Rainy Day Blues Chapter 3

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Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains instances of CUB SEX, CUB AND ADULT SEX, MOTHER/DAUGHTER INCEST, ADULT FEMALE ON MALE CUB SEX, and probably some other kink related to the above that I've forgotten about. If any of this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended at my story, because YOU WERE WARNED. For those of you whom I haven't scared off... enjoy!

The summer sun burned brightly in the sky. Despite the record heat, it couldn't have been colder in the quiet suburban neighborhood.

"Do you honestly expect me to let my son stay with you for a week?!" Lisa said, her nose turned up at the idea.

Terry grinned at her friend. "Yes, I do," she replied matter-of-factly.

"I don't like your tone," Lisa growled, delivering a glare that would make the devil himself freeze in his tracks.

Terry was unfazed. "You never like my tone, dear, and you never let Jimmy have any fun."

Lisa's demeanor went quickly from cold to indignant. "Are you trying to tell me how to raise my son?" she said in a low, menacing voice.

Terry grinned. "Of course not. All I'm saying is that he's a cub, and cubs like to have fun, and sleeping over at a friend's house is fun!"

"With a fur of the same gender, maybe," Lisa muttered.

Terry giggled at this remark. "Have you already forgotten our cubhood? All the sleepovers with all our friends, male AND female?"

Lisa blushed deeply, from a mix of embarrassment and deep resentment for her friend. "That was a long time ago... things were... different... then."

"How so?" Terry asked, knowing she had Lisa beaten.

"We... we were... I..." Lisa said, failing dismally to come up with an adequate response. "Oh, fine," she growled. She turned, but not before giving a final glare to Terry and the two cubs cowering behind her legs, and stormed back inside her home, slamming the door behind her.

Terry shook her head slowly, and offered her paws to the cubs. "Well, come on, then. Let's go."

Jimmy and Ellie each latched on to a paw, and they started their walk in silence. As soon as they were out of sight of the Caulfield house, Jimmy looked up at his friend's mother. "I-is mommy mad?" he asked, ears pressed to his head.

Terry let out a soft giggle. "Oh, she's mad, alright. More at me than you," she added quickly, seeing the look on the cub's face. "She hates it when I win an argument like that, but she'll cool off. After all, she's got a week!"

Jimmy sighed softly and nodded, leaning gently against the adult as they walked.

Ellie snuck around behind her mother and hugged Jimmy from behind, eliciting little giggles from both pups, and a smile from the adult.

"See?" Terry said. "Just smile. Try to have fun. And of course... don't let your mother get to you," she said to Jimmy. "You leave her to me."

As she said this, they reached the front yard of the Langley house.

"Race you inside!" Ellie said, releasing Jimmy and bolting to the front door.

"You're on!" Jimmy cried, dropping his backpack and giving chase.

Terry beamed at the two cubs, picking up Jimmy's discarded backpack and watching the two cubs race to the front door.

The two cubs reached the door at the same time, each calling out "I win!" Their perfectly timed exclamations of victory elicited giggles from all three foxes.

"It's such a nice day out," Terry said as she pulled her key out of her purse. "Why don't you two go play out in the back yard while I make some lunch?"

Ellie giggled and grinned. "Ok, Mommy!" She grabbed Jimmy's paw, and tugged the slightly surprised pup after her, leading him around to the back yard.

The little vixen led them through the gate, and once it was closed, she released Jimmy's paw. "So," Jimmy said, blushing a bit. "What do ya wanna do?"

Ellie looked around the yard, her tail swishing slowly behind her. "Uhh... ooo! Let's play on the swings!"

"Ok!" Jimmy said, and the two ran up to the swing set.

Ellie and Jimmy sat down on the swings, facing toward the house. Ellie grinned at Jimmy. "Wanna see who can swing higher, faster, longer?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Jimmy returned the grin and nodded. "You're on!" he said, and the two cubs kicked off the ground, pumping their legs madly and quickly gaining height.

The two cubs continued for a few minutes, focused solely on swinging, going higher and higher.

"Hey, Jimmy," Ellie called.

"Yeah?" Jimmy responded. They'd lost their matching rhythm and were each swinging at a different rate, having their conversation as they passed.

