[COM-16] Chief; Rise to Power 1/2

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Storm/Commissioner - StormGryphon

Writing - Runa

Art - Nomax

Part 1 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1241379

Part 2 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1242086

In this story, the soon to be Chief Storm goes out on his rite of passage, hunting the largest beast in the land. However, he encounters some complications when the princess from a rival tribe challenges his authority over the fresh kill! Only one way to remedy that!

Chief; Rise to Power

Storm stood tall before the village elders in the grand hall, shoulder to shoulder with a dozen gryphons all around his age that were on the cusp of adulthood. The elders were each taking turns lecturing the young adults about their importance to the future of the tribe while taking special care to focus on storm, since he was the most brash and cocky of the young males. In his mind, Storm felt they were taking extra time to explain things to him because they knew he would be the most capable of succeeding at the task that lay ahead of them all, and had the best chance at the open seat to be filled.

In their tribe, young gryphons both male and female would be monitored and groomed for a position in the high council, which could eventually lead to them becoming a village elder. The unconventional selection process helped the tribe to foster, as bloodlines were not considered the best of ways to determine the limited positions upon the high council; instead, those roles were fulfilled by the most capable, the most determined, and the most loyal. Only the most qualified gryphons were considered for the position, and only the best skilled would make the cut.

Of the thirteen young gryphons, Storm stood head and shoulders above the rest in virtually every category. He was the tallest, the strongest, the best at hunting, and the finest fighter in the tribe, besting even the experienced warriors who had seen years of combat defending the village. Of course, a lifetime of success was marred only by his arrogance, as he was notoriously well known around the village by both the young and the old as one who took what he felt he rightfully deserved. This meant that if he saw food he wanted, he took it; if he saw a mare or hen he wanted, he took her.

Few had the skills or clout to deny him that, so he spent many years as the frontrunner for the next available spot on the high council. After years of preparing himself and gaining favor by feeding families, fighting foes, and fornicating with the females of the tribe to please them, he knew he was almost certain to be the next one to fill the seat on the high council. From there, he fully expected to rise through the ranks and become an elder within a matter of years, given his skill and tenacity. All he had to do was listen to the old fools give their speeches about the importance of the hunt, then he would be on his way to once again prove his value to the people of his tribe and the future of his people.

"Each of you are tasked with tracking, killing, and bringing back the biggest and best game you can find." The prime elder spoke to the thirteen young gryphons, making talon motions with her hands to accentuate her words. "You have one week to find, lure, and successfully hunt within our territory, and the single gryphon who comes back with the best game will be granted the first of many points towards our month long selection process. In addition, the one who makes it back with their hunt first will be granted a head start on the second quadrant of the process. It is important to understand that, like the land that supports us, a balance of veracity and humility is needed, so you young hunters must weigh the benefits of a bountiful hunt with the-"

"We get it, Elder Rhywel, speed of the hunt and size off the prey both are equally important in this, as the larger the hunt gets more points, but taking longer gives less time for the next test." Storm interrupted, standing tall with his bone balder wrapped around his chest and a spear in his hand. "The most important thing to know is, when can we embark upon our journey to prove my worth?"

The prime elder stopped talking as she inflated her upper chest feathers in annoyance at Storm. It was clear she was not happy with his interruption, but let him continue as the other twelve stood by and failed to counter his words. When he completed, she held a staff high, then lowered it to the ground before her on the top step of the altar. "Tonight at midnight, the village gates will open and the first quadrant of your tests shall begin. Does anyone have any questions?"

Most of the gryphons shrugged and glanced back and forth to one another, not sure how to speak after having Storm so confidently cut off the elder. In their past, they had all crossed him once or twice, and they all had been challenged to sparring matches that they uniformly lost in quick fashion. Beyond that, Storm was also known for 'taking' the loser as reward, regardless of gender or willingness.

"No questions, Elder Rhywel. I will be retiring to my hut, and I am sure these others would like to rest up a bit as well, as the following month will be quite taxing for them." He declared, specifically making it clear that he did not feel it would be a challenge for him. He also looked past the elder to get a clear look at Aurys - the elder's cream and orange patterned daughter - standing behind her. Storm flashed her a devious grin to remind her of their conversation from before the meeting with the elders before turning and leaving the grand hall, head held high with the confidence he needed to prepare.

Storm immediately went to his tree-top hut and watched as the others involved in the four tests all spilled out of the hall one after another, with the elders, high council, and their respective families coming out last. He saw Aurys looking around for him, so he hopped down and spread his wings to glide over to her, landing on the ground next to the gryphoness. He took her hand and pulled her in close and wrapped his arm around her torso, forcing her against him to show just how much larger and more powerful he was than her.

"Storm, now is not the best time." She lightly protested, glancing past him to see her father and mother - the Prime Elder - glaring at the two of them. While the Elders knew of Storm's more aggressive habits, they knew that it was Aurys' decision in the end who she mated with, so they stayed out of her relations despite wanting so very much to look out for her.

Storm knew this, which is why he pulled her even closer and wrapped his wing around her, a classic play to symbolize protection of others. "What better time than now? I'm about to get a seat on the high council that will eventually see me become an elder, why not celebrate?"

She lightly pushed away, looking up at him with those intense golden eyes as she gaped a grin at him. "Fine, but not right now. I'll see you tonight the moment the sun sets, but not a moment earlier. I have a meal to enjoy with the council and I won't have it ruined by you." She flicked him by the beak and slid out from his grasp, allowing herself to run up the pathway to her family.

He watched her tail flicking out behind her as she ran, his own member swelling within its loin cloth as he fantasized about what he'd do to her the second she arrived. Aurys was not one to deny him the pleasure he deserved, and he knew she wouldn't leave him on such an important night.

With his thoughts firmly entrenched between both heads, he leapt up to the trunk of the tree in which his home was built, climbing up it using his claws and powerful arms, using the grooves in the bark and the dozens of vines to make his way up the dozen meters to his hut. Climbing made a lot more sense than flying, as he would have had to fly in circles to gain the altitude.

Back at his home, he sat naked in his den with a blade in one hand and a sharpening stone in the other, honing his tools for the hunt to come while his sheath throbbed in anticipation. He kept his eyes on the front door as the sun disappeared over the horizon, as he knew exactly what awaited him come sundown. Within minutes of the dim orange glow evaporating from the outline of the door itself, a knock came rapping upon it, which Storm happily invited in. "Come in, I'm ready."

