Scavenger Hunt

Story by Jag on SoFurry

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Scavenger Hunt

By Jag

Contains M/F oral vore x 5, yiff x many occasions (Adults only)

Conn (c) his player

"So your going to invite me over and just lay there all day?"

Connovar sat reclining in a brown leather chair in his friend's home, yawning to himself as he glanced once over at the television to catch a glimpse of the same dull movie that had been on since he arrived at the feline's house. A groan came from the nearby couch, which housed the black spotted feline. With a grunt Jag rolled over onto his side, giving his tail a few flicks in the direction of the wolf. Sitting up in the chair, Conn leaned forward and gave Jag a firm poke to his back. Jag's ears flicked a few times and his tail flicked a couple more times before another hard poke caused the feline to grunt again at the wolf.

"Come on Jag...wake up you lazy cat..."

"Not now...sleepy..."

"Well this isn't time for a catnap. You invited me over for fun and games and I expect you to pay up with us doing something other then watching boring movies or me watching you sleep."

"Watching me sleep is excellent fun though."

"How about I just have my way with you and then shave you before leaving. That sounds like good fun, heh."

A low mumble came from Jag as he turned over to face the wolf, yawning at him before wiggling his nose some.

"Well how about this. You walk down to the store and grab me some milk. I promise that by the time you get back we can do something then."

"What kind of milk?"

"Any is good for me. How about whole?"

"So you going to give me any money to accomplish this task?"

"There's a ten on the counter. When you get back I'll be up and awake I promise."

"You better be or it'll be shaved feline time."

"I'll be up Conn, don't you worry. Now happy hunting for my milk wolfie..."

Conn glanced around the room quickly before letting out a loud grunt as he got to his feet. Stretching his arms into the air as he stood on his toes, the wolf brushed his hands down his bare chest and then fixed his blue jeans before wandering off into the kitchen. Spotting the money sitting right in the open he picked it up and stuffed it into his front pocket before escaping out the front door and heading up the driveway and began to trudge down the street, Jag and his roommates house no more then a mile away from the nearest block of stores. The walk would be rather annoying, but to get out and about for a short while would do him some good. Conn needed to do a bit more walking around, burn extra calories and all from the fast food that he had eaten recently. Picking up into a bit of a jog, Conn decided that maybe if he ran most of the way he could catch Jag off guard when he got back. Shaving the feline would make for some good fun or at least kill some time before Conn decided to head for home. A smile came over the wolf's muzzle as he thought about what Jag would look like without any fur, a chuckle escaping from him as he continued his jog down the street and toward the store.

About fifteen or so minutes went by quickly when Conn came to a stop at the corner where most of the stores met, the wolf slightly panting and out of breath. Glancing about for a store that would sell milk, he noticed a small little grocery store a short ways away that would do him good. Giving a quick look from side to side Conn crossed the street and began to walk into the store before stopping, his ears perking up with the sound of someone shouting nearby. Turning toward the noise he followed it and found a man standing outside of his comic book store, shouting about some sort of contest that he was having for the next hour. Conn stopped in front of him with a group of other humans and furs, just listening to what he had to say, a large group of people standing nearby the man reading a piece of white paper.

"Everyone listen up and participate if you can in this glorious game of scavenger. Sign up and get a list from me, the list containing every item that I'm looking for. For each item found and brought back you get the points listed on the sheet next to the item. If you have the most points at the end of the hour you win five hundred dollars and a rare comic from my own personal collection. To sign up for this event, that is to begin within five minutes, you will need to sign the contract and pay a cost of ten dollars. Such a small amount to win a jackpot so big. So this is the last call, come into the store and sign up now."

The man took a quick bow to a few claps in his audience and then returned to his store, the people reading the white paper still hanging out front of the store. Conn reached into his pocket and pulled out the ten bucks and then glanced from the comic book store and back at the grocery store. He could go and grab the milk and get back to Jag's before he got up and shave him or he could spend the money on this little hunting game and get richer and then bring back milk. Weighing the two options in his head he heard the man from inside yell out a two minute warning. Perking his ears up the wolf swayed his tail and then pushed past a few people to get into the store, heading to the front counter and almost slamming the ten dollars on the counter.

"Sign me up!"

"Just in time wolf. Go ahead and just sign this sheet for me and grab your copy of the list."

With that Conn signed his name below a bunch of others and grabbed the list sitting next to sign up sheet, looking through a rather long list of items, each with their own point values assigned to them. A couple more people signed up before the man took the sign up sheet from the desk and stood up from his chair behind the counter.

"Alright everyone! You have one hour to find everything for me. From the looks of things I've got at least thirty people signed up. If your not back in an hour with things in hand, you cannot have your point values counted. So everyone that hasn't left already...happy hunting for my items!"

With that Conn turned and fled from the building, much like half the people already inside. Wandering down the street he glanced over his list a few times, trying to find things that he could easily find. Then again a thought crossed his mind as he walked, perhaps finding all those items with the largest point values would be easier. Of course those may be the hardest things to find, but if nobody else could find those items and he could, that'd make his point totals fly off the chart. He'd still need to find them of course, but if he got looking right now he thought he could locate a good many of them. Then through looking for the bigger point items on the list he could get time to grab a few of the smaller items just to make sure he was put past everyone else on the list. Debating on what he wanted to get first, the wolf's ears flicked lightly a few times before perking almost straight upward. There was a bit of music coming from somewhere, causing the wolf to sprint forward about a block down the street to a row of houses, each with a large tan colored fence that went around the houses backyard to keep others out and from seeing in. Moving over to the first houses fence Conn listened for a few moments and nodded, looking down at the list in his hand.

Boys II Men CD +6 points

Letting himself listen for another few moments he knew the song blaring in the backyard was Motown Philly. Moving toward the gate to get into the yard, Conn pulled the door open and peaked inside, seeing a rather young looking girl laying on a beach towel in the grass, wearing nothing more then a neon bra and bikini. Conn slowly crept into the backyard, hoping that maybe she was asleep and that he could grab the CD before she noticed him. Although as he tried to sneak closer and closer to her she slowly sat up and removed her sunglasses. Conn just froze in place and stared at the beautiful women as she stared right back at him, her large breasts almost a little to big for her bra, although it was a little obvious that she must have bought something smaller to show them off. A tattoo was slightly visible near her waist, just disappearing into her bikini. Conn almost started drooling looking at her pierced belly button and then over her nice slim figure, the wolf starting to lightly pant a bit as he stood within a few feet of her. She tilted her head at him, staring right at the wolf in front of her, the same song still blaring on the boom box sitting next to her.

