The Rainbow Patriot - Chapter 8: Serenade Showdown

Story by Tom Rosenburg on SoFurry

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The eighth chapter in the series. If you want to know what kind of songs are playing in the story, when Alfonso and his friends are practicing in the beginning, they're playing Subdivisions by Rush. And when Cyrus is performing at the concert, he's singing Touch Me (I Want Your Body) by Samantha Fox.

LAST TIME ON THE RAINBOW PATRIOT: Our heroes travelled to the exotic and erotic lands of the savannah for business and Lust Liberty and Mount Rushmore solved the mystery of two missing zebras that were taken by the wealthy lion Ford Knox. With the help of Augustus Schwule, who is now the leader of a humanitarian regime, the rich cat was arrested and the kingdom was saved. After finishing their business trip, they flew back to the United Gays of America with the Rainbow Patriot still having thoughts about Augustus glued to his mind.

The Rainbow Patriot - Chapter 8: Serenade Showdown

A young, muscular, brown otter named Alfonse ran down the busy sidewalk of downtown Gaytropolis. He wore a blue shirt with the sleeves torn off, skinny jeans with holes in them to show off his strong legs and thighs, had short blonde hair with blue streaks at the front, and carried a guitar case. He walked into a rather dingy apartment that was the home of one of his friends. Inside, he met his friends that were also his bandmates; a skunk standing near an electronic piano and carrying a bass, and a kangaroo on drums. They were both wearing similar rock attire.

"Sorry I'm late, guys; I was taking my little brother home from school." The otter apologized.

"It's fine, dude." The skunk forgave. "We have all day to practice for the Battle of the Bands concert tomorrow."

"You didn't have trouble getting the instruments, right?" The otter asked.

"Al, we blew our savings trying to get this stuff." The kangaroo answered. "Our asses are riding on this."

"The only thing your ass is going to ride on is the Rainbow Patriot's dick once he sees us perform." Alfonse replied. "We'll be so great, he'll have us perform at his strip club or something. We'll have enough money to make this a career. Now, let's get started."

Alfonse unbuckled his case and opened it to pull out his blue electric guitar. After plugging it to the speakers and turning them on, he pulled out a guitar pick and was ready to start. Thackery smacked his drumsticks together to lay down a rhythm until the skunk named Josh played the first note on his keyboard to begin the song. The intro was lengthy, but Alfonse finally started to sing into the microphone. But upon hearing the otter's vocals, Josh slightly cringed and abruptly stopped the song.

"What's the problem?" Alfonse asked.

"Have to be completely honest, dude, your vocals suck." Josh frowned.

"What?! It does not!" Alfonse protested.

"I have to agree, man." The kangaroo said. "It sucks more than Josh in the college jock bathroom stalls."

"Shut up, Thackery!" Josh yelled, face flushing red with embarrassment. He cleared his throat and whipped his bangs that drooped over one of his eyes. "The point is, we need to recruit an awesome singer if we want to win the money."

"But I don't suck! I can win this." Alfonse protested more.

"You?" Josh asked. "What about us? This isn't all about you, Alfonse. You don't have to be the leader of the band to be the best. It's all about working together. So we're not going to continue practicing until we find a great singer. If we don't find one by the day of the concert, then we're selling this stuff back."

"Fine." Alfonse growled and packed his guitar into his case before leaving the apartment.

Thackery walked up to Josh and hugged him from behind. "We have some time to kill. How about you blow me good like you do for those college football players?"

"Alright, you asked for it." Josh growled and turned around before pulling the kangaroos face closer to his and kissed him passionately. His big, bushy skunk tail wrapped around the marsupial in a romantic embrace.

Alfonse grumbled to himself as he went to the beach to calm his nerves. He was angry that his friends did not believe he could sing. He wanted to be the best part of the band; someone that would make the audience chant his name. It was his band and could call all the shots, but that would result in his friends just quitting and too much was at stake for that to happen. He got to the beach and went to the farthest end of it where there were not many people around. It was a part of the beach where someone could go if they needed to be alone. He sat on the sand, pulled out his guitar and strummed unplugged. This was his activity whenever he was feeling angry or sad; the soft acoustic sounds of the guitar, the sound of crashing waves, and the salty ocean breeze helped relax him and collect his thoughts.

As he performed his method of meditation, he suddenly heard a songful voice in the distance and halted his strumming. He looked around to find the source of the noise and spotted a bird in the distance resembling a parrot-like anthro. He got up and slowly walked towards it. By the pitch of the singing, it was clearly a male's voice, but it sounded so beautiful and angelic. It was almost like the singing was luring him in. When he got closer, he saw that the mysterious bird was dancing in a peculiar way, spinning, twirling, and waving his arms. The bird was slightly taller and had more muscle mass than the otter. His feathers were cerulean blue and orange on his chest, stomach, groin, and under the long tailfeathers. Three tall feathers crowned his head and his eyes were a striking amber color. His clothing was a white translucent robe that exposed his muscular body and a white exotic flower on his head.

The bird stopped singing as he noticed the otter's presence. "Why hello there." He greeted with a warm smile as he continued dancing. "Who might you be?"

Alfonse struggled to speak, but cleared his throat. "I'm Alfonse. But my friends just call me Al. Who are you, mister?"

"My name is Cyrus." The bird introduced. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Alfonse."

"What are you're doing?" He asked.

"Oh, this is just a ritual that I do every evening. My people's dances and songs are said to lull the sun to sleep so that it may rise bright and cheerful the next day." He explained.

"That reminds me. I overheard you singing have the most beautiful set of pipes I've ever heard." Alfonse complimented.

Cyrus chuckled and finished his dance routine. "Thank you. I suppose you have come to listen to more of my songs?"

"Actually, I'm forming a band for this concert and we need to recruit a vocalist. If you're willing to join, we can definitely win it for sure."

"A concert, you say?" He asked before smirking, intrigued by the idea. "I think it would be a wonderful idea; presenting my perfect vocals to a large crowd. You have made me very interested in you, young otter." He stepped closer to Alfonse and placed his hands on his waist before pulling him closer.

Alfonse's body pressed against the older bird's own, feeling his soft and warm feathers. He looked up to see Cyrus smiling down at him with half-open seductive eyes. Those gentle hands rubbed his back affectionately.