Aurys cracked the door and slipped through it, closing it behind her as her tail flicked. She wore only a one piece blouse that covered her chest and loins as well as some jewelry to show her status as the Prime Elder's daughter. The first thing she did before even speaking a word was to grab and unhook the necklaces from around her neck, tossing them into a bowl by the front door; she knew what would happen if she dared wear anything like that when offering herself to Storm, for he cared not for her silly trinkets and what he deemed a symbol of avarice. She also peeled off her blouse, tossing it on the ground near her feet as she took the first steps forward, kicking it to the side as her wings spread.

Storm's sheath swelled as he gently laid both blade and sharpening stone on the table next to him. "You're late." He said, standing up with his chest puffed out and wings partially spread to show a form of dominance. "You know I don't like it when you're late." He stepped forward, rubbing at his groin to pull his sheath flesh away and expose his massive purple member covered with spines.

Aurys kept her stance as she stopped in place, hands balled into fists as she defied him. "I'm not late, I'm right on time. If you were outside in the sky as I was, you'd have seen the last sliver of the day star before it disappeared over the western mountains." Her chest feathers puffed out and she trilled at him, eager to test him and see how he would respond.

With a gentle hiss and growl, he grabbed her arm and spun her around, forcing her against the wall with his forearm against the back of her neck, pinning her in place as he forcefully yanked her tail up to expose both her tail hole and plump pussy lips. She gasped gently at his aggressive actions, but that didn't stop him from getting a nice, firm grip upon his member and guiding it up between her legs, smearing his copious lubricants and precum all over her legs, rump cheeks, hips, and swollen vulva. "I told you I don't like it when you are late, so next time you better be here early." He warned as he started using his cock tip to massage his fluids into the fur around her sex and rump.

She trilled at him, contorting her neck to look back at his face as she spread her legs and dipped her lower back. Despite actively trying to aid him in slipping into her, that didn't quite seem like it was enough, as he let go of the back of her neck, wrapped his hand around her belly, and guided his cock directly at her swollen pussy lips. No foreplay, no oral, no fingering, and no warning; no time for that.

He hissed in her ear and bucked his hips, forcing his cock to plunge into her with one fluid motion. After finding his mark amidst her soaked loins, he easily slid into her as her flesh distended and stretched to accommodate him; though she was capable of handling him, the light sound of her toes scratching could be heard on his floor, revealing her struggle. Storm had to keep his knees bent to stay low enough to her pussy, since he was a full meter taller than her in total, but the sound of the claws on his floor and the warmth of her depths smothering him urged him to stand up straight, hanging her entire body off his engorged member, hips resting on the bulge of his quickly forming knot.

Storm kept a hold of her hips to help at least some with the weight, but he also used his hands to hold her and push her down on him. His knot lobes were swelling a bit at a time with every beat of his heart, so he started grinding against her with the vigor needed to force them in before they expanded too far. He was a warrior, a hunter, and soon to be member of the high council, failing to knot was not something he would allow himself the indignity, so he slammed his body into hers as hard as he could with the force and power to rock the entire tree his home hut was build upon.

Aurys shuddered and winced, doing her best to not allow herself to cry out. Night had fallen on the village and some would be sleeping to get a head start on the next day; the rocking and shaking of the hut would be enough to ruin anyone's naps, had it been heard down at ground level. Instead, she pushed back and relaxed, hoping to have her drake slip into her, to get it over with quickly.

However, Storm had something of a one-track mind when sex was presented to him, and he didn't feel her loins loosen for him; instead, he pulled almost entirely out as the spines along his head tugged on her flesh, giving him full distance to thrust as hard as he could.

With the audible squelch of flesh in flesh emanating from between them, Storm pumped as hard as he could, slamming his knot and balls against her hips and inner thighs, pausing at the height of each thrust to grind and gyrate into her in an attempt to have his knot slip into the gryphon's feline pussy. The drake grabbed the feathers and hair atop her head while digging his fingers into her hips, his sexual aggression growing with each successive thrust until he could feel her sex quiver and shake in pleasure.

Sensing that he wouldn't get his tie from this angle, he hoisted her up and held her against his chest, arms around her torso pinning her wings to her body as he let all of her weight down on his member. He spun around and fell onto his knee, letting her lay belly down over the side of his nest as he pressed his weight down upon her, pinning her in place as he forcefully bucked and thrust his hips.

Aurys trilled and cooed at him, but he could barely hear her due to how muffled her voice grew as she was rubbed face first into the fabric of his nest. The gryphoness grabbed at it, grasping and clawing at anything she could get her hands on while Storm kept slamming her time and time again.

The two of them kept in a rhythm, pushing back into each other as his hips gained a proper rhythm, spines tugging on her flesh and pulling her plump vulva out with every withdrawal. As he erected himself, he grabbed at her tail and got a good look down at the work he was doing, the tender lips of his gryphon hen all swollen and dripping with their combined lubricants - his precum and her arousal. Then, as he marveled at his own gloriously sloppy work, he tensed his thighs and rump cheeks, forcing his cock forward as he tugged hard on her waist and tail.

Then, in a sudden and intense symphony of spatters and guttural squelching, her lips expanded and swallowed his member, a lurch of his knot popping into her not only lodging himself in her sex but also his cock tip past her cervix and into her womb, where he quickly began to deposit his seed.

The second she felt the tie begin, she started heaving an breathing heavily as if she'd been holding her breath. Aurys' chest shuddered and shook as she gently turned to look at Storm, grinning at him while he idly gyrated his hips to roll his knot around inside her. Though he was much larger than her and the pressure of his member was intense, she was able to handle him, if only barely.

After a few minutes of sharing a sultry gaze, she propped herself up and spoke, "So, what exactly was it you wanted to discuss with me, Storm? I know you demand female companionship, but there had to be more to it than that, given my relationship to my mother." She rolled onto her back, lifting one leg up and over Storm's chest so that he was staring down at her.

In response, Storm crawled over her, knot keeping them tied together as he forced her to slide backwards into the middle of the nest. "You're going to tell me what the second step of the trials is, so I can have a head start on it soon after I bring back the biggest game this village has ever seen." He kept himself propped up over her, both hands like pillars on either side of her head as he stared at her, beak agape and musky cock scent billowing up between them.

