Cyn Part 5

Story by Voltair on SoFurry

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#5 of Cyn

Okay, before you read this, I just wanted to say three things. First, I am sorry I couldn't finish this sooner. A bunch of stuff happened. Second, I apologize if anything seems out of whack. I am in the hospital, doped up on morphean. Last, but not least, this is my first online story, so... well... I won't give any spoilers, but I will say that there are some firsts for me as well. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.

Cyn and Will lied closely snuggled together next to the lake, Will in his boxers. (They were still wet from the swim the evening before when he went to sleep, so he chose not to put his clothes on before falling asleep) As the morning light shun down through the tree tops, Will opened his eyes, and looked at the beautiful girl that lie in his arms. She soundly slept, her head nuzzled against his chest. Will wasn't exactly the most muscular guy around, but he was starting to show just a little bit of muscle tone from his training that he so vigorously forced himself through to protect her. Knowing that she was still sound asleep, he just slightly hugged her sleeping form, and laid his head back down. He knew that, when they awoke, they would need to continue their journey. After all, the run in with the evil male put them behind schedule. Finally, as Cyn finally opened her eyes, Will greeted her with a "Good morning."

"Good morning." Cyn said, sitting up slightly. She, at first, felt a little surprised about being held by Will when she awoke. It just seemed so much like a dream that she couldn't believe it was all real. "So, any pleasant dreams last night?"

"Yeah. I had a dream that I shared my first kiss with a beautiful girl. Wait... that wasn't a dream." Will laughed, hugging her tightly.

"Oh Will..." Cyn sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. She could hear his heart beating as he embraced her. She just wanted to stay like this, but she knew, as he did, that they would have to move. The male that tried to mate with her may have decided to pursue her, plus the king's men would be after them soon if they just stayed put. Finally pulling back from the embrace, Cyn murmured, "We should probably get walking. Besides, we always have tonight to spend more quality time together."

"Yeah... your right." Will said, giving her a small peck on the lips before standing up. As they both got ready, Cyn heard horse hooves clomping closer.

"Will, hurry! Someone is coming!" She cried in a panic, as Will struggled to get his pants on, and pathetically fell into a bush. Cyn went into a panic, and grabbed his color with her teeth, dragging Will with his pants still down.

"Wait! Cyn!" Will cried as she dragged him through the dirt. As she dragged him through the forest, they ran out in front of a young man that was wearing all grey clothes, except a red cape, that had bright red hair.

"Uh... Excuse me, but what is going on?" The young man asked, causing Cyn to stop and turn around. The man stared at Will and Cyn, with a puzzled look on his face. After all, all he saw was a blue, dragon-like creature dragging a guy with his pants down.

"Uh... It's hard to explain." Will sighed, his face beat red.

"Enough chat!" Cyn cried, gripping his collar to run again, when suddenly, several men on horseback came rushing in, forming a circle around the young man, Cyn, and Will.

"Uh... Cyn, I think we are surrounded." Will groaned, pulling away. Standing up, he slowly pulled his pants back up, and looked at Cyn. "You didn't happen to grab my sword during that...rather humiliating moment... did you?"

"Oops..." Cyn said quietly, looking away.

"Great." Will groaned, looking around. There were at least twenty men, several on horse-back.

"Excuse me, but may I ask who you are, to have the king sending so many men out?" The caped man asked.

"Uh... I accidentally killed a man trying to protect Cyn here." He said, looking at her. "And she is being hunted because, even though she normally is gentle natured, they all think she is a monster and want to hunt her."

"I see." The man said, thinking.

"Enough of this! Leave the red-haired man alone. Just go ahead and take the monster and its pet!" a black-armored man on horse-back laughed, pointing his sword at Will.

"Uh... excuse me, but from what I can tell, you guys are being a bit unfair." The caped man said, stepping in front of Will and Cyn, facing the dark-armored man.

"And you are?" The armored man asked, looking at him.

"Allow me to introduce myself. You can just call me Ryan the Red." He said, as two fireballs formed in his hands. "Honestly, I never was a fan of your king's ideals."

"You're helping us?" Cyn asked, surprised.

"Just stand back, and wait. We'll talk after I barbecue all of the king's men." Ryan said with a smile. As the soldiers all charged, he simply held his hand out, causing a barrier of fire to rise up around the three, and then calmly watched as the horses threw their riders off in a panic upon seeing the flames.