"Excuse me? What do you think your doing?"

Conn shook his head, snapping himself out of his dazed trance and then pointed over to the boom box.

"I just wanted to see if I could borrow that CD for an hour or so to help me win a scavenger hunt."

"You just barge in here and start walking right up to me for a CD! How about you leave right now?"

"Please I really need that CD for points..."

"No, get out of here!"

Conn rushed forward, lunging at the boom box, almost leaping on top of it as he looked to try and find the eject button for the CD. If she wasn't going to accept his bargain for borrowing, he was just going to take it and bring it back when he was done. He didn't get far in his search to pop the CD out before he felt his tail being pulled, causing him to yelp a bit before the young woman leapt on top of him, trying to wrestle him to the ground, not wanting anyone to even touch her things. Conn growled a little and slowly got up, the woman hanging from his neck. Conn grunted a bit as he tried to pull the woman off him, but she held onto him and wasn't letting go, trying to pound one of her hands against either his neck or chest. They soon both stopped moving and speaking as a loud slam somewhere from inside the house was heard, then Conn heard the jingle of keys being thrown a table or something else, followed by bags being set down. Another female voice then called out from the house, catching both of their attention.

"Nikki! Turn that music down, our neighbors don't need to hear that stuff!"

Nikki took a deep breath and was about to yell for help, but found herself being pulled off the wolf's back and grasped to his chest, a paw covering her mouth as Conn looked about quickly for some place to hide. He knew that if word got out he'd look like the bad guy in this picture, so he slowly began to walk about the backyard holding onto Nikki, trying to find a place to hide. Nikki, on the other hand, didn't like the position she was in, starting to flail about a little in Conn's grip. Spotting what looked to be a small shed near the side of the house, Conn rushed over to it and used one paw to open it up before leaping inside and slowly moving backward a few steps holding onto Nikki. Two small windows in the shed let light flow inside, easily lighting up the inside for the two of them to see perfectly. There was a lack of things in the shed, just a hose and a few gardening tools sitting on top of a bucket in the corner. Conn's tail whipped around frantically as he tried to think of some way out of this mess, Nikki still struggling some, her yelling muffled by the paw over his mouth. Outside Conn's ears could hear a shout over the still blaring radio, the other female heading to the backyard and shouting for Nikki, yelling about where she went off too. The wolf's mind ran at a million miles a minute as he tried to figure out something to do. He couldn't just let Nikki go, she'd run out and blab to the other girl and then things would get messy for him. He just wanted to participate in a game, how could things be going like this in just the first ten minutes. There was only one thing Conn thought that would save him from this mess, hiding Nikki where she wouldn't be seen or heard and just letting her out later on. Panting some to himself Conn, nodded a few times to himself, letting his paw go from Nikki's mouth and turning her to face him.

The girl was surprise by the sudden movement and the paw releasing her mouth, so she didn't react right away. Although she did cringe slightly in fear as she watched Conn open his jaws as wide as he could, his white teeth glistening with saliva and the pink insides pulsing slightly as the maw opened. The black throat pulsed a few times as the wolf took a preemptive swallow of saliva, although he didn't get nearly all of it as a few strands began to drip down onto Nikki's face. She took another deep breath to scream, but before she could, her entire head was plunged into the wolf's humid maw, his cheeks puffing out with her head. A deep murr came from Conn as the nice flavor of Nikki traveled over his tongue, causing him to lick at her face a bit, churring softly, but trying to remain a bit quite since he knew the other girl was still somewhere outside. Taking a rather deep swallow to begin with, Conn opened up wide to let Nikki's neck enter his mouth, her shoulders pressing against his lips as he snaked his tongue out and lapped at the top part of her chest. His paws hesitated for a moment before they reached up and undid her bra, letting it slowly fall to the floor next to his feet. He murred happily watching Nikki start to struggle, her breasts jiggling as she did so. He hands came up and tried to pound against Conn's sides, but were quickly detained by the wolf and held firmly at her sides.

A muffled yell could be heard as Nikki's head plunged into the deep dark abyss of the wolf's throat, drool coating her skin and making her all the easier to slide down. Her hair dangling down the throat in front of her, slightly tickling Conn's throat as saliva began to drench it, making sure that the tickling didn't cause any interference with any more swallows that could and were most likely to occur. Nikki had no idea what was going on at the moment, although her mind kept screaming at her to fight the wolf and to make him stop. Her eyesight slowly began to adjust to the darkness of the throat, revealing nothing but slick tube before her that pulsed around her, leading to more darkness. Nikki's body squirmed a little in the grip of the fox, the feeling of her shoulders entering the maw and being sealed between the wolf's teeth and lips made the girl whine a bit, trying to kick her feet a little in protest. She just kept thinking that any second now the wolf was going to bite down and end all of this for her, although with her shoulders now making the wolf's cheeks bulge out, she was beginning to second guess that as well.

Conn was very surprised at how great Nikki tasted, like some sort of fine dessert dish, very sweet skin. Although Conn didn't know if this was a natural taste or perhaps a taste caused by sunscreen or tanning lotion that Nikki might have put on beforehand. Either way Conn wasn't about to stop swallowing her now, since he'd be in even more trouble if she started blabbing about how she was almost eaten alive by the wolf. With his grip still on Nikki's arms, he heaved her upward, swallowing deeply a few times to work the shoulders fully into his mouth and down his throat, causing a rather large bulge to follow that of Nikki's head down toward the stomach. A muffled cry for help could faintly be heard over the swallows Conn took, but he paid them no mind since he wasn't stopping anytime soon. The girls large breasts pushed slightly against Conn's lips and he murred softly as he let his tongue roam from his jaw and start to lick them over, making Nikki giggle a bit from inside of him and start to wiggle slightly. Opening up as wide as he could, he let Nikki's breasts sink into his mouth, causing him to murr deeply as he began to lick at her nipples, making the girl going inside of him moan slightly. He grinned to himself and continued to lick across her nipples some more, her struggling almost fading entirely, replaced by several soft moans coming from the bulge in Conn's neck.

