[COM-16] Chief; Rise to Power 2/2

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Storm/Commissioner - StormGryphon

Writing - Runa

Art - Nomax

Part 1 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1241379

Part 2 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1242086

In this story, the soon to be Chief Storm goes out on his rite of passage, hunting the largest beast in the land. However, he encounters some complications when the princess from a rival tribe challenges his authority over the fresh kill! Only one way to remedy that!

In part 2, after five years of being on the high council, Storm is about to be sworn in as Elder in Chief, so he enjoys one last night of pleasure as a high council member!

Upon Storm's arrival back at his tribe, kill in hand and princess Vinati in tow, he was met with a surprising amount of reverence. He wasn't the first one back from the hunt, but he did bring back by far the largest of the games, as nobody else had thought to travel that far or go for a full sized ulokar alpha male. Some luck played into his victory over the first of the trials, as he likely wouldn't have been able to bring the meat back by himself before it went bad. In a way, princess Vinati saved him.

However, that didn't make the others in his tribe happy to see her. As she was royal blood from a rival tribe, many of the avian and gryphon members of the tribe - especially the elders and high council - were quite upset that Storm would dare bring a filthy cat into their ranks, at least as anything other than a slave for them.

Digging deep to find the good in the situation, Storm expressed his desire for diplomacy by telling the others that his unity with her had actually done great things to bring the tribes together, bridging the gap between avian and feline kind. He said that his very existence, as a gryphon, proved that the races should be unified, and that his brash act did more to help than to harm.

Both he and Vinati knew this was not true, but the conviction in which he declared the positivity of his impact convinced the elders and high council to accept his claim and let him carry on with the trials to become a member of said high council.

The second trial was slightly delayed, as the kill needed to be skinned, prepared, and butchered for consumption before he could head off onto his second task. He couldn't be given any help for this, so he had to slice and carve the carcass on his own, which turned out to be remarkably easy. Plus, it gave him something to eat for his second trial that was expected to take a full week or more to finish.

As Aurys had leaked to him, the second trial was that of a scavenger hunt for an appropriately shaped idol meant to represent all of gryphon kind, especially for Storm. The rules for the hunt indicated that literally any location in the Firyah province could house the idol, and the clues indicated that it was likely on the top of something but didn't state what. The entire province was covered in thick vegetation, tall trees, cliffs, temples, and tall mountains to the western border, meaning that the hidden idol could be virtually everywhere.

Storm knew that the hints and the clues would eventually lead him to a temple, so he narrowed his scope to the dozens scattered just beyond the borders of the village and quickly found his within two days, returning to yet another ovation among his peers. Princess Vinati had been instructed to stay in his treetop home, where she would be safe from the more overzealous of the locals who might not appreciate her feline self being in their village.

This meant that Storm was greeted with yet another wonderful bit of fun from his tight companion. By the end of the trials, she would be addicted to his cock, begging him for it nightly now that she knew and understood the pleasure of the flesh.

The third trial was actually the single task that slowed Storm down the most, as he was tasked with chopping down a tree, cutting the wood into boards, and creating a brand new building or home for the less fortunate of the villagers. Given his propensity for action, combat, hunting, and pleasure, he wasn't as adept at making huts or homes for others, taking him four days to collect the materials and make something worthwhile for his villagers.

His last trial was right up his alley, however, and it was done on the last day of the trials.

Sparring. Combat. Storm was expected to participate in a round robin tournament fighting each of the other young gryphons up for consideration on the high council. He didn't lose a single fight, declaring him the winner of that round.

During the final ceremony where the overall winner would be determined, the Prime Elder delivered a rousing speech about the importance of unity, solidarity, and action. He explained in great detail the purpose of each of the four trials, and what rank they each placed.

Naturally, the first trial was about an individual's ability to provide for their family and their people. By hunting the largest and best game, then bringing it home and butchering it, a gryphon would prove their worth by feeding his or her people. Storm had by far the largest of the beasts, providing the most meat, but it took him a while to bring his kill back, so some of the meat had gone bad and he was one of the last ones to return. He placed Seventh overall on that challenge. Dead center.

He cheated to win the second trial, becoming the first to successfully return with his idol even after being one of the last ones to finish the hunting and providing trial. As explained, the purpose of the second trial was to test the individual's knowledge and understanding of their lands. The goal was to have them explore nearly every region and landmark within the province, visiting neighbouring allied tribes and gathering information from them. It was key to know one's allies and the land they protect. Storm finished first in this by a wide margin.

The third trial, the one that Storm had the most difficulty completing, was given as another way to test and see if the nominees were able to help construct a future for their village by ensuring that all of the citizens were given homes. Plus, thirteen applicants meant that there were thirteen new houses built in the trees surrounding the village's main strip and temple. Everyone won there. To Storm's shock and delight, he placed fifth in this challenge, as his home was large and well constructed despite taking him longer than others. The judges felt that quality and comfort were more important than speed.

Storm's warrior spirit was pleased to know that he absolutely decimated the competition in the final sparring trial, finishing first by a wide margin. This trial was there to show that all members of the council were expected to fight for their people, and not hide behind an army.

