoulder. She straddled him and kissed him again, her tongue meshing with his as she started to rub her whole body over his.

She found his erection with her pussy and began to gently rub her soft lips against it.

Hyran moaned into her mouth as she started to purr with pleasure. She moaned as she pressed downwards, impaling herself on his erection.

She began to rock back and forth slowly, savouring the act. She kissed him again, and then began to nuzzle his neck, leaning in as close as she could, while still rocking back and forth. Hyran kissed her neck and moved with her motions, complimenting her style.

Amethyst rolled off him and laid down on her back, spreading her legs wide and revealing her wet and swollen pussy to him.

He took a second to admire her. She looked so magnificent with her legs spread like that, her lips just slightly reddened, her breathing hard, her golden scales shining as she stared at him lustfully, her beauty completely indescribable to someone who hadn't seen it with their own eyes, and he wondered how he could be so lucky so as to meet this beautiful, radiant creature.

But he couldn't wait any longer, so he got down between her legs and kissed her as he thrust into her.

He began to pump into her, gently at first, but then harder, needing to feel her orgasming around him. He was soon pumping smoothly into her, listening to the little sounds she made as he took her.

Spreading her wings slightly, she rolled him over so that she was on top again.

She let her wings droop as she started to move furiously, her pussy already convulsing on him.

He felt himself getting closer, and began to pump up into her, kissing her with furious passion as her juices began to run down his legs.

Thrusting up into her convulsing pussy, his erection delved as deep inside her body as physically possible as they came together.

She gave a cry of pure pleasure, slightly muffled because she had buried her head into his neck as they both came, his erection spilling thick spurts of cum deep inside her body as her pussy convulsed around him, massaging his member, suckling his cum from his cock eagerly as he kissed her.

They collapsed onto the bed together, in a tangle of wings and limbs, completely exhausted, exchanging kisses and whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears with complete contentment.

* * *

Hyran awoke, and just stared at Amethyst at she slept. She looked so peaceful and cute, not a huge, malevolent killer like most of the tales of dragons said. He wondered how the knights could have gotten it so wrong.

Amethyst opened her eyes and leaned in for a kiss, licking his face happily.

"What are we doing here?" Hyran asked.

"Well, last time I checked I was kissing you." She said in that matter-of-fact way that dragons had of explaining things. Hyran had learnt, from being around Amethyst, that dragons didn't really look to the future, mainly focusing on the here and now. A good example was asking any dragon what they were doing, and they would say 'talking to you.'

"What are we doing in white heaven?" He elaborated.

"Lying down." She answered. Most dragons were evasive. Not because they wanted to be, but because they took most questions very literally.

"Why are we in white heaven?" He asked, starting to lose his temper.

"Why didn't you ask that in the first place? Silly human." She said, licking his neck again. "We're here because this is basically the only place that the Halivante can't get to."

"Why can't they get here?"

She sighed; in the way that Hyran had come to know signalled the start of a long explanation.

"The Halivante were created by the corrupting influence of the fires of hell, right?" She asked, and Hyran nodded. "White heaven was once a refuge for the demi-gods. This place was a refuge from the tides of good or evil that engulfed the land during the war of tides."

"War of tides?" Hyran asked, completely confused.

"The great wars between good and evil." She explained. "The gods took a very active interest in the triumph of their alignment. When a side started to lose, they would come here, where they were protected from the magic's of the other side."

"But why didn't one side just turn this place into a fortress. This is just confusing." Hyran said.

"Stop thinking about it, or you'll just go loony, silly human." She said fondly. "This place was created when good and evil declared war on each other. They both created it so that, if a side was losing, they could retreat here and go unmolested by the forces of evil or good that ran rampant through the world."

Hyran had a lot of questions now.

"The good and evil declared war on each other? Haven't they always been enemies? You know, complete opposites?" He asked.

"No, silly. Good and evil can coexist. One can't live without the other. Think of it as light and dark. Where there is light, there is always darkness, and darkness can be banished by the light."

"So good is light and evil is dark?" He asked.

"Common misconception. Good is more like darkness than anything. It can be obliterated by light, but can also be stronger than the light. Think of midday. Midday is the triumph of evil, but the good, or shadow, is always there somewhere. Then, at midnight, it is the triumph of good, but there is always light on the other side of the world. Yin and Yang, light and dark, good and evil, they all mean the same thing." She explained.

"But, why don't the good guys just kill all the bad ones?" He asked.

"Because that would destroy the world." She said simply.

"Why would it destroy the world?"

"Silly human," She said again, in that very cute way she had of saying it. "What would happen if there was no darkness in the world?" She asked.

"Well, its impossible." He said.

"Exactly!" She said, thoroughly pleased that he had grasped the point so quickly. "Darkness is a by-product of light, so, to destroy the dark, you have to destroy the light too. But there is an exception. Evil can completely engulf the world, like darkness. Because there is no light where darkness doesn't shine, there isn't really a problem for them to take over the whole world. In this way, the evil is more like darkness."

"But why help the other side by building this place?" He asked. "Why not just imprison a few of the other side and then kill the rest?"

"There has only been one fight between immortals, and it nearly destroyed the world. This way is easier. Its impossible to keep a demi-god imprisoned against their will."

"So they created this place so that they could be imprisoned, but not against their will?" Hyran asked.

"You humans are much smarter than anyone gives you credit for. Yes, that's why they created this place. It stops them from fighting and destroying the world." She said.

"But what's that got to do with the Halivante?" He asked.

"The Halivante were created from the fires of hell, the very essence of evil itself. Since the tides of evil are winning at the moment, White heaven is a refuge for any creature aligned with good."

"So the Halivante can't get in here until evil starts losing?" He asked.

"Yes." She stated.

"So dragons are all good-aligned?" He asked.

