New Tricks

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Backer Reward. Rated Extreme for cubs.

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For roughly 10 minutes, all that could be heard was the sound of the Televsion and canned laughter, coupled with the chewing and gulping of greasy pizza.

3 boys sat on the couch: two of them twins, red housecats that were barely older than 10, and their babysitter, a 13 year old grey-furred fox. The babysitter, Jake, had ordered pizza about 20 minutes ago, and it had only just arrived. He'd purchased a big one, of course: a budget of $30 was plenty enough to get something sizeable, and he wasn't too cruel as the leave out the poor boys, so he let them dig in as well.

Dakota was a bit more of a fan of the sides than the pizza itself, and was happily delving into the box of wedges and chicken wings, along with the accompanying sauce. His brother, Jason, was very much a pizza boy, and couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a slice or two.

Sitting next to them was Flint, Jake's dog, who was eating a bowl of dog food that had been happily prepared for him so that they could all eat at the same time. Of all 4 of them, only Jake was dressed, but even that was a stretch: a pair of shorts and a vest barely consistuted proper dress to answer the door, but he had done it that way regardless. The twins were content to be competely naked, their sheaths bouncing about as they moved and got comfortable. The three of them were understandably absorbed in a cartoon. Their ages were close enough together to enjoy the same sort of content, at least.

It didn't take long for that pizza to be completely polished off, and for very little to remain, leaving their bellies full and their bodies relaxed. They lounged on the couch watching the TV for a while, wasting the evening away without a care in the world.

"Um, Jake..." Jason began, looking up at the Fox, who blinked down at him in return. "Your dog...does it do any tricks?"

"Huh. Well, uh, I think he does, sure." Jake remarked in response, sitting up a little and reaching down to stroke Flint's head. The German Shepherd looked up at the Fox and stuck out his tongue, panting a little. It was a warm night, after all. Slowly, Jake got to his feet and wandered around the coffee table until he was standing in some ample floor space. He glanced at Flint, who seemed to understand immediately what he wanted, and trotted over, sitting on his hind quarters in front of his 'owner'.

"Okay, Flint, uh...lay down." He gestured, and the Dog obeyed without a second thought, laying down and setting his chin on the floor. If the cubs weren't already in awe by then, they certainly were now, staring with wide eyes as the feral canine obeyed every command without question or hesitation. They'd never seen such obedience in their life!

"Woah!" Jason seemed smitten, leaning over the arm of the couch and staring wide-eyed at the spectacle before him.

"What else can he do?" Dakota asked with just as much enthusiasm, his tail whipping left and right behind him. Jake put a hand on his chin for a moment, before glancing down at the Canine, who looked up at him with innocent eyes.

"Uh...Roll over?" Jake suggested, and just like that, Flint rolled onto his back, and back over onto his front like it was nothing. The twins let out little gasps of delight, squirming in their seats.

"Jump." Jake snapped his fingers and held his hand up high, and Flint obeyed, getting to his feet and leeping up on his hind egs. His nose grazed Jake's palm, before he landed back on his paws, tail wagging. Even Jake was surprised just how obedient the dog was being, and the wealth of tricks he seemed to know.

"Can he do anything else?" Jason asked, and Jake stared down at the canine for a moment, a wide grin spreading across his face. He could trust the twins with this, surely, and he was getting a little bit intrigued by the idea either way. With a hand, he gestured, and the dog turned around to face away from him, tail wagging to and fro. There was a reason that Flint was so obedient, and it was down to Jake: the Fox had 'dominated' his feral friend not too long ago, and ever since then Flint has never once questioned his authority.

"Uh...Present?" Jake sounded hesitant, but Flint obeyed instantly. He spread his hind legs a little and lowered his upper troso, leaving his hind quarters raised. He lifted up his tail and exposed the pucker hiding beneath, his balls swaying back and forth as his tail wagged. The twins looked a little perplexed, looking from Jake, to the dog, and then back to their babysitter.

Slowly, Jake pulled his vest over his head, tossing it aside as he unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall to his ankles, exposing his plump sheath. The tip of his member was already beginning the poke out, the arousal quite evident in his posture and flushed cheeks. He slowly got onto his knees as the two younger cubs stood, rounding the coffee table and getting closer. They wanted to see what he was going to do next.

Jake sighed, stroking his own sheath to coax his member further and further out, whilst he gently stroked Flint's back with his free hand. The Dog didn't move, and likely seemed to have some sort of idea of what was happening already. Once Jake was half-hard, he shuffled his knees forward, leaning over his canine and pressing the tapered end of his vulpine cock against that tight ring, prodding and poking. He spread his legs out a little and grabbed Flint's hips, pushing forwards as he gently pulling the dog's hips back.

"Woah..." Jason mumbled in awe as Jake's cock was swallowed up by the dog's rump, spasming and squeezing around his member, coaxing it further from it's housing as he sunk deeper and deeper. Flint grew a bit too uncomfortable in his position and ended up raising his torso back up, so that it was level. His tongue hung from his mouth as he panted happily, tail wagging to and fro as that that member sunk into his tight passage.

