Idol Hands

Story by Chester Equus on SoFurry

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This is a piece that I wrote as a commission for Furvus Wolf over at FurAffinity . The request overall was quite simple, but I wanted to challenge myself with some character depth and plot intricacy. On some things I think I did a pretty decent job. I won't lie. This was a difficult story to write. That's probably why it took over a year to hammer out and finally finish. That's not a year of constant work, mind you. I went several months without being able to work on this particular piece, but it was always in the back of my mind that it had to get done.

Nevertheless, this is the finished product the way that I originally wanted it. There is an alternate ending that may emerge over on FA, but this version is the "director's cut" ending.

The song lyrics that occur at the beginning of the story are taken from a song called Holy Roller, by a band called Black Collar Union. The video, oddly enough, has some of the band members wearing rubber animal masks.

Furvus Wolf and Scott are characters that were developed by Furvus Wolf. All other characters were created and developed by me.

Hopefully this story is not too offensive to anyone.

Idol Hands

Ooooooooohhhhh, there's a light

That shines on a few

The ones that are lucky are not to be tied to a pew

Ooooooooohhhhh, there's a show

That calls out your faith

The weekly collection is settled and debts have been paid

Holy roller, get your fill

Say what you want, just don't take it from me

Holy roller, count your sin,

You'll never know when you'll need it again

The heavy rock music continued to blare loudly through the small speakers that distorted from the sheer volume. A large, veiny hand reached up from under the covers and fumbled blindly for the snooze button on the radio/alarm clock. The early morning sun crept slowly, but relentlessly, across the wall of the teenaged wolf's disheveled bedroom. Even after slamming his hand down on the snooze button with the most determination he could muster at this early hour, the sun would not obey his will to keep at bay.

He opened his eyes and watched the sun progress across the wall above his headboard. Even though it was upside down due to his prone position on the bed, he smiled slowly when the sun lit up his treasured poster of his hero, Furvus, hanging above his bed.

It was just the incentive he needed to get out of bed. He eagerly rolled over to the edge and hopped up, turning around quickly to look at the autographed and personalized poster of the muscled wolf cop. He looked at Furvus's picture in the poster, flexing his mighty arms with impressive and unheard of definition and size. Scott then looked down at his own biceps and slowly curled his arm, making the teen muscles bulge thick and hard, showing some definition and vascularity too. He gave himself a little growl of encouragement, and then started to pick up some of the less stale clothes to make his daily wardrobe for school.

Across the city, that same sun was creeping into Furvus' bedroom slowly, incessantly. It illuminated several pictures on the walls as well. There were many pictures featuring the muscular wolf alone, in contest, with some of his bodybuilding friends, at strong fur contests, and posters advertising various fitness products.

The quiet of the room was interrupted by a large and deep groan of a yawn as the wolf stirred slowly under the covers. He opened his eyes and watched the line of the sun progress from one area of the wall to another steadily, until finally he woke up and rolled over to the edge of the bed. Standing up, he lifted his monolithic arms slowly and stretched out his muscles. He swished his tail side to side and then brought his arms back down. On the far wall was a large full-length mirror. Furvus grinned with a toothy smile and then rolled his massive shoulders forward, making the thick pectorals bunch up hard enough to show deeply-etched striations through the entire expanse. In the same instant, he tightened his chiseled abs and gave himself a proud nod and a toothy, self-assertive grin.

Satisfied with his condition after this daily routine, he made his way over to the closet to pick out his attire for the gym and get his uniform ready for work later on. The morning routine had begun.

Back on the other side of town, Scott made his way downstairs to the kitchen. His mother had left him some cereal on the table hours before, when she'd left for work. He sighed at the half-hearted gesture, but poured a bowl of the cereal with some milk. He mixed up his protein shake and guzzled it down eagerly. Then he dragged his spoon half-heartedly through the drowning cereal. The life metaphor was clear in this simple moment. Scott was determined to put his own spin on the situation though. He dug that spoon into the bowl and pulled out a nice big helping of the wholesome cereal, and put it into his hungry muzzle.

After breakfast, he went out of the house and made sure to lock everything up securely. The neighborhood looked like a demilitarized zone. Derelict cars, garbage of all sorts, boarded up houses, even police tape were all common every-day sights here. Scott cringed, and then just stared up at the sun, hoping to make a better future for himself and his mother.

"Damn you, dad." He closed his eyes tightly and tried to wash the memory of his father out of his mind, and keep his thoughts focused, positive, and productive. He pulled his old rusted bicycle out of the dilapidated shed and started off to school.

Along the way, he was joined by another wolf, and then a large Doberman rode along. The three of them were all quite well muscled, but to differing degrees of size, thickness and detail. They challenged each other in a few short races on the way to the high school. After a few dead-even matches, they finally arrived and locked up their bikes in the rack.

"Hey, you'll get a kick out of this one, Scott. I saw Furvus in my neighborhood last night. It was around dinner time. He was called in with a few other cops for a domestic dispute I guess." The doberman's ears flipped over and wobbled a little bit as he told the story.

Scott's eyes widened as he waited eagerly for the rest of the story.

"So what happened? What did Furvus do?" Scott's eagerness was so childlike and innocent. His reaction to Furvus hadn't changed since the time the big wolf cop rescued him from the collapsed building years earlier.

