Tyra's Prettiest Pokemon

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Tyra discovers that one of her favourite pokemon has a very secret, special interest, much to her delight!

This story was written for Kio as part of my February patreon request days. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults and crossdressing pokemon related antics. :3

Tyra's Prettiest Pokemon

Stepping out of the shower, Tyra briefly left the water running to wash away the of scale shampoo which might otherwise have left a residue upon the glass and the floor of the cubicle. The dragon hummed to herself as she towelled off, quickly drying her smooth pale blue body and padding over to where she had deposited the clothes she intended to wear today. Upon arriving at the neatly stacked pile however, she frowned. Lifting the skirt, the t-shirt and sweater that would have comprised the majority of her attire off the floor, she realised that something was missing. There was a bra sitting neatly atop the pile, but no panties. She could have sworn she'd set a pair out alongside everything else, but another quick scan of the bathroom floor indicated that if she had indeed dropped them somewhere, it had been back in the adjoining bedroom.

Sighing, Tyra padded over to the door. The water was still running, muffling her approach to it from within the room beyond and keeping her from hearing anything that was occurring in the bedroom. She knew there was no reason for her to be embarrassed about walking in there naked though. The only person, or rather the only creature in the bedroom was her Blaziken, and he had seen her in various states of undress countless times without any apparent embarrassment on either of their parts. Thus the dragoness opened the door and stepped through, already starting to ask the obvious question.

"Hey, Blaze... have you seen my..."

Her voice trailed off as with a squawking cry of shame her Blaziken began to flail and attempt to hide himself where he was lying upon the bed. Clearly he hadn't been expecting her to emerge through the door. Clearly he had taken the sound of the shower's continued activation to mean that he was going to remain alone for at least a little while longer. This shocked thrashing and crying out soon resulted in him toppling over the far side and down onto the floor below with a final squawk and a loud thud. There was no avoiding what Tyra had seen before he fell from view though. No possible way she had not just witnessed her beloved and most precious pokemon lying upon the bed dressed in the very same pair of pink lace panties she had intended to wear that day, their front stretched out by the male pokemon's twitching erection as they stroked it through the silky fabric.

"Oh. Oh my gosh."

Tyra raised a hand to her snout, not in shock but rather to hide a smirk of mirth and stifle outright laughter at the sight before her. He looked so... cute. So adorable in that frilly underwear, a world away from the normally powerful and dangerous pokemon she knew he could be in battle. And the look on his face now as he peeked up over the edge of the bed, utterly ashamed and humiliated, made him even more wonderfully adorable.

"Oh, Blaze. Don't be embarrassed. It's..."

The dragoness' voice trailed off. She was going to say it was perfectly natural, and as far as masturbation was concerned she was absolutely correct in that regard. But as soon as the image of her first and most cherished pokemon in her panties flashed through her mind again, she couldn't bring herself to make that statement without risking laughter that would do her embarrassed companion no good at all.

"...it's okay, I'm not angry. I just... well, I wish you'd asked. I could have let you use another pair, or picked out a different pair for myself today."

Still stark naked and now highly aware of her nudity before the pokemon in a way she never had been before, the dragoness felt her face flushing beneath her scales as she climbed up onto the bed and peered over its far side to regard Blaziken where he now sat, hands covering his crotch and face still etched with humiliation. He looked up at her, at her smiling face, at the bare breasts jiggling as she settled into a kneeling position before him, and whimpered in apologetic sorrow. She had always been so good to him. Always treated him with such care and kindness, walking her pokemon journey with him and barely ever asking him to retreat into a poke-ball. And now... now she was forgiving him for this. For betraying her trust. For stealing her property, and using it for... well...

The dragoness cleared her throat, raising an eyebrow as Blaziken realised that he had been staring blankly at her breasts for the entirety of his subconscious musing and gave another squawking cry of shame. He buried his face in his hands, but in doing so exposed the still erect and straining length of his member, still poking out and stretching the front of his trainer's panties. He heard Tyra's voice ring out in his ears. Heard her speaking in the same respectful but commanding tone she took on during battles. He was instantly compelled to obey, no matter how embarrassing what she was asking might have been.

"Blaze, on your feet."

He rose to his feet, shivering with embarrassment as he covered his swollen, still achingly needy crotch up once again.

"Hands at your sides. Let me see it."

His eyes bulged. He was about to cry out in dismay, to shake his head in refusal. But... this was Tyra asking him. Telling him what to do. She had long since earned his trust. His loyal obedience. He gave a groan of shame, but did as he was told.

The pokemon's erection twitched within the confines of the wonderfully silky soft underwear, and then again, and again as to his horror he felt himself being turned on by the mere knowledge of Tyra's gaze. And then, in rapid succession, two things that the pokemon had never imagined would happen in a million lifetimes came to pass.

