Designated driver... Sometimes it pays to be the only sober guy

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Designated driver

Other stories in this series:

Other stories in this series:

Designated driver

"Whooooo party night!" The big feline jock howled, as he joined the small group. Clapping his best friends on the back as he looked around at them. There was Cameron the big equine full back... standing with his right arm on the small cars roof. Beside him stood Jerome a huge hefty Bear defensive end... and the only defensive player in the group.

"You know it Vince..." The big Bear smirked at the tall lean Black Panther wide receiver.

"We're goina hit every bar in this town..." Cameron a big sleek equine assured, as he shared a grin with the other jocks.

"So... who's gunna get stuck doin' the drivin'?" Vince asked looking around at his hard drinking friends. None of them wanted to get stuck as the Designated driver. But Cameron's muzzle was twisting up into a knowing grin...

"Thats not a problem..." The big equine smirked, looking around at his skeptical friends.

"What... you gunna do it?" Vince asked pointedly.

"Fuck no!" The big roan red stallion answered at once...

"Then how do you figure... its not a problem?" The Feline asked looking at the smiling equine curiously.

"Its not a problem... cuz I got us a Designated driver..." Cameron snickered. "Aint that right Bjorn?" The big Horse asked, stepping aside to reveal the small Goat sitting in the car.

"Sure you bet!" The tiny kicker agreed happily... as the other big jocks looked at him shocked.

"Bjorn here doesn't drink..." "Aint that right buddy." The big Horse assured, as the smiling Goat nodded cheerfully. "And being a good teetotaling Christian... he wants to be our Designated driver."

"Ummm well actually I'm not really a Chris..."

"Thats cool dude..." Jerome growled cutting the little Goat off, as he clapped a huge paw on his shoulder. "Like my folks use ta drag me to temple... I just never really got into it."

"Yeah but its cool ya did..." Vince agreed, smirking as the three big jocks crowded into the small car.

"Yeah like I took all that stuff pretty serious back in high school myself..." Vince admitted. "Did the whole purity pledge and everything..." The other jocks snickered at that... as the feline was anything but a purity geek now.

"Ammmm so where to first?" Bjorn asked as the big jocks buckled in...

"Hanraties!" The trio shouted in one voice... which made perfect sense. Hanraties sports bar was the big local hang out for all the collage jocks. The little Goat dropped the shifter into gear and let off the clutch...


Bjorn sat sipping his club soda bored out of his mind... all the football games were over hours ago... Most of the bars had switched over to sports center or some news channel. So that now all he had to do, was watch the three of them drink. Jerome and Cameron being the biggest were holding up best... But it was a toss up whether Vince the Panther would pass out or vomit first.

As it turned out the feline went down first, staggering and nearly knocking over a table. Bouncers showed up at once... and the trio had to gather up the drunk Panther and hustle him outside. Tossing him into the back seat of the car... they had Bjorn drive them down to the next bar. Vince was to intoxicated to go in, quickly the little Goat volunteered to stay in the car with him.

Once the big Horse, Bear had slurred praises for him they staggered inside. Bjorn cranked the car, and pulled it into the darkest corner of the parking lot. Tuning in a nice Jazz station on the radio, the car lit only by the dash broad lights. Vince had came to just enough to mumble that he needed to take a leak. The little Goat went around and opened the back door, and then reached in unbuttoning the Panther's jeans. Helping him get his thick pink cock out, soon Vince was draining his bladder onto the dark pavement. As Bjorn's fingers explored the big jock's male equipment more intimately...

Once he'd finish, Vince slipped back into a state of near unconsciousness. Smiling Bjorn climbed into the back seat, and then reached across the seat back. To open the jocky box, taking out a condom and tube of lube. The little Goat glanced around nervously to make sure no one was watching. And then slowly he worked Vince's jeans down, having already noted the Panther was wear only his jock strap. Lifting that long sleek tail up, the little Goat lubed the big felines tiny black tail hole. And then freed his own long slender organ, rolling the condom down onto his throbbing cock.

