The Eternal Glade: Chapter 1

Story by Australian Shepherd on SoFurry

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Once again you all should know the drill: Don't read further if you are under 18 or 21 depending on location. I would hope that if you are underage, that you do keep the door locked so that a college roommate doesn't walk in on you as you read from this site if he is opposed to such things....not that it's ever happened of course....Anyways onwards we go! P.S. I write long, intimate, passion filled stories with of course yiffing, but it's not just raw yiffing, so don't expect that from my stories. Aether is property of Aetherwolf and you must obtain permission to use his name. This story is based upon one of his short stories/poem which I obtained permission to use.

Chapter 1: The Test

Aether, whose name meant "Spirit", was an 18 year old Timber Wolf who was still in school. Aether is about 5'9" with a medium build and a strong upper body giving him rather broad shoulders. His fur was a silver and grey hue that gently reflected light as it hit his fur. He was a well mannered student who took his academics seriously. However he wasn't a particular social Timber Wolf.

His school was based in the small village of Eir. The school was really just a school house that was quite meager and made out of wood that had paint that was chipping off. This school wasn't like your average school though. It was a school where they taught only the most talented students how to delve in the world of nature and pursue a life of servitude to the forest. This servitude was one of healing the forest through use of understanding the life that flowed through the forest.

Like every small town, it had a legend that it held true to. Deep in the forest was a glade where only the most prestigious were allowed to venture with their faith and magic which they drew in from the forest. In this glade, upon a giant obelisk of granite held a small story about the protector of the forest. The granite obelisk has stood there for as long as the town of Eir has held a history. The glade was said to be the place where the mistress protector of the forest dwelled when she wished to be seen by eyes. The last sight has not taken place for over 250 years. But the last viewer carved into the granite obelisk these words:

"She stands atop a stone.

Silhouetted in the dying rays of a setting sun.

The verdant beauty of her forest home surrounding her lupine form.

A ghost in gray and silver with eyes of beaten gold.

Embodiment of death, Bearer of life, Owner of this sylvan glade.

Supple curves whisper of grace of passion and strength.

Her fur like smoke and moonlight covering muscles of rippling steel.

Turning her head into the beginnings of the night breeze she closes her eyes

Raising her muzzle to the heavens she voices her loneliness in hopes of an answer.

And to the watcher comes the question

Do you answer?"

It was the right of passage of the best student to graduate from this school which taught servitude to the forest to visit this glade and pray to the protector of the forest.

"Hey Aether! Wait! Don't forget your lunch again!" Called Aether's mother.

"Sorry mom, it's just we have to present today all the work we have practiced over the years and it's everything to me!" Said Aether in an excited yet nervous tone. Today was the big day for Aether and the rest of his class mates. If the presentation did not go well, he knew full well that he would be out of the running for good for the one who is chosen to see the Hidden Glade.

"I don't want to be like father who came so close..." Said Aether remembering his father who was also a top student of his class, but who couldn't completely make it as a protector of the forest. He now lived at home as just a simple shoe cobbler spending all day wondering what could have been. His father's only joy came from reminiscing his days at the school and of course the joy of watching his son growing up.

Aether's mother was a midwife, so pregnant mothers were a frequent commodity in their house. Aether's mother was a slender petite female, a very beautiful timber wolf with sleek brown fur not unlike Aether's father, who stood tall with strong arms from working with leather all day.

"Don't speak too loudly Aether! Your father might hear you! You know he's proud of you but it pains him to remember at times. Now off to school with you!" Said his mother as she shoved him out the old door of their small meager house.

The path to the School of the Protectors was a long cobbled path that would make any being in fit shape after walking it for a week. The walk was lined with trees and plenty of markers letting people know how much further it was to the school that was a 2 mile walk away, however over rather rough terrain.

