Cafe Plaisir: A Visit from Sagittarius

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#1 of Cafe Plaisir: Post Jaunt Shorts

"We should..." started October, grinning suggestively and pausing.

"Yesss..." hissed Firenze, across the room.

"Go somewhere private, where we won't be disturbed, for a start," said October, "Perhaps out in the woods, it's a pleasant evening... good for a pair of Ninetales. Nothing will disturb the likes of us..."

Sagittarius looked curious, "Oh..? ...and what shall we do, there?"

"Good boy, October..." said Firenze, coaxing silently from across the room, "Nice idea..."

October's grin grew larger, "We should... f

A comission for Flamester

A most unusual customer comes to Cafe Plaisir! Ninetales in form, an cosmic entity wishes to experience something of the worlds which are in its eternal guard. They're rather surprised to find Cafe Plaisir and even more surprised by the creature appointed to attend them. They'd be even more confused if they knew the true reasons behind that appointment...

Funny old place, the Universe. It never ceases to delight and surprise. Innocence disappears quickly, but oh, losing it can be a such a blaze...

Let the fun, begin. ^.^

Writing this was a great deal of fun, Sagittarius himsef being a great concept to explore. Definitely fun to have something of an opposite number in order and experience to get to know! Flamester was a great guy to work with and we may have to do it, again sometime!

The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented: Dark Violet to whom belongs Firenze

Also credited in this part:

Flamester, to whom belongs: Sagittarius

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun to whom belongs Jack!

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

In the middle of a forested field an orb of golden light gradually appeared, coalescing seemingly from nothing and growing large as its brightness grew... Then when a certain size was reached, the orb began to shift and move, gaining solidity, slowly moulding itself, shaping itself, gaining long limbs and a graceful shape, pure light gradually becoming pure gold as its form shifted into the graceful, vulpine form of a Ninetales.

This Ninetales was not immediately different from any other, though his fur was almost literally golden, unmarred and unblemished by anything. In fact; he appeared to be entirely perfectly pristine. Pausing briefly, the Ninetales took a few moments to make small, subtle movements, as if getting used to moving at all.

"How long has it been since I was here last?" he mused to himself, "The air itself seems different, hopefully the currency hasn't changed since my last arrival." As he spoke, another orb of light appeared in mid-air, that swiftly transformed into a pouch of gold and gems which he snatched with a tail. Then, he started forwards, to explore as had before, so very long ago... looking about himself with an immense curiosity, as if he hadn't seen a forest like this in a long, long time...

Yes, time to explore once more, he thought, wondering just what he might find...

* * *

Firenze was never happier than when he was watching over a busy and productive Café, bustling with Customers and colleagues working together in pursuit of mutual, professional pleasure and personal improvement in the wonderful way of life that was working at Café Plaisir.

He wasn't very happy, right now.

In Café Plaisir at this hour there wasn't usually a great deal going on. The two o'clock handover from Morning to Afternoon shift sat right between the brief lunchtime rush and the dull, early afternoon quiet that lingered until business began to pick up again, later in the day.

It was a time when the Café, rendered already immaculate by the efforts of the Morning Shift, sat for the most part, bustling, yet quiet, with staff and Waiters of all tiers and types sitting around waiting for something to do and practically brimming with enthusiasm for the swelling tide of Customers that the gradual slide towards evening would bring.


Today was different, however. Today, there was more of a mess than even the industrious Cleaning Mice of the Morning Shift could handle and Nurse Boora's sick room had been refilled as fast as it could be emptied with a continuing stream of broken glass based injuries. The Morning Shift floor staff was missing entirely, due to the events of the night before.

With so much damage, so much mess, so much destruction done to the Café, there had been little choice but to give almost everyone the day off, whilst the situation was taken stock of.

So now, but for a skeleton staff, the Café was almost entirely quiet. No busy bustle, no customers seeking pleasure, no Waiters pleased to serve them. Firenze's well-maintained paradise of professionalism was near desolate and silent.

A few of the more regular Customers had come and gone, disappointed by the inaccessibility of the vast majority of the Café's facilities. In truth, almost the entire Eastern wing, including all of the Guest Quarters primarily used in the pursuit of pleasure, had been rendered unsafe by the remains of a hundred broken windows and the shattered remnants of the grand solar mirror that had once adorned the Café's highest peak.

Truly, the Café had been wounded badly, was now crippled and disabled. Each passing hour only painted a bleaker picture.

Firenze sighed.

* * *

The Ninetales strolled through the woods, staring at each tree, each insect, each flower, as if personally invested in each and every one, indulging a seemingly limitless curiosity as he made his unhurried way through the woods.

This truly is a beautiful world, rich with life, he thought, taking the time to examine each and every form of life he laid his eyes upon, drinking in the diversity, the depth, the range and intensity of it all, with these senses that were as varied as they were limited.

Sight in a spectral range specialised to this planet showed him a wealth of photosynthesis feeding a plethora of plants which fed a profusion of insects... and from the molecular analysis by the olfactory sense known as scent, the Ninetales detected the tell-tale traces of the herbivores that kept the photosynthesising flora in check... and by extension, the stimulated sensation of hunger causing an agitation of the salivary glands, amongst others, told the Ninetales that he himself was representing another stage again, a predator, who consumed those herbivores and in turn, kept them in check. All leading back around to the microscale life that would break it all down after death, completing and renewing this recycling chain that made no waste whatsoever of the matter of this world nor the energy of the star that warmed it.

A beautiful whole. Grand in its complexity as it was beautiful in its simplicity.

Breathing deeply, he took all the smells at once, tasting of the air, of the subtle flavours of this world. Feeling relaxed as he embraced that wholeness...

Until his stomach growled. His nine tails twitched at once, his perfect, placid face twisting in surprise, his red eyes widening in confusion and curiosity until he remembered what it meant. Of course; The very thing he had just been thinking of. This form required matter, to gain energy. The sensations he felt were part of his natural drive to acquire it.

He wondered how he might do that. It had been a while, after all, but he was curious to remember. He had come, after all, to sample, to savour of this world, to taste its very essence and know it for how precious it might be.

These reminders were important, after all, for his work.

A tickled nose twitching in the air, the Ninetales followed his impulses, taking part in this world's games. There were currents in the air promising food, after all and this form's keen nose bid him follow. So, strolling onwards with an excited twitch in his tails, follow he did..!

* * *

"This is just depressin'," muttered an Irish-accented voice, from behind Firenze's shoulder.

The regal Ninetales looked around, to see the big Typhlosion frowning at the nearly-empty bar, the pitiful few customers, the more pathetic-still Waiters who stood listlessly around. Firenze found he couldn't disagree. He sighed.

"I still reckon you oughta've called the Police on that 'un," muttered the Typhlosion, "Look at the bloody damage he's done..."

"The Police are chasing Eclipse even as we speak," said Firenze, with a frown, speaking quietly, "They'll catch him, sooner or later."

The Typhlosion grumbled, "Hrrrmph... you know that's not who I'm talkin' about, Firenze. It's not Eclipse who wrecked my Café..."

"Jack," said Firenze, with a sigh, "By all accounts it was Eclipse who destroyed the mirror. Eclipse who started the fight. Eclipse who stained this Café's honour with his conduct in the first place, who has embarrassed and shamed us all by getting away with all he did for as long as he did. Tell me; Why aren't you talking about Eclipse..?"

The Typhlosion grumbled again, muttering various curses under his breath, curses that a keen-eared Fox like Firenze was quite capable of catching, but which he chose to purposefully ignore.

"Sometimes," muttered Jack, "I reckon you're a little TOO soft on your fellow Ninetales, Firenze... Dunno about you, but I'm not quite sure why we haven't fired the troublemakin' bugger, yet..."

"I have to wonder why you're so harsh in your judgement of him," countered Firenze, "Since coming here, October has strained and struggled to fit in, despite being given the very worst jobs we could give him. Time and again, he's risen to the challenges we've set him, fought against his flaws and battled the evil that was festering in the heart of this Café, beneath our very noses. A lopsided battle which nearly cost him very dearly, indeed. So I ask again, why is it that you seem to have more sympathy for the brute who poisoned the soul of Plaisir than for the one who saved it?"

Jack scowled, harshly, "Don't lecture me like one of the Waiters, Felix. I know what 'e did an' all the rest. That's why I aven't overruled ye and had 'im fired anyways. You know Clarice is just lookin' for an excuse an' I already told 'er to back off." He leant on the bar, closing the gap between them and speaking quietly as he was firmly, "That redcoat bastard might've done us a grand one, alright, but he did it right over our bloody heads! Right after givin' me a load of lip, an' all! He's got no respect for me, for this Café, for the law, for nothin'! He does whatever 'e feels like, whenever 'e bloody feels like it. How can I trust someone like that? Look at this place! That's all on him. If we'd done things properly, none of this would've happened!"

"If we'd done things properly," said Firenze, frowning, "Loathe as I am to admit this; Vermont would have been shipped off, we'd have had no proof of wrongdoing and Eclipse would have gotten away with his crimes to commit them again another day. He did the wrong thing, but for the right reasons. We have to give him that."

"Alright, give him that," said Jack, still scowling, "Go on, then. That leaves the rest. He came here under false pretenses, lied to us, stole from us, didn't apologise for any of it and only works for us 'cos he has to." He shook his head, "I know every Pokemon who works here, I've got a handle on 'em all but him and his friends. In fact them who hang around with him've dropped off the radar. Even after a month, he's not so much integrating with our little family as he's breakin' off bits for himself and runnin' off to do Arceus-knows what with 'em! I ask you again; how do I trust that?"

Firenze listened to it all with a frown, meeting the founder's eyes with a firm and resolved look, then sadly sighed, "He's come a lot further than any other Pokemon we have, Jack. He's had to bend further out of shape to fit than any other here... and how much effort did we make in trying to accommodate him? Can we honestly say we've given him a fair chance? Have we let him play to his strengths?"

Jack frowned back, "What strengths are those, then? Because I worry about what those might be..."

"Every Customer we've let him take has given him a positive review, Jack," said Firenze, calmly, "We gave him the worst Waiter job we have, one meant for leaving employees, not new ones... and he's come as close to thriving as he possibly could. Need I remind you of the night with the Tourist girls? You and I both had some fun thanks to him, that night. Can you honestly say the same of any other new starter? He repaid his debt after the first two weeks and we didn't tell him. He'd have earned a healthy packet this payday just gone if not for the collateral damage from dealing with Eclipse. Tell me; How many first-month Floor Waiters earn a Studding Fee?"

Jack was frowning at him for most of that, though he was listening closely to every word without argument. Suddenly, at the end, that frown lifted at the corners and the big Typhlosion chuckled.

"What's so funny..?" Firenze couldn't help but ask.

"Not many, in fact, almost none," said Jack, smiling, "but you did, twice, in fact."

Firenze smiled back, then, "Well; I think that makes my point, precisely!" The big Ninetales adopted a coy smirk as he leant closer to the Typhlosion in turn, "It really doesn't hurt to have another Ninetales on staff, does it?"

Jack shook his head, still chuckling, "Y'know, sometimes I reckon you Ninetales are just as stuck up and prideful as they say. Alright!" he declared, "If he's so good, like you say, willin' to place a bet..?"