With the wolf's murring making Nikki's body vibrate some in his throat, she continued to lightly moan feeling the hot, wet tongue sliding across her sensitive nipples. The heat and licking quickly made her nipples perk up, the breasts soon being lodged inside of the hot mouth, making Nikki moan slightly louder from inside of the wolf. She didn't expect to feel something that good going inside of another creature, although the pleasure was right there for her to judge and so far it felt good. Still she knew exactly what was happening around her as a loud gulping around her pulled her shoulders into the moist, tight throat, followed by her breasts following the rest of her body, pressing down into the throat as her lower chest and stomach began to slowly slide inward. Her legs gave a faint kick of protest trying to reason with the wolf about eating her, but she was already too far down to be let go now, her taste just wanting Conn to swallow her up more and more. Her movement soon slowed as she felt two paws beginning to rub over her rump, fingers sliding down her bikini before slowly starting to remove the clothing, sliding it slowly down her thighs before letting them go and having them fall to her ankles, a moment later the small neon green bikini falling to the floor.

Conn knew that his stomach was going to get upset if those clothes stayed on her body, even such a little bit of clothing like that. Plus he liked to roam about when he tasted someone going down his throat and this was going to be no exception. Letting his paws slide across her rump and down her thighs some he gently pushed Nikki inward, giving another loud swallow that echoed in the shed. Looking about quickly and letting his ears pick up sounds from outside, he was still in little danger at the moment, but decided that he needed to hurry since there was still a contest to win. Gulping a few more times in quick succession, Conn gripped lightly around Nikki's rump and pushed her inward, his belly slipping across his tongue and getting a few giggles from inside before her waist began to slide inward. Stopping suddenly as Nikki's rump came to a rest in Conn's mouth he murred happily and began to lightly lap at Nikki's sex, enjoying the rather nice taste in this region, much more powerful then the rest of the girl's body.

Hearing a loud churring around her and the nice warm licking against her pussy, Nikki began to lightly moan from inside the wolf, her head beginning to poke into the wolf's stomach. A moment later her entire head spread through the stomach sphincter and pushed inside, making her gasp some as she took a deep breath of the wolf's belly, cringing some at the smell and the loud growl that erupted around her. Although the cringe soon turned back into moaning inside of the wolf's stomach. Nikki's legs began to kick lightly in the air as the wolf held them up, the wet tongue probing over her pussy before pushing into her, making her moan even deeper. With all the fear that was going through her mind, she had never thought that the wolf would do something like this. Shuddering and letting out a loud groan Nikki could feel the tongue press as deep into her as it could go before slipping out and lapping around the surrounding area. Soon this began to repeat every few seconds, making Nikki gasp loudly at the nice feeling, her body starting to tense up. Not even her boyfriend could make her feel this happy doing everything to her, it was like some awful, but happy dream. As her neck and shoulders began to slide into the stomach, her body tensed up and a loud moan came through the wolf's stomach, making his ears perk straight up, a grin coming over his muzzle as he licked about her sex some more.

It didn't take too long for Nikki's legs to suddenly kick a bit harder, her climax racking through her body, one of the most powerful ones she had in her life. Her juices ran out onto Conn's tongue, making the wolf murr deeply and lick everything he could up, helping clean Nikki up a bit more as the nice sweet flavor spread across his tongue, the flavors slipping down his throat with the next powerful swallow. Nikki's thighs squeezed inward, causing her to buck a bit as she felt her waist slipping downward into the dark throat, her body quivering some as the throat pushed against her skin, helping to drag her into a nice cramped place. Tucking her thighs away and tilting his head backward, Conn began to swallow quickly, opening his throat and letting gravity aid him in his attempt to make sure Nikki couldn't really be seen, other then a large bulge in his stomach. With her legs slowly vanishing from view Conn murred slightly and set his head down as her feet began to slip toward his lips. He glanced over her green painted toes, which wiggled and splayed out a bit each time he licked at the soles of her feet, making him smile. Opening wide he watched the wiggle feet one last time, her green toes almost waving goodbye to him as he sealed them in his mouth. Licking them over and murring at the final tastes of Nikki, Conn tilted his head back and with one last powerful swallow, sent Nikki's bulge down his throat, a nice bulge visible in its descent before the girl curled up inside of his stomach, wiggling about some and protesting being let out.

Happily licking his lips Conn belched loudly and then covered his mouth, glancing from side to side before reaching down and picking up Nikki's bra and bikini, giving a look about before hiding them in the bucket full of gardening supplies. Another burp escaped Conn's mouth and he held onto his stomach some, trying to get Nikki to settle down some while also trying not to murr too loud from the feeling. Conn's pants were already feeling rather tighter as a large bulge had formed in his pants from swallowing down Nikki. Casually rubbing the crotch some he murred happily at the wiggling before hearing the door to the shed open up, another women standing in the doorway, looking straight at Conn.

"What are you doing here?"


Conn grinned almost stupidly, shrugging lightly to the other women who just kind of chuckled at the wolf as she watched him. Looking her over he found the blonde girl to be wearing a short black skirt with just a black bra and white shirt covering her top. She was nicely tanned although her hair seemed stringy and a bit wet, Conn thinking she must have come home and got changed and washed her hair after finding Nikki nowhere around outside. Her feet were bare, just showing off her slender ankles and her red painted toes, making Conn smile some before shaking his head and looking at his chest for a quick moment before going back to her eyes.

"You must be Nikki's boyfriend right? She said you were quite the animal, but I would have never guessed you were a wolf. Kinda sexy if you ask me..."

Conn couldn't help but blush some, about to speak up before going silent. At least he had found a way out of this, all he had to do was agree with this girl and be on his merry way. Nodding a few times he chuckled lightly to himself, moving out of the shed and doing his best at letting his paws cover his slightly wiggling stomach. Hearing the door shut behind him, Conn headed for the gate he had come from, stopping soon enough as a hand was place on his shoulder.

"You seen Nikki around here?"

"Oh, she must be around somewhere."

"She left her boom box on again, but with you here she must not have gone far."

"Yeah, she must be close by..."

Conn muffled a belch with his mouth and paw, turning to look at the other female, trying to smile some.

"She might have gone down to that comic shop to take a look at the contest going on."

"Could be possible...oh I'm Michelle. Might help to introduce me heh."

"Oh nice to meet you, I should get going...gotta find Nikki after all..."

Conn turned to head to the gate before feeling his arm being tugged, halting him and making him turn to see Michelle smiling at him, moving in closer to rub a hand down his chest and then across his belly. He perked his ears and took a step back, trying to turn away so she wouldn't notice his stomach, a soft call for help being heard by Conn, but hopefully not by Michelle. She quickly moved back to Conn and ran her hands down his sides, making the wolf wag his tail and murr softly before she chuckled to herself.