An hour later Aether entered the old school house that seemed rather daunting on this particular day. He stood outside just staring at the old sign of all those who had been lucky enough to be chosen to visit the hidden glade. He couldn't help but wonder whether he was up to the task... Aether thought he had what it took, but one could never be sure. He had dreamed his whole life of using his skills to be a protector of the forest. But never before had he felt doubt. He quickly cast those feelings of doubt and walked up to the old wooden sign and whispered "Arbor magnietum."

He stood there as he watched the old wooden sign start to sprout flowers and within seconds a small growth covered the sign. The life which now covered the sign was gently still glowing with the life he had induced into the old wooden sign.

Aether smiled at his work and finally walked into the school house through the door whose hinges creaked so loudly anytime anyone opened up the door. He walked into the large room with only 6 desks. The walls were covered with remnants of plants, and the scorch marks and some water damage.

"Good morning everyone, as you should all know this is a very important day." Said the very stern professor. She was elder with white around her eyes showing clear signs of her age. She wore a long silk emerald robe that covered her elder, yet shapely figure. The professor was very strict, however she never failed to compliment students if they did the work right. Aether got frequent words of encouragement and compliments from his work that the teacher simply loved. She taught this small class of six senior students who all wore variations of green to brown colored robes of earthly colors

"Today we begin our examinations to see if one, and only one of you is to be the next true protector of the forest. Those of you who aren't chosen, there are several professions available, but only the most astounding student will be permitted to visit the Hidden Glade. You will come up one by one and show me everything that you have learned over your ten years here at this school. You will be graded harshly; even the best work in the class isn't always enough." After she said her last words she glanced at Aether knowingly since his father was the best in his class, and yet still not good enough to visit the Hidden Glade.

"We will start alphabetically, the first is Aether. Aether, are you prepared to earn your right to the Hidden Glade?" Asked the teacher in a manner that was filled with warmth for the astounding student.

Aether stood up from his desk with emotions of nervousness running high and sweat on his brow. He looked around his class meekly as if looking for help. He was an amazing student, but these trials meant everything and he could not help but feel nervous. He looked back into the teachers soft silver eyes.

"Yes professor, I have spent weeks of preparation time to prove to you that I should be chosen. I am ready when you are professor." Replied Aether as confidently as he could.

"Very well Aether, present for us." Said the teacher as she gestured him to move to the front of the large classroom for only six students.

Aether tried to walk to the class as confidently as he could and stood there for a moment. He began to inhale a deep breath to calm himself and to prepare for his work that he has perfected over time. He took another deep breath however this breath wasn't for air. As he breathed in he was inhaling the truest form of life. The soft glowing particles that glowed no larger than fireflies came swarming into his maw filling his maw with a glowing green energy. The classroom began to smell of blooming flowers as Aether exhaled and released the green life and within seconds the entirety of the room turned into a room filled with soft grass that had wild flowers growing. The energy was so strong that upon his release, the room gently rumbled. Aether looked to the professor as she stood there observing his work. He had to continue with his work waiting for the professor's involvement.

"Arboredemium arcanium!" Said the timber wolf audibly at which a large tree erupted in the middle of the floor. The tree broke through the hard wood floor and pushed the students in their desks aside as the tree rose up. "Pyrotin!" Said the professor as the tree erupted in flames as it struggled to grow further, the flames burdening the tree.

" Aquartiediem." Murmured Aether and then out of the thin air came a downpour of rain onto the tree's trunk eliminating the fire. The flames that had erupted were now steaming at the base of the tree which now was allowed to continue growing strongly. The roots became covered with soft moss and the trunk grew several feel around further extending up to the roof of the school house. As it reached the ceiling it began to branch off and spread across the ceiling.

Aether mused at his work with astonishment at his ability to conquer the flames that had engulfed his growing tree. He decided that it was time to show his ability to communicate with the wildlife. He sat down at the base of the tree and placed him paws firmly on the smooth grass and whispered "Divinium archelitum." He saw the power of his words seep through his paws as if they were bleeding, the grass gently glowed as the power of his words moved quickly through the grass and then the energy gently flowed into the ground and disappeared.

