Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon's Slave Interstitial 1: Let's Make A Deal

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#1 of Counter Earth Chronicles: The Demon's Slave


Flo Fuller was the tech specialist for the Ghost Hunters. Along with Minka Mallow and Arthur Speedwell, the group investigated paranormal events in and around World One. That was until their final case where her teammates were mistakenly sent to a realm of fire and magma. Flo and a former intern of the group mounted a desperate rescue attempt only to be captured by a dark evil being who was torturing Minka and Arthur as well. Realizing that there was no possibility of escape, Flo sacrificed herself so that her friends could escape. She is now destined to spend the rest of her mortal existence serving this dark entity- loyally and faithfully as the demon's slave.

Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon's Slave

Interstitial 1: Let's Make A Deal

Day: N/A (eternity)

The wolf demon was sitting on his throne in Torture Tower brooding- lost in his thoughts when the door to his throne room opened. In floated one of the dark being's minions. It appeared to be humanoid in shape- a elongated head, long arms, long legs and a hunched back. But that was where the similarity ended- the creature was completely black except for two dot like white eyes.

"Please forgive the intrusion sir!"

"Yes what is it?" The dark wolf said addressing the shadow creature.

"I found the mortal sleeping on the job!" The jet black creature said extending his long limb- at the end of it was a naked female orangutan sleeping quite peacefully oblivious she was being held by the scruff of her neck. "I recommend that she should be severely punished!"

"Where did you find her?" The dark wolf asked.

"On the top floor near the overlook." The shadow creature answered. "She was napping!"

"Were her labors finished- the dungeon?" The wolf demon asked.

"Swept and dusted." The shadow creature replied.

"The torture room?"

"Cleansed and bleached."

"The whipping chamber?"


"The soul stretcher?"

"Shined and polished sir."

"The pantry?"

"Organized and tidied."

"The corridors?"

"Mopped sir." The shadow creature said addressing the dark wolf.

The wolf demon then extended his paw over the sleeping orangutan's head analyzing her stamina and vitals.

"Hmm.... completely, utterly exhausted- she gave 110% of herself to her labors and collapsed after she had finished." The wolf said to his minion. "That is impressive for a mortal. But in the future make sure she gives and additional 10%."

"As you wish sir." The shadow creature said studying the sleeping orangutan after placing it at the foot of the dark wolf's throne."

"Something more?" The dark being asked his minion.

"She is quite an anomaly sir."

"In what way?" The wolf asked.

"No matter what task she is given, no matter how hard, she always answers 'you betcha!' and performs it cheerfully." The shadow creature responded.

"That is because she is here willingly- as long as she knows that her friends and loved ones are safe. That gives her, her motivation." The wolf demon responded.


Day 1016 (That fateful evening)

"Wow. Like, we aren't going to get out of this one are we?" The female beastial said addressing the wolf demon while staring at her companions.

"No you are not. It is your turn Ms. Fuller." The dark being said. "Now my little mortal what is your deepest darkest fear? Hmm...."

"Mister dark wolf can we talk? While you are like, probing my mind for what terrifies me the most- I would like for you to consider a proposition- any proposition." Flo said hugging the demon's leg.

"You have a proposition?! What can you possibly offer me mortal?!" He asked her.

"I beg you sir. Please let my friends and I go- we don't belong here."

"But you are here Ms. Fuller." The dark wolf responded.

"It was not intentional. It was like, by accident." The female orangutan said pleading.

"And it is the most fun I have had in a long while." The dark wolf said smiling. "Besides you have nothing to bargain with for your freedom."

"What if I were to..." Flo started to say.

"Monetary currency is irrelevant here." The dark being said smiling quite wickedly.

"What about..."

"So is trade."

"Then how about..."

"And clothing."

"How about...."

"And food. You have nothing that would interest me mortal. Nothing- now let's get back to your deepest, darkest fear...." The wolf demon said studying Flo.

"Um, like, would it be being stranded in another realm far away from mine?" The female beastial said.

"No... I see, it... it is coming into view..." The dark wolf said probing Flo's mind.

This was it! Nothing was working! Flo and her companions would be doomed unless....

"It looks like you have quite a nice Torture Tower here mister demon, but it doesn't look well maintained." Flo said judgmentally.

"I have minions who to take care of that." The dark wolf said crossing his arms and looking down at the female mortal.

"Riiiight." Flo said looking up at the towering wolf demon.

"Your point?"

"It appears that your are the overlord of all in this place but how many do you actually trust?"

"....And here comes the sales pitch." The dark wolf said impatiently.

"If you guarantee my friend's safety, I will serve you loyally and faithfully for the rest of my life." The female orangutan gasped as she realized what she was saying to the demon.

"That is a tempting offer but no. I rather like my new playthings especially that bear and her homely freckled human. Just look at how he is grieving over her corpse!"

"But in return I will offer you TRUE unconditional loyalty and servitude regardless of power struggles, allegiances, shifting alliances and regime changes- now or in the future. Whatever happens, I will be yours today, tomorrow, forever. Can you truly say that of ANY of your minions?"

"You mean like a stupid pet? Interesting, very interesting... state your terms mortal." The dark wolf snorted.

"I will give myself to you, totally, completely and fully for the safe return of the Ghost Hunters, the Shadow Chasers, their client, Lady Ursa and her charge to the realm of the living."

The demon wolf thought for a moment.

"I will allow the monkey, hedgehog, bear, aardwolf and the homely looking freckled boy to return to the world of the living- but only them."

"But like, what about the Shadow Chasers?" Flo asked.

"I have to have some playthings to entertain me. Besides I have something special planned for the sand cat, margay and leopard cat." The dark being grinned wickedly. "Now do we have a deal Ms. Fuller?"

Flo looked at her would be demon master and her suffering friends as she considered his offer.

"Going once...." The wolf said smiling quite darkly.

"Going twice...."

"Going thrice...."

"Yes! Yes! Yes.... um...." The female orangutan said extending her paw.

"Diamantopoulous. But you will call me master from now on and I don't allow my slaves to wear clothing." The dark being said meeting her paw.

As their agreement was sealed the female beastial's clothes dissipated; she was naked.

"Um not even a loin cloth?!" Flo asked.

"No." The demon grinned wickedly at her.

Flo realized that in the realm of fire and magma there was no need for fashion or to protect oneself from the cold.


"So she pledged her loyalty to you for the rest of her life? That is and interesting story sir." The shadow creature said to the wolf demon.

"The dirty little secret is that she thinks her sacrifice ensured that her friends and loved ones are safe. They aren't; there is a cataclysm coming to the realm of the living."

"Really sir?"

"Yes- this one is going to be big, perhaps the largest one that realm has ever seen."

"So we should prepare?" The shadow creature asked.

"You betcha!" The wolf demon said imitating his sleeping orangutan slave as he petted her on her head. "We are about have an influx, a very big one."


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