Firenze cocked a curious eyebrow, "What kind of bet?"

"A friendly one, of course!" said Jack, smirking, "A bottle of your chosen class, how's about that?"

"Sounds very fine," said Firenze with a smile, his curiosity aroused and more than a little tinge of natural vulpine excitement, "In fact you know exactly which vintage I'd care to wager..."

"I reckon I do..." said Jack with toothy grin, the Typhlosion's impressive musteline teeth showing with his growing humour, his eyes glancing towards one of the oldest and finest bottles of wine in Plaisir's current possession, one beyond even Firenze's ability to casually purchase, "...and I reckon there's a bottle of whiskey in your room that I wouldn't mind, myself..."

Firenze's eyes narrowed, a very vulpine irritation subtly rising behind his inscrutable smile, "...Is there now..?" He simply asked. He had indeed taken subtle receipt of a very collectable bottle, himself... he had thought it a well-kept secret...

Jack gave a deep and dirty chuckle, looking about as coy right then as a Typhlosion might, "You can't sneak something like that past me, Firenze. I know what you've got and you'd better be willing to wager it if you want what you want..."

Firenze's smile grew, then, excitement rising in his chest, ah, but Jack was a worthy opponent in a gentlemon's games, "Very well," he had to answer, "So what's the wager..? Before I finally agree, of course..."

The Typhlosion grinned, that big-toothed grin, "Next Customer that walks through that door, whomever they are, whyever they're here... October's gotta please 'em an' please 'em good. Properly. No cheatin'."

Firenze's tails twitched, behind him, unsettled, yet excited, "...That's hardly fair," said the Ninetales, softly, "After all, October isn't even back from the Hospital, yet..."

"He'll be back, soon enough," said Jack, with a smirk, "...and besides, this is a test for Team Ninetales, see if you're all as good as you bushels of fluff think ye are!" His grin deepened, "It's on you to convince that Customer to wait. If you're half as cunning as ye think ye are it shouldn't be a problem, right..?"

Firenze's keen red eyes narrowed. He leant in closer still to the Typhlosion and his big and wicked grin, the Ninetales showing no fear, nor hesitation at that moment. The burning excitement of a Fire Type's challenge resounding in his heart as stridently as in that of any wild Ninetales, Firenze seemingly fearless and bold as October at his best and yet looking far more civil and cunning whilst he was at it, as he softly growled, "You're on..."

* * *

"It's too fucking hot," grumbled Chai, bitterly, the almost entirely black-furred Umbreon looking miserable in the bright afternoon sun.

"It is not," said October, pleasantly, practically prancing along in the sunlight, though he wasn't looking as pleased as he sounded, "This is beautiful weather."

The Umbreon scowled at him, "Gah, you would fucking say that, you're a damn Fire-Type, this is just great for you, but I'm fucking dying out here."

"Just hang tough, rough-stuff," said October, in a pleasantly melodical voice, "I'm sure you can handle the heat."

Chai groaned and growled, a protracted sound of misery and grumbling that might have included a few choice words under his breath.

October winced, privately and kept on going. They were walking alongside the road back towards the Café and on the road across the plain to the south, there was precious little cover or shade to shelter his smaller friend.

Still, up ahead, you could at least see the trees of Plaisir's surrounding forests. "Not far now," said October, reassuringly.

"It's fucking miles," said Chai, grumpily, "I'm gonna die by then, you asshole..."

"You're not going to die..." said October in a patronising voice, "Come on, I know you can handle this..."

"Easy for you to say," grumbled the downcast Chai, "You like this. You probably did this on purpose..."

"I did not..!" protested October, "I didn't even want to go to the bloody Hospital... I could have handled those injuries, myself."

"Yeah well," said Chai, "The damn Police wanted to talk to you though, didn't they? You never told me what you told them. You better not have told them anything that could screw over the twins..."

"What was there to tell them..? Certainly nothing to incriminate Lefty and Righty, I agree with you, they deserve a chance at a fair break," said October, frowning, a frown which turned into a scowl as he recanted the next part, "Grrf. It was that bloody Police grump Arcanine and K-9 unit bloody Mightyena, again. They went through the particulars of the incident, but they mainly seemed to want to ask a lot of questions about me for their files. Didn't tell them much. Really wasn't in the mood for them. As if I wanted to see another bloody Mightyena right now..." he sighed a hot and shimmering breath...

"Must be your charming personality," grumbled Chai, bitterly, "Couldn't wait to see you again."

"Clearly," said October, with a grumble.

They continued on in silence, for oh, at least ten seconds..?

"It's too fucking hot..!" groaned the Umbreon, again, looking as miserable as he still looked dark in the blazing sunlight. That black fur of his had to be soaking up every photon that hit it...

A pang of guilt rose up through October, "...Look; this heat isn't bothering me... you can ride on my back." He looked over his shoulder at the Umbreon earnestly, letting him know he was serious about the offer. It was undignified to be treat as a mount, of course and the swiftly-growing and sleekly-muscled Chai was getting heavier all the time. Still, his conscience nagged him to do it without question.

Still, those tired, narrowed red eyes looked at him with irritation, "Ride you..?" he asked.

"Yes..." said October, frowning, then stopping, "Look, just hop on. I'll be fine. You're not that heavy."

"Shut up," said Chai, "...and no, dammit. You're hotter than the damn sun. Sittin' on your back's a sure ticket to heatstroke, comfy as you are and as sure as I'm gonna fuckin' ride you for this... just not like THAT..."

October's eyes widened and his ears went slightly back at the Umbreon's choice of words, his temperature spiked and the air above him shimmered, "...Hey..!" He eventually managed to protest, with a growl, "Come on..! That's neither fair nor reasonable! Nor might I accept..!"

Chai's eyes sharpened, "...Not fair? Not reasonable?" he said, sounding like he was in disbelief, "October, I'm gonna die out here and it's your fault. If I had the energy, I'd punish your ass right now..."

October's first reaction was to draw himself up to his full height, splay his tails and loom over the Umbreon. He was still very much the bigger Pokemon. "You could try..." he said, at a growl, then meeting his friend's eyes, looking at the exhausted, heat-tired Umbreon and feeling instant guilt, sighed, "...but anyways; A ride's the best I can do for you. It's not like I get paid... so it's not like I've got money for a taxi!" ...and then he frowned again, "...and neither were you willing to pay for one..."

Chai's mouth twitched and he snarled, "Taxi..? October, you can TELEPORT us back!"

October frowned, "...Chai, no-"

"No WHAT!?" gasped the Umbreon, "No you're all out of magic Tower? Why should I pay for a Taxi when we could be there in like... hours ago?" The Umbreon glared at him, the firmness of that glare softened only by the way he was panting in the heat. "I mean, like, instantly! We could have been back, already! Hours ago! Damn, it's too hot!"

October frowned back, "Personal adventure rules!" he declared, "No teleporting unless strictly necessary! That's cheating! A distance of twenty miles is nothing and I won't cheat for that! Otherwise I might as well give up my balls!"

Chai continued to glare at him, though disbelief accompanied that anger.

Still frowning, October looked away, "Just because you're too stingy to pay for a Taxi I don't have to break my rules against wussy teleporting. Just look at it like physical training..! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and teleporting all over the place will only make you weak!" He postured as he lectured, finishing with another flourish of his tails.

Chai continued to glare. Eventually, he spoke, eyes narrow, "I'm so gonna get you for this..." he promised, "...sure, let's train. Let's train and later on-"

"Oh, shush," said October, cutting him off and turning away, "Let's get moving before you keel over, you little tough-wuff. As a concession, you can travel in the shade."

With that, October stretched his tails and moved them over the Umbreon, long and full, they would shelter the Umbreon from direct sunlight, at least. "Come on..!" he coaxed, starting to walk.

Chai followed along, behind, "...Oh you're gonna get it..." promised the Umbreon.

October smirked, though not for long. His vulpine senses sensed looming danger, following along behind him. A very Dark aura and a very predatory focus that made him want to speed up, a lot.

Of course, the Umbreon was staring at the tight, black, dot under those tails, framed by his lithe and swaying hindquarters. Chai was staring pretty intensely. Where intensely as a word was an under-exaggeration akin to saying that the remaining distance to Café Plaisir now seemed somewhat dangerously long.

October worried right then he and his tight, vulnerable, barely-used ass had made a minor miscalculation...

Feeling a tad threatened, but having made his own bed and knowing, at least, it would only be after Chai had gotten a good long rest that he would have to defend said bed... October kept walking... Power-walking. Which certainly didn't reduce the sway of his rear.

"Oh... you're gonna get it," promised the Umbreon, again.

* * *

Firenze's ears pricked as the door opened at last, a tingle of anticipation rising to a peak as he turned to see who might have arrived. It could be anyone, after all, it might not be a legitimate customer. His ears were high and twitching as they followed the slow, quiet steps of whomever was entering.

Four paws... a quadruped... not small...

He heard Jack softly chuckle at his sharp attention, though in truth, the Typhlosion's interest was no less keen. There was honour and fine wine at stake, after all.

The Pokemon seemed to take their merry time at it, too. Firenze quickly started to wonder if they were trying to set a new record for how long it took to walk slowly past an unattended desk and a few closed and empty rooms. It was just a short walk down the lobby after all, how long could it take to-? Ah...

The Customer appeared and Firenze didn't know whether to be pleasantly surprised or terribly worried...

It was a Ninetales. The classic, in fact an seemingly perfect golden tone of fur looking resplendent across their body, they were a very pretty one, too. They weren't much bigger than October, but from their elegant yet formidable build, as well as the more obvious assets a feral presented, they were very definitely male... They looked so beautiful, so impossibly well formed a specimen that this Ninetales was perhaps, even better groomed than Firenze himself..! ...He had to admit a slight amount of envy or perhaps, irritation...

"Hoho, the plot thickens..." muttered Jack, quietly, "Now I'm wonderin' if somethin's goin' on, here, Firenze. I thought you Ninetales were rare in these parts..?"

Firenze didn't answer. This could be a blessing or a curse. He knew October had an inordinate amount of respect for other Ninetales... and whilst that would have the effect of lessening some of his more abrasive behaviours, it also moved their crimson Ninetales away from his field of best performance. Those abrasive behaviours could stem from some of his better attributes, after all...

"We shall see," said Firenze, jumping from his seat.

He landed gracefully on all fours and strode across the room, assuming his finest greeting smile as he approached the newcomer, who was looking about the place with an almost excessive curiosity.

Still, he wasn't so distracted that he failed to notice the large and magnificent figure of Firenze approaching him, which he met with a smile.

Having given Cheryl (the Lopunny door greeter) the day off, Firenze launched into an introductory spiel; "Welcome to Café Plaisir," he said pleasantly, "where your pleasure is our business and we're always pleased to pleasure."

"Greetings," said the Ninetales, with a soft and unplaceable, neutral accent and a smile that showed off his perfect teeth. So perfect in fact, that they gleamed to a degree that even impressed Firenze - even inspired a little more envy! "Your business is pleasure..?" he asked in an even, neutral tone, "I had wondered what this was. It seemed so strange to find a palace here, where there was never one, before..."

