The Elevator

Story by LittleRaccoonToddler on SoFurry

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It's been a long time. Here's a simple Age regression story with my and my best friend Kiba!

The ping of the elevator jarred Kiba back to reality. Walking into the spacious waiting room the red wolf took a deep breath and began searching for a receptionist. When he first received the email telling him to go to the top floor of the building for a luncheon with the executive staff he thought it was a fake. When his department boss confirmed it was legitimate it had thrown him for a loop.

Taking a deep breath he began scanning the directory nailed to the wall. Bold numbers marked every little location on the map, labeling everything from the president's office to the janitor's closet. After a minute of searching Kiba found what he was after. Tucked away on the opposite end of the floor, away from any other rooms sat destination 601, "B Elevator."

Exiting the floor's reception area Kiba was treated miniature labyrinth of hallways and corridors. The layout of the top floor was extremely confusing and the wolf had to retrace his steps three times before finally finding a sign on the ceiling pointing to the right with the words 'Elevator B' printed on it.

Kiba turned the corner to walk down the hallway, but the moment the double door to the elevator came into view he stopped. He gulped as a feeling of unease overcame his being. The hallway was darker than all the others, and a crimson red 'B' was painted on both the doors at the end of the hall. The whole thing gave him really bad vibes, and he felt incredibly freaked out. Still, he was a good employee, and would do what the company asked.

Increasing his pace to a jog the wolf rushed down the hall, holding out his paws and bursting through the double door as soon as he reached the end. The room he walked into was brighter than the hall he had emerged from, but it still unsettled him. The room was completely void of any furniture save the receptionists desk in the center.

Looking around the room Kiba spotted the metal elevator door, also labeled with a giant crimson 'B.' next to the door however he saw something unexpected. His good friend, a raccoon named Mark, stood against the wall with a giant grin on his face. Seeing Mark eased Kiba's worries, but he couldn't completely shake the strange feeling that had overtaken him.

"Kiba!" Mark shouted.

"Hey, Mark! Did you get the email too?" Kiba asked.

Mark started to speak but was interrupted by the receptionist standing up and clearing her throat. As she retrieved a keycard from a locked cabinet in her desk she spoke "You two were the only ones selected for the luncheon."

The receptionist walked to the side of the elevator and flashed the keycard. The scanner let out a chime and the elevator's metal door slowly slid open. "Please go ahead and make your way to the basement"

Kiba eyed the receptionist wearily. "The Basement?"

The receptionist nodded. "Yes, the luncheon is being held in the basement."

The uneasy feeling reignited inside Kiba, but before he had any time to think about it Mark softly grabbed his arm. Still wearing his ear to ear grin the raccoon softly goaded the wolf into the elevator. "Come on, Kiba! We don't want to be late!"

Surprised at his friend's enthusiasm Kiba buried the unease and walked into the elevator. As the metal door closed behind them Kiba turned around and examined the elevator in detail. The wolf had never seen anything like the elevator before. Scattered across the ceiling were several dangling contraptions of various shapes and sizes. He knew that the elevator would only need one security camera, and he was fairly certain that cameras didn't have multiple blinking lights, nor did they emit low humming noises.

The floor panel on the wall was wrong too, like any elevator the floors were listed in descending order but none of the floor numbers had a button beside them, save for the very bottom. The bottom floor had a strange label as well it was marked as '1/2' directly below was a piece of tape with 'basement' written on it in with black marker ink.

Before he could examine any further he saw Mark moving to press the button labeled '1/2.' "Mark, wait a second."

With a confused look on his face Mark turned towards Kiba. "What's wrong?"

"There's something weird going on" Kiba said.

Mark frowned and slid his paws into his pants pocket. "What's weird about it?"

Kiba raised an eyebrow at the raccoon. Normally Mark was super reserved and suspicious about even the most benign situations, but now he was completely oblivious to the strangeness around him.

"Pretty much everything, this is a luncheon with the executive staff and only you and I were invited? And why did we have such weird instructions on how to get to it, not to mention this is a messed up looking elevator, I mean, there's only a single button you can press!" Kiba stressed.

Mark closed his eyes, crossed his arms and chuckled. "Kiba, do you know what's going on here?"

The wolf shook his head in response.

"The executive staff wants to meet with just us. They want to meet in a restricted area, we have to follow a special protocol to meet with them, and this elevator has a ton of security features. You know what this means right?" Mark asked.

Kiba emitted a grumble while giving his friend a silent stare.

