[COM-04] Deposits Hidden Deep Within

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Writing - Runa

Art - Aubergin

Virion - feralwings

Ceylon - Runa

This is a commission for FeralWings (Virion). If you'd like something like this, my rates are $75/commission, and that gets you between 5,000 words and 10,000 words! (This one actually went over 10,000). Note me if interested!

In this story, a young gryphon named Ceylon (that's me!) takes her research into naturally occurring crystallized a little too far by investigating the mountains to the north of her university. There, she finds the dragon who has been watching over these caves, and she quickly finds that it will take a lot more of her skill and magic to handle the punishment he gives her for invading upon his territory.

Deposits Hidden Deep Within

She tightened up the leather belt around her hips using her beak, stretching her wings in the process in order to get comfortable as the straps of the holster constricted her lower body - the feline half - as well as up around her shoulders. The saddle bags she carried held tools and maps for her journey to the Iviron Mountains, where she was expecting to find a substance that could be turned into enchanted gems worth more than gold: crystallized ademane.

As a young gryphoness and student, Ceylon felt she had a lot to prove when it came to her research into such valuable magical artifacts. Such rarities were so potent that they were highly sought after, and so few believed that crystallized ademane was even possible naturally in the wild without being buried deep beneath the surface in high pressure caves far beyond where scientists and mages could excavate.

Given the beliefs about the substance, if she could prove others wrong she'd not only be rich, but famous for her breakthrough. Traditional knowledge claimed that the only reliable way to create concentrated ademane and the enchanted gems that came from it was in a lab by distilling the essence of its liquid form while enchanting it with the same spell a dozen times or more over the course of at least three days, and that such processes really couldn't be reliably found in nature.

The manual process for creating enchanted ademane gems required time, a lot of ademane, and a powerful mage to enchant the resulting gem who must also be present for the entire distillation process. For every one liter of the fluid state of ademane, a single pebble could be created via the distillation process. Given that an average sized person had only about 1.2-1.5 liters in their body at max, and a gem the size of a pebble wouldn't be very strong, this meant that dozens of agens would need to donate pure ademane to make a single gem worth enchanting.

As such, the process required an adept mage, an intelligent scientist, dozens of willing donors, and three days or more of dedication and diligence, which got to be quite costly. While it was an expensive undertaking, the resulting gems were immensely valuable and sought after, as the spells contained within could be used and re-used innumerable times, requiring a fraction of the user's own magic power to trigger and amplify it's power. Any spell could be reliably infused in an ademane gem, including healing spells, elemental spells, or physical magic spells, as long as the mage was strong enough.

Wild, naturally occurring ademane crystals are incredibly rare and just as potent as manufactured ones, but lack the enchantments that are infused through the distillation process and are hard to find. With a powerful enough mage, the crystals could still be enchanted, but it would be very difficult given the fact that they are already solid and don't take well to spell infusion, which is why they're sought after without anyone putting in the work to discover them in caves or underwater. If naturally crystallized ademane could be found and mined instead of created from the ademane of willing (or unwilling) donors yet still infused with a spell, one could make quite the fortune from it.

That's why Ceylon was so keen on finding natural deposits of crystallized ademane; she was one of the most naturally gifted mages she knew, having mastered the most challenging and demanding of spell types: transformation magic. She could alter her body, re-purpose it, change her gender, and adapt to virtually any scenario with the right preparation and forethought through the spells she had picked up, and in some case had created for herself. If she was able to find naturally occurring ademane crystals, she could enchant them on her own with powerful spells while selling them for a huge profit. She could greatly expand her academic life as well as the volume of coin she hoarded in her den.

In her travels and research, she came to theorize that the Iviron mountains may have held vast quantities of ademane, given the high number of dragons said to be present in that region. Dragons had the highest volume of ademane in their bodies compared to any of the races in the world, naturally, since they used it to fuel their fire and keep them flying despite their bodies being too heavy for their wings to carry. A cave system lousy with a whole hive or nest of dragons would certainly be rich in spare unused ademane mist, as it would be floating in clouds in the air like a blanket of fog, clinging to the walls and forming both stalactites and stalagmites where it dripped over time.

Problem was, this particular cave system was incredibly dangerous, so much so that few had explored it and came back without injuries if they came back at all; a typical tale of treacherous lands and remote locations, but it was true. The saurossins of north Chimme had claimed that mountain range for themselves, carving out a hive's worth of tunnels and connecting pathways to hollow out the entire range and turning it into a honeycomb. Some even theorized that the dragon flock that resided in the Iviron Mountains had carved a tunnel under the bay to the forests of Renam or under the strait to the shores of Denniontres.

Many questions that deserved answers, joined by the possibility of vast riches and fame drove Ceylon to equip herself with a proper saddle bag, flying equipment, climbing equipment, and a journal to keep notes on her trip. The goal was to fly out, ensure her research, find a deposit or two in the caverns as proof, take a sample or two, and leave as soon as possible before any of the dragons caught and apprehended her. It would be dangerous, it would be potentially fatal, and it could be lucrative and self-affirming, so the risk was worth the reward.

After tightening the last of her straps to ensure the saddle bags didn't sag or shift to the side on her haunches, she stretched out and curled her talons into fists, ready to take on the world. When she was sure that she was ready, she bounded across the castle wall of the university and leapt over the edge to dive over the cliff, spreading her wings wide to catch an updraft and glide out over the dense forest below.

The day was still young, so the thermals hadn't quite built up enough to buoy her in the air, but that didn't stop her from hovering high over the lands of north Chimme with the aid of some magic that emulated an updraft wherever she flew. Given her ability to maintain that buoyancy at the expense of only a miniscule use of magic, she was able to glide without flapping for hours until she reached the Iviron cliffs along the southern edge of the mountain range.