Aurys writhed as she clenched and relaxed, continuing to pleasure him even as they remained tied and relatively immobile. "Well, to be honest I'm not entirely sure. I did hear some chatter about a scavenger hunt in the north temples, but I don't have the hints about what it is you're supposed to be looking for. That information was kept in a sealed envelope, and I don't even know if that's step two or three, I-" She was cut off mid sentence as Storm pulled on his knot, yanking her swollen lips outward while her body refused to let him go.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe that's an answer. You live with the Prime Elder, Aurys, I know you're the kind of hen to stick your beak in the business of others, so I'll try again: what is the second step of the trials?" He tugged a bit more, threatening to yank himself from her depths fullly tied if she didn't cooperate with him, a real pain in the loins had he done so."

She whimpered and trilled a bit, avoiding his gaze as she tried to think up an excuse. When she couldn't, she sighed and shook her head, defeated. "Okay, I don't know the actual hint or the riddle that you're going to be given - I am telling the truth about that - but I do know your totem is modeled after you, carved out of ebonic stone and dyed on the beak and claws to make it clear it's you. It's hidden on the very peak of one of the temples, buried under the top stone so you can't see it from the air. Now, can you just finish with me so we can enjoy the night before you leave?"

Storm grinned and leaned into her, once again sinking his knot in deep to relieve the pressure before rolling onto his side, relaxing with his wing wrapped around her. "Very well. We shall stay here until midnight, then we will be parting ways. I'll be sure to take you first when these trials are over."

"Wait, you do know you can't part ways with me until this knot deflates, right? That might not be until morn-" She paused, dread seeping into her as she realized that he had every intention of yanking himself free before he was supposed to. Part of her expected him to sleep through the night with them tied, since she had given him a hint, but that was clearly not his plan. Though that was considered to be immensely painful to others and potentially dangerous, Aurys had been with Storm enough times up to this point that she figured it would be little more than a sore groin for the next few days. Though not her ideal way to part ways with the fine gryphon drake, she knew she'd be fine.

Storm could see her eyes darting around as she realized every bit of this, so he stroked her head feathers and pulled her up so she could straddle him, his member pumping gush after gush of his potent gryphon seed into them. They had quite the night ahead of them, and he knew that a small nap would be a great way to prepare himself for the hunt and the trials to follow.

He could have stayed up to prepare and map out his course for hunting and tracking, but he was too good to waste his time doing anything short of enjoying the Prime Elder's daughter; he already knew the locations of all the ulokar herds that wandered the Arrenthen jungles. He would need to head north east, towards the borders of the Joraken tribe there, only then would he be able to bag and drag home the biggest and most wonderful of the ulokar beasts.

Risky or not, he would do it. For his people, for the future, and for his own glory.

Later that night, after he enjoyed his lengthy nap and the relaxation that came with it, Storm rustled himself awake and inflated his feathers, soaking up the warmth as he lightly tugged on Aurys. He was already fully alert, his pupils dilated as a surge of adrenaline pounded through him.

After enjoying one final pump of his seed into Aurys, he grabbed onto her haunches and gave a vigorous tug, yanking his semi-swollen knot from her in a gushing mess that soaked her thighs and the underside of her tail. She whimpered a bit, curling into the fetal position as she held her thighs, yet she couldn't stop the thick, gooey gryphon seed from dribbling out over her orange and cream colored haunches. This was a treat to behold for Storm, as he loved seeing the fruits of his labors as he rolled to his feet at the foot of the nest. His keen night vision saw the creamy torrent, and the image of it nearly kept his cock at full mast had he not been keen on getting a head start on the mission before him.

He huffed and bowed gently to her, acknowledging her discomfort at the knot extraction before he grabbed his baldric with the skull over the shoulder, as well as his loin cloth and his spear. He didn't need much to hunt, and he could catch food while he was out with the help of his innate storm-based magics. He also strapped a bow over his chest, woven around his wing. The last thing he did before leaving his hut was to lean down close to Aurys and cradle her cheek in his palm, getting in real close to speak to her. "If you are here when I return, I will give you a mating worthy of a king."

She didn't respond before he winked and turned to his front door, swinging it open and hopping over the perch with wings spread to catch the light updraft that took him gliding out over the village.

Storm flapped his wings hard under the cool blue of the moonlight, spear held to his chest and baldric covered in daggers on the front and arrows on the back for any other hunting he may have done while away. His hunting trip could take anywhere between a single day and a week, depending on how far he was willing to go and how long it would take to haul his mark back to the village and carve it up.

One thing he noticed as he first made his way out above the jungle surrounding his village was that none of the other potential high council members had yet left their huts, as the entire village was dotted with still-lit candles and he saw no others flying the skies as far as his eyes could see. Most of them must have planned on sleeping in until morning, only leaving at daybreak. As far as Storm was concerned, this was about a foolish an idea as a prospective hunter could have thought up. In his mind, it was a question of tactical advantages, sleeping in and wasting the first portion of the first day seemed like it served only to waste time.

Sleep was for the weak, and on this day it was evidently also for those who didn't take the position of high council member seriously.

He chuckled to himself as the wind whipped his feathers, content that not only was he going to get the largest of the game, but he was getting a massive head start. And he didn't even need it. This was going to be too easy, and that was before he factored in the hint he'd gotten from Aurys and the massive size of the Ulokar he knew he was going to hunt. The skies smiled brightly down on Storm.

The entirety of that morning was spent in the air, gliding on what few thermals the rocky terrain offered him through the thick jungles of north Arrenthen. He could see many game creatures in the trees, dawdling in the underbrush, and grazing in the open fields, but nothing huge. He wanted ulokar meat, and those beasts were massive. His 'peers' would likely catch wild pig or maybe an anaconda - there was a lot of meat on those snakes - but nobody would have the strength or endurance to take down and haul back an ulokar.

Confident in his skills and head start on the others, he spread his wings and flapped hard, heading into the rising sun while keeping his eyes peeled for the perfect prey. He did, in fact, see many ulokar roaming the fields and wading in the swampland with mosses and vines growing on them there, but he was looking for a field breed, the kind only found in the jungle plains on the border of Storm's tribe and Joraken to the north east of his homeland of Firyah, so that's where he went.

Many hours passed before his arrival at his destination. In fact, it was nearly noon before he found himself within eyesight of the Joraken Plains - a massive, tropical meadow in the middle of the region - which meant that it was time for him to land and walk the rest of the way.