"Whoa... this guy is good." Will said, stunned.

"It's a pity your horse aren't a bit more faithful." He laughed as the armored man rose from the ground, his horse running into the forest without him. "Of course, if I had some big guy caked in metal on my back all day, I wouldn't probably be a big fan of him either."

"Who... or what are you?" The armored man asked, as the soldiers all backed away from him.

"Told'ya. Names Ryan. You really need to work on remembering stuff." He said, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, I'll give you all 10 seconds to get out of my site, or you'll have a front row seat to my own personal pyrotechnics show." Before he could say another word, the men all sprinted off, many of their faces pale white from fear.

"That was amazing." Will said as Ryan dispersed the barrier, and turned toward them. Holding out his hand, he chuckled slightly.

"Nice to meetcha!" Ryan said happily shaking hands with Will. "So the blue chick is Cyn... what's your name, Mr. Pants Down?"

"It's Will..." Will said, his face turning red. "I'd rather you forget about that."

"Nonsense. I can't forget something like that!" He laughed, slapping Will's back. "So, you heading out?"

"Yea... thanks for saving us." Cyn said, bowing her head.

"Hey, for a cute little lady like you, it's no problem." He said, kneeling in front of her. Picking her paw up, he kissed it, causing her to blush slightly.

"This guy is too much." Will groaned, turning away.

"What's wrong? Afraid I might get in the way of your little relationship? I wouldn't do such a thing." Ryan laughed, turning away.

"How do you know about that?" Will asked, stunned. "Are you stalking us?"

"Nah. I just sorta can tell by the fact that your eyes get all sparkly every time you make eye contact." Ryan laughed, starting to walk away.

"Wait, how did you do that thing with the fire?" Will yelled as the red-headed man walked further away.

"Secret!" Ryan said, holding up his hand without turning back toward them. "Anyways, buh-bye."

"That guy was strong, but I think he had a few screws loose." Will said, as the man walked out of site.

"I kind of liked him. He called me a lady, and treated me really respectfully." She said as her and Will started walking. "That's a rare occurrence!"

"I thought I treated you respectfully." Will said, looking at her.

"I meant with strangers. You're not a stranger." She said, affectionately nuzzling against him. "I know you."

"Okay, so let's just think about this. We have the king sending men after us, a potential threat from your wannabe lover, and a crazy red-headed pyro defending us." Will said, thinking. "Can things get any stranger?" Will asked, thinking to himself.

"So you don't think our love is strange?" Cyn asked, looking at him. "I mean, I look nothing like a human. I look completely like a reptile that has smooth skin instead of scale. You're a human."

"Well, it's a bit unique..." Will said, thinking about it. "Honestly, though, I don't feel unnatural being with you. I feel like it was meant to be."

"I do to, but when you just think about it from other's perspectives, it would seem strange." Cyn chuckled.

"But who cares about them, right? As long as we're happy, it's all good." Will happily said, patting her on the head. As the two walked, the passed by their old camp, and picked up Will's sword and boots. Finally, they got back on the road, walking somewhat hastily, in hopes of actually getting somewhere. As they walked, the light that shined on them from the tree tops slowly grew dimmer, as clouds slowly rolled in.

Uh... Will? I think it's going to rain. We need to find shelter." Cyn said, staring upward. Suddenly, a clap of thunder echoed through the sky, and rain began pouring from the skies.

"What are you talking about, Cyn? The weather is really lovely!" Will sarcastically laughed, still walking forward.

"Come on, I know where there is an old den of mine. It should be safe for tonight." Cyn said, leading him through the forest hastily. Finally, they came to a large rocky outcropping that stuck out of the side of a hill. Hastily, they ran in, huffing as they tried to catch their breath.

"This place is kind of nice." Will said, sitting on a rock, and looking out at the rain.

"Yeah..." Cyn said, looking at Will, who was soaking wet. "You should probably get dry before you catch a cold."

"What about you?" Will asked, looking at her as he kicked his boots off his feet."

"My skin is so smooth, water just runs off. I'm water proof!" She said, sitting at Will's feet.

"Yeah... maybe I should start a fire." Will said, looking around for a good place. Cyn casually walked passed Will, picking up several logs that were stacked in the back, and then sat them in front of Will.