Upon landing, her keen eyes quickly found an entrance to the hive below, and she dove in without even the slightest reservation. She was not a small gryphoness and she had the magical and physical skills needed to defend herself in the event she was ambushed by a dragon, while also possessing tools that could be used as weapons. The tunnels were almost pitch black dark, but luckily for her she had learned to adapt to the dark quite quickly and was able to navigate the labyrinth of rock tunnels with relative ease.

Her mind was noting every twist and turn, subconsciously mapping out every un-explored side tunnel as she went to ensure she didn't get lost. As a gryphon, she was naturally good at surveying the land and keeping her wits about her when flying, but being inside a cave system was slightly different. Sure, she had a natural instinct to be underground in a den or high in a mountain cave so she didn't possess the claustrophobia of some avians, but that didn't mean she was perfectly equipped to deal with the labyrinthine maze of this dragon's hive. Best she could do was ignite the light bringing gem she'd brought with her and put it on her forehead, using it to lead the way.

Time passed, and she started munching on some of the snacks she brought with her to keep her energy up. By her count, she had three or four days worth of rations stacked away in her pouches, which could be extended to a full week if she was conservative or was able to find some scuttling prey in the tunnels, which up to this point she had not seen or heard. After nearly two hours, she hadn't run into another creature, hadn't seen any of the tell-tale teal glow of ademane, and hadn't seen a single bat or lizard darting around that she could gulp down, and that was making her question her assumptions.

Her spirits could have been doused, she could have lost hope or given up on her quest like most would have, but she possessed a scientific mind that expected hours or days with no progress before making a breakthrough in almost any circumstance, so she wasn't in the mindset to give up.

More hours passed and she kept through the tunnels, weaving back and mapping out more of the maze in her mind, returning to places she'd left glowing flecks of ademane to mark where she'd been already and returning to the entrances and exits she found to get a lay of the labyrinth. At one point, she thought that maybe following the left wall would work best, but then she remembered that many of the tunnels she'd followed had been carved in loops, presumably to confuse or distract outsiders; if that was the case, it was working.

Another few hours slipped from her and she had her first daily ration, worrying that evening would be upon her soon, and the cold of night would fill the tunnels whether she was prepared or not. She wasn't ready to give up - she still had nearly a week before she considered that - but she was considering returning to the surface to start over again; perhaps she could set up camp for the night and hunt for some deer in the surrounding woods. That was, until she heard the scuttling of claws nearby.

She poked her head up and raised her ears, focusing hard on what could be a meal or a guide to more dragons that might in turn lead her to the ademane deposits she theorized would be more bountiful at the heart of the colony. When her eyes adjusted to the dark, she saw that it was just a lizard, a full meter long with a frill down it's spine and a long tail. A solid meal to last a day at least, if she caught it. Unfortunately, there was no way to be sure it was a lizard and not a small dragon without asking it; as hatchlings dragons and lizards looked very similar. Speciest? Possibly. Also accurate.

"Hey, are you a saurian?" She whispered, loud enough to be sure that the lizard heard her but not loud enough to startle it. Ceylon was hungry, but she wasn't a murderer; if the creature was sentient, she wouldn't be eating it. When it didn't respond beyond casually glancing back over its shoulder, she decided that this was going to be quite the thrilling hunt and meal.

Slowly but carefully, she unbuckled every one of her leather straps to let the saddle bags slip off her haunches to land in a pile behind her. The intention was to not have them slowing her down when she lunged after the lizard, and the last thing she needed was to have the clanging of the metal and straps slapping at her sides, making noise and warning the lizard of its status as prey. After she finally got the holsters and bridles off, she tossed the ademane gem to the side, letting it stay hidden under the saddle bag as she crept forth.

Her belly remained low to the ground as she stalked her prey, slowly inching forth with muscles tensed up and ready to pounce if the lizard caught on and made a break for it. She noticed that the lizard's eyes seemed to be turned back onto her, watching her every move despite not reacting beyond that; this could have meant anything, but Ceylon chose to interpret it as the lizard being really dumb with no survival instincts, so she pounced.

The gryphoness' hindquarters extended like a spring, with her claws forth and beak open as she lunged at the lizard. It scrambled and tried to run away, but she managed to slam a talon down on one of it's legs, holding it in place as she leaned down and wrapped her beak around its head. With one fluid motion, she tossed the lizard up and jerked her neck back, forcing it to slide down her gullet with each lurching motion, tail swiping and clawing all the way down. Inside, she felt a pinch along her esophagus as he tried to bite her, so she gulped hard and constricted her passageway while pressing at its rump, closing her beak around his backside. With another gulp, it disappeared into her belly, tail slurped up like a noodle.

Content and full, she let out a hearty belch that echoed throughout the cavern, mimicked by what sounded like a distant roar reverberating in the rock walls that surrounded her. That sounded like dragons, and her instinct was to use the subtleties in the vibrations to pinpoint the source, but her thought process was cut off when she heard a crack beneath her. She should have been focusing on that, but out of the corner of her eye she happened to see what looked like a narrow crack of glowing teal coming up from around her, the color of active ademane. She leaned down close to get a better look at the split in the rock beneath her, but another sound could be heard from around her, another crack.

Before she had time to contemplate what was happening or put a magical bubble up around her, the rock beneath her feet gave way and she fell directly down through a tunnel, tumbling over herself and bouncing off the rock walls before landing on her back atop a cliff overlooking a well lit chasm, the impact knocking her out. As her vision faded to black, she saw the warm orange of an evening glow within an open cavern the size of a small village dotted with hundreds of glowing teal deposits lining the walls. Unfortunately, she couldn't keep herself from falling into slumber by focusing on what she saw, even as another powerful roar came from below her.

In time, Ceylon was awoken by the feeling of a tail prodding at her haunches, slapping and stabbing at her to get her up. A muddled voice could be heard barking questions at her, but she couldn't make out any of what was said for most of the inquiry. Eventually, she did start making out the demands in the deep guttural dragon voice, and she jerked awake as best she could, astutely aware that she might have been in danger. Upon stirring, she had a throbbing pain swell in her head, making her squint her eyes and hold her skull in her talons amidst a whimper of pain.

