Rustling of the leaves - Chapter 2

Story by FluffyAbsol on SoFurry

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"Hmpf~" The canine's voice is stifled by the females soft lips as he feels the gecko's tongue invades his mouth, tasting the canine's saliva while her two hands are touching his cheeks gently. Being stunned by the absolutely amazing sensation the canine wants this kiss to last forever. But sadly, it ended as surprisingly as it began by the Grovyle pulling her head away from the Flareon, a deep blush covering her face. Leisurely retrieving her head, the female decides to step back a bit to get some distance between the fire type and herself, staring at the male in disbelief. An uncomfortable feeling is starting to fill her and being terrified by her spontaneous action, she suddenly started to yell at the Flareon, expressing her anger out of pure embarrassment.

"I-I don't know what came over me!"

Explaining herself, the grass type's blue eyes are widening while her mind being flooded with all different types of emotions. She knows that she enjoyed the kiss a lot, yet an uncertainty of what might happens next fills her. The Flareon jerks upon hearing the Grovyle, scared by her loud voice which's echoing through the forest. Both of them are afraid to ruin the situation, finding themselves slowly forming an unexpected bond to each other, more than just being lust. Gathering himself one last time, attempting to ignore both her pheromones and the effects of the lovely kiss, he raises his voice as the gecko places her hands on her face, covering it in shame.

"I really enjoyed the kiss and i would love to do it again but-"

"But what?!"

She interrupts him, interpreting the fire type's words as a paraphrase for implying she's lacking in kissing experience, her anger solely based on her emotional confusion. Knowing so while he's afraid that she might fall back into her previous behavior, the Flareon sighs and struggles in the vines shortly, attempting to signalize her that he's feeling uncomfortable. The grass type spectates the canine for a couple of seconds before understanding what he wants to tell her with his spurious attempts to free himself. After another look at the Flareon the Grovyle realizes that the Flareon means her no harm at all, hence she thinks about freeing him. In the back of her head she's afraid that he might just faked all his actions to get her trust just being able to escape once she removed the vines but after some minutes of planning what to do she decides to give it a try, trusting him by now. After those minutes passed she exclaims her decision, gazing into his brown eyes.

"Fine but no dirty little tricks, you got me?"

Recalling her vines while she said so, conceiving the Flareon radiating some kind of sympathy. Hoping that she's not fooling herself by untying him, she keeps an distrustful and hopeful look on the canine. Standing up before she starts shaking his body to free himself from all the dust which got caught in his orange fur.

"Thanks a lot"

Smiling at his former captor while he slowly moves towards her, causing the female to pick up her smile aswell, being overjoyed inside of her. Seeing her doing so the fire type gathers himself and pounces at her, making her land on her back as she groans out while he quickly follows his plan, being on top of her now.

"W-what are you-"

She screams excitedly, having no idea how to react as the gecko's eyes went wide, feeling a warm pair of lips kissing her. As their lips meet again the female pushes her tongue into the Flareon's mouth to dance with his own, enjoying each flavors once more. Humming into it, both mons are closing their eyes, enjoying the feeling to the full. The canine retrieves his head, breaking the heavenly kiss while he gasps for breath, a string of saliva still connecting their lips.

"You enjoy that, don't you blossom?"

"What a stupid question, of course i enjoy it!"

"Hehe so i was right, you just were lonely and not just an unfriendly brute..."

The gecko opened her mouth again but no word was spoken, unsure if she should be upset or cheerful after hearing the Flareon's statement. The canine gazes down at the Grovyle, his legs are trembling in excitement as he notices a new feeling showing up. Not only arousal but also something else is growing inside of him, a feeling as if thousands of butterflies are roaming inside of his body

"Are you okay, fluffy?"

A calm voice is waking him up, causing the male to snap out of his daydream. Luckily for the eeveelution his facial fur is covering the deep blush on his face, spectating the Grovyle. A giggle escapes the female as she discovers a sensitive spark in the fire type's eyes, guessing that she's sharing the exact same thoughts with him right now.

"But there's no need to stop!"

With those words the Grovyle quickly placed her right hand on the back of his head, pulling him downwards again, eager to show him her affection. A short grin is flashing on his face before he let the female be in charge as he's desirous to share kisses with her as well. Their lips meet repeatedly and for almost the whole next hour the two Mons are just laying on the dusty ground, passionately planting kisses on each other, giving in to their urges and emotions. From the outside it looks like an amorous couple has being reunited after being separated for a long time as they extensively exchange their saliva, showing a huge amount of affection. While the Flareon is completely busy enjoying the situation, the Grovyle already had other plans, wrapping her second arm around his warm, fluffy body before she rolls over with him, swapping positions.

"Huh? What even..."

He murmurs since the Flareon hasn't planned with that, gazing at the grinning gecko on top of him. The blushed female looks down at him with bedroom eyes as her plans are to deepen the newfound bond, making the eeveelution her mate for this season. Feeling extremely nervous she looks down at the canine with a desirous smile, her eye's are now gleaming in a more heartwarming than aggressive way.