"No." She said, exasperated. "How can you humans be so smart and yet so naive at the same time?! Every race has good and bad. Everything isn't black and white. There are hundreds shades of grey in between." She said.

"How can you tell a bad dragon from a good one?" He asked, suddenly fearful of meeting an evil dragon, and it being exactly what the knights said they fought.

"Evil creatures are twisted by inner corruption, and their appearance reflects this. Every creature reacts differently. Dragons turn into red eyed, black dragons that look evil. Dogs do the same, and start breathing fire all the time. Unicorns turn black and breathe fire as well." She said.

"So, if it's black and breathing fire, fuck off in the other direction real quick?" He asked.

"You humans have a way of eloquently summing things up in such a crude way." She said, looking sideways at him.

"Yes we do, but we have other redeeming features." He said.

"Like what?" She asked, in a tone that said that she doubted it.

"Oh, we have huge cocks for one." He said, rubbing her neck.

"Yes, I have to agree there." She said, leaning into his caresses.

"And we have nice, long fingers with opposable thumbs. Very good for manipulating things." He said, kissing her neck.

"Oh yesss..." She hissed, "Very good at manipulating things." She said as his hand slipped lower and began to caress the moist lips of her sex.

"Please don't tease me." She begged.

Hyran stopped, looking at her questioningly.

"Just take me please?" She pleaded, standing up and positioning herself so that her tail was hanging over the edge of the bed.

"As my dragon commands." He said, smiling at her and taking his clothes off, stepping up behind her and caressing her warm lips again.

He rubbed her until there was a steady flow of juices running down her legs and dripping onto the bed.

Sitting down under her tail, he found that she was at the perfect height. He pressed his mouth against her lips, licking across them with little flicking strokes, making her moan and bite down on a pillow to stop from squealing with pleasure.

He ran his tongue from her clit right to the bottom, delving his tongue between her lips, making her moan around her mouthful of pillow as she started to come.

Driving his tongue into her pussy, working it around and holding her open with his fingers, he continued the attack.

He felt her start to orgasm, and resisted the urge to lick harder, and stopped.

Amethyst gave a little cry of displeasure.

Hyran corrected the problem by standing up and pressing his hard cock against her soft, moist lips.

He slid the head between her folds while he ran his hands up and down her back.

"Just take me please!?" She squealed, finally losing control from the pleasure coursing through her body.

Hyran ran his hands up to her neck, and grasped her sides, pulling her back towards him as he thrust.

He moaned as he felt her pussy tighten around him.

Amethyst squealed and began to rock back and forth, finally getting the pleasure she needed. She pressed back against him, feeling every movement of his cock inside her body.

Hyran started to pump harder, and Amethyst began to thrust back at him, his cock shiny with her juices.

He could feel his orgasm welling up from inside him, and he knew from experience that amethyst was so close to cumming as well, when he heard someone enter the building.

But he just couldn't stop.

He thrust up into her body, wrapping his arms around Amethyst from behind and lifting her up on his cock as he came. He thrust hard into her, rocking her body back and forth with his last few strokes.

Amethyst gave a squeal of pleasure and opened her wings, rocking back against him as hard as she could, feeling her pussy convulse around his thrusting cock as warm cum jetted into her belly.

Hyran thrust a few more times, and then they both collapsed onto the bed. Hyran turned towards the opening of the building, and saw Trouble standing there, breathing hard from the arousal that had awakened inside of her at the sight of Hyran taking Amethyst.

"I wish I had of arrived earlier." She stated as she stared at them breathlessly, somehow resisting the urge to find something to rub herself against.

"I'm done." Amethyst said contentedly. "But, if you can get him hard again, you can have a go." She said, settling herself off to a side of the bed out of the way so she could watch.

Trouble immediately leapt up onto the bed with Hyran, pouncing on him, and holding him down as she started to rub her wet lips across his cock.

She moved down his body, and wrapped her tongue around his cock and began squeezing and sucking hard.

Hyran moaned as he started to get hard in her mouth. She was much more aggressive than Amethyst, and the change of style was exciting him.

Trouble cooed around his cock as she felt it harden, and then let go of him.

"My turn now." She stated, rolling onto her back and getting comfortable on the bed with her back legs spread wide.

Hyran took her tail between his knees, and began to kiss down her belly, making sure that he didn't place any kisses on her pussy just yet.

He kissed all around her thighs and along the sides of her lips, driving the red dragon crazy with lust.

Her pussy started to twitch with need, and he pressed his mouth against it, flicking his tongue up and down it with deep strokes.

Trouble rolled over, pinned him again, and then turned around, waving her raised tail over his face.

Hyran reached up and began to lick her again, his hands running up and down her back and between her wings as she teased his erection.

"Make me cum and I'll give you what you want." She purred, running a single claw up the length of his cock, causing it to twitch and become, if possible, even harder.

Hyran began licking with abandon, trying to make her cum quickly so he could fuck this beautiful creature.

"Oh yesss...just like that..." She purred as he pressed his tongue deep inside her and began to lap at her as deep as he could.

She took his cock into her mouth and began to suck gently as she started to come.

Hyran gave dove his tongue into her body and moved it around as much as he could, feeling the red dragons pussy start to convulse with orgasm.

He licked at the outside of her pussy furiously as her juices started to run freely across a neck and face already wet with Amethyst's juices.

Trouble gave a great cry of pleasure around his cock and thrust her pussy against his face as she came, spilling her juice all over him.

She turned around and lay on top of him, feeling the head of his cock pressing insistently against her very wet pussy.

Hyran rolled her over, sensing that she didn't have the energy to stay on top, but knowing that she still wanted more pleasure.

Trouble began to lap the mingled juices off his neck and face as he started to take her.

He gently pressed his cock against her lips, letting the head slip between them and into her body.