Moments passed and the Professor was wondering about the effectiveness of the spell Aether used. Then a soft sound could be heard as the rustling of grass was heard. An incredibly large elk's outline was visible and the form was shaped by mist. Seconds later the mist that created the elk became more solid as the elk walked forward from the back of the classroom. The elk stood proud with his large rack of antlers spreading an unusually large span. The Elk calmly walked towards Aether and let out a loud cry. Aether stood up with a huge smile on his face as he walked towards the beautiful life form and gently wrapped his arms around the neck of the elk and gently stroked down the nose of the elk. Aether firmly gripped the large antlers and the elk held strong as Aether leaped up onto the elk's back and slowly walked over to the front of the classroom.

"Very impressive Aether. You have conquered nature's threats, you have conquered nature, and you have conquered wildlife. But you have yet to conquer the threat of civilization on the forest." Said the professor as she looked past Aether and glared at the door. Her eyes glowed gently blue for a second and then went back to normal. Aether suddenly heard a loud banging on the door as three well built coyote berserkers with bright orange fur came charging through the door axes raised high on horseback towards Aether. Aether panicked for a moment not expecting this. Aether gripped the elk's antlers and leaned over and whispered into the elk's ear, "We are life, they are death." The elk took his queue and began running to the side of the room and lowered his antlers showing that the elk was prepared for the fight.

"Archus!" Called out the timber wolf. Aether held out his hand firmly as strong vines twisted up and down to form an arch. A bow formed out of the strong vines and was formed firmly around Aether's hand and Aether pulled back on the what appeared to be an invisible string and murmured "Arroticum." He released his hold on the invisible string and an arrow of green energy that gently cackled surged forward over the heads of the other students shot clear through the berserker's thin leather armor and penetrated the lungs of the first berserker. The arrow sent the berserker back onto his arse. The berserker gasping for air, was helpless as he lay dying.

"Snare" Said Aether under his breath and out of the berserker's body came vines from the arrow shooting out at incredibly speeds and pulling the two remaining berserker's together coiling around them. The thin vines finally wrapped around the necks of the threat and moments later they were suffocated.

"Decay." Said the elder professor and all that had been summoned went through the rapid cycle of life decaying and turning back to the ashes of magic. The only thing that remained was the elk upon which Aether still sat as the bow disintegrated to ash in his hands. The floor repaired itself with the stump of the tree filling in the hole in the floor.

"Aether, I have never seen such a display of power from a student before. I have never seen the cunning and quick thinking you used and most of all, you weren't even prepared for that last fight, I saw it in your eyes and you were able to conquer it. Look into the eyes of your fellow classmates." The professor paused for Aether to intake their looks of astonishment. "They will probably never see such a display like that again. I will probably never see such a display like that again." Said the professor with great emphasis on her words.

"What you have seen here today was something amazing and nothing what I expect from any of you... however I doubt any of you others have such a presentation for me..." Said the professor looking questioningly at the other 5 students sitting in their robes looking down, a couple with tears in their eyes.

"Is there anyone who wishes to challenge Aether?" Asked the teacher as she looked at the students somewhat sad because they will not have a chance this year to see the Hidden Glade. "Then I am sorry to say this, but the rest of you are dismissed." The students walked quietly out, some with tears in their eyes, others still in awe. The only one smiling now was the professor.

"I meant what I said Aether. I have never seen anything like that from any student." Said the professor warmly at Aether. Aether looked straight into the gleaming eyes of the professor and smiled weakly. His exhaustion was obvious as he leaned heavily on the antlers of the elk.

"You have earned the privilege of going to see the Hidden Glade. Not me, nor anyone else can tell you what you will find. The last person to see the true Protector of the Forest came back. Some say it's enlightening, others return with visions, and no one can say what will happen. Whatever happens Aether, I am very confident that you will be prepared for what lies ahead. The elk you ride on now is your transport, he was summoned by you and he will live as long as you heart still beats, name him and hold him dear to your heart as a friend. You may go home for a day to rest. You will need it for the journey to the Hidden Glade."

