Through the Looking Glass 8-C

Story by Herr Wozzeck on SoFurry

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Rouge: Chapter 8

"I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I do think that bad things are about to be real."

"You don't need to say anything about that, Grunty. After all, it was you who told Eggman that it was a bear and bird that was running around."

"I'm just thankful she didn't mention any of the rest of his friends..."

Rouge had talked about Banjo's exploits around the Master Emerald to the rest of the group. They listened in pretty intently, even Grunty. Sonic was quite glad that somebody else was doing something to save the world, and everyone else thought it rather fine.

Except for Grunty, who appropriately had the feeling that things were about to go quite awry.

"I don't know about that anymore, Mr. L.O.G.," replied Cream. "I mean, he must have seen them by now..."

"That is true..." replied the omnipotent computer. "I can't believe Banjo actually used Chaos Control and somehow was able to survive."

Shadow's crimson eyes glanced at the computer incredulously. "How do you know he's even survived?"

"Well... if he was dead, he wouldn't be able to speak to Rouge," replied the L.O.G. with a wink.

"Bah, to them, I say, boo, I hope that this doctor turns them into poo!" shouted Grunty.

The witch was then shoved into the bars by Rouge's foot ever so briefly. "Keep your nonsense to yourself, please," she replied.

"Yeah, please do," said Sonic, shivering slightly. "The thought of what Eggman could do to all of us is a little frightening..."

Just then, a loud slam was heard way down the end of the corridor.

"Oh, boy, here he comes," said Rouge, instantly recognizing everything.

And sure enough, the door to the room opened to reveal Eggman, his moustache slightly frazzled as he glared at the prisoners.

He was not happy in the least.

Almost instantly when Eggman entered, he rushed right up to Rouge's cage, literally punched a combination into the keypad that was just below the floor of the cage, and roughly opened the door to pull the bat out by the arm. This almost knocked Grunty out of the cage, but somehow the witch's head was still inside as Rouge was roughly tossed to the ground. The bat had no time to do anything when she hit the ground before she found the doctor's hand wrap around her neck dangerously.

"Rouge!" he screamed. "You... you bitch! You gave that bear the idea to Chaos Control, didn't you?"

The bat would have replied except that she was finding it hard to breathe.

"Wait, what?" asked the L.O.G., attempting to feign ignorance "He used Chaos Control?"

"You better believe he did, you imbecile!" shouted Eggman as he threw his wrench at the L.O.G. Thankfully, it bounced off of the bars harmlessly, but the action was enough to jilt the omnipotent computer into silence. "Damn it, I won't ever be defeated by any of you guys!"

"B-but... I didn't... do... a-anything..." replied Rouge, trying to at least get this out before Eggman could do much else.

This sentence only served to enrage the doctor even more, however. With a strength that surprised everybody in the room, Eggman began to lift Rouge into the air, getting a grip on her head as he slammed it repeatedly into the floor.

"You didn't do anything?" he screamed, his actions getting more wild by the second. "You let that bear escape, you told that other bear about all of my plans and all of my attacks, and you said he could warp out of there! Of course you did something, you bitch! I should've had you killed instead of giving that bear to you! Now look what's happened!"

"W...why do... you blame... me... for that... warping?" she asked, struggling through the choke hold to say something.

The doctor's face went right next to Rouge, and the bat could feel his spit flying on her face as he screamed at her. "Because you must have put that in his head that he could do that!"

"He... almost died... doing it!" she said. "He said... he... he..."

"Shut up!" With this, Eggman grabbed Rouge and punched her in the face with such strength that it surprised everybody in the room. "You're wrong!" With this, he punched his former cohort again. "You told him and you know it!" He punched the bat again and again after saying this, and he did not let up his assault after he had let Rouge's neck go and she was able to let out a few cries of protest. Trying to make out what he was saying was pretty much impossible by that point as he was shouting so incoherently everybody else could have sworn Eggman was beginning to lose his sanity. It was the brutality of the beating that shocked everybody: not only did nobody think that the doctor could actually beat the prisoners with his own hands, but it was also a shock that he had gotten to that point.

