A Dragon's Brother 3

Story by Cecil_88 on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dragon's Brother Series

Alright here it is! The third installment of the "Dragon's Brother" series! Now let me just say that you guys kick ass! I got so many responses that I had to continue! Oh, and a special thanks goes out to Midnight! If it hadn't been for him giving me that extra boost of encouragement I would have probably taken twice as long to finish this half done story! And lastly for the warning thing, ok look, yes, there is yiff, but come on....do we really need a warning? I mean all you under 18 people, if your reading this right now then you obviously want to... right? *Ahem* Anyway, since I'm not sure what would happen if I didn't put a warning, here it is. WARNING Ok? There we go. Enjoy! ^_^

Seconds ago Lance was in more joy than he had ever been, yet here he was now staring at his father in his brother's arms having just kissed him.... this was bad.

"What the HELL is going on here!!?" Lance's father's voice boomed throughout the room. Their father was a huge green dragon much larger than Lance and Sypher and more than filled in the doorway. He was in his early thirties with a strong muscular build, a V shaped body and large wings that he had to fold them back just to fit in a door. Anyway after the divorces he had sunk into work going off constantly to other countries always getting back very late and, of course, tonight was one of those lucky nights.

Sypher turned around quickly and pushed Lance behind him "D....Dad!? We....I.....were just...well..."

There dad moved close to them and grabbed Sypher's arm. "What the fuck were you thinking....." He pulled Sypher out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

Lance sank to his knees, he had told himself that no matter what happened his dad would never find out, no madder what he decided he was, glad that worked. He strained his ears to hear what was being said in the other room but could only make out bits and pieces of an angry argument. Finally after what seemed like hours and the argument was getting to a high point Lance heard a slapping sound and then quiet. He sat there wondering what had happened, he knew.... he just didn't want to admit it. He crawled over and placed the side of his head to the door and closed his eyes. Being half wolf did give some advantages, namely hearing and such. He listened closely and could barely hear his father talking but there was no sound of Sypher. He reached for the door knob but decided against it and let his hand rest in his lap.

This was bad, very, very bad.

Suddenly the door opened and Lance scuttled back against his bed. His father stood there , still in his business suit casting a shadow over Lance. "Lance, come here." His father had a stern look on his face as he turned and walked into the living room. Lance shakily got up and followed his intimidating father. His father directed him to the couch where Sypher was sitting rubbing his cheek. Lance walked over sat down, and whispered under his breath, "I'm sorry Sypher...." Sypher gave him a sideways smile then quickly looked away as their father came back with a chair and sat in front of them.

He looked them over and quietly sighed, "Now, what happened here? And I want the truth this time." He glared at Sypher who quickly looked away.

Sypher spoke up first however, "I....I asked Lance to be my mate and-"

Lance shook his head and interrupted. "No, Sypher..... You don't have to defend me." He looked his father square in the eye. "I did it, dad, I wanted Sypher to be my mate and I asked if I could kiss him. He did it to make me feel better." He thought quickly on how to protect his brother. "He had already told me that it wasn't right, two males.... brother's no less, to be mates but I kept pressing on, he did it for me. Its my fault." At that moment Lance finally came to the realization of what he had just said. He was gay. The fact hit him like a ton of bricks, the thing everyone had told him was wrong was just what he had become, no matter how much he tried to resist or how much he didn't want, what he was, was what he was... and what he would always be.

All of them were rather shocked at Lance's boldness and honesty throughout this. Lance's father sat with his arms crossed in the chair and lowered his head in thought. Lance knew what he was thinking about. His father had always been a homophobe, not disrespectful, but a homophobe none the less, he was coming to realization with the fact that one of his sons, if not both, was gay. "So, kissing, was that all that went on?" Lance took a gulp, that was a rather bad question, he thought for a moment then spoke up.

"N....no nothing else went on." His father looked at him questionably then sighed.

"Are you sure? Throughout this past week, nothing happened?"

"Yes, back there was the first thing that happened."

"I'm going to have to think about this." He got up and stretched, "You two go to bed." He then walked off down the hall to the master bedroom and shut the door.

Sypher looked down at the young dragon, "Lance, why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Well, you put everything on your shoulders. Why?"

Lance laughed quietly and looked up at his big brother. "After all that you've done for me.... it was the least I could do." Lance got up and walked into his room. He took off his clothes down to his boxers and fell face first into his bed. That had gone better than he expected. Normally he would have thought about it more but at this point he was far too tired to care and fell into a deep sleep.