"Well, the boyfriend ran out of the house and scuffled trying to put his pants on. Two of the officers stumbled out of the house rubbing the sides of their heads while running after the guy. The guy hopped into his Jeep and started it up. Then he put it in gear and hit the gas. It didn't go anywhere though." Thane stopped telling his story and he chuckled as he looked at Scott's dreamy expression.

"Gods man, you really are a fan boi for that cop. Dude, it's pathetic. He's gone so soft lately." Thane scoffed, half-teasing the younger wolf for having such an obsession about Furvus, but also half-serious about the assessment.

"He's not soft, dobie! Let me guess, he held onto the bumper and overpowered the Jeep, right?" Scott waited for the non-verbal reply, then continued. "Yeah, as I thought. You know he's a cop, and he's gotta follow the law. He can't be just beating bad guys up all the time, right? Everyone is so eager to sue for this and that. If a criminal gets even so much as a tuft of fur pulled, or a nick on their hide, they run around claiming police brutality and nonsense. Tough times to be a cop these days. Especially in YOUR neighborhood, Thane." Scott tried to give the comic jabs right back to the bigger, and older Doberman.

Thane just reached over and punched the smaller wolf directly in his muscular shoulder, which made Scott fake a whimper and plaintive howl. He reared back and cocked his fist firmly, unleashing a surprisingly strong punch of his own at Thane's arm. He watched the older dog try to play off the pain he was in, and then grinned as he knew it was just for show. The bell rang and the boys all sauntered inside. None of them wanted to look too eager to follow the rules. Teenagers.

Furvus pulled into a parking space at the gym not-so-aptly-named "Flexx Fitness" and proceeded to head inside. He was looking forward to a great workout today. There were no other distractions. He could focus on lifting, and nothing else. There were plenty of other members at the gym this morning, going through the motions with the weights or the aerobic equipment. Furvus walked over to the squat area and set up his warm up set. The big grey wolf had developed a reputation over the years. Members saw which area he headed toward, and they slowly filtered out of that area. Everyone knew just to let him do what he came to do.

With the warm up weight selected, Furvus slid up under the bar. He swished his tail once or twice and then lifted up. The bar sagged at the ends even from the warm up weight. But Furvus squatted down and then muscled the weight back up. He did an easy 12 reps, then replaced the bar as quietly as he could. Many of the iron plates still clanged slightly for a few seconds until they settled.

Without hesitation, the big wolf scrounged around the squat area and stacked up even more weight. The bar was nearly filled. He growled softly and muttered "Why can't this place get some more weights? It's getting to be that I can barely get an aerobic workout here."

Sliding up under the bar again, Furvus hoisted the tonnage off the stands and then squatted down. His shorts stretched tight over the bulging mass of his quads. As he muscled the weight back up, Furvus flexed his quads hard for a full contraction. In the wall mirror, Furvus watched as his full flex slightly tore the bottom of his shorts. His eyes widened slightly and then realized that he might have gone a bit too far with the flex. On the next rep, he measured out the strong flex, just enough to make the shorts tight, showing even the striations in his quads that were covered by the fabric of the shorts. Finishing that set, Furvus replaced the bar in the stands with a slightly louder clang of iron plates banging and rubbing against the next ones until he finally pressed them all together at each end, making the sound stop. He looked around and couldn't find any more weights. With a disappointed snarl, he just stretched his quad muscles out dutifully and then went back for the next set.

The rest of the morning's workout went pretty much the same. Furvus finally had to admit that he'd outgrown this particular gym. The atmosphere was literally sucking the energy out of him. Why had he not noticed this before? Perhaps it was the fact that he normally had his pack of muscle furs there to help build the energy. Without them, this place was not for him.

"No big deal. I'll just take the money I save from being a member here and put it towards some serious tonnage and build up my own home gym into a real heavy weight place. It'll work out great. Maybe the other furs will want to come and workout at my place too. They'll all get a better workout than less well-equipped gyms. Sounds like a plan." After his "light" workout, Furvus went to the front counter and resigned his membership. It was a civil transaction overall, and there were no hard feelings between either party.

On the way back to his car in the parking lot, Furvus noticed a pudgy lynx sitting in his Jaguar with the driver's side window open. He was listening to a tune on the radio, with the car idling for no reason. To top it all off, the car was parked in an illegal space, reserved for disabled furs. The good cop in Furvus was coming out now, and he decided to address the problems.

"Excuse me, sir. I couldn't help but notice that you're idling your vehicle's engine unnecessarily and that you're parked illegally in a disabled permit only space. Kindly please move your vehicle to a non-designated space and turn off your engine, pursuant to municipal by-laws for air and noise pollution." Furvus's police-public relations training sessions were working wonders for his communication skills and he managed a small smile as he was proud of how he handled the situation so far.

The lynx sitting in the posh vehicle looked at the steering wheel, still not even visually acknowledging Furvus' presence. He was looking at his face in the rearview mirror, maybe just making sure that it hadn't changed since the last time he looked at himself in a mirror only minutes before. He started to blurt out his reply.

"Look, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you don't know who you're dealing with here. If you want this car moved so badly, then why don't you just move it yourself, you pathetic Social Justice Warrior."

"Sir, I am an off-duty police officer, and I don't think you really want me to do that."