"Ever tried going over the bar?" she asked.

Jimmy giggled. "No. Have you?"

"Yup!" Ellie giggled. "Never made it, though."

"Let's try it now!" Jimmy called out, and the two cubs screwed up their faces in concentration, kicking their legs hard and trying the fabled trip around the bars.

Just inside the kitchen, Terry giggled softly at the cubs' game. "Oh, to be young again," she sighed, watching the two kits wistfully, her cheek resting in her paw. Her mind started to wander, back to her own cubhood, growing up in a neighborhood very similar to the one she'd settled in... with many of the same furiends, in fact.

Beeeeep! Terry nearly leapt from her skin as the microwave's obnoxious beep brought her back from her reverie. "Hot dogs are done!" she exclaimed, and skipped to the microwave, feeling energized from her quick prance down memory lane.

Outside, the cubs grunted in exertion as they tried to swing over the bar.

"I'm gonna do it," Ellie said, pumping hard.

"Not before me!" Jimmy said, the spirit of competition with his friend overtaking him.

"Food!" Terry cried.

Instantly, the two cubs released the chains and flew from their swings, Ellie landing with slightly more grace, and they turned to see Terry holding a large plate with hotdogs in one paw and a bowl of potato salad in the other.

"Food!" the cubs yelped and bounded forward.

Terry giggled and raised the plate and bowl high. "Hang on, there, kits. Let's sit down first!" she said, walking over to the nearby lawn furniture. She set the plate and bowl down on the table, removing a few paper plates she'd been holding under the other plate.

The two kits sat down and grabbed plates, tails wagging excitedly.

"Help yourselves, and I'll get drinks!" Terry said, beaming as she turned to head back in to the kitchen.

Each kit grabbed a hotdog and started eating.

"I bet I coulda made it," Ellie said.

"You weren't any closer than I was!" Jimmy said, sticking his tongue out at his friend. The young vixen leaned over and licked his tongue, earning a surprised yelp from the pup, his tongue quickly withdrawing back into his muzzle.

Both pups fell into a fit of giggling at this, just as Terry emerged from the kitchen with condiments and a pitcher of water. "What are you two giggling at?" she asked, trying to hide her own grin.

"Noooothiiiiing!" Ellie responded, quite unaware that her mother had seen them from the kitchen.

"Must have been a very funny nothing," she said as she set down the condiments and glasses of water. "I didn't think to ask you two what you wanted to drink, so I figured I'd just bring water, and you can get something else later." Of course, her ideas were much different from those of the cubs.

"Thank you, Mrs. Langley!" Jimmy said, taking a big sip from his cup.

Terry beamed at the two pups, and they ate their meal in relative silence. The pups made short work of their food.

"So, whatcha wanna do now?" Ellie asked Jimmy as they finished up their lunch.

Jimmy shrugged. "I dunno. What do you wanna do?"

The young vixen giggled. "Wanna go play in my room?" she asked.

"Sure!" Jimmy said, his ears perking up.

Ellie leapt up and grabbed Jimmy's paw, tugging him to the door. "Thanks for lunch!" she called over her shoulder as she pulled her friend in the house. Terry watched as they disappeared, glancing at her watch and making a mental note to give them a little alone time before 'checking up on them.'

The cubs giggled as they got upstairs and entered Ellie's room. The little vixen shut the door behind them, and Jimmy sat down on the edge of the bed.

"So, whatcha wanna do?" Jimmy asked, looking at her.

Ellie grinned and pounced on him, and immediately started tickling his tummy, sending her friend into a fit of giggles. Jimmy squirmed and wiggled, trying to escape the vixen's tickling paws. He was too preoccupied in trying to avoid her tickles to notice her sliding his pants and underwear down.

Ellie let up her tickling a moment to pull the young fox's pants and underwear from around his ankles. The moment his clothes were clear, Jimmy grabbed Ellie and spun her onto her bed. He grabbed her ankle and started tickling the bottom of one of her footpaws, ignore his partial nudity for the moment, grinning as Ellie thrashed and giggled from his tickles.