He had a dream that night, one of the few ones he has, it was about life as Sypher's mate. He dreamt about what it would be like. Never being cold or scared, never being alone and, of course, always having someone to "play" with. He dreamt about several nights ago when Sypher had given him something truly spectacular something he would never forget, how he felt then....it was more of a vision into what he wanted....what he yearned for...someone who he could love and someone that loved him. But the wonderful dream didn't last, it suddenly changed direction entirely. In came the mocking and ridicule, the pain of being in love with his brother and what it would be like to lose him. He dreamt of his brother's death, a vision of him being killed by school members, people who found out and of course Jason.

He woke up crying and sweating profusely, he looked around, got up and tiptoed into his brother's room. There he was snoring like always and just as safe. He let out a sigh of relief and walked back into his room, he jumped back as he saw his brother sitting on his bed, blood covering the floor. His brother's mangled corpse raised an eyeless face to meet his, "You did this to me."

He woke up again almost screaming and again soaked in sweat. He looked about his dark room breathing heavily and sank into the covers, pulling them up to his eyes. He couldn't shut his eyes, every time there was that image of his brother and the same words; "You did this to me" However, after an hour sleep took hold again and he was soon asleep against his will.


He woke up the next morning with a strong muscular arm lightly shaking him. "Lance.... Lance..... come on time to get up." Lance shook his head a bit and looked up at the owner of the large muscular arm.


"Yeah, come on time to get up."

Lance reluctantly got up and walked with his father into the kitchen, Sypher sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. There was an air of tension around the room as Lance sat at the table. Finally when the tension felt as if it would crush him, he looked at the clock. "Ten o'clock!? I'm late!" He hurried to get up.

"Sit down Lance, you're not going to school today." Lance's father placed a stern hand on his shoulder and forced him to sit down at the table. "Were going to have to talk about this sometime, and I'll be damned if I have to worry about it later."

Lance looked up across the table to his brother for some kind of reassurance but his brother didn't even make any indication that he knew Lance was there, he simply stared blankly into his cup of coffee.

There father's voice broke the awkward silence. "Alright, well you two get something to eat, I'm gonna go and get a shower." He turned, batted his large dragon wings and left the room, leaving Lance and Sypher with the silence.

"What do you think is gonna happen, Sypher?"

Sypher looked blankly at Lance. "I don't really know."

Suddenly Lance was afraid. This wasn't like Sypher, he should have said something like, nothing that we can't handle, or what ever it is we'll be ok. But he hadn't. Did their father really frighten him that much?


Sypher realized what was going on and gave his brother a reassuring smile. "But whatever it is little one," He set his cup on the table, walked over to Lance and let his wings drape over the young dragon, using his arms to give his brother a hug from behind. "We'll be ok."

Lance felt this was a good as time as any to ask his brother. "Sypher, you said you were straight, right?"


He looked up at his brother. "Are you sure?"

Sypher was about to answer when he had to stop himself. Everything he had done for his brother....was it really just for his brother? He had never thought about it before, what it would be like to be with a male, that is. He had always thought of himself as straight but he might be gay, or bi. The odd thing was that just now he couldn't think of another male that he even felt remotely attracted to....just his brother. "Yeah....at least.... I think so."

They heard a cough and looked up to see there dad looking at them, one curling over the other. "Um....how about we sit at opposite ends of the table." Lance and Sypher looked at each other and reluctantly let go.

After they had sat there father moved to sit at the seat in between them he sighed and scratched his head a bit. "Alright, well, first and foremost," He turned to look at Sypher, "I'm sorry I hit you. I was just... surprised I guess, and a bit angry too."

"It's okay."

There father gave an uneasy smile and continued. "Now, look, I'm going to be as understanding as I can about this. However, I've never had to deal with anything like this before, so bear with me ok?" Both of the younger dragons nodded and he continued. "Now, first, I want to know... Lance? Have you ever done anything else with.....you know, another male?....other than your brother?" Lance honestly shook his head. The large dragon let out a sigh of relief. "Whew, well that's a bit less to worry about."

As Lance listened to his father, he felt rather surprised. His father always did his best to make his children happy, and even though he was so young he had done a very good job. And now this, after everything he had done for them he was willing to help them with their... issue, even if it went against all he had been taught.

"Alright so, Lance..." His father turned to face him, he dropped the tone of his voice and looked into his eyes. "Lance...." He seemed to hesitate again. "are you.....are you gay?"

Well that was rather forward, but he assumed that his father wanted to get this over as quick as possible. "I....I don't know dad." He frowned a bit and looked away, he couldn't stand to look into his father's eyes. He felt his father looking down at him, his eyes burning into him.

"You guys haven't been telling me everything, have you?" Both brothers made a glance at each other and then at their father.

Lance attempted to make a quick recovery, "W...what do you mean?"

Their father made a deep, nervous chuckle. "After what you said you asked your brother, and after what you," He took a gulp, "did. There had to be more."