Trouble gave a cry of pleasure and jerked her body downwards, feeling the length of his cock enter her hot little body.

Hyran placed his hands on her sides as he started to move, pumping steadily in and out of her slick pussy.

She moaned and bit into his uninjured shoulder, not breaking the skin, but applying enough pressure for him to feel a pricking sensation across that area.

He continued to pump into her, his cock once again shiny with juices, sliding easily in and out of the dragon's pussy.

Hyran began to pick up the pace, not moving hard enough to rock trouble up and down like he did with Amethyst, but only just as hard as he needed to go to bring them both to orgasm in a timely fashion.

He could feel trouble nearing her orgasm, and sped up, thrusting into her furiously, wanting to cum with her.

She moaned and came, biting down on his shoulder, almost breaking the skin.

Hyran kept thrusting into her convulsing pussy, gasping at the feeling of it, nearing his own orgasm.

He thrust up as hard as he could, a moan escaping his throat as he pulled Trouble tight against him and came, flooding her womb with strong, milky spurt of seed. Hyran kept pumping, making sure each thrust went all the way into her, until he fell to the bed next to the two dragons, totally exhausted.

Trouble, already tired from a long trip, fell asleep immediately.

"That was quite a show." Amethyst said, snuggling up to him, settling down for a long sleep.

Hyran pulled her closer and fell asleep with her slow breathing in his ears.

* * *

Hyran was training in one of the man courtyards of White Haven, trying to make his body stronger. Amethyst was resting back at the house, recovering from the marathon mating session they had had the night before. She could go for hours, but afterwards she had to lie down and sleep for ages before she could do anything.

He was training his hand-to-hand skills on a dummy that a lycanthrope had kindly lent him.

Hearing a sound nearby, he spun towards the noise, seeing a female raptor standing at the only entrance to the courtyard.

"Oh. Are you training?" She asked politely. "I'm sorry for barging in, but his is where I do my training as well."

"Yeah, I'm training. How does a raptor train?" He asked, curious as to how exactly a raptor would fight.

"Well, usually I have a partner to train against, but he's off sick today, do you think you could train with me?" She asked, still politely.

"I suppose, as long as you go easy on me." He said with a little trepidation, as she looked very imposing, with long lean muscles, and huge claws on each of her feet.

She was actually quite attractive. She had long, black stripes running from her eye ridges, all the way to the tip of her tail. She had brown skin, which shaded to a very light brown on her underside.

The raptor gave a little squeal of happiness and stalked into the courtyard, eyeing him, sizing him up.

"Why did you laugh?" She asked, still staring at him.

"Because you just reminded me of someone." He said. She had reminded him of Amethyst. Her squeal had been a carbon copy of the squeal Amethyst made when she came.

The raptor pounced, lifting herself at least two metres off the ground from a stationary start.

Hyran leapt to the side, swinging out his foot and catching hers easily.

Stumbling forwards on momentum she ran headlong into the training dummy.

She laughed as she tried to disentangle herself from the dummy. Her laugh was a sweet sound that one wouldn't expect to come from a raptor's throat.

But she was rather firmly caught, because the dummy had fallen apart when she hit it, cloth and wooden bones going everywhere.

Hyran began to disentangle the raptor from the splintered remains of the dummy.

Every time his hands brushed her hide she would squirm slightly, unwittingly tangling herself even further.

"Please stop moving, or this is gonna take even longer." He said, as she gave a particularly strong squirm as his hand brushed her thigh.

"I'm's just that your touch is really, really arousing me." She said, staring at him. Hyran didn't have anything to say to that, so he kept quiet.

Hyran began to remove the cloth from around her leg, and his hand accidentally brushed her sex. She gave a moan of pleasure and squirmed harder than ever.

"Please, do that again?" She pleaded.

He did it again, realising that he was getting turned on.

Giving a shriek of pleasure she started writhed wildly. She began to writhe with all her strength, even though he wasn't touching her any more.

She clambered to her feet as the remains of the dummy fell from her body. She turned away from him and lifted her tail, exposing her already wet pussy to him.

He stepped forwards, leaning over her body and kissing the back of her neck, his hand gently rubbing against her sex.

She shuddered and pushed back at him, whimpering in lust.

"Take me." She said, her sex pulsing around his fingers as he pushed two in to her.

Hyran pulled off his clothes, gently moving her tail to the side and pressing the head of his hard cock against her pussy.

Another moan came from her as he started to rub the head up and down her slit. He kept going, loving the feeling of her juices running down his shaft.

She glared at him over her shoulder, a look that said with more eloquence than words ever could, "Stop teasing me or I'll eat you."

He laughed and kissed the end of her snout as he thrust hard into her.

She gave a raptorial shriek of pleasure and thrust back at him as he started to move in her.

He bent over her, wrapping his arms around her and pumping hard, feeling her walls convulsing around his cock.

Savouring the feeling of her body as he fucked her, he could acutely feel the difference between her and Amethyst.

He could feel himself about to cum, and stopped moving. He pulled out and knelt down behind her as she looked over her shoulder, wondering what he was doing back there.

Hyran pressed his mouth against her slit, loving the squeal she let out as he caressed her lips with his tongue. She pressed back against him as he thrust a finger inside her, lapping at her slit furiously.

He stood up again, and thrust back into her, trying to make her come.

Thrusting up hard into her pussy he felt it tighten around him, her juices spilling from around his cock as she came.

Pumping again and again, feeling her tight pussy milking his cock, he came hard.

He pumped hard, his cock pulsing and spilling thick jets of sticky cum deep inside her body as she gave a roar and pushed back against him furiously, her tail swishing through the air dangerously and nearly knocking him out, missing his head by mere centimetres.

Hyran pulled out of her and collapsed onto the remains of the dummy breathing hard as the raptor fell next to him, closing her eyes and murring contentedly.