Jimmy pulled himself fully onto the bed and held his friend's footpaws steady with his arms, tickling the bottom of one footpaw with one of his own paws, and tickling the other with his tail, as he sought revenge for the vixen stripping him. His paw slipped into the front of her skirt and grabbed her panties, tugging them down as he tickled her.

The little fox watched as he pulled his friend's panties off, revealing her young slit as slowly tugged her panties towards her ankles.

"Jimmy," Ellie squeaked between giggles.

The young fox's ears perked up, and he paused his tickling. "Yeah?" he said.

Ellie smiled at him and pulled her legs back suddenly, freeing herself from his grip, leaving her panties behind in his paw. She kept her legs spread and pointed between Jimmy's legs.

Jimmy looked down, and noticed, much to his surprise, that he had a stiffy! He hadn't even realized it until Ellie had pointed it out. He looked back at Ellie to see that the young vixen had already removed her skirt, and was pulling her shirt over her head. Her head emerged, and she giggled as she saw the surprised look on Jimmy's face. "Aren't ya gonna take your shirt off?" she asked playfully.

"Uh... sure," Jimmy said, and he pulled his shirt off, leaving himself completely nude. Ellie wiggled into a sitting position and snuggled up to the young fox.

"Can I touch it?" she whispered in his ear, placing a paw on her friend's lap, very close to his stiff member.

Jimmy blushed deeply and thought about this for a moment. "W-what if your mom comes in?" he asked.

Ellie giggled softly. "Well, let's get under the covers. She'll never know!"

Jimmy gulped and reluctantly nodded. The two pups crawled under the blankets, and Ellie smiled at Jimmy, rubbing his tummy gently.

"So?" she asked.

"So... what?" Jimmy responded.

"Can I touch it?" she asked again.

Jimmy blushed and nodded slowly. "But only if I can touch you there, too!"

Ellie smiled and nodded, and wrapped her paw around Jimmy's member. He gasped as he felt her paw around his meat, recalling their bath a while back. His eyes went wide as her paw rubbed his member a bit. "It feels so warm," she whispered, looking down under the cover at it.

Jimmy panted softly, his hips bucking upward involuntarily, sending sparks down his spine from the sudden pleasure. The little vixen took the hint and rubbed his member slowly, listening to her friend murr in pleasure. "How does it feel?" she asked.

"R-r-really good," Jimmy muttered, panting softly as his friend's paw worked his young shaft.

Ellie rubbed his shaft for a few moments more, then released it, taking his paw and guiding it down between her legs.

Jimmy watched as his friend guided his paw, and grabbed her wrist with his other paw. He tugged his paw free from her grip and moved it between her legs, smiling at Ellie as he traced a finger around her vulva.

Ellie returned the smile and planted a little kiss on her friend's nose as he explored her vulva. She let out a soft gasp as his finger traced over her clitoris.

Jimmy withdrew his paw quickly as she gasped. "I'm sorry!" he said quickly.

The young vixen grabbed his paw and moved it back. "No... it felt nice," she replied, and kissed his nose as she brought his paw back between her legs.

His paw found the familiar warmth between her legs, and he began exploring again, a little more confidently. Ellie squirmed a bit as her friend's paw explored between her legs, and they shared a smile as his paw traced around her crotch, feeling every square inch.

Ellie reached down and wrapped a paw around Jimmy's shaft again as his paw explored between her legs. Jimmy tentatively slipped a finger into Ellie's passage, earning a soft moan and a gentle squeeze to his stiff rod.

The two cubs squirmed under the covers as they masturbated each other. Their legs started kicking involuntarily as they pleasured each other. Neither noticed the sheet slipping off; nor did they notice the sound of the doorknob turning.

"My, my, aren't you two adorable?"

Jimmy and Ellie froze, staring towards the door. Terry grinned at the cubs from behind the door, only her head showing, a paw on the door.

A few seconds passed in silence, during which time stood still for the two cubs.

Terry cleared her throat, her smile never fading. "If you two want to learn some other things you can do together, feel free to come to my bedroom," she said. "Oh, and don't bother getting dressed!" And with that, she withdrew her head and pulled the door shut behind her.

Slowly they turned, inch by inch, until the two cubs were looking into each others' eyes.