The Joraken province was populated by the jysarian tribes, all feline or blends of feline and avian in variant measure. They were known for hunting in the thick, long grass with spears or arrows, and they didn't much appreciate it when gryphons showed up on or near their land; if they saw Storm hovering in the skies over the Joraken Plains, they would let loose a wave of arrows, at least one of which was sure to hit him.

Given that information, he knew it was time to get his feet on land. Any closer and he'd likely give away his position, which wouldn't be good for anyone involved. If he got apprehended, he'd have no choice but to fight away any felines that dared apprehend him, and those little warriors were nothing to a powerful gryphon like him. That's why, in his village, felines were kept as house servants and aides, not put in the battlefield or given a role in any physical positions. That's just not where they needed to be, in a more refined culture. Felines had dainty paws, they could sew clothes for children.

He folded his wings up tight and angled himself down, plummeting to the ground with the speed of an arrow. The very second he burst through the canopy, he spun and spread his wings to catch the air, barreling through the underbrush before landing heavily on a mound of dirt that was covered in ants. Realizing this, he quickly hopped off and brushed his legs of the insects, eager to get away from that potential horror show. As a gryphon hunter, he had no interest in being bested by ants.

Once he was fully prepared to move on, he straightened the bow over his shoulder, tightened his baldric running opposite the bow string, and stretched out his wings and arms while grabbing at his spear. It was time for him to hunt, to prove his worth, and to provide for his people, even if that meant stealing game from the neighbouring province. A calculated risk, for sure, but if he was to impress the current elders and high council, he had to do something bold.

Another hour lost itself in the mid morning heat as Storm trekked through the thick underbrush of the jungle, steadily making his way closer to the Joraken Plains. He did see some creatures that would make great prey, but he avoided every one of them from pigs to feral cats to snakes and four legged reptilians the size of a pony. Any of those would have won him the first trial, but Storm wanted more than that' some local creature was not his style.

It wasn't until he peeled back the last layer of vegetation to stand at the border between dense forest and open plains that he got a good look at what was in front of him, and it made him realize he may have made a huge mistake.

A heard of over two dozen ulokar stood grazing in the open plains next to a gnarled, twisted tree on the other side of a small stream. Though the group was nearly a full kilometer away, his keen eyes could count and differentiate each and every one of them, giving Storm a clear target when he spotted the biggest of them all - likely the alpha male. He wouldn't kill the brood mares of the group, those would breed more ulokar to hunt down the line.

The species were very hard to take down, as they seemed to defy categorization. Their head was shaped similar to that of a feral wolf, with a mane resembling both lion and horse lining their head. They had two horns that branched off into four, six, eight, ten, and twelve points depending on age and maturity, as well as scales lining their underbelly, neck, under tail, and inner legs like a dragon. Their bodies were thick with meat like a buffalo, but relatitvely lithe like a horse. Tail of a dragon, hooves of an equine, face of a wolf, and seemingly everything in between.

And they were about two meters tall at the shoulder. Not as tall as Storm, but given their form and the myriad features they possessed, even an average one would be a fair match to a gryphon hunter.

The only weak spot that could be used to take down the ulokar was the thin strip of flesh where the belly scales met the body's fur and mane behind the front legs; anywhere else would just be stopped by the scales, the bone ridges, or the thick fur. Storm's issue, however, was not the hunting or the killing of the beast, but the dragging it back home he would have to do once the kill was completed.

That issue clouded his mind as he started to sneak through the grasses and ferns, legs bent so that his head was barely seen above them. He kept his spear up and pointed forward as he made his way closer, conceptualizing an attack plan that would draw the alpha male away from the herd so he could take it down away from the others. Ulokar were more intelligent than horses or gazelles, so they knew how to protect themselves in a group, except when the alpha male was lured away or the sick were left behind.

Such a weakness could have and should have been bred out of them over generations, but it seemed to stick, so it was a weakness he could exploit. One he would be happy to exploit, except he got distracted by the look of a beautiful looking feline to the east of the herd of ulokar, a Lion wearing nothing but a leather top and loin cloth. She, too, appeared to be hunting them, as she had a spear and was sneaking up as Storm had been. The lioness didn't seem to notice him, as her gaze was fixated on the ulokar and she hadn't even glanced to see Storm, even though his black feathers made him stand out on a yellow and green tropical plain.

Storm had a decision to make, whether it be to scare her off or work with her. His pride told him to go ahead and take care of the ulokar beast on his own, but his tactical mind urged him to see if the lioness was at all interested in collaboration. While collaboration could give him a better chance at successfully killing the beast, it would also create more problems down the line as there may be a struggle to determine who got to keep the game, an issue that was amplified by the fact that he was hunting on their lands.

Of course, Storm had ways of dealing with others who disagreed with him over hunts.

Eager to test the waters, the gryphon crept forward and slid his bow off his shoulder, grabbing an arrow from his quiver and notching it in the bow. He drew the string back and let the arrow fly, deliberately making it land directly between the lioness and the edge of the herd. This drew the attention of both the ulokar and the lioness, who were curious about the arrow's source. Storm ducked down into the long grass and ferns, ears flat to his skull to ensure he was hidden from view.

Both the ulokar alpha male and the lioness acted exactly as he had planned, with the Lioness crouching down and glancing around nervously while the alpha male started to bellow and snort. With each passing second, the alpha grew more agitated, swaying his body from side to side and sweeping his face across the tops of the vegetation as he stomped and roared. The rest of the herd shuffled away from him in the exact opposite direction, as if he were putting himself between the herd and danger.

Storm saw this and notched another arrow, this one aimed directly at the flank of the alpha. Upon releasing his grip, he watched close as the arrow pierced the thick fur around the beast's shoulders, barely lodging into its flesh due to the protection of the fur that acted as a buffer. This was exactly enough to get the alpha's attention, pulling it from the lioness to turn towards Storm; again, this was exactly what he wanted, and everything was going to plan.

He quickly wrapped the bow around his torso again before grabbing his spear and rapidly back stepping. Storm was perhaps fifty meters away from the treeline, so it wouldn't take much to have him flutter-hop to the relative safety of the woods.