He put his clothes on, and was about to leave when the raptor spoke. "Thank you for the wonderful time. But could you do me a favour?" She asked.

"I suppose." He replied.

"I'm tangled again." She said apologetically.

* * *

Hyran stumbled back to the house he and Amethyst shared, a mantra echoing in his head.

WhatdidIjustdo?WhatdidIjustdo?WhatdidIjustdo? He couldn't believe that he had mated with that raptor. What would that do to his relationship with Amethyst.

What relationship? A voice in his head asked. Hyran laughed to himself. They didn't really have a relationship, did they? They just spent all their time humping like jackrabbits on viagra.

He opened the door, seeing Amethyst lying on the bed, her wings slightly spread, her head resting on her paws, her eyes opened and glassy, staring at the wall but not seeing it.

"Amethyst?" He asked, and her eyes immediately focussed, getting that sparkle to them again.

"And who have you been with? I can smell her on you. Was she cute?" She asked straight away.

"Wha--" Hyran started, completely confused. He had expected her to yell at him, even try to hurt him, but she didn't care.

"Was she good?" She asked again, walking over to him and pulling him onto the bed by latching onto the hem of his shirt until he lay down, and then she stepped up onto his lap and curled up contentedly.

"You don't care?" He asked faintly.

"Nope. Its just sex, isn't it." She said cutely.

Hyran stared at her, before standing up so fast that he almost knocked her to the ground. She gave a little squeal of anger as he walked out.

"Hyran?" She called, running out after him.

"What is it?" She asked, as if asking him weather.

He turned around suddenly, staring down at her. "Is that all I am to you? Just sex?" He asked, the fury in his voice clearly evident.

Unless his imagination was suddenly in overdrive, Amethyst was looking very uncomfortable.

"I knew it." He said with cold fury as he stared down at her. He turned and walked away.

"No--Hyran, wait!" She commanded, but he completely ignored her, leaving her sitting in the street, her wings dropping pathetically as she stared after him.

* * *

Hyran walked. He didn't know where he was going. He was thinking of leaving this stupid place. He would take on the Halivante bare-handed if it meant that he could get away from the stupid little golden dragon who had used him.

* * *

Amethyst stormed back into the house, her anger causing her magic to come out in little tendrils of power. Lightning crackled around her wings, while her tail seemed to be encased in a wavering cover of flames, her claws were sheathed in ice, and her legs and body seemed to pulse with an unearthly black light.

She leapt up on to a bed. She didn't need that stupid human! She thought as she savaged a pillow, sending goose feathers all over the place. Why should she care if he left? He was nothing but sex to her!

Amethyst growled dangerously, waving a paw at a pillow and watching it burst as if cut by a hundred knives at once. "Stupid human. Fuck him." She growled.

She collapsed amongst the goose-feathers and sobbed herself to sleep.

* * *

Hyran ended up sleeping in the same square where he had trained, and taken the raptor. He was glad in a horrible, savage way that he had what he had done. Now he knew who Amethyst truly was, it was a relief to be away from her. Away from her manipulations, away from the way she used him for her own purposes.

* * *

Amethyst awoke the next morning, stretching and flexing her wings, yawning widely, wondering why the bed was empty. Then she remembered. She hissed at nothing in particular, and flame broke out over her body again.

She swatted at the flame miserably, stopping the blankets from smouldering. If she kept losing control like that, she would burn the house down.

She decided that she had to see Hyran. She would tell him what she thought of him, even if she had to hold him down to do it.

* * *

Hyran was still lying in the square when amethyst found him.

"What do you want?" He asked coldly.

"I want to talk." She said icily.

"About what? The way you used me for sex? The way you never thought of me, only yourself?" He asked contemptuously.

"I miss you." She stated plainly, and Hyran softened a little at her expression.

"You miss my cock. Nothing else." He said, hoping to hurt her a fraction of how much she had hurt him.

"You don't understand." She said miserably, looking at the ground, her whole body a picture of dejection. Her wings dropped, the tips touching the ground as she sat on her haunches, silent tears were streaming from her eyes down her muzzle and on to the ground just in front of her. Her tail lay in the dust like a dead snake, completely lifeless.

"What don't I understand?" Hyran asked. "You see me only as sex. You don't care about me. You just want to fuck and that's all. No commitment." He said.

"NO!" She objected vehemently, stunning Hyran, who had expected her to keep looking at the ground and try to mumble an apology.

" the start, you were just sex." She conceded. "But not now." She said, staring at him, completely different from the creature of a few seconds ago. She was now on her feet; wings folded tightly, eyes bright as she stared at him in challenge, her tail whipping back and forth in the air behind her. Hyran had the sudden impression that he had awaken her predatory side, and that he was the prey.

"Not just sex?" He snorted disdainfully, "Like I believe that. You didn't even bat an eye when you smelt that raptor on me." He said.

Amethyst leapt at him, knocking him to the ground, holding him down with amazing strength.

She bared her teeth and hissed at him, all four sets of her claws digging into him painfully as she held her face a bare inch from his own.

"I wanted to tear your throat out!" She half-roared.

It was the loudest sound Hyran had heard her make, and it scared him. It was at that point that Hyran realised that he couldn't just be sex to her, not if she was getting this emotional.

Hyran cried out as a lancing pain shot through his body, seeming to come from each of her claws, and any area where her body touched his. He spasmed for a second, eyes wide with shock. Amethyst had cast a spell on him! Before he collapsed back, letting the darkness take away his pain.

* * *

"Oh...wake up...please?..." A voice was saying.

Hyran opened his eyes slowly, Amethyst's face slowly coming into focus.

"What happened?" He asked weakly.

"I put a spell on you." She replied miserably.

Hyran tried to sit up, but she crawled up onto the bed and pushed him back.