Palace? Where there never was before? Thought Firenze... Oh dear, he didn't know where he was. The larger Ninetales smiled pleasantly, "If you've found this place by chance whilst exploring, one can fairly say that you've made a fortunate discovery. This Café is but five years old, yet let not its youth deceive you, for we are quite experienced in our business, here."

"...And your business is pleasure..?" asked the Ninetales, looking around, his bright red eyes seeming to fasten on every little thing, "Very interesting. A Café? Not a Palace? Very, very interesting..."

Firenze's smile was pleasant and welcoming if perhaps a tad bemused, though looking or speaking no less gracefully for it, "Oh, I assure you, our pleasures can be as palatial as you care for, whether tastes trend towards relaxing opulence or for feralistic frolic."

The Ninetales, still looking around, fastened his eyes upon Firenze's, "...Fascinating. This region is very different than it was during my last visit, it seems some progress has occurred in my absence."

"Progress..?" Firenze raised a curious eyebrow, re-examining the Ninetales before him. "Hmmm, been keeping yourself to yourself, have you..?" he asked, subtly, now looking with new eyes.

Of course, Ninetales could a very long time, if they looked after themselves, which this one appeared to have. Admittedly, he looked a little too perfect to have been living in the wilds, but appearances could be deceptive, especially amongst Fox Pokemon. He didn't look large enough to be a truly ancient Ninetales, but then again, Firenze himself could scarcely claim that such a measure was accurate on its own, being significantly larger whilst quite possibly being significantly younger...

"Not quite," said the Ninetales, "but something like that. I haven't been around here for some time, so this is all very new to me," he suddenly smiled, then moved a tail forwards, one that appeared to be holding a small, brown bag, "...I am curious about your pleasures. I would like to purchase some if that's alright."

The impulsive thrust of the dangling bag almost caught Firenze by surprise, along with the odd phrasing of the request, but the larger Ninetales was ready enough with a pleasant and welcoming smile, "Your business is quite welcome here, Ninetales, let us see what you've brought..."

Balancing with his tails, Firenze took the brown back with both his forepaws. The bag he found, wasn't bound, merely held closed by the Ninetales tail. When that tail was released, the bag fell open.

Firenze's eyes widened, seeing splendour. "This..." he gasped.

The bag was literally bursting and overflowing with gems and gold and precious things aplenty. Gleaming pieces of precious to make even the hostly Ninetales of Plaisir pause with eyes positively glittering with the reflected light of many fine things.

Firenze was even better than most at concealing the hungry avarice burning within every Ninetales. Which was fortunate, for the larger Ninetales certainly had no less greed than most. Right now, however, it was difficult to hide his desire for the objects before him.

"Will this still do as currency..?" asked the Ninetales, with a surprisingly innocent look upon his face, "I'm concerned your economy has moved beyond gold and jewels..."

Firenze mumbled, trying to speak, then cleared his throat, "Ahem- Oh, I assure you it has not," he answered absent-mindedly, still staring at the bounty, "...and if anything," he admitted this with a growing, physical pain, "this is far too much..."

"Oh..?" said the Ninetales, "Well, if that's a problem-"

"It is not," said Firenze, quickly, perhaps a little too quickly, "and whilst our usual deposit is... substantially less, I'd be happy to keep this safe for you, at the least."

The Ninetales smiled at him, quite pleasantly, "That is acceptable to me."

"Excellent," said Firenze, looking away from the jewels only now to smile at the Ninetales, "How long might you be staying..? It is our custom here to assign a room and a personal waiter to high-spending customers," he frowned then, suddenly remembering the situation despite the distraction of the many shinies before him, "Though I fear our guest quarters are currently unavailable..."

"Oh, that's not a problem," said the Ninetales, pleasantly and softly, "I can only stay for one day. A personal waiter, you say..?"

"Yes..." said Firenze, nodding and smiling, pleasantly, despite the sad knowledge that the Café only had a day to earn as many of those riches as possible, "As a matter of fact, I have someone in mind to attend to you. They're currently away, but they'll be back soon. Would you mind waiting..?" He increased the charm-factor of his smile to maximum, "We can endeavour to treat you with fine food and drinks until that time..?"

The Ninetales smiled back at him, just as charmingly, "That sounds quite fine to me... please do..!"

"Excellent," said Firenze, happily, "Let me see you to a seat and see what we can do for you!"

* * *

They had finally made it back, Café Plaisir, in all its sprawling glory, was just ahead. As soon as they had hit the car park, Chai had practically ran off ahead, huffing, "Gonna get you, later," between overheated pants as he made for the side of the building and one of the fire exits.

Chai clearly couldn't be bothered with the fuss of the Main Bar and October was inclined to let him go. The Umbreon clearly needed some quiet cool-off time whereas he himself could clearly use a drink. He wasn't sure if he'd get one, of course, but well, time was apt to try.

So, putting on his best Proudtales expression, suitable for a grand re-entrance to Café Plaisir, October strode up to the front door.

There was no Cheryl the Lopunny to greet him this time, though, nor, as he pushed his way through the front door, any Minka the Gardevoir to exchange mutually hostile glares with as he passed. Odd. With a raised eyebrow, he continued on towards the Main Bar. Where WAS everyone?

Oh, there they were.

He managed to regain some of his posture as he strolled back into the Main Bar, making as good a show of himself as possible in front of... Huh, not as many as he'd thought. A few of the Afternoon Shift's regular Customers and Waiters... and...

October frowned, reaching the middle of the room and realising it was Jack manning the bar at the moment. No go, there. He sighed loudly and turned to the right, heading for the staircase. There hadn't been any smokes for the stealing at the hospital, so he'd have to bother Chai and rifle through the Jar of Lost Things if he wanted some relief.

"October..!" he paused and pricked his ears at the mention of his name.

Especially since it was Firenze saying it. He looked around to see the larger Ninetales smiling at him. That was a surprise... it was about then that he realised that Jack himself hadn't been scowling at him like usual, either.

October found himself instantly suspicious.

Then he saw the other one. His jaw almost dropped.

He wasn't any bigger than October, which is to say, the Ninetales looked almost small next to the magnificence of Firenze... but he was beautiful. Gorgeous golden fur, perfect and gleaming, bright red eyes and the most perfect proportions, he was more like an idealised Ninetales than a reality sat right there in the Main Bar before an empty serving tray showing the remnants of an utterly annihilated feast, for which the Ninetales showed no signs of mess nor strain, not a piece of food caught between the teeth nor even the swelling belly of the overindulged.

October noticed these details at once, acknowledged them, filed them away and resumed staring at the beautiful golden Fox.

Firenze had to resort to waving a paw to catch his attention and beckon him over.

Feeling like there had to be some mistake, like he wasn't allowed to go anywhere near a table with those two upon it, October approached trepidatiously, at first, then with a firm stare from Firenze, with more of a proper 'service' bluster about himself, trying to wear an air of false confidence as his heart fluttered away inside...

"Good evening...~" addressed October as he neared.

"Ahhh, October," said Firenze, speaking softly, "Glad to see you're back. You're well, I hope..?"

"I am," said October, quickly, not wanting to discuss the topic, "Nothing to worry about, I assure you."

"Goood, good," said Firenze, with an all-too pleasant smile, "I've got a Customer I would like you to meet. I know you've just gotten back, but I was hoping you'd be willing to attend him for me..."

For me, he had said, realised October. He was so caught on this that he briefly forgot everything else he was thinking about. Then he remembered it was about attending someone. Possibly, impossible though it seemed to be, that perfect and beautiful Ninetales just... He glanced over to his right. Right there. Right there, next to Firenze, who also looked magnificent.

It was hard to concentrate.

"Well..?" said Firenze, prompting him, gently, a soft coaxing in his almost purring voice, "Might you be willing to attend this Ninetales, October..?"

Oh, wow. He really was asking him that. October felt light-headed. Oh my. Oh dear. Oh... "Yes," said October, so breathlessly that it was practically a squeek. So he frowned, coughed, cleared his throat and then said, as deeply and confidently as he could, "Yes.. of course I would..."

Firenze's smile was gratifyingly huge... if suspiciously relieved... "Excellent...~" said the larger Ninetales. October was just wondering if he'd been put up to something when Firenze went on, "Mister, ah-"

"Sagittarius," said the Ninetales, suddenly, in a very suspiciously unplaceable accent.

"Sagittarius," repeated Firenze, pleasantly, "here, has just visited this region again after a long time away. As a Ninetales who is also widely travelled, I thought you might do rather well in making a valuable customer feel at home..."

"Oh... really..?" said October, trying not to sound suspicious. He looked at the other Ninetales, who was looking at him with such curiosity that he couldn't help but pause and blink, again forgetting about what he was going to say as often seemed to be the way around these big, gorgeous, red-eyed golden Foxes...

He silently cursed himself. It was so un-him of him to be like this. What was it about his fellow Ninetales that made him so... soft..? Was it how damn ideally perfect they were with their wit and wiles and sexuality and savagery and civility and slinkiness and sharpness and softness..? He forgot his line of thinking, again...

"This one appears very strange," said that Ninetales, suddenly.

October paused. Strange..? Why supposed he was. He was the wrong colour-

"He's a strange colour," said Sagittarius, "and his mane is a strange shape. He looks nervous and his aura feels strange..."

October shrank back. All of those things were true. They were both so much prettier than him, said that part of him which really didn't believe that he had been called to their table. As much as other parts of him were screaming to upend the table and tell them both he didn't need their acceptance right at that moment, at that moment, he was an unpretty-feeling Ninetales.

Firenze stepped in quickly, moving in closer and speaking quickly seemingly to draw attention, "Oh, October is an unusual one, isn't he? Definitely of exotic stock," said the Ninetales, smoothly, "Sometimes we wonder if he doesn't have some Zoroark in him, but he still won't turn in a husbandry sample, the rascal..."

Finally picking up from cue, October managed to force a slightly awkward chuckle, "Oh, well... You know me, Firenze... can't let those HR matriarchs have everything their own way..."

"Hmm, interesting," said Sagittarius, "Is your society entirely matriarchal?"

Firenze looked at the Ninetales oddly.

October rose an eyebrow and smirked, "Well, that's an issue of ongoing, covert struggle. A war that shall never be over. For equality and then apparently beyond, in some cases. Fractious, as a whole. As it ever is in societies."

"Ah," said Sagittarius, "That explains nicely, thank you."

"It did?" said Firenze, looking momentarily confused, then apparently catching himself and smiling, instead, "Ah, excellent, excellent, I just knew the pair of you would get on..!"

"He is interesting," said Sagittarius, "I will accept him." Then without another word, he looked at October and smiled, "Have you been on this world for a great duration..?"

October smiled back, "By my standards, yes. At least one orbit of the captured planetoid."

"Far more time than I have," said the other Ninetales, "I would appreciate hearing more of your impressions."

October's smile grew, "...and I would be glad to share them! I would start by saying that what makes this world distinct over many other Pokemon bearing worlds is its unusually healthy relationship between said invasive life forms and particular types of native macrofauna. Much as said aggressive macrofauna is a definite pain the posterior most of the time you encounter them..."

The Ninetales eyebrow rose, "Are you speaking of humans?"

"What else..?" said October with a smirk.

"Hahah, very good," said Firenze, patting October on the shoulder and apparently deciding to excuse himself from the conversation, now.