The professor walked right next to the elk and whispered into the ears of the elk. The elk looked into the professor's silver eyes and shook his head up and down, almost shaking Aether's grip off of the elk's antlers.

"What did you tell him Professor?" Asked Aether quietly.

"I told him the way Aether." Said the professor in a whisper. "Head on home now, and get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow." The professor stood back and gently slapped the arse of the elk sending the elk walking out the door with the exhausted timber wolf on his back.

Aether must have fallen asleep because next thing he knew he was in front of his house small house and he saw his mom in the window preparing what looked like a feast.

"How did you know where I lived?" Said Aether to the large elk. The elk just blinked his eyes. Aether couldn't help but feel there was more to this summoned elk than he knew. He had a feeling the professor did something more than give the directions. Aether gripped the elk's antlers and leaped off with his large earthly green silk cloak gently flowing down off of the elk. He looked back at the elk with wonder and shook it off as he walked in through the house's wooden door. As it latched shut he looked up quickly enough to see his mother running towards him giving a firm hug.

"I made a feast because if you were chosen, you would be wanting to celebrate, and if you weren't, you would want a good meal to make the day easier. I saw your elk outside and instantly I knew you were chosen. Your father will be so proud! He summoned a horse as his companion... but he couldn't hold the bond through it all. I am so proud of you! Go wash up, you are covered in sweat and dirt. I will feed your elk while you get ready. Go to the back room and get your father so that we can eat as a family." Said Aether's mom as she clapped excitedly with a huge grin on her face as she went back into the kitchen to grab some vegetables for the elk and an apple for the elk's desert.

Aether walked up the wooden stairs of the old house to the bathroom that had a bucket for washing his face off. After he scrubbed the last of the dirt out of his fur and his fur once again looked like the smooth silver and grey hue that it did before he left for school, instead of covered in dirt. Aether walked back down the old stairs and walked back to the back room where his father was working late. He walked into the room that smelled of leather and his father looked up from the shoes he was working on and smiled as he wiped off his hands on his apron that he wore whenever he was working.

"Your mother told me how well you did today son, I am so proud of you. I may have failed, but it doesn't matter to me. The fruit of my loins will do what I have always wanted to do, and honestly, I find that to be more satisfying than doing it myself. With your achievement today I have moved on from that day as well. I am guessing your mom has sent you back here to fetch me for dinner?" Asked the timber wolf whose eyes were gently glinting with small tears of happiness.

"Yes father, mother has prepared quite a feast!" Said Aether excitedly.

"Bless her heart; your mother never spares a chance for celebration! Saying of which, will you look in hat cupboard over there by my leather supply bench? There is a little something in there I have been saving for just such an occasion." Said the father as he let a side smirk flash across his face.

"In here father?" Asked Aether as he opened a fine cupboard door that had a beautiful carving of a tree on it, most likely something his father carved.

"That's right, just reach in there, it's in back behind the leather and spare tools." Said Aether's father as he started to really show his glinting smile.

Aether gripped his hands around a medium sized glass bottle with a cork in the top and realized that it was a very old bottle of brandy that had never been opened.

"My father, your grandfather gave that to me the day I came back just as you did, except not on a mount. It was going to be his celebration gift to me. I think tonight would be a wonderful night to open it up, as it is now my turn to bestow a small celebration gift of my own." Said Aether's father as he pulled up something very large and smooth made out of leather.

"This is a saddle for your mount, bare backing isn't exactly comfortable for a male if you know what I mean... anyways I made it for you as a celebration gift, and I know that it will be useful on your journey." Said the father as he gingerly handed the saddle and reins to Aether.

"I thought you could only make shoes!? This is amazing!" Said Aether grinning ear to ear as he gently groped the leather which had a tree elegantly carved into the seat of the saddle and the reins had fine carvings of vines and elegant leaves.

"When I took up my trade I learned all I could about leatherworking, spent half a year making that for you. I had no doubt you would be the one to be chosen." Aether's father was now shedding tears down his kind and gentle face as the tears streaked his fur.