"I'll turn the engine off when I'm finished listening to this song. As far as moving the car, that's not going to ha ... a .... appen." The lynx then looked up and took notice of the hulking off-duty officer standing just behind the driver's door. The muscle stretched the casual clothing adding to the image of unflinching power.

"I can definitely take care of the challenge you gave me to move the car myself."

Furvus stepped up to the side of the vehicle and bent down, sliding his muscular hands up under the quarter panels of the car. Looking at the driver straight in his eyes, Furvus let out a slow deep growl, showing his sharp teeth clearly. The lynx cowered slightly back from the open window. Then after the growl came a sharp deep grunt, and then the sound of creaking and groaning metal filled the inside of the car as the entire side of the car lifted off the ground. Furvus slowly stood up and held the side of the car in his arms. Luckily, the legal space next to the disabled spot was also vacant, so Furvus simply tugged at the car and dragged it sideways to the legal spot. The rubber tires that were still touching the ground skidded and distorted from holding all the weight of the car and being dragged sideways. Furvus looked both ways and saw that the car was properly positioned and he lowered it back down to the ground under total control.

"Wouldn't you have rather done things the easy way? But I have to thank you for giving me a bit of a better workout than I got here this morning. Have a ... nice day." Furvus gave another deep growl and then turned and walked over to his car, then drove away. The lynx stared at the now-empty space where Furvus' car was parked. Then he shut his engine off and went in the gym with his tail tucked between his cheeks.

After a rather uneventful day at school, the trio of muscled teens rode over to Flexx Fitness, which was located quite close to the school. Scott and Thane were typically vocal and laughing back and forth between each other, teasing and taunting and trading harmless verbal jabs. The third teen, a very quiet, reserved and thoughtful wolf named Trey, tagged along.

All three were quite well-muscled, especially for their ages. Scott was a sophomore, and Trey and Thane were both one year older. They parked their bikes securely and headed inside for their workouts.

After getting changed and making their way out to the free weight area for upper body, the teens quickly decided to start off with some flat bench presses. The music seemed particularly crisp and energetic today. Members were busying themselves on various stations around the gym. There was just a noticeable aura of joy, energy, and an almost palpable air of relief. None of the teens seemed to understand why, but they all shrugged it off as being coincidental and insignificant overall. They scrounged around for some plates, and found enough weight for them to start with. Scott was first up.

"C'mon big wolf, show that Hulk smash stuff." Thane teased Scott directly, and constantly. Trey was finally growing a bit tired of it and he gave the bigger Doberman a warning punch in his shoulder, simply shaking his head slowly side to side as if telling him that it was enough.

Scott slid under the weight and gripped the bar. He did envision himself as his idol and pushed the weight up off the stands, lowering it steadily, picking up a strong rhythm and feeling the lift in his pec muscles. He set the weight back quietly and sat up, rippling his chest and feeling the burn from the set. He looked over at Thane and grinned.

"That's how you grip and rip, punk. Let's see you try to do that now, Skidmarks." That was Scott's personal nickname for Thane, mostly due to his unusual fur pattern.

"Oh for crying out loud, man, why can't you let that lame joke die?" Thane groaned and grumbled as he slid purposefully under the weight that Scott had just mastered in the warm up set. Trey and Scott grinned at each other knowing that they still had that one little reliable dig against the bigger Doberman.

Thane easily conquered the weight as he set it back in the stands. Trey was ready with two more large plates. He was the strongest one of the group and insisted on warming up with heavier weights. Thane and Scott nodded and let him go last. That way, they would be able to use his warm up weight for their second set.

Trey slid under the bar and hoisted it up with ease, performing 12 perfect reps. Scott marveled at how chiseled Trey's chest was and envied his strength overall. Still, he figured that he was stronger than Thane, even though the Doberman was more muscular and larger overall. The trio was a strange mix, but somehow it worked and they were all happy together.

As the friends made their way through their workout together, the banter continued. Thane inevitably managed to turn the conversation back into being about Scott's idol, Furvus.

"Seriously, dude, I don't know what you see in him anymore. I mean, sure he's built like a tank, and he's strong as an ox, but he's got such an ego. I watched that documentary he put out a little while ago. In the one part, there's a scene where he's talking to his dedicated followers and telling them that they can't beat him, so they shouldn't even bother trying. Or at least that's how I took it. C'mon man, what's with that stuff? I thought he was supposed to be trying to motivate them, and help them build confidence and want to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Instead, he's up there talking down to them as if they didn't stand a chance. Maybe that was true, and they'd never actually beat him, but to me it looked like he was just being cocky. Then, there was a scene in the other documentary where he had a microphone, and he flexed his forearms so hard that he literally broke the mic and dropped it. He apparently was really proud of himself there because he said something like 'That's how you mic drop.' Do you want to be like that, man?" Thane looked at Scott and then at Trey. All three teens were unsure what to say, until Scott finally managed to come to Furvus' defense.

"You don't understand, Thane. Bodybuilding is physical of course, but competition is 90% mental. Furvus is just showing that he is very confident. That's all it is. He's never been anything but kind and generous to me. Although I haven't seen him much recently. He's usually really busy with contests, shows, exhibitions and work." Scott looked down at the floor. Trey came over and put his hand firmly on Scott's shoulder, comfortingly.