Cream was in tears by this point, but even her loud sobbing was covered by Eggman's screaming. Shadow's arms were wrapped around her as he tried his best to comfort her in his own state of incredulous shock over what they were witnessing. Everybody else just stared in shock at how the mad scientist was suddenly treating his prisoners, their jaws threatening to fall straight to the ground. Even Grunty was silent, and what made this more unusual was that she found this behavior horrible even by a villain's standard. Everybody was shocked about the doctor's behavior that eventually, Sonic shook his head in desbelief.

"Eggman, stop it!" shouted the blue hedgehog, having to fight the urge to grip the bars lest he be shocked into unconsciousness. "She didn't do anything wrong!"

The doctor's gaze was suddenly fixed on the blue hedgehog. Opening the door to Rouge's cage again, the doctor roughly deposited her into the cage, shocking her from the contact with the bars as she fell to the floor of the cage.

"Yeah, you're right," said Eggman nefariously as he edged closer to Sonic's cage. "She's not the one who did anything wrong. It's you for foiling all of my attempts at taking over the world!"

Eggman then punched a combination to Sonic's cell's keypad, and roughly he grabbed the hedgehog in much the same manner that he did to Rouge. However, he tossed Sonic head-first into the wall, where the teenage hedgehog fell in a heap at the floor. The doctor then grabbed the young hedgehog by the throat, holding him up in the air so his legs were useless.

"It's you who kept on defeating me and defeating me and defeating me!" exclaimed the doctor. "Think of it now, it must've been you that influenced Rouge to go against me! You mastered this all! You're always trying to screw me over!"

Before Rouge could protest that none of this was true, the doctor punched Sonic roughly in the face, causing Amy to gasp in alarm. As Eggman did it around six more times, each punch caused the group to cringe in shock as ech punch was laid down.

Somehow, however, he stopped at the sixth punch. Instead, he took to slamming the hedgehog against the wall a few times, but even then he stopped quite suddenly. Somehow, everybody got the feeling that to Eggman, just being able to do physical harm to the hedgehog was not enough; he needed to do more to the hedgehog. With this the doctor stormed out of the room, holding Sonic, and even though the door was closed he was screaming so loudly it was hard not to hear him screaming at the hedgehog.

"No more of this!" he screamed in a sort of deranged manner. "I will break your body, I will break your mind, I will break your soul, and I will break your fucking will! I've had enough of this! This beating around the bush ends now!"

Sonic was then seen roughly thrust into the room in which Tails had been kept as a sort of lab rat on the TV screen that was seen in the middle of the room. Shortly afterward, footsteps were heard over the speakers. (Apparently, the microphone in Eggman's control room also gave select feeds into the prisoners' room as well.)

"Do whatever you want!" cried Eggman, his voice resonating . "Do anything, so long as it doesn't kill him!"

And the two-tailed fox was on the blue hedgehog, doing his absolute worst with just his fists.

And the next hour or so was absolute torture for everybody in the room to look at. Poor Sonic was repeatedly beaten and raped and beaten and raped, and despite his apparent screams of pain Tails never let up the ongoing assault. But the worst part had to be that the kitsune showed no signs of slowing down, even as Sonic did his best to resist and found it useless. The hedgehog was not spared any abuse, and the only goood thing out of all of this was that Tails did not have any weapons in the room that he could have used.

To the people watching in the prisoner's room, watching the blue hedgehog get tortured for one hour straight was horrifying. Poor Cream was sobbing profusely into Shadow's belly, the black hedgehog trying to keep away as he felt tears threatening to fall from his own eyes. Amy only wished she had that kind of comfort as she bawled loudly against the floor of the cell, daring not to look up at what Sonic was going through. Rouge dared not say anything, for she was too shocked to even bring words to her mouth. The Lord of Games and Gruntilda were both speechless, the computer looking up in absolute shock over how evil Eggman turned out to be. Grunty was far too shocked by what Eggman did to even try to crack out one of her awful rhymes. Nobody wanted to look up at the TV screen in the prisoner's room, and yet there was a sense of dreadful curiosity that took control over them and except for Cream nobody was able to tear their eyes away from the screen in their horror as Sonic was mercilessly beaten and raped repeatedly.

