Problem Solving Potion

Story by LittleRaccoonToddler on SoFurry

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After going so long writing nothing... this is what I come back with >.>

Softly biting his lower lip Mark slowly exited the classroom. Keeping his distance from the rest of the exiting pupils the raccoon walked as casually as his body would let him. Darting into a nearby stairwell as soon as he judged it safe the raccoon threw his arm over his abdomen.

"mmph...ngh" the poor raccoon whined as his body worked its way through another stomach cramp. The urge had hit him halfway through his last class, now most furs would simply excuse themselves to the restroom, but for Mark, that was out of the question. He had very specific requirements for restrooms, and most public toilets didn't make the cut.

Once he felt okay enough to start moving the raccoon began an ascent to the building's second floor. There, perhaps, he could find a clean and empty bathroom to use.

Exiting the stairwell Mark turned his gaze towards the restrooms. He felt a surge of optimism upon seeing the floor was mostly empty, save a few females chatting at the far end. After walking a short distance he stopped in front of a heavy wooden door marked 'MALES' perhaps today was his lucky day.

Alas, disappointment filled the raccoon as the restroom door opened. Both urinals and one of the two stalls were occupied. Though this did leave one toilet free to use there was no way Mark was going to go while other people were in the room. The mere thought of going with another person around caused the poor raccoon's white furred cheeks to flush red with embarrassment. No, for what he needed to do, he needed to be alone.

Sighing under his breath the raccoon hastily washed his paws and grabbed two paper towels from the dispenser, one for drying and one for opening the exit door. after throwing the paper towel into a nearby trashcan Mark trudged his way back to the stairwell as his bowels let loose an angry, hateful gurgle.

Bursting through the door to the third floor Mark swung his head around looking for any signs of life. Unlike the previous floor the third floor hallways was completely devoid of any other furs. The deserted hallway reignited Mark's optimism as he headed towards the male's restroom. Maybe now he could get the relief he so desperately needed.

Upon entering the raccoon's optimism increased tenfold. Just like the hall the bathroom was completely devoid of any patrons. He dashed to the bathroom's one stall and shoved the door open. Immediately he came to a stop, as his brain tried to process the scene before him.

The stall's toilet looked as if it had recently returned from a trip to hell. A busted seat, leaking pipes, and inches of porcelain blighted and smeared by all sorts of horrors. Looking at it, Mark couldn't help but think some of the substances may not be terrestrial. Suffice to say either the janitorial staff was skirting their duties here, or whoever used the toilet last had major issues and zero regard for any future patrons.

Despite the growing pain in his stomach Mark turned his nose up at the vacant stall and marched towards the restroom exit. The raccoon let out a spiteful hiss as he reached the door to discover that it, like all other doors in the building, opened inwards. Much worse, the paper towel dispenser was completely empty.

Mark absolutely hated touching surfaces like that. There was no way of knowing what type of awful germs made their home on the cold metal handle, but he knew that he didn't want them on his fur or his skin. Normally the raccoon would try wedging his foot behind the handle along with a follow up kick to open the way, but the growing ache in his belly prevented any kind of strenuous physical actions.

Unable to wait and think Mark withdrew his right paw into his teal t-shirt. Using his shirt as a cover the raccoon clumsily grabbed onto the door handle and pulled the door open. With time starting to run thin he wasted no time in racing up to the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor, Mark's hopes were dashed before even reaching the bathroom. Taped to the front of the male's restroom door was a sheet of line paper with 'OUT OF ORDER' hastily scribbled in red ink.

The raccoon began to walk away, only to have his intestines moan in agony. Both his paws flew to cover his stomach as he tensed his buttocks. After ten seconds, though in Mark's mind it felt like ten minutes, the cramp subsided. The raccoon took a deep breath and braced himself before running back to the stairwell.

On the fifth and final floor of the building Mark sought one last hope. The top floor served as one of the campuses many libraries and was always bustling with students. However, near the back of the floor, in an area surrounded by group study rooms a set of bathrooms, unknown to most students, waited for desperate students.

Burst into the library Mark felt another severe cramp rumble through his gut. In his mind, stopping to wait for the pain to pass would betray his needs to the packed library. Instead, the raccoon summoned a toothy smile and once again clinched his butt muscles before shuffle walking his way to the study rooms.

Reaching secluded restroom the raccoon forced the door open with all his might. Only giving a quick glance over the restroom to make certain it was the poor raccoon rushed into the one available stall. He looked down at the toilet and immediately decided that while not ideal, it met his now rapidly falling standards.

Feeling his body reaching the end of its rope Mark pivoted and slammed the stall door shut, hastily latching the lock. The raccoon hiked his ringed tail into the air and got ready to sit down. As he reached to unfasten the button on his pants, the most horrifying sound that was currently imaginable filled the quiet bathroom air.

The wooden door to the bathroom creaked open, followed closely by approaching footsteps. Mark saw a shadow walk to the stall door before coming to a stop. The raccoon's tail fell down and with an audible sigh he refastened the button on his pants.

Mark adjusted his backpack and unlocked the stall door. Walking out of the stall Mark briefly locked eyes with the green lizard that interrupted him. In the poor reptiles eyes lay the same desperate stare that the raccoon wore. Still, no matter how urgent the need, no matter how painful the sensation, Mark knew he wouldn't be able to go with someone else in the bathroom.