First, he heard Tyra speak in a voice that was somehow unfamiliar. Strained. Husky. Layered with a kind of excited happiness that he wasn't used to hearing from the dragoness.

"You're... so pretty, all dressed up for me like that."

And then a feeling. The unmistakable sensation of a hand cupping his crotch. A palm pressing against the front of his stolen panties and the erection within them, and fingers caressing the underside of his silkily clad, twitching length.

A stunned, excited moan escaped the pokemon, and as his eyes fluttered open in wonder he saw Tyra's own muzzle open up, letting slip a similarly lustful gasp of her own.

"Come on, Blaze. Up here. Back on the bed. W-with... with me."

The dragoness fell back upon her rump from where she had been kneeling all this time, and laid her bare, beautiful body out upon the bed as the hand upon Blaziken's crotch pulled away and instead grasped at one of the powerful pokemon's own hands. She guided him up to join her upon the bed, giggling as she saw the stunned and bashful look upon his face as he regarded her lying there, body fully exposed and legs spread surprisingly wide apart. With her free hand she gestured between her legs, drawing her thighs wider still and giggling as she saw his eyes bulge in a similarly increasing manner.

"My pretty pokemon. How did I never see you like this before?"

She led him by the hand to kneel between her legs, then pulled him forward, blushing and moaning as his lithe, muscular form fell forward over her more curvaceous and slightly plump figure.

"How did you never let me see you like this...?"

She lifted her legs, and Blaziken groaned in disbelieving delight as they locked around his waist, pulling him down against her. The silky front of the dragoness' panties, stretched out by his aching cock, pressed between Tyra's legs. He felt the warmth, the dampness of her nether regions, and she felt the heat and hardness of his arousal. Together, face to face where they lay, the pokemon and his trainer moaned loudly.

"You know what to do."

Tyra coaxed lustily, her voice thick and sweet as syrup.

"Hump me. Take those pretty panties... and everything inside them, a-and... hump me."

Pleasure began to surge through them both as the pokemon did as instructed. To grind and buck his panty-covered cock against the dragoness' nether regions. He moaned loudly, but Tyra's cries and whimpers of pleasure were louder by far. She barely stopped narrating to him. Guiding him. Telling him what to do next. Her eyes were already heavy lidded with arousal, and it was obvious now that her libido, not any sensible part of her brain was in control here.

"Rub my clit. Oh. O-ohh... yes, like that. Faster. Harder. Let me feel it. Let me feel how badly you want it. S-so hot. So pretty. My pretty pokemon."

They both knew where this was leading though, however much Tyra wished to tease and draw it out. It was just a matter of which one of them, trainer or pokemon, gave way to temptation first.

And barely a couple of minutes later, the Blaziken was given the answer to that question in no uncertain terms.

"Oh god. Ooohhh god. I... I'm g-gonna... Blaze. Blaze! I... please, I need you in me."

The constant grinding of that throbbing, dripping cock against her clit, already soaking pre-cum through the panties to the extent that they might as well have not even been there, was too much for the dragoness. She ran her arms tenderly down Blaziken's back, and hooked her thumbs around the waistband of her own panties where they were at rest upon the pokemon's hips. She dragged them down, shrieking in delight as she felt the male's cock spring free and find itself instantly pressed against her soaking, clutching pussy's opening. And then...

Blaze tossed his head back, and a gout of fire surged up into the bedroom air from his mouth as he pressed his throbbing cock deep into the dragoness. His hips began to buck with a speed and passion the likes of which seemed more suited to a pokemon battle rather than love-making in their intensity, and almost instantly, Tyra began to scream.

"B-Blaze! Ohh god, my Blaze!"

Hot floods of her juices began to pour out around and over the male's cock as he began to fuck her hard and deep, but although she was already at her peak, clutching at him and cumming hard, he showed no sign of being even close to spent himself. No sign of stopping, or slowing, until either he was satisfied or Tyra commanded him to cease.

But of course, that last part was never going to happen.

"Cumming! O-ohhh cumming, Blaze. Harder. H-haaaahhh... yes!"

Lying beneath her most beloved pokemon, Tyra wailed as he drove her through one orgasm and directly into the overwhelming embrace of a second. She stared up into his face, his sharp eyes fixated upon her and seeming to drink in every expression of pleasure she offered with frantic, joyous hunger. She screamed, he squawked happily back at her. She thrashed, he bucked harder, pinning her down to the bed with the force of his thrusts.

He wasn't pretty any more. He wasn't a shy, cross-dressing pokemon caught in the act any more.

But he was still Tyra's beloved Blaziken. And just as ever, the dragoness knew she could trust him to not just do his best for her... but give his absolute all.

By Jeeves

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