Misthaven Academy: Cai's Chronicle: Chapter #3

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Chapter 3. Stay tuned.

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It had been two weeks since Cai and Tito had begun their arrangement, and Cai was already beginning to regret it.

In just about every available opportunity, Tito was keen to have a private conversation. It had almost become routine, to a degree: they seemed to get it on at least 3 times a day, and Tito was considerable affectionate each time. Cai was in no position to deny him advances in the event there was some important information on how to get out of his contract with the Demon, Xaidar, yet a good 90% of the time they had those intimate moments, Tito had nothing new to share, and made excuses. Cai was beginning to grow tired of it.

Of course, everything was not black and white. For Tito, he had only two major reasons why he was so keen to keep Cai on a tight leash, especially when it came to sex. The first was that he was being, essentially, the 'hero' of their relationship, taking the brunt of the necessary quota to fill, so that Cai didn't have to do the unthinkable with people he didn't know. The second was a fairly obvious: Tito's deep attraction to Cai made this particular arrangement all the more sweeter for him. He personally felt they grew closer with every encounter, even if that weren't necessarily the case.

Cai stepped into the lobby of the academy with a groaning sigh, feeling nothing but exhaustion through his bones. Yesterday had been uncomfortably busy, so he and Tito had to make up 3 lots of 'essence' for the needy Demon to extract, and they had to do it in the dead of night. Having a frisky Hyena screw you into the early hours of the morning was enough to keep you awake, and Cai was desperately feeling the need to sleep now.

The chatter of the book thief that had been swirling around the school for the past week and a half was finally beginning to die down, and that was one thing Cai was glad to not be dealing with. From what he overheard from various other students, the Inquisitors, agents and Battlemages funded by the government, that patrolled the school, as well as the faculty themselves, had absolutely no idea who had taken the scroll in the first place. It had apparently been recovered, but without a culprit, the Inquisitors were left with nothing to do but patrol the academy for the next week or so in the hopes it doesn't happen again. The contents of the scroll was enough to make students and teachers nervous, but signs of a Demonic invasion hadn't occurred yet, which put everyone a little more at ease.

As Cai wandered through the hall, he could sense the gaze of some of the students on him. His rising power had become something of a mystery to some of the other students, who were now starting to believe his outrageous claims about his age. Of course, he had neglected to tell them the whole truth of the matter, and he was keen to keep that to himself in the far future. He made his way of the steps as he heard the murmurs of some of the students behind him, and turned down to a hallway. He was already going to be late for Advanced Practical Studies if he wasn't careful.

As he made his way down the hall, he began to slow when he saw Inquisitors hanging around the classroom's entrance, muttering to one-another and speaking to the teacher of the class.

"Uh oh." Xaidar mused indifferently, his voice echoing in the back of Cai's mind.

"What?" The cat muttered, halting for a moment and quickly stepping into the hallway not too far away, making sure he was out of sight.

"You might not be able to hear them, but I certainly do. They're asking about you." Xaidar warned, and he sounded a little more serious this time. Cai nervously gulped and peeked his head around the corner.

"And what's she saying?" He muttered, referring to the teacher, who lavishly spoke to them with all the hand gestures she could muster, without looking too unprofessional.

"She's saying how much of a marvel it is that you've grown in potential so quickly. They seem rather intrigued by that. Looks like you're fucked, kid." Xaidar mused, and Cai snapped his head back, swearing under his breath.

"Shouldn't you be a little more worried too?!" Cai suggested with a hiss, glancing up towards the red earring clipped to his ear.

"Me? Nah. They'll probably exorcise me from your body, purge the contract and send me back to where I came from, until some other sucker with a scroll they don't read properly summons me again. But you? Consorting with a Demon for power...that's a pretty serious career-ender. Not to mention the prison time you'll do for it."

"You're joking. Right? Please. Oh god, fuck, fuck, fuck." Cai pressed his hands to his head, the panic rising up in his throat. He knew he was done for if he didn't do something now, and fast.

"You have to help me," Cai demanded, glancing back up at that earring once more. "Please."

"And what do I get in return?" Xaidar asked contently, a little chuckle echoing in the back of the Feline's mind.

"What?! The hell, Xaidar, you're getting just as much as out of this as I am!" Cai hissed.

"That's the rule o' Demons, kiddo. Exchange of power. I can't help you unless you give me something in return." Xaidar drawled, as if he were reading it off a rulebook. Cai swore again and ran a hand over his forehead, trying to rack his brains and think. He went through all sorts of options, and he knew that Xaidar was likely reading his mind, able to know exactly what he was thinking, what he might be suggesting.

"Oh, that's a good one. Let's do that." Xaidar had already latched onto an idea that briefly ran through Cai's mind, and the Feline knew exactly which one he was on about. He had had a very, very brief idea about allowing the Demon some more time to be intimate, or perhaps a certain allotted hour.

"God damnit. Fine. What do you want?" Cai muttered quietly, glancing back around the corner. The Teacher and the Inquisitors were still deep in conversation. There was a moment of silence between them, and Cai knew that the Demon was thinking.

"...Alright, I've got something. You're quite busy most of the time, right? So I'll accommodate you. When you sleep, you have to let me into your dreams. It's a win-win, really; you get a sound sleep, and I get to do exactly what I want to you." He could practically hear the Demon purring, and he could have sworn he felt Xaidar's hands on his body. Cai gritted his teeth and cursed. He knew it was a bad idea, but he had no choice.

"Fine." As soon as the word uttered from his mouth, he felt a stinging pain in his chest that appeared and quickly faded. He could only assume that was some sort of etching on his soul, part of their contract.

"Now, please. Deal with this." Cai glanced back around the corner and watched as the Inquisitors turned and stepped away from the Teacher, heading back down the hall in his direction. He quickly stepped back towards one of the nearby doors, his hand on the handle.