There was also a hidden fifth trial, one that the judges considered and rated each of them on without their knowing. It was a diplomatic trial, as each of the competitors were expected to get help from others to better their chances of victory, since the strength of the tribe was dependent on the unity of its people. All of the nominees were expected to work together on the hunt, they were expected to ask questions and find ways to help locate their idol, they were expected to work together with locals to help make the homes. Three of the four trials were ones that were far better accomplished as a team.

Surprising nobody more than Storm himself, he also won this trial in first place, as his treaty with Vinati to bring the alpha ulokar was inspired, and his hint from Aurys helped him get his hidden idol very quickly compared to the others. Had he also enlisted help building the home, he would have gotten a perfect score.

Naturally, Storm was the one chosen for his position on the high council, an event celebrated by all members of the village for three days straight. This included Vinati, as she didn't feel comfortable going back to her village if it meant admitting that she'd been deflowered by a warrior gryphon.

This also became Storm's first task as a member of the council. As he had defiled the princess, it was his job to return her to her chief and smooth over any problems that may have arose from what he did to her. As expected, their warriors surrounded him and were about to take him prisoner, but he and Vinati both worked together to not only ensure that the chief knew Storm could have killed every one of them, but that he was not there to shed blood.

In spite of this, the feline warriors attacked and were taken out one by one by Storm as Vinati stood by and watched, urging her father to call off the attack. As it quickly became clear that Storm wasn't lying when he said he could kill them all, the chief acquiesced to his daughter's demands and fostered a temporary peace for the sake of diplomacy.

Then, when things seemed to be going well, he threw his daughter at Storm's feet, and said that since she was damaged, she might as well continue to be so in the land of the gryphons. As she was still a princess, she held royal blood in her and had value to whomever took her, so she was betrothed to Storm then and there. According to the culture of the Joraken Jysarian tribes, a female was to be wed to he who took their virginity, and since Storm was half feline that meant she became his.

Though it was clear that the chief wasn't happy with having his daughter's purity stolen by Storm, both Storm and Vinati agreed that their mission went about as well as could be expected. Neither had planned to be wed to the other, but they enjoyed the company of one another both physically and mentally so they had no problems spending the following years of their lives together, especially since their union fostered peace between the tribes.

However, they weren't emotionally bonded, as their relationship had blossomed due to their physical desires and the need to unify their peoples. This allowed both Vinati and Storm to pursue outside pleasures, which built quite a legacy for Storm over the following years.

Neither Storm nor Vinati were monogamous, and were notorious for using sex as a bargaining tool or mans to get ahead in their roles. As a very large specimen even for his species, Storm's cock quickly became legendary now that he could use his political power to get into more beds, including Aurys time and time again. While this did foster resentment among the other members of the high council at first, Storm's ability to provide for his people and his very hands-on approach ensured that he was too valued to be booted.

He won the four trials for a reason.

No matter how brash he became, targeting many of the tribe's females regardless of the mate status, Storm always put his people first. His promiscuity, despite all odds, served to get him even more power and control among the high council, thus allowing him more freedom to take a more active role in the community.

Such blatant uses of his sexuality for gain varied from promising a knot to those who voted for his plans and propositions to simply trading a night time of passion in exchange for the tools and materials needed to build more homes or create better weapons.

And his brazen physicality didn't stop at the borders of his village, either. In time, his reputation for giving women the times of their lives brought more felines to his domain, eventually creating a tribe that was just as friendly to felines as it was avians. After about three years of him being on the council, his village hosted as many foreigners as locals. Warriors from local tribes would seek him out just to see if he was as good as they thought, sparring him and losing on purpose just to feel his member penetrate them.

Storm's reputation became one of a natural born leader who acted very hands-on with any issue that presented itself to him, which gave him a lot of power among the council. Not only was he revered for his ability to unify his people and make his village better for all members of his tribe, but with that came a certain infamy for his sexual conquests both in and out of his tribes members. Male, female, warrior, housewife, hunter, or elder, it mattered not, he would mount them.

This attitude carried him for many years until it was found that the Prime elder had passed in their sleep, leaving a spot among the trio for Storm to fill. Between the high council and elders - all fifteen between the groups - all but two voted for Storm, making him the next in line to fill that role.

Their mentality was that, given the leaps and bounds that Storm had taken their village over the prior five years, and his ability to foster positive relations in spite of - or perhaps as a cause of - his promiscuity meant that he would be the perfect character to fill that position. Plus, if he planned on using his power to mate with any and every female that would lift tail - as well as some males - then he might as well be granted the only position that could do so with impunity.

The case had been made that if anyone dared test him or declare war with his people, he'd be the first on on the front lines with a spear in hand and a war cry to rival that of an angry lion, standing up for his people, his home, and those who called themselves his allies. In the end, he truly was the best candidate for the position and he was more than ready to fulfill his duty, even if it meant he felt he was owed recompense in the form of sexual favors. A small price to pay for such a vaunted leader.

"So, are you ready for your swearing-in tomorrow?" Vinati asked him as she cuddled up next to the soon to be Elder in Chief in their nest, stroking his chest feathers as she wrapped her leg around his. The both of them were naked, prepared at any time for rigorous mating, something she knew that could happen at any time when the two were together. "It must feel good to be elected as Prime Elder after only five years on the High Council." She nuzzled into his petting hand as he growled kindly at her.