"Oh good, you're up." The dragon declared, standing tall over her as his tail pulled away.

She was on her side, sprawled out on the dusty floor of the cave with two swords stabbed into the ground on one side of her and a pole arm on the other. She struggled to focus her eyes, finding soon that near her up on a ledge, a regal gold and yellow looking dragon stared down at her over the bridge of his snout as his tail curled up around him, his expression telling her all she needed to know about him and the pride he felt for himself. This was not a dragon to be trifled with, not that she intended to in the first place. Farther up from him, a grassy outcropping with a tiny ledge leading to a black abyss of a cave could be seen, with wisps of her own feathers and fur dotting the side of the stone wall beneath it, telling her that the cave must have been where she came from even without keen eyes.

Still groggy and in throbbing pain, she got to all fours and lightly brushed herself off using her wing and tail, not wanting to shake off her whole body for fear of aggravating the migraine that was wrapping around her brain. She did, however, let her feathers and fur stand on end to help with the cleaning process as she shuddered, dust and sand cascading off her body. As her vision returned and cleared, she got a casual glance around the surprisingly well lit room to see that there were rippled-looking ademane deposits all over the walls, jutting out every few meters apart, so many in fact that she focused more on them than the dragon that was bellowing questions at her. Her eyes widened and her beak gaped at the veritable mother lode of crystal deposits, a volume that must have been millions upon millions of coins worth of gems if properly enchanted.

"I repeat myself: I see you are awake." The dragon repeated, this time in a more sinister voice.

Ceylon couldn't pry herself from the wide-eyed optimism she was feeling, so she responded in a dismissive tone despite not actually meaning to be disrespectful. "Yeah, what of it? You've got a really nice place here, mind if I go get my tools? They're in one of the caverns above."

The dragon cocked his head and scoffed at her, baffled at her arrogance but also a touch intrigued by her bravado. He didn't answer her request to deny or allow it, instead adding to his vague query to clarify. "You're awake, and you're in my domain, gryphon, yet you've not introduced yourself or asked me who I am, so tell me: why are you here?"

She kept her eyes wandering, too focused on the ademane deposits to see how intensely he was staring at her. "Honestly, I don't much care who you are, aside from being the dominant one in this area. You're a dragon, I'm sure we're not going to be friends because I'm in your territory, and it wasn't like I meant to come here or anything, so why does it matter if I know your name?" Her eyes narrowed a bit as she tried to subdue a growing swell of pain in her head. Her confidence in her magical abilities was giving her a certain bravado that may have been misplaced.

"You should care, you're in my home uninvited, is that not disrespectful in your culture? It is in mine, and I have ways of punishing trespassers." He got to all fours and stood tall over her, glaring down at her as his tail wrapped around one of the pillars that bridged between the floor below him and the roof above. "And I am still undecided - are you a trespasser?"

Ceylon closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, using some of her magic to restore her equilibrium and heal her body before responding. She did this deliberately to agitate him, making him wait even longer for a response; a typical college girl's attitude. "Why would you punish someone who literally stumbled accidentally into your den. Isn't the appropriate thing to do in a civilized society to have me apologize and you can escort me out?"

He stepped down off his ledge and circled around her, clearly doing his best to be intimidating and dominant, the actions of a posturing alpha showing off. "Or I could just eat you. A suitable punishment for those who trespass and don't make up for their mistakes.", he threatened.

"You could, but it wouldn't do you much good. I have claws, I know how to use them, and I'm a pretty spicy meal. Trust me, you don't want to eat me." Her voice wavered a bit as she came to realize that this dragon wasn't messing around, and that she might actually be in danger. With that in mind, she decided to play along so she avoided conflict. "But fine, if you insist on playing the big bad dragon then I must ask, what do they call you? I'm Ceylon."

He stood tall, chest puffed out. "I am Virion Stoneshard, Sire of these ca-"

"Yeah, cool derg name." She interrupted with a wave of her talon, eyes still wandering around the cavern to take a proper inventory of the glowing ademane deposits that were jutting out form every rocky outcropping. "Pleased to meet you. So how do I get out of this cave, and what can I do to appease you so you'll stop trying to impress me with how dominant you are?" Her mind was slowly flipping through the pages of her memories, trying to dredge up any information that would help diffuse the situation, eventually coming to rest on a bit of lore concerning ancient dragons and gryphons.

As she remembered it, dragon type saurossins had a deep rooted attraction towards gryphons in much the same way gryphons liked to dominate horses, either as food or something to sexually dominate. Such lore was rooted in stereotypes and feral nature, but from her experience at school she felt there was almost certainly an air of truth and logic behind it, as she was most actively pursued by drakes of the dragon type. Such interspecies relations between gryphons and horses were how hippogryphs came to be, and if dragons mated with gryphons then a cockatrice would be the result.

With that thought in her mind, she decided to gamble by ruffling her feathers and trilling at him while her hind legs spread and her tail lifted just enough to see the ebony slit beneath, a mating display.

"Are you looking to anger me, bird?" Virion growled as he paced around her, lashing out at her with his tail every time he turned, deliberately missing her but getting close enough to startle as the knot-like bulge near the end teased at the base of her tail.

Ceylon rolled her eyes and decided to lean into her gambit, lowering her chest to the ground with her haunches up high, knowing there was one surefire way to appease his dominance without actually conceding defeat. "I mean no disrespect, Virion, I just want to find out how to get out of here so I can go home. I was here to do research and I've made my discovery, so I can go home now. I'd love to just go back the way I came, but the tunnel isn't wide enough and it's straight up so I can't climb back to my gear. So, if you could just guide me to the exit, I'll leave!" As she spoke, words dripping in euphemism, she wagged her hips to further expose herself under the tail, assuming that it would distract him enough to coax an answer out of him.