"Oh, I can't do anything right now. I mean, cast a spell in broad daylight? That wont do." Xaidar spoke rather matter-of-factly, and Cai knew he'd just been duped. He bit down his frustration and turned the handle, quickly stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. He heard the clunking boots of the Inquisitors passing down the hall, and he knew he was in the clear.

He was standing in an empty room, not unlike the one he had originally summoned Xaidar in, although that wasn't be his own choice. Just like everything else, he had gotten in way over his head.

"So...what are you going to do, then?" Cai asked quietly, and a puff of red smoke greeted his vision as Xaidar transformed into a more physical form. He seemed to be a fan of the Kitsune form, sporting his colour mixtures of white, red, and shades therein. He sidled up towards Cai, stark naked, and pressed himself up against the Feline's form.

"Well, I had an idea of two, of course," He traced a finger along Cai's collarbone, making him shudder. "We need the Inquisitors to leave, do we not? I've picked up all sorts of gossip around the academy. Seems they have a leader. If we can manipulate him, we can get them to leave."

"An Inquisitor leader? That's...suicide, right?" Cai couldn't help but feel intimidated in that moment. For one, Xaidar was taller, and he had an incredible amount of magical power at his fingertips, probably enough to eradicate him off the face of the Earth if he really wanted to. Plus, there was something about the way the Demon's hands touched and stroked him, cupping his hips, caressing the bony dip between his neck and collarbone.

"It would be, to most. But I have ways of...persuading." The Demon's voice grew lower and husky, and his very touch was making Cai shudder. Why did he feel like this? Why was he so easily submitting to this fiend? As he tried to swallow his nerves and push himself back up, a hand went to his chest, forcing him back. Xaidar was undeniably strong. Maybe it was the fear of just what limits the Incubus had that scared Cai a little.

"I can smell your fear," Xaidar muttered quietly. "...We very rarely get to have our own little intimate moments, do we?"

"I don't know what you mean by that." Fuck that. Cai knew exactly what he meant. He and Tito had been at it frequently, whilst Xaidar was often left to, for a better phrase, 'clean up'. He should have realised that despite their occasional quick session, Xaidar was likely desperate for some semblance of deep, carnal intimacy. It looked as if his patience had finally run out.

Despite the fear bubbling up in Cai's throat, the Demon was surprisingly gentle. His hands danced across the Feline's clothes and around his hips, just lightly stroking and touching, as if he were exploring Cai for the first time. Deep down, the Feline wasn't ultimately surprised that Xaidar knew how to make him tick by now. Not only was this Demon's very existence based around sex, but he'd been in Cai's head for the past month. Of course the beast was an expert.

"You know what I mean." Xaidar murmured quietly, his mouth mere inches from the Feline's own. Cai thought for a moment that the Demon might kiss him, and his stomach did a small flip at the thought. Instead, that mouth quickly snapped down and his lips enclosed over the Feline's throat. Cai let out an embarrassing mewl as he felt that warm tongue sliding against his fur. His skin prickled with what he could only assume to be desire. He was aching for attention, and he knew it was wrong, especially when the attention he craved was from, well, a 'forbidden' creature.

"You know what I can still read your mind, right? Though I have to admit, watching the way your mind denies me whilst your body yearns for me is...rather tantalising." Xaidar chuckled to himself and Cai felt the colour rising to his cheeks. He had completely forgotten how intimately linked they really were, even when Xaidar could openly molest him, as if he were a separate entity. That couldn't be farther from the truth: even now, they were still one of the same being, all thanks to one stupid contract.

The Demon's hands were already sliding under his clothes, keen to get to the supple flesh beneath, and Cai was powerless to stop him. His breath hitched in his throat as he felt that powerful, large hand gripping to his hip, the fingers pressing down into his flesh. The action was so carnal, so utterly lustful that it brought colour to the Feline's cheeks. He wasn't quite sure what this feeling was, but Xaidar knew all too well what it meant: submission.

With that, the Demon flipped the Feline around, pushing Cai's chest up against the wall with little in the way of ceremony. The young mage let out a weak grunt as his cheek was squished up against the wooden wall, and his ass was pulled out. He decided that he preferred it with the Demon was gentle, but it was clear that Xaidar was growing impatient. He felt the slightly cool air brushing against the back of his legs, signifying that his robe had been hitched up. He'd thankfully put on underwear that morning, but Xaidar was keen to remove it, and didn't care how he did it. A quiet ripping sound fell on Cai's ears, and he let out a frustrated groan, rolling his eyes. There goes that pair.

"What're you complaining about, hm? You know that each time we do this, you get a little bit stronger. You should learn to enjoy it." Xaidar suggested subtly as Cai felt the sudden warmth of the Demon's member sliding between his cheeks. Xaidar was a naturally warm-blooded creature, and his cock always felt incredibly hot to the touch. He readjusted his posture, making sure his feet were steady on the floor. He knew just how rough Xaidar could be when he was getting into it.

"Smart thinking." Xaidar quipped, sliding his hips back as his hands rounded around the Feline's body to cup his young, 17 year old cheeks. He kneaded the flesh with his hands and slid his thumbs between the crack, spreading the rump apart to expose the tightening pink pucker between. The tapered end of his member hovered, mere centimetres from that tight orifice, and he deliberately waited. The suspense made Cai uneasy, and Xaidar seemed to enjoy tormenting him.

Eventually, he stopped teasing, and smeared the tip of his knotted member against the Feline's entrance. Then, he pushed, forcing his cock into the cat's behind. Cai felt very little pain when it came to anal any more, so all he felt as the Demon entered him with a sickening wave of pleasure that tantalised his senses and made his stomach do a flip. He groaned under his breath and clamped his muscles down, squeezing around the Incubi's cock, gripping every inch as it slid deeper and deeper. He felt Xaidar's grip tighten on his hips as his body leant over the feline. His broad, Kitsune chest pressed up against Cai's back, his balls gently swaying as he jutted his hips, forcing the last few inches in a little quicker than usual.