"It was an accident. My magic got out of control." She said as she stared into his eyes, seeming to be looking beyond them.

"Oh yes, the mighty magical dragon." He said.

"It happens to every dragon when they get emotional." Amethyst stated petulantly, still inspecting him.

"So, what did you so to me?" He asked.

"A pain spell. It was a bit out of control." She said morosely.

"A little, teeny, tiny bit out of control." He corrected, earning himself a look of mock loathing.

"I'm sorry." She said sadly.

"The spell should wear off shouldn't it?" He asked in reply.

"Not about the spell, about the whole sex thing. I should have told you sooner." She said.

"No. I was the idiot. You never once said that you loved me. Not once. I was just an idiot for thinking that it was a given that you were." He said.

"I should have said it. It would have made everything much easier." She replied, each trying to outdo each other in the blame-game.

"Just shut up, silly dragon." He said playfully. "Let's just say that we both were the problem." He suggested.

"Okay." She said, snuggling up to him and nuzzling his neck.

"You owe me a favour." Hyran said decisively.

"Probably several by now." She stated dryly.

"But I'm not going to use it yet. But just you wait until I recover." He said, stroking her neck.

"You'll find another way to get revenge." She said.

"Ohhhh, yesss, I will." He said slowly, looking over her body and licking his lips.

"Are you thinking dirty thoughts about me?" Amethyst asked innocently.

"Maybe? What's your description of dirty?" He asked smiling.

"Well, you're not going to throw me in the mud are you?" She asked, making him laugh.

He grabbed her and rolled her onto her back, gently kissing her neck.

Amethyst relaxed and enjoyed the attention.

She could feel his hand working its way up her side slowly, rubbing gently against her scales.

A contented sigh escaped her muzzle, and then a squeal of surprise as his hand found a ticklish spot and began to move ruthlessly.

Hyran smiled down at her and tickled her harder, making her gasp for breath.

"No--Hyran--stop" She gasped out between giggles.

"Not until you say the magic words." He said, smiling sweetly at her and tickling her more.

She whopped him across the leg with her tail. "Enough magic for you?" she asked innocently, smiling at him sweetly and doing it again.

Hyran winced and ran a hand down to her tail, gently rubbing the soft skin there.

"Just say the magic words." Hyran whispered in her ear as she started to breathe faster.

"Please?" She begged, writhing against him.

"Wrong answer." He said, still teasing her, making her hornier and hornier with each little touch.

"Fuck me!" She squealed hopefully, staring at him imploringly.

"Nope." Hyran said, still rubbing at her tail gently.

She looked at him seriously, and said, "I love you."

"Now, how hard was that." He said, finally moving his hand up and onto the thoroughly lubricated lips of her hot little pussy.

Amethyst moaned and leaned in, kissing him lovingly as he rubbed her. He rubbed harder, gently pressing a finger between her lips and moving it around.

Amethyst moaned into his mouth as she started to cum.

"I want you to cum inside me." She whispered in his ear, as he pulled his hand away from her lips.

He laid her down on her back, and began to kiss up her neck, loving the way she writhed under his touch.

Quickly he stripped, throwing his clothes to the side as he kissed her again.

He rolled her on top of him, positioning her so that his cock was just barely touching her pussy, a small trickle of juice running slowly down it.

Amethyst rocked back against him, arching her back as his cock slipped inside her slowly. She waited until he was in her fully, before leaning down and locking her lips against his, staring into his eyes, trying to let him see the love in her own.

She arched against him again, thrusting slowly, striking up a rhythm with him.

Arching her back again she moved faster, thrusting harder against him, her claws digging into the bed as their mingled pleasure rose.

Amethyst settled into a new rhythm, thrusting hard and fast, kissing him hard, humping against his member furiously.

Hyran moaned and kissed her lovingly, whispering to her, "I love you."

She whispered the same back, and then shuddered as she felt him orgasm.

He pushed upwards, sliding his erection deep inside her, his member spurting his cum inside her as he held her tight and kissed her.

She arched her back to receive him as she felt the waves of seed spilling deep inside her womb.

Her legs gave way and she collapsed onto his chest, breathing hard, his slick, shiny member still buried within her. "Don't ever leave me." She whispered to him.

"Never." He replied, pulling her closer and kissing one last time before the night claimed them both.

* * *

A knock on the door awoke Hyran and Amethyst early in the morning.

Amethyst leapt as though she had received an electrical shock and promptly fell off the bed.

"Skittish?" Hyran asked her with a raised eyebrow.

She didn't answer. She glared at him for a second, and walked towards the door, her tail held high in the draconic sign of annoyance, giving him a wonderful view that completely ruined the effect.

The little dragon opened the door by latching onto a low handle with her teeth and twisting. "Ms. Amethyst?" A male voice inquired.

"That's me." She said in her sweet voice.

"Your orders arrived." The voice said, and then Hyran heard the crunching of footsteps moving away, and then what sounded like an army of men coming towards the house.

Hyran stared in bewilderment as at least twenty Lycanthropic males began throwing pillows into the house.

They were all different sizes, some emblazoned with sea creatures, some dragons, flowers, roses, grass, gambolling kittens, and many others besides.

When the tide of soft fabric had finally come to a stop, Hyran looked at Amethyst questioningly.

"They're mine." She said petulantly, as though daring him to contradict him.

"Not this one!" He said; snatching up one that had a single golden dragon printed on it.

Amethyst leapt at him, but Hyran ducked and weaved to the left, causing her to sail over him onto the bed, where she turned and growled at him cutely.

He ran around and around the little room, Amethyst hot on his heels, giggling and nipping at his ankles, always just behind him. But eventually, they both ran out energy and flopped down on to the bed, panting and laughing like schoolchildren.