Suddenly Mark's eyes shot opened, a light gleamed in his iris as a huge smile came across his face. "It means we're about to be promoted!" The raccoon cheered, almost jumping into the air with excitement.

"Eh? Promoted?" Kiba muttered unconvinced.

Mark smiled at the wolf and began explaining. "Sure! It makes sense doesn't it? The executive staff wants to meet with just us, and they want to make sure almost no one knows about it. Any time there's a change in the company it makes waves, so they just want to keep it under wraps for now."

Kiba tapped his chin with his index finger. He knew that Mark was being overly optimistic. Still, he also knew that the executive staff had a reputation for being eccentric, and it was also true that big changes could cause big issues at corporations if not handled correctly. Even though he couldn't think of any reason they would have been selected for promotion it did, at the very least, seem plausible.

Shooting Mark a resigned stare Kiba stood back and relaxed. Now having the unspoken approval of his friend Mark giddily jumped forward and pressed the basement button on the control panel. As soon as the button depressed the elevator emitted a loud sound similar to an engine starting. Moments later the apparatuses hanging from the ceiling came to life and assaulted the two occupants with streams of multicolored light.

Feelings of confusion and shock overtook the two, but before they had time to react the spectacle came to an end. Standing in the now serene elevator Mark blinked several times before speaking. "It... it must have been some sort of security check. To make sure we don't have any weapons on us or something like that." The raccoon laughed nervously as he spoke.

With his nerves on edge Kiba reached for the emergency stop button, placed unusually at the top of the control panel. Before he had a chance to press the button the wolf heard a desperate 'no' come from behind. Kiba looked at Mark with a stunned expression. The two stared at each other in silence for several seconds before they felt the elevator shift. With a creak the car began its slow descent to the basement.

Still sharing no words Mark opened his eyes wide and slightly tucked his snout downwards. Kiba withstood several seconds of the raccoons silent pleading before he relented. Sighing, Kiba walked away from the control panel to the back of the elevator. "Yeah... They would want to make sure the executives are well protected."

Only a few moments passed before the elevator rattled their nerves again. The car came to a stop at floor 27. Instead of opening the door, the car flashed a red light on the two occupants before moving again. The light only lasted a second and was nothing compared to the barrage from minutes ago, so both Kiba and Mark were able to write it off.

The Elevator car continued its descent. Upon reaching floor 26 the elevator again came to a stop and a red light flashed on the wolf and raccoon. After a few seconds it began its descent anew, only to stop and flash the red light again at floor 25.

And so the pattern continued for the next three minutes. After the fourth instance the sudden stop and the flash of light was no longer jarring. It was merely annoying. Kiba frowned and Mark whimpered that this apparent security feature was adding so much time onto their ride.

Upon reaching floor 18 the routine changed. When the elevator stopped the red light didn't merely flash. It occupied the car for nearly ten seconds. The two shifted uncomfortably as the light engulfed them. It caused both the furs to feel a very slight burning sensation across their bodies, but as soon as it vanished it took the discomfort with it.

Instead of starting immediately the elevator car made a creaking sound which was quickly followed by a blowing sound, like someone on top of the car was spraying canned air. After the sound ceased a bright white light filled the car for a split second before fading. Afterwards the car resumed its journey.

The white light evoked a much more pronounced feeling from the two. Kiba took a deep breath and moved to the back of the elevator. He placed his paws firmly on the back wall and stared at Mark. He could tell that the raccoon was feeling it too. Kiba closed his eyes and tilted his head upwards trying to dispel the lightheaded feeling that had suddenly overtaken him.

Bouncing with a much great ferocity than before the elevator began its trip to the next floor. Upon reaching floor 17 the car came to a stop and repeated the process of the previous floor. Kiba saw the flash of white light through his eyelids, but thinks to their shielding he was able to avoid the lightheadedness.

Despite shielding himself from the light Kiba still felt something was off. Somehow, his undershirt had inched its way up his collarbone and was now caressing the bottom of his neck. As the car began its descent to floor 16 the wolf stuck his paw between his work shirt and undershirt. Instantly, he noticed a disturbingly large amount of free space between the two items.

Feeling around inside his shirt Kiba tried to piece together the situation. He knew for a fact that his shirt had never fit this loosely before. The car reached floor 16 and the light flashed again Kiba ignored it and began stretching the collar of his undershirt. Like it had before the car shook and began descending again.

Kiba's eyes flew open in a slight panic. When the elevator moved he had felt his shirt grow on the tips of his digits. Checking himself over he noticed his arms no longer comfortably fit in his sleeves. He let the sleeve droop down on his arm, whimpering as the cuff easily consumed his paw and went limp after losing the support of his arm.