"See, you really don't know him anymore. He's become a jerk. I think you need to find a new idol, man. Why not someone like ... me?" Thane stretched his lips wide and gave a toothy grin, lifting his arms up to the side and flexing a double-biceps pose for his friends to worship with their eyes. Scott and Trey both shook their heads slowly as they looked at their friend and his display. Both looked genuinely confused about whether Thane was trying to lighten the suddenly somber mood, or whether he truly believed what he was saying. Neither of them would take the initiative to actually ask, and the scene went by, unexamined and terribly awkward. The workout continued as they all tried to feed off the extra energy of the gym.

Finishing up with their final exercise, the exhausted teens replaced their weight plates to the racks, and made their way back to the change room. None of them liked to shower in public, so they grabbed their gear and headed out to their bikes.

"Thane, you're way off base about Furvus. I just know it." Scott was visibly shaken by the attack against his childhood idol. Everything he wanted to become was based around Furvus, and his accomplishments. To have that shattered now after what he'd endured with his father would be a devastating blow to handle.

"I don't know how or why you keep hanging on to the dream, kid. It's time to wake up. Move on. Anyway, see ya tomorrow, runt." Thane kept trying to rouse Scott with demeaning nicknames. Scott was starting to wonder if Thane really was a bully. He seemed to be turning into one lately.

"You know I'll keep finding you, Skidmarks." Thane growled and clenched his fist tightly, but Scott rode off towards home.

On the way back home, Scott's stomach began to knot from the stress and anxiety of what Thane had been saying. He knew that he needed to see Furvus again, if nothing more than just to reassure him that he was still his idol. He took a detour down one of the side streets and headed to one of the peaceful cul-de-sacs away from the centre of the city. The sun was still fairly high in the sky as the days were getting longer toward the middle of summer.

When he got to the end of Furvus' street, he could already see that the blue Mustang was sitting in the driveway. As he approached the garage, he heard the sound of some heavy iron clanging repeatedly behind the aluminum door. Just after the clanging sound, he heard some sharp deep grunts quickly follow each of the metallic clangs. Then there was one last deep guttural grunt, followed by a ground shattering rumble. Scott listened through the door and heard Furvus' distinct voice muffled by the aluminum, "Big Wolf Power!"

Scott stepped back and lifted his right paw, holding it in mid-air for a second. Then after flipping a coin mentally in his head, his brain directed his hand to reach out and knock a couple of times on the garage door. The locking mechanism shifted and then the door lifted higher, revealing a bright light from behind and a tremendously huge shadow of a figure towering in front of the teen wolf.

"Officer Furvus? It's me. Scott. Remember me?" Scott's voice was shaky. He was clearly in shock at the physical development that Furvus had accomplished since the last time they'd seen each other. He was also nervous that Furvus might not actually remember him.

"Scott!!!" Furvus threw his huge arms open wide and wrapped them around the teenaged wolf, lifting him clean off the ground with ease. Scott suddenly felt a warm feeling of elation wash over him.

"Wow, you've been putting on some nice muscle since I saw you. Quite the muscular teen wolf now. Way to go, big guy!" This was clearly the Furvus Wolf that Scott had come to know. He was warm, inviting and complimentary. He was also absolutely massive.

"It's great to see you again, Officer Furvus. I just wanted to keep in touch with you and find out how you were doing. I've still got that great autographed poster on my wall. It's very inspirational to me. I've been working really hard, because of you." Scott started to beam and his eyes roamed over Furvus' massive shoulders, still held firmly in the big wolf's strong, but not painful, embrace. Finally, Furvus put the younger wolf back down and stepped back to take in the full view of his development.

"You look amazing. I still remember when we first met. You were a fairly thin wolf, as most young boys are. You're not so thin now. Now, you've got some beef on you. You must drive the ladies crazy at school." Scott blushed a bit at that.

"Well, I haven't been noticed yet. Let's just leave it at that. It's no big deal though. I'm only a sophomore still. I'm more focused on lifting and improving than on finding a girlfriend."

Furvus listened and nodded slowly. He turned back to the gym and invited Scott into the garage. "Just do me a favour and close the door. I just got most of this equipment and I don't want to advertise it to the whole neighbourhood yet. Hopefully some of my big buddies will want to come by and try out all the new weights. This should give most of them a good power workout."

Scott stepped further into the deceptively large garage and closed the door. He turned and looked at the massive piles of weights. There weren't just 45-pound plates. There were plates that were labeled 100 pounds, 200 pounds and a few that were labeled 500 pounds. Scott let out a soft moan.

"Heavy weights for a strong wolf. You have to train heavy if you want to build up the serious muscle. You're still young of course, so the actual weight is less important for you. It's more important to focus on strict form. Build your muscle base first. Once you have a good, solid foundation, then you can start packing on the heavier muscle density."

"I'm pretty strong though, Furvus. I can bench press more than twice my weight already!" Scott looked down at his chest and flexed it slowly, making a few striations ripple across the muscle under his shirt. Furvus watched this display and nodded slowly.

"That's really impressive. I hope you have some good spotters to help you with the heavier lifts then."

"I have a couple of friends who workout with me. One is quite a bit stronger than me. The other one has more muscle than me, but I'm a bit stronger than him already."

Again, Furvus nodded slowly. "Well, it's great to see you again, kiddo. Was there any other reason for the visit, or were you just curious to see how the Power Wolf was doing?" Furvus chuckled a bit and rolled his shoulders forward showing that massive bulging chest flex and ripple with shredded definition and made Scott step back a little from intimidation.