Or more likely trigger his instincts so he would mount her and she'd use that as leverage. That was a nice idea, too. There was an inherent danger to offering oneself to what seemed like a more primal dragon, but the danger was a turn on for her given her adventurous ways.

Virion stopped in his tracks, lightly sniffing at the air as a smile slowly spread across his face, the facade of his fierce disposition melting away as he got to see the plump black lips under Ceylon's tail. "I see you know how to entice a dragon, birdy." He replied to her show, chest heaving once in a barely contained single chuckle. "You sure you didn't come here on purpose? If you did you would need to be punished."

"Whatever do you mean big derg?" She responded with a condescending tone. "I'm just here to do research into the layout of this here cave system, I'd never hope someone explores my caves!" such innuendo couldn't be more clear.

"A likely story." He said as he stepped up to her, flank to flank while cocking his head to the side on the ground next to hers. "So you want to be taken by dragons, then? Is that what this is all about? I'll gladly sate those needs.." He placed his heavy talon on her haunches, digging in with his claws to give a gentle squeeze that asserted his dominance while teasing her to lift her tail higher.

By this point, Ceylon was past the point of no return. She'd enticed him in an effort to pacify his rage but now she was stuck in a position where she'd either offer herself to his desires or risk angering him farther. Though she was not in heat at this time, she maintained a healthy sex drive at all times and she had grown quite fond of dragons in her time with her red dragon friend Lethias, so she knew what she was getting into. Given the circumstances and her own curiosity, she pressed her chest lower and lifted her haunches higher, tail flipping up over her body. "Well, what are you waiting for, then?" She coaxed, clenching her pelvic muscles to wink her clit - a typically equine show of arousal.

Virion looked around the cavern with a devious grin as his tail came around, the pointed tip dragging along the underside of her tail to prod at her rump as the bulges within it expanded almost like a growing knot. "Just want to make sure you don't go anywhere. Would be a shame for you if you tried to run. You wouldn't make it far before I caught you." As he spoke, the tapered end of his spade-tipped tail pressed into her rump, wiggling in circles as it parted the plump rim of flesh and stretched her out. To her it felt like a gentle insertion of a knotted cock, but it was just the bulge at the end of his tail.

This was a little uncomfortable at first for her since she wasn't properly lubed up, but she managed to focus just a bit of energy on that region to loosen up, allowing the muscle and flesh to stretch farther with ease. The sudden malleability inside her allowed him to force his tail in with a lurching pop accompanied by what felt like a dab of natural lubricant, the bulge expanding inside her to lock them together. The sudden inflation of his tail knot made her toes curl and her face contort in a bit of discomfort, even though it was quite enjoyable for her. "Well this is something I'm not used to having done to me." She commented, twisting her neck to look back at him, squeezing her rump hole.

"You will find I'm not like other dragons, that's why I'm their Sire." He pumped his tail in deeper, twisting it as it slithered and tugged on her dry anal ring. A deep rumbling growl reverberated through his chest and down the length of his tail, a display of dominance meant to keep Ceylon in a more submissive role even though she clearly wasn't the type to meekly subjugate herself to another. That didn't stop him from positioning himself behind her, tail still lodged and spread within her to tie them together as one. "Of course, you're not like most gryphons from what I can see, so I guess you better be prepared to face your punishment for trespassing on my land."

Ceylon, still bratty and insubordinate, squeezed down hard on the expanded bulge of his tail tip with enough pressure to pull it in deeper, grinning and trilling at him as she did so. "After all this talk, you better not disappoint me, dragon. I've heard many a tale of the vigor of your kind, and if you're going to talk a big game about dominance and power you better be prepared to prove your worth to me. I won't be subjugated by one with scales, you know."

His light growl turned into something of a gentle hiss as he snapped at her, unappreciative of her humor. He couldn't decide if he was playing along with her or actually angry at her insubordinate behaviour. "I was going to be nice to you, deposit some seed and let you go, but if you want rough I can do rough." He gave his tail a violent yank with enough force to make her stumble backwards, the bulb roughly tugging on her tail hole, distending it but not enough to let it come out.

Instead, she tightened her loins once again, eager to keep the spade-tipped end of his tail deep within her. She could have forced it out at any time, but it felt quite nice and the more it sloshed around in her bowels, teasing at her flesh and stirring up her loins, the more aroused she became. Ceylon had already accepted that Virion was going to have his way with her before she'd be let out, so her thoughts were that she might as well enjoy it in the process. Plus, her reading had told her very clearly that this was a risk, and she had decided before she left that it was a risk she was willing to take. As such, she happily purred as she braced herself, ready to feel his weight pressing down on her.

Virion grinned at her, pushing into her haunches with his muzzle before gently pecking and nibbling at her. His talon was still up on her lower back, with claws digging in and his tail still inside her rump to keep his control in her mind. He was being surprisingly compassionate and gentle for such a large and dominant-seeming dragon, but that didn't last too long, as he quickly hopped up onto her and wrapped both of his front legs around her waist, holding her in place as he pushed down on her, his tail tugging at the same time to pull her into place, lips peeled back in a snarl.

Ceylon threw her head back with her beak agape, smiling and chirping all the while. Though she knew she was in danger of being eaten alive since Virion had them tied together by pushng his tail deep in her bowels, she couldn't help but give in to the pleasure he was offering her. She was a good judge of character, and she could tell that much of his bravado was simply there for show, perhaps to express dominance in view of the other dragons of the hive or maybe he just wanted to feel powerful. Either way, she could practically feel the desire coming from him and she knew that if she played along, she might be rewarded.

She was almost certainly going to enjoy his physicality, but to what degree she was unsure. "So, Virion, how long has it been since you were with a gryphon?" She asked in an attempt to keep some small talk going, smiling up at him and easing backwards, hoping to feel his member prodding under her tail. "I get the impression it's been a long time, hasn't it?"