A chime rang out, and another brilliant white flash filled the car. For a moment it pacified Kiba, he no longer felt panic, just a sense of peace. The wolf was soon snapped out of the bliss when the car jolted again. This time, Kiba felt his khakis begin sliding down his hips.

Not willing to suffer the embarrassment of losing his pants Kiba hastily pulled them back into position and tightened his belt. Just as he felt comfortable to release his belt the elevator chimed again. Closing his eyes to avoid the flash Kiba was instead dismayed to feel his pants slipping once more when the elevator car jolted.

As the wolf began to refasten his belt again he looked over at Mark. The raccoon was standing in the right corner of the elevator with a horrified look on his face. Mark had already lost his pants, and the collar of his work shirt now rested on his mid shoulders and drooped all the way to the top of the raccoon's shoes.

"Kiba... help" he managed to whimper out.

The wolf lowered his head to think. He knew that the elevator was responsible for the shrinking and that stopping it was his top priority. Raising his head up again he scanned the elevator for any possible solution.

There, way above the elevator's control panel laid the emergency stop button. Quickly realizing that he had found their salvation the wolf stepped forward to hit the button. Unfortunately, he had failed to notice the clear glass slate directly below the button. The moment he finished his step the chime rang in the car again.

Desperate to stop the car Kiba didn't bother to shield his eyes. The brilliant white flash of light erupted from the glass slate below the emergency stop. Taking the bright blast directly to the eyes destroyed the wolf's orientation. Dazed and confused Kiba fell backwards, landing on his butt.

"KIBA!" Mark yelled out, his voice cracking with a pre-pubescent tone.

The raccoon rushed to the wolf's side, leaving everything except his shirts behind. Mark tried to get Kiba's attention, but the flash had done its damage. All Kiba could do was sit and blink as he tried to restore his train of thought.

Mark's panic grew as he saw his panicked cries fall on deaf ears. The elevator chimed and the light flashed again. Mark turned around to see that the car had descended all the way to 8 while he had been trying to get Kiba's attention.

This time, as the elevator jolted, a blue light flashed through the car. For a moment, a strange sense of calmness washed over the raccoon. He no longer felt panicked, or that he was in any danger. He felt the urge to sit down beside his friend and wait patiently for the ride to end. Was it not for a confused "huh?" coming from Kiba, who still had not completely recovered from the white flash. The struggle would have ended there.

"NO!" Mark cried out, refusing to give in to whatever was doing this to them. He jumped out of his work shirt; his body now covered only by his smaller undershirt and began beating on the elevator door with his fists. Despite the will being present, the raccoon could no longer think like an adult, so the only solution he could come up with is to make as much noise as possible in a bid to get someone's attention.

From behind a high pitched voice rang out. "Maaaaark! You're bein' too loud! We're gonna get in trouble!" The raccoon turned and was met with an annoyed and slightly angry stare from Kiba.

"Kiba! We gotta get out of here!" The raccoon cried. "Nuh! Teacher says good cubs stay still and quiet when grownups aren't around!" The wolf retorted.

"WE'RE NOT CUBS!" Mark screamed.

Drawing his head back and slightly gasping Kiba's eyes grew wide. "We're not?!" The wolf's eyebrows arched as his head cleared.

A chime played and a blue light flashed in the car. Kiba's face relaxed once more and he lay back in the pile of cloths surrounding him. "Silly Mark" the little wolf chuckled.

Mark sat down and crossed his legs. The sense of urgency he felt earlier was rapidbly being replaced by a pleasant calm. The elevator jolted and the raccoon kit looked up at the panel to see that the light was by the big 4. Since the elevator was moving down he knew that the light was going to the 3 next, and he felt a sense of pride in himself for being able to count so good at his tender age.

The raccoon's mind emptied and a long-forgotten but familiar urge overtook him. Looking down at his feet he noticed the little pristine claws extending from the digits. Without any thought he curled forward and raised his foot up, closing his eyes as he softly gnawed on his toes.

Kiba began snickering at his friend, delighting in the fact that the kit had curled into a ball of fuzz. Before he could give any more reaction to the spectacle the elevator chimed and the blue light flashed once more.

For a brief moment the wolf cub felt a wave of confusion, but it passed quickly and was replaced by happy, babyish feelings. Kiba's attention was suddenly drawn to the back pocket of the abandoned pants lying in front of him. Reaching in with his tiny paw the wolf cub pulled out an extraordinary treasure for someone his age; a set of shiny keys!