"Let us have a little bit of fun, hmm?" He asked before groping the otter's butt over his worn jeans.

Alfonse, upon feeling the sudden fondling, instinctively backed away. "Hey, don't get any ideas now; I'm a top, not a bottom."

Cyrus simply smiled and bowed to him. "My apologies then; I will be more careful next time. Let's try this again." He said before holding Alfonse close once more, but this time grasped one of his arms and had him feel the contours of his round feathery cheeks over the silky fabric of the robe. "Like what you feel?"

Alfonse stifled a groan as he felt the plump rump in his hands; digging his fingers into it. But the bird pulled back and beckoned him to follow. Eyeing his twin cheeks rolling teasingly with each step, made the otter bite his lower lip as his erection tented the front of his jeans. Alfonse was escorted to a lonely cabana on the beach. Cyrus opened the curtains to reveal a single king-size bed surrounded by candles that were already lit. The colorful bird invited him in.

"Take off your clothes and get comfortable." Cyrus said, stripping his robes off and letting the thin clothing slip downward seductively. He then laid down on the bed in a lewd position; egging the otter to remove his clothing.

Alfonse nodded and casually stripped away his rock attire, showing off his young, nude, muscular form to the bird. When he climbed onto the bed, he laid there next to him and sighed blissfully. "This bed's super comfy." He commented.

Cyrus nodded before getting on top of the otter smirking. "Now, let me worship you." He said and licked his cheek sensually. The licking became kissing and with each kiss followed by a hum of bliss, he moved his head further down his body; kissing his chest, his abs, and then the cock that was already semi-erect from the sheath and hardening. Alfonse could feel the bird's hot breath and his beak on his throbbing tool. Before he knew it, Cyrus took his cock into his beak all the way to the hilt immediately. Alfonse was not expecting so much stimulation in such short time and gasped loudly, which turned to moaning.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed as he grunted in pleasure. "Keep going!"

Cyrus, pleased that the otter was enjoying the oral stimulation, worked his beak and jaws to blow on the cock and used his winged hands to cup his large fuzzy balls, filled to the brim with cum ready to fill a male's hole. Soon, the exotic bird pulled out from his cock with a gasp and then hovered over with him with two winged arms supporting him as he looked at the otter with a seductive smirk. "You said you were a top, no? How about putting this bird in his place?" He groaned lustfully.

This made Alfonse form a mischievous grin and uttered a growl in excitement before grabbing the bird and swapping their positions with a flip of their bodies; Cyrus now being under Alfonse. With the bird now laying on his stomach, Alfonse grabbed his ass cheeks hard; digging those fingers into the feathered rump hard before forcing his head deep into the crack as possible and eat his ass out.

Cyrus let a brief, but loud moan escape from his beak, surprised that he was not expecting such intense stimulation. "Oh my word!"

After a few more seconds, Alfonse pulled out before licking his lips. "I wanted to get you lubed up before I stuff you like a turkey on Thanksgiving. With a beautiful singing voice like that, I bet you moan like an angel." With his cock throbbing for action, he placed his hands on the bird's sides and wasted no time to force the tip into the hole.

Cyrus' anal rectum was actually accommodating; stretching to fit the otter's large cock easily without any form of pain. He laid there hugging the pillow moaning with each smack of the otter's groin and his balls the size of softballs. His angelic cries of pleasure stimulated Alfonse greatly, urging him to go faster and harder. He never met anyone that could get him so turned on in just the first day of meeting. Even though the bird was older, he had everything Alfonse loved; a hot body and a gifted voice. Cyrus turned himself over so that he was lying on his back with Alfonse still inside of his ass pounding away. The otter grunted and huffed with each thrust. His head perspired as small sweat drops fell from his forehead. Cyrus squirmed under Alfonse, gripping his own large cock and stroking it.

"Alfonse...I'm about to blow..." He moaned.

"Yes!" Alfonse exclaimed. "I am too. Let's cum together."

"Oh Alfonse..." He moaned again, but louder.

With a beautiful-sounding orgasmic cry, Cyrus' cock violently jerked; spurting thick streams of seed and splatting onto his face and chest. He caught some in his beak and tasted it before swallowing. While that was happening, Alfonse let out a loud groan, blowing his hot sticky cum into the bird's ass. After several seconds of enjoying the orgasm, Alfonse rested on Cyrus' torso panting with the bird.

"Cyrus...I've never enjoyed it this much before. Please be mine and join my band." He begged.

Cyrus gave a warm smile and beaming eyes. "Oh Alfonse, of course I'll be yours. But..."

"But what?" Alfonse asked.

"I would like you to do something for me in return for having sex with me." Cyrus bargained.

"Anything! What do you want me to do?"

"Before I tell you, let me first do this." Cyrus said and pulled the otter's face close to his and kissed him on the lips. The bird hummed into the kiss and both had their eyes closed. When Alfonse opened his eyes, they were suddenly a bright green color; irises and pupils missing.

Meanwhile, at the Gaytropolis police department, Monty was trying his best to perform as police chief. He was his superhero alias, Mount Rushmore as his uniform for the job. He was inspecting the department to make sure everything was in working order. When he went into the jail cells, he found on where a wolf officer was being fucked by a human inmate. Mount Rushmore realized this was the same exact situation he had when the former police chief caught him in the act. But this time, he wanted to do something different.

"Johnson!" The stallion called out to him.

The wolf officer looked to his side to see Mount Rushmore with the human still pounding his rump. "Uh...heh...hi, Chief..."

"You're doing it wrong! When you're bottoming, make sure you still maintain control of him like you would if you were top." He advised.

The wolf nodded and with all him might, forced himself backward against the human. They both fell onto the floor and the wolf pinned him down. He resumed riding the human's cock and growled at him. "I'm in control, you little shit. Now fuck your superior's ass."

Mount Rushmore grinned and gave a thumbs-up for approval before walking away, allowing them to carry on. He went back to his office and sat in his chair, sighing contently before turning on the radio. An 80s-rock song played through the speakers and the stallion quietly sung to the lyrics while writing some reports. But he got so caught up into the song that he started singing a little louder and held up an imaginary microphone. He imagined being in front of an audience cheering him on. Before he knew it, Commissioner Cooper was standing at Mount Rushmore's side. When the horse realized that he was, he screamed in surprise and fell out of his chair.