"Well I saw you checking me out standing in the shed, want to head inside and maybe do something..."

Conn began to pant some, wanting to really finish up this contest since he had probably another forty fives minutes to keep finding things. Although he felt Michelle pulling at his arms, leading him toward the backdoor of the house. He couldn't help but follow her, eyeing her up and down, his bulge starting to throb in his pants as she pulled him into the house, shutting the door and then turning around, quickly taking off her shirt and tossing it to the ground, then undoing her bra and throwing that down as well, her breasts hanging in the air, her hands moving down over them to tease Conn slightly. She then slowly took off her skirt and panties, stepping out of them before rubbing gently at the bulge in the front of Conn's pants, smiling at the wolf.

"We'd better get this done quick before Nikki gets home. She always turns up when you don't want her too."

Michelle slowly began to undo Conn's pants, letting them drop to the floor, the wolf's cock bobbing freely in the air and leaking some pre as he murred loudly toward Michelle. The girl giggled and slowly lead the wolf over to the couch in the den, laying down on it and then letting Conn slowly get on top of her. He didn't even wait for any kind of signal, his cock already free from his sheath and with Michelle laying there, he began his task. He slowly pushed his cock into her sex, spreading it for his length and making Michelle moan loudly in the process, her hands reaching forward to grip and rub over Conn's sides as he pushed deeper and deeper into her. Michelle moaned louder almost each time as the length of Conn's cock pressed into her, soon the wolf hilting inside of her and groaning as he felt her pussy clench tightly around his member. Conn gradually leaned forward, placing his muzzle against Michelle's neck and happily nuzzling and licking her, murring happily at the nice feeling around his cock as well as the good flavors seeping into his mouth. Using his paws to rub against Michelle's breasts a few times, he nuzzled against her a few times more before starting to slide himself in and out of her tight folds. Michelle shivered happily at the feeling, gripping her hands against Conn's thighs and bucking upward into Conn's movement, letting him push further into her as he desired.

" nice..."

Michelle smiled up at the wolf before moaning, feeling him bucking into her a few times, a steady stream of pre leaking within her folds. She clenched around his cock a few times, making him pant and stop his movement, holding the same position for a few short moments before resuming what he was doing. Starting to speed up, he thrusted into Michelle, making her moan loudly each time, the cock beginning to throb within her tight confines. Conn's furry balls slapped gently at Michelle's thighs as he started to speed up, moaning to himself and letting loose a light growl as he felt the folds clenching against his cock, trying to work out his precious seed from within. It wasn't going to take that much more work to coax the wolf into his climax and Michelle was slowly nearing her own as well, the feeling making the two of them squirm gently against one another, Conn's belly starting to wiggle just a bit more as Nikki began to feel the same motions going on outside and assume that something was happening. Conn felt the motion and moaned louder, the wiggling making things even better for him. Pushing himself all the way into Michelle, he groaned and let his balls rest against her. A second later he felt her juices flowing around his cock and then he felt his own cock throb from the new heat, pulsing and spraying his seed deep into Michelle, the two of them having their climaxes almost at the same time. Michelle's hands fell limply to her sides as Conn laid on top of the girl, murring happily as he felt himself draining inside her, his tongue licking about at her neck, his stomach giving a light wiggle and then growled lightly around Nikki from the inside.

Michelle looked up into Conn's eyes, giving him a smile before getting him to smile in return, his teeth glistening with fresh saliva as he slowly opened his mouth, drool leaking onto Michelle's face. She stared into his mouth, a light belch escaping from Conn and blasting Michelle with Nikki's own scent, which she couldn't distinguish from the smell of his normal breath. She panted happily staring into the maw, unknowing that Conn got a bit more hungry with the things that just went on. Conn just let his mouth hang over Michelle's head as she laid under him, then she looked over at his sides, his stomach wiggling visibly and a faint call for help being heard from within. Michelle's eyes widened some at feeling wiggling against her from the outside and it clicked as to where Nikki might actually be. She was about to say something, but with being out of breath and Coon quickly sealing his maw shut around her head, she didn't really get much time to say anything. With Conn's lips sealing around half of Michelle's face, he murred happily, licking over her face and making her cough some as he began to bathe her in saliva.

Wrapping his arms around the girl, Conn slowly sat himself up, his cock still hard and buried deep within Michelle. Pushing downward over her face, he soon sealed his lips around her neck, just a little bit of her hair still left outside of his mouth. He murred happily as he sucked on Michelle in his mouth, leaning backward against the couch. His paws rubbed down Michelle's back and caressed over her rump, pushing against it a few times to make her body move forward, her pussy sliding down his cock some and causing him to murr deeply. Gently bucking upward into the now squirming Michelle he churred loudly, holding onto her and enjoying both the wiggle from the outside and inside. It didn't take that long this time for his cock to shudder again and spurt some leftover seed of his into Michelle's body, fully discharging the load he had been carrying with him for at least a few days. Enjoying himself fully now his mind flicked back into contest mode, his eyes gazing down at the naked girl in his mouth. Sighing some around her he decided that he might as well swallow her down as well to keep her quite, plus with him being still hungry he'd kill two birds with one stone.

Michelle went from having one great time to having a worse one. She yelled loudly as her head pressed into the gullet of the wolf, her shoulders sliding into the hot maw to be licked over soon enough. Inside the wolf Michelle could almost hear the yells of someone else further down, making her shiver and start to wiggle even more, not wanting to know that the wolf had already swallowed someone else like she had thought. Although her protests and wiggling were going unheard as he felt her body given a push, her soft breasts pushed into the mouth next, moving carefully over the sharp teeth of the wolf before being covered with a good amount of saliva, played with by the tongue and then swallowed down next. Michelle's wiggling bulge got more defined as more and more of her body was pushed inward, Conn fully enjoying himself as he swallowed up one more girl, but at least she would know the current occupant of the stomach. With her breasts being swallowed next and her belly being worked on, Michelle cried out a few more times for help before going silent, her body jerking from side to side in an attempt to free herself by force.

