Summer Heat – Chapter 51: Horse ride

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#51 of Summer Heat

I am back and I got some lower back pain but I hope it will only last for a few days.

Here is the next chapter and I hope that you like it.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 51: Horse ride

The heat of Roana declined slowly in the next days and both started to take part in the normal summer activities like swimming, laying in the sun and, naturally, caring for all the cubs. With all the girls gone, and only a few of them still at the school together with the teachers and staff, it was a bit harder to keep all the cubs in check. Some of them wanted to see their mother, what was not possible, and others started to get very energetic. The oldest cubs, Dina and Zoe, were over 2 years now and they had to keep them surveilled all the time, because they ran around and were gone in no time. But despite this different exhausted job, Zen loved the time he spent with the cubs. At night, they all slept together and the older cubs fought for the best spot next to their father. Zen did not even have to think about a cover, because so many cubs lay over him, that it was nearly too warm. He also made sure that each of his cubs had the chance and that they swapped places and to give love and affection to each of them. Those, who did not get a spot with Zen, settled with one of the girls or women, that they loved just as much.

It took nearly one week, until finally Mrs. Hoopers passed the gate and pulled towards the mansion. Zen already awaited her with the two mares, Tanja and Sissy, in his arms and a paw on each of their big bellies. They greeted each other with loud cheers when Mrs. Hoopers left the car and approached them. She also showed a decent bulge that showed her state of pregnancy. Zen still wondered what a knucklehead her husband must be to not notice this belly. After she greeted her daughters with a Kiss, Zen hugged her and, before she could do anything, pulled her head towards his and gave her a deep kiss. At first Mrs. Hoopers tried to pull free, but when Zen started to push his paw under her blouse and roam over her big belly and caress her soft utters, she started to emit a muffled moan and gave herself into the kiss, even returning it. Her daughters chuckled and helped Zen to strip their mother while he captured her in the kiss and made her slowly get wet with his sensitive touch. The teats of her utters started to get stiff and more sensitive with each touch of him. When Mrs. Hoopers was stripped totally naked, Zen pushed her back against the car and softly urged her to lay down on the hood. With her now laying there, with the legs in the air left and right of Zen, he aimed with his growing member and, while breaking the kiss, pushed into the mare hard with a squelching sound and a loud moan of Mrs. Hoopers. There was no explanation by Zen and no question by the mare. She closed her eyes and moaned while the father of her unborn child started to rock her in a faster rhythm. His knot formed but with the big horse vagina he still slipped in and out with only a small tug when his thick inflated knot pulled back until it popped out of her snatch. Zen came to a halt when both of the climaxed shortly after each other and pumped his seed into her already pregnant womb. "How long will you be able to stay?" he asked the huffing mare and placed a loving kiss on her belly while pulling free. His semen poured out of her pussy and over her tail to the ground. Mrs. Hoopers took a few minutes to catch her breath. It was apparent that she had not envisaged this to happen. "A few days maybe." She replied finally and Zen licked his lips. "It seems your husband did not satisfy your need, am I right?" he asked but did not get any answer. He knew that if her husband did, he should have noticed her pregnant state for sure. "Fear not. I will make sure to sate your needs to the fullest in the next days." He stated. The mare only gave him a defeated smile. It was not clear if she was happy about this or not, but Zen let her slip down the hood of the car and guided the naked and leaking mare into the mansion. "You are still too stiff, you need to relax more." He told her and fondled her utters and ass. The mare still only showed the forced smile but Zen knew exactly how to loosen her up. When he was in his bed room, he picked up the tube with the blue pills and recovered one. "Take one of these. It will make you loosen up and enjoy the ride even more." He requested. Mrs. Hoopers was hesitant and looked at her girls that, now that Zen did not have their mother in his arms cuddled next to him and moaned from the caressed over their ass and belly. Mrs. Hoopers seemed to be lost in thoughts while looking at her daughters, her paw just half way to her muzzle and not yet openly denying taking the pill or accepting it. Finally, Zen let go of the two younger mares and stepped forward. He softly pushed Mrs. Hoopers back against the bed, so that she fell into a sitting position, and guided her paw to her muzzle. The pill entered the muzzle and Zen pulled her into a kiss which, after a minute, had her finally swallow the pill with moans from his paws over her utters and pussy. The effect started fast and she felt herself heating up and getting more sensitive with each second that passed. She felt her pussy juice up and when the itch in her became stronger, Zen pushed past her labia and made her moan in pleasure.