"Umm... wanna go?" Ellie asked.

"I dunno," Jimmy said. "Do you?"

Ellie shrugged. "Why not?"

Jimmy nodded, and the two of them slipped out of bed. They quietly padded up to the door and opened it up, peeking outside.

The hall was empty. Ellie opened the door wider, and the two cubs stepped out, each as naked as the day they were born. They crept down the hall towards Ellie's parents' bedroom, unsure of what awaited them behind the closed door.

Ellie reached out and grabbed the knob, and looked at Jimmy. He reached out and put his paw over hers and nodded, and together the two cubs turned the knob and pushed the door open.

Inside, Terry lay on the large, plush king-sized bed, completely nude. She turned to face the door as the cubs opened it. "I knew you'd come!" she said brightly. "Come in!" she said, motioning for them to come over to the bed.

The two cubs slowly walked up to the bed, leaving the door open behind them. Ellie crawled up first, closely followed by Jimmy. They knelt next to each other near the edge of the bed, looking at the nude vixen before them. Her fur shimmered in the light, and the delicate curves of her hips and breasts stood out clearly against her sleek fur. She made no attempt to hide her nudity, her body fully exposed to the two cubs.

"Come on, don't be shy," Terry said. "Come closer! I won't bite!"

Ellie slowly crawled forward towards her mother. Jimmy remained stationary on the edge of the bed.

Terry smiled and pulled Ellie into a hug, then motioned for Jimmy to come closer. The kit fiddled with his paws for a moment, then crawled closer, and was caught up into a hug with Terry and Ellie.

The older vixen grinned at the two cubs, holding them tight to her chest. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she held the young kits close, their chins resting just above her breasts, their small bodies pressed against hers. Her paws slowly rubbed the kits' backs as she savored the closeness with the two young cubs.

Ellie looked up at her mother. "Umm... what were ya gonna show us?" she asked.

Terry blinked and giggled softly, giving her daughter a kiss on her forehead. "That is what I called you in here for, isn't it?" she said. She released the two cubs and smiled at them. "Who wants to go first?"

Ellie and Jimmy looked at each other.

"You wanna go first?" Jimmy asked.

Ellie shrugged and nodded. "Sure," she said, turning to look at her mother.

Terry grinned at her daughter. "Alright, hun! Lie down on your back," she instructed. Ellie did as her mother asked, head tilted a bit in confusion. Terry smiled at her daughter, then at her friend. "Watch and learn, Jimmy," she said.

With that, Terry leaned in and gently parted Ellie's legs. The young vixen shivered softly as her mother spread her legs and leaned in. She felt her mother's breath against her intimate parts as she leaned in close.

Jimmy crawled up and watched, ears perked, wondering what Terry was about to do.

Terry leaned in lower and smiled up at her daughter, then drew her tongue along her daughter's sex, tasting her. Ellie shivered and moaned softly as her mother licked her again and again.

The vixen felt a fire igniting between her legs as she licked her daughter's pussy. It felt so wrong to be doing this to her daughter, and yet so right. She drew a finger closer, keeping her paws on her daughter's hips, and slowly pushed it into the little vixen's virgin pussy.

Ellie gasped as her mother slipped a finger inside her. Her insides squeezed and massaged the digit inside, and she gave another moan and involuntary shudder as her mother started slowly sliding her finger in and out of her.

Jimmy watched intently as Terry pleasured her daughter. His tail wagged slowly behind him, and his little member stood at full attention as he watched Terry's finger sliding in and out of his friend, her tongue gently swirling around the top of her pussy.

Terry glanced back at Jimmy and pulled her muzzle back a bit. "Wanna try?" she asked.

The young cub nodded eagerly and crawled forward. Terry grinned and withdrew her finger from her daughter. Jimmy leaned in close.

"Just slip your finger in," Terry said, and gave the little kit a little pat on his bottom.

"Like this?" Jimmy asked as he slipped a finger in.

Terry grinned and nodded. "Just like that." She leaned in closer and whispered in his ear, "If you lick right here, it'll drive her wild." She gently fingered her daughter's clitoris to show Jimmy where to lick. "It's called the clitoris, and it feels really good if you tease it... just be sure to pleasure the rest of her, too!"

