Light and Dark

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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While travelling through deep space, the crew of a cargo ship enjoy what should just be a normal night of fun in the darkness. But when they find some illumination brought to their situation, embarrassment rapidly changes to a whole new level of delight and fun! :3

This story was written for Bluetippedwolf as a 1000 word flash fiction story for my patreon! It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults.

Light and Dark

They'd been aboard so long, they didn't even feel the rotation any more. The constant corkscrewing of the ship to maintain a stable gravity for those within. But... on a night like this, it was impossible to ignore.

The crew quarters were kept dark after midnight, and it was widely understood that once the lights were out, no-one spoke of the noises that followed. No-one questioned them no matter from where, or from whom they came. But of course, that darkness only remained constant while in deep space. And on this particular night, the ship was drifting past a system. It was a one in a billion chance that they would be travelling at the right angle. That the star would be bright enough. That their course had even brought them close enough to the planetary system to see the star's illumination as more than a slightly brighter pinpoint in the sky.

Whatever the chance though, however improbable, it was happening.

As the ship rotated, light flooded through the viewing portals on the large open quarters' starboard side. From where she lay in her hammock, listening to the sounds of moaning, of fucking and masturbation and so much freely shared sexuality amongst her crewmates, Kaila moaned loudly as she saw the cabin begin to illuminate. At first it was just one or two bodies silhouetted against the light, writhing, bucking, shaking together upon the floor or within their own hanging beds. But then the light grew. It intensified as they rolled fully into line with its radiant source, and suddenly the skunk could see everything. Everyone.

Four or five rows away, the officers bunks built into the side of the room were mostly quiet with their curtains pulled to cover whatever might have been going on within. One however had its curtains thrown aside, and indeed the Commander was leaning over into his bunk from the outside, clawing at the bedding and mewling happily into it as one of the engineering crew teased his ass with their tongue. On the floor just a short distance away no fewer than five crewmen lay together in a jumbled, moaning heap, and all around in hammocks that swung and creaked from their sturdy moorings bolted into the roof, multiple legs protruded over the canvases with toes curling and twitching to indicate their obvious ongoing passion.

At first there was panic. Embarrassment. People yelped and shrieked in shame as they realised that they could be seen, and bolted for their beds amidst a dozen or more curses in ten of the eleven common galactic languages. But then the darkness came again. The ship rotated beyond the reach of the light, and soon moaning rang out once more. Confessions called into the darkness of excitement at having been caught, at having caught others. Even Kaila felt herself moving her fingers more rapidly inside her pussy, having already been in the midst of her nightly masturbation when the first rays filled the crew quarters.

About a minute and a half later, the light returned. Now most people were in their bunks, but there were a bold few who were not. Who were standing or sitting on the deck, most alone, masturbating openly. Rubbing their cocks, teasing swollen clits, in one case even employing a toy, pumping it in and out of themselves and wailing in pleasure far louder than they ever would have in the dark.

More figures joined them before the darkness fell. Bashfully looking around at all the many eyes peering out from bunks and hammocks, but drawing strength rather than shame from the countless amongst that number whose gazes were filled with lust and jealousy.

The darkness came again, and Kaila threw off her blanket. She giggled to herself as she flung her legs up either side of her hammock, unable to believe what she was doing, and arched her back so that as she resumed her masturbation with increased ferocity the writhing, naked length of her body would be on full display when the light returned again.

As it did so, Kaila saw the figure in the next bunk over from hers looking at her. Not looking around and catching her eye, but looking right at her. For months she'd known that her friend Adrian from the catering core had been active at the same time as her at night. She'd listened to his moans as he masturbated, and heard him almost seeming to respond to hers. But it was all happening in the darkness, so they never spoke of it in daylight. Now though... that cloak of anonymity had been torn away. The darkness began to return, but not before she'd seen Adrian dragging himself up and out of his own hammock, and moving towards her, shockingly large, thick cock gripped in the labrador's right hand.

In the dark, he found her. He slipped into her hammock, and whispered something to her.

The light returned again, and the golden lab's tail and backside could be seen pumping rapidly up and down within Kaila's hammock, a pair of trembling dark furred legs wrapped around his back, and wild, passionate orgasmic screams emanating from the skunk within.

All night the rotation of the ship bathed the crew quarters in both light and dark, repeating the pattern over and over again. And in those brief periods of light, countless secrets were revealed. Countless friendships transformed by lusts suddenly no longer hidden and sheltered from view by the convenience of embarrassment and feigned ignorance.

Like never before the ship's crew filled their quarters with screams, moans and animalistic cries of pleasure the whole night long. And as dawn came... as the ship signalled thirty minutes, then twenty, then ten, then five minutes till the automatic lighting activated... still those with the stamina to do so continued.

Without the darkness to shroud their secrets, no longer did the crew have anything to fear from the light. And from that day forth, life aboard the ship became much, much more pleasant for practically every soul aboard.

By Jeeves

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