The plan, as was unfolding in front of him, was to distract the lioness and draw the ire of the alpha. If his knowledge of ulokar behaviour was on point (and it was), then the herd would form a perfect circle with the strongest members on the outer rim around the young and old in the middle while the alpha confronted the threat head on. Storm had hit him with an arrow, enough to pull him away from the herd but not enough to make him barrel forth at full speed.

Storm kept his eyes on both the alpha and the lioness as he hopped back, guiding the ulokar to the tree line. All was going well until the light thwip sound of an arrow zipping by his head distracted him. He briefly stumbled over his feet as the ulokar drew in close which allowed him to catch a glimpse of the arrow lodged in the dirt, his arrow shot back at him, but he quickly got back up and leapt into the air, wings spread to show his full span as he spun in the air and glided back to the treeline. After landing in the closest branch of the first tree, he spun and readied his spear. He had no time to think about how the lioness dared to attack him with his own arrow!

The gryphon remained in the tree, fingers clenched tight around the shaft of the spear as he narrowed his gaze so he could focus on the point that he would attack. His plan was working, until he saw the lioness sprinting towards the ulokar from the side, twin daggers in her hands.

"Foolish feline." Storm growled to himself as he stabbed the spear into the trunk of the tree that held the branch he remained perched upon. Again, he got out his bow and readied another arrow, knowing full well what this lioness was planning.

Just like expected, she leapt at the ulokar and stabbed through its thick fur to its hide, slicing open its side in one bloody mess that sprayed all over her, followed by a smooth motion as she kicked off his flank to get distance between herself and the prey. This drew the attention of the alpha, who immediately turned and started chasing her.

Storm knew that the next step was going to be incredibly difficult for him, as he needed perfect aim in order to bring the alpha back to him. He took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled as he used one open eye to guide his arrow as the ulokar chased after the lioness.

The gryphon waited only a split second before finding the right time and releasing, launching his arrow directly into the ulokar's open gash on its flank. The alpha cried out and spewed a blend of fire and ice from the corners of its maw as he both ignited and froze the vegetation around him, turning his attention to Storm again in the process.

"Good boy." Storm said under his breath as he holstered his bow once again and plucked his spear from the bark of the tree. It was of utmost importance to have the creature be killed beyond the treeline and in the jungle. Not only would it ensure that it was Storm who killed it, but it would also ensure that it was killed in Firyah, thus making it the gryphons domain.

His arrow drew the aggravation of both the alpha and the lioness, who both started sprinting towards the tree in which Storm was perched. He did a quick calculation to see that, at their respective speeds, they'd both arrive at the same time, which meant that he had to kill the beast the very second it crossed from the Joraken plains or else she might kill it and drag it back to her lands, thus nullifying any claim he may have had concerning the beast's corpse.

With perfect timing, he leapt from the tree and dove down to meet the Ulokar, perfectly plunging the spear into its flank exactly where its scales gave way to its thick fur, piercing its heart in one fluid motion while he wrenched the butt end of the spear into the ground, thus using the alpha's weight and momentum against him. At the exact same time, the lioness had made her final leap, using both of her twin daggers like scissors to slit the throat of the beast, draining any and all of its blood right there.

Both Storm and the lioness backed off as their kill drew its last shuddering breath and collapsed. Storm was partially obscured by the thick green vegetation of the Firyan Forest's mossy while the lioness had her body half buried in the blowing yellow ferns of the Joraken Plains. They stared each other down, two warriors representing two vastly different worlds on opposite sides of a border they shared. The ulokar alpha had collapsed, draped over that border with half its body past the treeline while the other half was splayed out over the edge of the plains.

"You'd best back off, bird." She contested, pointing a blood-soaked dagger towards him. "This kill is mine!" She had no fear, despite being barely more than half his height. Her body was well toned, lithe and wiry as a feline warrior should be. Not the kind of cat one would want to fight.

That is, unless they were a massive, well trained gryphon warrior and soldier.

Storm pointed the tip of his spear towards her and gape grinned at her, eyes narrowed. "Or what, you'll poke me with your table knives?" He sneered, taking a step forth to stand tall over the kill, ensuring it was dead.

She growled at him, baring her fangs as she stepped towards him, blades still up to threaten him while she stood opposite the gryphon. "This kill belongs to the Joraken tribes, not the Firyan gryphons! If you take it, that constitutes a breach of the treaty that has kept our tribes at peace for-"

"Foolish feline." He interrupted her, saying it to her face this time. "You pathetic cats don't get to lay claim to an entire species just because they browse on your fields. I killed this ulokar on gryphon lands, making it property of me and my people. You have no claim to any creature that gets caught wandering; these are feral beasts, not citizens." He placed his talon on the creature's flank, looking down at the feline with a sly grin.

Her tail flicked and swished as she snarled, knowing fully well that Storm had just as much of a claim to the kill as she had. She looked as though she was going to say something more, but instead exhaled deeply with a low growl, fingers tightening on the hilt of her blade. After a tense silence, she rebutted his claims. "You lured the creature to kill it on your lands, and that's as bad as stealing."

Storm's chest puffed out, as he knew he'd won the argument. "Doesn't matter, the creature acted of its own volition, which led it to our lands, and that's where the kill took place. It's head was on my side of the border, that makes it mine. If you want the ass end, I'm sure we can-"

The lioness interrupted him, raising her blade to him while remaining calm. "This creature is property of the chief of the Joraken province, my father. You will not defile our lands or our people by removing it from its rightful place, understand me?" She declared confidently.

Her sudden grasp of authority was more than a bit of a turn on for Storm, as now he felt like his honor and loyalty were being challenged by a worthy adversary instead of an insolent hunter who failed to kill her prey before it left their lands. Perhaps it was her subtle declaration of her own royal blood, saying that her father was the chief of the lands thus making her a princess. Either way, her boldness and assured voice made Storm want to best her even more, and that was always a boon to his ego.

"Well, what are you going to do if I refuse you? You're welcome to fight me for the corpse, but I really don't think that's in your best interest." He wasn't just bluffing her, as he knew he had a size, strength, and range advantage over her. She may have been faster and potentially more skilled, but he doubted it; despite his size, he was part feline as well and also had access to some magics that she almost certainly did not.

Though he had a clear advantage, he wasn't surprised when she stepped up to him. "If that's what I have to do to protect the honor and respect of my family, then I shall do it. I will not be insulted by a feather brained fool such as yourself." She raised her blade to his, touching the end of the spear and pushing it aside in a display of dominance.