October smiled back at him pleasantly and then returned his gaze to Saggitarius as Firenze slunk away.

"So, you are not overly fond of humans..?" asked that other Ninetales.

"Not overly," said October with a smile.

"As sentient lifeforms go," said the Ninetales, "I had considered them fairly orderly."

"That's kind of the problem, though, isn't it..?" said October, "Everywhere they go they spread mono-culture farming, mono-bloody-culture in general, imposing whatever one true law and god they feel like that week, killing off the 'lesser races' and generally making things more boring, bashing bio-spheres into submission..."

"Oh," said Sagittarius, looking concerned, "I had not observed them doing these things... I thought they were confined to a single planet at this point."

"I've seen them on a lot of worlds in a lot of universes and most of the time, they're bad news," said October, shaking his head, "That said; I have hope for the ones on this planet."

"That is good, then," said Sagittarius, "I was worried I might have to take measures..."

"Pfff, don't bother," said October, waving a paw, "You'll only make them stronger. Meaner, too. Best let them be as nice as possible..."

"Alright," said the Ninetales, appearing satisfied with this explanation, "So, different universes? You are an interplanar traveller..?"

"Mmm-hmm..." confirmed October, with a growing smile...


Sat behind the bar, Jack and Firenze tried not to make it too obvious that they were spying, but they were spying. There also weren't many staff or customers in the bar. So, it was obvious. The two Ninetales however, appeared to be so engrossed in talking with one another that they didn't apparently notice.

"So how'd ya think it's goin', then..?" said Jack.

Firenze smiled, "They seem to be establishing a rapport," he said. Though he didn't say that he wasn't surely exactly what kind of rapport that was...

"Think e's gonna pull it off..?" asked Jack, "...or is it gonna blow up any second and leave us with another mess to fix?"

That could happen, thought Firenze, but, "Oh, I very much doubt it," was what he said aloud, as confidently as he could.

"It'll almost be worth repaintin' the walls," said Jack, smiling, "For the taste of fine whiskey I'll be enjoyin' tonight..."

Firenze frowned, "First of all, I wouldn't be counting on winning through disaster. October is getting better. Secondly, you surely don't mean to drink it this very night..?"

"Of course I do," said Jack, with a grin.

"That bottle is clearly meant for some special occasion," said Firenze, shaking his head, "It's clearly not for casual consumption..."

"Gettin' one over on two pesky bloody Ninetales at once..?" said Jack, with a grin, "I'd call that a special occasion."

Firenze's eyes narrowed. "Oh, we'll see about that..." He looked back to the table, thinking, go get him October. Don't let me down. The fates of fine beverages rest upon you...


The afternoon progressed. October shared tales of this Earth and the unusual political changes the liberation of Pokemon was causing. The new political divisions, worldwide and the minor rifts in societies, resulting. They discussed the positive effects of unified growth and engaged in comparative speculation about the future progress of this planet and its potential early multi-species civilisation.

Especially after October had caught on that this guest appeared to have a practically unlimited drinks tab. Every fifteen minutes October, as attending Waiter, would get up to refresh their beverages. He was gradually becoming exceedingly drunk.

Pausing in his current topic, the really cool jet-fighters he had seen pictures of the other day, the ones co-designed by a Skarmory Pokemon, October had popped up again, this time after a tapping claw on a glass had alerted him that this time it was Saggitarius who was running short of booze. Whilst he was surprisingly clear and sober-sounding for it, he had been no slacker when it had come to sampling the drinks menu, that much was certain.

"Your pleasure, my service," October had said with only mild humour in his voice as he'd taken up the empty glass and headed for the bar, snickering all the way.

It was Firenze who intercepted him, smiling openly, but giving October a concerned look that stole a little of his smile.

"Everything alright..?" asked Firenze.

"Going rather well, yes," said October, looking up at him, suddenly feeling drunk as he fought for words for Firenze, "Ummm, we're just after a same again for me and the next one down for our guest, over there..."

"Very well," said Firenze, nodding, "Coming right up, but October, don't you think you should slow down, a little..? You're both hitting the alcohol a bit hard."

October frowned at the sour note towards his hedonism, "I can handle my drink, Firenze. As can they."

"I'm sure you can, October," said the larger Ninetales, calmly, "and it seems that the two of you are having fun. It can be fun to drink along with the customer, but it's important to pace things so that you don't become impaired or incapacitated..."

"Hmmmph," said October, frowning and looking to one side, "I suppose that makes sense..."

"Good boy," said Firenze, pleasantly, "Perhaps a soft drink, then..?"

Wait, good boy..? Thought October, with a slight frown. Wait a minute, I'm not an obedient dog, here... Even for you... Perhaps a little defiance was in order. "Make that a weaker drink," said October, with a smile, "after all, it'd be better to taper down than crash, don't you think? An evening hangover wouldn't exactly be useful for my performance now, would it..?"

Firenze frowned a little, but slowly nodded at the solid reasoning. "I suppose so," said Firenze, "but still, do be cautious, October..."

October smiled, pleasantly, "Oh, I'm always sufficiently cautious..!"

Firenze frowned at that, but said nothing.

Off to the side, unnoticed by October, Jack was shaking his head at Firenze and smiling.

The evening wore on and October got drunker. More gradually, at least, but storytelling and conversation was becoming rather more difficult... at least he could bluster, well..!

"You're talking about the kind of war that sweeps the sheets clean every, what, billion years..?" said October.

Sagittarius nodded, gravely, "It was a terrible event. The worst I have consciously experienced..."

"I'm sure it was!" said October, pausing to take a sip of his drink, "It's the sort of thing one should strenuously avoid the occurrence of."

"We tried," said Sagittarius, sadly, though frowning, "We had achieved a millennia of peace and mutual respect..."

"Perhaps that was part of the problem," said October, putting down his drink.

"Part of the problem..?" said Sagittarius, the Ninetales frowning, slightly.

"If only someone had let off the pressure a bit sooner, you know..?" said October, with a sad smile, "Allowed a little more entropy before it all came bursting out and blowing everything down. Perhaps a little chaos would have avoided a lottle..." then he snickered at his own made-up word.

Sagittarius was frowning, harder, "About the only good thing about that conflict was the near absence of entropy left in its wake. One has even postulated that the universe's lifetime might have benefited from the time it took for life to re-emerge..."

"Pfff, what for though..?" said October, bluntly, grabbing his drink, again, "Without life to experience it, the universe is a pretty backdrop with no-one to view it. Besides, entropy is what's driving this universe forwards..."

"To its eventual extinction," said Sagittarius, staring at the crimson Ninetales very intently, all of a sudden, "Entropy is an enemy of mine. Excessive entropy is a hallmark of a poor civilisation.."

"Well excuse me," said October, "but I happen to rather like high-entropy civilisations. Energy-extravagant beings. Probably why I like being one, so much," he smirked at the other Ninetales, "like you can complain."

"I knew there was something odd about you," said the golden Ninetales, suddenly sounding more engaged than he had all night, "I can sense something different. You're not just a Ninetales, are you, no more than I am..?"

"I'm a Ninetales," said October, frowning, "Whatever else I might have been, that's what I am, now."

"For me this fire represents order, the golden flames of the life of the cosmos," said Sagittarius, "For modest, orderly flames burn longer. I am beginning to suspect that you are something very different. You reek of entropy, far beyond what even a Fire-Type Pokemon should exude..."

October cocked his head, slightly, "Umm... actually I think that's just the hospital smells. I thought a long walk would get them out, but-"

Sagittarius was suddenly putting his forelegs on the table and pushing himself up, "You are an entity of chaos!" he declared, accusingly, loud enough for all the room to hear.

"Ummm," said October, "Little bit, but not really-"

"I fought an ages-long war against your sort!" declared the gorgeous, golden Ninetales, "I insist that we should meet in battle..!"

October frowned.

Over at the bar, Jack let out a loud chuckle that everyone could hear.

October glanced at Firenze. The large Ninetales looked horrified.

October frowned harder, then looked around at the still-posturing Ninetales. "In battle..? Are you sure that's a good idea..? We're both very drunk..!"

"I am not drunk..!" declared the Ninetales, "I am..." he paused, swayed slightly, then frowned.

"Drunk," said October, smirking, "Definitely not the time for war, especially in a place of peace and pleasure. Now who's being an entity of chaos?"

Sagittarius blinked, stared, then frowned, "It was not my intention to cause conflict."

"Good," said October, nodding, "Serious fighting is something I generally came here to avoid," then he frowned, "Whatever one might think..."

"Serious fighting in a place of peace would be disrespectful," said the (golden) swaying Ninetales, slowly, "I was not aware this was a place of peace."

"Well, it is," said October, smirking, "This place is like a temple for good times... the resident deity's a bit of an odd-one, though. Got to admit, I rather like them..."

Across the room, seeing that the situation had somehow, apparently been defused, Firenze smiled, once again. Jack frowned, slightly, but didn't look convinced...

"Yet now..." said Sagittarius, also frowning, speaking as if he hadn't heard what October had said, "I still feel as though I must fight you. It is most strange. Most strange indeed. It is like a fire in my chest..." He looked down at his golden, furred chest and put a paw to it.

"Oh," said October, "That's just normal Pokemon fighting spirit, talking, it's a very competitive species type," he smirked, "Of course, you can multiply that by being a Fire Type and a Ninetales. You've got like, a serious fighting-boner on, so to speak." He paused and concentrated for a second, "Yeah, your aura is like, all bright and tingly. I can actually feel it trying to clash with my aura. Especially in my fifth tail, wow, look at it go..." His middle and longest tail was twitching, energetically...

The handsome Ninetales paused thoughtfully, paw still upon chest, apparently concentrating upon himself, then frowned, "Yet I do not intend you serious harm. How can I have hostility without malice..?"

"Because you're a Pokemon," said October, as if the answer should be obvious, "Pokemon fight non-lethal fights for fun all the time. The aura-based superpowers make it so that there's like, a serious level and a not-so dangerous level. More to the point, you're a big fiery Fox Pokemon who now instinctively wants to see which of us is the bigger and burnier."

"This is uncomfortable," said Sagittarius, frowning uncertainly, "I am not sure I like this."

"Well, you're all riled up and hot for me," said October, smirking, "It's only going to feel good if you do something about it."

The pristine perfect Ninetales, hazed as he was by the many exotic types of booze that had been fed into him, looked at October uncertainly. "Do something about it..?"

October smiled.

Across the room, with his ears pricked high, fastened on the conversation, Firenze was grinning, "Yesss... yess... well done, October. You pulled it around. Now go for it.."

"We should..." started October, grinning suggestively and pausing.

"Yesss..." hissed Firenze, across the room.

"Go somewhere private, where we won't be disturbed, for a start," said October, "Perhaps out in the woods, it's a pleasant evening... good for a pair of Ninetales. Nothing will disturb the likes of us..."

Sagittarius looked curious, "Oh..? ...and what shall we do, there?"

"Good boy, October..." said Firenze, coaxing silently from across the room, "Nice idea..."

October's grin grew larger, "We should... fight..!" he declared leaping up to put both forepaws on the table, "For fun..! Just as Pokemon have always done!" His tails flared out behind him, fifth appearing highest and straightest of all... "You wanted to know the flavour of this world? Well it's all in the spirited exchange of superpowers, the violent rubbing of auras!" October grinned and reached up with a paw, as if clutching the very air about them, "Let's light the night on fire and have at it!" He leant back and balanced upon his hindlegs, with his forepaws on his hips, posturing. Looking slightly ridiculous, but very bold, with his head cocked and high.

