The Nega who rewrote history: Prologue

Story by Dragboarkyo on SoFurry

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#1 of Panthro, Grune and the nega

Thundercat2011, featuring Panthro/Grune,

We all know that Grune and Panthro left to find the book of omens, and we know how Grune betrayed him and joined with Mumm-ra, but what would happen if someone else got to them before Mumm-ra?

Grune had had it. He was tired of this journey and he was tired of his king, and he was TIRED of his traveling companion. It had been a year since they left Thundera, but GODS forbid he would spend another second with Panthro. The rain pouring onto him was torrential. But despite all the turmoil, he thought he heard a voice...Urging him to head to the desert...

But then it was gone.

Replaced by it was the desire to look around the area in the opposite direction. He then spotted the signs of a castle in the distance as he pushed through the foliage. He was at the set of doors to a large castle, "Huh? A castle, in the middle of nowhere?" He then approached it and knocked on it. He began to heard footsteps before the door creaked opened.

"Ah, your here, right on schedule." A brown, chubby creature wearing a green tunic and boots. He looked like a boar, But as he looked downward, he saw the creature had a tail akin to a lizard. "You better get inside, You'll freeze to death." The creature then walked inside leaving the door open. Grune stood there dumbfounded before hesitantly walked inside and close the door.

"You knew I was coming?" Grune asked the creature as he followed him down the hall.

"Oh, No. The Master just said you were coming this way." The creature replied. "I'm Kon, just Kon."

"Master?" Grune asked confused.

"Master Negar, The owner of this estate and my everything." Kon said slowing down. "He's so amazing...Hard to believe he chose a petty slave like me to act as his steward." Grune then took a closer look at the boar's neck and saw a collar locked around his fat apex.

"Your a slave?"

"I was persecuted at a young age for my...Heritage." Kon began before grabbing his tail and hugging it. "I was immediately thrown into the market. After all, what's more rarer then a boar lizard hybrid..." He then sniffle as he bit his lower snout. "Master...He saved me, Made me feel...Like I belong." He then shook his head. "He's waiting, let's go."

He then pushed open the set of doors to the main foyer, lit up by a giant fireplace, there, was a lizard that Grune had never seen before, This lizard had red scales and a narrow nozzle snout, on the top of his head with black frills, his yellow eyes gleamed at the lion as Grune drawled closer. And realize that the lizard had no legs, instead, a long, strong tail where his feet should be.The only other appendage that he could see were two strong arms with clawed hands. Kon walked past the general to be next to the serpent, Getting into a kneeling position. "Greeting's Grune, searcher of the Book of Omens, general of King Claudus court..." His eyes then flashed. "...Liberator of Mumm-ra and traitor of Thundera."

Grune then froze, confuse about what he just said. "Confused? Understandable, after all." The nega then grinned. "It's from a time that hasn't happen yet...I Just happen to have the power to foresee the future. Noting special."

"You can see the future?" Grune scoffed. "Nonsense! I am fully loyal to my king!"

"Are you Surrrrreee?" The nega said as he twisted his coils in a taunting manner. "You seem pretty loyal a few minutes ago. Sarcasm!"

"How did yo-"

"Future vision!" The nega shouted suddenly. "I am Negar! Lord of this castle and master of the mind." He then chuckled. "Your friend Panthro will join us in a few minutes. Until then, Slaves! make our guest feel welcome." With those words, the doors opened as three animals walked out, a lizard, a wolf, and a bird. All wearing brown loincloths and were carrying in a decorative chair and setting them before the cat. Grune took a closer look and saw that the three animals all had the same eye color and expression, Grune couldn't help but feel uneasy because of them...Grune hesitantly sat down as the nega slithered closer. "It's a good thing I found you before you were too far away, You ought to be thanking me." Negar then coil his body before sitting down into it. "That story was a boring one too. Didn't even have a happy ending for you..."

"What do you mean- Hey get away from me!" Grune shouted as the serpent drew closer. Until his eyes were locked with his.

"Just relax and look deep into my eyes." The nega said before Grune could react, the reptile's eyes began to glow as Grune's vision started to haze.

"Must...Reach...dagger..." Grune mumbled before weakly grabbing his fang dagger's holster and quickly swung it at Negar, only to miss and lose his grip on it. It landed all the way to the other side of the room. "No....." The Nega cupped the lion's chin and forced the general's gaze away from the weapon and into his eyes. "Panthro...Help...Me..." Grune pleaded as his eyes started to white into a trance.

"Your armor is wet, why not take it off, make yourself comfortable?" Negar asked as Grune struggled expression slowly faded and was replaced with a dazed look. He then slowly got up and began to strip. His armor falling to the floor as the Lord took in every sight.

Grune's muscled body was expose. His last remaining clothes were his brown undergarment. "Oohoo, such a body, such physic. It's mine as last!" Negar shouted as his servant Kon approached. "With Grune here as my slave, Mumm-ra will remain trapped, Third Earth will be saved!" The Nega lord then chuckled. "But why settle with satisfaction of world peace? My true desire is owning the strongest men, holding and groping their bodies... Kon!" Negar shouted. "Your acting was perfect, enjoy our greatest conquest! I must prepare for Panthro's arrival."

"I...I get to play with him? Really?" Kon asked in shock of the honor that his master had bestowed upon him. "But, what if he breaks free? I don't want to end up with a broken face!"

"Not to fear, In case he somehow resist my thrall. Use this..." He then grabbed Kon's hand fasten a wist brace onto his arm. "This brace will let you command anyone touched by my gazed. If he acts disobedient, just extend your arm and talk him down. Degrade him." He then placed a clawed hand on his servant's shoulder. "Enjoy your prize, my dear Kon. Claim Grune's virginity and make him into the slave he always was meant to be!" He then slither off to prepare for Panthro's arrival....

Kon looked at the bracer on his arm before looking at Grune. "Now...How, oh how will I break you in, my dear General?" He asked with a hungry look.

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