Jimmy giggled softly and nodded as he leaned in and licked gently at Ellie's clit. The young vixen moaned softly and squirmed. Jimmy slowly slid his finger in and out like he'd seen Terry do, and continued licking gently over his friend's little nub.

Terry leaned back and slipped a paw between her legs as she watched the young kit pleasuring her daughter. He's good,_she thought, and her mind briefly pictured the young cub licking her own pussy instead of her daughter's. _Maybe some other time.

Ellie moaned softly and shivered as her friend pleasured her. She grabbed Jimmy's ears and tugged them gently as his tongue glided across her clit and his fingers slid in and out of her. He certainly wasn't as talented as her mother had been, but just the fact that it was Jimmy doing it more than made up for his lack of skill.

Terry leaned in and poked Jimmy's shoulder. He looked up at her, and she smiled at him. "Want to see something else you can do?"

Jimmy nodded and smiled. Terry grinned and took Jimmy's paw, moving it a bit so his palm pressed against Ellie's clit. "Keep sliding your finger in and out, and just gently rub her clit with your palm," she said.

Jimmy nodded and continued pumping his finger in and out of his friend, his palm pressing against her clit. "What else can I do?" he asked.

Terry grinned and leaned in close. She whispered, "you can lick and suckle her nipples. That'll feel good for her, too. I'll show you."

Jimmy watched as the older vixen leaned in and started licking one of her daughter's nipples. Ellie moaned in ecstasy as her mother teased her nipple. "You can lick her other one," Terry said between licks.

The young fox kit leaned in and started licking Ellie's other nipple. He watched Terry as she licked and nipped at Ellie's other nipple, and copied her as best he could.

Ellie writhed and squirmed under her friend and her mother as they teased her nipples. It was intense enough to have her friend pleasuring her little cunny, but to have her mother and Jimmy licking her nipples, too? It was almost too much for the young vixen!

The young vixen barely noticed her mother leaving her nipple - until she suddenly felt her mother's lips pressed to hers. Ellie's jaw dropped as she felt her mother's soft lips against her own, and she gasped as she felt her mother's tongue enter her maw. She moaned out around her mother's warm tongue as her orgasm suddenly washed over her, sending her whole body quivering from the sheer, intense pleasure.

Terry pulled back from the kiss as Ellie's body went limp. Jimmy pulled his paw back and looked over his friend.

"How was that, sweetie?" Terry asked. She grinned as her daughter merely panted softly in response, her mouth moving but unable to produce words to describe what she had just felt. The older vixen grinned and turned her gaze to her daughter's friend.

"I-is she ok?" Jimmy asked, looking up at his friend's mother.

Terry nodded. "She's just fine, sweetie. She just needs a little time to catch her breath." The vixen licked her lips as she looked at the male cub before her. "While we wait, maybe I can show you something," she said, reaching out and pulling the cub close.

"O-ok," Jimmy said hesitantly, letting the older vixen pull him close.

Jimmy gasped as he felt one of the vixen's paws cupping his bottom as the other rubbed his lower back. Terry took advantage of his open muzzle to give him a deep, passionate kiss. She slipped her tongue into his muzzle, and much to her surprise, after a moment, he seemed to respond, swirling his own tongue around hers.

By this time, the fire of her own desire had become almost unbearable. She glanced at her daughter as she pulled back from the kiss, and lay down next to her.

"Now, Jimmy," Terry said, starting to pant as she pictured what she was about to ask the little kit to do. "Remember what I showed you on Ellie? When you used your tongue?"

The little kit nodded, looking at the older vixen curiously. "Yeah... why?"

Terry shivered softly with anticipation. "I want you to do that to me now," she whispered. "I want to feel your tongue against me. Show me how good you are."

Jimmy looked at Ellie. She was still exhausted, lying limp, panting softly. Then he looked back at the vixen and nodded, crawling up between her legs and leaning in towards her crotch.

As the kit approached, his nose was overwhelmed by the powerful scent of the vixen's arousal. He saw that her own vulva was already glistening with her juices. He took a deep breath, inhaling her scent, then leaned in and licked tentatively, slowly dragging his tongue from the bottom to the top of her slit, tasting her juices.