She leapt atop him, seizing the pillow between her jaws and leaping away into the furthest corner of the room, curling around the pillow and looking at him, saying, "Mine," in that same petulant voice that made her a hundred times cuter.

Hyran walked over to her. She curled around the pillow protectively and growled cutely, her claws digging into the fabric.

He lay down next to her and pulled her closer, kissing her. He broke the kiss for a second, pulled her even closer and said; "Mine," firmly, kissing her again.

"I can live with that." She said, surrendering to him.

"So just why do you have all these pillows?" Hyran asked.

"So I can smother you with cuteness and softness for being such a silly idiot." She said, nibbling at the ends of his hair.

"Truthfully." Hyran said.

"Okay." She pouted, giving him a very cute death stare.

"I need them to practise my projection." She told him.

"Projection?" He repeated blandly.

"Yes, silly. It's the name for magic that influences objects outside of physical contact." She said.

"So you can't do projection." Hyran asked.

She almost growled at him.

"No." She said, admitting to it with great reluctance and resentment.

"So how do pillows help with magic? No. Let me guess. Their divine softness makes you stronger with magic? Or are they so cute that you just want to kill them so much that it helps you do magic?" He asked, and then chuckled, ducking and leaning backwards, his hands over his head as Amethyst swatted at him playfully with a paw.

"No. I just need a target." She stated. "Unless you want to volunteer?" She asked sweetly, running a single claw across a pillow, tracing a random pattern lightly into the fabric. Hyran watched as the fabric glowed and then split right through.

"Uh. I could categorically" He said, staring in fascination at the now smoking halves of fabric.

"Well, looks like I'll have to use the pillows then." She said, turning her back on him.

Hyran watched as she concentrated with all her might, tensing up every muscle in her small body, her face a picture of concentration, scaled skin rippling with every reflexive jerk of her body. After ten minutes she collapsed onto her stomach, breathing heavily, eyes closed with exhaustion.

"Amethyst?" Hyran asked uncertainly.

"I'm still here." She said, sounding tired and weak.

"I just need to rest for a while." She said.

"Okay." He said uncertainly, still not sure that she was a hundred percent okay, lying down next to her and pulling her closer while she slept.

* * *

Amethyst awoke and yawned widely, closing her jaws with a snap, coming very close to biting Hyran's ear in the purpose.

The sound so close to his ear jolted him out of his reverie.

He had reliving the moment when he had taken the raptor. It was playing over and over in his head again and again, but instead of filling him with lust as most of his memories with Amethyst did, this one filled him with revulsion.

"Amethyst?" He asked tentatively.

"Hmmmm?" She responded sleepily.

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely.

"For being a total idiot?" She asked. "I already forgave you for that." She said cutely.

"No. For the raptor." He said dejectedly.

"I already forgave you for that, too." She said.

"But you shouldn't have. If it was you I would have never forgiven you." He said.

"Now aren't you just the most stupid person on the earth then?" She said, still in that almost infuriatingly cute voice.

"Probably." He said.

"You have a really big case of the early morning blues, don't you?" She asked.

"It's afternoon." Hyran corrected.

"Well, afternoon blues then." She said.

"Aren't you at least going to try and get back at me or something?" He asked.

"Well, you would have owed me a huge favour, but seeing how I put you in bed for three days in complete unconsciousness, I'd say that we're pretty much even." She said.

"Do you feel up to a walk?" She asked suddenly.

"Where to?" Hyran asked.

"Oh, you know, the top of the tower." She said casually.

Hyran gulped. The tower was a huge, slightly slanting monstrosity that rose up out of the centre of White Heaven, spirally into the clouds. It had to a very clear day to see the top.

"I suppose. What are we going to do up there?" He asked.

"Well, I could think of a few things." She said, gently running her tail down his arm and purring softly.

"Let's get going then." He said, jumping up as if very eager to get going, even though he wasn't all that good with heights and the mere thought of being up that high made him queasy.

* * *

When they reached the top of the tower, they climbed out onto the roof, walking over to the edge and peering over.

The view was magnificent. To the east Hyran could see several mountains rising from a forest in a jagged line along the coast, sheer cliff greeting the waters edge.

To the north was all water, with the sun shining harshly from the ocean, blinding to the eyes.

To the west was a huge desert, smooth sand dunes shading into yet more mountains, capped with snow at their peaks.

To the south was another shoreline, rimmed by small swirling creeks fed from a local swamp, slime-covered trees rising from the green, ghostly waters like spectres.

Hyran took it all in, before looking downwards, at the grasslands surrounding white heaven, feeling that familiar feeling of extreme vertigo.

He stumbled backwards, and sat straight down, staring at Amethyst. She was completely unperturbed by the heights, but then again, she had wings, so it wouldn't be such a big thing for her to fall off. She had one foot on a low stone block at the very edge of the roof, her other raised into the air, her head and shoulder completely over the edge, her tail lifted high, her eyes half closed, a look of joy on her face as the wind caressed her muzzle. She giggled and called him over.

"Come on Hyran. The view's great." She said.

"The view's just fine from where I am." He said, staring at the slightly reddened flesh under her tail, the pink skin completely exposed to his hungry eyes.

Amethyst giggled again and lifted her tail higher, saying, "You're thinking of throwing me in the mud again aren't you?"

"Oh yesss." He hissed, staring at her gorgeous form. "Now come lie down for a while." He said, patting the ground beside him.

"Oh no." She said cutely. "If you want your fun, you're going to have to work for it." She said, raising her tail higher and twirling it seductively, her purrs audible even from where he was sitting. She made no move to walk over to him.

Hyran figured that he would have to take her where she was standing, which wouldn't exactly be fun. Where she was standing, he would only be able to look out into open space or straight down to the ground, neither option was very appetising to him, but his lust quickly overcame his fear of heights, and maybe his common sense too, because he moved up to the edge with her, watching her smile as the wind swirled around them.