Scott looked up again with a mix of awe and trepidation. He looked down and grew more introverted. Then he took a slow deep breath, exhaled and started to mutter something.

"Actually, there was another reason for the visit." Scott's eyes opened wide after he suddenly realized what he said. He bit his lower lip, hoping that Furvus hadn't heard the statement.

"What's up, little bro?" No such luck for Scott. Now the ball was in his court.

After an uncomfortable silence, Furvus stepped over to the bench that was loaded with more than a ton of weight. He'd decided that rather than pressure the troubled teen into talking, he'd just move on with the flow of the workout and let the young wolf start when he felt open enough. Scott watched breathlessly as the massive wolf slid under the bar and put his paws shoulder-width apart on the bar, clenching firmly, his forearms bulged and shredded with insane power. Then a deep grunt filled the garage as Furvus pressed the massive weight off the stands, steadied the bar, then brought it down under complete control until it hovered just above his chest. With yet a deeper grunt, he exhaled and muscled the weight back up to the top, not locking his elbows out, keeping the pressure on the muscles. Those pecs danced under the industrial lights. Sinews and striations rippled across the thick granite-hard mass as Furvus once again brought the bar slowly back down, for another rep. Scott could only watch in awe at the sheer strength and control of the huge wolf. His mind went blank through the set. Scott was only brought back to conscious thought when the huge collection of plates rattled and clanged together as Furvus put the bar back on the stand once again, sitting up and flexing his chest, feeling the surge of strength, the pumped muscle and the pride swelling in him from the lift.

"I guess I might just need some advice, or someone to talk to. You see, those buddies of mine, well, the one in particular, at least, he's said some things lately that rubbed me the wrong way. I don't know what to do." Scott was so unsure of how he wanted to frame the situation. He didn't want to make it worse. He didn't want to blow things out of proportion either. But clearly he was in a difficult situation.

After Furvus finished catching his breath and stretching after the last set, he looked over to Scott and saw the concern on the teenager's muzzle. "Just what kind of things did he say that rubbed you the wrong way?"

Scott looked back at Furvus and saw his hero, open, willing to help, ready to listen. "Well, he's always teasing me about being a 'fanboi' of you. We've both gotten really into bodybuilding and weight lifting. He's started to kinda badmouth you. Just today, he said you were going soft as a cop. I guess he saw you last night in his neighbourhood. You held back the Jeep from leaving the scene of the disturbance. It seems that he thought you should have done more. I tried to explain that you were a cop and had to just follow the law, instead of make your own. Later on, while we were lifting, he brought up a few things about things you did in your documentaries. He said you were getting cocky and arrogant. I don't like hearing that kind of stuff about ... my idol. I'm trying really hard to get out of the depressing situation that my dad left us in. It's really hard to keep a positive attitude. Hearing Thane badmouth you is starting to make me even question my own decisions. I wanted ... I had to come by and get a bit of a boost." Scott started to tear up when he was letting it all out. Furvus stayed on the bench and let the teenaged wolf speak his peace.

"Maybe they need to find out first hand what I'm like in real life. Things look different when you watch from the sidelines, or through a video lens, right?" Furvus stood up and came over to Scott, once again wrapping his mighty arms gently around the still-sobbing teen. Scott leaned his head against Furvus' chest and moaned out at the sheer mass of chiseled muscle. He looked up once again in awe at the huge wolf's condition.

"Gods, Furvus. Your chest is so hard, and thick. I mean, it looks awesome, but I never imagined muscle feeling that solid before." Furvus just smiled as warmly as he could.

"Tell your buddies to come by the house here on Monday next week. Right after school. No dawdling, now! I'll make sure they learn a lesson about talking bad about someone." Furvus' upper lip curled into a slightly threatening snarl, showing his teeth clearly.

Scott had already turned his attention away just after Furvus invited them over. He'd suddenly noticed the clock on the wall in the garage gym and gasped in surprise at how late it was. He bid farewell to Furvus, went to the garage door and unlocked it, lifting the sliding door up and then headed off with his bike back home. Furvus stood in the doorway watching his protégé ride off down the street. His lips curled into a devious grin, and he growled soft and deep.

"I'll make sure they learn that lesson, but good. I ... HATE ... BULLIES!" Furvus reached over to the side of the doorway, grabbed a loose 45-pound iron plate and held it out in front of his shredded chest at arm's length. He growled deeper than before, flexing his pecs so hard that they bulged and tore right through his sweat-soaked shirt, revealing lines of striations that showed even more shreds than his torn shirt had. His biceps massed into iron-hard mounds of muscle, forearms clenched hard against the plates. Suddenly a squeal of metal echoed in the gym, together with the strong grunt from the massive wolf, his ears twitched and then pinned back with anger and determination. The iron plate in front of him bent downward noticeably. With one more powerful grunt and flex from his muscles, the iron plate snapped in half. Furvus grinned with pride, dropping the snapped plate to the concrete floor with a heavy thud. He retreated back into the garage and closed the door, locking it tightly and continued on with the workout with his new equipment.