Both of Firenze's forepaws were finding his face... and covering it.

Jack chuckled loudly.

* * *

They marched out into the forest looking like an impressive pair of proud, battle-ready, mighty and mystical vulpine creatures, one of order, one of chaos. Two large, nine-tailed Foxes filled with the spirit of Fire, ready to clash with one another in friendly competition and ready to make a magnificent spectacle of themselves under a glorious evening sky, the sunset making a bright blaze above them to commemorate the occasion!

Well, at least they were making a magnificent spectacle of themselves.

Two large Foxlike creatures stumbled forth in that manner particular to drunk Ninetales. The unsteady curves of the course taken, that slouching sway they walked with as they made that drifting stumbling look as deliberate and as graceful as possible. The way they held their heads high, despite their disorientation.

The way they almost looked genuinely poetic in motion despite the fact that they were ploughing through bushes and undergrowth and dragging little bits of it along in their tails.

Yes, the woods of Plaisir were host to a glorious pair of vulpine creatures, set to battle in the forest gloom. Drunk as an entire bus-full of post-exam students.

The creatures of the forest wisely kept their distance.

"Are we there yet..?" asked Sagittarius, sounding hopeful.

"Not yet..." said October, frowning.

"Why not yet..?" asked the other Ninetales.

"Because I'm not getting the... feel of this scene... it's not magnificent enough..." said October, thoughtfully, looking about.

"The feel? Scene?" asked Sagittarius, sounding confused, "How does it feel wrong? By which of your senses?"

"Theatricality," replied October, "Anyways, I've found it, over here! You go stand over there!"

Frowning as October headed towards the clearing, Sagittarius headed for the appointed spot.

There, finally, they turned and faced one another.

The hushed forest was dark and gloomy, all about them. Barely-lit hanging branches hung about as if separating the light from the darkness. The sky was bright, showing the fading embers of the day exploding from horizon to horizon, making for a column of light shining down upon the two Foxes. The subtle light gave both Ninetales' fur that distinctive gleam, yet it was still just dark enough to show off the glowing eyes of both squaring combatants as they postured and hair-flipped their manes. They both looked fabulous. As per Ninetales duelling traditions.

The air between their clashing auras almost felt as though it could catch alight for how awesome they looked and felt.

"Oh," said Sagittarius, "I think I see what you mean..."

"Seriously, this is more of a Ninetales spot," said October, grinning, "All we're missing now is some vantage points from which to glare at each other from..!"

"Are those necessary..?" asked the confused but smiling Ninetales.

"Almost, but we'll do without," said October, smiling back.

They stood, squared off and stared at each other, getting a sense for each other. This was a time when two Ninetales facing one another would show themselves off, ready their powers, flex their muscles, get their bodies and auras up to a simmering hot level, ready to explode. All the while, examining one another, looking for strengths to be avoided, weaknesses to exploit... Any imperfections in the enemy's form or field...

At least that was what was meant to happen. In fact, two Ninetales stood facing each other, slouching as impressively as they could whilst remaining stable. Sagittarius kept as symmetrical a posture as a lack of coordination would allow, looking as formidable and immutably unmovable as an object of order possibly could whilst drunk. October had a more devious slouch going on, looking as tricky, cunning and ready for unpredictable actions as he could whilst secretly pretending like he wasn't trying not to fall down.

Their tails were raised in fans, risen in challenge. Mostly. Saggitarius' were slightly asymmetric whilst October's were at an angle... and twitching.

On an aura level, they were two bonfires, getting ready to burn out of control. Two bright aurafields, flowing into one another, sparks flowing along field lines into embers, a glimmering, invisible clash, tingling on the edges of their perceptions...

Silence lingered, as if both were waiting for some imperceptible cue.

Almost at once, they both decided to attack, inhaling quickly, aiming at each other and suddenly exploding with flames from their maws. Each Ninetales was like a controlled explosion, venting outwards, each spraying a cone of roaring flames at the other. The two Flamethrowers met in mid air.

Curiously enough, the combination of fire with more fire made even more fire. To say that the small clearing slightly exploded in a fireball was fair.

There was a warm feeling as everything lurched sickeningly, then the wind was whistling around him. October found himself flying backwards, wondering, drunkenly, exactly what had happened. Had he lost? Was his Flamethrower weaker..? Was it just that everything had exploded..? ...or because he'd forgotten to brace his posture like Elegance had told him?

He hit the ground with a winding thump and rolled.

Dammit, he'd forgotten to brace. He was too busy trying to look cool. Ouch.

He started to get up. He looked towards the fading orange glow of the region they'd just exploded.

Sagittarius bound through the flames, warily looking out for where the crimson Ninetales might have gone.

Frowning, realising he hadn't been seen, lying in a pile of broken shrubs with his tails all over the place, October took a deep breath and aimed for his oblivious opponent.

* * *

Back at the Café, Firenze was watching nervously from a window as another orange fireball lit up the near horizon. He hissed through his teeth and wondered just what had happened.

"They're tearin' each other apart out there," said Jack, smirking at him.

"We should have stopped them," muttered Firenze, "Damn, this was a foolish idea... they might start a fire..."

"Pfff, let 'em," said the Typhlosion, smirking, "It's gonna rain tonight. Let 'em choke on some smoke for a bit. Serves 'em right."

Firenze frowned at that Typhlosion, "You're enjoying this."

"Enjoying Team Ninetales makin' a fool out of itself after all of that?" said Jack, grinning, "Oh, yeah..."

Firenze frowned at the horizon as it lit up again. Then again. They were really going at it. Again. It was showing no signs of slowing down. "It's not over, yet..!" said Firenze, drawing himself up, "October is giving the customer everything he's got."

Jack gave him a look, "They're scrappin' like a pair of strays in a back alley, Firenze."

"No," said Firenze, "They're coming together like a pair of wild Ninetales, there's a difference."

Jack's look become longer... and his smile grew, "Now you're gettin' desperate if that's the mental image you're holdin' to..."

* * *

"AH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAaaaaah..!" October screamed with laughter as he finally managed to bring Sagittarius down with a well-aimed hit in mid-stride. Then, as the other Ninetales fell and rolled, October almost doubled up with the effort of laughing whilst out of breath and drained by an attack, whilst drunk. "Uuurgh..." he groaned, then shook his head, shaking off the malaise. This wasn't a time to be surrendering to fatigue!

His opponent certainly wasn't showing much sign of slowing down, he reflected as he watched the Ninetales finish rolling, them almost immediately start to stand back up.

October took a moment to catch his breath, but naturally postured at his opponent whilst he was at it, standing facing them with his head slightly turned and cocked, giving them a sly, wild grin as his tails softly billowed behind him, not in any order, moving like crazed, shimmering wisps of smoke.

Not that there was any shortage of real smoke, of course. The forest, at least nearby to them, had admittedly taken a bit of a pounding. Fortunately, it had rained recently so nothing had really caught... so far.

Sagittarius finally finished standing up and stumbling only slightly as they turned to face the crimson Ninetales, themselves taking another straight-on posture, with their tails raised tight and still in a disciplined, aggressive fan.

The golden Ninetales frowned, "This method of combat is... inefficient," he said.

"Of course it is," said October, smirking, "We're Flash-Fire Fire Types hitting each other with Fire. If anything, it's counterproductive."

Sagittarius cocked his head, "So why do we fight like this..?"

"It's not about the hurting each other," said October with a pleasant smile, "it's about figuring out who's more powerful, who can last for longer, who's faster, who has the finest technique... it's more of a sport..!"

"A sport..?" repeated the curious-looking Ninetales, "As in an athletic competition..?"

"Just so," said October, "The point is not to hurt each other, but to make the other concede supremacy."

"Then why have you not given up..?" asked the Ninetales, with no pride, only curiosity in his voice.

"Given up..?" repeated October, suddenly frowning, "Why would I give up..?"

"Your peak energy output and sustain suggests that you have barely begun to realise your potential as a Ninetales," said Sagittarius, "Let alone whatever else you might be. Your lack of mastery of this form puzzles me. You must be a very young entity."

"Pfff..." said October, his frown turning back into a smirk, "Well excuse me not for having been around for astronomical ages. I wouldn't count me out, though. I've made a life-hobby out of messing with those more powerful than myself... and I'm still here."

"A fact which defies probability," said Sagittarius, "I wonder... do you manipulate causality..?"

"I most certainly don't," said October, with a frown, "Nor would I want to..! Life is a world of stories, waiting to be discovered! I'm here to experience them, not mess with them."

"You interact with them," said Sagittarius, "That can make a difference."

"I take part," said October, smiling, "That is different. My being involved generally makes things more interesting for me and that universe, both..."

"That, I do not doubt," said the Ninetales, frowning, "However, your ability to defeat me, I doubt a great deal..."

October's smile became a grin, "Now there's a Ninetales' spirit for you! Unfortunately, I'm possessed of one, myself..."

Sagittarius took a deep breath, paused, then said, "So, I must demonstrate..?"

October's grin was full and gleaming, "You must."

They both took in deep breaths. Braced themselves. The air currents around them whipped up as their already considerable temperatures soared and new convection currents took hold. Their eyes were glowing... and locked. Their auras were tangibly roaring...

They released at the same time.

* * *

Some distance away, watching from the rooftop garden now, Jack and Firenze watched the fireball blossom out over the trees. They then watched a jet of flames burst out of one side of that fireball, seemingly overcoming the main mass of flames and dragging it out with it as fire burst outwards towards the sky for some distance...

"What the..." began Jack.

"Hmmm," muttered Firenze, "Perhaps this is getting out of hand..."

The Typhlosion looked over at him, smirking only slightly, but Firenze caught it. "So," said Jack, "We should probably call this off, then..?"

Firenze frowned, "Not a chance. October has this under control..."

"You sure..?" said Jack, "That looked dangerous..."

Firenze grit his teeth together. The Typhlosion was not wrong. Those flamethrowers were only getting more intense and the risks were only growing... "Perhaps we should get closer," he muttered, then as Jack was about to speak, quickly added, "...Though not necessarily to put a stop to things, just to keep a closer eye..."

"Hah," said Jack, "Firenze is willing to go out into the muddy forest, but he's not worried, is he..?" The Typhlosion chuckled, "Alright then..." he smirked, "Let's go 'ave a spy on 'em, then."

* * *

October had lay on his back again, huffing, thinking; Okay, that was quite a ride!

He had to give Sagittarius the point when it came to power and sustain. There was no doubting it this time. He had been sent flying down a slope and mainly owed his ability to still move to the shallow angle at which he'd burst through some undergrowth.

He'd started laughing as soon as he'd gotten his breath back and had to stifle himself with a paw to avoid giving away his position. That had been a heck of a rush, he had to admit. It might have been the booze and a ridiculously surging Fire-Type aura speaking, but that was fun, however dangerous it had been!

Still, he didn't think he would last many more wild rides like that. He righted himself and slunk out of his self-made trench in the undergrowth, slinking towards the shadows...

