The Meaning of Freedom Ch. 1 The Realization

Story by Chester MoistMuffins on SoFurry

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Another explosion rocks the field at the other end of the arena, covering the area in thick smoke. As the smoke clears, it begins to show what it is in the smoke, or at least, what use to be there. It would have been much easier to see if there was sunlight, but being in an underground facility some unknown depth underground, all she had was some cheap fluorescent bulbs to help her see her target. Scattered about the area were some mechanical parts and wires of some unknown machine, blasted apart by the psychic blast by the powerful creature. She stared at the debris impassively, not really caring about what just happened, since she done it so many times before since the day she was born, which was only three months ago. Then an older male voice filled the arena through an intercom...

"All targets eliminated, training complete, good job Mewtwo." she heard, not really caring, she never liked him, she never like anybody in this awful place. The only reason she stayed is because this was the only place she knew, she didn't know a single thing about the outside world. She figured it would be best to stay here, figuring it would be safer.

She turned around and floated back over to the entrance to the arena training grounds. The giant steel sliding doors opened up to allow her passage into the hall way where she made a right into the infirmary. She wasn't actually hurt, it was just protocol. She floated into the center of the room where a doctor was waiting for her. She couldn't really see his face, since he always had a surgeons mask on. He checked her over here and there, doing some test to make sure she was fine.

"A fine job you did Mewtwo, absolutely no injuries on your body AND you managed to destroy all the targets in record time!" he said.

‾I don't care about your pitiful praising, just get this over with and let me go back to my quarters, I can only stand to be near you humans for so long.‾ she communicated telepathically. Being a psychic poke mon had it's perks.

The doctor glared into her eyes and she glared right back, making him back off. "Alright fine, I'm already done anyway, so just get your but back in your cage." he said slightly peeved.

She had half a mind to blast him for that, but she realized he's only acting this way because she is acting the same way towards him. She turned around without another word and floated back to her *quarters*, if you could call it that. In reality, it was very small with a single, not very comfortable bed, a mirror, a water fountain, and a table for her food. She didn't have a chair since her *caretakers* figured she can just stand there and eat. This was one of the many reasons she didn't like humans. They never really cared about anyone but themselves. She had to deal with it though, since she has to live with them, but she doesn't have to like them.

She floated over to her mirror to take a look at herself. She never really used it for cosmetic purposes, she just used it to remove the dirt and rubble after training. As she was doing so, she took a good look at herself, (I'm only going to talk about the obvious changes since most of you already know what Mewtwo basically looks like.) she had mostly pink fur covering her body, except for below her stomach and her tail, which was a light purple. She also had a pair of C cup breasts, but she had no nipples. After she was done dusting herself, she figured she might as well get some sleep. She can't leave her room now anyway. After ten o' clock they lock her inside her room for security reasons. She was about to get on her bed when she heard a knock on the door...

"Hello? Mewtwo? You still up? I got something for you." she heard a young female voice say.

She was quite curious as to what it was this human wanted, and it was stranger still because no one has ever bothered her when she was locked in her room.

She was knocked out of her stupor when she heard the knocking again. Not waiting for the human to call again, she replied. ‾Yes, you may come in.‾ She waited as she heard the human use the digital lock next to her door, which allows access to those authorized to enter her quarters. When it opened, a young female doctor of some sort entered with a book in her hand.

"Good, you're still awake." she said, "I have something for you..." she laid the book on the table between her and Mewtwo.

Mewtwo looked at the cover of the book. It read on the front 'Environmental Science'. She then looked at the Doctor with a curios look on her face. ‾Why are you giving this to me?‾

The doctor crossed her arms and replied, "Since your stuck down here all the time, I figured I'd get you something to read." she then appeared as if she was thinking to herself for a moment before saying, "You can read can't you?"

Mewtwo scoffed at this, of course she can read! She's not some mere animal. It's most likely she has a higher I.Q. than this doctor. She hid her annoyance from her and replied, ‾I can read. I'm not just some dumb animal.‾

The doctor raised her eyebrow and rolled her eyes, "Of course your not." she said, sarcasm in her voice. "Anyway your welcome, maybe you'll actually learn something from reading that book." She turned around and exited through the door, locking it back in the process.

Mewtwo stared daggers into her back as she left. She always hated the people here because they always treated her like she was just some animal. Although the book she gave could help her alleviate some of the boredom she suffers here.

She opened the first few pages of the book and noticed that there were maps of various places around the globe, like Kanto, Sinnoh, Johto, and more. These were places of the outside! Her curiosity peeked even more, flipping through the pages without even reading, just looking at the pictures. She saw trees, flowers, grass, views of the ocean, and various life forms, and must of it looked beautiful. This...this is what is outside? A beautiful world beyond this depressing and dark dungeon? How could she have been so ignorant!

'I must see this world!' she thought excitedly to herself. 'I guess that human was more useful than I thought, without this book, I never would have been missing this whole time!' She dropped the book and dashed at the door and blew it open with her powers.

A loud siren was spreading through the whole base letting everyone know that Mewtwo escaped her quarters. She completely ignored it and sped down the corridor looking for a way upwards to the surface. She had to hurt many people and even kill some that were trying to stop her, but she didn't care one bit about these people's welfare. She wasn't too worried about them anyway, and they couldn't hurt her since she had to be captured alive.

After about an hour and a half she came to a rather large room with an extremely large steel completely taking up one of the walls. 'This must be it!' she thought, 'If I can just get through here I will have finally gained my freedom!'

She put her paws close together and a swirling white light formed in between them. The area around the steel door was starting to distort. Then bits and pieces were falling off the steel door. Mewtwo was using her psychic power to take the door apart piece by piece! Although, it looked liked it was taking a lot out of her, since her breathing was rather ragged and her knees were shaking.

Then, she heard a voice yell some distance behind her, "Crap! She's trying to open the door! Forgot the protocol! Kill her if you have too! She cannot be allowed to escape!"

Mewtwo's eyes opened wide in shock. She didn't think that they would actually attempt to kill her! She noticed she managed to make a whole in the door, a small one, but just enough to let her get through.

She immediately leaped into the air and flew toward the opening, just as she heard gunfire. When she was about three feet from the opening, she was hit in the shoulder by a bullet. It passed through her, but it was incredibly painful, and it also through her of course. She flew through the hole, in she also cut her thigh on the side of the opening where jagged pieces of metal were sticking out.

She finally managed to make it outside but didn't take the time to see her surroundings in the daylight as she flew as fast as she could, away from this hell. She didn't notice how heavily she was bleeding and didn't care, she just had to keep moving.

It wasn't until three hours later when the fatigue from fighting, flying, and the blood loss finally kicked in. She saw small open area of green grass in a grove of trees that looked good to her. She flew towards it and shakily landed on her feet. That is when she finally took a good look at her surroundings, she saw the beautiful green trees around her, its leaves swaying in the wind that felt good to her. The grass beneath her feet felt so soft and lush, and the flowers were so beautiful and colorful. Everything seemed so much better in the sun light as well.

She tilted her head up, with a smile on her face, as some tears rolled down her cheek. She fell forward on her knees, and then onto her stomach.

'Free....I'm finally free...' was her last thought before she thoroughly passed out into a blissful sleep. The first one she ever had.