Neither of them had any need for words, especially when their minds were so link. Cai often ignored any kind of musings emanating from his mind during their more intimate sessions, but this time, he paused for a moment just to listen. They were quiet whispers, words that he couldn't quite make out. He was both confused and a little intrigued at the same time. As the Demon pulled back and began to start in on a steady rhythm, that whispering grew louder and louder, filling the Feline's mind. He could make out some of the words now, and they were definitely...well, sordid.

Somehow, those strange whispers made their sex all the more...magical. With each thrust, that usual spike of pleasure that coursed through Cai's body was somehow amplified, making his whole body tense and his muscles grip down hard like a vice. His skin prickled with barely restrained desire, yearning for more of the Demons' touch. He felt a hand sneak up under his leg, lifting it up and turning him slightly onto his side. He was balancing on once leg, his rather erect, barbed member throbbing weakly in the air and oozing pre-cum onto the floor. He'd never felt such pleasure, such intense lust before today. He was drowning in the feeling, and it was altogether rather intoxicating.

Xaidar seemed content, and it was likely because he felt a little more linked to Cai than he had before. The Feline often had some sort of way of blocking him out during these moments. But, now that Xaidar was connected with him, the sensation of their slightly rough, spontaneous was all the more pleasurable. Each thrust grew more and more vigorous, their heated breath growing more laboured with each passing second. Xaidar grunted and huffed through his nose, his tongue lolling from his mouth.

The air was filled with the hot, wet sounds of their sex. Xaidar's thick knot bounced off of Cai's behind as the Feline tried his best to remain steady on one foot, pressing his hands against the wall to keep him upright. His gentle moans and mewls of pleasure and growing more desperate with each passing second as his cock stiffened and pulsed with every other thrust. Xaidar could tell he was close, and that wasn't just by looking: he could feel the feline's climax getting closer and closer. With each powerful thrust, those spasming muscles around his cock told him as much.

"Please..." Cai didn't want to beg, but the word escaped his lips before he could stop himself. The pleasure swam through his system, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt...alive. He wanted nothing more than to be in this moment forever, to feel that sickening, intoxicating pleasure coursing through his veins. 'Addicted' was a strong word for it, but 'craving' definitely suited the feeling he had in the pit of his stomach. Xaidar wasn't about to deprive the young cat of his orgasm, and he thrust with a little more gusto, despite his own growing climax.

It was enough to send Cai over the edge. He shuddered violently and a groan escaped his lips as his muscles clamped down and squeezed with all the power they could muster. The young feline's cock pulsed and throbbed, before spurts of cum ejected from the end of his member, splattering the wooden floor. Each convulsion of his member made his behind clamp down more and more, and Xaidar groaned under his breath. The sheer feeling of Cai squeezing his member was enough to send him into a bit of a frenzy, and his thrusting sped up considerably.

His knot bounced off of Cai's behind as he attempted, over and over, to enter the Feline's behind. Cai let out weak mewls from the over-stimulation and his behind eventually relaxed enough for Xaidar to force his way in, and his knot finally slipped past the clenching entrance. The feline's muscles squeezed powerfully around his knot and the Demon let out a long groan of pleasure, leaning up against the mage's body as his member pulsed and throbbed. Within moments, he was climaxing. Thick globules of cum poured forth, shooting rope after rope into the feline's behind. Like always, the cum somehow absorbed into Cai's body, and he felt a brief, overwhelming surge of power.

"Phew...not bad for a quickie, huh?" Xaidar mused aloud, chuckling under his breath as he leant in towards the feline more. He let go of his leg, and Cai teetered for a moment, before he brung his leg back down, balancing on both legs. He felt the Demon's large arms curl around his body and cuddle into his back. Suddenly, he felt his legs give out from under him as the Demon swung them around, until Xaidar was sitting down on the floor, with Cai on top of him.

"I'm late for class." Cai complained quietly, but the grip around his abdomen tightened, and he felt the Kitsune's nose trailing along his neck and shoulder.

"I don't care." Xaidar replied indifferently. A quite groan escaped his lips and he smiled to himself, stroking along the Feline's furred stomach and up to his chest. The Feline still wore his robe, and he found it slightly amusing to see the hands moving about under his clothing.

"Well, I do. C'mon, move." Cai tried to struggle against the Demon for a moment, before he realised he was likely going to be unable to break free until Xaidar was completely satisfied. So, with the demon still firmly tied with him, Cai leant back and relaxed a little against him, rolling his eyes in irritation.

Cai could have sworn they were sitting there for hours, but it was likely his own impatience that made it feel that long. The Demon's hands ran over his body, over and over, stroking from his stomach to his chest, towards his hips and even to his inner thighs. On occasions, the Demon's perverted hands made their way to Cai's crotch and he openly fondled the boy, but for no longer than a couple of seconds, before he moved onto another part of the Feline's body. Cai couldn't deny that the gentle stroking was nice, but he was still keenly aware of the situation they were in, and the punishment he might receive for never showing up to class. He'd just have to make the excuse that he was ill. For all the magic in the world, they still couldn't cure something as simple as a common cold.

Eventually, Xaidar finally backed off. He gripped Cai by the hips and pushed the feline up. With a little bit of discomfort and a final, sickening 'pop', the knot slipped from the feline's slightly gaping orifice, and Xaidar chuckled to himself. Cai waddled for a moment and winced a bit, before turning to the Demon with a narrowed expression.

"So, how are we going to do this? To, y'know, manipulate him." Cai began, and Xaidar brushed a hand through his fur, stepping closer for a moment. He planted a quick kiss on the Feline's forehead, and Cai could have sworn his heart skipped a beat.

"You just leave that to me." The Demon replied absently, and with that, he disappeared in a collection of red and black smoke. Cai coughed and wafted his hand around the room, taking a breath. As always, Xaidar was hopelessly vague. Aware that he was likely to get reprimanded for his tardiness, Cai decided he'd better avoid it for now and get on with his next class, due in a matter of minutes.