"It doesn't surprise me. Be honest, are there any others who were better suited to the job?" He countered, claws lightly prodding at the fur of Vinati's neck and shoulders.

On his other side, Aurys trilled and squeezed him tighter, mirroring Vinati's position in the nest. She was a bit less enthused since she was the daughter of the recently passed Prime Elder, but still had come to love Storm in an unconventional way in her years as the head of his harem. She smiled and glanced up at him, feathers fluffing out while she preened at his chest. "So what are you going to do as the Elder in Chief? It's quite the responsibility, you know."

Storm huffed and laid his head back, letting the two females caress and cuddle him. "Same thing I have been doing for years now, nothing's going to change except now when I issue a command people will listen without hesitation instead of going to the others for clarification. Once I'm Elder in Chief, I'll be able to get a whole lot more done." He leaned down to lightly nuzzle at Aurys, preening her plumage as he chuckled to himself. "And my harem will be even bigger than it is now."

Aurys trilled back, gape grinning. "Don't forget about me now that I'm just another female. Now that I'm no longer part of the Elder Family and you're officially mated to Vinati, I'm nobody. Just another gryphon in the tribe." She was clearly trying her best to remain optimistic, but couldn't stand the thought of not being special, which was why she was so keen on sucking up to Storm now that he was about to be sworn in as the next Elder in Chief.

"We won't forget about you, Aurys." Vinati assured the gryphoness, reaching over Storm's belly to hold her talons. "Trust me, as long as Storm still has balls, he'll always need a gryphon partner or three." She winked and smiled, laughing at her own joke.

Storm gave them each a rub, holding them both close to his body. "I won't forget either of you. Besides, it's not like you're going anywhere. Nobody rides me better than you, and though I know I can't help but take advantage of any lifted tail, they won't be as special as you two." Such words of encouragement and compassion were somewhat uncharacteristic of Storm, but that's what made them both know that he wasn't lying. While he was usually closed off, too distracted by work to be emotional, his affections ran deep and they knew it.

Five years of intermittent passion between them all proved that he was sincere. Those same five years had also served to train both Vinati and Aurys in the ways of dealing with such a larger gryphon's cock, as well as teaching them to handle his more aggressive tendencies. In that time, they had both grown to crave passion from Storm, as his vigor and virility were unmatched by others, thus ruining them for other drakes; even Vinati had grown to lose all interest in males of her kind.

Ever hungry for Storm's seed and eager to focus on the good, Aurys gently slid her hand down his belly, teasing at the side of his sheath and gently cradling his balls. Such an impromptu bit of fun was commonplace in Storm's treetop hut, especially when either Aurys or Vinati were present.

Vinati followed suit by stroking up and down his sheath, squeezing gently to feel the thickness of his member swelling out inside; to her it felt like stroking a stallion, only instead of a soft, wrinkled horse cock, it was a monolithic member with barbs and spines and ridges and a knot all pushing out against the tender folds of the sheath. Eager to not let Aurys outdo her, she pulled that skin back to reveal Storm's glistening cock tip, eagerly lapping at its underside with her rough tongue.

"Well there, ladies, it looks like we've got some hungry girls tonight. Don't worry though, there's plenty of me for the both of you." He held them both tight, then relaxed as he knew exactly what was coming for him next. This was not the first time he had shared a nest with both Aurys and Vinati.

Vinati was the first to reposition herself, straddling Storm's upper thigh as she lightly squeezed at his balls and sheath, lips wrapped around his cock. She offered only the gentlest of suckles as her throat and upper chest started to reverberate in a deep, pleasant purr. The vibrations of her throat and tongue urged Storm to buck his hips, grabbing at her hair as he did so to force his cock down her throat.

Meanwhile, Aurys kept herself busy by pecking at his belly fur, preening him there before nuzzling at the bulges of his knot while her tongue slid between every ridge and vein. She, too, shifted her weight to straddle his leg, but she was farther down so that she could peck and pry at his sheath folds, burying the crest of her beak in between them to soak herself with his musky aroma.

"You like that, chief?" Vinati purred at him as she leaned up closer, maw open to show the many barbs of her tongue, each little spade glistening with the captured precum and lubricants of Storm's shaft. While there, she leaned into him and grabbed his shaft with both hands, pressing it between her breasts as she started grinding up onto him, her loins rubbing on his muscled thigh.

Storm shivered gently at her touch, loving the tickle of her fur on his member, the vibrations deep within her chest a glorious pleasure only a feline could offer her. While he may have had a propensity for the equines of the land and was naturally drawn to his own kind, his years with Vinati and the missions he'd taken to maintain the peace between their villages had taught him a few things about felines that made him appreciate them more than he had in the past. While they were uniformly far tighter than gryphons or mares, he absolutely loved the roughness of their tongues and the way that their body vibrated as they purred. Absolutely nothing was the same as a purring cat on his cock.