"You've proven yourself worthy and..."

The Grovyle begins, aiming to play over her upcoming shyness by choosing fancy words, her red cheeks betraying her.

"..want to mate with me since you're in heat?"

Knowing exactly what will follow the Flareon interrupts her, having an impression of her emotional state since he had seen it before. The grass type turns her head frantically, checking that no other Mons are spying on them before she lowers head her head. The Grovyle's right cheek is the touching the Flareon's fur on his left one as she starts to whisper teasingly, her wild self breaking free.

"I will mate with you right here, right now. Yes i'm in heat and you will satisfy me, whenever and for how long i desire! Got it?"

More being a sharp order than a question, the Flareon nods. The fire type's own arousal combined with her previous pheromones is adding up with her talk, causing him to give in as his own eyes begin to sparkle in anticipation. Getting up again, still sitting on the Flareon underneath her as she smiled.

"Good boy-"

Teasing him further, the female's right hand slowly wanders behind her back, towards the male's crotch. Exciting herself doing so her folds begin to moisten, getting wet in anticipation of their incoming mating. The Flareon spreads his hind legs subconsciously, being eager to feel the female's hand around his shaft which's slowly unsheathing. While he's laying on the ground, hearing the gecko breathing next to his head, something familiar's attracting his attention. A fragrant and arousing smell, reminding him of a forest after a heavy rain combined with an aromatic touch, is filling his nostrils again. The Grovyle's scent is filling the air once more since her juices are leaking, moistening his fur underneath her, being much more intense than before. Realizing her pheromones starting to affect his mind again, he decides to close his eyes while taking a deep breath, wanting to inhale her alluring odor. The Flareon shudders shortly but strongly, earning a giggle of the female.

"You like my scents hmm...?"

"Y-yes, t-they are so overwhelming..."


Even if the Flareon would have wanted to interpret her talk, his minds getting more corrupted with every second he's exposed to the pheromones. Knowing his inability to think straight under such circumstances. Therefore the canine just prepares himself mentally for what's coming next, several worries and nervousness are roaming through his mind, causing his self-confidence to stagger shortly.

"Don't be nervous Fluffy, i know you will love it"

She tries to soothe him, sensing his insecurity before planting a lovely kiss on his cheek. During the kiss her hand reaches its destination, firmly grabbing his fully unsheathed and warm member, earning a gasp escaping the fire type's lips. However that gasp soon turns into repeatedly quiet moaning as the gecko starts to move her hand up and down, replacing the male's doubts with nothing but sheer delight. The Grovyle smiles at the male who's sinking deeper and deeper into his own world of joy, his eyes are looking at her, begging the female to go on. Her fingers are wrapped around his throbbing erection, warming up her palm as some leaked out precum begins to run down over her hand. Even though canine's embarrassed as he views at the dominant Grovyle, who's enjoying herself by caressing him and before the male had any chance to think about how to move on, the gecko already had her own plans. With their minds corrupted by need and lust neither the Grovyle nor the Flareon want to waste more time and without further hesitation the gecko bends forward, laying onto the male, while raising her rear with the female's fluids dripping down onto his orange fur. The couple's shivering in excitement as the grass type aligns the Flareon's rod with her slit, the male bucking up his hip slightly to assist her doing so. Placing her hands on the ground next to the Flareon, trying to get a firm stand before she asks.


However, not waiting for an obvious answer anyway she carefully moves backwards, gasping briefly as she feels the tip of his erection prodding against her nether lips, covering it with her wetness. The partners are looking deeply into each others eyes, understanding that they're sharing the exact same emotions before the female moves on, encasing his tip with her warm and wet flesh. The sudden change of his member's surroundings are causing the male to gasp once more while the female had her own troubles to hold back a heavy breathing as she gently moved deeper onto his dick, her fluids making for an excellent lube. Stopping her movement, feeling the first half of him filling her insides the gecko decides the to plant yet another kiss onto the eeveelution's lips before she suddenly lowered herself quickly, taking his whole shaft. Loud moans would have filled the couple's surroundings but the kiss muffles their lusty sounds, reducing them to a barely audible noise. Her tight inner walls are encasing and squeezing his shaft, stretching her love tunnel softly. Breaking their kiss, looking at each other. The Flareon wraps his front paws around the Grovyle, helping her as she starts to move back and forth, riding his length. Laying his head back on the ground, he closes his eyes to focus completely on the sensation while the Grovyle does the same with her tongue rolling out of her mouth. Waves of pleasure are coursing through her body, taking his whole member over and over again, feeling it filling her while the male slowly starts to lose himself in a world of pleasure. Shivers of pleasure are running down his spine as her inner flesh rubs against his rod.

"P-please k-keep going"

The Flareon pants out, begging his mate to continue. Sharing a deep blush with the female while he starts moving his hips, adjusting his movement to the Grovyle's to thrust his erection deeper into the needy gecko.

