new promises, back to where we started

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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#18 of I'm Real (scales & wings)

ok well here is the next chapter so to all you readers out there i just want to say that soon this series will be coming to a close but there are still a few more chapters left

warning this chapter contains M/M so if you aren't into that you don't have to read it or just try something else there are plenty of stories out there

otherwise ENJOY!

Chapter 17

New promises, back to where we started

Choices we make effect everything we do.

But what outcomes happen when you have to make a difficult decision?

My wolf says I'll forget... but why? How can I forget him?

All I wanted to do was see Tye, he was my friend and he was really close.

I don't know what to do... will I really forget my love...

I won't allow matter what, I'll always love him... even if I forget, we'll find each other again.

My mind is made up I'm going to find Tye and I'm going to keep my promise...and his.

I woke up with Ray sleeping on my chest, I shifted being careful to lift his head so I wouldn't hurt him when I laid him on the ground.

I stood up and stretched; it seemed what I did the other day must have worn me out more than I thought.

The sun was already high in the sky above us.

Well if Ray was going to lead me to Tye today then I didn't care what time it was.

I heard a groan

"Ow..." I turned around to see Ray rubbing his butt

"Still sore?" I asked

"...yea" he answered tiredly, he stood up wobbling a little bit I grabbed onto him and lay him flat on the ground

"What are you doing?" he asked slightly panicked

I put my claw on his back using the point of my digit to line up with his spine.

"I'm going to try and help you, it's the least I could do"

I pressed lightly and then began to move my claw lower on his body; he shivered and groaned a little.

I pushed my claw against his butt cheeks and he seemed not to struggle, so I pressed harder and began to rub him.

He groaned again as I kept rubbing.

"Is this helping?" I asked

"Yes...thank you..." he answered

After a few moments Ray spoke up again.

"Dachii ... please, you don't have to continue I think I feel alright now"

I pulled my claw away and he stood up, he put his hands on his back for a moment then looked at me.

"I feel much better, thanks Dachii" he then hugged me

I placed my claw on his back

"I'm glad your feeling lets head out"

He nodded and I grabbed hold of him before opening my wings and flying over the lake back to the city

"Ok Dachii we have to walk from here"

I let go of him at the docks and landed behind him.

"So where are we headed?" I asked

"We have to go back to that 'hydro electric plant' we past by earlier..."

I nodded and and started walking in the direction I remember we got here from.

As we walked I noticed a lot of people, luckily I avoided being seen it's quite amazing how many people there are in this one place.

We traveled on and then it was starting to get late, the sun was heading down the horizon.

"Do you think we should stop?" I asked

"Maybe we should, we aren't far but it'll still take us another half an hour to get there"

"Alright then, we'll get there early tomorrow morning" I looked around and found a clean spot in the alley we traveled in and sat down.

Ray came up and I lifted him onto my lap, he got comfortable and lay his head on my chest.

I closed my wings around us.

"Dachii..." Ray whispered

"Hmmm?" I looked at him

He pushed his head up and kissed my nose, I pulled my head back as he smiled at me.

"Good night Dachii" he placed his head on my chest again and fell asleep

I didn't really know what to feel from that but I was ok with it, I didn't see too much of a problem though it still felt a little off to me.

I heard him lightly breathing he still seemed so calm and yet still hurt...I wonder what will happen to him when I have to leave.

I started to feel tired so I closed my eyes and fell asleep

"So... you've made up your mind..." my wolf said

I looked at him and warmly held him.

"You have to understand...I love you...and even if you say I'll forget you I will still always love you"

"Master you don't understand...this could be the last time I ever see you"

"No that can't be true!"

"But it is master...I'm sorry"

"wh-" he cut me off by grabbing my muzzle

"Master...please could you do something for me?" he asked letting go of my muzzle


"Master I want our bodies to meet...and I want you to show me how much you love me" he licked my face "please master... I need something to keep me warm in my loneliness"

"You'll never be alone...but if you feel you need me now then I'll help you" I kissed him

He grabbed the back of my neck and deepened the kiss.

His tongue danced lustfully with mine, I could feel the warmth from his body.

It felt like a pulse ... like a heartbeat

I lifted his body closer to me and I grabbed his furry butt, he moaned into my mouth as I took things another step forward.

I pushed one digit of my claw into his tailhole, his muscles squeezing tightly around it.

Then he pulled away from the kiss and spoke.

"Master...take me now I need it badly" he begged

I didn't object to his wishes, I pulled my finger out and prepared myself.

My length had made itself known already spurting pre, it pulsated and I felt the urge to ask my love something I wasn't sure of.

"Can you remind me of what you need me to do?"

My wolf looked at me right in the eyes.