"Ok, you know your mother; she'll be getting impatient if we don't hurry along. Leave the saddle on my workbench and grab the brandy!" Said the father as he let out a hearty chuckle.

They walked out of the workshop and walked into the dining room where the feast was elegantly prepared. The roast ham looked delicious and the aroma coming from the potatoes and other side dishes were just overwhelming. Aether set the brandy bottle firmly on the table and his father grabbed three brandy glasses and distributed them. Aether's father uncorked the brandy and poured a generous amount into each glass. He corked the brandy and raised his glass, Aether and his mother following suit.

"Here is to our son who has accomplished something only one person a year has, and from what I have heard from your mother and the looks of your mount, you did it better than anyone ever has. Cheers to you son! And thank you for the lovely dinner my darling wife" Said Aether's father as he took a generous sip out of his glass followed by Aether and his mother.

"Let's dig in! Need your strength for tomorrow." Said Aether's mother as she passed around the ham.

After a long meal and all the bellies were full, the family sat and asked about what exactly Aether had showed the teacher he was capable of at such a young age for a protector of the forest. The night was filled with laughter and smiles and a twinge of sorrow at the thought of Aether leaving and possibly not returning for weeks.

When the night came to a close, Aether gave his mother and father a hug and thanked them for the meal and the gifts. Feeling a little bit tipsy from the brandy, he slowly walked up the old wooden stairs to his room to turn in for the night. He removed his robes leaving just his loin cloth to sleep in. He walked over to his bed and pulled the brown rabbit pelt blanket over his exhausted body and felt the warmth of his blanket come over him and slowly let his lids close. As he was falling to sleep, his ears perked up as he heard a beautiful ethereal female voice whisper, "You're coming to me Aether. Rest now Aether, rest..." As if by command he fell into a dreamless sleep.

Aether woke up that following morning feeling refreshed after the stress of that previous day. He rubbed his eyes and stood up from his bed with his tail springing to life at the smell of breakfast. It began to wag at an alarming rate as his strong nose took in the delicious odors of eggs and ham being cooked. He pulled on a fresh robe and ran downstairs leaping into the kitchen and speeding to his chair and taking his seat.

"Good morning Aether, are you excited for today!?" Asked Aether's mom as she handed him a plate of food that could only be described as huge with 12 eggs and giant slices of ham that were fried up. However, Aether knew he was hungry enough to finish that plate. He devoured his meal at a rate that even surprised his mother and he finished it with a glass of milk.

"Go up to your room and pack your things that you will need. I will pack you supplies to keep your stomach full on your journey, even though I know you have been taught how to resourceful. A mother worries no matter what. Now go on, on with you!" Said Aether's mother as she cleared his dishes and began washing them, smiling to herself as she heard her son run up the stairs filled with excitement.

An hour later Aether returned back downstairs with all of his clothes packed for his journey, anything else he would have to use, he would have to rely upon the forest around him to supply.

"Your father wanted to see you before you left. He's back in his shop working of course." Said his mother.

Aether walked into his father's work area and saw him busy at work, which didn't surprise him since his father woke up before the dawn to begin the long day of labor.

"Good morning father, mother said you wanted to see me?" Said Aether a little shyly.

"Yes Aether. You have yet to name your elk. Think of a good name for him Aether, he will be your friend and transportation." Said his father with a look of seriousness on his face.

"I will name him Cervidae." Said Aether as he watched his father pull out the saddle and he gently hammered into the leather reins "Cervidae." Aether watched as his father finished the piece and looked at it proudly and motioned for his son to follow him. They walked out through the front door and walked up to the beautiful creature and they both stared with a smile as they watched him finish the last of his morning breakfast which consisted of large portions of fruits and vegetables. After the elk finished eating, he looked over straight into Aether's eyes which were filled with intelligence. Aether walked over to the elk and began running his paws down the nose of the elk, and he looked into those beautiful eyes.