As he made his way down the corridor, he was stopped from someone to his right, and he turned his head to see Tito with his hand on the Feline's shoulder. He looked a little concerned, and Cai blinked at him, a little perplexed at his expression.

"Hey," Tito began. "Are you okay? You look a little pale. Did something happen?"

"No, I'm fine." Cai lied to his friend's face. The situation he was in was a difficult one, and one that he didn't want to get into right now. Tito would likely make him more panicked about it than he already was. Tito clearly looked as if he didn't believe the Feline and after a moment, he let it drop.

He and Tito rarely shared a class anymore, but considering they had enlisted at the same time, their classes on Magical Theory were still the same. Despite Cai's growth in magical power, his theory still needed to be learnt from the ground up, of course. The duo made their way to the class, and Cai thought that he was in the clear, at least for a moment. The reprieve was, regrettably, short lived.

Cai and Tito were mere metres from the classroom door in a relatively well-lit hallway, when Cai felt a hand on his shoulder. He cursed under his breath and turned to face whoever had caught his attention. Standing in front of him was a rather gruff-looking wolf, covered in a mixture of black and auburn fur. His ears were pointed, and his eyes sullen. Cai could see the bags under his eyes from here, and his eyes briefly drifted to the tuft of fur on the man's chin, forming something like a very small beard. He knew who he was: the leader of the Inquisitors. He guessed as much from the pure white uniform, and their logo emblazoned on his chest.

"Cailindor? Come with me." His voice was just as gruff as his entire demeanour, and the students standing around them fell in a quiet silence. Cai felt the colour rising to his cheeks, but it wasn't out of shame. He just hated being the center of attention in this particular situation. Any other time, if he were showing off his magical skills, he would have loved the attention, but he could feel their judging stares. Even Tito looked confused.

"Just play it cool, kid," Xaidar murmured in Cai's mind. "I've got a plan."

At least someone was paying attention. Cai hung his head and followed after the Wolf down the hallway, leaving the other students behind. His heart was pounding in his chest. He was certain this was it: he'd be found out, the demon ripped from him, and he'd be exiled from Magic, or even imprisoned. Only one of those things was good.

"I heard that. Just quit panicking, I told you I have a plan." Xaidar snapped, and Cai felt a small prick in his head, a sharp pang on his cranium, as if someone was flicking his head. It was a strange feeling, and he chalked it up to Xaidar messing with him.

The walk was slow and terrifying. They made their way out of the hallway and out into the lobby, where even more students stared as the two of them walked through into another hallway, and Cai felt his cheeks burning. They eventually stopped outside a door, and after walking in silence for so long, the Inquisitor finally spoke.

"Just in here." He uttered only a few words, and turned the handle, opening up the door. Cai peeked inside, before taking a step in. For the most part, it looked like an ordinary office, with a desk and a chair sitting opposite, but Cai couldn't put down his guard. He had no idea what an Inquisitor might have up his sleeve. They were the most prestigious and discipline mages, trained individually by their own personal trainers, and adept at both magic and swordsmanship alike.

Cai knew where he was to sit, and he slipped into a seat as the door clicked shut behind him. The gruff-looking man made his way around to the other side of the desk and slipped into the seat, pulling it a little closer to the desk. He looked to be going through a file on the desk for a moment.

"Cailindor...no...just Cai. I guess you made that name up. Can't blame you, with a name like that." The Inquisitor quipped, and Cai felt a pang of annoyance swimming through his system. He calmed himself down.

"...Are you going to tell me who you are?" Cai asked quietly, and the Wolf's head snapped up, his eyes wide. Cai wondered for a moment if he'd offended the canine.

"Oh, right, of course. Sorry, long day, I've been doing a lot of interviews. I am Captain Yunul, Leader of Inquisitor Squadron 43D." The Wolf said simply, before he looked down at his papers again. Cai averted his gaze. At least he knew the man's name now, but it wasn't like that did any good. He'd read somewhere that names held a lot of power, but he had no idea how to make use of it in this situation. Much to his irritation, he'd have to leave this in Xaidar's capable hands, though he'd yet to surface and give his input. No matter how much Cai probed for him in his mind, he showed no signs of coming out.

"So, uh, Cai...let's see here. A Farmer's son? Well, that explains why you tried to reinvent yourself here...being seen as some farmer's kid wouldn't do well for your reputation, I'm sure. 17, short, and from what your intial assessment says, not very magically inclined." Yunul spoke quietly as he read through Cai's notes, and the Feline genuinely couldn't remember when they had done the assessment on him. They must have at some point: every student goes through it.

"However, recently, you've certainly picked up the slack, from what I can tell. There's been, uh...other rumours as well." Yunul cleared his throat, and Cai knew exactly what he was implying. He felt the colour rise to his cheeks, and Yunul attempted to diffuse the situation.

"Hey, I'm not judging. You're into what you're into, right? It's a new world, new life, so..." Yunul quickly realised that it was getting quite awkward, so he quickly moved on.

"Anyway..." He continued. "To get so strong so quickly is, well, impressive. Also likely improbably without some third party aid."

Yunul leant over the desk a little, and the wood creaked a little under his weight. Cai finally raised his gaze and paled at the sight of the Inquisitor's steely gaze. He stared right into the man's eyes, feeling those eyes piercing right into his soul. For whatever reason, he couldn't look away, no matter how hard he tried.

"Is there something you're not telling me, Cai?" Yunul asked quietly, and Cai suddenly felt compelled to answer, as if it were being forced out of him.

"Oh fuck. Fine, guess I have to come in earlier than I expected." Xaidar muttered in annoyance. There was a spark of lightning between their gaze, a bolt of small, red lightning that ejected from Cai's eyes and into the Inquisitor's own. Yunul staggered back in surprise, muttered curses as he covered his eyes, before he reached up and clasped his head. A growl escaped his lips and he looked to be in pure discomfort, his eyes scrunched up and he clenched his head, his fingers digging against his skull.

