Roiling Tides - Chapter 2

It was still night. The full moon shines onto the turtle's face, almost blinding him as he opens his eyes leisurely. Groaning quietly he forces himself to open his eyes and try to locate where the noise comes from. It sounds like whimpering. Something...

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Roiling Tides - Chapter one

Finally. It took him a long time but he finally achieved his goal. The Wartortle look at the pond. **His ** pond. Reed is growing in patches around it and even though water lilies are swimming on its surface, the water is crystal clear. He steps...

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Rustling of the leaves - Chapter 2

"Hmpf~" The canine's voice is stifled by the females soft lips as he feels the gecko's tongue invades his mouth, tasting the canine's saliva while her two hands are touching his cheeks gently. Being stunned by the absolutely amazing sensation the...

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Rustling of the leaves - Chapter 1

It's a warm summer eve, butterfrees are flying around dancing in the evening sun as a lonely Flareon wanders on a small path through the forest, filling the air with the sound of crackling branches. Dirt and dust is covering some of his orange fur,...

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