Not bothering to wash his paws or get a paper towel shield before opening the door the raccoon walked out of the bathroom and leaned against the nearby wall. Another cramp hit and Mark whined in response to the discomfort. Despite the desperation of the situation the raccoon still couldn't stand to think that anyone else knew what he needed to do. As his cheeks once again flushed red at the embarrassing though the raccoon slung his backpack to his chest and began rummaging through, hoping that the act of subterfuge would throw off any suspecting eyes.

While searching through his bag his paw brushed up against something cold. Confused, Mark pulled the source from the bottom of his bag. In his paw lay a clear water bottle with a sticky note barely attached that simply read 'Potion of Problem Solving' above a crudely drawn smiley face.

The note caused a memory to surge in the raccoon's mind. How to weeks ago while he was hanging out in his friends dorm room the subject of their conversation had somehow made its way to college bathroom habits. How Mark had confided his criteria for using a public restroom. How his friend proceeded to tease him mercilessly about it.

"What are you? Like, two or something?" his friend snickered.

"Uhhh, dude? Do you have any idea what kind of germs are living in there?" the raccoon huffed. "Besides, that's... that's just not something you do with other people around!"

Mark's comment only summoned more laughter from his friend. "Oh wow, you really are a baby, aren't you?" His friend teased.

"I AM NOT A BABY!" The raccoon indignantly yelled.

His friend was unmoved. "Actually, yeah, you're right, a baby wouldn't give a damn either way. Soooo... congratulations on being below a toddler?"

"Hmph!" Mark responded.

Turning to face the raccoon; Mark's friend's face suddenly lit up. "You know what? That actually gives me an idea. Hang on tight." His friend said before rushing out of the room.

After three minutes Mark's friend returned, carrying what appeared to be a small bottled water in his paws. "Tell ya what, Mark. If you ever face the sheer horror of needing to drop a deuce during classes just drink this, and I promise it'll make it all better." He spoke through a toothy grin.

Mark reached out and grabbed the bottle. The raccoon shook it and tilted his head before asking "What is it?"

Saying nothing Mark's friend grabbed a yellow sticky note and a black marker and scribbled something down before adhering the note to the bottle.

The raccoon looked at the note and read it aloud. "Problem solving potion?"

His friend began shaking his head up and down, still sporting his toothy grin. A painful gurgle erupted from the raccoon's bowels, cutting the memory short. He stared at the bottle for a few seconds before whispering to himself. "You know what? I'm willing to give it a shot."

With that the raccoon removed the top from the bottle and chugged the liquid inside. He stood still for several minutes, waiting for something to happen. Alas, it seemed like his friend had been pulling his leg. It kind of felt like his stomach had settled, but only a little bit, if at all. He still needed to go, and he still had nowhere to go.

Mark took a step forward and suddenly the lights in the room brightened to a blinding brilliance. The room began to spin and the raccoon a sensation of vertigo wash over him. As the spinning slowed and the brightness returned to normal the vertigo was replaced with a slight euphoric sensation.

Looking around Mark noticed that the library seemed nearly ten times bigger than it had been. Looking down the raccoon saw that he was standing in the middle of a huge pair of khaki pants, of which he figured he could fit his entire body into a single leg.

His teal shirt, which had once fit tightly around his neck, now barely held itself on the edges of his shoulders. His white cloth briefs were now gone, replaced with a poofy, plastic white diaper that forced his legs apart with its bulk.

Confused, but amused, the now-toddler raccoon looked around the library, taking in the surroundings that suddenly seemed so new. Suddenly his discoveries were interrupted by a pained groan coming from his little belly.

"Oof! Owie!" the little kit exclaimed as a familiar pressure made itself known. This time however, the fear of embarrassment and compulsive anxiety of cleanliness didn't dare show itself. Mark squatted down and hiked his tail into the air.

Breathing a deep sigh of relief the kit began softly sucking his thumb as he felt his bowels empty. A blissful feeling filled the raccoon's entire body as he felt the diaper begin to softly tug at his waist thanks to the extra weight the kit was depositing into it.

Standing up straight Mark felt the last bits of his trouble exit his body. A delightful shiver ran up his spine, causing the little one to briefly shake before giggling to himself. Feeling infinity better, without hardly a care in the world the kit began looking around the library. The only thing he cared about now was getting a diaper change.

It appeared to be Mark's lucky day as he spotted an occupied slightly ajar study room door only a few meters away. The kit fixed his teal shirt so that he wouldn't trip and toddled towards the open door.

Pushing the door open little Mark greeted the silent room with a loud "Hi!"

Four studying students turned to face the kit. After examining the baby for a few seconds a long haired brunette tigress female stood up and walked over to the raccoon.

"Hey little guy, what are you doing here?" she asked softly asked.

Mark tilted his head upward and met the tiger's eyes. Pulling up his shirt, as if to proudly reveal what he had done, the kit showed off the heavily sagging diaper around his waist.

"I pooped! Can you change me?" the little kit cheerfully yelled. His innocent smile and happy demeanor not flinching a bit as the four collegians erupted into laughter.

Even as a whiff of the raccoon's trouble began assaulting her nose the tigress continued laughing. Through her chuckles she was barely able to speak, but did manage to explain. "No, I can't change you little guy."

"Kay!" The kit blurted out before turning to exit the room. Before he could take a step the tigress's voice interrupted. "But I can take you to the campus daycare. They'll take care of you."

Mark turned to face the room again and gave a loud, "Kay!" before raising his arms in the air towards the tigress.

The tigress picked Mark up and rested his little body on her shoulder. As she walked she tried to keep the kit's odor downwind while giggling wildly to herself. For his part, Mark snuggled onto the tigress's soft shoulder. Completely free of anxiety and embarrassment the toddler settled down to enjoy the ride.

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