Vince moaned softly in protest as Bjorn straddled his big round bubble butt. "Wha... hey... Owwwww." Vince growled, as that latex clad cock head pressed against his virgin pucker. But the little Goat wedged the Panthers pointed muzzle into the crack between the seats. Muffling the Vince's weak slurred protests, as he forced his hard cock up that tight hole. "Mmmufu... gay..." The big drunk Panther moaned in denial, but was slipping in and out of consciousness to much to effectively resist. And the horny little Goat was to lusty and eager, to be stopped by clenched tail hole muscles.

Laying atop that strong body, Bjorn rubbed his hands through the Panthers silky soft black fur. "Don't worry yer only gay if our ball's touch..." Bjorn whispered teasingly into the Panthers ear, as his heft nuts settled atop the Panther high and tight ones. "Oops looks like yer gay after all..." The little Goat snickered as his hip's began to thrust lustfully. As he butt raped the big straight jock lustfully... something he'd been wanting to do for the past two years.

But he knew he could never get the Panther to allow... it had been sooooo arduous for the little kicker. Having to look at all those sleek male bodies in the locker room and showers. Wanting to soooo badly but knowing if he was ever found out... he'd be beaten and possibly booted off the team. He had all but lost hope... when he'd heard one of the guys bitching about being the Designated driver. About how he'd had to watch the others get so drunk they had pass out. And how he'd been forced to take them back to the Frat... undress them and put them to bed. And the next morning they hadn't remembered a thing... hadn't even thanked him.

Bjorn had almost creamed in his jock strap listening to that. And then almost the next day... well two weeks later he'd heard Cameron was looking for someone to be their Designated driver. The little Goat had casually let it slip that he was a teetotaler... a lie if anyone had bothered to notice. They had not... no one paid attention to the kicker... unless he missed a field goal. Cameron had approached him within twenty minutes of his saying it. Damn that Horsie had some ass on him... and when he'd told Bjorn that Vince and Jerome would be coming along... Well it was an offer the horny little Goat couldn't refuse... Now here he was ball's deep in Vince's sleek black ass. 'Gods it was soooooo good!'

Reaching down he played with the Panthers cock, which was still semi erect from the feline taking a piss. Slowly he stroked it as he pumped that sleek butt, quickly getting the Panther fully erect again. His breathing was coming in harsh ragged gasps now... as he fucked Vince's tail hole savagely. Getting another round of muffled moans and grunts... these sounding less like protests, and much more like moans of pleasure. He could feel that feline prick tensing in his fist, and quickly pushed it back down into the jock strap. Still stroking it wildly as his hard cock pounded deep into the Panthers tail hole. He heard voices nearby and sped up his thrusts, knowing that in this public place he could be discovered at any moment.

And then he was bleating softly as orgasm thundered through his loins. The pleasure leaving him laying stunned upon the big felines back. Vince was moaning weakly as well, and Bjorn felt his fist get wet. As the Panthers hot spunk painted the insides of that taut jock strap. "Umummmmm... wide receiver caught my spoo like a natural..." He whispered teasingly into the intoxicated felines ear, knowing that the condom had really caught all the evidence. He lay there a moment longer, enjoying the consummation of his lusts. And then slipped out of the Panthers no longer virgin tight hole. Taking a wet nap he cleaned it up and redress the big cat, tossing the wet nap and full rubber into a near by garbage can. None to soon as luck would have it... as Jerome came half carrying an inebriated Cameron out to the car.

"Damnit... didn't thunk weee purk waaaaay ovr here!" The big Bear slurred as he poured the big roan equine into the back seat. To drunk or just not noticing that Bjorn had came out that way. "Welllll guess it's home James." The big Bruin snickered at his own joke, as he flopped into the front seat. "Smells like ass in 'ere." The big Bruin slurred, not mentioning the sexual musk or simply too drunk to think about it.

"Hehe you got it buddy..." The little Goat agreed... pausing to try and judge the Bears state of intoxication for a second. Before firing up the engine and heading back to the Frat house...

FIN for now...

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