He grinned and settled into his position, relishing the never ending stream of pleasure his two ladies bestowed upon him. Vinati kept at him with her breasts, squeezing his cock between them while Aurys focused more on his sheath and balls, rubbing her beak in between the folds and prodding everywhere with the tendril-like tongue of hers.

Both were doing a great job, but Storm knew this was only the beginning.

Before long, Aurys slid upwards and pushed Vinati off Storm's cock, smearing her entire body down the length of his shaft to smear his musk all over her body. She gaped open her beak and shoved his cock down her gullet, gulping and swallowing every step of the way while her tongue snaked its way across the underside of it. She had nearly the entirety of his member swallowed up as she began bobbing her head, careful to not let the curl of her beak snag on his flesh.

Aurys' gullet may have been stretchy and accommodating, but she still had to be careful with her beak, as she did have teeth and a gnarly hook if something went wrong. Luckily for her, the years she spent with Storm had properly conditioned her to handle herself with grace and sensuality no matter how rough he was with her.

Knowing this, Storm grabbed onto each of her ears and offered only a devilish grin before Bucking his head up into her, sinking every bit of his member deep down her throat. Luckily for her, she stretched and expanded with ease, so much so that Storm could actually see the defined bulge in her throat as his cock tip tugged and caught on her flesh.

He, too, possessed light barbs lining the rim of his member. With a mare or pure avian that might have spelled doom for one's gullet, but both felines and gryphons were in possession of barbs, and thus their flesh had developed an adaptation to better handle it. That's why he didn't mind or worry about her safety as he started aggressively pumping himself into her, slamming shaft and knot down her throat with persistent vigor.

Aurys did not gag, nor did she choke or sputter or resist him in the least. Just the opposite, she started pushing back against him so that her beak swallowed up his knot, too! She wanted it all in her and didn't mind if he knotted her gullet. She didn't breath through her throat like a mammal, so if he tied with her then and there she'd be able to gulp and swallow every drip of his seed if she so desired, breathing out of her nares comfortably and happily all night.

Problem was, Vinati knew this and wasn't about to let her Chief finish in a gryphon hen when he should be filling her with seed. Right as Aurys wrapped her beak around Storm's knot, tiny teeth snagging on his swollen flesh, Vinati pulled the gryph off him and leapt back on Storm's member, rubbing the tip up and down her belly fur. She also paused a moment to wrap her entire gullet around his cock tip again, slurping up the saliva left there by Aurys before entangling the barbs of her tongue with the barbs lining his cock tip.

The whole time she never halted her purring, ensuring that not one second was lost without Storm enjoying the steady drone of her body against his. She bobbed and suckled on him, licking up the bottom of the shaft as she stroked his length, squeezing his knot as her own folds grew moist and tender as she fantasized about being ravaged. She couldn't deepthroat like Aurys, but that didn't stop her from putting forth every bit of effort and every trick that she had at her disposal.

In a surprising twist, Vinati soon felt a pair of fingers rubbing against her vulva, smearing her arousal around the edge of her pussy lips. Though her maw was occupied, she managed to look back and see Aurys caressing her under the tail, beak preening and nuzzling at her haunches to keep her tingling with pleasure. This only made her purr deeper and heavier as she continued to twist and bob her head on Storm's member, gulping lightly to coax out at least some of the gryphon's essence.

Aurys kept her fingers tight to Vinati's folds, rubbing in circles and tugging on her lips as she nuzzled up next to her feline companion. There, the two of them took turns, sucking and nuzzling against Storm's shaft to give him every bit of attention they could while also fighting over who got to take more of him. Aurys' beak gaped wide and swallowed Storm's member deep, all the way to the knot, but Vinati's purr was incomparable.

Then, in a glorious double-team, Aurys swallowed the gryphon drake to the base, wrapping her beak around his knot and holding on with all her might, her teeth to lightly anchor herself on his knot as Vinati pressed her muzzle down to Storm's sheath and balls, her purrs reverberating on his flesh buried deep in Aurys' gullet. Both females kept that way, gulping and nuzzling and licking and biting at Storm as he bucked up into both of them with enough vigor to nearly knock them off his body.

His knot swelled and his cock throbbed to expand the bulge in her throat, loins tensing up to shoot stream after stream directly into her belly, bloating her in the process. Again and again, he tensed his rump and used his hand to force her beak down upon him, knot making a seal in the back of her beak while she kept gulping and swallowing at him.

Not having her airway pass through her throat was perfect for this, and the tiny pointy teeth seemed to excite Storm more than anything else.

Once he had finished, he let go of her head and let her pull off his cock, cum and fluids sputtering out over the side of her beak followed by a cum-bubbled belch as she wiped herself off with her forearm. She smiled and licked up as much as she could while Vinati pulled up, purring and licking at the creamy mess that was flowing down his shaft and gumming up his sheath.

"Well, That was a lot of fun." Aurys cooed at him, gently stepping back a bit to let Vinati have her way with Storm. She had her sampling, so she was more than happy to let her female companion have her taste as well, a right that Vinati quickly took to by licking what she could off the tip and rubbing the rest into her chest.