Sagittarius emerged on the crest of the slope, moments later. Just as October had expected him.

He looked warier this time, for he knew that October would generally launch a surprise attack at this moment. When it didn't come, he looked even warier. October hated to disappoint him, but October was busy...

After a while and a continuing, lingering silence during which the posturing Ninetales was looking around, searching with his eyes and ears for any sign of the odd, crimson Ninetales... and finding none... Impatience grew on the Fox's still seemingly perfect golden face, "Where are you..?" he eventually called out.

A chuckle answered him, low and quiet. Echoing about, hard to locate...

He looked around again, trying to determine the source...

"Why are you hiding?" asked the Ninetales, "I thought this was a competition between bright and bold Fire-Type creatures..? Perhaps you are a creature of darkness, showing yourself..."

"Pah, it's a competition between Ninetales," answered October, using his third tail in a new way. Throwing his voice. It seemed to work rather well, from the confused look on Sagittarius' face... "Not just Fire-Types, but Foxes. Stealth and guile are amongst our finest attributes. Darkness is another tool in the chest... or in the tails, as it were..."

"Hmm..." said Sagittarius, his frown audible, "I was unaware that we were allowed to use powers other than Fire..."

"It made for a good start..." said October, "but it also suits a Ninetales to leave their finer tricks for the finale..."

"Finer," repeated the golden Ninetales, smiling then, "Finesse. Stealth. Guile, these are tricks of yours, tools in your box. Perhaps you are a thing of darkness, whether you realise it or not..."

October declined to answer that. He still had work to do.

Sagittarius continued, though now his eyes had began to glow, "Those are your ways and not my own. Though you fight in the shadows of the moonlight, my power is that of cosmic incandescence."

"Very pretty," said October, smirking in said shadows, "but that suggests that this is my time..."

"It is... and it is no longer," said Sagittarius, the glow in his eyes building to a brilliant intensity. There was a strange tingle in the air that gave October slight pause...

What happened next was a surprise.

* * *

They were making their way over through the woods about as quickly as a Typhlosion and oversized Ninetales could whilst remaining relatively sneaky.

Suddenly, the sky began to darken, over their heads. They were plunged into deepening shadow as the light was stolen away.

"What the..." began Jack.

Firenze wore a bemused and shocked look upon his face...

* * *

The skies themselves seemed to split open, such that a soft light came pouring out. A point high above seemed to be the focus for a sudden hourglass of growing, visible illumination.

October had to pause and look at it. The terrain further away from them was darkening. The terrain around them was lightening up..!

The remaining light of the evening sky, the starlight, the moonlight, any light at all... it was gathering, focussing... right over their heads.

Before he knew it, this darkened forest scene was brilliantly illuminated around Sagittarius , as if it were the middle of the day..! As if the sun itself were shining purely and only for that Ninetales. As if that wasn't blinding and painful enough for October, who stumbled, covering his eyes, it got even brighter..!

Groaning in pain, he could only stand his ground and cover his eyes, hoping they would adjust, soon. He was caught right out in the open, revealed as he had tried to go on about his course...

"There you are," said Sagittarius, in a deep, pleased voice, very much sounding the smug Ninetales at that moment, "With no more shadows to hide in, what will you do, now..?"

October slid a paw to try and look at him, but with so much light pouring on him, the golden Ninetales was a radiant thing, seeming to glow, himself, with brilliant solar and cosmic energy. He was so shiny that he hurt too much to look at.

"Does the light frighten you..?" asked the Ninetales, smiling, "Is it too much to bear..?"

"It's a bit much..!" said October, indignantly, then he grinned at the Ninetales, despite his blindness, "I do prefer a contrast..."

"A contrast..?" repeated Sagittarius.

"Light without darkness is meaningless," said October, "only from darkness, can true brilliance be found, as you're ably demonstrating, yourself."

"As I am demonstrating," said the Ninetales, "Whereas you are caught in that brilliance. Burned by it..."

"Oh, I was blinded, but I'm getting over that," said October, with a grin, "As for burned? I think not. Your cosmic brilliance Sunny Day works just as well for both of us, you know that..? It'll give both of our techniques an extra edge..."

Sagittarius frowned, "Given that I have demonstrated my greater mastery of the brighter arts, I would think that you should be worried..."

"I'm not," said October, giving a sly smile, "As I said; Brilliance can be found in Darkness."

October's tails stirred, swishing slightly. Then they came into view. Glimmering points of purple wrapped in green, each small, looking like a star in the forestscape. They were popping out of hidey holes behind tries and bushes around rocks, down the back sides of slopes and dips. From all over the place. He had been seeding them throughout the fight, every time Sagittarius had lost track of him.

His smile grew as Sagittarius began to notice them. First one, then several, then as he began to turn around, he started to realise how much of a host there was. How many little points of floating, glimmering, colourful light were all around...

October had been making good use of the energy Sagittarius' flamethrowers had been giving him.

Sagittarius frowned at him, "Very cunning," he said, "but it will not-"

October's tails twitched and they all came screaming in. Each one trailing flames and ripping through the air like a screeching firework. The forest was a cacophony of such screams, rising and falling as they passed.

Sagittarius was caught by the first few, standing there, posturing, in mid-sentence. The balls erupted in purple and green flames, washing over him. Apart from some reaction from his fur, billowing, he wasn't overly perturbed.

Then three more hit. Then six. Then more. Suddenly, he was wreathed in purple flames, wrapped in green. The sudden bonfire made a deep, roaring scream as the ground below it caught alight and anchored the blaze. The winds picked up and began to swirl. The brilliance of the scene was made a little brighter as the continuing, screeching wisps poured in, to pile together into a growing, furious conflagration that lifted Sagittarius from the ground by sheer, roaring convection as those flames were whipped into a brief, little cyclone by the swirling air currents they were dragging up!

October smiled and admired his handiwork as Sagittarius hung in mid-air. Finally looking somewhat perturbed indeed as he was held aloft, tails and fur billowing, legs limp, his maw open, making some sound that couldn't be heard over the roaring, screeching flames.

Of course, such a conflagration couldn't last for long. It was beautiful whilst it lasted, brilliant and bright and bold... but alas, as the Wisps ran out, so did the blaze.

October sighed, with satisfaction, as Sagittarius dropped, gently, to the ground. That was fun. It had been painful and difficult on his concentration to have so many Wisps out, but that was TOTALLY worth it!

He was smiling until Sagittarius started moving again, making a quick and hasty movement to plant his paws on the ground. Uh-oh, thought October, he didn't look so much thrashed as annoyed...

In firm, hasty movements, Sagittarius was pulling himself from the ground, the previously perfect looking Ninetales looking all manners of tousled and bothered.

October smiled at him, "How'd you like that..? Bright and bold enough, for you..?"

Finding his feet and glaring down at the crimson Ninetales, Sagittarius frowned, hard, "You... you... gah..!" Suddenly he whipped his head upwards as his eyes began to glow.

October was suddenly lifted from his feet and yanked towards the Ninetales by forces unseen. "Gah, dammit..!" he just about had time to cry as he flew meters through the air! ...Only to fall on his front and tumble onto the ground, crying out..!

Sagittarius seemed to be panting, "You... you have... I no longer wish to fight like this... I... I..!"

October was frowning, about to surge to his feet and crack a quip about telekinetics and laziness when he realised how the Ninetales was speaking, standing and something else about his current physical state. He smiled, "Don't you, now..?" he asked, in a soft voice.

"This is inefficient and strange and though I am somehow very excited I feel I have had enough..!" said the golden Ninetales, looking slightly pouty.

D'aww, thought October, "Oh, I'm sure you do," he said, smiling and starting to stand up, "In fact, why don't you just follow the first impulse that comes into your head..?"

Sagittarius looked at him, confused, then he twisted his face and suddenly pounced at him..!

Caught halfway to standing up, October was bowled over and buried under the other Ninetales! Oh, it knocked some of the wind out of him, but he didn't mind overmuch as they spilled over, with Sagittarius coming down atop him. It was a soft, warm covering after all that running around in the cold, damp forest...

Sagittarius was huffing... and panting... and paused, looking confused. October was struggling to get himself just a tad more comfortable when Sagittarius spoke, "...I... I'm not sure why I wanted to do that. Now we are both on the floor and getting dirty!"

"Oh yes we are..." growled October, warmly, suddenly reaching up and grabbing the golden Ninetales around the torso with his forelegs, grasping him tight.

"What is... what are you..!?" gasped Sagittarius, seeming surprised.

October began stroking his back, "You're about to find out," he said, grinning.

"What is this..?" gasped Sagittarius, "Some trick?"

October began to stroke his back and down to his side with his forepaws, gently, caressing the golden creature, "Nope, no trick..." he said, pleasantly, "We're past that part... well, mostly," his smile grew, "Only pleasant tricks, from here, on out, promise..."

"Pleasant tricks..?" repeated Sagittarius, sounding increasingly confused, though his body, tense for violence as it was, was now relaxing. He huffed, "...Why are you doing that..?"

"Because we're past the fighting," said October, moving one paw up to stroke at the Ninetales back, between the shoulder blades, pushing his digits through the fur to tease at the Fox's muscles, "...and now it's time for pleasure..." the other paw stayed low, caressing his flanks.

The Ninetales inhaled sharply, then exhaled slowly, visibly relaxing, though with some confusion, "Pleasure..?" he repeated, "...It is time for pleasure..? Grrf..!" his eyes widened.

Ah. Of course. October hadn't been concentrating on it, so fourth tail had found its mark. Curled right around, it had done a line-up special and had fed itself so that it was at once stroking the Ninetales hindquarters, fuzzy ball sack and softly-furred sheath all at once, with the tip resting next the open end of that sheath. That sheath, which was feeling pretty swollen...

"Ahhh..!" gasped Sagittarius, at the warmly, tickly new presence.

October smirked and decided to roll with it, "My fourth tail knows what you want. It can feel your need for pleasure..." In fact, he could bodily feel that need, practically. Perhaps with fourth so placed, it couldn't help but channel the roaring currents developing in their mingling fiery auras...

"For pleasure..?" gasped the Ninetales, as that tail began to move, caressing back and forth over his sensitive zones, tickling and stroking with its thick, soft fur...

"Of course for pleasure," said October, pleasantly, "That's the primary service of Café Plaisir, after all..."

"Oh..." said Sagittarius, huffing and seeming somewhat distracted by the ongoing caress of his sensitive zones, the ongoing touching and pleasant rubbing, "It is..? Yes... it is... and this... is... part of your service..?"

"Mmm-hmm..." said October, pleasantly, "We've expended our energies most magnificently," he said, thinking; Indeed, fourth has been working overtime to shove Fairy-Type charm effects into you via those wisps... "...and now, we shall reap the rewards, with new appreciation for each other's prowess in the pursuit of purest pleasure..!"

"Pursuit of pleasure... prowess..." repeated Sagittarius, sounding less and less intellectual as the tricksy tip of fourth tail teased his sheath into peeking, poking out and exposing the Ninetales' member at last to its direct attentions...

The air was heating around them, starting to shimmer. Two hot creatures, getting bodily hotter in proximity to one another, each possessed of flaming auras that were intermingling, concentrating, trickling through to reality in little glimmering licks of mid-air flame all about them...