The vixen mother let out a soft moan as she felt the cub's young tongue against her treasure. "That's it," she whispered. "Just like that..."

The little kit's eyes widened as he slowly lapped up the vixen's juices. They didn't taste half bad! He licked a few more times until he remembered the technique she had showed him. He glanced up at her between her legs as he pulled back a bit to look over her own entrance. Then he bunched a few of his fingers together and pushed them in as he leaned in to lick that little nub just above her entrance.

"Oh, yessss..." he heard her moan.

His fingers didn't get in very deep, but it seemed that the vixen appreciated his efforts all the same. Back and forth he slid his fingers, exploring how deep they could go into the vixen as he gently ran his tongue around her clitoris, occasionally breaking off for a moment to lap at her juices that were flowing with relative consistency onto the sheets below her.

The vixen squirmed and moaned in pleasure on the bed. Just as she had thought, the kit was wonderful! Her paws found and caressed her breasts as the kit worked his magic on her vulva.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, she felt a pair of small paws removing one of her paws from her breasts. She looked down and gasped as she watched her daughter latch on to her nipple and suckle it gently as she rubbed the remainder.

The vixen reached her paw down between her daughter's legs and gently tickled the young kit's vulva as she nipped and suckled her nipple.

"Good kits," she moaned as she squirmed in pleasure.

Jimmy eagerly lapped at the older vixen's slit. Something about her flavor drove him to keep licking. Admittedly, it wasn't as good as his friend's, but it was just as intoxicating!

All of a sudden, the kit found himself assaulted by squirt after squirt of the vixen's juices as she cried out in pleasure, her body spasming just as Ellie's had. He kept licking until he felt her paw gently pushing him back.

"Did I do a good job?" Jimmy asked as he pulled his head away from the vixen's womanhood.

"You did wonderfully," Terry panted. "I think you've earned your reward," she said, pushing herself up, nuzzling her daughter as she did.

"Reward?" Jimmy asked.

The vixen grinned. "Lie down on your back," she instructed, pulling Ellie aside with her to give him room.

The kit did as he was instructed, lying back, his little cock fully erect and standing proudly away from his body.

Terry smiled as she saw it leaned in. "Watch what I do, Ellie, and repeat," she said.

The young vixen wordlessly scooted up close and watched as her mother leaned down and slowly licked the young kit's sack, dragging her tongue slowly to the base of his shaft and upwards.

Jimmy shivered in pleasure as the vixen's tongue slowly bathed his cubhood. "Wooow," he moaned softly. He didn't know how to describe it. It was like a warm tickle that spread through his entire body.

He gasped as he felt his penis suddenly engulfed by a warm wetness. He looked down and stared as Terry smiled at him, her muzzle wrapped around his cock. She swirled her tongue slowly around his cubhood, sending Jimmy squirming and moaning in pleasure.

Just when he thought it couldn't get any better, Terry applied a gentle suction to his cock. Jimmy let out a load moan, grabbing her ears as she gently sucked on his young erection.

He distantly registered some whispering as he floated away on a cloud of bliss, his eyes shut tight. He shivered as his cock was suddenly exposed to the cold. The cub opened his eyes and looked down.

His eyes met his friend's as Ellie leaned in and wordlessly took his erection into her own muzzle, just as her mother had done. He threw his head back and moaned softly as he felt his stiffy in his friend's muzzle. It was an altogether more intimate experience, even with Ellie's mother watching nearby. He grabbed her ears and rubbed them as she gently started to suck on his cock.

Jimmy shivered in pleasure as his friend suckled his cock. Rubbing it himself, or even her rubbing it, held nothing to this! The intensity of the feeling, the intimacy of her nose against his crotch, her tongue swirling around his member - it was heaven.

Suddenly, his cock was again exposed to the air. He looked down. Ellie was smiling at him, her mother behind her, also grinning.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked.

Terry grinned. "Did you like that?" she asked, ignoring his question for the moment.

Jimmy nodded. "Uh huh! It felt really good."

The two vixens smiled at each other, then back at him. Ellie crawled up and laid down next to him and whispered, "Mommy suggested something else I wanna try."