"Commissioner Cooper, sir!" He exclaimed and hastily stood back up and saluted to him.

"At ease, Chief." Cooper chuckled. "I just came by to see how you're doing."

"Fine! Everything's fine, sir." Mount Rushmore replied with a meek smile. "I was just filling out some papers."

"I see everything's in working order. I was worried that you being Chief would be a bit overwhelming, but it looks like you've got it all under control. This department's performance has gone up since your designation."

Mount Rushmore stood up from his desk and went to get some papers in a filing cabinet. He bent over to get it as Commissioner Cooper's vision locked towards the stallion's rump. "That's because the other officers saw how good I can be at stopping criminals." The stallion explained. "They look up to me and I want them to do the best they can in the name of justice."

The heart-shaped opening of his speedos gave the schnauzer a pleasing view. Being professional, he kept his thoughts to himself and cleared his throat. "I see. Well, Monty, if that's the case, keep doing what you're doing. It seems to me that there is no criminal that can escape your clutches."

Suddenly, the entire office trembled as a loud, muffled rumble that sounded like an explosion could be heard. "That sounded like it came from down the street!" Cooper said anxiously.

Mount Rushmore and Commissioner Cooper frantically left the office and outside of the police station. He was right; just down the street, a gas station was completely engulfed in flames. The flames reached as high as thirty feet and thick plumes of smoke reached to the sky. Fire fighters were scrambling to prepare the fire hose.

"I don't see any cars, so a crash mustn't have caused it." Cooper deduced.

"Could it have been an arson attack?" Mount Rushmore suggested.

As the horse asked that question, they spotted a shadowy figure near the fiery gas station holding a can of gasoline and dropping it before running away.

"There's the arsonist! Get him!" Cooper ordered.

"Yes sir!" Mount Rushmore responded and began pursuing him. The figure ran into an alleyway and hopped over a tall metal fence with ease. The stallion followed suit with his superhero abilities. He was running with all his might, yet the mysterious person could run just as fast. "Stop! In the name of the Rainbow Patriot, I order you to stop!" He commanded. The figure took a sudden sharp turn, leaving Mount Rushmore unprepared to turn and ended up running into a brick wall. He broke through and was back in the city streets. He fell onto the pavement dazed from the impact. When he quickly stood back up and looked around, the figure was nowhere to be found; he lost him. "Dammit!" He yelled, gritting his teeth.

The mysterious figure ran to the beach where Cyrus stayed and revealed himself to be Alfonse. His eyes remained an ominous neon green color.

"Did you complete your task?" Cyrus asked.

Alfonse simply nodded in silence.

"Excellent. Follow me back to the bed." He ordered. He got on the bed with Alfonse laying on top of him like before. When the bird kissed him on the lips, the otter's eyes closed before they returned to normal.

Alfonse broke the kiss and looked around. "Oh shit, it's already late! I got to get home; my little brother's probably starving to death!" He yelled and frantically put his clothes back on.

Cyrus laid on his side watching the otter dress. "Will you stop by again tomorrow? I am still interested in joining your band."

"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll come by and take you with me to the guys' place." He said before waving off to the bird. "Goodnight, Cyrus. Thanks for the fun."

"Thank you as well. I hope we play again real soon." Cyrus greeted back, following it with a suspicious smirk.

Alfonse had to get dinner for him and his brother, so he went to a fast-food restaurant to buy just enough for him and his little brother not to go to bed hungry. He then made it back to his home. It was a small, dilapidated house. He didn't have a family; not anymore. It was just him and his little brother that he needed to take care of. As he opened the front door, one of the hinges broke off, causing the door to tilt. "Perfect." He sighed. He continued inside, where he saw his little brother watching TV holding a Rainbow Patriot doll and watching a cartoon based on the superhero. It was more child-friendly than the typical gay programming, but it still contained innuendoes that only the adults could get.

The little brother noticed his big brother and rushed over to hug him. "Yay, dinner!" He exclaimed and went to sit at the table.

"Julio, aren't you forgetting something?" Alfonse asked.

"Oh, right." Julio chuckled and went to the sink to wash his hands. "Sorry, I'm just really hungry. The smell of cafeteria food from school drove me nuts." After cleaning his hands, he sat back down on the table and was given some chicken nuggets while Alfonse had a burger.

"I met someone at the beach." Alfonse said. "He's going to help us win the concert tomorrow night."

"That's great! What is he like?" Julio asked.

"He's a bird, for one. A little older than me, but he's got a great voice and uh...other things."

"Like what?" Julio asked again, munching on a nugget and being curious.

"You're too young for that yet." Alfonse chuckled.

"No fair, you never tell me the good parts!" Julio whined and pouted.

Alfonse smiled and pulled him close to hug him. "Julio, after we win the concert, we're going to live in a better home and you'll get to eat better too. I promise that by tomorrow, we'll be a better family."

"I miss Mommy and Daddy." Julio sighed.

"Don't." Alfonse replied. "They left us because they're deadbeats. They didn't want the responsibility of raising a family. I'll take care of you. It's getting late, you should head to bed."

"Okay." Julio answered. "Goodnight, big brother."

"Night, little bro." Alfonse responded followed by ruffling his hair playfully. After watching his little bro leave, he laid down on the couch and looked up at the sky through the hole in the ceiling. He saw a lot of stars twinkling up there. "We've got to get out of this shithole."

The next day, at the Rainbow Patriot's mansion, Drekhan was having some fun with Wallace, the panther butler that maintains the hero's home, in Drekhan's room. The feline laid on top of the dragon as he was being penetrated by his fat dragon cock. His fuzzy quads flexed and bulged as he raised his hips upward before slamming them back down on his groin. His moans were a mixture of moaning and meowing.

"Mmfff...I've been wanting to fuck you since day one." Drekhan groaned in pleasure.

"Ahh...of course...sir..." Wallace moaned. His feline cock jutting out and leaking pre.