The week progressed slowly, mostly because Scott was so eager for his friends to finally get a chance to meet his idol up close and personal. He had already told Thane and Trey the good news that Furvus was going to give them some handy pointers for their workouts to make a huge amount of progress and maybe even to help them avoid the pitfalls of being new to lifting and dieting. Most of all, Scott was eager for them to see the side of Furvus that they had never seen. He wanted them to see the side he knew. Thane had even grown more and more excited about getting the chance to meet someone who could probably help him build even more muscle. Obviously Furvus was packed with mass. Surely it wouldn't hurt to get some advice from such a well-built wolf.

Monday arrived, and each of the muscular teens was eagerly awaiting the end of the school day. They rode over to Furvus' house, and parked their bikes. At the end of the driveway was the trash for pick up. Standing at the side of the pile was an iron 45-pound plate that had apparently been snapped in half. The boys stood and stared at the plate, then at each other in shock and a bit of hesitation. Finally, Scott convinced them to not worry about that, and he lead them to the garage door and knocked. At first, there was no answer. He knocked again. Shortly thereafter, the lock unlatched and the door started to rise. Furvus stood with his foot paws spread wide, in a very intimidating pose. His chest was rippling with each slow deep breath he took. The boys stepped back in shock at the scene that confronted them. Even Scott was taken by surprise. Furvus' broad shoulders spread the shirt out to the tearing point. Clenching his fists tightly made his forearms bulge powerfully with cabled muscle that shredded the long sleeves. His massive biceps also tore right through the upper arm, and half way over the bulging shoulders. He let out a long slow deep growl as his lips curled and showed his sharp teeth.

"Are you looking for the Big ... Bad ... Wolf? You've come to the right place." Furvus continued with the display, keeping his lips curled and showing those sharp, intimidating teeth, his thick mass on display, too.

Scott stepped forward and looked curiously at Furvus. "N ... N ... No, sir. We are here to see my idol, Officer Furvus." Scott was clearly taken back by this show.

Furvus relaxed his body slowly and watched the teenagers' become more at ease gradually. He chuckled heartily to himself and his smile grew friendlier. "Well, you've come to the right place then. Hi, Scott. Good to see you again. Who are your friends?"

"You had me worried there, sir. I thought there was a full moon or something. Thanks for inviting us over. This wolf here is Trey. He's usually pretty quiet."

Trey stepped forward slowly, still apparently rather unsure of the first impression Furvus made face to face. The massive grey wolf extended his paw, and Trey reached out, shaking it firmly.

"You've got a good strong grip there!" Furvus smiled back at the shy wolf, who could only nod slightly and look down sheepishly at the concrete floor of the garage gym before he stepped back.

"And this big dalmation is Thane."

Thane stepped up and offered his paw in greeting. Furvus recognized the name from his earlier conversation with Scott. He reached down and took Thane's paw, slowly squeezing his strong hand and making the muscular dalmation cringe in a bit of pain at the strong grip. Furvus released his crushing grip and looked down.

"Sorry about that, kiddo."

Thane refused to grip his hand. Instead he just nodded to the massive officer. "Yes, thanks for having us over. It should really be educational for us. I'm sure we can all learn something really important from you, Officer Furvus." Thane sounded sincere. Scott was able to relax a little knowing that there wasn't going to be a confrontation right off the bat.

Furvus was more skeptical about the tone of Thane's voice. He would have to feel out the shifty teenager's disposition a little more.

"Well, you boys came here to learn a few things. Shall we get started? Who's up first and what bodypart do you find the most frustrating?"

At first, all three boys hesitated. Then almost at the exact same time, they all shouted different body parts that cause them the most problem with training. Thane's voice boomed louder than the others, and Furvus heard his answer.

"Bis and Tris, Officer Furvus. They are my biggest problem. They're my slowest growing muscle group." Thane admitted a weakness. Scott and Trey simply nodded in agreement with Thane's self-assessment. He worked like a dog trying to make his arms grow. They just didn't respond as easily as his other muscles.

Furvus looked at the well-built dalmation with careful scrutiny. He could easily see that the teen's arms were indeed lagging behind.

"You're right, pup. They are weak points for you. That's a good sign. You're able to be objective with your own body condition. So, tell me. What do you do to build your biceps and triceps? What other body parts do you work at the same time?" Furvus was very clinical in his assessment, and perhaps more direct and abrupt than any of the teens were expecting. After recovering from this sudden and unexpected metaphorical punch in the gut, Thane took a slow breath and started to answer the huge grey wolf's question. The explanation actually took a few minutes to completely get out in the open. Furvus looked on, hearing all the details and then nodded for a moment.

"It's a common tale. Young pups love big biceps, and they work like dogs to get them bigger, harder and more ripped than all the others. They end up making the biggest mistake - overtraining. Kid, you're doing 5 sets of barbell curls, another 5 sets of alternating dumbbell curls. Then three sets of preacher curls. Then you go and work your lats for 6 more sets. The next day, you train your triceps hoping to balance everything out, right? You do 5 sets of tricep cable pulldowns. You do 3 sets of kickbacks. You do some variety of other movements, then you go and do 5 sets of chest exercise, right? You're clearly overtraining them. Try this. Do one biceps exercise. Do one triceps exercise. Make every rep in every set count. Try that for a few weeks and see how your muscles respond.