Storm nodded slowly, stepping back away from the kill to hold out his spear. "Then if that's how you want to decide the fate of this here carcass, then so be it. I'm ready to fight when you are." His muscles tensed up as he prepared for an attack.

The lioness immediately leapt at him, swinging her blade to the side to knock his spear tip out of the way as she quickly closed the distance between them, slashing and swiping as she did so. Though Storm was able to dodge and weave and avoid the attacks, she remained tenacious in her flurry of quick attacks, briskly roaring and growling with every move.

Storm leapt back and swiped wide with his staff, a move that she side flipped over and landed on her feet. As she leapt in again, he pulled back and stabbed, missing her entirely to slice through some of the ferns at the edge of the forest. Before she could get in close enough to open him up, he rolled his wrist and caught her off guard with the base of the spear, knocking her back into a tree.

She hesitated only a second do shake herself clear of the dizzies in time to roll out of the way as Storm's spear lanced right into the bark of the tree. With his weapon buried in the trunk, she hopped to her feet and used the weapon to leap into him, blades drawn and ready to slice his throat. As she soared through the air, Storm grabbed her wrist and threw her hard into the underbrush, her body rolling and bouncing off the ground before tripping over some roots and face-planting on a mossy rock.

Having put some distance between them, Storm quickly slipped his bow off his torso and grabbed three arrows, two of which went into his beak as he notched the third and drew back the string of the bow. The moment she got back to her feet, he released to shoot the arrow directly at her. The lioness was prepared, and she brought the blade up next to her forearm to deflect the arrow harmlessly into the underbrush. Having missed the first, he grabbed the second and readied it only to have her leap into a tree and dash up it into the canopy, using the branches and trunk to hide behind as she leapt from tree to tree.

He saw a quick opportunity to attack as she dove to the tree nearest him, so he shot at her. She flipped in the air, grabbing the arrow as she narrowly dodged it, then landed on a nearby branch and used that to launch herself directly at him. Storm, however, was quick and already had the next arrow notched and ready to fly.

As he released, he watched with satisfaction as the arrow pierced her shoulder, immobilizing her one arm as her blade dropped to the ground. This did not incapacitate her, though, and she was able to use her momentum and the distraction to land on his back, burying his own arrow into his shoulder between neck and collar bone. She attempted to drive it in deeper, but Storm quickly spread his wings and rolled, breaking the arrow's stem in half while tossing her into the ground next to him.

Both gryphon and lioness stood off against one another, arrows lodged in their torso with one arm temporarily incapacitated. Storm yanked the arrow from his neck and conjured just enough of his magic to cauterize the wound as the lioness forced the arrow through her and out the other side, using her own magics to heal the wound shut. They stared across the clearing as bits of plant life and vegetation hung limply from their stems, having been sliced and mangled by their blades. Storm grabbed his spear with his good hand and spun it around to get into a battle stance while, she flipped her blade around her fingers for show.

"You're not going to give up, are you?" The lioness accused. "Then it will be the death of you."

Storm slowly shook his head, rolling his shoulder to force himself through the lingering pain. "Who said anything about death? I thought we were fighting honorably. But, if a fight to the death is what you wish, I can gladly grant that. Come for me, cat, I'm always ready for you." He pounded his chest and lunged forward in a battle ready stance, prepared for her inevitable attack.

The lioness could have leapt forward and attacked like last time, but instead she swept her hand from one side to the other, blowing a frosty mist all over the jungle clearing to leave a layer of ice on all the vegetation and the ground. This proved to be enough of a distraction that she was able to leap high in the air and create a miniature cloud just below the canopy that showered sharp icicles, distracting him farther as she landed next to him and sliced her blade up his inner thigh.

Storm growled and leapt back, jutting his spear up to slice at her, missing by a hair before he surged his own magic down the shaft and out the end of the blade. The resulting arc of lightning lit up the clearing and stunned her in place, leaving her tensed up as she fell to the ground. The gryphon had no choice but to limp as he was losing a lot of blood from the gash in his leg. Given the wound, it was time to end this fight.

As the lioness recovered form her full bodied shock, Storm thrust his spear into her, piercing her right in the middle of the chest between her breasts. The blade didn't cut deep, as he wasn't trying to kill her, but he did want her to know that he had bested her and that if she struggled he could end her. There, in that position, he kept one hand on his spear to hold her pinned against a tree root while his other hand wrapped a bandage around his leg as he used his magic to partially cauterize the wound.

She grabbed at the blade, trying her best to pull it out of her as her hands started bleeding all over it. After a while, she knew she was beat, so she laid her head back and accepted her fate. "Go ahead, do as you will to me." She conceded. "You've bested me in combat, I have no honor worth salvaging." She dropped her blade and sighed heavily, cringing as the sharpness of the blade cut her.

"I'm not going to kill you." He assured her, lightly tugging at the spear until it released itself from her flesh with a light trail of blood between her breasts. He flicked his wrist to cut at the bra she wore, exposing her chest before sliding the blade down her belly and slicing at the leathers that held her loin cloth up. Once she was fully exposed, he erected his spear and looked down at her while he knelt next to a mossy rock, bloody spear standing tall next to him and a bleeding bandage around his thigh.

It was time for him to take his first prize for having beat her.

"And what does such a brutish beast want to do with me now that he's bested me in combat?" She asked dryly, having surrendered to his dominance.

Storm need not answer, as his cock was growing in his sheath, threatening to poke out from under his loin cloth. Rather than leave her waiting, he pushed the garment to the side and revealed himself, exposing his emerging purple fleshed shaft and knot, glistening surface and all. As he let his plans sink in, he leaned his spear against a nearby tree and stood tall, grabbed himself to peel back his sheath flesh and further reveal the rest of him.

"Of course, why am I not surprised?" She grumbled, pressing her fingers to her chest to seal up the entry wound left by his spear.

"Why are you so upset, Princess?" Storm examined her, keeping his eyes on her nude, exposed body. "Not only am I not killing you, but once we're done you'll want to go back to your father and preach the unity of our tribes, if only for an excuse to have another go at me." He hissed at her, grinning as he stepped across the clearing to stand over her.

As he reached down to grab her and hoist her to her feet, she said one word. "Vinati."