Conn gagged just slightly as a sudden jerk took him by surprise. Michelle sure was a fighter and wasn't going down without making her unhappy pleas known. Watching Michelle's hands clench tightly each time her body jerked, Conn knew of one way that might calm the young lady. Swallowing as fast as he could be moved Michelle's belly down his throat with one push and then her hands and waist with another, the girls still powerful movement being felt inside of the wolf. A smile came over Conn's muzzle as he sealed his lips around her sex, causing her to stop moving all together, much like he thought it would. Lapping at it a few times he swallowed deeply and pulled her vagina inside, starting to lick at it happily, tasting the remnants of his own climax as well as hers. her own sweet flavors mixed with the musky scent of his own provided for a nice taste, something that made the wolf churr happily about and continue to lick, sticking his tongue inward much as he had done with Nikki. Now the only real movement he got from the girl were wiggles of pleasure and moans of happiness, which put a smile on his face, he enjoyed it when his prey liked certain things. Gripping onto Michelle legs he slowly pulled her sex over his tongue as he dragged her out a few inches, making her moan loudly before she felt her moist sex slide back into the hot mouth. The constant change from cold to warm made things crazy for her, soon her legs sticking straight out in the air as she let out a scream of pleasure, her warm juices leaking onto Conn's tongue, making the wolf churr happily and lick them all up before swallowing up as much as he could.

Nikki soon felt something pressing against her side, causing her to shift slightly inside of the stomach, Michelle's own body starting to slide into the humid, wet stomach. With the two girls pushing against one another, Conn's stomach began to stretch even more to accommodate the two of them. He groaned some at the nice full feeling, being a long time since he had last felt this full. Murring to himself he began to slurp down the thighs of Michelle, followed by those long slender legs. They easily glided into his mouth and with some quick movement, they were soaked with saliva and made their way down the pulsing throat. Once again the last thing hanging from Conn's mouth were the beautiful toes, the nails panted a rather fine red, almost the color of a wine. Murring to himself Conn's hands rubbed over Michelle's feet, getting the soles really good and tracing in and out from her toes, making them squirm and curl up, the large toe on each foot wiggling gently a bit at the nice massage. Opening wide Conn slipped those nice toes into his mouth, slathering them with saliva and holding them in his mouth as he laid back on the couch, rubbing over his stomach with both paws before giving Michelle her last swallow. The girl slid downward and curled up within the tight wolf belly along with Nikki, stretching Conn out a bit more and making him murr happily as he gave the squirming stomach a few firm pats. The girls tried to get as comfy as they could, finally resting against one another, and holding onto each other in fear, a loud burp vibrating Conn a bit as he murred happily, letting his head rest against some pillows as the wiggle in his gut continued.

"Oh...those two were so good...but I should be getting back to this game..."

Conn's cock had previously disappeared from view, but with all the movement inside of him, it was once again standing at full attention. Letting one paw roam down he gripped the cock and squeezed it a few times, groaning happily to himself as he chuckled to himself.

"Well your enjoying yourself today, aren't you..."

His cock throbbed in his paw, leaking some pre, causing Conn to lay back and murr happily, gripping and rubbing up and down his cock happily. With his cock throbbing in his head he soon stopped hearing a few loud footsteps coming down a set of stairs, his body turning toward the stairs to see a girl with only a pair of silk underwear and a oversized pink superman T-shirt coming down the stairs, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Conn groaned some to himself as he got up off the couch and slowly crept around to the other side, hiding just under the stairwell, smiling to himself as his cock throbbed a bit in the air. Reaching the bottom step the girl glanced around the room, stretching a bit before letting out a yelp as she was pulled backward into something soft and fuzzy, something warm and soft covering her mouth. She mumbled something before being turned around, a paw still over her mouth as Conn smiled at the young girl, taking her into his gaze. Her hair was also blonde, her skin just a bit whiter then the other two that had traveled into the wolf, although she was still a cutey. Her dark eyes showed a slight fear of the wolf, but not much really, which Conn thought to be very cute. He smiled at her and then used one paw to pat his belly.

"Your roomies are wolf food right now, so if you don't want to end up like them, I'd just go ahead and suck the wolf cock now...but no yelling or screaming or its the belly for you..."

He grinned to her and licked his lips, burping softly as a few muffled voices came through his stomach, the belly wiggling with the two girls forms. The other girl nodded a little bit before slowly getting to her knees, Conn letting her go as he slowly gripped both hands on the large cock in front of her, which pulsed in her hands, making Conn murr happily. She slowly began to pump away at the cock, using her hands to rub up and down the length, before slowly leaning forward and sealing her lips around half the length. She began suckling around the cock, using her lips to press down gently around the cock as he tongue swirled gently around the head, making Conn moan happily to himself. Gently resting his hands on the back of her head, he gently pushed the girl forward, making her open up a bit wider to take in more of his cock. Murring deeply he began to slowly hump into her mouth, making a slight sucking noise as the wet cock slid in and out of the girl's warm mouth. She pressed her lips together as tight as she could, making Conn work slightly in pushing his cock back in, but in a good way. It made things tighter for him as his length pushed past the tight, slick lips and into the warm mouth. Taking a deep breath around the cock, the girl pushed forward, her lips sealing gently at the base of the cock, making Conn almost stumble back and gasp. He felt her swallowing around his cock, the tip of it slipping into her throat and making his cock shudder, leaking pre down her throat. She then reached a hand out and slowly gripped Conn's sac in her palm, rubbing the furry orbs in her hand and gently giving them a light pull as the wolf howled out loudly, his seed starting to shoot into the girl's mouth, his paws gripping the back of her head and pushing her mouth over his entire length. She coughed out some as the hot seed rushed down her throat, her attempts to swallow everything failing as the seed dripped from her mouth and onto the floor. Groaning happily as he let himself go, Conn slowly let go of the girl's head, causing her to pull away and cough a few more times, swallowing what was left in her mouth. Conn smiled down at her and gently helped her up.

"What's your name..."


"Well Tiffany, say hello to your friends for me..."

Conn chuckled to himself, his eyes staring into Tiffany's eyes as she slowly shook her head, whining a little bit as she felt Conn gently pull the T-shirt off over her head and toss it to the floor. He opened his mouth wide, showing off his teeth to Tiffany before lifting her off the ground and descending his mouth upon her. She let out one yelp followed by a muffled one as her head plunged into the wolf's throat. Conn murred deeply as the her flavor began to seep onto his tongue, causing a rumble to come from his stomach once again. He blinked some to himself, the thought that he was actually this hungry was really astounding him. He shrugged slightly to himself as he lifted Tiffany upward a bit, swallowing deeply as he pressed his muzzle down over her shoulders. She was a bit smaller then the other two, her shoulders easily folding to slide into his throat followed by her smaller breasts that were good tasting and fit more easily in his mouth, which was always a plus. Slowly moving backward a bit, Conn sat himself down in a nearby chair, murring as he kept steadily gulping Tiffany down, murring to himself as he rested one paw on his gut, feeling it wiggle around and one paw using as leverage to keep Tiffany going in the down direction. Her chest and belly squirmed down Conn's throat, followed by her waist and lower regions. Conn began to lick lightly around her waist but stopped, the nasty taste of fabric in his mouth. Pulling on Tiffany he let her waist slip from his mouth and used his hands to pull her underwear from her lower half and toss them across the room. Rubbing over her rump a few times he slowly slipped his fingers along the inside of her crack, murring and then giving a firm push inward, her sex sliding across his tongue and getting a few licks before that plunged down the wolf's throat as well.