Drekhan held Wallace tight and groped his muscular torso, fondling his bulging pecs and thick nipples. One of his eager claws went further down and stroked the panther's throbbing tool. By feeling it pulsing, he could tell that the buff feline was close to an orgasm. With a loud groan and one hard thrust into his ass, the dragon flooded his ass with hot gooey cum. Upon it happening, Wallace moaned loudly and his cock violently jerked, blasting cum all over the bed. Some of it got on the panther's ripped torso and face. After a full minute, he collapsed onto Drekhan and moaned softly in the afterglow. He wrapped a muscular arm around the dragon's neck and pulled him close to lick his cheek. His tongue running across his scales sounding like sandpaper followed by a loud content purr. Drekhan giggled and returned the lick with a kiss; locking lips with Wallace's own.

The Rainbow Patriot suddenly entered the room to find the two in a sexual embrace. "There you two are! Wallace, I'd like for you to make all four of us some lunch." He ordered. "I'm craving for some seafood. Oh, and before you do, clean up this mess."

"Of course, sir!" Wallace replied and quickly got up to pull the cum-soaked sheets from the bed. Drekhan fell from the bed from the panther pulling the bedsheets away and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Drekhan, meet me in the kitchen. We're having a meeting." The eagle said and left him.

When the dragon made it to the kitchen, still naked, the Rainbow Patriot was there, naturally, and Monty was there as well. Drekhan let out a loud yawn and stretched his arms upward. "So what's this all about?"

"Monty gave us this map of the city to highlight some the recent events that have been happening." The Rainbow Patriot explained. "As you can see, we've already labelled a few things. Monty, if you would?"

"Sure." The horse answered. "Last night, there was an explosion at a gas station near the police department. Authorities confirmed it was an arson attack. Last week, there was another fire at a corporation that focused on energy innovation here on Queens Street; it was also an arson attack. The week before that, another fire broke out at the nuclear power plant just outside the city. And you guessed it, another arson. They thankfully put it out before it caused a meltdown. And police have reason to believe that these attacks are all connected, either by one person or several."

"This one person or these people are likely to be eco-terrorists." The Rainbow Patriot added.

"Eco-terrorists?" Drekhan asked.

"People that harm other people or places for the sake of saving the environment." Monty explained. "It doesn't make sense though; this city is environmentally friendly already. We have recycling bins all over and some spots of the city use renewable energy."

"It seems like someone believes that's not enough." The eagle said.

"In any case, I'm totally swamped with paperwork because of this crap, so I sadly can't go to the Battle of the Bands concert with you guys." Monty sighed.

"Don't worry, it'll be on video and you can watch it then." The Rainbow Patriot said.

Wallace approached the three and bowed. "Lunch is ready, sirs. It's lobster and fish tacos."

"Can I get a go-plate?" Monty asked followed by a meek chuckle.

Meanwhile, Alfonse met up with Cyrus again at the beach and took him to the house where his friends were at. Alfonse tried to kiss him when they greeted, but Cyrus refrained from doing so, saying he was not ready yet, which made the otter puzzled. They made it to Josh and Thackery, who were practicing. The stopped abruptly when they saw their friend with a stranger approaching them.

"Gentlemen, I give you...our new singer for the band!" Alfonse announced and presented Cyrus to them.

The two observed the exotic bird. "If he sings as beautiful as he looks, then I'm cool with it." Josh said, his cheeks flushing red under his fur.

"He sort of ruins the mustelid theme we're going for though." Thackery said, being more critical.

"So he's not like us; big whoop. His voice will help us win." Alfonse defended. "I got to take a piss; you two be nice to him."

As the otter left the room, Cyrus simply stood by looking around as the skunk and kangaroo set up their instruments.

"Hey, Cyrus, these are the lyrics for our song." Josh called over and gave him the lyric sheets.

The bird quickly peered through the sheets until he closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, but I won't be needing this." He said before holding the top of the sheets and tore them all apart.

Josh watched in shock as his lyrics were ripped to pieces. "What the hell, man?!" He yelled.

Cyrus gave a smirk and when Josh approached him, the bird grabbed him and pulled him close. His beak locked with the skunk's lips and kissed him warmly. Josh attempted to resist, but the effects of his kiss started to flow within him. His eyes turned green and stood lifeless.

Thackery watched in horror. "J-Josh?"

"Grab him." Cyrus ordered and the skunk complied, grabbing Thackery, lifting him off a few inches from the ground, and carried him to the bird.

"Who the hell are you?" Thackery asked.

Cyrus brought his own face close to his and grinned. "As of now, I'm your master and your will belongs to me." He then gave the marsupial a kiss. He was now a mindless slave like his friend and the skunk put him down. They stood in front of their master waiting for orders. "You two, go out and bring me some food, by any means necessary. Something natural; none of that manufactured garbage."

The two simply nodded and walked toward the window. One of them opened it to let the other out and followed suit before closing it. As soon as they left, Alfonse returned and looked around.

"Where did Josh and Thackery go?" He asked.

"They went to get some lunch for us, honey." Cyrus said, feigning a smile. He went up to the otter and hugged him close. "So tell me, Alfonse, why do you and your little brother live by yourselves? Where are your parents?"

Alfonse looked down and frowned. "They left us when we were younger. I was so sad, cold, and scared, I was afraid we weren't going to make it. Then I met Josh and Thackery and they helped me learn how to survive in the streets. While I was trying to find success so that I can support ourselves, my little brother is going to school so that if I don't make it, then he would still have a chance at living the American dream."

Cyrus stroked his head as he listened to his tale of woe. "The American dream is just that; a dream. America will always keep people like you down. It's better if you just went back to where you came from honestly."

"What are you talking about?!" Alfonse asked before pulling away. "Don't get me wrong, I'll always appreciate where I came from, but my country is a major hellhole. It's somewhere that you can never be somebody unless you were born to a wealthy family. Here, I at least have the opportunity to be great; that is better than having none."

Cyrus was surprised by Alfonse's counterargument, but kept his cool. He had an idea that he never had for any other men that came across his path. "Alfonse, I can give you something better than opportunity; I can give you outcome."

"How?" Alfonse asked. As soon as he did, Josh and Thackery returned carrying bags of food. The otter's eyes widened when he noticed their eyes were glowing green, feeling uneasy. "Guys?"

"They only listen to me. When they're in this state, they only person they recognize is me as their master." Cyrus explained.