Sypher had to make a leap, after all, his brother had been carrying through this whole thing alone. "Dad, there was nothing else....just the kiss."

Their father made a quick shudder at the word but rustled up some resolve but not before muttering, "There has to be an easier way to do this." He raised his and looked up at his boys. "Alright, I have one question to ask you both." He took a very deep breath made a passing glance at both of them and then asked the question that would change the life of both of them. "Are you in love with each other?" He had to know, although it would change everything....he had to know. They both sat in silence.

Lance looked at the floor mouth open and eyes wide, this was it, everything that could be....that was. All of it would be summed up in the answer of this question, but as hard as he tried he couldn't bring himself to answer. But he didn't need to.

"I...I am"

Both Lance and his father looked, wide eyed, at Sypher who sat calmly at the other end of the table. "Sypher..?" Was all Lance could manage to utter.

Sypher looked up at the two gawking dragons and let out a disbelieved laugh, as if he couldn't believe what he had just said. "It....it's true....I didn't know until now, even I can't believe it....but its true Lance, I'm in love with you....." Sypher sat there having just said this and thought it over. It was true, the compassion that he felt, all that he had done to 'help' his brother. He loved him...and it took till this moment to realize it.

The large green dragon sat there in shock, right along with Lance. "Well, that was easier than planned.... Sypher, when...."

"Just now..."

"Wow, this...this is unbelievable, I mean I had a hunch but I thought it would only be Lance...." He lightly scratched his neck and looked at Lance. "Lance... I'll assume..."

Lance let a small grin creep across face. "Yeah, dad, I....I know it now....Sypher... I love you too.."


Drake, their father...his parents had not been very imaginative, lay in his bed that night unable to sleep. His children were gay, and not just that, they were in love with each other! He had no idea what to think. He couldn't help but believe that it was partially his fault, what with them only being exposed to males, other than there mothers, in the household, and what with him being gone all the time. It was no wonder that they grew fond of each other.

He took a deep breath and laid back into his pillow. He would have to get used to some major changes. Well, at least they weren't acting like girls...that was the last thing that he needed. Oddly enough he wasn't as surprised as he thought he would be. Although unprepared he had suspected it for a long time. At least with Lance anyway.

Lance had never been very social, even before people discovered he was a half-breed. And as he grew up he never had made any mention of a girl he liked, or one that he even thought of as a friend. Lance may not have known it then, or even paid attention to the fact that, when out at a public place, he always made glances at the muscular males. Things would never be the same now that Lance has admitted it to himself. Drake took a deep breath and laid back into his pillow and drifted off into an uneasy sleep.


That night Lance slowly crept into his brother's room, when he was sure that his father was asleep. He slowly opened the door and slipped in. His brother's T.V. was still on but his brother had fallen asleep long ago. He walked cautiously over to his brother's side of the bed and kneeled down. He looked into his brother's face and smiled, nothing would ever go wrong again. He began to lean closer as he continued. For some reason he couldn't think of anything that could scare him, finally he reached his brother. He placed a soft kiss on his brother's lips. He began to pull back when he felt his brother's strong hand on his neck "You know... you tend to be a bit loud when walking into a room." Sypher pulled his brother close and locked their muzzles together again in a deep kiss. "Come on....lie down." Lance climbed over the older dragon and sat down. Sypher pulled the covers over Lance and took him into a warm embrace.

Lance was silent for a moment in his brother's arms simply feeling his brother's warm breath on his neck. He took a deep breath and turned to face his brother. "Sypher... I'm scared."


"I'm scared that...." He scooted up against his brother and put his head on the red dragon's chest. "one day... someone will find out and, we'll never be able to show ourselves outside again....or, you know, something like that...."

Sypher smiled and pulled Lance into a deep kiss, "Lance how many times do I have to tell you? I love you, and whatever happens, we'll deal with it when it comes. But I don't want you to worry about it, never."

Lance smiled and rested his head on his brother's bare chest and after a moment licked his brother's scales affectionately causing Sypher to let out nothing less of a purr from his chest. Sypher rested a claw on the side of Lance's cheek and brought his face up to his, "So....Lance...how have you been doing with ... things?" a toothy grin spread across his face. Lance gave a childish smile and began to run his tail up the inside of his brother's legs. "Hold on." Sypher stopped his brother's advances.

"What's wrong?"

Sypher smiled again. "It's my turn." Sypher lowered his head and gently began to bite Lance's shoulder and ran a claw up the inside of Lance's calves. Lance let out a small whimper of pleasure. Sypher made a quiet chuckle and brought his hand up even further, gently rubbing Lance's sheath through the soft fabric of his boxers, which caused an immediate reaction. Lance's dark dragon cock slowly began to emerge from the confines of his sheath soaking his boxers in pre cum. Sypher took this opportunity and snaked it out of the slit in his boxers and gently ran a claw up its length causing Lance to let out a moan.