"Good morning, Cervidae." Said Aether. The elk let out his cry in triumph agreeing with the name. Aether walked over to his father and took the saddle and placed it firmly on Cervidae's back. Within moments Aether had the saddle strapped firmly onto the elk, yet comfortably. Aether's mother was looking out the window the entire time and saw that they had finished saddling up the elk. She came rushing outside with the small pack of clothes that Aether had packed and another satchel of food for him to enjoy on his journey with some fruits thrown in for Cervidae.

"You take good care of him Cervidae, for me please!" Begged Aether's mother as she handed the elk another apple to munch on. The elk gave a small nod and looked over to Aether and signaled his rider to get on to begin his journey. Aether walked over to his mother and gave her a strong hug with his paws rubbing up and down her back trying to calm her because he knew she was filled with worry and kissed her on her warm cheek.

"Don't worry, I will be fine" Said Aether as confidently as he could. He walked over then to his father to tried to look formal, but gave in and hugged his son with more enthusiasm than either one of them had ever seen.

"I love you son, we are so very proud of you. Now go off and have an adventure!" Said Aether's father strongly.

The 18 year old timber wolf replied back, "I know you are proud, and I will return with stories, I promise!" At that, he hopped onto Cervidae's back and shifted so that he was comfortable in the saddle. He hooked his feet firmly into the stirrups. Aether then said to Cervidae "Let's go my friend." The elk didn't need to be told anymore and he waved to his parents as he followed the road that led to the forest. His parents stood in front of their house in each other's arms with their paws in the air as they waved good bye to their son.

After 2 miles he came to the edge of the forest which was green and lush with life. Because of the other protectors of the forest, it was always in beautiful condition. Aether paused at the front of the forest and took a deep breath. He didn't know why he was nervous, but he was. Cervidae knew that they couldn't linger so the elk took it upon himself to move forward. The brush was heavy but Cervidae knew the way and steadily walked through the forest. The forest was very old, and filled with magic which one could feel in the air as they walked further into the forest. The feeling for Aether grew stronger and stronger. He felt more and more like he was growing stronger the further he was guided into the forest. A sense of belonging was what Aether felt.

After the day of travel, Cervidae and Aether rested. The sun was setting when Aether had a small shelter set up and was lying beneath it resting his head on his bag of clothes. He watched Cervidae move about grazing on the long lush grass and Aether himself chewed on some dried meat that his mother had packed for him.

The sun was setting behind the silhouettes of the trees and Cervidae had eaten his fill and placed his large body right next to Aether's beneath the small shelter. Aether curled up with Cervidae and enjoyed the warmth coming from the large animal's body. He gently drifted off to sleep with his arm wrapped around his friend.

The following morning Aether was woken up by the nudging of a big wet nose on his face. Aether's eyes slowly opened to see that it was Cervidae nudging him awake. Cervidae walked away after seeing that his job was done and found the satchel filled with food and rummaged through it to find a tasty apple to eat. Aether looked around for something edible and walked over to the wild onions that were growing just a few feet away from him. He uprooted them and took out the cast iron skillet his mother had packed for him and began cooking the onions with some of the ham he had in his satchel. After Aether and Cervidae had eaten enough to continue on, Aether packed up his clothes and hopped onto the back of the large elk.

They walked through the forest for hours as Cervidae just led the way through the forest further towards their destination. At last they came upon a small clearing that had a small waterfall running through it and Cervidae leaned over to drink from the cool water. Aether dismounted and began removing his robe. Aether let the robe fall by his feet onto the cool earth and then he proceeded to untie his loin cloth which also fell by the side of the water revealing his nude form. The cool air of the forest felt good on his genitals after riding all morning and not having a chance to wash. His silver hued testicles hung gently below his sheath which was pure white. The tip of his penis was just gently poking out of the sheath due to the sensation of the cool air. He dipped his foot in to feel the temperature of the water and found it to be lukewarm.