The lioness practically wrapped her neck around his member, purring and stroking all the while as her fur tickled his shaft and teased at his knot. She even got her claws involved, squeezing and cradling his knot with her palms as she did all of this, coaxing a few more tiny spurts all over her head, ears, hair, and neck fur. Despite Storm finishing all over her in a glorious mess, he remained firm and eager to be played with, so she kept at him with little desire to hold back.

Vinati's command of Storm's cock didn't last all that long, as Aurys was hungry once again. The gryphoness slipped up next to Vinati to push her aside, this time not wasting a single moment before straddling Storm's hips with his cock poking up under the base of her tail. "Enough foreplay, let's get to the main event." She trilled at him as she reached between her legs and grabbed his shaft, aiming the tip at her sopping wet vulva.

While Aurys was lightly teasing at him, bobbing up and down just on the tip, Vinati dove back down between Storm's thighs, nuzzling and kissing his balls and sheath beneath her avian partner. The barbed feline tongue tugged at his flesh while her hand buried itself between the loose-fitting ball flesh and his tense inner thigh, collecting sweat and musk to rub all over her muzzle and neck. Her throat and chest was still buzzing with her persistent purring even as she dove forth, lightly biting him as a form of affection while Aurys kept at him.

"See? I knew you'd want me." Aurys said with a grin, knees on Storm's thighs as she kept her grinding motions. His cock tip popped just inside her, spreading her lips with ease before being tugged back out, leaving her gaping and drooling her excitement down his length. Up and down she bobbed, catching his tip inside her every time and sliding a bit farther down his shaft before leaning forth to hear that luscious pop followed by the hollow guttural sound of her resulting gape.

Returning the favor, Vinati licked her way up his cock to nuzzle and taste Aurys' pussy, purring while her tongue was on the gryphon's clit. As a result, Aurys shuddered and fell forward onto Storm, giving Vinati just enough room to ease forward and replace her.

The lioness got comfortable with her knees on his hips, thighs just barely apart enough to cradle the girth of his cock between them. She angled her loins forward so that she could rub her swollen lips up and down the length of his shaft, teasing at the barbs around his cock tip for a brief moment before lifting up and aiming him directly at her sex. With one motion, she eased down onto him, his cock slipping deep into her and stretching her walls to their limit.

Though both Aurys and Vinati had begun their journeys with Storm barely able to handle his girth, both girls had, in time, adapted to handle what he had to offer. While they remained tight in between sessions - Vinati especially - their flesh and muscles had grown to expand with ease, keeping tight while still being accommodating. With only the help of the natural lubricants that all parties had secreted, intense mating sessions could be enjoyed without any serious issues.

It wasn't until Storm took over and showed his more dominant side that any issues arose.

Having been teased and nuzzled and sucked and massaged, Storm felt it was about time for him to take his girls as a drake should. They'd worshiped his cock and balls long enough.

"You ready?" He asked, stroking each of the girls with his hands. Aurys remained laying flat on his belly while Vinati lightly bobbed on his cock behind her, occasionally grinding her hips up under Aurys' tail, transferring the vibrations that came from her purr directly into the gryphon's loins. There, both were able to look directly at Storm and nod, both prepared as they always were.

Storm didn't need permission or warning, but over the years he'd grown to respect and admire the to females, which is exactly why he knew what he could get away with. His time gradually tenderizing the ladies meant that, of all the females in his tribe, they two could handle him the best.

Once he had his assurance from their meek, needy nods and pouty eyes, he rolled over and capsized the both of them off his belly, leaning over the side of the nest to pin Vinati down on her belly, one hand on her tail and the other on his cock as he pushed all his weight into her. For a moment, her purring stopped as a strained cry of pain squeaked out of her, loins tensing and tail flicking with intense vigor as Storm eased his massive cock into the lioness pussy. He glanced down to see her tan-fleshed lips stretching and distending, lurching and leaping forward to swallow his every bit right down to the top of his knot. Her flesh was so taut around his shaft that he could feel her rapid heartbeat, twitching around her, speeding up a bit every time his member shifted within her.

Vinati grinned back at him, showing her teeth as she started rocking back and forth, ignoring the slight pain in her tail as he gripped her there and used that as a handle. The extreme sensations of her tight flesh being expanded and dilated like that while his barbed member tickled and tugged at her inner folds was a pleasure to die for, a desire she displayed by letting her tongue hang out and her fangs poke out from her lips.

Storm kept at her as roughly as he could, claws digging into her shoulder and tail as he used all of his strength to slam his cock into her time and time again, pumping the full length from tip to knot with a series of audible squelches accented by the gentle thud of his balls slamming against her thighs and the lobes of his knot slapping against her pussy lips. Slowly but surely, Storm tenderized her to the point her vulva pushed out against him, visible pink flesh wrapped nicely around his shaft.

While Storm went after Vinati, Aurys was off to the side on her back, legs spread and fingers buried deep within herself. She was waiting her turn, but was growing impatient. "Come on, Storm! Don't leave me over here, all alone and needy! You're better than that!" She begged, voice masked by a gentle whimper as she spread her taut lips. "I can take your knot better than her!"

He growled and smiled over at her, spine moving in waves to rhythmically keep at his partner. "But she's so much tighter than you." He countered, pushing himself in as deep as he could go while grinding his knot against the feline's opening.