He snapped at her, teeth gnashing just behind her neck as he bucked his hips, cock emerging from his sheath to prod at her loins. "Quiet, birdy. You're mine to play w-"

"Give it up, Virion." Ceylon interrupted. "You've already got me in your claws, I'm not going anywhere and I don't know how to get out of here without expending a whole lot of magic that I don't want to waste. Just enjoy yourself and enjoy me, quit with the posturing nonsense; I know you're just doing it to look good. Instead, how about you just enjoy what I have to offer, I'm not going to say no, so have fun." She kept her grin, chirping at him intermittently to show her amicable nature. "I will."

His growl dissipated into nothingness as he lowered his head, nuzzling into her cheek as he whispered in her ear. "Fine, if that's how you want to play. I don't get to play with birdie like you very often, so how about you let me have my way? You'll enjoy it, and I get to play rough for our onlookers."

Ceylon leaned into him, giving him a gentle nuzzle as she purred and smiled, glancing around the room, finally doing her best to see past the ademane deposits to see the gentle reflection of eyes staring at her from each of the tunnels that led to the cavern. She understood more thoroughly at that point as to why he was being so aggressive, and whispering to her about his request. Since she had a bit of a thirst for dragon meat, and had resigned herself to be his brood-mare already, she simply nodded and whispered back. "Fine, if you must. But like I said, if you're going to go forward as dominant, you better be rough; I like it rough."

"Perfect." He confirmed a split second before he twisted his head and clamped his jaws down around either side of her neck, teeth puncturing through the thick layers of feathers to get a grip on her flesh underneath. As he moved, his front talon pressed down hard between her shoulders and his tail bulb grew larger as it yanked on her rump, forcing her to stay in place as his massive cock tip slammed between her rump cheeks, smearing his arousal up and down her pussy lips as the ridges along the bottom parted her flesh and caught on her swollen clit.

Her vocalizations grew loud and erratic, a shrill combination of chirp and purr and screech as she tensed her loins and winked her clit at him, spewing a creamy liquid down the length of his shaft to show her desire. That moment was when she went from simply playing the role of subdued prisoner and into real arousal and desire for him; the warmth of his cock and the gentle tugging of his member on her anal flesh made her realize just how intense this could be, and that she sincerely wanted it. Eager for more, she arched her back and shifted backwards, trying her best to catch his cock tip between her lips and angle him just right so he could slam it into her.

Virion got the right idea, flexing his cock in such a way that it raised up high, the weight of it pushing down against her lips as it rested between her thighs, her flesh parted and soaking wet with their combined arousal. His tail remained inside her, pushing deeper and rotating to massage her from within, the bulge of it pressing down against her vaginal canal. "Hope you're ready." He growled at her through the grit of his teeth around her neck, following his warning with a powerful single buck of his hips. The action forced every bit of his massive cock into her, plunging deep with his partially engorged knot slamming through her with a juicy squelch that echoed throughout the cavern.

Ceylon cried out in pleasure, beak agape and eyes rolled up before grunting and pushing back, eager to feel her hips up against his, and his flesh filling her out. He had to be thrice her size with ease, and as such his knot was many times the girth and length of what a gryphon could be endowed with, yet she took his member with relative ease. Clearly the light spell she'd cast upon herself to ease the passage of his tail in her rump had an effect on the adjacent vaginal canal, as she felt her flesh spread wide to hungrily gobble him up, at least until he completed his thrust by pulling out with an equally juicy sloshing of wet flesh on flesh, the raised ridges on the underside of his length tugging on her inner folds as he did so.

Just as she was about to twist her neck to look him in the eye to ask for another, he went at her again, arching his back and digging his teeth into her neck for leverage as he forced himself into her once again. His knot slammed through her, tenderizing her pussy walls and stretching her taut around him, quivering in pleasure against the throb of his flesh. Her lips expanded to swallow him down, closing up around the knot to hold him in place for only a moment as her clit winked, squirting a high pressure spray against his massive ball sack, only to have the spray turn into a gush as he pulled out again and alleviated the pressure.

His defined ridges tugged on her cunt, giving her a familiar sensation of pulling from deep within her, but this sensation of having her birth canal pulled inside out didn't last long as he once again slammed into her, thrusting with such vigor that his belly scales pressed hard against her haunches. In and out he went, fucking her hard and deep, knot popping in and out of her with every buck of his hips even while his tail remained firmly lodged within her rump, throbbing out against her bowels and pressing down against her now tenderized pussy walls. The sensation of having a bulging mass lodged in her backside while his cock - knot and all - thrust in and out of her like a stallion was unlike any she'd felt for years. Not since she'd learned to swallow people with her pussy had she felt such a ravaging of her loins.

Virion kept at her, slamming time and time again, each time her lips grew looser and her muscle control seemed to weaken. Her clit stopped winking at him, but that didn't stop him from keeping his rhythmic pace as his throbbing member twitched against her flesh, giving her a proper feel for his pulse as well as the spewing strands of his pre-seed that he kept pumping into her.

All thoughts of research and ademane crystals had evaporated from Ceylon's mind as she focused more of her energy and desire on Virion's cock, her magic flowing through her loins to keep her from ripping or tearing thanks to the mastery she possessed over self-healing magic. His ridges and what felt like the beads of a series of piercings kept at her, tugging and threatening to tear her, but her twitching muscles and magical endowments allowed her to feel all the pleasure without any risk of pain even as her cunt grew sloppy and distended, remaining gaped wide even after he pulled out and before he pushed back in. Every single thrust of his pushed air into her, which escaped around the knot in a juicy sound accented by tiny spatters of her arousal soaking the dirt between her hind legs, a glorious mess that only a gryphon could offer their mate.