Furvus grinned a toothy grin and stepped closer to Thane, lifting his right arm close to the dalmation's head. "You might end up with guns loaded like this one day." Furvus curled his biceps slowly and watched the lines of striations etch deeply into the rock hard muscle mass as Thane's jaw dropped open slowly at the sheer size of the cop's muscle. He simply nodded slowly and couldn't really catch his breath.

"Th ... Than ... Thanks for the advice, sir. I'll give that a try." Thane looked down sheepishly, as if temporarily put in his place.

"Now, of course, with this level of development that I've achieved, I have to do more than one exercise in order to break the muscle down and achieve growth. But, you guys have to remember that the biceps and triceps are essentially small muscles - comparatively speaking, of course. There's nothing small about these biceps, right?" Each teen slowly shook their heads, mesmerized by the cop's sheer size.

"Most eager young bodybuilders want to build their arms more than anything else. It's a trap. They get the most amount of attention by crowds, but they don't require that much direct work. They are involved in most of the other movements anyway. So, that's enough of that. Who's next?"

Trey and Scott looked at each other hesitantly, waiting for the other teen to offer a question. Furvus gave a soft, impatient growl at the timidity of the two boys. Finally, he just decided to not show preferential treatment, and he called out Trey. The big wolf blushed deep under his fur, and he looked up sheepishly at the massive officer.

"Well, from one big wolf, to the other biggest wolf here, what can I do for you? What's one of the biggest obstacles to your physical development?"

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Trey finally offered simply, "How do you build up self-confidence? You look so confident. What's your secret, or is there a secret?"

Furvus chuckled at the question. Trey recoiled shyly from that unexpected reaction.

"It's a pretty good question. I have confidence because I know how hard I've worked to get what I have. I'm prepared to show what I have to other furs who are eager to see it. I have confidence because for every challenge that someone has put in front of me, I've never backed down. I've come through the challenge successfully. You have to just start believing that you can do whatever you put your mind to. You look like a strong wolf. What if I challenged you to lay down on this bench and lift one of my warm up weights? Would you give it a try?"

Trey thought about the information and then his ears perked at the question. His initial reaction would be to decline the challenge.

Furvus could see the hesitation written all over the young wolf's face. "What would you have to lose by giving it a try? If you succeed, you can say that you lifted what a professional strongfur lifts. If you fail, you have something to shoot for."

The logic started to burrow into Trey's brain. His chest puffed out and he nodded, sliding up under the bench press loaded. Trey put his hands shoulder-width apart on the bar and grunted hard, pressing up. For several seconds, Trey's arms shook and trembled under the strain of pressing against the thick bar. He growled angrily and struggled more. Finally, the weights clanged and shifted and the bar lifted off the stands. Furvus' eyes widened and he nodded approvingly. Trey's eyes clenched tight shut, but he felt his arms move. He knew the weight was moving up. At the same time, he knew that he was clearly outmatched by the sheer weight and he set the bar back down with a loud clang.

"Couldn't do it, could ya Trey." That was the sum total of Thane's reaction as he leaned back against the near wall with a cocky grin on his lips. Almost immediately, Trey's ecstatic mood was shattered by that comment. He tried to fight back against the negativity with a quip of his own.

"You think you're so great, man, you just try to budge the bar. It's a thousand pounds at least. I managed to lift it off the stands, but I'm not stupid enough to think that I could do a full rep with it. Bet you wouldn't even be able to budge it." The gauntlet was dropped. Thane's pride would not be questioned. He motioned for the spent wolf to get up from the bench, and he sat down and slid under the same bar. Without even thinking about what he was going to try to do, he put his paws around the thick iron bar and grunted deep, trying to budge the tonnage off the stand. Furvus slowly moved over to the head of the bench, just in case. Scott and Trey looked on breathlessly watching to see if their cocky packmate would be able to budge the bar. For several minutes, Thane grunted and grumbled, but could not muster nearly enough strength to do what Trey had managed to do.

"Guess you bit off more than your body could chew there, pup." Furvus chimed in with a quick comment of his own, seemingly to defend Trey's accomplishment earlier.

Thane sat up and stretched his trembling chest and arms slowly. He didn't manage to respond to that comment. Instead, he stood up from the bench and slowly turned to see the massive grey wolf standing there at the head of the bench. He gripped the thousand-pound bar with a palm's up, underhanded grip, and then with a deep growl and a snarl with his upper lips, he flexed those massive biceps and curled the bar up off the stands, then lowered it down against his upper thighs. Once again, he grunted and growled with a ferocious, feral sound, his biceps curled up into mountains of iron hard muscle lifting the bar up slowly with one, two, three, four reps and still the massive wolf was curling slowly with perfect form. The boys stared with shock. Even Scott was stunned by the show of strength from his mighty mentor. At the end of the set, Furvus calmly placed the bar back in the stands and glared fiercely at Thane.

"You've got a lot of confidence, pup. Probably too much. Your muzzle is writing cheques that your body can't cash. You'll never reach this level of strength, development and condition. And this is still not even my normal weight for a power workout." Furvus kept his eyes locked on Thane.

Trey gave a low growl, and shook his head with disappointment looking at Furvus, gave Scott a quick glance, then turned to walk out of the garage door. Scott looked at Trey curiously, then back at Furvus who was suddenly very confrontational.

"If anyone should tuck his tail and run, it's you, pup. You bash and bully everyone else, but you're not perfect." Furvus had started to bare his teeth. Things were getting serious.