But the worst part had to be the few times when Sonic's eyes were visible. Most of the time, they were either closed or behind Tails. But when they did show, they gleamed brightly from tears, yet there was also the stark contrast of blankness in them. One of them had glazed over not just from his abuse, but also from a strange white film that had taken precedent there after one of the instances of rape. They looked so ailing to everybody else that it was completely shocking that someone who was so full of life should have to suffer this horribly.

When the hour finally ended, Sonic barely had the strength to stand up, and even as he struggled to do so Tails looked on with a blank expression on his face. When some of Eggman's robots had come upon the scene to take Sonic away, the blue hedgehog hung from their robotic arms with his head hanging as he was carried out. When he arrived at the prisoner's room a little later, he was roughly tossed into the cell next to Amy, the momentum of the toss causing him to hit the bars. That he was still conscious by this time surprised everybody in the room. They had no time to dwell on the surprise, however, for then Eggman had come in.

"So I see you know what Tails can do now, eh?" cried Eggman, pointing at Sonic's face as he barely had the energy to look at him. "I've turned him into my own personal war machine! And there is nothing you can do to save him! He is mine to use, and mine alone! And soon, the whole world will be in his exact same position! And you know what the best part is? I'm poised to get the emeralds soon! So this time, I'll finally take over the world! And you'll be sitting here watching, while I do that! Where's your will now, Sonic? Where is it?"

The hedgehog was too weak to reply by this point, but his incessant sobbing meant that he could not produce a viable answer. Rouge and Shadow both looked on the azure hedgehog in shock as he offered no attempts to fight back.

"I thought so too, you crazy hedgehog!" he shouted deridingly. "Now you know what it is to mess with I, the great Dr. Ivo Robotnik!"

Slowly, he began laughing diabolically, the laughter echoing off of the walls as he exited the room with his robot lackeys right beside him. When the door closed, a grand silence took hold of everything, Sonic's sobbing being very soft compared to the doctor's laughter. This silence lasted for a very long time as Amy snaked her arms around Sonic, the hedgehog too weak to care.

Grunty was the first one to speak. "My god, what an evil, crazy old man, I should have turned him into a can!" she said, still shocked by what Eggman had done. "I know I would like to hurt my foes a bunch, but this I believe is far too much!"

The L.O.G. sighed sadly as Shadow shook his head, not in annoyance but in sadness. "I couldn't agree more, Grunty," replied the L.O.G. "I couldn't agree more."

Dr. Ivo Robotnik had done the unthinkable. Not only had he captured Sonic the Hedgehog, but he had also broken his will that many people thought impossible to break.

Later in the day, Sonic had gotten most of his energy back. However, this only meant that his tears had gotten more intense as he found the energy to cry them coming to him far too quickly.

Cream had already cried herself to sleep, and Grunty had nothing to add so she had turned in early as well, both of them taking a nap in the middle of the day. So when Amy got on top of Sonic and started to grind against the hedgehog, it seemed to make sense since both of the people that should not have seen what they were doing were both unable to comment.

They breathed ever so softly, and whatever they were doing seemed to make Sonic calm down. The process took only fifteen minutes, but when it was done Sonic had finally stopped crying. They then both went to sleep shortly afterwards.

Rouge's guess was that Amy had made love to Sonic. Rouge knew that it would mean volumes to the male hedgehog that somebody still loved him, and the rose-colored hedgehog had been overly gentle to her counterpart, and even if Amy was still fully clothed she knew it could work.

Rouge only hoped the rest of Sonic's will could be picked up just as easily. He had bounced back completely from the initial rape because he had no secrets to keep; everybody had seen him do it, and so everybody was able to offer their support to him. She was sure he would be able to bounce back from having his will broken because they had all seen it happen.

Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 8-B

Achte Träume _Banjo woke up on top of the shrine where the Master Emerald was. However, he did not see anybody else there, and the emerald seemed to glow softly in the moonlight._ _"So I see you got to the Master Emerald," said the voice of...

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 8-A

Banjo: Chapter 8 The group had been trudging along in the forest for quite some time when suddenly, the trees came to an end in front of what looked to be an ancient temple. Noticing this, Silver was the first one to run over there, and the...

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 7-C

Doctor Ivo Robotnik: Chapter 7 Dr. Eggman had arrived at the ruins of the town that his robots had bombarded that morning in his little flying craft. He did not bother bringing any of his ridiculously large add-ons with him, as he knew he...

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