Aurys shuffled over, getting to all fours as she pressed her beak to Vinati's cheek, rubbing and trilling with tail held high, giving a series of gentle kisses before grabbing at the lioness' arms and pulling her off Storm's cock. She dove over, replacing her on the side of the nest on her back with legs up and pussy gaping open. "My turn!" While laying there, she started idly rubbing her clit in circles, the friction coaxing a thin film of her own arousal out to smear all over her lips and down onto the base of her tail.

Vinati could have been upset by this, as Storm was hers, but she and Aurys had long since developed a friendly rivalry to see who could take more of Storm's seed over the years, and they remained friends even when getting rough in the nest. Rather than get upset or retaliate, Vinati flopped onto her side with one leg up, ensuring no pressure was put on her groin so she could relax and enjoy the gentle tingle left in her by Storm. She knew that it was only a matter of time before it was her turn once again, and she'd be sure to take him for all his seed. In the mean time, the cool air of their treetop home got a nice tickle inside her gaping pussy walls.

Notorious for his cavalier attitude and opportunistic tendencies when it came to finding a hole, Storm casually grabbed at himself again and pointed his barbed tip right at Aurys' plump lips, forcing himself in right to the knot with one gentle push. He was somewhat curious about how he managed to go so deep so quick, as he'd not yet loosened her up, but he didn't dwell on it too long as he now had a hot-fleshed gryphon to mount and fill.

After sliding in as deep as he could go, his cock tip poking in through the gryphon's cervix to enter her womb, Storm quickly began to thrust his hips, tugging and pushing with the entire length of his cock time and time again with rapidly quickening pace. His member slid in and out of her well-lubed passage as she bucked and rocked back into him time and time again, his balls slapping against her thighs while the bottom lobes of his member slammed and grinded against her clit each time.

She wasn't passive, however, as she was hungry for more any way she could get it. While matching Storm's thrusts, Aurys grabbed Vinati by the thighs and dragged her in closer so that she could bury her beak between the lioness' legs and prod at her gaping pussy with her tongue. The touch of the grpyhon's tongue made Vinati clench up, closing herself with a glorious, deeply guttural squelch as the air escaped her and her lips sealed around it. The position was awkward, however, and Aurys couldn't keep it up once Storm really got going.

He lowered himself over Aurys, cradling both of her upper thighs with each of his powerful hands as he pulled her onto his cock, burying as much of himself as he could deep within her sex. His abdominal muscles flexed and tightened as he forced himself into her, over and over again while pausing in between each thrust to grind his knot up against her. He could feel her malleable flesh distending and dilating around him, expanding to accommodate him with each motion; this told him that he could bury his knot any time, but he had a bit of restraint.

Not much, but a bit. He wasn't going to tie with her without a bit more buildup.

Storm's mind was very focused, and now all he could think about was the glorious tightness of Aurys hugging his knot, which urged him to thrust his hips wildly, forcing his knot into her a bit at a time, each buck of his hips spreading her just a bit wider, his member sliding just a bit deeper. Then, as he began to dig his claws into her thighs, her flesh parted and stretched just enough, allowing his knot to pop into her with a sudden and intense lurch!

Her spine arched and she whimpered at the sudden and intense stretch, yet the feeling didn't last long as Storm quickly pulled right back out with an equally sudden motion, her lips spitting him out with a spattering of her fluids all over.

He couldn't imagine her being much more loose than that, so he pushed in again, only this time he felt a sudden stoppage from deep within her just beyond the opening to her womb. As he pushed and grinded his hips in a gyrating motion in an attempt to force his knot in again, he noticed that Aurys was grunting and clenching all of her abdominal muscles, squeezing down and resisting his penetration, squeezing his cock deep within her. She didn't want him to knot, it seemed.

Just as Storm mustered the strength and desire to force himself in anyway, he felt a sudden lurch of a spherical object coming out from deep within her, shifting his cock around and sharing some of her vaginal passage with it. It took him a few seconds to realize what had begun to happen, and he quickly pulled out to leave her flesh gaping and drooling as she contracted again.

His vigorous mating had triggered the laying of an egg, probably fertilized by Storm himself!

"Hnnngph!" She grunted at him, beak chattering as she winced and squeezed, forcing the egg to slide with ease through her vaginal canal, coming to rest comfortably just inside her swollen and drooling pussy lips. Aurys finally found a moment to catch her breath as she relaxed, letting the egg stay in the looser segment of her pussy where a knot was meant to swell and tie, the top of it cresting her taut, malleable flesh while shifting bit by bit with her every motion.

After he pulled out, she arched her back and grunted heavily, a spurt of her arousal escaping to soak the edge of the bed before the egg popped out accompanied by a gush of her fluids. She immediately curled up onto her side and started whimpering as her tail coiled up, holding the egg and pinning it between both it and her thighs, smearing it with her lubricants to keep it moist.

Though storm was concerned for her, his carnal instincts were still taking a rather tight grip of his mind and he couldn't help but reach past her to grab at Vinati's ankles, pulling her over to the side of the nest. She whimpered a bit before letting her purring start back up. However, Storm had something very clear in mind for her, so he picked her up by the neck and rump to slam her against the wall with enough force to shake their entire home.