He would have spent more time on this little delicacy, but his time for finding things for the scavenger hunt was coming to an end rather quickly and he hadn't found one thing. He decided it was best to finish Tiffany up and be on his way before any more interruptions could foil his searching. Tilting his head back, Conn kept swallowing, watching Tiffany's legs slowly disappear from his view. He caught one glance at her pink toenails before then vanished into his mouth, his lips sealing closed around her toes as he suckled lightly on the last part of her body before swallowing deeply. Tiffany soon joined her other two friends inside the dark, wet gut of the wolf. It expanded a lot this time around, causing the wolf to groan as he stood up, wobbling gently over to the stairs and resting his hands on the railing. The wiggling inside his gut made him moan and soon enough his paws held onto his gut, trying to at least stop all that wiggling from making him murr deeper then he already was. It was so very nice to have a stomach this full, all the wiggling and light muffled calls for help, it made his cock throb in pleasure as he gritted his teeth and slowly got up. He wandered over to where his pants were laying, slowly reaching down to pick them up before heading to the back door, trying to put his pants on once more. After missing putting his leg into his pants about three times, he sighed to himself and just flung the blue jeans over his shoulder. He glanced down at his cock, which was still rather hard and throbbing in the air.

"Well I can't go anywhere pantless unless your gone..."

Conn slowly took a few steps back and plopped himself down on the couch, groaning to himself as he rubbed over his stomach before giving it a few firm pats, eyeing his cock and wondering how much time he would waste just waiting for it to subside. He would always do things the quick way, but he thought that if he did it now then it would only lead his little friend to poke out wandering down the street sometime. Conn's ears perked upward as a loud knock was heard on the front door, followed by the buzzer. He moaned somewhat to himself and then slowly got up and padded to the front door, yawning to himself as he pulled open the door halfway and glanced out onto the front step to see a woman standing there, dressed in nothing more then a black bathing suit, her skin, brown hair and clothes wet from being in the water just moments ago. Her large breasts barely fit into her suit and Conn just stared at her, peeking out some from the door before blinking and realizing that he had answered the door to someone else's house, so comfy his mind having played a trick on him.


He began to close the door, but found the woman moving in, causing Conn to turn away from her and try to hide his large wiggling belly and hard, throbbing cock.

"Hey, are the girls around. I was next door and wanted to know if any of them wanted to come next door to the pool."

Conn glanced over at her and shook his head slightly.

"Nope...just me at the moment. The girls went down--out for a bit. I'm sure they'll be back, you can just go back to your little party."

"Some party wolfboy. Just me and Keeley over there right now. So where did they all go or are you just hiding them from me."


"Girls! Lucy is here to spice up your day!"

Lucy began to wander around the living room area, spying a few pieces of clothes scattered all around the area, causing her to scratch her head slightly and turn back to the wolf, grinning to him.

"You did them all didn't you...they must be all upstairs taking a shower or something."

"I didn't really...well maybe...BURP!"

Conn covered his mouth some, muffling the last half of the burp before hiccupping a few times and swallowing deeply as Lucy moved over to him, eyeing his back up and down before rushing to his front, causing Conn to blush some as he tried to cover up his hard length. She grinned at him and eyed him once more, chuckling to herself and then poking him a few times in his gut.

"Well pudgy, tell them to get over to my place after--"

She stopped and poked the wolf a few more times in his gut, hearing a faint cry from within before his belly began to wiggle about a few times. She stared at him and then quickly pushed by him, rushing to the front door. Conn grabbed for her, but only tore off a large piece of her bathing suit, causing both halves of the suit to fall off Lucy. She gasped some and turned away from the front door, not wanting to be seen naked outside as she ran for the backdoor. Conn stumbled after her, almost falling over her wet clothes as she ran past the stairs and then soon tripped on a small spot of wolf cum on the floor from the little bout with Tiffany moments earlier. Tripping and landing on her knees, Lucy tried her best to crawl away from the wolf. Conn quickly pounced on top of her, his arms wrapping around her waist as his tail swished happily from side to side while he thought of what to do with this one. Thinking to himself as he kept Lucy from moving anywhere, his tail began to swish a bit faster, thoughts of wanting to do something a bit new popping into his mind. A low murr escaped from his throat as he slowly let Lucy go with one paw, starting to lick his free palm a few times, getting it slathered with drool before reaching it down to his cock, rubbing it over a few times, making him murr a bit louder. Lucy's struggling stopped for a few seconds as she tried to glance backward to see what Conn was doing, although she soon found out as she felt his cock pressing against her ass. Her struggling began once again, although Conn wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and moaned as he slowly slid her backward, her cheeks letting his slick cock slide inward, pushing gently into her rear.

Lucy gasped as the length began to slide into her, her legs starting to kick out behind her, trying to find some way to push herself away from the wolf. Although the girl soon began to pant, letting loose a soft moan as the feeling was something she grew quickly accustomed to. It was also rather refreshing for her as well, since it had been years since someone last pushed something into that end of her. She rested her head on her hands and groaned feeling the thick piece of meat pushing into him, the insides contracting around the cock lightly to try and push it out, before just tugging on it in welcome since it wasn't going anywhere but in. Lucy gritted her teeth some as she felt the entire length being buried into her ass, the wolf's balls slapping against her rump as he rested himself inside. For a full minute the two stayed like this, both just enjoying the feeling of having and being inside one another. Soon enough though Lucy felt the slick member sliding out from her rear, causing her to let out a little sigh before finding it being pushed back in, causing her to moan loudly, her hand trying to muffle her scream of pleasure. The thrusting continued on for a short while, the balls of the wolf slapping warmly against her rump each time the cock glided into her. Her toes clenched each time she felt Conn push into her, her body shuddering at such a nice feeling. Although soon enough things started to get faster, making Lucy moan louder as the pleasure racked through her body.