"Master take me as hard as you can, at the end of all of this I want to feel a glowing reminder of what we've been through"

That was all I needed to hear

I grabbed hold of him and placed him flat on the floor.

I gripped his tail in my claws tightly and lifted his tender rump just right and repositioned myself.

"Do it master" he yelped

As soon as I heard that I shoved my cock in at full force getting a loud whimper out of him.

I quickly pulled back almost all the way out and forcefully began to pound him; at this point I really couldn't control myself.

I was slamming his insides and he barked, whimpered and moaned.

I could here the sound of our bodies mashing together, my scales against his fur; it really began to sound almost musical

Then I looked down at the lovely butt of my wolf it seemed even under his blue fur to be slightly red.

I leaned over still continuing my thrusts

"Are you doing alright my love?" I asked licking his ear

"Master I don't think I could tell you how good this feels" he panted "it's even better knowing you love me" he turned his head and I kissed him

Then I felt his anal muscles contract around my meat as I heard him moan.

He came onto the ground below and I could feel the pressure building up in me also.

"Master everything you do makes me love you more ... so could I ask you one more thing?"

"Anything my love"

He pulled himself off of my length and laid himself on his back looking at me

"Could you please coat me and keep me warm?" he flicked his soft tail to rub up against my meat.

Already so close to climax I pumped myself a few times before I felt myself ready to explode

"I'll keep you warm no matter what" I said as I shot my load, I felt as though it flowed more now than ever, completely covering my wolf's entire body soaking into his fur.

The white gooey mess continued to flow onto him until it slowly weighed down to a dribble and my wolf made sure his body was fully covered.

"Thank you master" my wolf panted licking some cum into his muzzle

I collapsed over top of him and carefully holding him close to my body.

I could feel the cum in his fur smear against my scales

"I love you my pet" I nuzzled him "nothing will ever truly separate us...I won't let that happen"

"Master...would you promise me that?" he whimpered

I didn't even have to think twice.

"I promise ... and if I fail, I'll subject myself to loneliness forever...I'll never let you be alone no matter what"

He wrapped his cum coated arms around me

"I believe you always keep your promises" he kissed me again "so master I'm going to make you a promise to... I'm going to love you forever and I promise that if we ever get separated I'll be searching for you, and I won't stop until I can hold you close" he snuggled my body once more before vanishing.

With promises made how could I have any doubts?

My eyes opened and I felt a slight draft, which seemed odd to me since my wings often protected me from the wind.

Then I noticed Ray was gone.

I quickly jumped to my feet and folded my wings; I looked around and saw a shadow move down the alleyway, so I chased after it hoping it was Ray.

It was still pretty dark but the moonlight was just enough to see.

I caught up to the shadow and looked at who it was.

"Ray" he turned, he was holding a metal garbage can lid

"What are you doing out here?" I asked

"Dachii behind you!" he charged around me holding up the lid.

I heard a loud noise; it must have been something hard hitting the metal lid.

"Oh look at this, I must be lucky today" I heard a slurred but familiar voice


"Go back to where you came from you drunken old man!" Ray yelled back at him

"and why should I, I just found fuck toy number one and fuck toy number two, I'm bringing you both back home you both know you want it" he laughed stupidly

Detrone must have been completely out of his mind, there was no way he couldn't be scared of me now unless he was drunk.

"Now come here" he lunged towards us with a large glass bottle in his hand

I decided not to take any chances, I grabbed Ray ran in another direction.

I turned a few alleyways as I heard his footsteps behind us.

I turned to the left but we found ourselves at a dead end.

Why is there a wall? There was no room to open my wings; I heard his footsteps getting closer and the sound of shattering glass most likely that bottle he was carrying.

I looked back and saw his lurched body standing there blocking the way, I guess the only option now was to fight.

I pushed Ray behind me so I could protect him from anything Detrone could throw at us especially since he had a sharp broken bottle still in his hand.

"Enough running your coming back with m-" he went silent and staggered

I could see another figure behind him and it seems they had just hit him on the head causing him now to fall on his face

"Who are you?" I called out

The figure stepped around Detrone's unconscious body and began to walk towards us as I heard it speak.

"A friend" it said getting closer

I saw a hand reach out from the figure as it stopped a few feet away.

Then Ray came out from behind me

"Let's get out of here" he said quietly

I had to agree with Ray that sounded like the best idea

But should we just run

Or hope we had a friend right here.

End of Chapter 17

oh well look what we have here Dachii and Ray have been greeted by someone

who could it be?

can they be trusted?

and what will happen between Dachii and his wolf?

these questions to be answered soon so keep reading people

sorry it was so short i'm going to work on that in future chapters

and please comment i'd love to know what my readers think