She grinned and shuddered in delight, body practically begging for his cock as her loins leaked her own lubricant down his throbbing cock. Rough as he may have been with her, she couldn't have been happier! "Go on, Chief." She urged him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he held her off the ground by the neck and haunches.

Storm barely had to think about tensing his cock to aim it right before pressing his body to hers, shaft slipping into her with ease up to the knot. While pinning her to the wall, he leaned his head down and bit hard on her neck and shoulder, holding her in place as he thrust as hard as he could. He could actually feel her neck muscles tensing as she tried to hold back a howl of both pain and pleasure, so he bit down harder and bucked with even more vigor and firmness.

His knot forced her lips wide, but he didn't pop into her like he'd planned; his lobes had already swelled after having enjoyed a brisk stay in Aurys, so he wasn't sure if he was going to get inside Vinati now. His reservations didn't stop him from trying, though! In one more all-or-nothing move, he bit down harder and grabbed both of her thighs with both of his hands, pulling her down as he arched his back and pushed as hard as he could, grinding and gyrating his hips with a rhythmic pace.

She grunted, he hissed, she whimpered, he bucked, and she shuddered before, in a sudden moment of serenity, that massive knot of his slowly forced its way into her, a distinct change from the sudden lurches he usually felt when his knot eased into his partners. Instead, he felt her walls constricting around him with the power to force him out, urging him to push back against her and keep himself lodged deep in her sex with her quivering lips barely holding on.

Much to his dismay, he was not going to be tying with her like he normally would with a fellow gryphon. This was a common occurrence with he and Vinati, as her body was not meant to be knotted or tied; as such, her uniformly tight vaginal canal simply squeezed and constricted around him, threatening to force him out at any time. He knew this and understood the limitations of his partner, so he held her tight to his chest and spun around, slamming her back down on the nest next to Aurys, pressing all of his weight down on her as he forced his knot to stay throbbing within her depths.

In response, she grunted and arched her back, struggling against both the bite of his beak and the pressure of his knot pressing out against her taut loins. Every tiny little shift in their bodies slid his knot in deeper or out just a bit, always threatening to force him out of her as his cock throbbed and pulsated, squeezing jet after jet of his precum deep into her womb. His resulting thrusts were brisk and shallow, yet his huge balls kept slapping at her haunches, eventually coming to rest with each of his orbs dangling over the side of the base of her tail.

Having finally worked himself up enough with his two partners, Storm finally let go of her neck and screeched loudly, wings spreading as he slammed his hips to hers, forcing his cock to slip and slide within her before his pleasure hit its climax and his member began pumping wave after wave of his seed deep into her. His pulsating cock expanded and twitched within her, every contraction of his muscles combining with the resulting added pressure of his seed being pumped into her forcing his knot to slide out a little bit more.

Though gryphons were known to tie overnight, he couldn't help but let himself slip out of her after one final thrust of his hips, knot bursting out with a torrent of his seed and her natural fluids all over the side of the nest. The resulting splash over his knot and cascading down his length soaked them both as he gently tugged himself completely free of her depths, leaving her gaping and swollen as she heavily breathed in his absence.

"D-damn, you really know how to do your kind proud." She whimpered between labored gasps. "Now come here you insatiable drake!" She pulled him up next to her with Aurys still cradling the egg on the other side, far away from the gooey mess of the cum and arousal that formed a thin film and pool on the opposite side of the nest.

Then and there, all three of them relaxed together, letting the post-coitus bliss take over them all. Storm wrapped his arms around both of his females, holding them in close as his glistening purple member slowly deflated and returned to its sheath, leaving a gentle film of his musk pooled around the opening. There, he spread his legs and let his head drape over the back of his nest.

Nearly an hour later, he sighed heavily again, content with having satisfied two partners at once. "Big day tomorrow, isn't it?" He said, smiling to himself as he thought about how much work he could get done making the village and his tribe a better place. His pride was well earned and knew no bounds.

As it turned out, this was the time that Vinati decided to speak up. "Actually, I was thinking about that and I do feel now is the time to tell you that, after your ascension to Elder in Chief, I will be returning to my village as queen." She idly played with his chest plumage and nuzzled into him, her purr a light hum more than anything else.

Storm chirped a bit as he turned to look down at her, nestled up under his arm. "And to what do I owe this unpleasant surprise? Why are you leaving?"

"Three days ago, a messenger came to the village with news from my father. As it turns out, my sister endured a rather unpleasant injury that rendered her barren, meaning that I am the only one left in my tribe who can carry on our family's bloodline. I have to start a new life there, and sadly I have to do it without you because I know that, with you being elder here, you can't come to rule with me." She sighed a bit, the whites of her eyes seeming to glow as she looked up at him. "And try as we might, you and I clearly aren't physically compatible in that regard. I'm sorry, but I have to go back to my people."

He paused a moment to let that soak in as he stroked her cheek. "So as of tomorrow morning, you will no longer be mine?"