October moved one paw to the Ninetales' chest, the other to the top of his hips, grinning with excitement. He began to rub both places at once. "Why yes..." he growled, softly, "Now on the most basic level of a primal Ninetales, we know each other, I know the strength of the flame in this chest, the power of the proud Fox I now hold in my paws..."

Sagittarius huffed... gasped... bucked his hips, slightly, shakily, as fourth wound up its efforts, twisting, tickling, stroking... From tailhole right to tip...

"Whilst you..." continued October, "Have gotten exactly the measure of what it is you now lay upon, just what you're enjoying the warmth and comfort of... You now know my pride... and power... and most of my prowess..." he drew a claw gently down that magnificently Fox-furred chest...

"Most of your prowess..?" repeated Sagittarius...

"You're about to discover the rest," he promised, then October suddenly shifted his grip back around to the Ninetales back and with all his strength, pulled the Ninetales down onto his body. There was a confused, moaning growl from Sagittarius met by a long, deep growl from October. Sagittarius struggled and October moved with him, the two agile Ninetales squirming and grasping and struggling on the ground...

At first, Sagittarius was fighting to get free, but gradually, a bit at a time, those strugglings became less twisting and turning and attempts to escape and more bucking and grinding and attempts to bring hot things closer together...

The growling and rattling of agitated Foxes gradually turned to gentle huffs and grumbling moans. Those two bodies, tails swirling behind them like a sea of banners, showing their shifting moods, worked increasingly together... The surf of their many-limbed bodies turning from a chaotic froth to a gentle, surging roll... All the while, those glimmers in the ever heating air were growing, the scene seeming to softly glow about them.

Two sheaths were pressed together, two pairs of fluffy, hefty balls. Two long rods were rubbing together, becoming ever more free, ever larger, ever more magnificent as the rubbed together, enjoying the feel of each other and of the soft, Ninetales fur, all about them. They naturally picked up enthusiasm and energy, as Fire is want to do. Two large, proud Foxes were soon frotting fiercely in the dirt...

Feeling the golden Ninetales slumping over him, their bodies moving ever closer together, October smiled as he felt a muzzle poking uncertainly at the fur at the side of his neck. He smiled... and demonstrated for Sagittarius what it was he was feeling now.

October reached up and bit the Ninetales neck, right on the side, just enough to sting... or perhaps, just a little harder...

Sagittarius moaned and bit him right back. October growled at a high pitch and moaned in return.

The pace and fever of their hips increased, their members growing hot and long, full and throbbing vulpine lances of lust, rubbing together lusciously, liberally spreading pre upon one another...

"This is... this is..." gasped Sagittarius, releasing October's neck.

"I know..." growled October, doing the same...

October swept his paws under the Ninetales and grasped that shaft of his with both paws. He held it up as he gave it a slow, double-pawed upstroke, "Oh my... a red one..." he growled appreciatively.

It was indeed a red one, part of the natural range of Ninetales flesh colours, not all being classy in black like October himself and Firenze. This one was bold and bright practically incandescently, roaring red... it suited him... Reminded him of another Ninetales he liked...

"Oh..." gasped Sagittarius, "This is a very base pleasure..." He rolled his hips as he said it.

"It is..." growled October, warmly, stroking back down with the Ninetales thrust, then pulling his paws back up, ready for the next one, catching some pre on his paw in the process. He grinned, "...and you like it..."

Sagittarius gasped and growled, awkwardly, then gave another thrust, even more enthusiastic than the first, into October's paws. He huffed then growled, admitting, "I do..."

"That's alright..." said October, stroking down again, continuing the treatment and pleasing the pretty creature, "...For a Ninetales has an appetite for the best of pleasant things... and here at Plaisir, we offer only the best of basest pleasures..."

"Oh..!" said Sagittarius, as if realising something, but mainly just gasping.

"Indeed," said October, anyway, then continued his stroking.

"This base pleasure does feel very nice..." said the Ninetales...

"Mmm-hmm..." growled October...

"...but I can't believe I'm accepting pleasure from..." Sagittarius paused, "...a creature of Darkness..!"

"Ah, Sagittarius," addressed October, "Don't you know..?" he growled with soft suggestion in his voice, appealing gently, "This is a place where we put aside our differences. Where mutual pleasure is the goal. Where we come together..." As he spoke, he was stroking his tails against those of the other Ninetales, his own sneaky limbs easily finding their counterparts... "Where light and dark become as one and brilliance can be found in the basest of pleasures..."

"Rrrf..." said the golden Ninetales, huffing deeply, "I came..." he gasped then. October had put both of their cocks together and began to grind his black against red... rubbing hot flesh against hot flesh. Sagittarius huffed again, " experience... and... this is... new..."

"New and exciting..?" asked October.

"Yes..." gasped Sagittarius.

"Do you want me to stop..?" asked October, with a grin...

There was the shortest of pauses, then "...I want more..." gasped Sagittarius. The light level and temperature suddenly picked up about them as their auras surged at that moment...

"Mmm..." growled October... thoughtfully, "Then you shall have it... though... the final question is how exactly to do this..?"

"Hmm..?" said Sagittarius, perking up his ears.

"Well, ordinarily," said October, grumbling softly, "I'd be on top at this time... and in the dominant role... which is what I do best..." he stroked the sides of the Ninetales hips as he spoke, "yet you have won... and to penetrate so glorious a creature as you is nigh unthinkable..."

"Unthinkable..?" repeated the other, "Unthinkable this morning would be getting close to a creature of chaos... and entropy..." he leant in closer to October, red eyes looking deeply into his own, "...but it seems that in this place, this... Plaisir... It is... proper."

"It is..." said October, "Very proper... although still..."

"Still nothing," said Sagittarius, his eyes firm with resolve, "You said a Ninetales accepts only the best..? Well, I will have your best..."

Those beautiful red eyes, that handsome and pretty face, that glorious, golden fur. That confident look. October smiled... how could he refuse..?

His claws slightly extended and grasped gently into the hindquarters of the golden Fox. "Well then... it would seem I have no choice... why don't you come up, a ways..?" He pulled a little, to suggest and beckon.

There was only the slightest of pauses, then that golden Fox did move. Shuffling up the crimson Ninetales until a slight push told him to stop. October smiled at him, "We'll take our time... and if you want to change your mind at any point..."

"I will not," asserted the Ninetales.

October closed his eyes slowly and nodded, "Alright..." he said softly...

The light level rose again as their energy fields grew with the excitement of their bodies and spirits. By now, the two Ninetales had formed something of a soft and visible aura about themselves with their Aura, the colour of the warm glow of fire...

With his fifth tail, he positioned his member. Aimed it carefully. It was lathered in pre from all of the furious frotting the two Ninetales had been doing... nicely and naturally lubricated, good for a slow penetration...

Of course, it wasn't as entirely unthinkable as it once might have been. October did subconsciously put himself beneath just about all other Ninetales... but after Firenze..? This transformed creature, apparently not so different, just greater than himself..?

Well, he somehow just couldn't help but feel... driven... to fuck this Orderly one.

"Sit back slowly..." said October, gently.

Sagittarius nodded and complied... sinking backwards...

October's aim was true. The pointed tip of his black Fox dick touched the red star of Sagittarius' tailhole... There was a gasp as the sensitive zone was stimulated...

"Here we go..." said October, gently, "Keep going..."

He did. Falling backwards, October felt that sweet, apparently tight tailhole wrap over his point as he was pushed inside. Sagittarius gasped..! "Ah...! It is... strange...!" The air around them flared brighter... They both felt warmer and warmer, within and without each other...

"Many new experiences are..." said October, "Keep going..."

He kept going. At least slowly. Gasping sharply, the Ninetales took that experience with shaking limbs and a crushingly tight grip... Oh my... but he was tight... Sagittarius moaned slightly... and forced October out of him as he jumped forwards.

October pushed his hips slightly, keeping that tailhole in contact with his tip, "Don't worry, relax..." he said gently, coaxingly, "It's nothing you can't handle, putting your mind over matter..." The hypocrisy of this statement, as ever, did not bother him.

Sagittarius nodded however, firmly and with resolve. Subtle, with that acceptance, their auras began to mix, more freely. Sagittarius let himself fall back, again... October pushed in, subtly...

There was a protracted, rattling growl out of Sagittarius... then another push backwards...

Ohhhhh... he was tight. He was extremely tight. Very much so... and oh, this had to be hurting but...

October couldn't pull out. The feel of another Ninetales was special, indeed. The right build, the right internal temperature... there was just a rightness about it that made every such coupling feel fantastic. Some feeling, within and without, some growing, mingling pleasure that extended to the very air around them in spreading, swelling currents of warmth and light... His cock throbbed with desire, dispensing more pre... That swelling made the golden Ninetales moan... and stop pushing back...

October growled, "You can do it, relax..." and firmed the grasp of his paws upon that beautiful creature's hips as he very gently thrust upwards into the hot, tight confines of the gasping Ninetales...

The fit was tight for good reason, realised October... that creature had manifested this form to be absolutely pristine. Whatever experiences Sagittarius had enjoyed prior in any other time and place, the body before him was completely virginal...

...and yet, there was no stopping, now, for now they were both resolved. Whatever else they might be, they were now two Ninetales, joining together in burning lust. The air about them started to softly roar in places...

Their bodies worked together, supple Ninetales hips with agile bodies working together to work the difficult penetration together. Sagittarius seemed willful... at least increasingly willful to be lost in the act as that stretching pain allowed for the deep, intense pleasure of a deep, throbbing cock moving within them... A pleasure and pain both profound and unignorable, which only grew more intense the deeper they got... and deeper was what October sought. He controlled each thrust carefully, being well practised in when to hold back and when to push forwards. When to let relax and when to push the boundaries...

...Though it was hard not to push those boundaries... That sweet, tight, pristine tailhole was perfectly pleasurable in every way... Warm... soft, gripping oh so sweetly... It took every ounce of will not to push in without restraint... but at the same time, he couldn't do worse, not to another Ninetales, not to another like himself...

Gracefully, respectfully, he made his way inside, the two Ninetales joining their bodies in the slow dance of fornication, huffing gradually hotter breaths, gasping together at increasingly higher pitches... Their bodies and the very air around them becoming warmer and warmer as it became brighter and louder, practically sparkling with the manifested embers of their burning passion...

October growled deeply and stroked his paws down the sides of the beautiful creature, as if worshipping its form... Sagittarius grumbled appreciatively and redoubled their efforts, now throwing themselves back upon that invading shaft of vulpine meat with some energy...

They were very quick to learn, October had to give them credit... This creature had come to learn the pleasures of Plaisir and they were mastering it quickly. It was only fair to give them their due.

He repositioned his paws for a firmer grasp and began to increase his thrusting to match, rocking his body to push his swelling, firming member deeper inside... this escalation only met by another in turn from the other Ninetales...

Indeed, for Fire is ever apt to burn wildly to its highest peak, so did the two nine-tailed Foxes work together in an ever increasing frenzy of rut, thinking naught of pain, piling all effort into pleasures, mutual and feral... Burning spirits of lust, bound together in physical form, a mass of rocking bodies and dancing tails, wreathed in glimmering, glowing lights of their burning, incandescent manifested energy. They were a glorious sight to behold...