Terry grinned. "Roll on top of her, hun, and I'll guide you."

Jimmy looked at the two vixens suspiciously, then did as he was instructed, crawling up and laying down on top of his friend. He felt the warmth of her chest below him and stared into her eyes.

He gasped as he felt Ellie's mom put a paw on his butt. "Don't worry, hun. You'll like this," he heard her say.

She guided his butt down, and he felt his penis approaching his friend's slit. The warmth radiating from it felt so very inviting. He wondered if she was still wet down there.

As his tip touched his friend's slit, he had a sudden wave of understanding. _It must go inside,_he thought.

Jimmy wrapped his arms around his friend and slowly pushed his stiff cock inside of her. Both cubs gasped as their virginity was dispersed in that tender moment, Ellie's hot insides hugging her friend's penis as tight as the vixen hugged the kit, and the kit hugged the vixen.

The two kits just lay together for a moment, enjoying the pleasurable sensation of closeness and penetration. Jimmy felt Ellie's mother lean down and whisper in his ear, "Try moving in and out, like this," she said as her paws grabbed his hips and guided them back and forth.

The two cubs moaned softly, and Jimmy took over, slowly sliding his little bit back and forth inside of his friend's tight, hot, wet hole.

Their pleasure intensified as Jimmy started to thrust into his friend, slowly at first. Gradually, he increased his pace, thrusting into her faster, feeling the pleasure building a curious sensation at the base of his penis.

"That's it," Terry whispered from somewhere off to the side. "Just like that..."

"Oh, Jimmy," Ellie whispered between moans. "Don't stop."

"Ellie," Jimmy whispered as he thrusted and moaned faster. "I... I..."

All of a sudden, Jimmy felt Terry's paw on his butt, pushing him hard against his friend. Both cubs moaned out as the added pressure pushed Jimmy's fully formed knot into the vixen's girlhood, and Ellie's inner walls spasmed around Jimmy's cock as it twitched inside her, squirting a few bursts of his thin, immature seed deep into her.

The two cubs went limp as their orgasms subsided, leaving them exhausted in a pleasant afterglow.

"I love you, Ellie," Jimmy whispered, panting softly.

Ellie panted heavily, and replied by nuzzling her friend's cheek.

Driven by sudden inspiration, Jimmy kissed Ellie gently on her lips, sneaking his tongue right into her maw. The vixen gladly let his tongue enter, and touched hers to his as it explored the inside of her muzzle.

Behind them, they vaguely registered Terry moaning out softly, a wet slapping sound coming from her.

"Terry?!" came a shocked voice from the door.

The cubs immediately broke their kiss and looked towards the door, shocked and blushing deeply beneath their fur. Before them stood Ellie's father, staring in disbelief at the scene before him.

"You're home early, Dan," Terry said casually.

"Slow day at the office," Dan replied noncommittally. "But, what... what... why?"

Terry giggled and got up, walking over to her husband and wrapping her arms around him. "I just couldn't help myself," she said. "They remind me so much of us at that age, don't you remember?"

"Of course I remember!" Dan said, staring at his wife. "But our parents never joined us," he said.

"I was just showing them some techniques," Terry said, smiling innocently.

Dan rolled his eyes and put his arms around her waist. "Somehow, I doubt that," he said, and kissed her quickly on the lips. He looked past her at the cubs. "Did you two have fun?" he asked.

The cubs merely nodded.

Terry grinned. "See? I didn't do anything they didn't enjoy!"

Dan sighed and rolled his eyes again. "Whatever you say, hun," he said, and took a couple steps back. "I'm going to grab a quick snack before dinner. You two want anything?" he asked the cubs.

"N-no thanks, Daddy," Ellie said.

"Alright," Dan said, and he headed downstairs.

Terry turned around and grinned at the cubs, then pulled on a bathrobe. "Don't try to pull out until you feel it pop out on its own," Terry said as she tied her robe shut. "When you're done, feel free to use our bathroom to wash up." With a final wink, she left the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

The two cubs looked at each other. "Well," Ellie said.

"That was... interesting..." Jimmy said.

"But fun!" Ellie said.

Jimmy smiled and kissed his friend. They soon drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.