After a gloriously aggressive series of thrusts, he let go of her neck and licked her up the spine, tasting her as he pushed in as deep as he could go, his motions rotating and gently shifting his cock inside her. He kept his tail deep in her bowels, emulating the same gentle motions as he moved to have the bulges rub against each other through the soft layers of flesh that separated vaginal canal and bowel cavern. As he did that, she felt the twitching and convolution as his cock pumped wave after wave of his hot seed deep into her, followed by an extension of the ridges that swelled outwards and caught on her flesh and seemed to pull him in deeper.

"V-Virion, that was...." She paused to lower her head, grinding her beak as she struggled to contain him. "That was...just fuck it, don't stop!" Ceylon chirped at him, feathers flushed out. Her clit winked again, pelvic muscles squeezing him tight and pulling him in deep to keep both his tail tip and knot lobes pressed tight against one another. Though her flesh - all of it under her tail from rump to clit - had been battered and tenderized to the point of sloppiness, the subtle shifts in his body could still be felt as if she were properly tied and tight. "I don't suppose you want to-"

She was cut off as he arched his back and slammed his hips up to hers once again, this time using both his front legs to wrap around her side with talons digging into her belly where his cock tip bulged out. The added leverage forced his member to prod at and ease its way into her womb, forcing her cervix to crown around his girth, with his head wiggling its way deeper. The gryphoness grunted and pushed down, squeezing her abdominal muscles to try and force him out, but it only served to push her womb down harder over his length, the added pressure forcing the entrance to her womb to slide over his glans and lock around the end of his shaft, holding him in place as though he were knotted in her uterus.

"W-wow!" Ceylon squeaked out through a series of deep breaths and full bodied shudders of pleasure, wincing gently as the berth of her now-stretched cervix twitched against him. "Th-that was....hnpgh...what a wonderful...!" She tried to compliment him as her body shuddered again in delight, relaxing her muscles enough to let his cock pull her womb outwards towards her lips, glans tugging on cervix. His knot just barely stayed inside her, as another powerful throb made his member pulse thicker and firmer. She was a little concerned that he wasn't talking to her since he had been quite vocal to this point, but she quickly came to realize that the expansion of his already-thick member wasn't his knot swelling, but some massive orb being pushed through his length to press out against all walls of her already loose and sloppy cunt flesh.

"I'm not done yet, gryphon." He warned her, growling into the gryphoness' ear as his knot and cock piercings tickled her inner walls, the orb-like mass passing through him to eventually rest within his cock just on the outside of her womb. He gave a clench of his pelvic muscles to tense his cock, squeezing at the orb in such a way it was forcefully widening her cervix; when that didn't immediately work, he gave another buck and squeeze, trying again.

Ceylon's face twisted in a combination of confusion, discomfort, and pleasure all at once as she tried to figure out what it was he was ejaculating directly into her womb. Somewhat panicked, she squeezed her abdomen again, pushing out as best she could to part ways with him as her cervix loosened just a little. Then, all at once, she felt a lurch within her as his cock forced the orb into her, womb getting filled with what felt like a fully formed egg as he tugged on her, pulling her cervix right out of her body so that her cunt hung out between her hind legs, prolapsed and inside out. His cock exploded from her with an audible pop as her cervix gaped and drooled a combination of seed, the inside-out folds of her vaginal walls swollen and throbbing with every beat of her heart.

"Now I'm done, for now." He said, letting go of her hips and hopping back to leave her with her rump up and cunt hanging limp from her swollen pussy lips. His tail remained tugging on her ass hole, with the swollen mass keeping them tied together even as he pulled back, cock swinging between his hindlegs. "I hope you're not, though."

Still shaking in a combination of delight and discomfort as she balled her fists up with her claws dragging furrows in the sand, she flopped over onto her side with her prolapsed pussy hanging out of her, the massive bulge of whatever it was he put in her resting outside of her pussy lips yet still in her uterus. She relaxed and used the tip of her tail to press her vaginal canal back into her, the whole thing popping in with a glorious squelch followed by the guttural whoosh as her sex remained gaped enough to see right to her still drooling cervix. "Wh-what did you put in me?" She asked, more curious than anything else, but still harboring the tingling waves of pleasure that trailed through her loins.

He grinned at her and gave her rump another tug with his tail, rotating the swollen mass within her. "Oh, you'll find out in a few weeks when it hatches. For now, you probably want to relax." He stepped over his tail, straddling it as he stood over her weakened body, one of his front feet idly rubbing at her pussy lips to pry them open and test their elasticity.

"Hatch?" She squeaked, then took in a deep breath as she absorbed this information. "S-sure, that will work I guess. And, uh, I see you're not done with me, are you? Could I get a drink before we go on? I'm feeling quite parched." She asked, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs to give him better access to her swollen loins.

"I am not, and you can have all the water you want when I'm through; in the mean time, I truly hope you are prepared." Virion shook his head and smiled with a grin that showed his teeth, tugging at her again as he brought his second hand around to press out against her inner thighs with his thumbs buried inside her, gently tugging on her vulva to spread her open with a guttural squelch as she filled with air. The sounds made him smile as he looked down upon her form, relishing the fact that she was on her back with legs up and front paws folded on her chest. "I hope that's not a problem."

She slowly shook her head, tail subconsciously coiling around his to hold him deep within her. It was clear she still wanted to feel every bit of him that she could, as she could go at least one more round. Her clit winked and squirted as she once again found the strength to clench her pelvix muscles, walls straining against his invading thumbs to collapse in another guttural squish. When she relaxed again, her walls gaped wide open, a perfect cylinder of open depths sans the bulge formed by the tail inside her pressing up against her posterior wall. Giggling with delight, she chirped at him, "I would hope you're not done; big dragon such as yourself, you better have another round or two in you!" Her haunches wiggled as she bucked her hips into him, getting herself into position to be mounted like a biped on her back with her hind legs spread.