She raised her tail as far as it would go, twirling it again, and Hyran caught it, running his hands up and down it.

"You know, we owe each other some huge favours." Hyran said to her as she cooed happily.

"They cancel each other out." She said, with her eyes closed and her neck arched so that she could watch him caressing her if she had her eyes opened.

"They don't have to." Hyran said.

"Well. You owe me an absolutely huge favour for that raptor..." She began. "I've got it." She said, her eyes snapping open as she made her choice.

"Well?" He asked. He had already decided what he was going to choose.

"We have to stay together and love each other for the rest of our lives, and never take another mate." She said with finality.

Hyran's eyes darkened.

"You stupid little dragon!" He cried out.

Amethyst cringed, wondering what she could have done wrong. She had thought that it would make him happy. Maybe he didn't love her? Maybe he wanted another mate? Amethyst could feel the sting of tears starting in her eyes as these thoughts and many others like it chased each other through her mind.

Hyran drew away from her and slammed his fist into the battlements.

"I'm only going to live for another few decades!" He said. "What will happen when I die?! You're going to be a widow for the rest of your life!" He yelled.

Amethyst finally understood what he was trying to get at.

"I don't care!" She yelled back. "I only want you! I could never take another mate!"

"You'll live for another thousand years!" He yelled. "You'll be regretting this a year after I die!" He turned, close to tears, and fled down the staircase out of sight from her.

* * *

Amethyst found him about halfway down the stairs, sitting on a step and staring at the wall blankly.

"You've ruined the rest of your life." Hyran said hollowly. "All because of me, you're going to be lonely for a thousand years." He continued.

Amethyst gave him a good, hard slap across the face with her tail.

Hyran stared at her, hardly registering the fact that he had just been hit.

"We could be life mates." She said tentatively.

"That would kill us both." He said miserably.

"Not if you love me enough." She whispered back, gently nuzzling the back of his neck.

"Do you love me enough?" He asked.

Amethyst stared at him for a second, and then slapped him again.

Hyran rubbed his face. "What was that for?" he asked.

"For thinking that I don't love you." She said.

"I think that the raptor is enough of a clue that I don't love you enough." Hyran said in a defeated voice.

"No it doesn't." She said. Hyran started to protest, but she stopped him with her tail on his lips, hushing him. "Now, a lot of happy couples sleep with other people. It doesn't mean that they lover each other less." She said.

"But that's usually with their mates consent?" Hyran said.

"Well, yes. And if you take another creature without my permission, I will tear your heart out and make you watch while I eat it." She said matter-of-factly.

"I won't need another mate. You're more than enough for any one." He said, flattering her shamelessly.

"Then prove it." She said, purring and twining around him.

Hyran held out his arms to her.

She leapt into them happily, covering him with kisses.

Hyran kissed her back, gently running his hands up and down her body.

He carried her into the bedroom that was in the centre of the stairwell. It was rather small, and only had a single bed in there, but that was all that they needed.

Hyran lay her down on the bed, never once breaking the kiss, removing his clothes. He lay down on top of her, not entering her, just kissing her, enjoying the feel of her scales pressed against his skin. Amethyst cooed at him and gently rubbed the soft lips of her sex across his raging erection.

He couldn't help himself and thrust up into her all the way with a single powerful movement.

Amethyst squealed into his mouth, bucking against him as she kissed him.

Hyran began to move slowly, wrapping his arms around his beloved dragon and kissing her deeper.

She opened her eyes and stared at him. He locked eyes with her and paused, deep inside her, staring down at the beautiful creature in his arms. The creature he would gladly give his life to. The creature he was madly in love with.

He started again, thrusting gently, kissing her lovingly as she moaned with pleasure.

"I'm going to make you scream." He gave her the whispered promise.

"Go ahead." She challenged, meeting his gaze. Hyran could already feel her muscles tightening on his thrusting member, and pumped harder, moving smoothly within her.

Amethyst began to squeal each time he hilted within her, and he began to move faster, whispering in her ear as he did so.

"I love you, my pretty little dragon." He whispered.

Amethyst, who would normally have slapped him for talking as though he owned her, kissed him and surrendered her body to him, whispering words of love into his ear as they both reached their climax.

Hyran thrust into her rapidly convulsing entrance, roaring at the feeling of her sex pulsing around his member.

He held himself hilted inside her, his erection spilling his seed deep into her womb with each strong, milky spurt, and listed to her screams of pleasure.

Eventually her screams died down to squeals, then moans, and finally to little whimpers and moans every time he moved inside her.

Hyran collapsed next to her, pulling her close and kissing her again.

"I love you." He repeated.

"I love you too." She replied, kissing him.

"What about Trouble?" Hyran asked.

"What? Not getting enough from me?" Amethyst asked in a teasing tone.

"Well, it's just that you wanted to kill me for taking the raptor, but not trouble, why?" He asked, completely confused by the little golden dragon.

"Well, she's been...a...friend." She put careful emphasis on the word, "Since we were hatchlings, and we made a promise that if one of us was to take a mate, then we would share him with the other." Amethyst said carefully, not knowing how he would take the information.

Hyran blinked. "I'll only do it if you tell me to. If you tell me not to, I'll completely forget about her." Hyran said.

Amethyst let out the breath she had been holding with a slight whistle. "That's a relief, I thought you were going to start yelling again." She said.

"On the subject of women, what happened to that girl I saved from the citadel?" Hyran asked.

"Oh, she's around here somewhere. I heard she took up with a lycanthrope." Amethyst whispered conspiratorially.

"I've been thinking about what you said." He whispered.

"About what?" She asked.

"The life-mating." He whispered back.

Hyran knew what life mating was. It was basically the joining of souls through ancient, unknown magic. If the two who were attempting the life mating did not love each other enough, then their souls would be ripped from their bodies and they would wander the earth endlessly and spirits.