"A-ahh, g-good boy"

She replies, more moaning than actually speaking as the sudden pleasure surprises her, feeling the canine's shaft reaching deeper regions inside of her. Sweat starts to build up, running down her blushed green body. Panting and moaning louder within every second passing as they're laying on the dusty ground, mating passionately. A musky scent is filling the air around the two lovers, the combined smell of their body fluids is waving around them. Said musty scent stirs up their sparks of joy, creating a bonfire of pleasure and delight as they continue to mate heatedly. Besides the immense pleasure rocking her body, another emotion starts to fill the Grovyle, something much more intense. Affection. She increases the pace of her body's movement, the Grovyle's belly rubs against the canine's fur while her tight vaginal walls are squeezing around his rod.

Moaning out her pleasure, the gecko looks at the male. Her tongue's hanging out of her maw, drooling slightly while the Flareon's bites on his bottom lip, preventing himself from groaning loudly. He decides to move his hips faster, adjusting himself to her rhythm to reach deeper regions, covering his shaft with more of her juices. A loudly, lusty moan confirms him that also the female enjoys having his member deeper inside of her, not wanting this situation to end. But as much as the Flareon savors this circumstances, him being under a needy female riding his length, leads to another sensation starting to grow inside of him. The longer they mate, the stronger it grows and looking at the panting Grovyle shows him that she's feeling the same. Her inner walls are starting to shiver, almost vibrating around his shaft as she repeatedly lowers herself completely onto his member, letting out a loud moans every time his knot hits her labia.

"C-cum for me F-fluffy! F-fill me w-with your seeds!"

The sharp and lusty order is given, having her problems to speak clearly while having her love tunnel filled with a trembling erection, being extremely close. Her resistance begins to fade as urge to cum grows too large, giving in to it. Lowering herself once more, encasing his entire member with her wet folds as she cries out her Pokemon-name, being thrown over the edge. Hands are scratching over the forest floor as the wave of the orgasm hits her, causing her to spasm and to throw her head back, gasping loudly. Shivers are running down her spine as she climaxes, making her quiver in enjoyment. The gecko's whole body shakes in pleasure, panting heavily with her eyes closed while the Grovyle's inner flesh tightens around the Flareon's cock. Both his precum and the female's fluids are running down his entire length, over his balls just to form a small puddle on the dusty ground while the gecko's shivering insides are preparing to milk him.

"N-now! S-squirt!" The Grovyle pants out, her climax still affecting her as she's eager to make him cum.

"Y-you w-want my l-load? F-fine, t-then take it a-all!"

Gasping out this sentence as the sensation of the female's shivering walls around his trembling shaft are about to throw him over the edge. The canine's thoughts are foggy as the pheromones reduces his mind to its primal instincts. Breeding the needy female. With his already slightly swollen knot the Flareon smirks at the Grovyle, before gathering his remaining strength to do what she wants him to do. Cumming into her. Shoving the rest of his length including the knot into the grass type, he moans out loudly. Burying his entire rod into her wet trembling folds, the canine starts to feel his balls tightening while he grunts out his delight, reaching his climax. Releasing his hot and creamy load into the Grovyle, filling up her insides with ropes of his white fluid, mixing up with the gecko's own juices. The two just held this position with the Flareon ejaculating his precious seed into her, filling the Grovyle's womb with his cum. After a while the stream slowly dies off and in an attempt to avoid being locked to him due to the canine's knot, the Grovyle slowly gets off the fire type. After having some troubles to pull out his still twitching shaft she finally manages it, stretching her vulva as the knot leaves her folds, allowing the female to stand up again. Her legs are shaky but doing their job, being able to carry her as she smiles down at the Flareon, who's still laying on the ground, panting in exhaustion.

"You did good _pants _for a Flareon"

"I w-would l-love to do it a second time, Blossom"

Catching for breath the male looks up at the female, peeking at her red crotch shortly, admiring his sperm dripping out of her slit before getting up on all fours again. Their combined cool fluids are flowing down the Grovyle's legs, causing her to shiver slightly upon feeling them. They grin at each other sharing the feeling of being completely happy as the blushed Grovyle gets onto her knees, breathing heavily before giving the Flareon another passionate kiss. She gets up again, realizing how spent the Flareon must be if he has problems to return a kiss.

"If you don't mind then you can spend the night at my cave"

"Sure...i would love to.."

The Grovyle suggests upon seeing their surroundings being much darker then before, assuming that it's late, sunset. Agreeing instantly the Flareon slowly heads towards after the female, following her. She often turns around, checking that he's still behind her before the gecko decides to walk slower, wanting to move next to him as a deep bond connects these two Mons by now...

Rustling of the leaves - Chapter 1

It's a warm summer eve, butterfrees are flying around dancing in the evening sun as a lonely Flareon wanders on a small path through the forest, filling the air with the sound of crackling branches. Dirt and dust is covering some of his orange fur,...

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