Thane looked at Furvus and nodded slowly. "I know I'm not perfect. Haven't you ever teased friends before? That's all I'm doing. Just teasing. You're the one being the bully here." Thane got up and stormed out of the garage too.

"Furvus? What got into you today? We were all looking forward to learning some really great, positive advice about training. I'm ... I'm so. Sorry, I have to go." Scott quickly left the garage.

Furvus looked shocked at the development. "What just happened?"

For the next several days, each of the furs reflected for countless hours about what had happened in that garage. None of them had any answers.

Furvus sat and reflected about the last thing that the cocky dalmation said - about how he was the bully. He curled his upper lip angrily and shook his head, trying to shake that idea out of there. It wasn't possible. He wasn't being a bully. He wasn't ... was he? He was just trying to make the point for Scott, and make things right for him. That thought was almost working to help the big wolf cop rationalize what had happened. Then he remembered that even Scott left. He was Scott's idol. That's what hurt more.

At Flexx Fitness, a few days later, the teens continued to look disheartened, confused, and listless. Finally, it was Trey who gave a low growl as he loaded the bench press with a few extra plates. After he pushed the plates together on each side with a soft clang, he looked at Thane and Scott with a feral glint in his eyes. "I need you both to spot me." Without even waiting for an answer, Trey slid under the bar. Then the two packmates came to the head of the bench, one on each side of the heavily loaded bar. Trey had loaded the bar much more than he'd ever lifted before, but still nowhere near what he'd managed to just budge after Furvus' challenge.

The shy, strong wolf set his hands on the knurled steel bar and gave a couple of quick squeezes, psyching himself up. Then with a deep growl, he pressed up hard against the bar. It instantly raised off the stands, and the weights started to clatter. Trey shifted the bar forward and got ready to lower it. He slowly lowered the bar and then thrust it up powerfully, not once, not twice, but 5 times. The look of exhaustion was etched across Trey's face. His chest muscles were quivering. He was in between. He wanted to go for another rep, but he doubted that he could handle it. His pumped arms trembled under the strain of this monumental effort, while he was trying to make up his mind whether to go for another rep.

"ONE MORE! COME ON! You've got this!" Thane burst out with the powerful encouragement. Both Thane and Scott set themselves at the ready for Trey to start his one final forced rep.

Trey's ears perked up to the encouragement. His eyes grew feral once again and he growled deep. The weight started to lower. Every sinew on Trey's chest rippled under his fur. At the bottom of the rep, Trey grunted hard, and growled until his breath went completely into trying to muscle the heavy weight back up. Scott and Thane didn't touch the weight. Trey flexed harder than he ever did before and he got the weight up half way. Then he growled deep and muscled it up to the top. That's when Thane and Scott helped ease the bar back to the stands. Trey just lay there on the bench, glowing. Thane stared at the powerful wolf in awe. Scott just smiled that they all had apparently grown up in the last couple of days.

After a few minutes of laying on the bench, Trey slowly got back up to the seated position. He squeezed his pumped chest and moaned out at the pain, but it was a good pain.

"That's how you lift, pups!" Trey managed to get that much out between his still-heavy breathing.

"Are you gonna hog the bench the whole day, or can the rest of us get a set in?" Thane gave a cocky, but playful grin and put out his paw offering it to Trey to help him back to his feet. Trey reached out and grabbed the paw, then stood back up. Thane pulled the strong wolf in for a friendly hug. Things were right again. In fact, they were even stronger than ever.

The next day, there was a knock on the door at Furvus' house. He came to the door and opened it, surprised to see the three teens standing there. They were holding the snapped iron weight plate that Furvus had put out at the curb the week before, but it had been crudely mended.

"I don't understand, boys. What's this for?"

"We all just wanted to come back and apologize for storming out the other day, and to thank you. This is our way to say that we've patched things up, and we just wanted to patch things up with you, Officer Furvus." It was Thane who spoke. His tone was sincere. There was no malice at all. Furvus then looked at Trey, and there was a notable air of confidence in him. Something in his eyes and his posture connected with Furvus. The fact that Trey didn't once try to hide from eye contact also helped show Furvus that. Then he looked at Scott, who was absolutely beaming with happiness.

"I have to admit that I was really shocked and confused after the other day. I had never seen that side of you. You had always been very kind and generous with me. But then we were at the gym later on, and Trey took charge. Each one of us grew so much in the last couple of days. Thanks to you." Scott started to tear up. Thane just patted his shoulder comfortingly, and nodded while looked up at Furvus. Trey didn't say anything. He had a quiet confidence, instead of his once-trademark shyness.

"It's great that you all got something important from the workout. I've been reflecting too. Maybe I was a bit too forward. Maybe I read the situation all wrong. Thanks for helping me stay grounded." Furvus looked at the crudely repaired plate and gave a little bit of a chuckle. He motioned with his head for the teens to follow him out to the garage gym. They reluctantly followed him, although each of them was curious about what the hulking officer had in mind. Furvus reached up and set the broken and mended weight on a shelf on his trophy case.

"It'll have its own place right there. That will be the most important trophy that will ever go in there. Thanks again, boys. So ... who's up for a little workout?" Furvus grinned and watched the boys reaction. What else was there to say?

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A Day on the Farm

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Welcome to the Improv

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