"And?..." She asked tentatively.

"I don't think that it's a good idea." He said, and her face fell.

"It's not that I don't love you enough." He said hastily, seeing the sad look in her eyes.

"It's just that, when I die, you'll die too." He said.

"Yes. But my vitality will be shared between the two of us, so we could safely say that we'll live for another twelve hundred years, give or take." She said.

"Truly?" He asked in wonderment.

"Yes." She said, nodding.

"Then do it." He said decisively, even though he was suddenly very nervous. Did he really love the little golden dragon, or was it just the lust talking? Even if he truly loved her, was it enough for a life mating? Was he just dooming them both and ruining what little time they had left together by doing this? Doubts filled him, but he suppressed them ruthlessly, the way someone might suppress nausea

Amethyst drew in closer. "Close your eyes." She said.

"Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with a human?" He asked, looking into her eyes, trying to read the truth in them.

She suddenly looked as nervous as he felt. "Well, to tell the truth, yes. But I've seen loving couples fall apart." She said, looking worried.

"Well, my favour is for us to never fall out of love with each other." He said.

"Are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with a dragon?" She asked him anxiously.

"No." He said truthfully.

Amethyst drew back; hurt beyond belief, she felt as if her heart was going to stop beating from the pain of rejection.

"I want to spend eternity with you. One lifetime isn't enough." He said truthfully, and Amethyst padded back over to him.

"I should hit you." She said in her most dangerous voice.

"Come on, domestic violence isn't the right way to start off a life-mating." He said, and Amethyst growled at him.

"Close your eyes before I hit you." Amethyst growled, raising her paw threateningly.

Hyran laughed and closed his eyes. Immediately, a strange white fog obscured his view of the back of his eyelids.

"What the...?" He breathed, opening his eyes. It made no difference.

The fog began to clear. The figure of Amethyst resolved itself out of the whiteness.

Hyran suddenly felt more aroused then he had ever been.

"Let's go fuck!" She said brightly, walking towards him.

Hyran stared at her. It was Amethyst, but there was something wrong with her. Not with her body, or face, or voice, or anything else that he could see or hear, but there was something odd about her.

She kept advancing, stepping up into his lap, and his arousal seemed to increase ten-fold. She purred and nuzzled him, whispering pure filth in his ear.

"Amethyst?" He asked tentatively.

"Don't you want to fuck?" She asked slowly.

"What?" He asked, now having to concentrate very hard not to leap at her and take her right there.

"Don't you love me?" She asked plaintively, but again, there was the sense of something not quite right.

"Of course I love you." He said.

Amethyst brightened immediately, and stood up, turning away and lifting her tail.

His lust became so great that he was surprised his mind was working at all.

"No." He slurred. "Not until you tell me what's going on." He continued, with great difficulty.

The fog came back in, and when it rolled away again, the raptor was standing there.

She had her back turned, her tail lifted, the sweet, pink lips of her sex glistening with moisture as she stared at him, begging him to take her.

Hyran could feel the lust rising in him, almost out of control. "No!" He shouted.

The fog rolled in again, and the raptors voice came from somewhere in front of him.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because I love Amethyst." He replied, using all his concentration to push down his lust.

"And yet you wouldn't mate with her when she offered herself to you a moment ago." She said, amused.

"That wasn't Amethyst." Hyran said with gritted teeth, resisting the impulse to begin feeling around for the raptor.

Amethyst suddenly popped into existence besides him, her neck and tail completely flushed with blood, in the way that it got only when she was feeling very, very aroused.

He got the undeniable feeling that they had passed the test.

Amethyst turned to him. "Do you feel like doing it right now?" She asked breathlessly. She lifted her tail slightly, turning her back on him, exposing her dripping sex to him, filling him with the same lust he had felt before.

"It'll pass." He said, reaching down and kissing her. She dissolved with a slight pop, disappearing into a cloud of gold sparks, which quickly disappeared in turn.

"Wha--?" He asked.

The mist rolled out again. Hyran was standing on the grassy plains of grassland around the tower; he could Amethyst at the top, a tiny golden speck.

As he watched, she leapt from the top and opened her wings, the sunlight lighting them from behind, turning her into a beautiful, radiant creature seemingly made of the light itself. As he watched, a wind sheer caught her and slammed her into the face of the tower, breaking one of her wings in half and sending her plummeting to the ground.

Hyran sprinted to the tower, his heart seeming to shrivel up and dissolve in his chest, leaving a hollow space. He could see the crumpled form at the base of the tower.

He ran over to it, throwing himself besides her body and cradling her lifeless head close to his chest. He stared down at her, the one who was to be his life-mate, and felt his heart break in two at the sight of her broken body. He couldn't go on, not without her.

Drawing the sword that he had been sure wasn't there a second ago, he reversed it, and plunged it straight into his solar plexus, pushing until the hilt was flush with his ribs. He collapsed sideways, pulling her closer and kissing one final time with his dying breath.

* * *

Hyran awoke back in the tower room, amethyst curled up safely in his arms.

"Hello gorgeous." He said, gently stroking her head and neck.

Amethyst looked at him, her eyes sparkling. "You passed!" She squealed, leaping up and nipping at his neck joyously.

"No need to tear my throat out." He said, as one of her nips caught the skin of his neck painfully. But he couldn't keep the smile if his face.

Life mated to a dragon! He couldn't have been happier. Now that it was over, he was sure that it was the one thing he had wanted from the moment he had first lain down and slept with her curled up to him. And from the look of absolute bliss on Amethyst's face, she felt the same.

Hyran picked her up, and carried her down the steps, stepping out into the glorious sunlight, holding his beauty in his arms, broad smiles on both of their faces as they walked towards their new life together.

The end of story 1