But Virion wasn't interested in another round, not in the traditional sense. He'd filled her with a massive egg alongside a deluge of his seed to feed it, and now he intended to fill her with something else. While he stood over her, he pumped his tail in her once again, the motion pleasuring her in such a way that her pelvic muscles relaxed and spread open, her vaginal canal pushing out against her tender lips in a a way that made it clear that she was ready. His fingers danced over her flesh for only a moment as their eyes locked and he leaned into her, forcing his entire fist deep into her cunt with her vulva swallowing halfway up his foreleg, each of his digits waving along her inner flesh to tease her.

Ceylon let out a whimpering chirp as her spine arched and she pushed back against his fist, her canal squeezing tight and holding him there as she rocked back and forth against him, eager to feel the thickness of his foreleg thrusting in and out of her. All of her toes and talons curled in the air, legs twitching in delight and tail constricting his as she gyrated her hips and clenched her muscles to feel every scale, every claw, every throbbing vein, and every twitching muscle of his.

He saw her desire manifested in her actions, and that gave him all the incentive he needed to test her and see just how much she could handle. He stepped up and leaned into her farther, pumping his talon in deep until his fingertips touched the bulging mass of distended cervix holding the egg in, only to then bunch his hand up into a fist and go deeper. He flexed his foreleg as he felt her flesh envelop him right to the elbow, then started pumping in time with her pelvic gyrations.

In and out he went, fist and foreleg thrusting in and out like a piston as she rotated and grinded back down against him. Their motions lined up with one another, causing an influx of air entering and escaping her from between her tender pussy walls and his bulging scaled foreleg, a gush of her fluids soaking him and the dirt around her tail base as her clit winked and her walls squeezed out against his foreleg. He leaned down and licked up the mess from her persistent ejaculations in between each of their mutual thrusts against one another, his vigor increasing with every few motions until he was going at her like a jackhammer. Once he'd found the rhythm that suited him, he started curling his fist upwards so he could see the bulge form in her belly, his knuckles also passing over and kneading at her sensitive G-spot inside, further coaxing a gooey, slimy mess from her urethra and all over his front leg.

The viscous arousal that she secreted squirted up to coat him halfway up his foreleg, soaking him with a thin but slick film that lubricated him so well that he barely felt any friction as the pillowy mounds of flesh that made up her vaginal walls slid effortlessly over the bumps of his scales. This realization made him growl and snarl with a grin of his own delight, urging him to pump even harder and deeper, literally punching at her cervix with his balled up fist with force enough to push her belly out and make a body-width mound in her abdominal wall. With every deep thrust, he curled his foreleg upward to lightly pull her right off the ground before letting her land in the sand as he pulled back out, twisting his fist around to knead at her g-spot.

Ceylon was left in a quivering, whimpering mess of her own arousal and orgasmic delusion as Virion kept at her cunt. The over stimulation and aggressive girth of his fist pounding at her womb was too much to resist, and the constant massages she got against her engorged erogenous zone coaxed more and more of her feminine ejaculate until she felt her head getting sore with dehydration and she started shooting blanks. That, however, did not stop Virion from slamming into her with such rhythmic precision that her loins started to tingle and almost burn with the overbearing pleasure she felt. Orgasm after orgasm rocked her body, leaving her weak and sloppy in all the right ways, the gooey mess pooling around her lips as her folds squelched alongside every single punch of her cunt.

Completely lost in her climactic bliss, she stretched out and felt herself nuzzling into the dirt around her head, beak creating furrows in the sand as her neck tensed up. She was so engaged in her physical indulgence that she didn't even notice when Virion pulled his clenched fist out of her with a guttural squish, leaving her gaping and quivering as he smothered his other fist in the fluids he'd collected. He smeared her ejaculate and liquid arousal up his other foreleg and aggressively plunged his second foreleg up into her, leaving his first out to gently rub at her clit with his thumb and use his fingers to press down against the lower belly bulge he created.

In he went, bulging his second foreleg and clenching the fist, only to violently pull out and do the same with his first, alternating back and forth with rhythmic thrusts with extended hands balling up into fists inside only to yank out and punch back in. As he grew in vigor and power, he stopped extending his fingers and simply punched balled fist from vulva to cervix, tenderizing her and weakening her muscles with every punch. The look on his face told a tale of hesitation and reservation before every new act, as he clearly didn't want to hurt this gryphon, but her vigor and active participation kept him eager to try new things and test her limits.

After a lengthy bout of beating her cunt with alternating fists, he pushed in as deep as he could with one and tried to force his talons in next to his foreleg, finding her flesh to swallow him up with ease but not quite with enough hunger to let him slide in past the knuckles. As he pulled his entrenched fist out of her, he found the thinner part of his wrist allowed his second hand to slip in with that same guttural squelch that she'd made time and time again, only this time the sounds that came from her depths were persistent as there were two tiny openings between the bulge of his two forelegs.

All the while, Ceylon could do little more than whimper and nuzzle into her own folded front talons, lightly gyrating her hips up against him as she tried her best to squeeze and caress his muscles with her own. This quickly revealed itself to be fruitless, as she had all but lost the strength for it.

Slowly, he eased his second fist in deep until both were pressing to the bulge of her cervix, their thick masses making a twin-lobed bulge in her abdomen. By this point, Ceylon seemed physically incapable of speaking or articulating her thoughts due to the overwhelming sensations that filled her, so he didn't bother making small talk or gloating about how clear it was that she couldn't handle all a dragon had to offer. He eased one fist mostly out of her, leaving the bulge of his knuckles pressed to her G-spot before punching back in and pulling his other fist out, never leaving her depths but alternating his thrusts either way. After a few deep thrusts, he interlocked his fingers into one balled up fist consisting of both hands that functioned as a massive knot or plug that he then used to fuck her raw.