"Fuck..." Jake sighed quietly, rolling his head back for a moment, before glancing up at the other two cubs, who anxiously stood there watching. He could see they were getting a little enticed by the idea as well, and it didn't take a genius to realise they were already getting aroused.

"Jason. Do you wanna...?" He jerked his head behind him, reaching a hand back and spreading one of his cheeks apart, his tail flicking upwards to expose himself. Jason's eyes widened and a toothy grin spread across his face. He'd only ever done it with this brother before: this was a new experience that he was eager to try out.

The cub rounded behind the Fox and got onto his knees behind him, sliding his hands around Jake's stomach and cuddling him for a moment, as his small member hardened and pulsed in between the Fox's buns. His barbs grazed along Jake's skin, and the Fox lightly winced, but didn't seem to mind too much as Jason rolled his hips back. The 10 year old cub reached down and moved his hand about, until he could adjust his member. He pushed forwards against and attempted to find his mark, prodding his member around until the tip of his Feline cock eventually touched against Jake's unused, virgin entrance.

"You got it?" Jake asked, and didn't require an answer. He could feel the cub entering him already, all 3 or 4 inches of his member sinking into his behind without much ceremony. He briefly winched and his muscles clamped down, squeezing against the cat's cock as his own member throbbed within Flint's tight ass. Dakota wavered for a moment, before taking the initiative, and kneeling down in front of Flint, stroking along his chin.

"Oh. Uh...Flint. Lick." Jake commanded as he pulled his hips back, sliding his own member from the dog's behind, and forcing Jason's cock deeper into his rump, until the younger cub was practically hilted inside him. Flint obeyed his master's command and started licking Dakota's belly with his wide tongue, tasting his fur. His nostrils flared as he picked up the scent of Dakota's arousal, and his mouth moved to meet it. The Feline's twitching, growing member was suddenly under the assault of that wide toungue that curled around his cock and tasted every inch. It was enough to make him shudder.

In what had been a matter of minutes, their relaxed demeanour had turned into an all-out orgy, with Flint in the middle. Jake began to thrust with a bit more gusto as he felt Flint's insides instinctively squeezing and gripping around his member, and the strange sensation of the barbs grating the Fox's own insides gave him some sort of heightened sense of pleasure. Jason and Dakota were panting wildly, overwhelmed by the sensations that assaulted them: both of them were so used to each other that they didn't even consider an alternative, and not one as exquisite as this. Jason's little cock throbbed and oozed miniscule droplets of pre-cum into Jake's behind, and the pleasure inside his body grew more and more, until it was becoming almost unbearable.

Dakota leant forwards, sliding his hips up against Flint's mouth and pushing his cock against that tongue and into the dog's maw. Flint, surprisingly, didn't do anything horrible like bite down, and continued to obey Jake's command, his tongue slathering and licking along the underside of the Feline's cock as his tail wagged, his hot breath exhaling onto Dakota's pelvis. Jason wrapped his hips around Jake's stomach and began to thrust in earnest, panting into his back and occasionally letting out a weak, pleasured mewl of pleasure. Everyone was incredibly closer to orgasm.

Dakota was the first to release, shuddering and letting out a quiet little gasp as his cock twitched and pulsed, depositing droplets of seed onto Flint's tongue. The canine gulped them down with ease, almost out of instinct, but his tongue continued to dive and move around the Feline's member, stroking his barbs with his fleshy appendage. After a moment, Dakota had to pull back, overcome with pleasure and rather sensitive. Jason was next, pounding his hips into Jake's behind until he, too, climaxed, pushing in as far as he could. Jake could feel his pulsing member inside of him as he unleashed his load, though it wasn't any bigger than Dakota's own, consisting of only a few droplets of seed.

Jason hung onto Jake as long as possible, before he had to retreat, the same sensitivity coming over his cock as his brother, leaving Jake to finish the deed. His hips bounced back and forth off Flint's behind, his knot squishing and pressing against the canine's ring as the pressure in his loins built up and up, making it almost unbearable to continue. Eventually, he could take it no longer, and he pushed, grabbing Flint's hips and pulling him onto his vulpine cock. The dog's tight ring swallowed up the knot without any difficulties, and Jake climaxed, unloading strings of cum into his dog's behind. He leant over him for a moment, his chest heaving. He looked like he was mounting him like any other animal.

"W...Wow..." Jason panted, crawling across to the couch and clambering up onto it, rolling onto his back to rest. Jake panted tiredly, leaning back and wiping his forehead, firmly tied to his dog. He was glad he had the entire night before their parents came home, or he'd be in deep trouble.

"So, uh..." Jake began. "Bed time after this, okay? It's already 10pm."

"Yeah, yeah..." Jason waved his hand, and Dakota lay against the couch, breathing heavily. The three of them grinned to one-another.

"...Can we go again?" Dakota asked quietly. There was a moment of silence, before the three of them started to giggle.