"I lived here for a while, and gathered some supplies up, but I had to abandon everything to run." She said, lowering her head. "Luckily, everything is still here." She then grabbed some try grass, and spat a fire ball onto the pile, causing a fire instantly.

"You can breathe fire?" Will asked, stunned.

"Not very well. It takes a while for it to build up and be usable again. I use it when I really need to." She said, smiling at him. "I guess I just forgot to mention that part."

"Yeah..." Will said, looking down at the fire. "At least we are safe for the night... even if it is still fairly early."

"Well, that gives us some free time." Cyn said, walking over to will. "What would you like to do for fun?"

"Uh... I don't know..." Will said as he looked at his blue-skinned love. She suddenly hopped up, putting here front paws on his legs, her back ones still on the floor. Will glanced down, seeing her tail wagging playfully, and slowly looked up, making eye contact with her. Her head was slightly higher than his. "I'll do whatever you would like to do." Will said, looking into her eyes. Without another word, the two suddenly embraced each other, kissing deeply and passionately. As their tongues mingled, Will caressed her neck, his eyes slightly open so that he could see the blue muzzle that he loved so much. Finally pulling their lips apart, they stared at each other, blushing slightly.

"You're cloths are still wet..." She said, pawing slightly at his collar. "You could always just take them off and lay them near the fire to dry so you don't catch a cold."

"Only if you don't mind." Will said, his hand on her cheek.

"Well, that's entirely up to you. I know how you humans are afraid to not wear cloths." She snickered, undoing one of his collar buttons with her teeth. "Clothing is just pointless."

"Well, we humans don't have tails covering us." he said, undoing the buttons of his shirt. "Besides, the way we are built, we are a little more vulnerable when we walk on two legs."

"Well, you don't have to worry about me." Cyn said, helping him pull his shirt off his head. "I might rough house you a little, but I wouldn't hurt my Will." The two then embraced tightly, breaking into another kiss. Feeling his skin on hers, she murred softly, before breaking the kiss.

"I love you so much." Will said, caressing her white chest with one hand, as he slowly undid his belt. Pulling the belt off, Will slightly stood up, as Cyn retreated back to the floor, waiting for him to take his pants off. Just as they fell down around his ankle, Cyn laughed, remembering the earlier incident in the forest.

"So, you having fun?" Cyn asked flirtily, looking up at him.

"Yea. You mind if I take just a second to put my stuff next to the fire, do you?" Will asked, smiling at her.

"Sure. After all, that is why you are taking them off, isn't it?" Cyn said, watching as he laid his clothing on the ground. Standing in his boxer, he looked back at Cyn, before sitting down on the rock again. Cyn walked to the back of the cave, and retrieved a neatly folded grey blanket. Laying it out a few feet from the fire, Cyn sat down in it, and looked up at Will. "Care to join me?" She asked in a cute, flirtatious voice.

"Where did you get this from?" Will asked, lying down next to her.

"Well, some humans came to hunt for me one time, and I turned their horse loose. So they had nothing to pull their wagon. They just left it behind, and I looted all the stuff from it." Cyn giggled mischievously.

"Well, their loss." Will said, passionately throwing his arms around her, and forcing his tongue into her mouth. Pulling away, he murmured, "I just hope they don't mind too much." He then went back to kissing her as deeply as before. As he kissed her, his hand started out caressing her cheek. Rolling around together, Cyn eventually wound up lying on top of him, their tongues still tied. Caressing her, Will's hand slowly moved from her cheek down to her neck.

"I love you." Cyn said during a short pause, before pressing her lips to him again. As they kissed, Will's hand that he caressed her with was now on her side, sliding closer to her back leg. As it went over her thigh, Will slightly snapped to his senses, and pulled his lips away. He knew that lust was starting to take hold of him, and he was afraid he might upset her. However, when she simply shoved her muzzle to his lips, and murred, he simply lost control, and continued feeling her blue body until his hand caressed something hot and damp beneath her tail. Without thinking, he slowly fondled it, causing Cyn to murr loudly, throwing her head back in ecstasy, flinging stray saliva into the air when their mouths came apart. Knowing that her love was touching her, instead of that creepy male was what made it all that much better.

"Oh! Will!" Cyn cried, pushing herself against his hand, snapping him out of his trance.

"Cyn? Sorry!" cried Will, pulling his hand back.