They enjoyed every inch of each other, as close in spirit as in form. Every thrust, every grip, every movement accompanied by a surge in their Fire-Type auras, which mixed in together, had formed a veritable dome of shimmering heat and light all about them. It wasn't quite the earlier firestorm of the fight, but instead a subtle, pleasant, yet brilliant blaze of soft, roaring passion, gentle licking flames of lust, rolling against one another. Sharing the experience of one another, without and within.

Yet this perfect, poetic feral and frenzied ballet of an act, with the two agile creatures eventually rocking together in a rough and rapid peak of physical performance, could not last forever.

For all performances have a peak... and as ever with the case of Fire, that peak came with an explosive definity.

October's claws dug in to beautiful golden hips as he dragged Sagittarius down, pulling him onto the knot. That creature gasped, open his maw wide and did his best to take it gracefully, as a noble Ninetales might. Yet of course, there was a yelp..!

The shimmering heat-waves surged and billowed outwards as if there were an explosion within the aura. The very air pressure around them changed as one Fox locked into another... and then, as climax was reached, a great explosion of flame erupted from one maw and then another, as both Ninetales blasted flames into the air, declaring their pleasure to the night...!

October's knot, firmly anchored in that perfect rear by now, throbbed and swelled with the seed that he was pouring out. He appreciated this creature deeply... and his body was doing its best to show it. Their auras had no such subtlety, exploding together in visible waves that were roaring into the air around them, licks of softer, less tangible flames wreathed about one another, like tails...

The other Ninetales gasped and moaned slowly, opening their maw wide and closing their eyes. He was clearly as disturbed as pleased by the unusual sensation, yet as overcome as any by the feel of that warm seed. October knew, himself... the fill of another Ninetales was a special thing.

A pleasure shared, a climax spent, two Ninetales collapsed together, huffing and panting and growling still, overcome by their very own intensity.

They had committed themselves so thoroughly, enjoyed themselves so intensely that now, neither could move, nor speak, nor to anything else but pant, twitch and enjoy the afterglow of their blazing ecstasy...

* * *

A short distance away, just about right for spying, Firenze was smiling.

Jack was frowning, "I can't bloody believe it..."

"What's so hard to believe, Jack..?" said Firenze, smiling, "That two Ninetales might successfully come together and find pleasure in Plaisir..?"

"He actually bloody did it," said Jack, looking as if he had been slapped.

"Yes, he did," said Firenze, his voice at a teasing purr, "...and I believed in him..."

Jack frowned at the large Ninetales, "Like hell you did, Felix! You're just as surprised and honestly scared that this actually worked out for the best as I am..!"

Firenze smiled pleasantly, wearing the high and proud expression of a smug Ninetales, "Why Jack; I have no idea what you mean. I always had faith in October's abilities..."

Jack glared at the Ninetales and muttered some profanities under his breath.

Firenze's smile did not diminish in the slightest.

* * *

By the time either of them could move, it was only to put one warm vulpine nose on another and share the heat of each other's breath. They were two creatures wrapped in one another, 13 limbs apiece and an intermixed, mutually scorchingly pleasant aura... Thermally, they were likely the hotspot for many miles around. In shared bliss? Unparalleled...

It was a long time before either of them spoke, there was very little need to. Whatever else they might be, there were two animals, two Foxes, at that moment, lay together and enjoying the warmth of each other's company and physical presence under a beautiful evening sky in the woods. They were creatures of contentment with no need to communicate.

Eventually, though, Sagittarius spoke, "This land has changed much since my last visit," he said, softly, "Yet some things have changed not at all. There is a grand sense of continuity and progress. I am pleased by this."

"Hmm..." said October, with a lazy pleasantry, "How disappointingly orderly... but oddly reassuring..." he smiled, "For if it was like this, I can't imagine it was too bad at all..." The golden Fox gave him a curious look. So he went on, "As long as there was pleasure and kindness and Pokemon getting along... The things that make life worth living... the bright incandescence... the warmth..."

Sagittarius actually smirked back at him, looking the most Fox-like in expression since he had arrived, "For an entity of chaos, you do not seem so bad," he said, softly, "You are a curious one, indeed, October..."

"Look who's talking," said October with a smirk, "Mister ancient unknowable entity in a pristine body..." He drew several tailtips up the Ninetales' back, it was accompanied by a brief, trailing, upsurging glow in their auras and a soft growl...

The pleased-looking golden Ninetales looked down at him with a thoughtful smile. "I have been what I am for a long time," said Sagittarius, softly, "but you, apparently, are just beginning."

Their tails continued to move about each other... softly stroking, caressing, calmly naturally going about each other with a casual, pleasant mutual affection...

"Pfff, I've seen a lot in my years," said October, with a wry look, "More than enough, so far, I assure you. I'm about ready to take it easy for a while..."

"We all need our rest and recreation," said the Ninetales, smiling, "After all, that is why I came here... That; and a need to see... experience... that what it is which I protect."

That had October briefly silent, thoughtful, pausing. "Protect, eh..?" His fifth tailtip stroked a bit more vigorously, then, between Sagittarius' shoulder-blades.

"It is not for me to tell you," said the Ninetales, quietly, closing his eyes at the soothing rub, "but my responsibilities are great."

October narrowed his eyes, slightly, "Sitting at the centre of the galaxy, watching over it all as Guardian..?" His fifth tail slid down...

The Ninetales opened their eyes, only to narrow them back at October, "How did you know that..?"

"Sagittarius A sits at the very centre of this galaxy," said October, "With all the references to events aeons ago, methinks you could have been more subtle if you truly wished to hide the fact. I must admit, I should feel truly humbled and privileged..."

That made the Ninetales incarnation of Sagittarius A smile... "Does it..?" he asked softly.

October smiled, "Of course... but then... every being is unique... and getting the chance to share a mutually pleasurable intimate act with them..? Always a privilege." He mentally declined to mention that this was not the first time he'd cavorted with a being of great power, smirked and gave the golden Ninetales a lick on the chin, "...but yes... it was a great honour!"

Sagittarius smirked, licked him back and said, "As it was to spend time with an interesting new entity, who shared with me the pleasures of this world."

"I hope I did," said October with a smile, his first tail sneaking up to tickle the Ninetales on the side of the chin, "I hope I showed you the warmth of incandescence, the bright light of life... the value of entropy."

Sagittarius paused and looked at him.

October's smile was warm, "You know; without entropy, the arrow of time would fail and the universe would collapse back in on itself, perhaps harming Yggdrasil itself... There would be none of this... no pleasures, no life, nothing to protect. Nothing worth experiencing. If there's anything I hope to have shown you in this place, by all that I've done... I hope it's that."

The Ninetales listened to him, looking thoughtful, then smiled. "Very curious."

"Not the worst thing I've been called, I assure you," said October with a cheeky grin.

"Some day I may have to return," said Sagittarius, "and inquire more about you... and this place.."

"Café Plaisir is always open for business," said October pleasantly, with a smile, "and we're always happy to have an honoured guest come by..."

"I thank you," said Sagittarius, "and bid you farewell, for I am needed elsewhere and my time here is up."

"It's what-!?"

There was a flash of light.

* * *

Firenze watched in horror as the Ninetales folded into a ball of light and amidst a glorious and radiant display, suddenly shot up, into the heavens and just like that, was gone!

"What the-" started Jack, surprised, "Ninetales can do that!?"

"No, no no..!" groaned Firenze, but he wasn't answering Jack's question...

* * *

October was staring upwards in stunned shock, groaning and covering his aching eyes and a vision full of hot, burning red afterimage of the violently vibrant transformation... and groaning.

Well, THAT had hurt.

He took some deep breaths, waiting for the painful afterimage to die down and hoping, dearly, that nothing terrible took note of him whilst he was lying here, blind and alone in the forest.

Still, at least he was still relaxed after that great sex...

Until he heard the thunderous pawsteps of some large quadruped come charging up to him and he gulped. Uh-oh. This sounded like trouble...

He winced... and strongly considered his emergency escape code-word...

"October..!" said Firenze's voice.

October opened his eyes and looked in the Ninetales' direction. He still couldn't make the Ninetales out past the lights still flashing across his vision. He hadn't recognised the pawsteps due to the uncommon urgency with which Firenze had approached. He sat up, worriedly...

"October, did he..?" began Firenze.

"He just teleported back, he's fine, I'm fine-" started October.

"Never mind that, October..!" said Firenze, worry in his voice, "Did he say anything about the jewels..? The jewels he left in deposit? Perhaps something about a tip for you or a bonus for the Café or anything of the sort..?"

October blinked, "No..?" he offered, uncertainly.

"Nooo..!" groaned Firenze, "Oh... bother..." October could just see that Firenze's features were downcast as he slowly looked away...

October cocked his head at the larger Ninetales, "Why..?" he asked, hesitantly.

Firenze's voice was mournful, "Oh, October, the bag he left in our care was filled with such... elegant riches..! Which we now have little to no claim to!"

"Oh..." said October, not really caring too much about that, at all, but feeling saddened that Firenze was saddened, "Ummm... sorry... I mean... I didn't ask... or know." He said, his tails sinking... or care, he didn't say...

Firenze put a paw to his face. "Gah..! You know, if you couldn't get it all, I was going to lavish him with services..."

October winced at that, "Well... sorry, Firenze... but it's not all about the money, right..?"

"Oh, October..." said Firenze, so sadly... his own tails drooping, "you don't understand... even a fraction of that bag might have covered the expenses of the Café's repairs..!"

"Oh..." said October, looking as if he'd been slapped, "You mean, all the damage I've got to pay for..?" He winced again... looked as if he might become angry for a moment as his Ninetales temper surged - then stopped, sighed, deflated, "Oh well," he said, sadly, "easy come, easy go. I don't even bother to think about money most of the time, you know?" He sighed, regretfully, "It's so transient anyhow... and besides, it's not like I get paid! Why would I care?"

Firenze whined at him. A sound October had never heard him make, which made October's eyes wide with shock and d'aww... and ow. Hearing Firenze make that noise was bad, yet it was Firenze looked as close to tears as October had even seen him that really made the sads hit October and he whined back at the larger Ninetales.

...and so, as two confused, upset vulpines caught without any dignity, these two mighty Ninetales of Plaisir stood and whined at one another, making sad noises, because the other Fox was making sad noises.

A short distance away, a Typhlosion was smiling. "Ye know what..? It was all worth it, the bottle, the fires, everything, fer this moment," Jack said with a grin and a chuckle, before pulling out a hidden hip flask, "Oh, I'm going to drink to this moment, alright... Cheers to you, Team Ninetales!"

Cafe Plaisir - Coping with Yourself

The agony had finally stopped. He could tell that, even through the haze of the big ball of sedatives he had been trying this time around. As much as he ought to be used to his transformations by now, it had been all too tempting to try something new....

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Cafe Plaisir - Prequels - Masterson's Finest

Five years ago. It was a bright and sunny day at the Daycare, shiny and auspicious. It was enough to fluffle the fur and sparkle the eyes of the newly evolved and just grown up! The slightly claustrophobic journey in the comfortable,...

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Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 12 - Honour

Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 12 - Honour By October. Eclipse sat, illuminated only by the glow of the almost silent television set he wasn't really watching with a big, satisfied smile upon his face, as if daring them to say something....

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