Alfonse, frightened from the fact that his friends were turned into mindless slaves, attempted to flee. But Thackery, with incredible speed given to him by Cyrus' powers, blocked the door. The window was also blocked by Josh.

"Settle down, they won't hurt you unless I tell them to, but I won't." The bird said. "As I was saying, I can help make that American dream become a reality. Usually, I would just have you be a slave like these two, but I have a soft spot for the downtrodden. Join me, and we can rule this country together. What say you, Alfonse?"

The otter was speechless by the offer given to him. If he accepted, he would finally get his wish. But the idea of manipulating people to get that wish was something he personally despised, for his parents used him and his little brother, UGA-born citizens, as meal tickets to get into the country instead of the honest way.

"No..." Alfonse managed to utter. "My success is worthless if it wasn't earned. Cheating is for scumbags. Behind all those colorful plumes, I now see your true colors."

Cyrus did not expect the otter to deny his offer of guaranteed rule and let out a snicker. "I can't tell who's more foolish; you rejecting my offer or me thinking you were good enough for it? Regardless, I'll just make you a slave like the rest." He snapped his feathered fingers, which urged Thackery and Josh to grab each of his arms.

Alfonse struggled to break free from their strong grasp. As the bird went close to kiss him, the otter turned his head away to avoid their lips making contact. Josh grabbed Alfonse's chin and held it so that Cyrus could finish the job. "Noooooooo!" He screamed, before the lips and beak finally made contact. The otter was now part of his slave entourage.

Cyrus had the two let Alfonse go as he was now one of them. He grabbed an apple from inside the bags that the two 'bought' and ate it. He then explained his plot to the three. "Alright, boys, we're going to put on a great show tonight. I know exactly what kind of song to use to make them want me. Then after that, I'll have an army big enough to destroy this cursed city."

Later, the Battle of the Bands concert was just underway. The lines were huge, people waiting with their tickets to enjoy the show. The Rainbow Patriot and Drekhan, as Lusty Liberty, were invited to watch. Mount Rushmore was also invited, but because of the recent attacks, he had too much work to do. As the two went inside, men screamed like fanboys when they saw him. Thankfully, bodyguards made a path so that the two heroes could walk to their seats unhindered.

"I feel bad for Monty having to miss this." Lusty Liberty said.

"Don't worry, we can spitroast him to make up for it." The Rainbow Patriot chuckled.

"I do like horse cock." The dragon snickered.

"Who said you were going to be in the middle?" The eagle snickered.

The two heroes made it to the auditorium and sat at a private balcony only for them as two men in suits and shades guarded the entrance to the balcony. The huge room was filling up quickly with more people. Some noticed the Rainbow Patriot and shrieked while waving at him.

"Why don't they ever freak out over me?" Lusty Liberty asked pouting.

"Because they haven't seen you as much." The eagle answered while waving idly to the men back. "In due time, you'll get just as much recognition."

There was the mosh pit, where guys focused more on enjoying rock music than their gay hero. A variety of furs with long hair, wearing ragged attire, and throwing devil horns to all their bros. Before long, the lights dimmed and a well-toned seagull appeared on stage.

"Alright, dudes!" He shouted. "Are you ready to rock?"

The crowd screamed and cheered in response.

"Alright! Here are the rules: The louder your screams, the better chance a band has at winning. The louder the boos, well you better kiss your sorry butt goodbye to Loserville. Now, let's meet our first contestant."

At the school where Julio attended, the young otter was waiting anxiously for his bigger brother to pick him up from school and take him to the concert. He looked at his worn-out watch to see that it was time for the concert to start. Worried, he decided to venture on his own to the concert, thinking that Alfonse may have simply forgotten by accident. The contestants, one by one, finished their performances. Some got moderate cheers, some got small claps, and one band got booed off the stage. None of the bands that performed wowed them. It was time for the final contestant. The stage was dark, but a silhouette of a bird appeared with a spotlight shined upon him. He started to sing into the microphone. As he did, the crowd was completely silent. Not because they were unimpressed, but because they were totally astounded by the sound of the bird's angelic vocals. Then the drums from Thackery kicked off the song, followed by Josh on the keys, then Alfonse on the guitar. All three, unbeknownst to the audience, were still in control by Cyrus. He was making them play with skill greater than they did before. The crowd went wild and jammed to the music.

"Wow, that bird is really something!" The Rainbow Patriot exclaimed. "I guess they saved the best for last."

"Yeah..." Lusty Liberty muttered in response, eyeing the bird very closely. As he stared at him, something felt unsettling inside of him.

Cyrus was easily winning the men's hearts with his song. He danced around, showing off his exotic figure. Then he crawled seductively toward the mosh pit as he kept singing. The front row stretched their arms forward, wanting to worship him. The bird accepted their offer and climbed down into the mosh pit to dance with the wild crowd. With a seductive wink, it caused the men to jerk toward him and demanding a kiss from the bird. Cyrus wasted no time kissing a few men while Alfonse was doing a killer guitar solo. Those men simply stood there with those glowing green eyes. But the other men were too busy idolizing the bird. When Cyrus' song finally ended, the audience was in a roaring applause. It was so loud, you could not hear yourself scream. Cyrus started kissing more men, turning more of them into his slaves. Before long, the entire mosh pit was now in his control. That was when the Rainbow Patriot and Lusty Liberty realized that something was not right.

"Now, my men, go and bring this city to total ruin! ATTAAAAACK!" He screamed.

The controlled males, including Josh and Thackery, rushed toward the audience with great speed and trampled some people over. This caused the remaining audience to scream and flee in terror. Cyrus took Alfonse and made an exit to escape.

The Rainbow Patriot and Lusty Liberty noticed them and pursued. "Monty!" The eagle called through the walkie talkie. "Monty! We got a huge problem! I'll explain later! The two perpetrators are heading toward the beach! Suit up and get over there ASAP! Monty?!" He was not responding, which made the eagle grunt in frustration.

Julio was heading toward the concert, when he suddenly saw a stampede of scared people and glowing-green-eyed people running down the street. The young otter shrieked and hid under a car for protection. He waited until he could no longer see the running of feet to climb back out. He then saw his big brother being whisked away by some bird with The Rainbow Patriot and his partner going after them. "Big brother!" He shouted before running toward their direction.