"Actually, I was enjoying that..." Cyn sighed sadly as the pleasure went away. She looked into his eyes, an almost pouting look filling them. Will, staring back, simply smiled, and began stroking her again. As she murred in pleasure, he began kissing her again. His finger slowly caressed the slit, just slightly parting it. Hot fluids slowly oozed down his hand as Cyn let out slight yipping sound, and wrapped her forelegs tightly around Will. "Will... I love you so much..." she gasped as Will's fingers fondled her slit.

"As long as I am making you happy, I'm happy." Will said, smiling at her. His boxers were stretched tight as his cock hardened, which he was unaware of.

"Will... can I ask you a really big favor?" she said, stepping away from Will a few steps. "Please remove your underwear... I want to see what you look like."

"Anything for you." Will said, dropping his boxers. His cock was around eight inches, with short, dark hair around it. Before he could react, Cyn grabbed it in her mouth, her tongue wrapping around it. Crying out, Will fell to his knees from the pleasure of her tongue squeezing him like a boa constricts its prey. "Ahhhh... Cyn... I'm yours... do what you want... with me..." He gasped as Cyn pushed him onto his back, her tail wagging playfully. With each passing moment, Will moaned louder, and Cyn tightened her tongue. Finally, Will cried, "Cyn... I'm about to... cum..." Just as he said that, she pulled her lips back, and laughed, as Will gained a disappointed look on his face, his cock dripping with her clear saliva.

"What's wrong, Will? You want more?" Cyn asked, sitting with her front paws on his belly.

"Mm hmm...." Will panted, nodding his head.

"I'm afraid my mouth isn't going to be pleasing you." She said, getting on top of him until their eyes were staring straight into each others. "Instead... I wish to take my virginity upon you." She said, lowering her slit to his member. Murring softly, she looked into his eyes again.

"So... you do know I'm a virgin, too, right?" Will asked, blushing at her.

"Then I guess we'll just have to learn together." Cyn said, slightly shoving onto Will. As his cock slowly entered her, both of them broke into a passionate kiss, Will and Cyn both moaning as their bodies united for the first time slowly. As a slight bit of tension built in her lower body, Cyn thrusted down, whimpering slightly from the pain of Will tearing into new parts of her un-explored body. The two pulled their lips apart, moaning louder.

"You're... so... tight, Cyn...." Will gasped, his hand now on her hips. As she slowly began moving up and down, Will moaned slightly, squeezing her round blue rump, as she playfully smiled at him, before kiss him again. Their tongues wrapped, Cyn began growling as she began humping him faster. Will, lost in lust, used all of his strength to roll her over, still with their bodies locked. Humping her even harder, Will cried "Cyn! You are so damn amazing! I just want to make that hot blue thing mine!"

"I'll be the one making you mine!" Cyn roared, thrusting so hard that Will's back went up in the air. As the two desperately thrusted in pure, in-experienced lust, Cyn roared savagely like Will had never heard, which turned him on more. He was absolutely in love with her, from her cute, curvy blue body, to her adorable round eyes, and that long tongue. She was just too good to be true.

"Cyn! Ahh! I love you soooo much!" Will cried as his body slowly neared its climax. He began thrusting harder in reaction, managing to open his eyes. "Cyn... can we... stare into each other's... eyes?"

"Ahh... yes.... I want to see your face... when you fill me..." Cyn moaned, opening her eyes. The two's eyes stayed locked, even as Cyn's pussy began constricting Will's cock tighter then her tongue ever could. Finally, they both shoved their bodies as tightly against one another, screaming in ecstasy.

"CYN!!! AAAHHH!!!" Will cried at as hot human seed flooded her inner walls, which squeezed him as if trying to suck him dry.

"Ooooohh.....WILL!" Cyn roared, pushing herself onto him as hard as she could, her body trying to milk him of his smooth, calming, hot cum. She could feel fluids oozing down her leg as the two stared into each other's eye, unblinking.

"That... felt... so... good" Will murmured, pulling out and falling onto his back beside her. "I love you... Cyn."

"Will, can you be my mate for life?" Cyn asked, looking over at her human lover, who panted from exhaustion.

"As long as I can be with you, I will do anything." Will said, smiling at her. Cyn, without another word, nuzzled her cheek to his chest. "I'll protect you, my beloved mate. Even if it kills me."