Mrs. Hoopers had been hesitant, because she remembered the overpowering feeling of the last time she took the pill, but now, without her real heat, the pill just created a very nice feeling like a normal heat, maybe a bit less, inside her. She started to enjoy each friction of Zen's member inside her and climaxed twice until he came inside her again. All her thoughts were pushed back by the pleasure and she enjoyed the attention. She could not say, apart from the last time with Zen, when she last had someone making her feel this good. It was the first time she had sex with someone while being pregnant and even with a feeling of heat that made it so much more enjoyable. After Zen pulled out while still spurting semen, he had her get on all fours on the ground. Her belly swayed back and forth when Zen mounted the mare and established a fast rhythm, making her nicker and squeal in ecstasy. She drooled and when Sissy saw down before her, she licked over her utter every now and then like her daughter demanded. Zen took her nonstop for two hours, making her leak big quantities of his spunk. Under the effect of the pill, the mare did not complain or refuse him once. The more heated her body got, the more she presented to him, until she was finally totally exhausted. She still could walk on wobbly legs, fortified by the arm of Zen that he lay around her, when he guided her outside to the deckchairs at the pool. Tara, Sierah, Mara and Ida sat there and nursed multiple cubs at once. Tanja and Sissy quickly lay down next to them and beckoned a few of the cubs over, because they started to lactate in the last week and wanted to help the poor girls with the task. With all the other girls gone and so many cubs that needed to be nursed still here, it was a hard act for the remaining lactating girls to see after the needs of the cubs. For the cubs this was already normal, because they had learned to go to any lactating girl if they were hungry and were not only fed by their mother to prepare for this. However, with so many hungry cubs, it became quite exhausting for the mothers. They did not complain about it, even if some looked quite exhausted, but smiled and offered the cubs their teats willingly. Zen lay down on the deckchair and had Mrs. Hoopers take a seat on his lap. He already pushed his member deep into her pussy, earning a tired moan from the woman. He did not care that the cubs were watching. They were used to seem him mate his women and most of them were more interested in the milk of the girls anyways. Feeling the week twitching and hearing the very faint moan, Zen knew that the mare was exhausted and did not pressure the issue too much. He just rested his member up to the base in the mare, pulled her back so that she was laying on his chest and nibbled at her ear, caressed her utter and licked her cheeks in an affectionate manner. His slightly throbbing member melted in her heated live canal and made both of them moan softly while they rested in the sun. Mrs. Hoopers closed her eyes and let herself sink totally in the arms of Zen, drifting off to sleep while Zen watched the last cubs being nursed and fed by the girls before they returned to the meadow next to the pool, where Minna, Dott, Paula, Sandy and Bertha looked over them. Dott and Minna just finished to nurse a few of the cubs as well, but they were not as exhausted as the girls next to Zen, who now, that their job was done for the moment, closed their eyes to get some sleep. Only Sissy and Tanja, who only had a light nursing to do, still were awake and now left their mother and Zen alone to take a dip in the shallow part of the water. Instantly a few of the older cubs jumped into the water and joined them. There was a rule for the cubs, that none of them was to go into the water, unless there was someone of the mothers looking over them. It was like they just waited for someone of the girls to enter the water. Bertha also went to the pool to help the two mares with the big number of cubs paddling around them and keep an eye on the cubs to make sure none of them would drown.

Mrs. Hoopers enjoyed the next days very much. She slowly got used to the big number of cubs, which surprised her a lot because she had not thought that Zen really impregnated nearly every girl in his school, and after the first day, Zen and she did not mate the whole day, leaving enough time to relax, take a swim, bath in the sun or talk to her daughters and the other girls and women. Zen also gave her a few of his massages, which made her relax and feel comfortable like she had not done for a long time, and made sure she was resting and was in high spirits. After the initial day, Zen did not urge her to take the pill anymore and therefore their sexual interactions became less, even though Mrs. Hoopers started to enjoy them even without the pill and asked for one mating at least twice each day. She stayed much longer than she originally had planned, when Zen asked her about the time she could stay. Over one week, she enjoyed the wellness program, Zen offered her, and she had good and long talks with the other older women. When the Hoopers pulled out of the school grounds, Mrs. Hoopers, Sissy and Tanja were filled by Zen a last time. In addition, they also took Lim with them. Their father would not come home the full summer vacation and they lived a bit outside, so they could take care of the cub without questions being asked. Lim was very excited about her first journey outside the school and Zen saw her talking with Sissy nonstop. The little foal was extremely energetic and became used to her grandmother very quickly. Zen smiled, but in his heart, he also felt a bit of loss, seeing his daughter drive away. Even though he knew, that they would return soon, it was for him the first time, that he had to let go of one of his cubs and watch them leave for a short time.

Summer Heat – Chapter 52: Parents return

# Summer Heat - Chapter 52: Parents return A few days after the Hoopers left, Minna also got into her car and started the trip home to see her parents. She had been absented for nearly two years now and wanted to make sure, they would not be worried....

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Summer Heat – Chapter 50: Fathers love

# Summer Heat - Chapter 50: Fathers love The preparations for the end of the year went well. The girls, and Zen, still ran around naked, but the clothes had been recovered from the storage room and were being washed, because with one year gathering...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 49: Summer is starting

# Summer Heat - Chapter 49: Summer is starting Zen looked at his sister, Mara and Sarina nursing their cubs. They had given birth to them in the last weeks, but at the end of the school year everything had been so hectic for Zen, with all the mail...

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