Then, after a few minutes of struggling, he stopped. He dropped his arms and stood upright with a sudden swagger, a sudden confidence that briefly startled the young Feline. Yunul examined his hands and body, before his gaze met Cai's own. The feline saw a brief glint of red in that gaze.

"Well, I have to say, this guy has a lot of sexual tension pent up in this body. That's what happens when you're a dog, I guess." Yunul spoke with a sudden casualness that was unlike him, or at least, from what Cai had seen. He quickly put two and two together.

"You possessed him?" Cai asked quietly, and Yunul, technically Xaidar, nodded.

"Yeah, just some simple mind control magic wasn't going to cut it. He was mesmerising you, so I had to go in deep. I'm gonna have to scrub his brain of knowledge about you and then replace it with altered memories. Hopefully, that should send him and his dumb inquisitors packing." Xaidar spoke through the body of the Captain, and Cai shuddered. It was weird hearing Yunul speak so differently.

"But really, I'm not kidding," Xaidar continued. "This guy has been abstinent for...well, for years, ever since he recruited. I can read all his memories, see. Damn, he's had a fair few sexual encounters though, for sure. Kinky fucker..."

"Maybe you should focus on the task at hand, rather than snooping." Cai quipped, getting to his feet. Now that he wasn't being interrogated, he at least felt a little bit more at ease. Xaidar snorted through the canine's nose as he rounded the desk.

"Might take some time...you sure you don't want to do something more interesting in the meantime?" He questioned with a cheeky grin, the canine's muzzle spreading wide. "This Captain seems quite sure in how, uh, 'big' he is."

"Can you really multitask like that?" Cai asked hesitantly, and Yunul, controlled by Xaidar, stepped forwards, grabbing Cai by the hips and dragging him closer.

"Oh, I can do things you haven't even dreamed of." Xaidar replied with a particularly serious expression, and Cai looked momentarily surprised by his rather brooding gaze. He felt a chill run up his spine, and for a brief moment, he was a little...scared.

Then, just like that, it was gone. The Demon relaxed into a much more casual demeanour as he leant back against the desk, his eyes running up and down Cai's body. It was a little strange: he knew it was Xaidar, but the different body was unsettling.

Slowly, Xaidar stepped forward, controlling the man's body as he raised up the canine's hands. He popped one of the buttons on his shirt, and then another, slowly making his way down until he parted it in the middle. The emblazoned logo spilt apart to reveal the tawny mixture of black and auburn fur on his chest, in a peculiar pattern. Cai gulped and watched, somehow unable to take his eyes away.

Slowly, Xaidar tucked the Canine's thumbs into the waistband of his pants, and he slowly began to slide them over those relatively manly hips. As they moved lower and lower, Cai was greeted to the sight of the canine's pelvis, and then finally his sheath. It was just as Xaidar had said: the canine was likely quite 'large'. His sheath was plump and fat, and that typically boasted a decent endowment.

"Like what you see?" Xaidar grinned toothily and Cai shuddered a little at the unsettling gaze, fully aware that there was likely a man trapped inside his own skull. The Demon sauntered forward, his eyes glinting in the light as he leant over the seated Cat, gyrating his hips slightly and making the sheath wobble back and forth. He eventually shimmied quite powerfully, with enough force to shake his trousers from his hips, letting them fall unceremoniously to his ankles. With that, Cai was given full view to the canine's package, and those hefty balls made it quite clear that Yunul had likely not had it for a while.

"What's that? Speechless?" Xaidar smirked a little and leant forwards, tracing his finger down Cai's chest, and the Feline nervously gulped. He didn't stop the Demon as that hand ran lower and lower, stroking along his belly and around to his inner thigh, before resting on his crotch. Xaidar smirked when he felt a particularly obvious, prominent erection through the robe. All he had to do was rub his hand around a little to make Cai shudder and squirm.

Xaidar didn't utter a single tease as he reached down, grasping the hem of Cai's robe and pulling it up, tugging it over the Feline's relatively lithe, 17 year old frame. He made no mention of the Feline's lack of underwear as he exposed Cai's crotch, and then his stomach and chest thereafter. His hands ran over the Feline's stomach and watched that barbed member twitch, fully erect. Already, Xaidar was working his hands around and under Cai's legs, lifting them up and spreading them apart, and Cai caught a glimpse of the canine's slowly growing member. He could already see the knot forming from here, and a pang of concern shot through his system.

"I-I don't think it's going to fit." He openly complained, and Xaidar paused for a moment, lost in thought.

"Maybe you're right. We should try a different position." The Demon, housed within Yunul's body, scooped Cai off of the chair and unceremoniously tossed him across to the desk. The Feline landed with a soft 'oof' as his stomach hit the mahogany surface, his back end bent over the table with his feet just barely touching the floor. Before he could move, he felt the sudden warmth of the Demon up against his rear end, and he could feel the sheer heat and arousal stemming off of the Canine's throbbing, knotted cock.

"There, that's much better. You might stretch easier bent over like this." Xaidar commented indifferently, his hands kneading against the flesh of Cai's behind as the thick, knotted cock slid up and down between his cheeks. Yunul's body was clearly quite pent up, and Cai could already feel the wet stickiness of pre-cum sliding up against his ass. Soon enough, the sound of the wet, sloppy hot-dogging was filling the room, and Cai shuddered at such sordid sounds.

"God damn. This body really is pent up. I'm almost on the verge of blowing already." Xaidar commented, and clearly had to stop for a moment to recuperate himself, before he angled his hips back. The sticky, wet cock slid back until the tapered end was touching with Cai's entrance, smearing against the already used pucker that had been stretched and screw barely an hour ago. With a slow push, the head of the canine member slipped into Cai's behind.

Already, the Feline could feel himself stretching. Yunul's cock was extraordinarily thick, and his muscles spasmed and clamped down, attempting to accommodate the thick end of the member. Little eager spurts of pre-cum shot from the end of Yunul's member, splattering Cai's inner walls with the thick fluid as the member slid deeper and deeper. Yunul's fingers dug into Cai's behind, gripping him tightly as Xaidar struggled to stop the body from orgasming too quickly.