"RAINBOW CYCLONE!" The Rainbow Patriot shouted and swatted his mystical rainbow fan, forming a swirling rainbow vortex. It caught Cyrus as he screamed while spinning in the vortex. It soon dissipated and the bird fell flat into the sand of the beach. When he got back up, the two heroes caught up to him and posed.

"I am the wind that makes the rainbow flag of freedom dance; The Rainbow Patriot!"

"I am the fire that makes your lusts burn with passion; Lusty Liberty! And I know who you are, bird."

"You do?" The eagle asked, totally puzzled.

"It all makes sense; you're a siren!" The dragon stated.

"A siren? I thought they were just a myth."

"They said the same thing about dragons too." Lusty Liberty replied before explaining. "They're avians that prey on men's desires by luring them with their sultry singing and then making them puppets with their magical kisses. I thought they went extinct centuries ago."

"Surprise, there's only one left!" Cyrus said before laughing sinisterly and held Alfonse close, rubbing his toned chest. "Clever dragon, you figured me out. While we sirens mainly do it for pure sport, I want to use my gifts to actually change the world."

"What do you plan to do?" The Rainbow Patriot asked cautiously.

"I'm glad you asked." Cyrus grinned. "You see that huge and colorful city behind you that's currently being ravaged by my army? Your industrial innovations have gone too damn far! Forests being chopped down for your wood and paper, oil being sucked away from underground, and using that oil to taint the water and marine wildlife for your own selfish endeavors. I finally have a purpose; I'm going to destroy your first-world utopia and make you start civilization all over again. Only this time, you'll never evolve beyond the primitive stages of society ever again."

"So, you're the one responsible for the attacks!" The Rainbow Patriot accused. "The gas station explosion, the attempted bombing of a corporation and a nuclear power plant..."

"That's right." Cyrus confessed. "And I won't stop until this entire country burns to the ground."

"Not if we stop you." Lusty Liberty threatened and aimed his torch at him.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but you're outnumbered." Cyrus stated and pointed to have them look behind and his green-glowing-eyed army stood there. "Get them, boys."

The mindless army of civilians closed in on the heroes. Lusty Liberty was ready to attack when the Rainbow Patriot stopped him.

"No! We can't hurt them. Just try to subdue them."

"Good idea." Lusty Liberty responded. "And I know just how to do it. LUSTY FIREBALLS!" His torch shot fireballs at the approaching crowd. He kept firing to make sure his blasts covered all of them. When the smoke cleared, they were all the sand writhing in arousal from their throbbing erections. "Yes! It finally worked!"

But the crowd gradually got back up one by one. They looked at the bird and dragon with hungry lusts thanks to his attack.

"Now you made them want you two even more." Cyrus snickered.

The two heroes were grabbed by them and tried to repel, but there was too many. The horny crowd eventually pinned them both to the ground and got very sensual with them. They rubbed their bodies affectionately, squeezed their pecs, nipples, and bulges. The Rainbow Patriot tried to break free, but the combined strength of the men was too much for him. Lusty Liberty was quicker to debilitate being the lusty dragon that he was.

"Now that I've got you trapped, once I deal the infamous kiss on you two, no one will be able to stop me with UGA's greatest heroes under my command." Cyrus grinned, licking his beak.

The two heroes gulped in fear of being controlled. As Cyrus approached them, Mount Rushmore jumped high in the air, uttering a battle cry, and then landing on his hooves onto the sand.

"I am the mountains that protect this gay country from the outside evils; Mount Rushmore!" He announced and posed.

"You finally came!" Lusty Liberty exclaimed, moaning from the groping.

"Sorry I'm late, guys. I got your call as soon as I finished the paperwork and got here as quick as I could. Oh, and I found this kiddo wandering in the dangerous streets."

A little otter clung onto the stallion's back and dropped off him. "Alfonse!" He yelled and ran toward him before hugging his waist. He looked up to notice his glowing eyes. The mind-controlled otter merely looked down at him. "Big bro?"

Cyrus saw the little otter and realized who it was. Upon learning, he quickly grabbed the little otter and held him by the neck with his arm. Julio's feet were off the ground. "Don't move, stallion, or I'll snap his neck!" He threatened.

Mount Rushmore gritted his teeth, frozen from moving a single muscle for fear of the otter's life. Remembering what he could do with his nightstick, he formed an idea. "Alright then, I won't move at all. Because I won't need to." He drew his stick out like a cowboy at a standoff and thrust it forward. A pillar of sand shot from the ground and launched at Cyrus. But because of the nature of dry sand, it was unable to sustain and the pillar collapsed before it could reach.

Cyrus flinched for a moment until he saw that the attack failed. And smirked at Mount Rushmore, who blushed in embarrassment and was scared that he fucked up.

"Oh shit..." The horse winced.

Cyrus laughed. "So much for that." But he suddenly screamed in pain from Julio biting his arm with his teeth. The bite loosened his grip on the little otter and slipped free. The bird growled and raised his winged hand before smacking Julio across the face with the back of it. "Rotten little brat!"

Alfonse, still under his control, witnessed the slapping. When he saw his own brother being harmed, his eyes started twitching. He gritted his teeth, furrowed his brow, and clenched his fists tight enough for the knuckles to pop and crack. Cyrus, Julio, and Mount Rushmore were watching what was happening. The older otter's green eyes begun to crack. Soon, they shattered like glass and his normal eyes appeared, but still maintained his furious expression; glaring at Cyrus intensely. "No one hits my little bro and gets the fuck away with it." He snarled. His eyes also had a rainbow flash upon him, which made the Rainbow Patriot gasp, along with the erotic stimulation from the mindless crowd.

"That's it! He's the last one!" He exclaimed, followed by a moan as one of Cyrus' slaves stroked his golden cock, which made it hard and throbbing. Struggling, he slowly, but surely retrieved the sapphire cock ring from his bag and arched his arm back to aim. "Hey otter, catch!" He yelled before throwing the cock ring at him.

But as Alfonse attempted to catch it, Cyrus got in front of him and caught it instead. Everyone else gasped in shock. "Ooh, what a pretty ring. You shouldn't have." He said with a snicker.

"Give that back!" Alfonse yelled and charged at Cyrus. The bird sidestepped, avoiding the otter, and then kicked him in the stomach with his talons, which made him fall to the ground.

