the wet fox part three

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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Emma went into the bedroom and looked back at Dean and waved a finger, entising him in, but only if he was nude, because he wasn't and she was and it was her bedroom no clothes allowed.

Dean soon went nude taking all his clothes off and went up to the door and opened it.

The room was dark but with a sweet smell, Emma had light some candles that where called "set the mood", she was laying on the bed in a sexy position, "hay cute stuff, want this?" she rolled over and showed all her pussy anil hole and all to make Dean in the mood, Dean was ready for it and jumped onto the bed and was hard and went for Emma's pussy, but Emma grabbed him and stopped him,

"Ah ah ah, no first you must get me more excited with a bit of....fore play" she said sexyly, she licked her finger and placed it on Dean's lips, Dean got down and looked, Emma opened her pussy and Dean smelled the sweet smell and started to lick away then suck and lick some more and more, Emma moaned and growed then Dean pushed his mouth into her pussy and Emma moaned with peasser and then she orgasomed and Dean got a mouth full of her juises.

"Man that was good huff are you ready for the 2nd round huff I sure am!"

Dean was hard and wanting Emma more and then they kissed and then Dean had a thought,

"Actaily can i see what your like? can you give me a blow job?"

"You are so polite when it comes to sex, is this your first time?"

"Yes and no i've never had sex before but i have had a girlfriend, before she dumpped me"

"Oh i'm sorry here maybe this will make up for it".

She leaned over and started to suck and blow on Dean's cock and Dean was in heaven and she continuded to suck and blow and then Dean lost control and cummed in Emma's mouth, Emma got a mouth full of cum and she leaned her long neck up and swallowed the lot but she had missed a bit, Dean licked it off and they kissed and then she said, "want to go all the way?"

Dean nodded and Emma turned over her pussy was wet and most from given Dean that blow job, Dean then asked a very good questaion and a hard one, "Emma do you have a comdom or shell we do it without one?" "please me and erm I don't have one".

Dean looked around in his bag but there was no condom so he hopped back onto the bed, Emma was lieing there face-up Dean was hard and calmed on top of Emma, he soon pushed his dick into her pussy, Emma let out a purr as Dean pushed his dick in and out of her wet and warm pussy, in and out very gently, Emma purred more and more as Dean got more faster then he pushed his whole dick into Emma, the knot as well went in sungly and came out with ease in and out each one was better then the last and Dean was thrusting more harder and harder.

Emma was purring and moaning at the same time and so was Dean he pushed his dick in and out and at the same time licked Emma's boobs, Emma's boobs where flat but big and Dean licked and stroked then Emma and Dean where getting close.

Emma held onto Dean and said "hold onto me", Dean was very close to cumming, then Emma let out a scream of placer and cummed, Dean too was cumming and then cummed inside of Emma, cum went every where, but they both enjoyed it.

They both fell off each other and onto the bed Dean was now hot and very tried, Emma was wet and tried too, Dean went on one side of the bed and fell asleep, Emma cleaned up the mess and then kissed Dean, and then fell asleep but Dean got up and said very weakly after kissing Emma, "I love you", and then fell asleep in Emma's hands, she kissed him too and hugged him, he was like a hot water bottle but living and then Emma gave a big yarn and fell asleep too.

In the morning Emma was woken up by the sound of bird signing and tweeting quite happly and then she saw a note attached to a bowl of soup witch was very warm, she read the note attached to the soup and in one big glup she eat the soup then read the note a bit more and this is what it said;

"Dear Emma" it was in very neat hand writing, "thanks for last night it was great and if I am to stay here with you then I must find a job that is where I am this morning looking for a job, sorry I left so ealy but you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you P.S. I made you a bowl of soup and I will be back soon love Dean X".

Emma was touched and very happy and soon set about cleaning the place up from last night, this was cleaning the food away and making the bed and returning the DVD to the store and then it was time for a test.

Emma had brought a pegnice test ages, ages ago but had only brought it becuase she thought she was pegnice but soon had a peroid and just put it away for another day and that was today.

She got it out of the box and read the instractions and followed it and waited it said to wait for five minutes and she waited, pink for negitive and blue for possitive and it started to change colour from white to.....................BLUE she was going to have a baby, but what kind? a fox with her colour's or a dragon like her but with Dean's colours? and more to the point what would Dean say?

Right that the 3rd part I am working on part four the final part, I hope you have fun reading this as much as I did writing it.

editted 04/09/10

the wet fox part four ending

It was now a mouth since Dean had had sex with Emma, and he was noticing some changes with Emma, she was eating strange things, pickled eggs with cheese tosted and fryed eggs with mayo. In the morning she would go to the loo and be sick, Dean just...

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david's collage days part twenty one

"Tis the season to be jolly tra la, la, la" said David as he decorated the house in Christmas time and boy did it look good he had put tinsel up and the fairy lights for indoors now it was time for outdoors ones. David had brought some outdoor...

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The wet fox part two

After a few minutes it hit Dean he was sharing a tree house with a beautiful and some what cute dragoness who was always nude. "Where are my clothes?, only it's a bit chilly in here". "There in the wash or in this case there in the out side wash,...

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