Another jolt and the elevator descended again. Having been curled into a ball and shutting his eyes Mark had been able to completely avoid the effects from the latest flash of light. The elevator's movement awakened something within the kit. A new sense of urgency filled him and he looked up at big red button near the ceiling of the car.

Upon standing up the neck of the tight undershirt that had kept the boy modest fell to the floor, too big to stay on his little body. Now completely exposed he bent his knees and prepared to jump. For his part, Kiba giggled and cheered "Mark's Nekie!" at the sight of the kit's bare bum.

Completely ignoring his friend Mark jumped up with all his strength. Stretching his arm as far as he could the raccoon slammed his palm against the elevator panel, hoping to have hit his target. Alas, at this point he was so small that even with his jump he couldn't reach the bottom button of the panel.

Unable to keep his balance as he landed the kit fell into the pile of cloths on the floor. Just as he landed the elevator chimed and the blue light flashed. It was done, upon seeing the light all sense of urgency and dread disappeared from the raccoon. He no longer cared about getting out; he no longer cared about anything, really.

The elevator shook and began its descent to 1. Disinterested in the elevator Kiba happily waved the jingling keys in the air. At the same time, Mark turned around and spotted something red and shiny resting on his former work shirt. Crawling over to it the kit grasped the object in his paws. It felt so smooth and delicate that Mark couldn't help but put it in his mouth, and within seconds, the kit was happily chewing on his former silk neck tie.

For the last bit of the ride the two babies ignored the sounds, movement, and lights of the elevator in favor of the playthings they had found on the floor. Upon reaching floor ½ the metal door slid open, revealing a young female puma with two baby diapers clutched in her paws.

Briefly turning to lock eyes with puma the two babies swiftly went back to what they were doing before. Chuckling at the babies the puma stepped into the elevator car and swiftly diapered the two cubs up. She quickly checked to make sure neither had an accident on the way down, and when she was sure the elevator was clean she stuck her paw out and gave a thumbs up.

The puma goaded Kiba into dropping his keys, as well as getting Mark to relinquish his tie. She picked the two up and carried them to a bench right outside the elevator. As soon as they were seated on the bench several furs rushed into the elevator car and began rifling through the abandoned items on the floor.

As the furs in the elevator cheered about the 'loot' another fur ran up and handed the puma two blue t-shirts. Each t-shirt had a star on the chest with 'STAR UNIVERSAL INDUSTRIES PREMIUM ADOPTION SERVICES' embroidered on the belly portion.

After taking a short walk down the hall the puma forced a wooden door open with her hip. As soon as the door opened a loud gasp sounded through the room. "Oh my God! They're perfect!" a young females voice hit the babies' ears followed by a "Well, would you look at that!" from a deeper, male voice.

Turning to look at the source of the voices Kiba and Mark saw a young fox couple standing on the other side of the room. "Are you ready to go home with your mommy and daddy?" the puma cooed at the boys.

No mental objections came up, no doubts or worried plagued Kiba or Mark's minds. As soon as the puma said those words they both felt like they both felt a strong paternal connection to the foxes. The two cubs eagerly reached out, making grabbing motions with their paws at the couple.

The two foxes happily obliged the cubs. With tears forming in their eyes both the female and the male fox took a cub from the puma and began nuzzling them, cooing at them, and gently rubbing their little backs.

"It warms my heart to see another perfect family made with our help." An old, raspy voice came from behind. The cubs turned their heads and saw an aged male badger make his way over. Fifteen minutes earlier both Kiba and Mark would have recognized the badger as the chief operations officer of their company, but now he was just another adult in this weird building.

"Is there anything else we need to do?" the male fox asked, taking a break from showing Mark with affection.

The old badger chuckled "no sir, we've received your payments in full. All that's left to do is for you to do is go home and live the rest of your lives... as a family" The badger emphatically cheered at the couple.

Several more minutes of affection and thanks came from the foxes before they were able to calm themselves enough to leave the building.

As the badger watched the newly made family board their car he commented to the puma. "Tell HR that we have two openings, one in account and one in logistics." The puma jotted down the badger's words on a nearby clipboard and asked. "What about their co-workers? They are going to wonder what happened."

The badger closed his eyes and scratched his chin before responding. "If they get curious enough to ask just tell them that those two accepted offers to be a part of one of our emerging services." With that the badger turned and began to walk away, but after taking a few steps he came to a stop and faced the puma once more.

With a cold look in his eye he spoke in a serious tone. "and if any employees try to stick their noses where they don't belong... Then make sure that the employee gets matched with someone looking to adopt."

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