"MOUNT BULLDOZER!" Mount Rushmore yelled and charged at him. A wall of sand formed in front of the horse as both went straight for the bird.

Cyrus sidestepped again, dodging the attack, and the stallion flew over the water before falling in. Mount Rushmore's head shot up from the surface and flailed in panic.

"Help! I can't swim!" He cried out.

"Dammit!" Rainbow Patriot interjected and then moaned while two mindless slaves suckled the shaft of his golden cock. " have to save him!"

"But Cyrus might get away!" Alfonse stated.

Mount Rushmore, on the verge of drowning, could hear the conversation and quickly waved his nightstick. Cyrus' talons suddenly sank into the sand.

"What the hell?" The bird said, trying to break free.

This bought Alfonse some time and quickly undressed before running into the waves and diving into the water. Being an otter, he swam at great speed and saw the drowned horse underwater. He wrapped an arm around his waist and took him to the surface. As they reached it, Alfonse inhaled deeply for some air, while Mount Rushmore was unconscious; his lungs filled with ocean water. Alfonse paddled with one hand and kicked his feet to reach shore while carrying the stallion in his arm.

Cyrus was still trying to break free from the sand trapping his talons. The Rainbow Patriot and Lusty Liberty were on the edge of an orgasm. With a loud lewd cry from both, their cocks gushed with white gooey fluids. One shot from the eagle shot far enough to splatter onto Cyrus's face.

"Ah, my eyes!" He screamed; the cum on his face stung his eyes. He dropped the sapphire cock ring, which Julio quickly grabbed and fled to Alfonse, who returned to lay Mount Rushmore on the beach.

The otter opened the horse's mouth to perform mouth-to mouth resuscitation. He inhaled deeply before placing his lips with the stallion's own and exhaling. When he pressed his hands against his abs, Mount Rushmore spewed water from his mouth and eventually started coughing and breathing. Recovering, he laid there and looked up at the otter. Mount Rushmore blushed as he saw how attractive he looked; his wet, glistening fur reflecting off the sunset.

"Th...thank you." He managed to utter.

"No problemo." Alfonse replied.

"Big brother!" Julio called out as he rushed to him with the cock ring. As he gave it to him, the ring flashed brightly and so have his eyes. He stood up and held the ring tightly before words forced come out of his mouth.

"RAINBOW, FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA!" He yelled and the cock ring levitated, placing itself around the otter's meaty shaft. His cock went immediately erect and flashed; the whole flesh turned sapphire and the otter's fur pallet changed to a blue hue. The ring formed leather straps across his whole torso. A stream of water ran down his backside and formed a long blue loincloth over his well-rounded rump. Water ran up his legs, forming black combat boots on the feet and black leggings with leather straps on the hem. Two spheres of water covered his hands and ran them over his eyes, forming his rainbow masque, and then running the hands on the sides of his head, forming a black hood that had a long, tapered end. Then the water spheres disappeared; his hands now had black gloves with sapphire claws over his fingers. Finally, using his hands, he manipulated the streams of water around him to form an electric guitar and put it over his back. The guitar was black with the strings being blue.

"I am the water that thrashes around and washes evil away. I am Alpha Gulf." He announced and posed. He then realized what just happened and looked at himself. "Esto es loco." He exclaimed in his native language.

Cyrus, finally getting the cum off his eyes, noticed the weirdly-dressed blue otter. "That cock ring...Alfonse? Slaves, get him!" He ordered.

The green-eyed slaves approached the new hero and he had an idea. He grabbed his guitar and used his claws to play a riff. Soundwaves emerged and made their ears ring. The distorted amplified sound caused their glowing eyes to return to normal.

"WHAT?!" Cyrus screamed.

Alpha Gulf, realizing his new powers, strummed his guitar again, this time on the ones having their way with the Rainbow Patriot and Lusty Liberty. They also returned to normal, freeing the two heroes.

Cyrus's jaw dropped as his efforts were thwarted, just like that. "No...this can't be!"

"Isn't it obvious?" Lusty Liberty asked. "The only way to stop your music is with someone else's music with the same amount of power to cancel yours."

"You've been out-staged, Cyrus." Alpha Gulf stated. "Give up your ways now and surrender."

"Never! Cyrus yelled. He then charged at Alpha gulf raising a fist at him.

The blue otter, with his guitar, started playing a specific tune, performing an attack. "ALPHA CANNON!" He shouted and a blast of water shot from the guitar. It hit Cyrus with enough force to launch him far into the water.

There was a little bit of silence, but Cyrus shot from the water and was floating in midair. His eyes glowed red and glared at them. "I will have my utopia and I'll kill you all to make it happen!" He yelled in a rather demonic voice.

"Alpha Gulf, shoot some of your water to my fan." The Rainbow Patriot ordered.

He obliged and played a few strings to shoot a stream of water from the tip. The water swirled around the fan and when it disappeared, the fan was encased in ice.

"With the power of Alpha Gulf, stop the evil that engulfs. RAINBOW ABSOLUTE ZERO!" He shouted and blast of icy wind emerged from his fan.

When it hit Cyrus, the sheer cold caused his feathers to freeze. The evil bird screamed in fear and desperation until his face froze too. Just like that, Cyrus was now a frozen statue and fell into the water with a loud splash. The frozen body floated near the shoreline until later, authorities put it in an ice cream truck so that it could remain cold until they put the frozen Cyrus in a cryogenic prison far away. The ice cream truck played its cheery jingle as it drove away with a police car at the front and behind the truck as escorts.

The Rainbow Patriot smiled as he looked at his partners, including the newcomer. They were their non-hero selves. "I did it; I found the three chosen ones worthy of Horus' treasures. Tell us who you are, new guy."

"I'm Alfonse Marino, my friends call me Al." He introduced. "And this is my little brother, Julio."

Julio hid behind his bigger brother as he was shy from seeing his favorite superhero and his companions. "Hello..." He squeaked.

"I'm Drekhan Flametongue." He chuckled.

"And I'm Monty Mustang." He greeted.