The ripples flowed gently through the water as the totally submerged his legs into the cool pool of water. Aether steadily walked further into the water until he was waist deep into the water. He let his knees fall to the floor of the pool so that the water came up to his chin. Aether swam elegantly through the water until he brought his body up to the water fall and stood up letting the small fall drench his whole body in the cool water.

After Aether felt clean enough, he swam back over to where Cervidae was standing as he grazed on the lush grass. Aether sat on the edge of the water that flowed gently down the small river and saw some trout come into view. Aether's stomach began to growl deeply so he wasted no time plunging his paws into the water leaving a 6 inch gap between his two paws waiting for an unsuspecting fish to swim between them. After what felt like twenty minutes, a trout slowly swam between his paws as if looking for cover. Aether's skilled hands clutched the fish tightly before the fish knew what was happening. He pulled the fish out of the water laying it on the grass. He grabbed a small dagger from his bag and ended the life of the fish.

Half an hour later Aether was dressed and was cleaning off the last of his fish that he cooked over a small fire he had created using magic. Aether washed out his skillet and let the remnants of the fish fall back into the water for nature to consume. Aether washed his paws off in the cool water and washed his muzzle off as well.

Aether packed his things and mounted back up onto Cervidae. Cervidae walked over to the water and took one last drink before continuing on their journey through the deep forest.

Hours later, nightfall came and Aether set up camp and ate some berries that he had found on their way and stored in his satchel. Once again he rested on his pack full of clothes and curled up underneath a shelter with Cervidae at his side once again resting. Aether let his lids closed as the sun set and before he fell into his deep sleep, he heard a female's ethereal voice once say, "You are coming to me."

Aether woke up that following morning and made some breakfast for himself and tossing an apple to Cervidae to enjoy. After finishing off his breakfast that consisted of dried ham, he packed up again and continued on his journey.

Hours later he saw the forest floor become thicker with life. Many different flowers he had never seen before were around Cervidae's hoofs. The wildlife seemed to be abundant in the area as well. Aether urged Cervidae further forward, anxious because he knew he was close to the Hidden Glade. The trees came to an abrupt halt which revealed a clearing in the trees and yet the forest floor was covered in soft grasses and flowers of various kinds. There were trees covered in lush ripe fruits that seemed covered in the morning due. Aether let his jaw drop in awe when his eyes came to rest upon the tall granite obelisk that was formed perfectly in the center of the circular clearing. The words were carved clear as day into the granite. Aether dismounted and walked slowly to the obelisk and saw the words close up.

"She stands atop a stone.

Silhouetted in the dying rays of a setting sun.

The verdant beauty of her forest home surrounding her lupine form.

A ghost in gray and silver with eyes of beaten gold.

Embodiment of death, Bearer of life, Owner of this sylvan glade.

Supple curves whisper of grace of passion and strength.

Her fur like smoke and moonlight covering muscles of rippling steel.

Turning her head into the beginnings of the night breeze she closes her eyes

Raising her muzzle to the heavens she voices her loneliness in hopes of an answer.

And to the watcher comes the question

Do you answer?"

Aether finished reading the last line for himself and then he suddenly heard the blades of grass rustle gently. Aether snapped his head around prepared for whatever encounter he may have had. He was prepared for anything... except for what he saw next...

The long slender legs covered in a silver coat of fur were glossy beyond perfection. The legs were so smooth flowing and sensual as Aether's eyes followed her legs up to the hips which had an elegant, thin leather thong that was adorned with gold that was shaped like vines that flowed smoothly around the taught waist. A long rabbit cloak of fur was draped down her slender back that curved perfectly around the round arse that stood out. Aether's eyes could not help but wander up to the perfect curves of femininity that stuck out from the female's chest that were gently cupped by a bra that matched her beautifully elegant thong. Aether's eyes finally met her soft golden eyes which he stared deeply into. Her fur rippled gently in the calm breeze that seemed to suddenly sweep over the forest.

She opened her beautiful mouth with soft lips and gently said in an ethereal voice, "Hello Aether."

*Please leave comments for this story that will hopefully become a new series!*