Conn let his tongue hang from his mouth as he thrusted into Lucy's backend, the warm feeling all around his cock making things all the better. It had been quite some time since he last went behind someone, although it'd be something that the wolf would soon need to try again. The feeling of his balls colliding with her soft rump made the wolf quiver, his cock leaking steadily with pre and letting him speed up, his movement getting quicker and quicker. With his paws gripping around the girl he pushed her backward into his thrusting, making her squeal in delight. Conn could feel Lucy clenching tightly around her cock, wanting it to stay inside of her a bit longer, although he wanted to keep thrusting, not wanting to lose any momentum at the moment. With his panting growing louder, almost matching the volume of Lucy's moaning, his tail wagged from side to side as quickly as it could. The tail would suddenly perk up as Conn pushed his cock all the way into Lucy, letting his balls slap behind her once more as he unloaded a nice strong load into Lucy's backend, his cum quickly leaking from his cock and dripping to the floor. He bucked inside Lucy a few times as she moaned, getting all his seed out before quickly withdrawing his cock from her backend and flipping Lucy onto her back.

Lowering his head down he let his muzzle rest on Lucy's belly, giving it a few licks, getting her bellybutton wet before slowly moving downward, making the girl moan softly. Soon his licking reached her already moist sex, a loud murr coming from Conn as the taste flooded his senses, making him lick harder and faster. Lucy wiggled some on the floor, groaning and gasping loudly at the hot tongue lapping at her, egging her onto her own climax. Pressing his nose into the sex, her took a deep sniff, causing Lucy to moan happily and giggle at the cold sensation. Conn soon sealed his lips around her sex, licking about as best he could, his tongue going deep inside of the girl as his teeth lightly nibbled around her pussy. Murring deeply he let the vibrations spread across Lucy's sex, making her wiggle a bit in his grasp, her movement going still for a second as he let out a huge moan.

Conn kept sucking about on her pussy, letting his saliva sink into her sex as he gulped gently around it, swallowing a bit more saliva as he played with Lucy's sex, murring happily as the warm flavor of her sex spread over his tongue, just making him want to swallow the girl up even more. Using his tongue to push as deep into her sex as he could go, he finally found the one spot that made her go still and scream loudly in pleasure, causing his belly to stop wiggling for a second as the three inside wondered what was going on. Hitting the same spot over and over again caused Lucy to quickly start flailing her legs some, her juices leaking into Conn's mouth, who gulped down the tasty treat. Lucy soon hit her climax, spurting lightly inside of Conn's mouth, who gulped everything down happily, getting every last drop he was offered. Licking his lips afterward and making sure to clean up Lucy's pussy he grinned to himself and patted his belly a few times, watching the totally out of it girl laying on the floor.

"Another one to join you girls..."

With that said he slowly pulled Lucy to her knees, sitting her in front of himself, giving her a kiss on the head before opening up wide and stuffing the girl inward. With a few quick gulps the girl's body would soon start to disappear from view, a few wiggles her only protest. Her head and breasts would soon be pushed into the wolf's gullet, another few swallows getting Lucy's lower chest and belly to move into her new living area. Letting his paws rub down over Lucy's ass and legs, Conn murred happily to himself as he leaned forward some, swallowing a few more times in the process. Laying on his belly he got a few strong wiggles as things in his belly shifted about, the three girls already inside being crammed against a hard floor as Lucy began to make her grand entrance into Conn's stomach. It wouldn't take very much longer for Lucy to fully make the journey the three others had already made. His throat was quite accustomed to having swallowed this many women already, so another one would be no match for the ravenous wolf. Wagging his tail happily behind him, Coon pushed against Lucy's feet, swallowing deeply as he watched her feet wiggle and kick lightly before pressing to his black lips. Lucy's black painted toenails were the last thing to vanish from view, with a wet glurp the feet were dragged into Conn's mouth, giving one last wash over with his tongue and dropped from view. Conn's murring got louder as he panted and moaned some, watching his stomach grow ever larger. His belly contained four girls now and they were quickly compacted together with the stomach, pushing them against the slimy walls and each other as they wiggled around lightly inside the wolf. Groaning, Conn rolled onto his back and patted his stomach, playing it like a drum for a minute before he pulled himself to his feet.

"One more thing before I get back to this game..."

The wolf slowly padded to the front door and peeked outside, checking to see if anyone was around. Spying no one and being less modest at the moment then Lucy, Conn dashed across the lawn to the house on the right, where Lucy had come from. He walked into the front door and then sniffed about, the smell of chlorine in the air. He followed the scent until he got near the backdoor, spying a rather delicious looking girl sitting right out in the open, laying on a towel and soaking up some sun. She wore nothing at all, just letting the sun beat down on her already bronze colored skin. Her legs were crossed to hide a bit from the outside world, but this was just too good of a scene to waste. Besides if Lucy didn't come back then Keeley would come looking for her. So once Keeley was taken care of, then he could get back to the game, provided that no other loose ends turn up. Conn slowly crept to the backdoor, then proceeded to pull it open and step out, not letting Keeley hear him at all. He rushed over to her, almost pouncing on top of her where she laid. She let out a loud yell of protest, before stopping and moaning loudly as she felt the head of the wolf's cock pressing into her sex. Conn grinned down at Keeley, who didn't really put up much of a protest against his entering her, which made things all the easier for him.

He moaned softly and began to work his length inward, his balls all set to go with one more load for the day, although they did ache some from all the previous attention in a little under an hour. Although if his cock was all set to go for another round, then so was Conn and with this beauty out in the open and not doing anything to stop him, he was so going to take the option. He pressed down into Keeley, making her moan softly as his length pushed into her folds and spread her out. His cock came to a stop inside of her, his balls resting against her as he slightly bucked into her, his paws rubbing over her large voluptuous breasts. He gently bounced himself on top of her, his hands moving and rubbing all over her body, his eyes filled with passion as he panted happily, dripping drool onto Keeley's chest and belly. She closed her eyes and moaned louder, causes Conn to start and pick up speed, his length sliding all the way into her before slowly slipping out, the tip just barely coming out from her sex before the wolf plunged himself back inside. Stroking the side of her cheek gently with one paw he continued to work himself in and out of her, churring quiet loudly in the process. Had anyone been walking around outside the houses, they would have heard the sounds of the two most definitely. Conn's panting soon filled the backward, his moans and low growls causing Keeley to gasp and reach down, holding onto the wolf's cock each time it moved out of her, helping Conn plunge in back inside. Time was a blur, Conn couldn't really keep track of how long he was keeping this up for, it felt like forever, just the tight folds of her sex around her cock, the velvet like insides clenching around his member and the juices leaking from Keeley as she already climaxed once and was on her way to doing it again. Gasping loudly Keeley moaned to herself, gripping the wolf's cock as he settled inside her and let her hot climax jet around the cock, making Conn howl lightly, pushing into Keeley when she was finished and spraying his seed deep inside of her. The two of them collapsed, Conn laying on top of Keeley and panting happily as she hugged the wolf tightly to her, moaning softly every couple of seconds. Nuzzling gently at Keeley's neck Conn soon began to lick over her cheeks, churring happily as he slowly lifted himself off her and smiled down to her.