"Think of it as a new lease on life. I know you're a free spirit and I don't think for a minute that you were going to be monogamous, so consider this one fewer shackle 'round your ankle." She leaned up to kiss him on the beak.

"You know this doesn't mean that you're not mine. Once you're mine you're never not mine."

Vinati laughed a bit, nestling back into his arm. "Well, you are so far the only drake I've been with and you've certainly ruined me for other males, but I will be betrothed again to another male. One of my kind. One with whom I can start a family." Her purring intensified. "Plus, I know you well enough to know that nothing will keep you from taking me whenever you damn well want. That's something my new mate - whomever he may be - will have to deal with. And I'm entirely certain that he won't be as well equipped as you." She cradled his balls and gave a gentle squeeze.

Storm couldn't help but shrug in agreement, nodding as he chirped gently at her. Part of him wanted to deny her and force her to stay, but the thought of having another male failing to please her after having been with him appealed to him. Plus, he didn't want to interfere with the goodwill he'd given the two tribes. In the end, he quickly decided that it was best to accept that she would be leaving and find another partner to replace her. He glanced over at Aurys, who was on the verge of sleep with her eyes closed and ears flicking.

"Everything alright?" Asked Vinati as she gave his chest a stroke. "I wanted to tell you earlier, but I've seen you've been a bit more uptight these last few days and I figured the best time to tell you would be after mating; you seem to be far more relaxed."

He nodded and gape grinned at her, the feathers of his crest standing tall. "Yeah, everything is fine. Who knows, I might already have someone in mind to be my mate when you're gone." He stroked at Aurys' head feathers, indicating that he meant her. "Been with a gryphon hen for a long time now on the side, and she's helped me to gain favor with the high council and elders since day one, so maybe it's time for me to give back to her. It's only fair."

Vinati nodded and closed her eyes, resting against his chest as she started to purr. "You're a good Chief, Storm. Hopefully the other elders see that in you and give you the role of Prime Elder one day. I can see you taking this village far."

Storm already knew he was going to miss that purr of hers, especially when she rode him or took him in her muzzle. He was sure he could find another feline to join his harem now that he was Elder in Chief, but nobody would please him quite like Vinati.

At that point he had nothing to say, so he simply laid back and let sleep overtake him with both his partners in his arms, the warmth and comfort they offered a perfect passage to pleasant dreams.

The next morning, he was escorted to the temple and grand hall on the other side of town by his mate Vinati while Aurys watched. There, he was sworn in as the new Elder in Chief as the third member of the highest order. He did not bring Vinati with him, since she had made it abundantly clear that she was planning on returning to her village, and the swearing-in also gave him a new lease to start over.

This was, to him, a sort of rebirth as he was now about as high as he could possibly get within the hierarchy within the gryphon lands of Firyah. He was single again, a lone warrior and elder with no obstacles in life and nowhere to go but up.

Once in the top tier of the elders, seniority was the only way to advance. The remaining two elders were both far older than he, and were certainly going to die before him, which meant it was only a matter of time before he was the apex ruler of his lands. In fact, he was pretty much already at the top of the mountain, as the other two were known more for sleeping and quietly making decisions instead of being active in the community, such inaction came with their advanced age.

Storm Gryphon, Chief of the tribe, would very soon be revered as the pinnacle of his kind and the leader that his people needed, and on his very first day in that role he dealt with some very interesting hardships.

Within seconds of him being sworn in, with leather baldric over his shoulder and spear in hand, some foolish equine decided that now was the time to take action against him! He rushed up the steps to the throne in front of the window overlooking the village with what looked like a poison tipped spear of his own, trying to throw it at Storm. In response, Storm deflected the blade and chased the equine down, ending him there in front of his people to show his first act of absolute dominance.

Someone in the village had hired an assassin to end him on this day, perhaps someone he'd upset with his promiscuous nature. He knew that there were at least two or three other members of the High Council that resented him for ascending to elder before them. And sleeping with their wives while making them watch.

Once the threat was neutralized, Storm made a simple declaration that if he found out the source of the assassin, he'd kill whomever it was regardless of what level of authority they held. Given his propensity for 'hands on' leadership, nobody questioned him or dared challenge him.

Having dealt with that issue, the rest of the day was spent in the grand hall of the temple, with the light shining in from the massive windows down onto the hundreds of tribesman all enjoying a grand buffet. It was there that a peculiar avian by the name of Muriat came forward with their first offering towards the new chief, his body.

And it was on that day, in that moment, that Storm's legacy was born as the drake he would be known as the rest of his life, for on that day and in that moment, Storm decided to accept his gift in view of every villager that had shown up in the temple that day, filling Muriat with his seed while everyone watched.

With the avian still crouched on his lap, Storm sat tall and looked down over his people with his guardsmen watching over him, smiling as he demanded someone bring him a meal, for he was too preoccupied with his gift to get up and retrieve it himself.

And thus concluded Storm's rise to power, a chief and an elder of the Firyah region for many years to come. However, while this was the last step in his ascension to the highest level of power, it was only the beginning of his adventures, because his authority only granted him more freedom to act at will, making changes and altering the world around him to better suite the needs of not only himself but every villager that called him Chief.