"What's that?" He asked, yanking on her arm to spin her around and pin her to the tree as he'd done to Aurys against the wall the night before. "I couldn't quite hear you." As he taunted her he got down to his knees behind her, rubbing his cock between her thighs. He was the perfect height at that level, as even squatting would not be low enough to mount her.

"My name is Vinati. Princess Vinati. If you're going to defile me, then you'd best know my name. If not, then you had better kill me because I'll be nigh useless once you're done with me." She spread her legs to assume the position, arms crossed for her cheek to rest upon with tail up.

Storm leaned into her, nuzzling at her cheek from behind while nibbling and biting at her fur, using his beak to preen at her in between light pecks. "Well then, Princess Vinati, prepare to be ruined for your own kind." He gripped at his cock and aimed it at her petite pussy lips, smearing his fluids all over her before forcing himself in with a noticeable pop followed by a gush of warmth trickling out around his member.

Vinati roared into the forest with the force to make the birds flutter and dash away, her whole body shuddering as she settled into a whimper.

One quick glance down showed a single trail of red coming from within her, the blood trickling off the many ridges and rivulets of his member all the way down to the knot. He'd taken her virginity, which is what she meant when she'd be useless when he was done with her. Good. She would need the extra lube if she was going to handle someone of his size.

"Feel free to roar again." He hissed in her ear as he grabbed at the base of her tail and forced more of himself into her. "Nobody is going to come and save you now; you're mine until we're done here." The sensation of her tight, freshly deflowered sex swallowing him up was absolutely wonderful, a feeling he was used to yet had not grown mundane. That sudden pop where a virgin's purity was taken was a feeling of which he wouldn't ever grow bored.

Vinati bit down on her wrist to temper her whining and pain, talons curling into the dirt and moss between them while she kept at Storm. "I need not a rescue, I'll survive your brutality." She resisted, wincing as her depths were invaded by his massive cock.

Storm took this declaration as a challenge. He wrapped one of his hands around her neck and the other around her hip - both parts of her being dwarfed compared to his massive size - as he forcefully bucked his hips, slapping the girth of his knot against her swollen, bloody lips. He could feel her muscles quiver and contract, an instinctive resistance to his massive cock's invasion of her loins; that didn't stop him, as he instead relished the added tightness and used it as motivation to thrust harder.

The feline princess was clearly struggling to withstand the abuse her nethers were falling victim to, as she was writhing in pain and biting down on her wrist, covering her eyes so that Storm couldn't see the tears welling up in them. As she was clearly a virgin before this, she was nowhere near prepared for such an aggressive, larger creature to take her like this. Still, she had pride to consider and magic to counteract the abuse, so she used both to concentrate on her loins, healing them even as he kept slamming his cock into her time and time again.

The gryphon had developed a slow but steady rhythm with her, easing himself out as his cock barbs tugged at her twitching flesh before slamming himself back into her, an audible slap to be heard at the height of each motion as the bulbous lobes of his knot slapped against her vulva. She cried a little, she whimpered, and she growled at him in resistance, but he noticed with each passing buck of his hips that she was whining less, and her growls had all but withdrew into nothingness. As he looked down, he could see that the blood that once highlighted his throbbing member had all but gone, showing him that her body had appropriately adapted, and that it would only be pleasure from here.

"A warrior such as yourself should be proud to have me take your virginity." He said to her, giving her one last preen of her neck fur before pulling her away from the tree to bend her over one of the nearby moss covered roots that jutted up out of the ground, his member slipping out of her with a pop. He held her down with her hips propped up by the root at perfect height for him to mount her.

She growled and grabbed onto another root as her cheek was pressed against a mossy mound of dirt and fallen leaves. "Do your worst, gryphon." She challenged, knowing full well that his worst - that massive knot of his - would tear her apart. Perhaps she was prepared to lose her life after being bested in combat, or maybe she didn't care.

Storm hoped that she wanted more of what he had to offer her. He was, after all, a prime lover among his gryphon people and she was truly lucky to have him be her first. In many ways, he was going to ruin her for the males back in her tribe, if she was welcome back at all. Part of his mind also desired to have her come back to the village with him, perhaps offer her sanctuary and reverence in lieu of having her people reject her now that her purity had been torn asunder.

He guided his cock back into her as he held her down, easing every ridge and bump and throbbing vein through her taut pussy lips until his knot was pressed tight against her opening. From there, he quickened his pace, spine undulating in waves to pump his member in and out of her with rhythmic vigor as she whimpered and moaned, mewling in delight. She did seem to still be enduring her own discomfort at the girth of his member, but the more he grinded into her, the more pleasure she seemed to feel.

In truth, she was mostly concentrating her thoughts on the restorative magics she held to help her loins in adapting to the far larger gryphon drake. Though virginal before this day, her muscles and flesh were being quickly stretched to the point where she would either split or adapt, and she chose to adapt. The more he slammed his hips to hers, the better her depths healed to properly accept him. She hadn't been using transformation magic - that was nigh-impossible - but the advent of healing amidst steady abrasion would restore her flesh in such a way that it would automatically shift to the girth and malleability needed to accommodate his member.

He truly was ruining her for any who came after him, as her loins would have adapted for him, meaning only a drake of his size would be able to pleasure her in the future.

Storm could sense she was happily accommodating him with each subsequent thrust, her own rocking body motions countering his to amplify each of his hip thrusts to prove that. Knowing this, he grabbed her once again and rolled onto his back, twisting her around on his cock so that she was facing him, straddling his hips with his cock deep into her sex. "There we go." He growled at her with a grin. "Now you can do some of the work, princess."

While his hands were wrapped around her hips to hold her in place, she did in fact have some freedom to move at will, as long as she didn't try to escape. Realizing this, she shifted in place until her feet were on his thighs where they met his hips, using that for leverage to start idly bouncing on his cock. The girth of it was so thick within her, that as she looked down over her belly she could actually see the faintest of bulges in her belly. The only solution to that was to suck in her gut and tense her abdominal muscles, which in turn squeezed her passage around his member, intensifying the pleasure.

Storm threw his head back as he clenched his fingers, talons digging into Vinati's waistline to hold her in place as he arched his back, grinding his knot against her swollen lips. He knew it was no use, and he'd never get that knot in his tiny partner, but that didn't stop him from enjoying the subtle motions he felt within her. While in that position, he kept at her as rough and as deep as her hips would allow, his cock tip poking into her womb with every shallow thrust.