Inch by inch, the cock slid deeper and deeper, stretching Cai further and further to his limit. He let out heated gasps and gentle hisses with each inch that stuffed itself into his behind, but his member remained erect, throbbing and twitching, occasionally dipping the off droplet of two onto the floor. Eventually, the knot pressed down against Cai's entrance, and the Feline could feel the full thickness of the member inside him. His muscles squeezed and gripped, and Xaidar leant over the small Feline, exhaling a long, shaky sigh.

"Fuck." Xaidar muttered quietly, sliding his hips back and thrusting gently, barely moving an inch at a time as the entirety of Cai's insides milked and squeezed the cock with all the power he could muster. Each tight squeeze of his muscles coaxed a happy spurt of pre-cum from the end of the member inside of him, though he couldn't feel that as much. Slowly, he felt a hand moving from his hip and around his body, until it wrapped around his own barbed member. Xaidar gently tugged and stroked Cai's cock, making the Feline squirm and groan in pleasure.

"Yes, that's it. Cum for me, little kitten." Xaidar purred into Cai's ear, and the teasing of his species was enough to turn him on. He shuddered from the touch, and felt the canine's teeth close down over his ear, gently bitting and nibbling the tip. The rather sudden sensation seemed to heighten the rest of his senses, making the pleasure all the more unbearable.

Before he knew what was happening, he was orgasming, spurting moderate globules of cum onto the floor. Each convulsion of his member forced his ass to flex and clamp down, which coaxed Xaidar to his own climax. The Demon slid back and thrust a few more times before he, too, was cumming. The knot swelled outside of Cai's body and the Demon let out a frustrated growl, before exhaling a long sigh, spurting thick, hefty globules of cum into the Feline's behind. Cai felt practically full from how much the Canine dispensed, and his muscles milked and squeezed for as long as he could.

There didn't seem to be an end of Yunul's orgasm as first, but it inevitably stopped, leaving the Feline panting, a warmth in his belly. Slowly, the Demon pulled back and Cai winced a little as the canine fully withdrew. The strangest feeling was the sensation of emptiness without the member inside him. Xaider briefly stepped back to admire the Feline's particularly gaped and used behind, before he turned and sauntered back around the desk, flopping into the chair on the other side. Cai raised his head to watch him, his cheeks flushed, his muscles sagging. He was exhausted.

"Shouldn't be long now. 2 or 3 minutes and this guy's brain will be scrubbed clean of anything to do with us." Xaidar assured the cat, who blew a long sigh of relief. He didn't need another headache on top of the one he already had.

"I guess we should be getting back soon, then. I've already missed class but I can at least get something to eat and study at home." Cai suggested. Xaidar nodded solemnly, understanding completely, though in truth he didn't really care either way. Cai dusted himself off and heaved himself back onto his feet, teetering a little. His legs felt uneasy under him, and he genuinely wasn't surprised. After adjusting his robe and making himself look presentable, he waddled his way to the door. He turned back to Xaidar to see him finishing up.

Yunul lurched uncontrollably, and a jet of smoke poured from his mouth, travelling in Cai's direction and swirling around his shoulder, back into his usual spot as an earring. The canine violently shook in his seat for a moment, before he slumped, his head lolled back. It looked as if he passed out. Cai felt bad for it, but tried to push it to the back of his mind as he left. After all, this was for his benefit.

With that, Cai had little left to do. He stopped by the student run cafeteria to get something quick to eat, taking a seat down at one of the benches. Considering he hadn't seen Tito, he could only assume the Hyena had returned to their shared room in the hopes that he might find Cai there. The Feline sat for a while and had a quiet, sullen conversation with the Demon, who assured him that he needn't collect any 'tribute' after today's ordeals. Cai was secretly glad, but had a feeling Tito might find an excuse to do something anyway. The feline thoughtfully chewed his food and tried not to think about anything in particular, knowing full well the Demon was deep in his thoughts on occasion. All thoughts of getting rid of him had been forcibly removed from his mind, and he was unable to really think about them other than when he and Tito shared a close encounter.

The walk back to the small room they shared was brisk, and Cai didn't stop to sightsee. He wanted this day to be over and done with, and ultimately, the events of the day had exhausted him a little. When he finally made it up to his room, he expected to see Tito waiting for him, and he wasn't disappointed.

"There you are," Tito perked his head up on cue when Cai entered the room. "I didn't see you after class. I was worried."

"Yeah, well...something came up. I took care of it." Cai vaguely explained, not really wanting to get into details.

"You wanna talk about it?" Tito probed, and Cai shot him a look that told him he really didn't. The Hyena let it go, and slipped from his seat on his own bed, sliding up onto the other and patting the sheets next to him.

"Eh, not tonight," Cai pleaded wearily. "I'm exhausted. I'd rather just sleep and have this day be over."

"But don't you need to...?" Tito tilted his head towards Cai's earring, and the Cat shrugged.

"He's waved today's tribute. What a saint." Cai muttered.

"I heard that." The Demon snapped, transforming from his usual travelling outfit back into the form Cai first saw him in: a tall, muscled, wingless Dragon. He unceremoniously leaped onto the bed, and Tito quickly shifted so that he wouldn't get squashed.

"Come on baby, have a seat." Xaidar raised his eyebrows and smirked, and Cai sighed, sliding into a seat beside him. Immediately, a hand went around his waist and he was pulled in a little closer. Despite the Feline's annoyance, it was comfy: the warmth against his back was enough to make him even more tired than before. He could see Tito's jealous expression, and watched as the Hyena slipped back onto his own bed and turned away, his head pressed into a book. A pang of irritation shot through the Feline's body before he closed his eyes. It was better to sleep, anyway.

Cai fell into a deep sleep a lot quicker than he realised. Soon, he found himself floating in a sea of nothingness, with nothing but the feeling of warmth around him. All that was in front of him was darkness. He could hear nothing, smell nothing, taste nothing. Then, suddenly, there was light.