The Rainbow Patriot begun explaining to his new team the reasoning for the three becoming heroes. "My father told me in a dream that a great evil would arise; something so great that I alone wouldn't be able to defeat. And so, I had to find three people that would aide me in defeating it. As for what it is, I don't know yet, but I have a feeling that it's almost upon us."

"Whatever it may be, we'll be ready to face it." Drekhan stated, putting a clawed hand in the middle of the group circle.

Monty was urged to put his hand on top of the dragon's own. "And send it packing." He added.

"It'll beg for mercy when we're through." He chuckled and put his hand in.

"All for one and one for all." The eagle said and put his hand in. "I hereby dub this patriotic team, the Rainbow Founding Fathers."

"Heh, that sounds better than my team name." Monty giggled.

"Hey, Al?" Said a voice, and it was Alfonse's friends.

"Thackery! Josh! You're alright!" He exclaimed.

His friends looked at the Rainbow Patriot, blushing a little. "We kinda ruined the concert because of Cyrus, didn't we?" Josh asked.

"I'm afraid so, kids." He answered. "But you know what? Aside from Cyrus, I did see a lot of potential in you two and Al here. I know a record company that would be willing to give you guys an audition."

"That's sounds great!" Thackery exclaimed. "But we still need a great vocalist. Al?"

"Me?" Alfonse asked. "But you guys said I sucked!"

"We did...and were sorry." Josh apologized. "To be honest, I think with enough practice, you'll have just what we need."

Alfonse smiled greatly and pulled the skunk and marsupial into a hug. "Thanks, guys; you're the best." He then looked at the Rainbow Patriot. "I hope this isn't too much to ask, but can me, my bro, and my friends stay with you? They're really the only family I have left and we don't exactly live comfortably."

"What the heck kind of question is that?" Rainbow Patriot teased. "Of course, you can. You're part of our team after all, and any friend of yours is a friend of mine. Besides, you and your younger brother have a new family now." He said pointing to himself, Drekhan, and Monty.

The sentiment of being in a real family made Alfonse made him happier than he ever been in years. "You hear that, little bro? We now have a real home; a very nice home."

"Great, can we eat now? I'm dying of starvation." Julio groaned.

Everyone laughed wholeheartedly. Later, Alfonse, his brother, and his friends were taken into the mansion. They all were in awe by the massive space and the luxurious furniture and décor. Wallace appeared to announce that dinner was ready. When he presented it to the group, they saw the table covered with plates of country fried steak, mashed potatoes, and corn. Needless to say, everyone was enjoying it, especially Alfonse and Julio, who never had a good meal in years. After an hour or so, Wallace washed the dishes.

"Thank you for dinner. It was great." Julio complimented, using good manners.

"You're very welcome." Wallace smiled.

At the foyer, Thackery and Josh were saying goodnight to everyone and went upstairs to their room. Drekhan followed suit, yawning loudly and patting his stomach for how full it was. The Rainbow Patriot felt something tugging at his thong and looked down to see it was Julio.

"Mr. Patriot, sir? Can you take me to bed?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Of course, little one." He answered and picked him up before setting him on his shoulder. "How about a bedtime story too? I can tell you one of my adventures...minus the very explicit parts, of course."

"Aw, but those are the best parts." Julio whined, which made the eagle chuckle.

Alfonse watched the Rainbow Patriot take his little brother to bed. It was now just him and Monty. He peered over the stallion's shoulder with a cheeky smirk. "Now that we're alone...what do you say we have a good round of me in your ass?" He suggested bluntly.

Monty blushed and turned his head away. "My heart belongs to the Rainbow Patriot." He rejected.

"Does it? I saw how you were looking at me when I saved you from drowning." He said, giving a smug grin and then groping the horse's muscular bubble butt through his pants and squeezing them.

Monty stifled a moan and blushed harder. "You...certainly know how to pleasure a stud..." He admitted. "But...I can't!" He broke away from the groping in defiance and hugged himself. "I can't say I had a very pleasurable experience with relationships...I had one who nearly ruined my life...and my face...with his fists..."

Alfonse went wide-eyed hearing of such an abusive relationship. "Wow...I never knew. Listen, whatever that person may have done to you, I would never do the same. And you know what? We have one thing in common; we both had relationships that ended up being totally bullshit. I thought Cyrus would be the one I was looking for, but he was just using me for an ulterior motive. And so, at the very least, I know how it feels to be betrayed by someone who you thought loved you."

Monty turned around facing him. "Even so, I'm still not sure I feel ready to give my heart to you...even if you are part of the team."

"Monty, please, let me kiss you. And if you're still not sure after that, then I'll leave you alone. Let me prove to you my sincerity." Alfonse pulled the buff horse into his arms and planted his lips onto Monty's own.

Monty grunted and attempted to break away, but as he felt the otter's tender lips, he gradually gave in and loosened. He moaned into his lips and was kissing him with the same passion. He nickered softly and broke the kiss. "Now prove your sincerity in bed." He groaned with lust.

Alfonse grinned and followed Monty upstairs to his bedroom. But he stopped at another bedroom door that was half-open. Julio was lying in bed with the Rainbow Patriot sitting by his side telling him his stories. The otter leaned against the doorway to watch. Seeing his little brother so happy made him smile warmly. The little otter hugged the plush version of his hero as his eyes were getting heavy. When he closed his eyes, he immediately snored. The Rainbow Patriot kissed his head goodnight and pet it before exiting. He noticed Alfonse standing there and smiled.

"If you and Monty are going to play, try to not be too loud. The little one needs a good rest." He whispered.

Alfonse looked at Monty staring at him with bedroom eyes and strutting into his bedroom seductively. "We'll try." He chuckled quietly.

"Alright then. Goodnight, Al." He greeted and went into his own bedroom, but stopped at the doorway. "By the way, welcome home." He lastly said before closing the door."

"Home..." Alfonse uttered softly. He and his brother finally found a home that they can live with a group of men that he can honestly call a family. "We're finally home, Julio." He whispered before shutting his door.

NEXT TIME ON THE RAINBOW PATRIOT: A new threat arises and is infecting all of Europe. The Rainbow Patriot sends two of his teammates there to stop it with the help of Augustus, his German ally. But his two heroes in training are starting to have a fallout. Can they resolve their quarrels to end this threat? And is this the threat that Horus prophesized? Find out in Chapter 9: The Red Comrade.