It wasn't clear if maybe she was just feigning arousal to get through the intense first session of hers or if she was legitimately excited, but while in that position with her riding his cock, she started to grow even more vigorous than he, slamming her hips down to him time and time again before grinding her midsection down on him, gyrating on his knot before bobbing back up an down. Her motions grew rhythmic like Storms, matching his motions while complimenting them, accentuating their every motion together.

Her vocalizations morphed from whimpers and subtle cries to moans and gasps highlighting every gentle buck of their hips against one another. Slowly, they increased their pace until they were slamming against each other with the vigor of newlyweds, though his knot never did slip into her. It couldn't, not without harming her beyond repair. He wished to ruin her, not kill her.

Then, after an extended session with her riding him like a steed, she eased her way down so that she was laying on his chest, biting hard on the white floof as he kept at her, audible squelching coming from under her tail as her tenderized loins parted and swallowed him one thrust at a time.

Storm kept his arms around her, one cradling her rump and the other placed between her shoulders in a hug, intended to keep her in place as his hips bucked up into her with a vigor unmatched by any other warrior. Things were going swell and he was finding the tempo he needed to bring himself to an untied climax, only to be immediately distracted by the feel of a blade upon his throat.

When he opened his eyes to look up at her, he saw that she'd grabbed a dagger and had pressed the tip of it next to his jugular, slicing through the feathers to lightly pierce his flesh. He didn't stop thrusting, though; no, instead he got a bit more rough with her, as his hands squeezed her rump and back even tighter. "Go ahead. You may end me, but there's about a minute or so between the time you slice me open and the time I pass out, and I've already got my claws in you. I don't think there's a chance you'd survive that minute or so." He grinned at her, beak agape and eyes narrowed to dare her.

Vinati's hand shuddered as she considered doing it anyway, but she relaxed and let the dagger pull away from him, instead gently pressing the side of it against his throat instead of the pointy tip puncturing his flesh. She shook her head in defeat and smiled, reaching back with her free hand to wrap around the base of his knot, squeezing as tight as she could go while pushing herself back up into a sitting position. "Truce?" She offered, while picking up her rhythm once again, angling and gyrating so that his cock tip rubbed against her anterior wall - the most sensitive area within her beneath the clit.

Storm hissed and slowly nodded, grabbing the blade out of her hand to toss it to the side. "Truce. But if you poke me with that toothpick of yours again, I can't promise I won't-" He halted himself mid sentence to roll over, slamming her down on her side onto the mossy dirt with one leg up. While there, he knelt over her and grabbed at her ankle, keeping it up on his chest as he bucked into her. Her hand remained wrapped around the base of his knot as he thrust and grinded up into her, every motion scuttling her along the moss of the ground until she was able to use her free hand to grab a root.

With that extra leverage, she stopped herself from sliding along the ground, holding in place while Storm let his more carnal instincts take over. His hip thrusts grew deep and intense, knot slapping and rolling into her time and time again without ever slipping between her lips. Try as he might, over and over again, he couldn't force his partially swollen knot into her; she just wasn't big enough and not even the power of his arms or body could make that work. Still, the pressure of her hand gripping him mixed with the tightness of her pussy was enough to make his knot lobes swell in her palm, followed soon thereafter by the twitching ejaculations of his hot gryphon seed deep into her womb.

She wrenched her neck back to let loose a howl of pleasure as she felt his essence filling her, loins tensing and twitching against the throbbing of his cock. The sensation of his barbed tip filled her past the cervix, an added depth of the pleasure that she felt.

The gryphon remained above her, towering over her as his wings spread and touched the ground on either sides of them both, an act to protect her from competing threats. He remained there, lightly bucking into her to pump one shot after another into her for what felt like hours but was no more than a few minutes.

Their session had been long and drawn out, so when he pumped her full of his seed, he could both see and feel the bloat in her belly before he finally pulled out. When he did, her pussy erupted his cum all over the moss, blending in with the greens and browns of the ground as she writhed and squirmed on her belly, tail up and legs spread. She wasn't in pain, but she was still feeling the lingering after effects of pleasure and friction that he'd left in her after nearly an hour's worth of intense mating. Her lips remained gaped open as a gooey trail of gryphon seed gushed out of her, soaking her inner thighs before joining the rest of his mess on the ground.

To her shock and surprise, Stom immediately knelt behind her and hoisted her up, burying his tongue in her depths to clean her out of all the seed except that which remained trapped within her womb. This tongue lashing was not what she was expecting, and it was what sealed the deal with her, making her claws curl in delight as her tail flicked and her loins constricted around him.

Upon finishing, Storm let her drop back down to all fours and gave her crotch a gentle slap to punctuate his domination of her tiny form. Content with having ruined her for others, he got back to his feet and kicked over her blades, smiling back at her. "So, I suppose I win the rights to the kill."

She rolled onto her back and curled up, smiling wide. She splayed out, letting Storm get a good, long look at her swollen and tender pussy lips still drooling with bits of cum and saliva. "I suppose you are right. Now all you have to do is find a way to get it back to your tribe. Good luck with that, Chief."

And that was the moment that Storm realized that, while he was more than capable of hunting, killing, and butchering a ulokar for the trials, he may have made a huge mistake. Carrying it back was going to be a task that could take days, and the corpse may very well have rotted by then. His eye twitched as he came to realize that he may have overstepped his bounds, literally and figuratively.

But Vinati had a solution. "How about I help you take it back. It's a very big beast of a ulokar, and while I concede to you as the better fighter and the better hunter, I can't bare to see such a majestic creature go to waste. Come on, we'll hook it up on a spit and carry it back together."

Storm nodded. "But what about your people? Aren't you going to be missed? Could take days to walk it there and then walk your tail back. I mean, I guess I could fly you back, but getting to the village will take a while."

"I'm the princess of my village, I do what I want and they'll be fine without me. Come on."

With that, the two hunters spent the next hour prepping the corpse of the alpha male ulokar, dragging it back to Storm's village over the course of one full day and night cycle to be greeted with cheers by the elders and the high council.

They didn't much care for Storm's decision to collaborate with a member of a competing royal family, but in the end what mattered was that he had returned with what was by far the biggest and meatiest kill of any of the young gryphons seeking a spot on the high council. As expected, the others only brought pigs.

Exactly as expected.