A great billowing flame appeared before his very eyes, a small speck in the distance that grew larger and larger, splitting apark the dark sky above and expanding, burning away the darkness, bringing forth blue skies and a luxurious warmth that fell on Cai's skin. It was the most surreal experience he could have ever imagined. It felt so vibrant, so vivid. As more of the darkness poured away, he got a better look at his surroundings.

He was standing on a beach, and notably, he was wearing a pair of swim shorts. His usually normal robe had vanished into thin air, and he could feel the heat of the sand between his toes. He turned to see the waves lapping against the shore, the expansive of the blue sea in front of him.

"Nice, ain't it?" Someone spoke to his right, and Cai turned to see Xaidar striding towards him, stark naked. For reasons unknown to Cai, his stomach did a small flip when he saw the Demon in his entirety, and he cleared his throat, feeling the colour rise to his cheeks.

"I honestly thought a Demon would prefer hellfire and brimstone." Cai awkwardly pointed out, and Xaidar left out a small snort.

"Surprisingly, not all Demons are the same. Don't worry, once we're all done here, you'll wake up refreshed and ready for another day, I can assure you. Perks of doing it with a Demon." Xaidar sported a cocky grin and Cai awkwardly grinned back at him. His heart was pounding in his chest. He was never this nervous before, so why not? Was this just another one of Xaidar's tricks?

"C'mon. Sit in the sand with me." Xaidar suggested, and with a simple snap of his fingers, a blanket appeared out of nowhere, spread across the ground for them to lay on. Cai nervously did as he was told and slipped down onto the soft fabric, and a hand against his chest forced him to lay down. The sun beamed down overhead and the heat spread across the Feline's skin. Despite the strange setting, he couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little bit more relaxed.

The sun was soon blocked by Xaidar's shadowy figure, and Cai stared up at him with a nervous gaze, watching the way his eyes roamed up and down the Feline's body. Cai watched as the Demon's hands roamed his figure, stroking along his chest and around, down to his crotch. Cai knew this was inevitably going to happen, but he didn't realise it'd be so soon.

"Nervous?" Xaidar asked, and Cai silently nodded, finding it difficult to form the words in his mouth. The Demon lowered his head and nibbled gently along Cai's neck, making the feline briefly shudder, arching his back against the Demon's body. He reached up to gingerly grip and grab at Xaidar's scales, feeling the rough, coarse skin against his fingers. He felt those large hands sliding lower and lower, stroking along his hips and around to his rear. It didn't take long before Xaidar grew impatient, and he felt those hands sliding his boxers down.

Slowly, Xaidar slickened up his fingers with spittle and poised them against Cai's entrance, and the Feline knew what was coming. He braced and winced briefly as the fingers penetrated him, but he felt nothing but sheer pleasure, as if every amount of discomfort and pain was simply nonexistant. A heated sigh escaped his lips, following by a gentle moan of complete, unbridled passion. His fingers gripped and clawed at Xaidar's body as he felt the fingers flexing inside him, his body squirm and his ankles digging into the blanket.

"Wonderful, isn't it?" Xaidar quipped. "In a Dream, you can take out all the bad parts and replace them with the good ones."

"Yes..." Cai breathlessly groaned out, his eyes rolling up. He'd never felt such intense, vivid pleasure in his entire life, and he never wanted it to end. His toes curled against the blanket, his member standing on end, already fully erect and pulsing, throbbing from the stimulation. He wanted more. No, he craved it.

Xaidar pumped his fingers back and forth with little in the way of ceremony, but Cai didn't care with thrust of those digits was like heaven, each curling of the fingertips against his prostate shooting powerful tsunamis of pleasure up his spine. His fingers curled and gripped against Xaidar's scales as he felt that pleasure coming to fruition, forming a bud inside of him that seemed to grow and grow, until...

Already, Cai was climaxing. Thick ropes of cum shot from the end of his member, splattering his stomach and filling him with an intense pleasure. He also felt as if he had transcended beyond the normal realms of bliss, into something much more otherworldly. It was so intense that it didn't feel real. His eyelids fluttered open and he saw the Demon's rather amused expression, leaning down over him. Xaidar's breath was heavy, and Cai could only assume that the Demon was particularly aroused.

"My turn." Xaidar assured the Feline, and Cai wasn't about to deny him as the Demon leant over him, pressing his body down against the Cat's smooth fur. He reached down with one hand, propping himself up with the other as he fumbled with his throbbing, knotted member, aiming to find his mark. Cai could feel his member sliding around between his cheeks until eventually, the tip of the member slipped around his entrance. Cai exhaled shakily and leant up to curl his arms around the Demon's neck, cuddling into him as Xaidar began to enter.

Much like before, any sort of discomfort of pain was practically non-existent, and all he felt a warm wave of pleasure coursing through his body. His skin was prickling with desire, his breath coming out in hot, short pants. Xaidar sunk deeper and deeper with each passing second, until the fat base of his knot pressed up against the Feline's entrance, teasing him, making it clear what was to happen at some point or another. Slowly, Xaidar pulled back, and began in on a steady rhythm.

Their faces were mere inches apart, and their bodies even less so. With each thrust, Cai let out a gentle groan, his hands curled around Xaidar's broad neck, his legs spread-eagled, his toes curling. The knot bounced powerfully off of his backside, filling the air with thick, wet slaps. Xaidar spurted glob after glob of pre-cum into the Feline's backside, making each thrust easier than the last, thought they hardly needed any sort of lubricant. In this dream world, they could do whatever they want, and Xaidar was content to make Cai submit.

"Beg for it." The Demon slowed, and Cai squirmed in protest, pouting a little despite trying to be mature. The feline pursed his lips, his insides squeezing around the Demon's member as he tried not to break. He was desperate for it, and the Demon knew it. He wanted to make the Feline completely submit to him, and it was likely to work.