Sypher laughed quietly and placed a claw over Lance's mouth "Shhhh, dad's in the next room!" Sypher managed to say between laughs, Lance nodded in agreement. "H...hey Lance? Do you mind if I try something?"


Sypher smiled and pulled the covers off the two. "Alright, I've never done this before, so tell me if I do something wrong...ok?"


Sypher smiled again and scooted down to the lower part of the bed. He took a deep breath and leaned forward, taking the younger dragon's cock into his mouth, Lance had to hold back a loud moan as his member was enveloped in the warm dragon's mouth. Sypher was a bit surprised at the flavor, he always thought that it would be salty and unpleasant, but it was rather sweet, he snaked his tongue around the cock and began to gently suck moving his head slowly up and down as he did so.

Lance squirmed and groaned quietly. This was the first time anyone had ever touched his cock, much less sucked it, and he was loving it. He had to use every ounce of will power to hold back his moans then as he was enjoying the godlike pleasure he noticed something was poking around his ass. He finally realized that it was his brother's tail! He was going to ask what was going on when he felt it find its target. Sypher's tail slid into his passage without resistance, the movement of the tail going with the alignment of the scales. Lance whimpered in pleasure as five, six inches of his brother's thick tail parted his anal passage, then he began to pull out. It was unbelievable! Now that Sypher's tail was going out the scales reversed, gently scraping the inside of Lance. Then as the last few inches of Sypher's tail began to leave his ass Sypher used his rough tongue and began to bob his head faster.....it was too much. Lance cried out and shot his load into his brother's muzzle, jamming as much of his cock as he could into the warm mouth.

Sypher was unprepared for his first experience of taking a load and was also shocked of how much stronger the flavor of the thick dragon cum was. He swallowed as much as he could, but, this being his fist time, he had to let most of it dribble out of his mouth. Lance rolled onto his back panting heavily and Sypher crawled back up and leaned on an elbow. "Did I do good?"

Lance smiled at his brother, brought his face up and locked their muzzles in a deep kiss, now tasting his own cum, "That was awesome!"

Sypher smiled a toothy grin, "Well, we'll have plenty of fun from now on! But I think we should get to sleep for now." Lance reluctantly nodded, he had hoped that he could have pleasured Sypher tonight....but oh well, he slowly began to get up. "Wait, Lance, sleep here tonight."

"But dad..."

Sypher pulled his brother down for another deep loving kiss, gently sucking on Lance's tongue, "Forget dad, it's just you and me tonight."

Lance smiled and laid down next to his brother. "I love you Sypher."

Sypher laughed as he turned off the T.V. which had apparently been on. Good, Lance thought to himself, all the less likely his dad heard his moan. Sypher turned and rested a kiss on his brother's forehead. "I love you too, goodnight little brother."


Lance woke up several hours later and went to the bathroom. When he came back he laid down next to the large red dragon and moved close. He stared up at him for a moment and then gently kissed him on the cheek, he then let his head fall on the chest of the red dragon and fell asleep on his mate, his lover, his brother.

And there you have it, chapter three of the "Dragon's Brother" series. And just might be the last. That is where you the reader's come in, should I leave Lance in the arms of his brother? Or should I continue? I have an idea for another story, but if I get enough e-mails saying to continue then by all means I'll try! But I could use all of your help! So if you have ideas that you think would be good, send them! Oh, and my offer is still up for anyone who has an idea for a story but would rather not write it themselves (Namely you small people who ignore the warnings =P, but this also qualifies for anyone who would like to have a story written, young or old.) I'll of course give the credit to you, if you want it. Lastly, this time I promise that I'll e-mail back every response that I get! Unlike in chapter 1.....sorry guys ^_^; So, until next time! Later!

Cecil, "Everything is a game. A vile, evil, delightful game."

A Dragon's Brother 4

Greetings again everyone! First and foremost I would like to say thank you all for the support!! Once again you guys kick ass! Now, uh one thing, there are several of you that emailed me and wanted to chat, but my email kinda all got trashed ^\_^;...

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A Dragon's Brother 2

Alright first off, Thank you guys! The support really helped! Oh and for those with the constructive criticism thank you too, it helped also! Oh, and for those people who asked about my name, Cecil will do just fine. The \_88 is for my screen name....

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A Dragon's Brother

Warning...warning...bla bla bla. No one reads the warnings anyway. But you know what they say and they qualify for this. Okay? Got it? Good. "Boy.....This is going to be fun," Thought the young dragon sarcastically as he tugged his shirt over his...

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