His aggressive motions weakened her to the point that she started to feel loose to him, even with both fists inside her. Her flesh had been completely ruined, her muscles destroyed, and her cunt so sloppy that when he finally pulled out, she gaped with such berth that he could put his cock in her pussy past the knot and not feel her flesh touch him if he wanted to go that route. Curious to see just how far she gaped, he grabbed each of her pussy lips and pried them apart so far that he genuinely felt as though he could lose his entire head to her depths if he so decided to try, but he had a different idea.

With his hands wrapped around her plump vulva, he brought two fingers up to the anterior wall of her cavernous pussy and slipped both into her urethra, prying it apart much the same way the rest of his hands were spreading her cunt lips. Though not surprising, he was impressed with just how wide that hole gaped open, so much so that he was sure he could fit more than just a couple of his fingers in there. After letting go of her lips with the hope her pussy would clamp shut with a fleshy slap, he was disappointed to hear almost nothing came from it as her walls only slowly closed. Undeterred, he kept two fingers in her urethra and stood over her, guiding his cock into her with ease. His cock tip prodded at her urethral opening, but then slipped into her cavernous cunt before he adjusted and tried again.

His member plugged her urethra with ease, every bit of his length slipping into her one ridge at a time until his knot pressed up against her flesh, clit rubbing between the lobes given his angle and depth. Despite an attempt to force his knot in, he was too swollen and full so it didn't quite go in, the flesh didn't distend quite that far and the sudden change in girth from shaft to knot was too much to overcompensate for short of literally peeling her flesh out and making it swallow him manually.

Given this unfortunate setback, Virion still grabbed at the base of his knot with one of his front paws - using the lubricant she'd secreted to better stimulate himself in the process - and pressed down on her belly with the other, idly humping her with gentle thrusts in an attempt to force his way into her bladder.

For the first time in their extended, violent session, Ceylon finally gained the wherewithal to bring her hind paws up and press them up against his belly, halting him from going any farther. "S-stop, please." She managed to whimper, her voice strained and wavering. "I can't take any more right now. I'll let you go again, but give me some time to recover." She requested, pushing up against him with increasing strength and pressure.

He growled and grinned, a loud snarl escaping his lips despite the warm smile he offered her, a show of dominance for his mates while still letting her know that he wasn't angry. "Soon, gryphon. Let me finish." His words were loud enough that she could hear, but any onlookers could not, for they could only hear the snarl of dominance he showed. He was a powerful dragon, but he was not cruel.

Ceylon rolled her eyes and relaxed her hind legs, letting her paws slide down his chest to rest on his thighs. "Fine, if you insist." She conceded in between chest-heaving, extended breaths. "Just, please be fast, I need some time to restore myself." Ideally, the gryphon would have loved to grind down on him and squeeze and caress him using her bladder, but she was greatly weakened by the many minutes of non-stop climax, leaving her limp and sloppy and devoid of most of her fluids yet still just tight enough to keep him from knotting inside her urethra, though she did feel his cock tip prodding into her bladder.

With a gentle nod and the beginnings of a rhythmic thrust, Virion quickly brought himself to a pace not unlike a stallion, with his cock length pumping in and out of her and knot slapping against her sloppy cunt lips. He could feel the pressure building up inside her as her passage twitched in an attempt to force another wave of ejaculate to burst out over him, but the seal his member had formed kept both that and his own precum sloshing around inside her, forcing the combined fluid into her bladder until he finally hit his stride and let out a towering roar that reverberated through the cavern. His seed shoot deep and hot into her bladder, filling her with all he had left to offer in his second eruption, cock twitching and pulsing to pump more into her as the tip of his tail deposited a gooey mess in her rump alongside his loins.

Finally done, he stepped back and let his cock slide out of her, partially soft as her urethra drooled a gooey mess of their combined secretions down into her still gaping pussy and over their tails. The extra lubricant that soaked her rump hole allowed him to tug and pull out with a satisfying pop, revealing his tail to be tipped not with a spade but a knotted member similar to the one between his legs. Ceylon gawked at what she saw as her folds tensed up in his absence, a whorl of her magic tending to her abused flesh.

"Th-that's...that's a cock!" She exclaimed, struggling for breath. "Why didn't you tell me that?" Her tail uncoiled from around him, the tip of it parting into three snake-like jaws, revealing a fleshy maw lined with teeth around a gaping gullet.

He stepped off her and stood up on all fours, head up and wings partially spread as his tail raised high behind him, cock retreating into the sheath that lay in the final feet of his tail. "Figured you'd enjoy the surprise." He whispered, sure to keep their chat relatively private in the view of what was certainly a dozen other dragon onlookers. The beady red eyes of them could be seen lining the darkened corners of the cavern, blurred only by the billowing smoke that was coming up out of their maws.

Ceylon struggled to roll over onto her feet, limping and bow legged as her cunt hung loose and gaped under her tail. The tip of it, and the maw that opened there, curled up over her hindquarters, showing off what it was capable of by reaching over to nip and tease at Virion's shoulders. "Next time, maybe you can see just how deep you can go there. Who knows, this egg you've left in me might be laid through my tail instead of cunt. The tail leads to my womb, you know, so our tails might be perfect for each other. Can't wait to see what you offer, next time." She stumbled a bit, still weak from his aggressive attack on her loins, but then got back up and concentrated some of her magic on her hindquarters as she once again turned her attention to the ademane crystals that lined the cavern walls.

Virion stood up to her and glanced around the cavern, a look of contemplation on his face. "Follow me, I'll lead you to our pools before I show you out. I assume you'll be back soon enough for more?"

The magic had slowly worked its way through her depths to restore her, tightening her up and rejuvenating her muscles, giving her the stride she needed to move with a bit of a hop in her step. "For you? As soon as I can. I have to collect some samples and get them back to the lab, but you can be sure I'll be returning, be it for more samples or more of you." She winked and pecked up at his snout, smiling and chirping. "But since you are getting me some water, I might be able to try a few more things with you before I go?"