"P...Please." Cai eventually said, and Xaidar let out an amused snort, lowering his head a little more, tilting his jaw to the side so his mouth could hover mere inches from the Feline's ear.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch it." He whispered quietly, barely loud enough to hear, and it sent a shiver down Cai's spine.

"Please." Cai's voice weakly responded, and Xaidar smirked to himself. He gently rocked his hips before, pushing his cock down against the Feline's prostate. Cai quivered in response and let out a weak gasp.

"I can't hear you." The Demon reiterated.

"Please!" Cai spoke a little louder now, feeling the colour rise to his cheeks in embarrassment. Xaidar chuckled under his breath and heaved his hips back, before thrusting down, hard. The knot slapped dangerously against Cai's backside as the Feline let out a quivering groan of pure bliss. His muscles relaxed for a split second, enough for the knot to lightly stretch the Feline's ring, before Xaidar pulled back and thrust again with the same ferocity.

With thrust after thrust, the Feline's tight behind stretched further and further, until it was almost ready to accommodate Xaidar's throbbing member, and not a moment too soon. Xaidar slowed his thrusts, sliding in deeply as his body trembled with exertion, before he jutted his hips forward and popped his knot in Cai's backside.

With that, their position changed. Xaidar grapsed his lover and rolled them over, until the Demon was laying flat on his back, and Cai was forced to ride him. Firmly tied, the Demon humped his hips up into the Feline's behind, moving his knot back and forth just a few centimetres or so, as Cai's insides squeezed and gripped. The Feline tried his best to balance on the Demon's cocked knees, wobbling a little. His cheeks were flushed as he noticed the prominent bulge in his stomach from his arched position.

Xaidar let out a sickeningly low groan as he slowed, rolling his head back. Cai watched as the cock visibly pulsed inside him, and he reached forwards to curl a hand around the slight bulge in his stomach, feeling the way the dick throbbed against his fingertips. Rope after rope of cum spurted into his insides, and it seemed never-ending.

"Oh man..." Xaidar sighed. "I'll never get used to that."

"...Me neither." Cai muttered quietly, taking in deep gulps of breath, rather overcome with pleasure. He rolled his hips around as Xaidar's fingers massaged his hips, giving him gentle squeezed and touches from time to time.

Slowly, the Demon rolled over and he pushed Cai back down onto the fabric, letting him relax in the warmth, whilst Xaidar used his own body as a shield. It was nice, admittedly, despite the strange 'contract' he had looming over his head.

"Oh, Cai. I have a question for you." Xaidar asked, a small smile playing upon his face as he reached up, stroking along the Feline's check and down to the side of his neck.

"What is it?" The Feline asked quietly, his eyes still closed, a smile spread across his young face.

"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?"

Cai felt an alarming amount of pressure around his throat, and it felt real. His eyes bulged open and he reached up, grasping at the hand closed around his throat. The once bright sky suddenly dimmed into a deep, terrifying dark. Cai could barely see a thing, other than the illuminating glare of Xaidar's glowing red eyes.

"I've been poking around inside your head for the past 3 weeks. Do you think I was so stupid as to gloss over your plans to be rid of me?" The grip tightened around Cai's throat, and the Feline let out a weak gasp for air, taking in a big gulp. This was a dream, right? It was a dream, and yet, he felt as if he was actually dying. No, fuck that. He was dying. His eyes rolled up, but he could still listen, could still hear Xaidar's words pounding into his ear.

"I'm not some clueless Imp here to give you powers, kid. Remember, I was playing nice for your benefit, not mine. I could have ripped your soul out anytime I wanted to. The contract was only for the soul in exchange for my services." The Demon pointed out with a dark snarl.

"W-Wait!" Cai rasped out, his eyes wide. "I still...I still control you! I am your master!"

"Oh. Please," Xaidar snorted. "I have more power than you can fathom. Do you think a dusty old scroll could hold me? Half of the damn incantation was missing, kid."

Cai paled. This was it. He'd messed up, and now he was paying the price. His soul was forfeit, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Now, I would have given you a second chance...but you lied to my face. So we're just going to have to play this my way. I don't get to go out into the mortal world very often, I'll admit...except when I'm summoned. And my oh my, did I stumble in on a particularly lucrative deal here. A fresh, young body like yours, surrounding by people with limitless power? It's just ripe for the picking." Xaidar continued, and Cai finally realised his plan.

"You can't..." The Cat tried to fight back, his fingers digging at the Demon's hand, trying to prize his powerful fingers away from the Feline's throat. Xaidar was smart: he had applied enough pressure to make it feel as if Cai was going to die, but not enough to actually kill him. He was teetering in the precipice of life and death.

"I can, and I will. Enjoy the beach, kid. Hope it was worth it." With that, the Demon was gone. Nothing but black smoke filled the Feline's vision, before he found the sky blue again. Xaidar was nowhere to be seen. He was sitting on the shore of the beach as they had before, but he was on his own.

He knew what to do. He reached down, pinching parts of his body. They stung, but he remained asleep. Why couldn't he wake up? Then it finally dawned on him.

Xaidar had taken control. He was on his own.


Night turned into day in the real world, and for all intents and purposes, Cai was sleeping soundly on his own bed. Tito crawled out of his own bed and stretched, letting out a quiet yawn as he padded across the his friend's bed, gently shaking him.

"Cai. It's time to get up. Classes are soon." He told his friend, before he sauntered over into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. After a moment's pause, the sound of running water could be heard, as Tito got in the shower.

Cai rolled over on the bed, stretching his limbs out and letting out a quiet yawn, before relaxing on his bad. His eyes remained closed for a moment as he took in a deep breath. After a moment, he opened his eyes.

They glowed red. Cai looked down at his hands and a wicked grin spread across his face. He licked his lips and cracked his knuckles, swinging himself out of bed.

"Oh, this is going to be fun." He muttered quietly, blinking once.

The dim red light faded, leaving nothing but Xaidar's consciousness in it's wake.