"Your going to be so tasty."

He lowered himself down to lap several more times over the front side of Keeley's face, who still had her eyes shut and was too blissful to know what was going to happen or to have paid Conn's words any mind. One eye flicked open for a moment to see nothing but wet pinkness enveloping over her sight. The warm feeling around her head made her moan softly, her body quivering gently underneath of Conn. Sucking on Keeley's head, the girls flavor was one of the best he'd ever had. It was pure, almost sweet like sugar, but has such a refined taste like it had been made for years in some tiny factory. Shutting his eyes, Conn gulped once, rolling himself to the side and having Keeley roll on top of him, his belly squirming madly about underneath him. Keeley didn't notice the movement or where her head was slowly slipping away to, her body still in total shock over the great feelings she just felt. Conn felt Keeley's head enter his throat, making a perfect bulge in his neck which he began to rub over with one paw, rubbing gently over Keeley's breasts with the other. He moaned around the girl, swallowing quickly afterward as he worked on her body, her neck and shoulders sliding into the pink maw as Keeley's body slowly but surely began to join within his. With a wet sucking sound his cock was slowly pulled from her sex, although it she tried to keep it inside of her for as long as she could. Conn smiled to himself, having made himself even more happy with not only fulfilling himself, but the needs of Keeley as well.

Working down her breasts Conn gulped happily, enjoying the moment with Keeley in his grasp, the young girl unlike the others of the hour, just simply too happy to actually care about what was going on. In fact her body felt even better sliding down a slick, narrow tube. She gently gave her own body a push forward, much to the surprised of Conn, although he was far with upset with the coarse of action. He swallowed once more, working her chest down his neck, his paw still happily tracing over Keeley's figure in his fur. Rubbing one paw down her back and to her rump he gently rubbed it over, happy to just enjoy himself like this for awhile. The scavenger hunt meant nothing at the moment, nor did the money he had wasted on entering. Using both his hands to rub up and down Keeley's sides, the wolf churred happily to himself as he got caught up in the act of eating, before he knew it having already enjoyed up to her sex. He let his tongue lick up all the extra juices, his mouth sucking at her pussy to fully get every last drop from her, including most everything that he had drained inside of her. Everything mixed so well that it sent a shiver down Conn's spine, the taste truly making the wolf believe that this was the perfect meal. Cleaning Keeley up as best he could, he knew she was just going to get dirty going down, so he just slurped as much of her up as she could. Her legs began to kick slightly as her body joined with the other four occupants of his stomach, causing them to groan and shift to try and make room. Conn had no idea how he was going to get back to Jag's house, although at this point in time he could care less.

Keeley's knees vanished inside the wolf and Conn spent the better part of five minutes just finishing with the girls feet. She had the cutest little toes he had ever seen, painted a bright pink color that had glitter mixed in with it. Slurping over her feet and toes, he murred happily at the sudden squirming and giggling her heard in his gut, knowing that Keeley was enjoying that as well. Using his tongue, Conn tickled in between each toe, making Keeley go mad with laughing inside of his belly, only causing things to get worse for the other four and better for Conn and Keeley. Knowing that all good had to end, he slurped up her feet, gave one last goodbye lick to her toes before swallowing deeply, pressing his palm to his neck to feel those dainty toes sliding down his throat. Conn laid on his back and belched loudly a few times as the five girls in his gut shifted about. He'd hate to have a mirror nearby to see himself in, but as soon as he was done enjoying himself he would have to bring the girls back, hopefully they would all think this was some big dream they all shared or something. They couldn't really pin it on a wolf that they would never see again.

Gasping Conn remembered about the contest and slowly got to his feet, his knees wobbling as he held onto his wiggling belly and moved back to the front door of the house. Making sure no one was around he bolted to the other door and made his way to where he had left his pants. Grabbing them he checked the list, eyeing over things and then burping loudly as he looked at the clock. Five minutes to get enough points to win. He glanced around the room to see if anything was here that he could use, then smiled and slapped his belly. The guy running this thing was a bigger pervert then he was probably. Conn made his daring exit from the house with two minutes to spare, grabbing the clothes on the ground, the CD in the boom box and a few other things around the house that he could use to win this contest.

Conn had gotten back to the store with thirty seconds to spare, everyone staring at his large belly, which he was glad for had at least gone still for a little while, the girls inside must have been sleeping. He handed over his items to the man at the front desk, who smiled at the wolf and then went through a quick checklist before standing up.

"You can all go home now! We have our winner. With points totaling more then 200, this wolf got every hard thing on the list. A pink superman T-shirt, a wet bathing suit, a green colored bikini set, a fluffy yellow pillow, a picture including three or more beautiful women, a bottle of cheap perfume, women's underwear, and surprisingly enough a Boys II Men CD. Congratulations!"

Conn took a quick bow before accepting his money and some random comic before belching loudly, covering his muzzle and wandering from the store toward the grocery store for some milk. Afterward the wolf called a taxi and was on his way back.

Getting back to Jag's Conn slowly got through the front door with a bit of trouble before setting the milk down and then moving to the living room, plopping back down in his chair and rubbing his swollen gut, churring happily to himself in the process. The feline soon wandered down the stairs, eyeing the wolf and then perking his ears.

"What happened to you?"

"The best scavenger hunt ever...."

"Sounds like fun, gonna tell me about it."

"As soon as I'm done taking a nap I will."

"Nap sounds good!"

Jag leapt back onto the couch, curling up and yawning some as he smiled at the wolf.

"Told you naps were fun..."

The wolf chuckled lightly, belching again before slowly falling asleep in the chair.